Create Horse TikToks with me! AD | This Esme

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yes [Music] hello everybody this is me and today I'm gonna be making a YouTube video about me making tik-tok videos so and I've been on tic-tock for a while but just haven't really posted many videos so it was really kind of last summer I started posting the odd video every now and again just because quite a few people started making fake accounts pretending to be myself so I was like I should probably post a few videos just so people know that this is my actual account so the account that I had this actually used to be a musically account so I still have the activist underscore as me kind of handle which is pretty useful so when I was making the odd videos since last summer it really took me back in the day when I was in year 7 so when I was about 11 I used to make loads of videos on video star so I've been making videos for quite a while now obviously those video star videos were never seen by any of my friends or anything like that they were way too embarrassing they weren't of me though I never did like the whole singing to the camera thing like that's just not me I actually told videos of me making edits with my guinea pigs him anyway so I was making videos found quite fun and it was really back in October I'd say that the sort of tick tock addiction kind of started because since you had quarantine and everything most of people have been staying at home and what you can do even staying at home watching tick tock video is kind of just taken over the internet recently I definitely have spent a few hours scrolling through horror fingered videos and so yeah I was back in October where I was spending a lot of time at airports waiting for my flights that I've kind of stumbled across tick tock and actually started watching the videos on my few page so I'm not going to be doing any dancing we're gonna be throwing it back and I'm definitely not - Charlie and Amelia when it comes to tick tock and I'm an equestrian channel so I thought it'd be funny have a bit of fun if it ever laughed take you guys behind the scenes of me making some tick tock videos I wouldn't really classify myself as a tick tock her I'm definitely a youtuber first and foremost that's what I enjoy making those but you know what that'd be some fun take you behind the scenes I have a few fun ideas that might take coils or films I thought you know what take you guys with me so yeah I'm gonna grab my bucket hat and my glasses and let's get started okay so I've got an idea for my first tick-tock I'm gonna be making in this video so basically because of copyright issues with YouTube that's one thing I take top which is really easy you don't have to worry about copyright you don't have to worry about all these fancy equipment or making a long video interesting so it's only 60 seconds YouTube made me it kind of makes me realize how much effort I have to put into my YouTube videos now but anyway the first video and basically I when I'm scrolling through tick-tock I listen to audios and kind of think how can I relate this to horses so this is one and it's like different colors and it's like I can be red I can be yellow and basically first thing that came to my mind obviously will saddle pads but I've got to say Tech Talk makes me feel a lot better about my Sun pad collection because there are some of you guys out there and your collections are like twice the size of mine so I would say good on you but I don't want to spare on the addiction so um let's just say I'm happy that you make me feel this bad about myself and so yeah with the copyright issue with today's video I am going to be embarrassing myself even more for you guys because I'm not gonna be able to use the audio so I am going to be singing with my beautiful singing voice for the background of the videos today so yeah for this video that has lots of different colors we're gonna dive into my tack room here and you guys are gonna see the peak of my addiction at the moment of my subtle paths and we're going to use that for the videos so come on okay so on this episode of this as me exposed we are exposing my addiction of self ads so for the colors I think I know them in order as well like I have this ingrained into my brain so at the end of this video if you want to go and check out a few my take top videos actually like listen to what the actual audio sound like rather than my singing voice feel free to do that so first color is red I'm pretty sure so what I was gonna say I didn't have a red Sun card I do um pretty just go for this red dress I want so here we go because like I have I don't have a live me a red one but I have like a burgundy berry color so but this red will be fine sir I can be red I can be I think it's yellow next so I'm gonna go for sick tree there we go oh that's joshimuz what should I go to B this was gifted by the way don't worry I haven't bought all of these myself if not I would be bankrupt so I can be red I can be yellow I can be blue oh we're gonna go for venison baby here we go Oh what's up blue I think that blue yeah I'll be fine these are like the primary colors okay I can be ready I can be yellow I can be blue I can be purple I think it's purple next yeah I'm pretty sure it's purple will go for this is quote this is like definitely a purple purple there we go that's quite dark purple but you know what I'll be fine I can be I'm gonna have to play the song maybe I can I've got it will ingrained in my brain I literally just recited it before turn cameras on but you know me and embarrassed don't even know to talk so actually that's pretty quite good it shows that it's not ingrained in my brain as much they thought it was it's gone sounds the colors where are the colors should I trust myself I knew it was green so the next color is green it can be green or pink which pink should I use let's go for blush I could be green or pink or black I'm pretty sure it's next I think I'll use that last bit dirty oh no something don't fall off now okay got black and this one I use most for schooling because doesn't matter if it gets dirty and black or white which white subtle punch logo for whatever this one is this is my baby's one cool I think we have all the saddle pads and the embarrassing thing is this isn't like even a third or even a quarter of the saddle pads I own and it's too many to infinity talk so I'm going to walk out of this tack room in shame and get these ready to film so I've now got Mickey here to help me film this tic TOCs I was thinking of putting on my saddle but at the moment ride dressage saddles currently being like made and a few of the saddle pads that's gonna use our dressage ones to be able to have all the colors for the video so I thought you know what be funny if we put it on Mickey instead so Mickey here we didn't know he's retired so he hasn't been ridden for a while so it's been a long time since his last had a subtle pattern but I thought you know what it'll be quite funny with him like maybe covered in the saddle pads there's like that like viral photo and Instagram where somebody has like all of their rainbow saddle pads along their horse pretty sure and Hannah Lucy did something similar way she like stacked up all of her saddle pads on our horse obviously that aren't like thousands I believe hitting on Mickey's back and gonna make sure that it's not too heavy for him yeah so I thought that might be quite funny or I don't know if I'll just swap them out we'll see it we'll see what it looks like see how I feel but yeah we need to get him clean first because he's absolutely filthy as a poo stain on his bottom he's covered in mud so could we get you tick top ready hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so now Mickey is looking a little bit cleaner he's still not 100% clean but you know what it's the best I can do for the moment without giving him like a complete full bath so we're just gonna roll with it so the first kind of summer paddle you put on is red but I was thinking like where am I gonna put air like you before I feel like I need to have a little bit of an idea of what I'm gonna do so I could either put it just like on top of him and then layer up the saddle pads but the program I have with that is all of my summer pads sort of different shapes and sizes so I thought that would work better if it was just one shape saddle pad but focus I'm using dressage saddle pads and CCE or jumping shape subtle pads totally that won't work as well so what I might do if Mickey does actually stand still he is having a bit of a scratch at the moment and I was thinking of putting the saddle pads all along him and kind of making a rainbow but we'll see how it goes see what he thinks Mickey get it out of your system now man yeah yeah okay so I've now got my phone I've got my bread saddle pad I'm just deciding if I start at the top and go down or if I start at the bottom and go up but anyway I need to find the original sound for this if you want to know what it's called it's called just colors without the you though the American Way which comes lad oh don't stop don't stop singing at me now go I need to own eat it you ready okay so I don't I think I might stop Mickey without any of the colors and then as soon as it says the word red I'll kind of like put the red saddle pad on I'm going to use this little nugget tooth - as where I'm gonna stand because I don't have a tripod yet well I do but not for a phone for an actual camera so I'm gonna be a human tripod today I felt like it would might be a little bit funny if it's like moves around a little bit it should be fun but anyway so I'm gonna stand here it's kind of this kind of good inside because you can see the sweat marks in the saddle pad obviously hasn't been washed since I last used it but you know what it's fine so in the startled I could be ready just I stopped literally said right I could be yellow okay yellow quick go go go you actually look so cute we've got Brito making of bad guys okay there we go run back I can be blue okay play you're gonna be a good tick-tock horse here's something so strangely I can be purple okay purple oh wait why are we gonna run out of Mickey I can be green green this actually looks so cool okay okay green we've got you boy I can be pink and black one oh no it's so fast the song greener oh my gosh yeah I'm gonna see the city okay I'm gonna put in two three times speed so then I can actually do it on the beat if not it's gonna be you're way too fast for me pink [Music] Mickey no Mickey don't scratch Mickey Mickey Mickey look there's Mickey shakes now it's all over it's game over bro white okay so I'm Spanish game for a dressage pad to finish it off cuz we start with dressage and end with dressage so I thought like that would work quite well makes you look cute okay last one I have got white and then it's I can be any curly you like so now I'm gonna do going down Mickey you know keep face with me and Mick yeah you could do a little Boop at the end that'd be cute okay here I'm pretty much just shouting Mickey Mickey Mickey Mickey try and get his attention okay watch this through I don't know why I'm keeping this part in the video but here I'm pretty much singing and dancing to the song and basically being a complete embarrassment he does look cute at the end oh I think I might do that one more time that last little every color you like just to get it really slick and then for the like I'm gonna do like a freak ute under the nose shut up Mickey okay yeah we got it okay guys we now have it so here is the big reveal of the video with my glorious singing I can be red I can be yellow like me blue I can be purple I can be green pink black and white as me and color you like I can truly I hope you enjoyed that little video I think Mickey did so well for that I was so worried they're like halfway through he would shake and then all the sudden pads going to the dirty ground get dusty and grimy and they wouldn't be in the same place as last time that actually ended up looking pretty good so that's our first tick-tock complete hope you enjoyed it if you would like to watch the actual video then after this be sure to head over to take talk and actually see it I hope you enjoyed my singing voice as well absolutely beautiful anyway so now that's done and also a little top tip of how I managed to get it exactly on the beat if you put it on three times for the speed it doesn't actually in slow motion so you're able to get it really on the beat especially when it's really quick when it did they're like I think it was the green and pink and white Oh Pete green and pink black and white that last bit was so fast and I would have been able to it without three times speed that's how I managed to do one run a tic TOCs where I all the helmets were changing on the beat that I did was pretty cool so I think it's now time to let this boy out into the field give him a tree because he was so good well done Mickey okay everybody the next video I'm going to be doing is the audio kind of goes sometimes gonna be her sometimes gonna be her and sometimes gonna be her and I'm pretty sure that repeats five times so I know a lot of people use this audio on tic TOCs for showing off their style so some people go from also colors some people go for like a skater look some people go for more like Cottage Corps aka like pastels and flora like basically you people use it for their different aesthetics they like to kind of show their styles off with and for me I thought to know you know make it all horsey I thought I'd do a bit with me with different disciplines so sometimes I want to be show jumper sometimes I want to be a vente sometimes not to be a dressage rider because they're like kind of the main three English disciplines I like in the Olympics and things I thought I would do that I've had a little go all three of them before and I do have like a few kind of show outfits I think I could put together and so yeah we'll see how it goes okay so here is my first outfit my first outfit home show jumper so I thought I would add the sunglasses I don't know this is just me but I feel like actually jumping shows there's always somebody that has sunglasses on their head I also have my helmet I decided to go for the most blingy one this one has it all the kind of diamond tees or crystals along the side because you know show jumpers are stereotypically known for their bling obviously not all of them I've also gone for the wide peak I thought it's definitely more of a show jumper kind of look so yeah I've just got like a basic show shirt on I didn't think of putting my jacket on because I know that show jumping shows are a little bit more relaxed kind of compared to dressage so I thought I'd just wear like a show top white breeches nice and easy so yeah it's time to film it okay the next discipline I've decided to do is a Venter not gonna like very tempted I have done quite a bit across country back in the day do you really enjoy it feels like it's been a while since a woman web Audrey protector though so yeah number two is eventer usually like I would wear my hair in a hairnet but because if I put it in a low ponytail around the back nobody's gonna see that it's all good so yeah okay number three how do I look do I look dressage she may be I know I've tried my best before I have obviously I don't have a stalk and I have like a proper dressage kind of show jacket you know with the tail and everything but this will do I've got my white gloves on got sort of a more plain traditional helmet I feel like it's more kind of dressage obviously you know there people out there that do like the bling dressage but I thought I'd go for the sort of neutral professional look we'll see how that goes I do actually really enjoy the odd bit of flat work I've done dressage tests in the past it's never like a discipline that I've ever like completely dedicated to just cuz I love my jumping so I thought add this and make so do you really enjoy flat work I'm funny it's so satisfying as well with baby Joey seeing him improving things so it would be quite nice to maybe enter a few dressage tests when we first start competing just to let you know he hasn't been too many kind of parties before so I'm going somewhere with lots of horses somewhere new I feel like dressage might be a good place to sort of dip a toe into competing alright and then for number four we have the barn potato so basically this is the attire that I wear most days almost every single day it consists of a messy bun a really old worn hoody that's been in the washing machine multiple times even has a stain on here from Mickey where he's probably licked me and then I just has some leggings on so yeah I feel like we can all relate at some point of our life to the bomb potato if you want to go full bomb potato you can you know do the hood up as well and you just spend your life mucking out your horse cleaning them then being dirty and rolling again and basically pretty much just doing cleaning and riding like a potato which is pretty much my discipline lot of choice but the life that's chosen me so yeah bomb potato part of me wants to be her but then part of me wants to be her but then part of me wants to be her and then part of me wants to be her alright everybody I hope you enjoyed that little video of me and all my different outfits it just goes to show that with social media and things like this especially with Tech Talk you don't need fancy cameras or anything like that like I literally started YouTube on my phone editing on my phone and then gradually like as I needed to learn how to edit a little bit more I just you don't learn everything just by watching tutorials and YouTube so yeah I really enjoyed making these videos let me know if you want me to do another video like this maybe making some more Tech Talks I know I've got a few ideas up my sleeve so yeah again apologies about the copyright issues where I've had to do the singing and the talking myself I don't know if what I do the voiceover later I do the singing if I'll do the sometimes I wouldn't be her but if I'll do an American accent if I offend everybody so I'll try and do an American accent Americans write me in the comments below so yeah thank you so much for watching today's video if we knew I have not done 30 please like and subscribe so it really does help me out be sure to check out my Tech Talk as well but anyway thanks again for watching and I'll see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: This Esme
Views: 850,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TikTok, Horses, Ponies
Id: mchp23WwhfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 1sec (1261 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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