DIY Well Drilling Using a Hand Drill.

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this is an EMAS hand pump  it can be used to extract   groundwater up to 80 meters but mostly  they go not that deep and today we are   showing you how to make the the well  casing going into the ground for this type of pump today we are going to drill a borehole  with a continuously rotating getting system   we use this as a drill head which  is made with pdc inserts as teeth   which are very hard and do not ablate easily it's very light and can be transported   with a single person and the work that is required  to make a borehole also only needs one person and it's very light work now we attach the drill to the rope now we have connected the drill to the  power and when i squeeze the handle we use a common hand drill a corded  drill i have put it on a handle so it's   easy to switch the drill on and off  with the brake lever of a bicycle and the water will be injected here in the  handle and it will come out in the rotary   in the rotating shaft which will be coupled to the  drill stem so we have a continuous rotating drill   with water coming out at the bottom to get the  fluid going we use a very ordinary centrifugal   pump there is a filter on the end so of course  particles and sand is not sucked into the pump for the first use we need to prime the pump with  the water so it has something to start pumping there is a non-return valve mounted on  the suction hose so when we stop pumping   the water doesn't flow back and we don't need  to prime the pump every time we start again and in the trench we have dug you can find the  sand and the mud that we drilled out of the hole when we turn the pump on water  comes into the handle here   and exits at the lower end of the drill stem water takes away all the cuttings and the  particles of the soil it goes through the channel to the mud pit it will settle in the mud pit  so the filter of the pump is a little bit above   the bottom of the mud pit so we only pump back relatively clean back into the drill stem okay i'm going to release the drill by  reversing the rotation and it easily comes loose now we are good for the next one and half meters now i can lower the drill assembly by  only using a finger to release the rope now we wait some time to get all the particles  out of the hole it takes some time get a bit out so taking the samples is not only good  for determining the type of soil you're in   it also helps you to remember how deep you went  we used some additives for the drilling fluid   and in this case we use barasol which is  a biodegradable polymer and it has two main   effects firstly it increases the viscosity of the  water so particles from down the drilling hole   are easily lifted with the water flow with  a lower flow without the drilling fluid and it closes it seals the walls of the bore hole so we don't loose drilling fluid during  drilling and this makes sure that the hole does   not collapse while we are drilling needs to  settle for about 15 minutes before we can use every every now and then  you need to check the filter   to make sure it is not blocked by by sand or mud every so many meters you need to empty the mud  pit because all the particles will end up here as soon as the water level in the mud  pit drops we are losing a drilling fluid   and most likely because it is absorbed  by the ground that means that we have   potentially a water bearing layer which is  useful for well if we want to go deeper we   need to add water and also check if the  viscosity of the water is good enough   it needs to be a tiny bit slimy and if  it's too thin we can add more of this stuff take our next sample if we have coarse sand for at least  the length of our filter screen   we can stop drilling as long as it is below  the water table and actually there is no way   of knowing where the water table is by using only  this drilling method so you have to rely on data   elsewhere like other wells in the neighborhood i  try when we are ready with drilling we extract all   the drilling pipes and we insert the casing  with the filter screen on the bottom end so after removing the last drill  pipe we quickly want to insert   our casing with the filter screen first now  we are going to prepare the filter screen   which is where the water from  the ground enters the casing so in order to seal the bottom of  the well we will close this part which will be the end cap of the well 2.5 centimeters we twist it we push it  together and we put it in a bucket of water   the ends of the end cap we fold a little inward so  the pipe is centralizing itself easier in the hole we slide it together in one movement and  we make multiple slots in the pvc pipe   you can do this with hacksaw but if you are  lazy like me you can also use an angled grinder so now we mark the other side and we do the same  thing to the other side we have to take care not   to weaken the pvc pipe too much then it easily  breaks when you insert it in the water hole we tie a knot in one end of the filter cloth close around it and it will get stuck by the  glue yes it will prevent the filter cloth   from shifting over the pipe during  the insertion inside the bore hole and then it's almost there and the glue has cured we lift  the pipe slightly and we remove the clamps and we lower the pipe if you are  done with inserting your casing and it doesn't   go further we put a gravel or coarse sand in  the borehole outside of the casing of course   so in order to create a filtration  pack around the filth screen when you're done with say putting  the filter pack around the screen   you need to seal off the borehole so surface  contamination cannot enter next to your pipe   directly in your water you can use clay like  this it's a type of swelling clay it swells   when it gets wet but you can also use cement a  natural present bentonite or other clay types you need to develop your well so to wash out all  the small particles the mud and the clay that is   still in the borehole this will increase the yield  of your well significantly if your groundwater is   not too deep not deeper than seven or eight  meters you can develop and wash out your well   using a normal centrifugal pump  with the foot valve below which fits   perfectly inside the 50  millimeter pipe we have here to wash out the small particles to even wash  them out more than with the pump only we   move the hose we insert it  here quickly up and down   in order to create a very high velocity  in the slots in the filter segment thank you for watching i hope you enjoyed  it if you have any comments or questions   please put them in the comments below
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Id: xQRhsoSCXvg
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Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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