DIY Water Well Drilling RESULTS | Off Grid Cabin Build #28

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morning guys welcome back to our off-grid homesteading vlog if you new here we are just setting up our homestead building our cabin trying to find water and yesterday we finally drilled a well we had a portable well drilling machine we drilled down 18 feet which is what you are illegally able to do here in Idaho without a permit and a license and all that kind of stuff today we're gonna go down and see what the static water level is in the pipe hopefully we've got a few feet whoo there it is guys wow that's cool it's a big muddy mess though so here we go this is where we tried to drill the well with the auger sucks what are you doing man I see water I can see water from here just we might we might have a well we might have a well guys I was kind of thinking we were gonna come down here and it was just gonna be a dry hole yeah now let's see how deep it is huh we're gonna lower this string down there to the bottom then we'll pull it out and see where the water starts and then that will tell us how much how much water we have in our pipe we're touching touching the water that must be deep it's 18 feet I mean like the water burn the deep oh there we go right there just at the bottom okay so now we pull it out we'll wait till we feel the water or wet here right here so right here let's just go three six seven eight about eight feet of water down world next step guys is to get some pea gravel and we're gonna pour it down around the outside of the casing here and then some plastic seal off the top of the well so that when tux comes down here and pees on it it doesn't actually run down into the well right we don't want any surface contaminants get down in there so we're gonna seal it and then we need to do a gallons per minute test then we need to bleach it and then we need to get the water tested all there's a lot to do guys let's get started like magic guys a few hours later and a hundred dollars lighter we're back but the supplies we need we've got the pea gravel here I mean our main thing where's our main thing so we got a bucket we need a bucket oh these right here are super important to sunflower seeds what you got this is our main man yeah pump hmm see how much we can we're gonna put four bags in here anyway we just kind of want to make an area around the pipe down at the bottom where we cut the slits in so the hopefully it's not so much silt will go down in it but it's um it's kind of tight down in there so we'll see all right Joseph can you kind of just hold it over this way some yeah I can't hear the rocks are falling into the water mm-hmm that's good we really should have done it last night but we had no idea whether this thing was gonna work or not but we should have done it ideally you want to do it as soon as you put that pipe down in there before any of the walls have a chance to slough off I may be plugged up some of the slots you cut but we're doing it now better late than never does our bags are heavier than they look yeah want me to pull it again yeah [Applause] so I learned a lesson don't before you gravel in too fast otherwise clog up your blower we got it free lesson learned pour the gravel slowly [Applause] nice the fourth bag I'm putting in here now which with the gravel still hitting water we can hear it so I think that's a good sign that that the walls haven't filled up a lot because it's only about this edge wide all the way around the well casing so one bag of this should fill up I would think quite a bit so hopefully we've got a lots of water and free pipe around it or a free pipe with lots of water around it [Applause] yes we can if the world works we don't just pump a dryer here in a minute I guess we could add more water to it tomorrow I mean more gravel to it tomorrow I'm surprised that it took off for about yeah me too I thought four was actually gonna be too much all right well let's start getting the pump ready and first let's measure this I wanna see if it how much it filled up in the bottom is here one and a quarter inch PVC that we're gonna use for our pipes that the water's gonna come up and so we'll just go ahead and glue these about mandated channel locks mm forgot channel locks remember I told you it in another video you're going out somewhere don't forget the channel locks do you watch your own videos Sarge saves the day okay let's see if we can get the glue one open though all this glue is so colorful this one's purple we go guys tell ya use it every day it's in the description if you want to check it out okay with the cleaner this is a primer it's like not getting on some of them okay maybe there was a sticker or something oh no in the camera though it's just a glare all right yeah it's going on it yeah blue so they save with these pumps but if you have any leak on the suction side they're not gonna work so make sure you glue them well yeah okay that's good hold up this in yeah please all right we're gonna be good to go so we'll use this to kind of measure the pipe because it should be the same length as our as our location 20 feet well sorry where are you going with there going down going down in the hole what about put an arm I'll put it on I want to just measure it first go back out gotcha I just want to see then we'll see where we need to cut it to 10 huh oh man slushy mud galore there's the bottom dude No yeah we've got like too much mud in there we've got a lot of mud in there huh maybe this will show us where the mud is mm-hmm dirty like four feet and that's some fine silt look at that that's so fine I don't know all right so we got to figure out we got to check again now how far that silt is filled up in the bottom there and then we'll make the football above that we're gonna need water to prime the pump go grab this and then I'll check it again and cut a pipe to where we need to cut it okay so we're gonna feel for when we hit the mud right there all right right there all right can't hold this Joe's are here I didn't bring a marker down so we'll just pull it up it's in here and that's where I will cut it yes you look up Wow look how Brown it is no no all right so it's not empty but it's not definitely not full okay all right so we're gonna glue our foot valve on this end we're gonna glue the fitting for the foot valve anyway you want to pour the water through it to get out that gunk there you go that'll probably be good this is a foot valve we're gonna use basically it's a check valve but it goes at the end of the pipe so they call it a foot valve and so if you look in here it's just a simple check valve all right like you can't blow into it but you can suck through it so that's what it does it's the water basically from running back down the pipe and so that you don't keep losing your prime so is this necessary just for a test probably not but why not maybe this will just work and we'll be like yes or maybe we'll pump a dry and no water will come back over again we could take a poll how about that let's take a poll pull right up there or we're just gonna pump it dry and the wells gonna fail or have we just struck homestead gold okay good let's go cut it and so if we end up sucking up all that silt or we want to try to later we can always extend this pipe right down to the bottom but we're way down in the water already so that'll be it should be fine but later if we get a more powerful pump or we see that this pumps are really working well then we can extend it down into that silt and try to suck it out I wonder if it's a bright purple so that an inspector when they look at it they can see that it's glued and also when you're like checking over your own work you can see whether or not you glued it cuz you're gonna put the primer on then you're gonna put the glue almost like definite Lee what do you think marty and I think it's like 50/50 really I mean we're only we've only went down alright 18 feet most wells are really deep it's really clay super fine silt down there so I think one one possible problem is just going to be that as we draw the water out and the water fills back into the well it just fills up with silt because it's so fine I think that's a possibility I guess maybe we could if it does we could do it again and this time maybe wrap the well casing and landscape fabric or something to try to prevent that if that seems to be the problem but I don't know we'll see I'm thinking 50/50 chance Joe hmm well you know what I guess you're pretty safe on your bet yeah you did take any risk 16 feet 9 inches this is the clump well I'll put a link down in the description to it if you're looking for one this is it here yeah well we're gonna have to can't hold that whoa heavy okay everybody remember we're still only testing it yet right this is not the final product not the final that even like the midway product we just need to see if there's actually gonna be water enough to be able to use we're looking huh man I say you supposed to prime the pump so we'll pour water in here all right so let's see how many gallons we get out of it okay chocolate milk that's a five-gallon bucket right right and that is like nothing else like looking at words flashing on the bucket inside old to math this pump was really cold down the pond here you think I'm gonna dump it here but let's look down in here and see if we notice that the water is like really really lower mm-hmm oh yeah I can't even barely see it now I can see I can see it down there but it's significantly lower than it was when we started pumpin all right go ahead and dump er oh you just want me to see me alway like 40 pounds of water hmm so it's 10 gallons in Gon's water yep let's see if we can still see water I cannot see water anymore oh I can still see water barely though I don't know man it's not looking promising XP put a lot of water in there yesterday fifteen gallon so far whoo water yeah oh man so silty huh yeah twenty funny gentlemen it's making a funny noise down like 21 gallons pumped out yep let's wait a few minutes and we'll try pumping it again and see if we get worse let's go ahead and start pumping again depend like four minutes ready ready can you die yep it's making a deep groaning sound there look another gallon bucket it is so cool that at work though yeah I mean the whole system works even though maybe this isn't the right spot it's still so cool that it's it's functioning yeah pump water out of there it's true well maybe we need to let it sit for an hour or so and try it again okay it's been an hour now guys we're gonna go ahead and pump let's see if we see any water in there first hmm I don't see any water but let's pump and see what we get coming coming so in an hour we got about four gallons I don't think that's very good of chocolate milk I mean normally when you put in a new well it's gonna be dirty at first but four gallons of chocolate milks not very good we can then we can continue to test it like after it starts raining this is the end of summer we have gotten a little bit of rain but I mean it's not even enough to soak into the ground barely you know I mean you just scrape your foot on the ground up there and it's dust underneath it so maybe an inch or two or three inch maybe three inches down its moist so we can check later in the fall and see maybe it'll just be a seasonal well what tips do you guys have for this well is there anything that we can do to make it work better besides going deeper that'd be cool to know let me hear your thoughts down in the comments below you want to see more about what we're doing on our homestead there is a video right over here that you might like to go ahead and check out otherwise guys I hope you have a really great day keep smiling and I'll see you right over there in that video in just [Music]
Channel: Martin Johnson - Off Grid Living
Views: 1,134,174
Rating: 4.7583385 out of 5
Keywords: off grid cabin build, off grid home build, building an off grid cabin, building an off the grid solar cabin, diy water well drilling, diy water well drilling rig, diy water well drilling machine, diy water well drilling equipment, diy water well drilling bits, water well, well drilling, well, water well drilling, how to drill a well, drill your own well, how to drill a water well, shallow well, diy well drilling
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 20sec (1520 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 12 2019
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