How to Get Rid of Termites in Crawlspace Home - DIY Termite Treatment

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hello ladies and gentlemen my name is daniel and welcome to dan the bug man pest control channel in today's video i'm going to be explaining to you step by step very simply how to treat a crawl space home for termites lucky for you you have come across what i am considering the most straightforward easy simple way to treat a crawl space home for termites in this video we're going to be using a liquid chemical treatment now i have done a ton of work getting this laid out simply step by step in very easy steps for you to understand if you have any questions just drop a comment but i don't think you'll have any questions because i believe this is very simple and straightforward if you can please smash the like button really quick it only takes one second it'll help out my channel a ton okay so just a quick overview of what we're doing this house has a crawl space underneath it we're going to be treating it with a liquid termite chemical called termidor this chemical works very well and is going to eliminate any colonies that are in the area of your house so first let me show you what tools you will need to get this job done all you're going to need are these simple tools we have one large bucket it's about five gallons it doesn't matter what size bucket it needs to be a large bucket though not one or two gallons it needs to be three four five or six gallon bucket we have a small shovel that will be used for mixing chemicals in this bucket we have the correct amount of the liquid chemical treatment we're using we have gloves and we have a digging device and that's all actually we need you may be thinking wow that's not very much and you're correct most important part about today's video is following my instructions step by step to make sure you don't miss anything i'm going to make this very simple and easy to understand so just follow along with me and we will have your house treated for termites in no time so when you're treating a house for termites you're going to use a liquid chemical treatment all of these chemicals have a label and lucky for you i have read this label and you don't have to read it when you get it you just have to follow my steps exactly step by step and you'll get this done the first thing we need to know when we're treating a house for termites is how much chemical we need to use and how do we figure that out well i read the label and i'm going to tell you how much you need but what i don't know is how big your house is so what you need to do is measure the linear footage of the perimeter of your house let me say that again the linear footage of the perimeter of your house all you need to do is take a measuring wheel ideally or you can step it off and figure out what the perimeter length is around the outside of your house i'm going to be treating this house right here and i'm also going to be treating this detached garage since i'm treating both of these structures i have measured the perimeter footprint of both of these structures so i'll just give you guys a second to measure the perimeter of your house because you're going to need to do that before you buy the chemicals online so welcome back i hope you just measured the perimeter of your house i just measured the perimeter and i ended up getting that the perimeter of my main house the house had a linear footage of 150 linear feet the attached garage has a linear footage of 80 feet so 150 plus 80 equals 230 we are going to be treating approximately 230 feet of structure today one common question you may ask is do i need to measure the whole perimeter or just the areas where the ground is touching and my answer is you need to measure the whole perimeter so for example if you look behind me here you will see that there is a concrete slab poured right next to the house okay i still measured it anyways we are not actually going to be treating where the concrete slab meets the house but we still need to know how big the house is because it doesn't matter how much concrete you have around your house it only matters how big the house is and that's going to determine the amount of chemical we need to put into the soil so for example right next to the house here there's this porch okay we're not going to be treating the concrete unfortunately we don't have the tools to do that but we are going to be training the soil next to it now that you have the linear footage of the perimeter of your house mine is 230 linear feet you need to take whatever number and you multiply it by .32 so 230 multiplied by 0.32 equals the amount of fluid ounces that i'm going to need to treat my house for termites so after some quick mathematics in my head i got that 230 multiplied times 0.32 equals 73.6 fluid ounces you need to go onto the beautiful internet and order yourself approximately that number of fluid ounces of termidor that is the chemical i'm going to be using today termidor it's not sponsored but it is a very good chemical and i encourage you unless you know what you're doing to not buy any cheaper products than termidor in this video i have read the label of termidor and have decided how much product i'm buying based on the label so please don't use a different chemical it's not a paid promotion unfortunately if anyone from termidor is watching this and wants to pay me i'd be happy to take your money that's the chemical we're going to be using in today's treatment okay so go online order that chemical wait until it gets shipped to your house and then come back to this video and we will continue doing the rest of the treatment welcome back we waited such a long time to get this chemical delivered but luckily commodore has sold me this bottle that is approximately 78 fluid ounces now if you remember i needed about 73.6 fluid ounces and if it's a little more that's perfect i would rather order just a tiny bit more if you don't have the right you know can't buy exactly how much you need just order a little bit more and we'll go ahead and use it and it'll be a little more thorough treatment so now we've measured the house we know exactly how much chemical we need now all we have to do is apply it to the soil and that seems pretty straightforward and honestly it is you just got to make sure you do what i say step by step so now that we have our chemicals ready we are going to use the other four tools that i have told you to get what you're gonna do next is you're gonna grab your gloves you're going to grab your digging utensil of choice a shovel would work perfect i have this nice little pick with a shovel at the end this is a traditional method in the pest control industry of how we dig a trench around the house basically really quick before i show you we're going to be digging a trench a hole along the perimeter of this structure in this hole we're going to be pouring mixed termite chemical into the ground the trench will keep the liquid in the correct spot while it's soaking down into the soil i'm going to spend the next few minutes digging this trench around my house i'm not going to show you the whole video it's probably going to take about 20 to 30 minutes for me to do this but i will show you quickly how i do a area of the trench and then you can copy me for the rest of the treatment okay guys so i'm in the middle of digging the trench but here are two common questions that i'm going to get about doing this treatment at the beginning and as the title mentions i'm treating a house that has a crawl space for termites okay just to prove it there's the crawl space entrance right below me if your crawl space is big enough that you can dig a trench inside of it you know you've got a six seven eight foot tall area in your crawl space go ahead and climb in there and dig a little trench my crawl space is only a couple feet tall and there's no way i'm going to be getting in there and digging a trench to put the chemical into so the question is why are you not treating in the crawl space if this is a crawl space house termite treatment and the reason is is because termites live in the ground around the perimeter of your house they will come through inside the crawl space but they're not only living in the crawl space there might have a colony system that is going to be outside the perimeter of the home so when they come in contact with this chemical that is going to be making a barrier around your home then it will kill off the colony and the second question i'm going to get is what do you do when you're digging the trench around the perimeter of your home but then you come up to an area that is not your house but you can't dig for example the driveway or the sidewalk or a porch around your house well i'm about to show you what you'll do is you'll simply for this area over here for example i've dug a trench along this whole perimeter see this beautiful trench all the way around i'm going to continue digging towards the porch here and once i get to the porch i'm going to continue digging out a good three or four feet out pretending like i'm still treating the house but what i'm not going to do i'm not going to keep digging all the way around this poured slab here that's going to be a waste of time all you need to do is just come out a little bit it just gives a little more barrier for your house against the termites okay so i'm going to show you as i dig this okay i'm going to continue coming around the corner here you just keep on digging try not to hit this darn tree and all these other things are in your way just keep on digging and you turn around come on digging this way go ahead and take this out of the ground okay so i've dug just out about three or four feet out you don't have to keep going that's all you have to do okay guys i just got i got the trench done for about half the house it has me thinking this is a do-it-yourself termite treatment but this is a lot of work it might just be easier just to call a professional but if you want to do it yourself this is how you do it so i'm about halfway done with the trenching it's a lot of work but the fun part is coming up soon we're about to treat the soil for termites and that's the fun part and it doesn't take as long but the trench it takes the most time for sure and i'll show you guys this beautiful trench i've made okay the trench doesn't have to be perfect it just has to hold the liquids in it for long enough for them to seep down into the soil it's about four inches into the soil and about three or four inches across and that'll be plenty for this area we got this bad boy filled up with water does anybody know how much one gallon of water weighs about eight pounds so it's not light but simply what we're going to do next is we're going to treat your house in five ports of this size bucket and it doesn't matter exactly what bucket size we're just going to use the same size bucket we're going to do five pours the area we're treating is approximately 230 linear feet 230 divided by five is about 25 feet per port we want to get all of this chemical into the ground we want to use about one-fifth of this bottle in each of these but now why are we doing it five times well there's no magic about five times if you have a smaller bucket you're going to need to do it six seven eight pours if you have a bigger bucket about five times is going to be plenty enough to distribute the chemical equally we're going to pour approximately 20 percent of this chemical into this bucket they have lines on the side and you can just eyeball it as well we're going to try to get about 20 of this so here we go let's see where we're at i'm going to try to get a little bit more in there that's perfect thermador is in the bucket of water and it's not mixed yet it's very important to mix it thoroughly i'm going to spend the next minute or so mixing it up with this little spade and i do always seem to forget this but wear gloves i just cut myself and i really don't want to get this on my cut so just wear gloves and i'm being lazy and i'm not so shame on me do as i say not as i do that's the saying now that's looking beautiful if you come over here and take a look it looks like milk and who doesn't love termite milk so what we're going to do next is take this bucket of mixed termidor we're going to pour it into approximately 25 26 feet of linear foot see that's a problem okay guys so i'm going to pour this bucket into about this whole section of trench here all across here and i'm going to get go ahead and get this little area right over there as well so all you got to do is pour this bucket and the key is to evenly distribute it so don't pour half of it here and then none of it over there just walk and pour a little at a time as you're going across it's going to seep into the soil all right let's check it out as it's seeping into the soil we got a uniform pour throughout this area okay it doesn't have to be exactly perfect as long as you get the chemical into the soil you're going to have a good treatment so after you treat one-fifth of the house all you have to do is literally just do that four more times and once you do that you will have your full bottle of termidor into the soil around the perimeter of your house and we talked about this earlier we already measured out how much chemical you need so when you're mixing it you don't have to measure it you just have to equally distribute it that's the key after we equally distribute it i'm going to come back just cover it back up with my boot and just keep on covering it back up okay that's just about it guys after you treat your home for termites this is a do-it-yourself termite treatment this is not talking about any kind of inspection or anything like that you still need to inspect your house for termites at least once a year but we just treated your house for termites congratulations the termites should be dead within a couple weeks it does take a little bit of time for the termidor to kill off the colony but the good news is you've got this great chemical into the soil around the perimeter of your home if you have any questions about the treatment just let me know this is a do-it-yourself treatment it's not perfect but it is very very good please do not pour the termite chemical into the soil if it's not going into the trench it's going to cause runoff and it's not going to go where it's meant to be it's meant to be in the soil right next to your house thank you guys so much for watching and like i said just continue doing the treatment around the perimeter of your house i'm going to go ahead and let you guys watch as i do the next section of this house so you can just watch me i'm going to go ahead and roll it we'll do a time lapse of me doing this next section but it's the same idea just fill the bucket up with water and then go ahead and evenly pour it throughout the next section so thank you guys so much for watching again my name is daniel this is dan the bug man bug channel and that is how you treat a house for termites
Channel: Dan The Bug Man
Views: 79,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pest control, exterminator, dan the bug man, termites, ants, bugs, spiders, insects, pest control company, termite inspection, roaches, bed bugs, ticks, mosquitoes, brown recluse, black widow, carpenter bees, carpenter ants, German cockroach, bug, flying bugs, flying ants, flying termites, pest control treatment, dan bug man, flea, extermination
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 22 2022
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