Eating only ONE color food for 24 Hours!!!

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rice eating it like there's nothing like you can hear some cereal that we bought it with different colors I'm gonna mix it in here remember Ryan only the red so Ryan's wearing red t-shirt he's only in red and I'm wearing blue t-shirt so the only point food and mommy mommy and daddy are gonna go grocery shopping to get food for today okay ray get started so was you ready Ryan and then what color food you're gonna eat Emma wait rainbow food for today good choice oh yeah you do a rainbow color you're you you can eat anything then but am I can't eating rainbow food so anything that has a lot of colors huh yeah you're doing great what should I buy for this hospital you see around is nothing all these are not blue green Co nope that's orange can't pick that either boy that's the bobaloo blueberries it flew very locate the right that's cool so I have to get thread stuff for him and look Apple brian is this for you going into the cart okay guys without flipping protein shake I've never had one before somewhat right so I found other things that are blue for you yeah Gatorade easy choice this solution to everything it's got blue it's got red pink yeah this is for mommy and daddy and Ryan desert okay so guys we are at the cereal section yes so I'm indifferent crying but there's no cereal we'll just like blue color yeah I think one cereal box but it has so many different cars I can stand picked the one with blue step blue I'm gonna get Brian red one oh no I'm sorry mommy there's nothing give them account it's blue right it's another blueberry flavor getting tired of blueberries look like a blueberry flavored jello gatorade and blueberry that's what blueberry too much this is Ryan the right food there you go red jello for Ryan you know what about me I'm sorry but there's no pink that's a mystery phone lines paper tonight sour pies and look at blue and red it covers both of us and don't worry mommy I got your tumblr - we got a ping - yay all right guys any other snack we can eat here wait KitKat the cover is red but it's not red inside it doesn't count then I could eat Oreos no you're right okay all right so what is pink red or blue that's what we're looking for all right mmm look it should come right because they have blue that's red oh no pink pick never have to eat good stuff where all the pink food let's look at here getting ham but guess what I can get look that's a snow cone no blue but ice cream has to be okay so easy strawberry guess what I found for my key rainbow fish what a piece goldfish guess what I found for you what pink Himalayan salt you need this solid oh you can feeling your food with this pink salt on what what kind of food do bite season with ice cream dog okay we'll try it this will totally works this is the red color so Ryan can beat this favorite hey guys my ice-cream jelly jelly but there's no your color oh and red color red great what about you this way it's perfect for both of us it's pink and blue color we have separated many beaches go to the chip section and blue chips exist you know all we have is just barbeque and classic and creamy jalapenos sorry no blue I guess that we've been here for 30 minutes now so let's go home this is our 24-hour different color food challenge let's go rights alliance at school right now so we're gonna eat breakfast just by ourselves daddy and mommy here's what we got a breakfast like a cereal following blue one blue and blue a favor just our mommy yeah proteins carbon fiber and protein shake and strawberries that's it have to separate it this is the important cuz this is my breakfast guys this might take a while no Julian alright well guys doing that I will enjoy my parfait says strawberry parfait sugar free okay so I open up my jello but daddy it's red inside oh I kept you fart you make sure you only need the pink part but most of it is red too bad see before Ryan even getting any Oh thinking how they got lucky good is it fulfilling please [Music] and then no strawberry protein here [Music] really what's over there sorry it has like a powdery taste no been so sweet about you daddy daddy you're making a big mess Danny wait oh well put it in the milk can you get started think either go to work daddy he'll say we keep this up with my lose weight not much we can eat hmm I didn't know there's such a thing of food collars eyelet and take each by cop okay of course good my famiiy oh good is it for filling though I mean it's running out already sorry jello this is also a flavor yes [Music] good it's good but the old pace same now we're gonna go to work and I'll see you guys during lunch this belongs to you yeah this is not cold months look at this blueberry blueberry take that bull baby flavored jello again again blueberry flavor get away very well this times its way you guys think about is ham so yeah see kind of pink right nice with the plans for lunch go fish right you can see the little orange do on their color alright this is my lunch yeah so we're gonna finish and then we're gonna go home for dinner and then for dinner Ryan wing regs he has read things like Apple Jimmy told me the reg FD that's it and then some cereal if you're hungry oh my dearie oh we did not bite Fred raged a duration all day this is my main social and then he got this cotton candy but only the blue only can be heat blue among this rainy cold it's cool but I have to hurry up good good mail boys [Music] can't select only the blue so what the guys know what healthy so that's a good thing well I'm healthy - its chewy I'm sorry [Music] Thank You rice eating it like there's nothing here's some cereal that we've bought with different colours I'm gonna mix it in here remember Ryan only the red leaves a lot of red you just watch right no that's really it's big yeah you're on yeah Ryan I got your color here you go can you skip for me this is like the torture I don't make it eat it I have to make it for you yeah thank you Cheers you want it no it's not good I'm sorry Brandon - sweet okay so how do you feel about this only food color challenge yay or nay no how about you get your name yeah yeah me is it definitely I don't like it we cannot complete the challenge I'm sorry this is not what kids should be eating for dinner so we're gonna put this down and we're gonna get ourselves some real dinner okay this is grown-up shouldn't either no yeah no maybe I'll eat this after real dinner I am it gets you some real food did my mom made this her Ryan it's meat with egg and then and rice so that's what rice actually gonna eat for dinner okay guys remember happy but if you want to see more videos like this subscribe and thumbs up see you I still see you I see you I still see you alright guys today we're doing this three marker challenge using only three markers we're gonna color so it is mommy versus Ryan and the loser gets whipped cream in the face because we we had a pie crust so last time I lost and Ryan pie me in the face so this time mommy is looking for revenge so I can pie Ryan in the face like this room it's mommy vs. Ryan and daddy's gonna be the judge all right Ryan you ready for round one Rock Paper Scissors shoot oh my god so that mean I get to go first so alright this is my first color here I'm looking for a red and ayaguz camo this is not a good color oh yeah it's really good okay oh I'm so excited I trust you Ryan you better be a good color this one this is a good color so I got a green color a sort of pinkish maroon color and a brownish no it's like almost a rose color all right Ryan close your eyes okay there's Ryan first color whoa there's right second color those eyes just in case oh nice choice alright guys 3 min on the clock are you ready alright let the coloring begin color the Sun yellow because it's it's regular color oh nice I like your son ride but I'm gonna do better because I have a pink color I'm just gonna just color the Cape just wiggly line Squiggy looks awesome Wow Ryan you put your name that's cool I'm gonna draw a little heart I'm gonna color your boot green it's your favorite color green Ryan no well I have it is green so I'm gonna color your boots three not four combo I just changed combos headphone to green I hope he likes it his little highlights hair it's gonna be green too look at that what'd you guys think about this highlight hair wait wait a minute that's the headphone I thought that was the headphone oh that's his ears are good nevermind nevermind you guys I'm gonna change his headphone to pink wow you got 33 seconds three seconds 30 seconds I'm just gonna color combo green just just look up maybe maybe I can do like a zombie combo no time for imagine a mummy so that is Ryan in there with his mask on I really like this book oh that's pretty cool and then this is mommy's drawing with Ryan and combo I was trying to make combo becomes theirs old alright on it kind of three one two three open which one do you think it looks better Ryan with combo yours let me see yours who was that yeah like a snake no I just put it first style that's cool I know he's wearing masks I think it's going to be this one cuz I like the snake here these two colors I think I know who's gonna get piped no no this is more than just mommy edition so I have to win for round two I'm doing moe and mommy's doing pissed yeah so this is packet the penguin it's super cute so I'm definitely gonna win right Moe is a monster who likes me oh all you need is purple and blue oh and you know what you need oh yeah okay all right Ryan are you ready okay close the lion really meets this orange color from oh I'm just gonna fight it you know timer ready let's see here pack I'm gonna give you a red bowtie because red is fashionable and who doesn't want to read awesome bowtie red scary and I'm gonna give pack a blue snowflake because doing regular oh he's doing regular Moe just color him on orange you know what PAC is purple but right close enough right no I think Peck looks pretty good here a kid he looks like he's like sick or something that's he look he's sick I think it's cute Peck would be very proud of my lovely creature Brian all right let's go see who wins round two all right you are going down let me have more stuff going on that's right and their super power is flying in the sky ready Ryan hey that means I get to go first so mmm cake their color is orange yellow and pink one - oh my god - okay right open your eyes that's it the color you're looking for yeah all right so we're gonna do three minutes on the clock this time let the three marker challenge begin start I forgot what their colors are so I'm just gonna give him a whole new outfit a whole new wardrobe color red and green maybe maybe it's her Christmas outfit don't you guys see you're riding her things over there just really concentrating so and then the other girl I'll just flip it they'll just be in their Christmas outfit so we do have m9k in our latest Valentine animated video so I will put in description below and check them out as superhero so I think mine looks pretty awesome and they just showed there in the sky I'm probably gonna just give them clouds all right Ryan you have 17 seconds would you better start on the other girl this is mommy Christmas and mine Kate superhero version this is Ryan transforming grace and I I'd changed your power to electricity all right so now let's go get daddy and see who's the winner round three are you ready daddy Megan I am alright so I go first this is my Christmas mommy yeah I changed her outfit now only on 17 seconds Valentine's oh yeah no no I changed your power to electricity the whole yellow [Music] it's not Christmas right now so I think I always get mommy's piping okay so we didn't have pie so we just use a paper plate number one same thing you can stop now not again thank you for watching my thank you for watching our three marker challenge you get pied the face too
Channel: Ryan's World
Views: 14,237,832
Rating: 4.4590282 out of 5
Keywords: eating one color food chalenge, 24 hours eating one color food, rainbow food challenge, Ryan's World, Ryan ToysReview, Kaji Family, Ryan's Family Review, Eating only ONE color food for 24 Hours, One color food
Id: XjptBMt4JC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 38sec (1478 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2020
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