Ryan's Food Truck Play kitchen serving Pretend Play FOOD with 1hr kids video!!!

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it's a moving truck i want some food hello hello hello hello hello anybody there i'm here what do you want i want some purples there's a whole bunch of food here you want some taco yeah okay baby's making taco coming right up [Music] we're in the spicy taco on the way okay so in order to build a taco you need the meat and lettuce and the taco shell there you go okay here's some yummy taco that will be five dollars mr ryan do you have any money hello hello baby girl you want some food yeah do you have some yummy hamburger i would like a yummy hamburger please okay coming right up hurry please mary i'm hungry [Music] all right how do you make a hamburger yeah you forgot the meat [Music] that'll not be yummy nice [Music] this cake be 9 99 okay daddy you have some 99999 dollars that's too much money no okay one dollar another big discount okay i think i have one bite [Music] nice this truck [Music] hello hello hello i want some food some food on and having chicken okay ryan mommy's trying to go healthy i would like a smoothie please a banana smoothie okay okay should be yellow thank you thank you for the bananas that will be nine dollars [Music] i got a grape one you guys i got a grape smoothie looks like she's really drinking okay hey took your bananas here's a strawberry oh thank you it looks good thank you all right let me get uh let's see pizza please one other pizza [Music] one slice a whole pizza please because we're gonna share let's make a pizza let's make a pizza i want a pizza with all different kinds of the toppings uh all the toppings we have everything all together okay well it's coming right up i need to see a manager please just kidding how much is it uh [Music] six dollars six dollars okay here you go six dollars thank you [Music] [Music] uh anybody want to order anything you're going sideways hello man i would like some food please do you have any food for me you're crushing me you're getting too close do you have some yummy food for me [Music] you have some food okay i'll get you some food mommy [Music] anything anything for me this is all we have oh there's bacon is it even cooked is the bacon even cooked oh sorry thank you thank you no no no no no after i'm done i can put it in the trash can there you go trash can open oh i'm driving away with your taco truck i'm driving away with your taco truck with your food truck bye bye guys [Music] hi guys ryan's restaurant is open for business i can give you a lot of lunch oh did i hear lunch i'm so hungry ryan please bring me some food ryan's special coming right up oh i can't wait i'm gonna cook him all the good ryan special oh wait that's not all the good ryan special that's only eggs and fish i forgot to go grocery shopping how do i check this other fridge i better have lots of stuff in here what oh no nothing's here i hope daddy likes eggs and fish because that's all i have let's start with the egg whoa okay put it here then i'm done okay guys so let's put our sauce this ketchup just a little bit of ketchup makes it feet tastes good maybe a little bit more ah i can't wait for the food ryan's cooking for me is he done yet one egg coming right up oh and that's ketchup on it okay oh thanks just egg huh okay thank you i'm not done yet okay so this is the uh appetizer for me let me taste it [Music] oh it's spicy what's your pit ryan ketchup is it spicy ketchup because it's really spicy oh no we actually put hot sauce i'll make the fish for you daddy and i'm gonna replace the hot sauce with ketchup [Music] cause my mom is on fire first i gotta wash the fish [Music] and [Music] now i can give it to daddy but first for real let's do the ketchup okay ketchup [Music] it's gonna taste good daddy here you go daddy here's your fish with ketchup all right good i hope this one tastes good because that egg was super spicy this one's looking good so let's see [Music] all right oh yeah actually tastes good wait a minute what oh no this one's spicy too ryan what i put ketchup it is not ketchup man i'm gonna get water [Music] here why are they so small the cup is so small this is my lab don't worry daddy i have orange juice [Music] okay here daddy here here we go okay i feel a lot better that was spicy i'm gonna make you dessert now okay dessert should be safe right because he doesn't need to pick ketchup or hot sauce he just sweet stuff sprinkles and frosting oh yes good thing i bought cookie dough [Music] that's a lot of cookie dough gonna put it here whoa that's cool here now let's make the cookies [Music] gonna be hot so i better use my mittens oh it's a little bit still hot hey daddy can you hold this for a second okay i gotta put frosting first [Music] oh that looks yummy i think i know i'm helping frosting on every single cookie okay okay i like it with extra and done ryan thank you for making it for me all right i'm gonna eat now hey daddy wait what i'm not done yet i still need my special ryan ingredient it's called the snowball [Music] special ingredient snowball what is that it's rare it tastes super good okay daddy there you go looks all yummy mmm smells like ginger but it's okay it's a cookie right yeah really does taste like a ginger alright it's spicy too again right what's your pet what was that special again sauce my daddy i got the wrong sauce it is ginger don't worry daddy i'm gonna make you a nice cold drink so right here what do you want daddy i want grape juice please okay daddy ice and grape here's your drink looking good special anymore let me just drink it as is ah this one actually tastes good [Music] refreshing are you ready for your bills to give me yeah yeah i can pay for it okay so let's see some tag is five dollars yeah that sounds right and since you wanted another thing which is fish that's gonna be 1 000. 1 000 i don't have that much money cookies is 600 million dollars 600 million dollars what kind of cookie is that ryan okay and since you wanted that drink you wait you also got juice i forgot about that i thought it was on the house because you made a mistake 600 [Music] i just want to just eat orange and berry juice is nine billion dollars okay this is it that's it i'm upset now ryan i'm gonna i'm gonna go on my phone i'm going to yelp and i'm going to give you a one star for this restaurant one stop right there thank you a lot bye daddy you still gotta pay no i'm not i'm not paying that much money your food was horrible if you don't want to pay that much money you have to wash the dishes and do everything else for 10 years what oh okay fine oh sorry i guess i'm gonna do this for the next 10 years [Music] never ends okay is it done yet no daddy you still have 10 more years ryan's laundry service is open for business [Music] oh hi ryan hi i'm going to a party today and look i got my clothes dirty do you think you could wash this just in time for the party okay mommy just give me one hour okay here you go very careful with it all right bye bye okay let's clean this up whoa mommy made it really dirty okay that's good now let's wash it bubbles five minutes now i'm pretty sure it's clean [Music] it's clean now but it's watery so i have to put it in the dryer turn on i'm pretty sure it's done oh look it's super dry i've never seen this that's okay now let's hang it up mommy's gonna be so excited ryan i'm so excited okay where's my clean supergirl outfit for the party what what is this that's what you've dropped off this is not super girl are you sure yeah when i took it out of the dryer this is what it looks like guys this is what i dropped off yeah oh i don't remember bye okay this is weird i don't remember this mama wait you forgot the wig wait i don't remember wig are you sure this is mine yeah that was in there that is your wig mommy and remember don't forget to pay how much do i pay for this washing [Applause] plus arguing okay well let me just try this on to make sure even fit before i pay okay okay look are you sure this is my outfit yeah it says it works you guys think they're gonna like the superhero party you think they're gonna like this outfit yeah it looks really good are you sure yeah well i don't have 900 million dollars what do i do maybe the next 900 million dollars you get you give me no well ryan this is not what i brought in i think you owe me some food okay mommy since i'm very nice i will cook you some lunch okay let's see what we have oh maybe i can put watermelon for money okay that's perfect okay now time to get someone here's your cooked watermelon oh cooked watermelon i never had cooked watermelon before okay i'll try the watermelon hopefully the cooked watermelon is delicious [Music] what mommy mommy what i forgot it's my special sauce i forgot to put it on special sauce okay if you say so get a lot of that sauce here you go this is what the picture looks like hopefully ryan special sauce is yummy yummy okay mommy water coming right up okay ryan i think i'm done i think we're going to the party now well thank you for your laundry service bye bye oh wait what owe me money for your food oh can i pay you back later okay all right bye does anybody else want their shirt cleaned i do i do i'm going to costume party today so i want this my spiderman costume nice and crisp okay okay very clean okay just a very expensive suit so please be delicate okay oh there's even pretend abs yeah oh yeah you know i need that all right bye all right give me one hour one hour okay i'll be right back guys okay let's smell it first daddy probably didn't wash this this in 127 days that's why it's going in the washer [Music] think it's ready stop smells a little bit better now let's dry it turn on okay it's ready now stop turn off whoa this is bigger than i thought it would be yay now it's clean [Music] okay [Music] i'm thirsty i'm gonna get some water oh no i forgot still ironing oh no it's burning i gotta get some water [Music] oh no it's okay i'm just gonna color it right let's catch up see good as new i'm a genius [Music] okay i'm back ryan it's been one hour is my costume ready yeah it's perfect oh okay all right the party's starting soon so hurry up brian here you go wait a minute what is this wait this is not spider-man costume it does not even look close yeah it's spiderman costume it also has more muscular ass it does have a muscles i like that but hey this is a completely different one what you did to my costume ryan i did nothing how about you at least try it on and see if you'd like it all right i'll try not but if i don't like it ryan you're in big trouble man i'm so upset if i don't like this i'm gonna put bad review on the yelp all right here we go one star definitely wait a minute oh actually i like it look at this ab six packs look at this guns i feel so strong all right i like it i take this ryan if you really like it daddy then since you really like it it costs two dollars and plus washing it 900. [Applause] [Music] [Music] wow that's so much expensive i like that kind of money where i am just take it off i'll return it all of it refunds how much all of it together cost 10 100 billion dollars i don't even know how many zeros in there no i'm taking this off this is ridiculous all right where's my phone i'm gonna put the battery on this place well i'm gonna charge it to daddy's credit card there you go now he owes me 100 000 billion dollars hi guys it's daddy's birthday and we're having a picnic to celebrate his birthday yeah thank you i love birthday party oh look at that lots of food what's that sound oh no ryan i think it's strong it's coming let's go inside oh no oh oh no does that mean i have no birthday party i have an idea daddy what is it okay let's follow ryan don't worry daddy i will cook food for you why don't you have a seat okay why is cooking food for me i'm so excited what is it gonna be let's cook daddy some birthday food done here you go oh it's a steak whoa looks yummy mmm let's try oh it's so good ryan how did you cook so perfectly with the recipe the dessert is coming up daddy oh that must be the birthday cake looks excited is this this here it's on top of it now i put it in here [Music] it's done here you go daddy here's your birthday muffins happy birthday this is my birthday cake i always want my birthday with birthday cake i'm sorry daddy but i don't have a birthday cake here's some apple juice while you wait i'm gonna go buy it in the store yeah hurry up ryan i'm pretty upset right now because i didn't get a birthday cake okay i just drink double apple juice okay i'm gonna go get it now hi mommy hi ryan how can i help you do you have a birthday cake oh i do have a birthday cake it's right here is this what you're looking for yes this is exactly what i'm looking for thank you mommy yeah sure it will be 10 dollars please i don't have ten dollars oh no ryan i can't give this to you this cost ten dollars wait one second hello you need a big order of ice cream big order of ice cream coming right up mommy maybe i can help you make ice cream then can you give me the birthday cake good idea ryan let's go let's go well mommy this is a lot of ice cream what should i do okay so the customer wants one scoop for this one two scoop for that one three scoop for that one and all the way to ten can you help me yeah this one needs one scoop of ice cream there you go this one needs two yes two scoops good and this one needs three okay orange green and blue good job three scoops and this one is four one two three [Music] four yay and this one needs five scoops that's a lot one two three four five wow and then this one needs six scoops of ice cream can you do six yeah one two three four five and six good job ryan and this one needs seven scoops of ice cream one two three four five six seven that's so high and it gets even higher this one needs eight scoops of ice cream two three [Music] four five six seven eight wow and you know how many scoops that one need nine wow good luck two i wonder how these are not falling you're doing a great job three four five six seven eight nine wow and ryan this is for the finish this one is ten scoops of ice cream the most of all one two three four five five six seven eight [Music] nine good yay ryan's in from one scoops of ice cream [Applause] oh thank you ryan now come on let's go get you the birthday cake okay and then you can give the customer all the ice cream here you go ryan here's your birthday cake as promised thank you for your help bye now i can go give it to daddy he's gonna be so happy hey love daddy here's the birthday cake wow thank you ryan that's exactly how he wanted it thank you now i'm going to put the candles on scorch the other candles you need the candle right for the birthday cake uh-huh nice and kiss make sure you don't touch the candle okay okay daddy let's sing happy birthday one two three happy birthday to you happy birthday to me happy birthday to you happy birthday all right i'm ready to blow it make a wish [Music] here you go daddy oh that's a big piece it's for me thank you i'll show you how i eat my birthday cake use my hand well mmm my favorite flavor vanilla flavor mmm so yummy my first my best birthday ever thank you guys for joining my birthday party thank you for watching and remember when we stay happy and rise up bye i'm gonna continue eating my birthday cake hi guys ryan's restaurant is open anybody wants some yummy food yes me me i'm hungry count me in i'm all fired up for food chase here i'm hungry too hi pups this is ryan's restaurant what would you like to drink i would like some milk please oh do you have orange juice i'll take a smoothie with fruits and vegetables please show you guys one milk oranges and a smoothie coming right up oh i don't have any orange juice maybe i'll go shopping let's go hi ryan how can i help you i'm looking for some orange juice and milk mommy oh no ryan i'm so sorry but we're close for today i have to go home i don't know what should i do i really need orange juice for the paw patrol and milk but i have an idea ryan well my store is out of goldfish and i have to go find goldfish but if you can get go fish for me i will give you the milk and orange juice for free hmm where can i find goals in the pantry let's go now where's goldfish is this goldfish no maybe this is this goldfish [Music] is this goldfish yay now let's go give it to mommy mommy guess what what i found it yay go fish good job thank you ryan well you can have five items for free yay what did i need again orange juice and some milk and some extra milk for next time i run out wait i need some fruits and vegetables too so i can make my smoothie orange and carrots here you go mommy some more now good choice i love milk okay and orange juice and an orange oh nice okay let's check out milk another milk orange juice carrots and orange everything into your shopping bag here you go ryan thank you mommy yay now i can go home and make some drinks for the paw patrol what's taking so long i'm so thirsty yeah where's my orange juice oh no i hope ryan is okay he's taking a long time smoothie time now i have carrots now let's put it into the mixer now we're going to cut the orange now let's put the milk in [Applause] [Music] now let's spin it let's put all of it okay now let's go give it to the pup here you go marshall here's your milk thank you ryan here we go orange juice for you skye thank you and smoothie for chase thanks ryan this milk is so good this smoothie tastes amazing all right guys what would you like to eat today we would like soup and salad today please okay soup and salad coming right up where's my vegetables [Music] oh over here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] let's put some dressing [Music] all right time to mix it up all done now let's go give it to the paw patrol hi pups here's your soup and salad and use this to eat i love [Music] salad wow that was delicious thank you ryan oh this soup looks yummy but i like my soup a little spicy just a little hot sauce won't do the trick oh yummy spicy soup time to try this soup look it's good but it's way too salty you have to pay 137 please and three cents here ryan here's all the money we have oh you have enough bye bye thank you for watching me and my restaurant video bye and remember always stay happy and rise up and stay healthy like this food i'm so excited my friends are coming over for a dinner party there they are hey there's ryan i'm so excited for ryan's dinner party hopefully we can play some roblox while we're here hey ryan hi marshall ready for my dinner party yeah i'm ready and i'm here too ryan it's show time ready for my dinner party i'm always ready for dinner hey jack jack are you hungry what happened jack jack i'm hungry hungry okay i'll go get you some food jack jack where's the food oh no i forgot to go grocery shopping guys i'll go get food okay mommy grocery shopping is open for business i have some fruits and vegetables all good stuff today look there's a grocery store over there yay now i can save my dinner party hi ryan hi mommy i'm here to do grocery shopping because i'm making and smoothie i know what to do i'm gonna need some lettuce and some spinach and for my smoothie i only need milk cheese crackers apple of course bananas too and oranges i still need dessert what should i pick what would you like we have some tacos for dessert is that dessert spaghetti for dessert no what about peas and carrots for dessert thank you one more dessert ice cream i think i'm ready to check out now let's go here you go wow good choice ice cream here you go milk crackers here's all my other stuff you got an orange a banana apple spinach and lettuce peas and carrots here's all your food yay now let's go back to the party wait wait you forgot to pay that will be 20 please i actually have a credit card wow oh no ryan it looks like it's not working i think you don't have any more money on your credit card can i get a family discount not today ryan but i have an idea if you can beat me in a game of bowling you can have all your grocery shopping for free today yay let's see if i can get the free discount i knocked out five pence i have one more chance [Music] well ryan you now got all the pins you gotta spare what i'm gonna see if i can beat you it's mommy's turn mommy got six pens see if mommy can get it [Applause] because you beat me in the game of bowling i put enough money on your credit card yay thank you mommy [Music] there you go don't forget to sign your name there you go all right have fun at your dinner party with your friends bye hi guys my food is here oh i can't wait first let's make a smoothie yay so i'm gonna cut some strawberry and some tomatoes and some bananas banana banana orange orange [Music] it's done [Music] here and here you go jack jack here you go combo cuz you both are too small hey i'm not small here you go marshall yummy delicious this is combo bungalicious this is delicious now let's make a salad i got my lettuce and my spinach i'm gonna cut all these up i have some bell pepper now i'm gonna do mushrooms now i have cucumbers now i have carrots and last is cheese oh oh cheese cheese i love cheese now let's use some creamy ranch yeah yeah it's all about that sauce now let's mix it up my salad is done you want some marshall yeah i love cucumbers i'm all fired up here you go jack jack you want some nah dad hey combo you want some yes please super good and healthy thanks ryan you're welcome combo thank you for watching my dinner party and remember always stay happy and rise up and stay healthy we got a microwave a refrigerator and an oven and you can also hide these are really cool here is their microwave here and even have buttons to press and you press this button you open it and there's real working lights here and there's a little turntable button yeah and they can turn it too so if you have your food here don't stop here's the oven like all these and fire and look it tells you you can press the plus or minus and it's time here too 3pm right now you can turn it on if you want your temperature medium and then inside the oven you can pretend to bake some yummy food like cookies i'm still working on these oh it has working lights too look at that and then for the big finale the fridge we got the freezer up here we got a bunch of food all stock with yummy ice cream who doesn't like ice cream and then on the actual fridge there's milk who doesn't like milk there's ketchup there's lemonade yeah and yogurt eggs and then there's some some little snacks yeah and you can open this fruits and measure fruit and veggies yeah all the good stuff hello red titan which is also me what would you like for lunch i would like something healthy and something sweet okay so what is sweet [Music] these are all healthy and eggs now let's cut it up yeah [Music] it's gotta have more eggs yeah [Music] you got it chef ryan there we go [Laughter] looking pretty good yeah i broke it yeah all right let's cook it up yeah bell peppers one fling the other one super far i think it's getting full now i'm gonna cook it up yeah now it's time for the bigger part ah one fling the other one here we go egg yummy eggplant okay it looks looking good carrots i think i need one last one now let's turn it on this one has to go high high high and high this back done so overcrowded here's some of your food there's more cooking let's see this one's done [Music] here's more that's a big plate of food what about something to drink okay i'll make you a smoothie maybe yours likes all of this ice cream i mean was it cupcake yeah cupcake smoothie i'm gonna just peel this off what would be a good smoothie this lemon oh that's good what else okay can fish soup that's a fish [Laughter] [Music] eat half of an apple over there that's good too off of an apple nice banana oh pretty big i don't know if it can blend nothing that's enough there you go silly put this right here there you go spin spin spin i think it's jammed yeah you have too many things let me take some stuff out okay now nope go down look at the cupcake go it's gonna be just a cupcake smoothie for red [Applause] [Music] all right i think it's ready okay juice in there here you go here's some drinks ryan i think your food is a little bit cold now okay i put it in the oven microwave there you go you got it there you go whoa and start nice i'll put it on uh four minutes four minutes another four minutes okay four minutes is gone well it's kind of hot it's hot be careful ryan since you spilled all my food i think i want some pizza some pizza coming right up in the oven let's put some topics on the pizza banana banana pizza i never had that before some watermelon some lemon oh this is a interesting one this is gonna be his favorite oh wow this watermelon more watermelon [Music] get more more that's a lot of toppings hey do you know what i'm gonna get what something yellow uh lemon aqua my favorite love corn i'm gonna put a taco in it but not the taco stuff oh taco that looks funny one more thing that is super super duper hot [Music] there's a carrot i thought it was pepper oh maybe it is a pepper oh that would be good and this and half of a banana that's funny okay let me open for you mr ryan all right there's a cake in here so we have to take the cake out all right cake for dessert later here we go turn it on now let's bake it all right let's count to ten one two three four five six seven eight nine oh yeah you don't want to be too hot right i gotta use mittens okay better open it whoa oh it's super hot it's hot [Music] be careful ryan be careful let me help you drop some stuff yeah there you go you got it okay i got it i need to hit a button first [Music] oh turn it off yeah it's a good idea to turn it off here's pizza i'm gonna enjoy some buddha's red titan [Music] thank you for watching bye oh red titan ryan says bye too oh he's so heavy bye everybody bye bye hi kids welcome to ryan's pizza delivery check out my truck wow that looks cool ryan's pizza delivery you can even go inside this is where i get money from that's where i drive my first pizza delivery hello hi this is daddy hi daddy what do you want i'm out camping in the woods but i forgot to bring food do you deliver to the camping place yes okay i would like a pepperoni pizza with fruit and vegetables because i'm trying to be healthy okay how much will it cost one second let me check six hundred dollars six hundred dollars for pizza daddy you're really far that's why it's gonna take away a lot gas so that's why it's a lot of money okay well this better be some yummy pizza ryan okay time to make daddy a pizza let's go make daddy a fruit and vegetable pizza wait this is not for pizza with no chicken no chicken daddy's gonna like this a lot of fruits and corns and strawberries one pizza delivery coming up let's go to visit daddy at camping i'm gonna go high go left whoa whoa let's go right whoa [Music] [Applause] thanks for the pizza ryan this whole camping thing makes me really really hungry bye bye daddy i'm going to deliver another pizza bye we're waiting for the next pizza delivery something called hello hi is this ryan's pizza delivery service yes yay this is mommy hi mommy do you deliver pizza up into the cold cold mountain yes i i thought maybe i could take a hike in the mountain but then i dropped my food on the way i have no more food up here it is super cold and i would like some yum warm me pizza okay okay ryan um i would like a mushroom pepperoni and chicken pizza you got it yes mushroom pepperoni and chicken pizza that'll be 1 000 1 000 for a pizza because you're super far it'll take away a lot of gas ryan this better be some yummy dummy super delicious pizza you have here okay i'll be waiting up in the cold mountain okay now here's a pepperoni and here's the chicken and the mushroom just put the chicken and then the mushroom right here and some egg for a little surprise and some fish too here's salt and pepper and some sacred sauce it's gonna taste good one pizza for mommy coming right up [Music] we better hurry mommy's super hungry [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're driving up the cold mountain [Music] yay pizza is here i've been super freezing up here mommy here's your pizza mommy don't forget it cost thousand dollars yay thank you so much for this yummy pizza ryan i'll pay you next time okay i don't have a thousand dollars right now i'll pay you next time okay ryan okay bye bye that was cold up the mountain waiting for another pizza hello hi ryan this is gus oh my gosh i heard you were delivering pizza today is that right yes you're right ryan i would like a yummy gummy pizza okay and i would like some gummies on my pizza please okay and yeah maybe you can surprise me and you can give me a ryan special okay how much does that cost ten dollars that's it yeah you're right well i'm at the beach and i finished all my food here so i'm really really hungry and i'd like another pizza is that okay yes you're right i'll see you at the beach bye let's make us a pizza here's some cheese and pepperoni and here's tomato because gosh needs to stay healthy and then some grapes and then some corn that's the ryan special and some yummy yummy yummy gummy let's bake this pizza for gus [Music] wow one two three four five done i think it's cooled down now it's a little bit hot let's go to the beach and deliver this together oops [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] left and go forward then turn and turn right right oh my gosh here's the pizza thanks for the pizza ryan yeah me you can't wait to eat this and get back to the beach go swimming have some gummies maybe have some fruit punch bye guys have fun at the beach bye [Music] i'm back thank you for watching my pizza discovery service welcome to ryan's market shop hi so let's go shopping i'm gonna put in a hot dog and tacos and mushrooms [Music] and corn just kidding sweet sweet sweet no one look emma you put food in there good job emma good job kate bye bye bye bye bye let's see what else i want popcorn cookies i like cookies popsicles i like popsicles i want tacos i think i'm ready to check out hi there hey ryan what are you doing i have all this food that would cost five dollars okay i'll scan your food how much was all my food that was twenty dollars now it's time to cook some food i'm hungry for some hot dogs i think it's done now i can eat it [Music] yay [Music] going in i like crunchy tacos so i'm gonna put it in the oven [Music] there's pizza i'm gonna pay for that later [Music] getting water and color super hot now i think it's ready now oh it's hard now it's time for something to drink hmm i'll drink this carrots that's for you and mushroom yay yummy cupcakes dessert time i'm gonna cut them [Music] super hot let's open it i think it's ready and my hot dog my taco and pizza and my drink don't forget about salt and ketchup i'm gonna put my ketchup on my taco and mama yummy now i'm gonna drink my drink [Music] i'm so full but i need to clean up this big mess now i'm gonna sweep the floor [Music] [Music] [Music] now i gotta go wash all these dishes over here i'm gonna clean it thank you for watching my video bye today we're gonna learn fruits and vegetables and have fun cooking with ryan ryan what is this vegetable carrot what is this one tomato it looks like two cuts [Applause] one more cut what is this vegetable eggplant what is this one green pepper [Music] one more time what is this one onion what is this mushroom let's make some vegetable soup this is going to be a yummy vegetable soup i think it's done mmm it's yummy get the one at the bottom [Music] [Music] mummy now let's get some fruit what fruit is this watermelon i'm gonna put two two cups on the i'm gonna cut two cuts on the watermelon what fruit is this banana [Music] what fruit is this apple [Music] what fruit is this strawberry what fruit is this lemon what fruit is this orange [Music] [Music] oh so [Music] [Applause] [Music] ready [Music] this is yummy bye don't forget to subscribe see you later bye if you like this video if you want more cooking videos by ryan please ride bye
Channel: Ryan's World
Views: 12,015,998
Rating: 3.867538 out of 5
Keywords: Ryan's World, Ryan ToysReview, pretend play, pretend play for kids, kids food truck, food truck pretend play, play kitchen, food truck play kitchen, kids play, kids kitchen, pretend play kitchen, kitchen playset, pretend play food, play food, Kids Video, 1hr kids video, 1 hr video for kids, kids activities, kids kitchen play
Id: FsFbhXHcOdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 17sec (4637 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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