It's ALL DONE! The Final Tour Of Our New House!

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hey everybody and welcome back to Living Traditions Homestead well today is a day we are excited to bring you guys our new house is finally completely done so today we're going to take you for a tour of the outside of the house because you guys really haven't seen it since it's been completely finished and then actually a couple days ago we filmed a tour of the inside of the house for you guys so we're going to show you that as well today so you guys have been very patient because we didn't uh put this video out last week which is what you all were expecting right so let's not drag our feet any longer and show you guys around and show you guys our brand new house now just to recap for those of you who may not have watched all of our previous videos about the house just recently we put in a modular home here on the homestead it was brought in on two semis he was then lifted into place by a big crane if you haven't watched that video I highly suggest that you go back and watch that video it's pretty amazing it's pretty amazing to see an entire house lifted up by a crane and put onto Place we've been waiting over a year for the house to come in we actually ordered this house last November so almost a year for it to come in and it has finally been put here so today we're going to show you all the way around on the last video we ended with you know the siding wasn't all on the roof wasn't all finished so we're gonna take a walk around the outside and then we're gonna head inside to show you the finished house now just a quick recap for those of you who may not know the difference between a modular home and like a mobile home a modular home is built off-site but brought on in two pieces is then placed on a permanent foundation just like a house that would have been built here in place a mobile home is brought on in like a tree on like a trailer and that trailer system kind of stays under the house even once it's on site including like the wheels and stuff right underneath the house this house has nothing underneath it except for a crawl space except the crawl space and you know the floorboards just like a normal house if for all intensive purposes it's exactly like a house that would have been built here in place right a lot of you have mentioned the color of the house we are super pleased with the color of the house yeah it's kind of difficult sometimes when you're looking at colors on like a little square and you're like I hope it looks good when it's an entire house right we were given the option to choose uh the vinyl siding or Hardie board siding and we did go ahead and choose the Hardy Board Siding and it came um well the manufacturer installed most of the siding at the factory and the Hardy Board Siding came pre-painted they did finish the siding on the sides of the house all the way up to the roof and we actually ended up seeing some um kind of flaws yeah blemishes blemishes on the siding the pre-painted portion of the siding we talked with the manufacturer and they ended up coming out to the house and completely repainted the Hardy Board right now there are reasons why we decided to go with the Hardy Board Siding it was considered an upgrade to go with Hardie board siding versus vinyl siding right the Hardy Board for those of you who don't know what Hardie board siding it's a concrete fiberboard siding so it's very strong uh if you like hit it with a weed eater or something like that it's not going to you know break like the vinyl siding it also doesn't have the issues with it kind of warping when it gets really hot out so the Hardy Board Siding is really nice to have very durable right and it's going to last for a really really long time which we're excited about and it's paintable so down the road if you know the paint that's on it now should last a really long time but down the road if we decide that we do want to paint it we have that option unlike vinyl siding absolutely we also chose an upgrade to have a steeper roof so it looks less like a mobile home or manufactured home right it has a much steeper roof right yeah again if you haven't seen the video where the house was put in when the house was delivered it was actually brought with a flat roof and they used the crane that delivers the house they actually use the crane to pull roof up into place it's pretty awesome to see so go back and watch that video we've had a lot of comments about how amazing a May house looks with the the higher pitch pitch roof right we really are very pleased with it right now you may notice right now that our front door is pretty high up off the ground that's just the way it's going to be for right now to be honest it's pretty much unusable at this point and we haven't decided Well here here's our long-term goal our long-term goal is to put a covered front porch on the entire length of the house that probably won't happen until sometime next year so we haven't decided if we're going to build stairs off the front door prior to that so we can at least use it or if we're just going to leave it the way it is until we get that porch put on um going into winter the chances are we're probably just going to leave it the way it is for right now currently we're using the back door right we have a sliding door and a door into the laundry like the mud room yeah and those doors are at ground level so there's no problem there we can get in and out back there you know easily right so from the time that you guys have seen the last video to today all of the exterior work has been finished uh the repainting has been finished and there was quite a bit of grading on the the dirt and the Landscaping that needed to be done and that has all been done as well right you can see that they've really done a good job of you know we're on a pretty big hill here here in the Ozarks flat land is pretty much non-existent so everything is on a hill so this house actually is on a hill running down this way we did go and we put a French drain all the way around the house so that if any water does run down the hill and gets near the house it should go to the French drain and then run away from the house but let's take a walk around we'll kind of show you guys everything that they've done before we head inside so you may remember at the end of the last video there was really no siding at the end of the house so they completely finished all of the siding on the ends of the house they can't put that on in the factory because when the house comes in two pieces um you know they can't have the siding on it already now I'm hoping that the wind isn't a big deal today we're having like 20 mile an hour winds today even bigger than that gusts because we're supposed to be getting a couple days of rain coming up so hopefully the wind isn't too bad normally our microphones do a good job but in case it's a big deal I apologize now but uh you guys can see the end of the house turned out great the next thing I want to show you is how we ended up doing the crawl space entrance to go under the house so this is where you access the crawl space of the house this was kind of an interesting thing to figure out how to do because of being on this hill well so what we ended up doing is first of all we had them install kind of an oversized crawl space entrance so it's easy to get in and out the house actually has a pretty tall crawl space it's about a three foot crawl space underneath and so you really have some good access to get to all of the plumbing and things that are under there we end up having them put these cement blocks on the sides so that we have a good access now eventually this will be underneath the ports that we're going to be putting on and we'll keep you know all the rain and everything away from this but it's been doing a good job the way it is here for now I just made this temporary door out of a scrap piece of wood that was left over you know just something to keep all the critters from living inside of the crawl space one thing that we did in this house versus uh you know what kind of the normal thing for a modular home is is that we had all of the duct work for the house put up in the attic instead of the crawl space so the really only thing down in the crawl space is the plumbing and so if there's an issue we have a lot of room under there that we can get under there and work on that now we have had a lot of questions from you guys about why we didn't put a basement in especially being on this hill it would have been actually pretty easy to put a basement or a walk-out basement on but to be real honest there were several reasons why we didn't really want to have to take up some of the room in the house to have a staircase going down into a basement and to be honest Sarah and I as kind of planners that we are we're trying to think about when we get older and we really didn't want a basement when we get older so we opted to go with just the single story house with the bigger crawl space and I think that's going to be a wise decision as we age all right let's walk around to the back of the house we'll show you a couple things back there so as we're walking around to the back of the house I saw the propane tank and that made me realize that the only thing left to do inside the house is that we still need to have the propane hooked up inside the house our tank used to be out by the driveway and we had it moved over here so we're waiting for the guy to show up that's going to actually put the new propane line underground and run it into the house that's supposed to happen in just the next couple days and then we'll finally be able to start cooking here in the new house in this house the only thing that's running on propane is going to be the stove we've opted for everything else to be electric the water heater the furnace for the most part we heat almost entirely with wood in the winter and that has that's going to continue here in this new house we're actually putting in the same wood stove that we have in our current house because we've just really liked it that much but unfortunately it's on back order until December so until then we'll have to use the furnace but I don't think that's going to be a big deal so we decided to go with an electric furnace in this house so the only thing we'll be running off propane is the stove and that was actually really important to Sarah that we continue to have a gas stove and honestly I I prefer a gas stove as well but for Sarah with canning uh using a gas stove is much better for canning than an electric stove so that's why we decided to stick with that all right let's walk around to the back of the house now at the back of the house you can see that the grading has been finished here they've done it in a way that even though we're coming off of a hill here there is kind of a very low Swale here that will keep the water away from the house and it's done in a way that the water should really drain this way around the house and down the hill and we won't have any water issues and remember Kevin had let you know that we do also have a French drain around the back of the house so if any of the water does get close to the house it should drain down and away from the house another thing that's been done since you guys have seen us last around the house is the air conditioning has been put in all of the ductwork up in the attic has been connected everything's been hooked up so the heater and the air conditioner are both working so that's pretty much all we need to show you for the outside of the house next up we're going to show you the inside of the house now like Kevin had said we recorded the inside of the house tour a few days ago the biggest thing that you're going to notice is that Kevin's facial hair is completely different he shaved his beard into a goatee and because we recorded the inside of the house tour before today you're just gonna see a huge difference so anyway let's go into the house we're so excited to show you the very first look of the inside of our house all together and completely finished well welcome inside of our home you guys we are so excited to take you guys on a tour today the house is completely finished and ready for us to be able to move in we're just really excited to take you guys in to show you around today so we are applications that we chose to make on the original house design and kind of tell you why I also wanted to tell you that it's a pretty echoey in here right now we don't have any of our stuff in here and most of the flooring in the house is hard flooring so it makes it very echoey unlike carpet we got carpet in the bedrooms and that is it so the bedrooms don't have a lot of echoing but out here there is right for most of the house we decided to go with vinyl plank flooring that is the same as that we have in our current house in the living room area and uh we've just been really happy with it in that house it's so durable and for the lifestyle we live where we're constantly coming in with a dirty feet and it's just easy to keep clean so we're really happy with the vinyl plank flooring and it looks great and at last it's going to last for a very long time yeah so you guys I want to start by showing you this beautiful kitchen behind me I'm so excited for this kitchen and I can't wait to start cooking in it and sharing with you guys some recipes and canning videos in the future well this is quite different from the kitchen that you've been seeing me in for the last six or seven years I'm so excited to start cooking in here first and foremost you guys look at this beautiful island the original model that we looked at had a kind of a two-story Island here and because I do a lot of cooking and canning and because I do videos in the kitchen for you guys that wasn't gonna work for me here so we just did one large single level Island and I am so glad to have this it does have cabinets and drawers in it on this side and the lip will allow me to put some stools up there if people would want to sit there while I cook or that kind of thing I'm also excited back here there's a brand new refrigerator now I'm very excited that in this kitchen there are all new appliances appliances just come with the the homes from Sunshine homes I don't know if that is the case with all the different companies that make modular homes but in our case we are getting all new appliances so we have a brand new refrigerator and freezer some really wonderful cabinets behind us Samantha and I have already decided that this corner over here is going to be our like our like coffee Nook uh we're just we're just so excited to have this little place dedicated to coffee because she and I just absolutely love coffee uh there's a brand new stove it is a propane stove which I absolutely love for canning a built-in microwave and a dishwasher which I have not had in almost seven years I'm really excited to be able to load my dirty dishes and sew a Samantha into the dishwasher there's a gorgeous sink stainless steel sinks two-sided I've never had a sink like this I feel pretty special to have such a fancy sink this side is larger than this side and in the cabinets the cabinets are just beautiful we decided to go with an espresso color cabinet I'm super excited to move all my kitchen stuff in here something that's really nerdy about me about a month ago I drew out the layout of this entire kitchen and all the cabinets and I planned what's gonna go where so I already have this completely organized just my stuff isn't here yet so I'm excited to actually put my kitchen things away okay let's move on to a part of the house that when we did our walk through on the dealer lot we weren't able to show you and that is the section with the two extra bedrooms and a bathroom like Sarah said this is the part of the house that when we did the walkthrough for you guys is on the dealer a lot we weren't able to even get to this part of the house because of the way that the two pieces come together but you guys we're going to show you this today but I also wanted to show you just what a great job they did when they put the house together because you can see that right on the other side of this Arch this is where the two pieces of house came together but you can't see it one bit they did such a great job with the drywall and getting everything to just match up perfectly so you guys uh you would never know that there you used to be a seam here and that this is where the two pieces of House are are matched together so let's go over here first this is uh one of the spare bedrooms in general we're really happy with the size of the spare bedrooms uh this is a three bedroom house so there's the master bath master bedroom and then the two extra bedrooms so this will be for one of the girls it does have a nice sized Closet in this room and then the other bedroom is right over here also a nice size room this one does have a little bit bigger closet has a nice walk-in closet you can see here and once the kids move out and it's just the two of us these rooms will not only be a good spot for guests but also some good extra storage for all the things that we can and everything else so let's go uh we'll take a look real quick into the guest bathroom and then we'll head on to the other side of the house so this is uh the second bathroom you can see it's a good sized bathroom and has a nice sink in general we are very happy here with the quality of everything that came in the home you know nice thing nice fixtures you know and actually a pretty big bathtub for this bathroom a real nice one-piece tub and shower so we still need to get a shower curtain for here but um in general this is a really nice bathroom and we're super excited to to have two bathrooms this time because our other house only has one bathroom and while we've gotten used to it there are times when the second bathroom is going to be really nice all right let's head to the other side of the house so on the other side of the kitchen area right here is the dining area I'm super anxious to bring our dining set over so that we can start having meals here this area right here gets so much great light from the sliding glass doors which are right here from the windows over here in the living room it's just going to be a really nice area to sit and have family meals maybe the coffee in the morning just beautiful views from both sides now through here is the laundry room and the mud room you could also call it the utility room because some of the utilities all come you know into this room so the washer and dryer will go here um one modification that I made sure that this model included was a cabinet on either side here and an area that I can hang some clothes behind this door this is the main furnace and the the like the fan pump for the AC unit the main power comes into the house right there now swinging around here you can see that this is where we've decided to put the freeze dryer we ordered a stainless steel table for it to sit on the Shelf underneath I'm Gonna Keep like the bags and the sealer and stuff that we're going to be using we decided to bring the freeze dryer into the house so that there aren't as many ups and downs with the temperature highs and lows it does function just it functions fine in those situations in hot weather it just takes longer longer to get done and in Colder Weather it just kind of speeds it up but primarily we moved it in here so that um we're just around it more I think that with it being in the house we're going to use it even more than we used it when we had it in one of our outbuildings but I'm also very excited to have this utility sink it is so deep this is going to be so handy when I'm washing milking dishes and our milker and when things come in from outside that are gross I can wash them in there and take care of it we had cabinets installed on the bottom so love this laundry room and this mud room on the other side of the laundry room is our master bathroom this you can get to from the mud room which is kind of nice if you're outside and need to run in and go to the bathroom you can come in here without having to go through the entire house so you can see that we have a nice shower and then a nice tub back here um we have you know a good sized Vanity now originally this model was going to have two separate sinks and two mirrors up here but we decided to do away with that and we asked them to just put one sink here in the middle we're pretty good at sharing so I think it'll be okay and the benefit to having it that way is that when there were two sinks you didn't really have any drawers because you can't have drawers where all the plumbing would be underneath the sink so by doing it this way and centering the sink we have you know cabinets down here drawers on this side and then on this end we decided to do just one cabinet and one drawer so that will uh you know it'll be nice it'll just give you more flexible and if it were just all cabinets uh in here is where the toilet is um just basically a little you know room with the toilet in there but it does have a window in it which is nice up high uh it does have its own fan and light and everything so that's good and then if we swing around this way this is where it leads into the master bedroom so it has a nice sized master bedroom not overboard but a nice sized bedroom bigger than what we have now of course everything's gonna look smaller once all of our stuff is moved in but we're really happy with the size of this and the best part is that it has these amazing Windows big windows and it has a great view out overlooking the holler on our place which this time of year right now is gorgeous with all of the Fall colors so just a really nice view looking out great thing to see when you wake up in the morning and then leading out of our bedroom here we'll just kind of swing around and we're back into the living room now where the front door is one of the reasons we really like this model is it was one of the very few models of any modular home that we looked at of any manufacturer where the living room extended past the midline of the house most of the modular homes or all the other modular homes that we looked at the living room was on one half of the house and not the other but this one you can see this right here is where the midline of the house is and you can actually see how they put this nice beam up here on the ceiling and that is where the two pieces of a house came together but this completely disguises that so you can never tell that this house was in two pieces and then the living room extends past that over onto this side of the house you can also see that one of the reasons we went with this type of flooring is because this type of flooring was able to go right past that seam they fill that seam in and then the flooring goes right over it and you never see that there is a seam here other types of flooring that we looked at for the house would have had to have some type of you know I don't know what it's called edging or something down here on the floor a little lip almost where the two paths came together but this kind they were able to do it right over that seam so that made it really nice the other thing that we reasonably like this and the reason we wanted such a large living room is because as you guys know we mostly heat with wood in the winter so we needed a house that had a good place for a wood stove now it isn't in yet we have one on order but the wood stove is actually going to go right here in this corner we're going to do the same exact wood stove that we have in our current house because we absolutely love it it's a DS Comfort Max 75 it's a stove that we've had now for six years and really enjoy having it so we're going to do another Comfort Max right here and this should provide this would be a good central location to provide good heat for the entire house the other thing is you can see again big Windows wheel like natural light in the house if we can get by without having any lights on that's what we want to do and these large windows make it really nice not to mention again a great view as we look out of the living room so we're super happy with the way that this living room turned out of course again it looks big right now once we start moving all of our stuff up and we'll see how it's going to look but we're excited to have it and we're excited to be at the point where we might actually be able to start moving some stuff in well there you go guys the entire inside of our new house we're so happy that it's here and it's safe and all of the the trim and and things all of that is done and we can start moving in right most importantly we're excited really that this is kind of coming to an end the getting the house and all of this we're wrapping up getting our other place ready to sell and getting everything moved you guys we want to get back to just being able to concentrate on homesteading that is really why we're out here in the country uh not to build a house not to do any of this other stuff we want to get back to homesteading and we want to start getting back to just doing home studying videos for you guys as well we've got a lot of really cool things planned for the winter and we're excited to bring you along you guys are enjoying our video back to homesteading videos uh make sure that you hit the Subscribe button below if you have not already subscribed and remember that the best way that you can help us here on the homestead is just to share our videos on your social media until next time thank you so much for stopping by our Homestead take care and God bless God bless
Channel: Living Traditions Homestead
Views: 153,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Living Traditions Homestead, Missouri, Ozark's, homesteading, Ozarks, self-sufficient, homesteaders, unjobbing
Id: XsVsmytFY_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 52sec (1672 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 26 2022
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