Divine Mercy Parish Mass: December 12, 2021

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] cheers my so so good afternoon welcome to divine mercy parish we welcome those who are here in church and those who are joining us on youtube facebook and our website i'm rita jakubowski my lecture partner is mary kay kittridge this is the third sunday of advent we rejoice today for the day of the lord is near we pray come lord jesus please stand to greet our celebrant [Music] oh [Music] three doors [Music] it [Music] r is [Applause] [Music] once again on this advent sunday we light our advent wreath and i'd ask the kozlowski family to come forward please and we pray as we draw near to you lord our god keep us aware of your presence in all we do come with power to enlighten us by your grace that we may live in praise and peace all the days of our lives we ask this through christ our lord thank you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit the grace of our lord jesus christ and the love of god and the communion of the holy spirit be with you all we come together once again for to celebrate the eucharist in this season of advent recognizing great god's great love for each one of us with a sense of joy in our hearts we ask for mercy and kindness and forgiveness again let's be mindful that we are gathered together in the lord's name but also all those who will watch the mass that we are recording are also gathered in god's name oh [Music] [Music] you are [Music] may almighty god have mercy on us forgive us our sins and bring us to life everlasting gathered in god's name let us pray lord our god see how your people faithfully await the feast of the lord's nativity enable us we pray to attain the joys of so great a salvation and to celebrate them always with solemn worship and glad rejoicing we ask this through our lord jesus christ your son who lives and reigns with you and the holy spirit god for ever and ever a reading from the book of the prophet zephaniah shout for joy o daughter zion sing joyfully o israel be glad and exalt with all your heart o daughter jerusalem the lord has removed the judgment against you he has turned away your enemies the king of israel the lord is in your midst you have no further misfortune to fear on that day it shall be said to jerusalem fear not o zion be not discouraged the lord your god is in your midst a mighty savior he will rejoice over you with gladness and renew you in his love he will sing joyfully because of you as one sings at festivals in the word of the lord cry out with joy and gladness [Music] is [Music] god indeed is my savior i am confident and unafraid my strength and my the courage and he has been my savior will draw [Music] of water cry out with joy and gladness [Music] give thanks to the lord his name among the nations make known his deeds proclaim how exalted is his name sing praise to the lord for his glorious achievement let this be known throughout all the earth with exaltation o city of zion for grave in your midst is the holy one of israel cry out with joy and gladness [Music] a reading from the letter of saint paul to the philippians brothers and sisters rejoice in the lord always i shall say it again rejoice your kindness shall be known to all the lord is near have no anxiety at all but in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving make your request known to god then the peace of god that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in christ jesus the word of the lord r hallelujah [Music] the spirit of the lord is upon me because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings [Music] the lord be with you and with your spirit a reading from the holy gospel according to luke glory to you oh lord the crowds asked john the baptist what should we do he said to them in reply whoever has two cloaks should share with the person who has none whoever has food should do likewise even tax collectors came to be baptized and said to him teacher what should we do he answered then stop collecting more than what is prescribed soldiers also asked him and what is it that we should do he told him do not practice extortion do not falsely accuse anyone and be satisfied with your wages that the people were filled with an expectation and all were asking in their hearts whether john might be the christ john answered them saying all i am baptized you with water but one mightier than i is coming i am not worthy to loosen the thongs of his sandals he will baptize you with holy spirit and fire his widow and fan is in his hand to clear his threshing floor and to gather the wheat into his barn the draft he will burn with unquenchable fire extorted them in many other ways he preached good news to the people the gospel of the lord praise you lord jesus christ yes it says the technology should work the people asked john the baptist what should we do and for centuries that same question is asked over and over again what should we do and how many of us have also asked the same question what should i do you know in this age of information we get lots of suggestions about what we should be doing what we should look like what we should buy how we should be acting what should we do at an information age how much misinformation there is in an age of great communications how often people do not have deep relationships with one another in an age when there's all kinds of media platform how often do we really connect with one another what should we do john the baptist tells the tax collectors you know don't extort money he tells the soldiers don't falsely accuse anyone and be satisfied what should we do in this day and age how important for us to pay attention to what's happening around us to our own state in life to where we are in our family life in our work life in our church life in our state life in our country in our world what should we do i would ask that in these last days of the season of advent we pay attention to the lord being near at hand you know we can say things like oh yep i go to church i pray and everything can be relatively simple and easy and yet how well we know that even in our own time there are things that we need to be attentive to look around maybe you're sitting in the same seat you always sit in when you come to church you know everybody around you maybe you can introduce yourself to somebody that's near you and in the midst of knowing people around you to have a sense as the scripture is telling us today that god is near at hand in front of you behind you alongside of you god's presence is there feel that presence the ancient prophets tell us being attentive to the lord brings us gladness and joy now that might kind of just come very easily and we have a sense oh yes you feel the lord's presence and there's a gladness in your heart i would suggest tonight that as you maybe introduce yourself to someone as you look around and feel god's presence you feel the depth of god's love for you because the lord is near now if you feel that presence what are you to do with that presence what will you do with a sense of gladness and joy i would ask you tell someone about it tell someone about gladness and joy that you felt that you experienced tonight when you tell someone invite them invite them to come to church next sunday or maybe at christmas christmas eve two weeks from tonight invite them to come with you to experience that the lord is near that the lord is present that the lord is here and you knew that and you felt that in your heart tonight in these last few weeks of advent create a space in your heart for jesus christ whose birth we celebrate at christmas in these last few weeks how things can get cluttered and jammed up and filled with so much other stuff create a space for jesus create a space for god's love and let it bring you the joy that we pray about in this liturgy tonight experience that joy experience that peace now i'm going to ask you all to stand up i was supposed to do something before mass began i forgot look there are candles on the windowsill i would ask whoever is close enough to go to the candle and just twist the light bulb at the top it should go on okay now they are gifts to us and they're on a battery and they will go on at about 4 25 every night hopefully for the next four weeks and you helped let's just sit down for a moment and once again feel the lord's presence together we profess what we believe i believe in one god father almighty maker of heaven and earth of all things visible and invisible i believe in one lord jesus christ the only begotten son of god born of the father before all ages god from god light from light true god from true god begotten not made consubstantial with the father through him all things were made for us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven and by the holy spirit was incarnate of the virgin mary and became a man for our sake he was crucified under pontius pilate he suffered death and was buried and rose again on the third day in accordance with the scriptures he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the father he will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end i believe in the holy spirit the lord the giver of life who proceeds from the father and the son who with the father and the son is adored and glorified who has spoken to the prophets i believe in one holy catholic and apostolic church i confess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins and i look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come amen as a people called to rejoice in the these days of preparation we the people of god ask that these our prayers be heard and granted for the church that in the face of hardship and difficulty all may be comforted by the light of the lord to rejoice let us pray to the lord lord hear our prayer for those suffering from depression or loneliness that they may experience the joy of god during the holidays let us pray to the lord r lord hear our prayer all during these days the coronavirus and pandemic may we be instruments of god peace and bring healing comfort let us pray to the lord r lord hear our prayer for the church vocations the priesthood the academic proud religious life may we support those who faithfully serve the church let us pray to the lord hear our prayer as we continue on the path of forming to new hampshire catholic parish saint paul vi may we be messengers of hope in the good news of jesus let us pray to the lord lord hear our prayer we celebrate the baptisms of logan and margaret this weekend may god bless them and their families let us pray to the lord lord hear our prayer for the members of our parish who are sick and hospitalized for those who are confined to home and do no longer worship with us and for those who have died yesterday's tornadoes and anna daddio robert avery and ryan let us pray to the lord lord hear our prayer today's mass is being offered for angelina everardo and joanna lazette let us pray to the lord lord hear our prayer for our own personal attentions those written in the book of hope and all those on the angel prayer line let us pray to the lord r lord hear our prayer god our god our father bless us again with your holy spirit as we joyfully prepare for the coming of your son hear our prayers grant them we ask through christ our lord a reminder that there is a second collection today it is the retirement fund for the for religious and so we thank you for your kindness and your generosity in that collection as always [Music] foreign [Music] jesus [Music] jesus is is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] of the [Music] of the sun [Music] let us pray that my sacrifice and yours will be acceptable to the lord our god may the sacrifice of our worship o lord our god we pray be offered to you unceasingly to complete what was begun in sacred mystery and powerfully accomplish for us your saving work we ask this through christ our lord the lord be with you lift up your hearts let us give thanks to the lord our god it is truly right and just our duty and our salvation always and everywhere to give you thanks lord holy father almighty and eternal god through christ our lord for he assumed that his first coming the lowliness of our human flesh and so fulfilled the design you had formed long ago and opened for us the way to eternal salvation that when he comes again in glory and majesty and all is at last made manifest we who watch for that day may inherit the great promise in which we now hope and so with all the angels and saints we proclaim the kim of your glory and without end acclaim [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] you therefore almighty god and father we bless through jesus christ your son who comes in your name for he is the word that brings salvation the hand you extend to sinners the way by which your peace is offered to us when we ourselves had turned away from you on account of our own sinfulness you brought us back to be reconciled o lord our god so that converted at last to you we might love one another through your son whom for our sake you handed over to death and now celebrating the reconciliation that christ has brought us we entreat you sanctify these gifts by the outpouring of your spirit that they may become the body and blood of your son whose command we fulfill when we celebrate these mysteries for when about to give his life to set us free as he reclined at supper he took bread into his hands and giving you thanks he said the blessing and broke the bread and gave it to his disciples saying take this all of you and eat of it for this is my body which will be given up for you in the same way on that same evening he took the chalice of blessing in his hands and confessing your mercy he gave the chalice to his disciples saying take this all of you and drink from it for this is the chalice of my blood the blood of the new and eternal covenant which will be poured out for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins do this in memory of me the mystery of faith [Music] foreign [Music] celebrating therefore the memorial of the death and resurrection of your son who left us this pledge of his love we offer you what you have bestowed on us the sacrifice of perfect reconciliation holy father we humbly beseech you to accept us also together with your son and in this saving banquet graciously endow us with his very spirit who takes away everything that estranges us from one another may he make your church a sign of unity and an instrument of your peace among all people may he keep us in communion with francis our pope leonard our bishop with all bishops priests and deacons and your entire people just as you have gathered us now at the table of your son so also bring us together with the glorious virgin mary mother of god with blessed joseph her spouse with your blessed apostles and all the saints with our sisters and brothers and those of every race and tongue who have died in your friendship bring us to share with them the unending banquet of unity in a new heaven and a new earth where the fullness of your peace will shine forth in christ jesus your son our lord for through him and with him and in him o god almighty father in the unity of the holy spirit all glory and honor is yours forever and ever [Music] with hope and in thanksgiving we pray in the words our savior has taught us our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil deliver us lord we pray from all that is evil graciously grant peace in our days that by the help of your mercy we may always be free from sin safe from distress as we await the blessed hope and the coming of our savior jesus christ lord jesus christ you said to your apostles peace i leave you my peace i give you look not on our sins but on the faith of the church and graciously grant peace and unity in accordance with your will for you live and reign for ever and ever the peace of the lord be with you always [Music] me [Music] is [Music] is [Music] behold the lamb of god behold him who takes away the sins of the world happy are we who are called to share in the supper of the lamb lord i'm not worthy that you should enter under my roof but only say the word my soul shall be healed this is a spiritual communion prayer for those viewing maths online my jesus i believe that you are present in the most holy sacrament of the altar i love you above all things and i desire to receive you in my soul since i cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally come spiritually into my heart i embrace you as if you are already there and unite myself holy to you never permit me to be separated from you amen so [Music] [Music] [Music] eyes with [Music] is [Music] yet [Music] his own self [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] at his feet the six weeks [Music] as we ceaseless voice [Music] time [Music] so let us pray we implore your mercy o lord our god that this divine sustenance may cleanse us of our faults and prepare us for the coming feast of christmas we ask this through christ our lord we have a few announcements tomorrow evening sunday night at 5 p.m father tiano has asked that we have a special prayer service with holy hour to pray for all of our students our high school students and their families we all know what's been going on in in the town of hampden but he asked if we could gather together and everyone is invited to come to that it will be five o'clock here in church at saint rita's um the other parishes in town have been invited also he will be here he will speak tomorrow tomorrow night so you could come and um and be with uh with us as we pray for um this very serious um condition in our own our own um our own town that we'd be responsive on to what's taking place that's five o'clock sunday afternoon um two o'clock sunday afternoon the columbiates are hosting their um zoom meeting with santa and mrs claus so we ask that you register for that and and um and then be part of that if you can with your families the columbians are also sponsoring a movie next saturday in the afternoon 1 30 downstairs in the um in the dpc the donnelly parish center the movie is a season for miracles with patty duke and lynn redgrave so please come and enjoy some good fun and some comradery uh with with uh with them now the knights of columbus have announced their family of the month for december and it is nick samino so who has done so much for both saint stephens and here at divine mercy so we thank nick for all he's done he's not here tonight i'm sure he'll be here tomorrow and on tuesday evening we will have our uh advent evening of reflection that'll be a little bit different than tomorrow night that'll be at seven o'clock uh the rosary will take place at 6 30 and then this prayer service will take place at 7 00 so that so that's tuesday evening here in church our christmas mass schedule is on a flyer some of you received it at home with your envelopes for december but it's on a flyer next to the bulletins also in the bulletin so please take one home uh for your reference for that and next saturday evening also our religious education and formation classes are going to be doing a special nativity walk through so if you can be part of that read about it in the um bulletin today and we'll see what happens next week but this saturday afternoon we will have the lighting of our christmas tree out in front of church so if you can stay for a few minutes we'll have a couple of songs and and um to get in the um holiday season i suppose even though it's advent not to worry um we won't be too festive but we'll light the uh the christmas tree out in front some of you can stay that's great if you can't stay not to worry but we'll just have a little a little gathering out there after mass the lord be with you may our gracious god bless us the father the son and the holy spirit [Music] thanks be to god say michael the archangel defend us in battle be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil may god rebuke him we humbly pray and do thou o prince of the heavenly host but the power of god cast into hell satan other evil spirits who prowl about the world for the ruiner souls amen enjoy the evening thank you [Music] is [Music] and sing today [Music] [Music] shining [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music]
Channel: Hamden Catholic
Views: 134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: W39hyAf0UcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 49sec (3649 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 12 2021
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