St. Paul VI Parish Mass: March 6, 2022

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uh so so good afternoon welcome to st paul parish we welcome all those who are joining us on youtube facebook and our website i am brian gordon my lecture partner is cathy de safarro today is the first sunday of lent we entered into this season of prayer and fasting to prepare ourselves for the celebration of easter we pray that our hearts be open to repent for our ongoing conversion please stand to greet our celebrant [Music] led by the spirit of our god we go to fast and pray with christ into the wilderness we join his past [Music] led by the spirit we confront temptation face to face [Music] on god's redeeming grace [Music] this is our drink and food [Music] well they've been all right that's a good first impression so let us try one again good evening there you go thank you so would you let us start our celebration in the name of the father and of the son and the holy spirit the grace of our lord jesus christ and the love of god and the coming of the holy spirit be with you all and with you now brothers and sisters let us acknowledge our sins and so prepare ourselves to celebrate the sacred [Music] have mysteries christ jesus you save all those who call you christ have mercy jesus you overcame the temptations of the enemy lord have mercy may almighty god have mercy on us forgive us our sins and bring us to everlasting life amen let us pray grant almighty god through the yearly observances of holy land that we may grow in understanding of the riches hidden in christ and by worthly conduct pursue their effects through our lord jesus christ your son who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the holy spirit one god forever and ever amen a reading from the book of deuteronomy moses spoke to the people saying the priest shall receive the basket from you and shall set it in front of the altar of the lord your god then you shall declare before the lord your god my father was a wandering arab man who went down to egypt with a small household and lived there as an alien but there he became a nation great strong and numerous when the egyptians maltreated and oppressed us imposing hard labor upon us we cried to the lord the god of our fathers and he heard our cry and saw our affliction our toil and our oppression he brought us out of egypt with his strong hand and outstretched arm with terrifying power with signs and wonders and bringing us into this country he gave us this land flowing with milk and honey therefore i have now brought you the first fruits of the products of the soil which you o lord have given me and having set them before the lord your god you shall bow down in his presence the word of the lord [Music] you who dwell in the shelter of the most high who abide in the shadow of the almighty say to the lord my refuge and fortress my god in whom i trust no evil shall be for you nor shall affliction come near his angels he has given command about you that they shall guard you in all your ways be with me [Music] upon their hands they shall bear you all lest you dash your foot against a stone you shall tread upon the asp and the viper you shall trample down the lion and the dragon because he clings to me i will deliver him i will set him on high because he acknowledges my name he shall call upon me and i will answer i will be with him in distress i will deliver him and glorify him be with me a reading from the letter of saint paul to the romans brothers and sisters what does scripture say the word is near you in your mouth and in your heart that is the word of faith that we preach for if you confess with your mouth that jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved for one believes with the heart and so is justified and one confesses with the mouth and so is saved for the scripture says no one who believes in him will be put to shame for there is no distinction between jew and greek the same lord is lord of all enriching all who call upon him for everyone who calls on the name of the lord will be saved the word of the lord [Music] [Music] jesus christ king of and bless glory one dose [Music] [Music] a reading from the holy gospel according to luke filled with the holy spirit jesus returned from the jordan and was led by the spirit into the desert for 40 days to be tempted by the devil he ate nothing during those days and when they were over he was hungry the devil said to him if you are the son of god command these stones to become bread jesus answered him it is written one does not live on bread alone then he took him up and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a single instant the devil said to him i shall give to you all this power and glory for it has been handed over to me and i may give it to whomever i wish all this will be yours if you worship me jesus said to him in reply it is written you shall worship the lord your god and him alone shall you serve then he led him to jerusalem made him stand on the parapet of the temple and said to him if you are the son of god throw yourself down from here for it is written he will command his angels concerning you to guard you and with their hands they will support you lest you dash your foot against the stone jesus said to him in reply it also says you shall not put the lord your god to the test when the devil had finished every temptation he departed from him for a whole time the gospel of the lord once again good afternoon how are you today thank you thank you i didn't hear you so my brothers and sisters welcome to your house today we are celebrating the first sunday of lent and as you realize this is me the new priest now with the opportunity to preach and as you can tell i cannot stand over there so you feel bothered and sorry but i still walking anyways i like to ask questions you don't have to answer but i will ask questions anyways because i just like to we are all a community it's not about the priest preaching and you're listening it's about we all nourish ourselves for the war of god deliver us from evil from where those words come from from the our father those are the last sentence in a prayer that jesus taught to the disciples today as we begin our length journey we see jesus pouring himself into temptation he went to the desert to prepare himself for 40 days so now we compare ourselves during this lengthen season there are 40 days so now we found the first real reason for those who want to ask but why should we prepare ourselves jesus did jesus went to the desert before he began his public ministry so my brothers and sisters all that means we all have a mission to carry yes it is for all baptized men and women is always a mission the issue is sometimes we don't even pay attention why because we just come here to be here and that's it we don't leave our face sometimes and that should be one of the reasons for us to prepare during this time my brothers and sisters one probably the number one issue we all human beings without any exceptions we sin is of pride but father why you say that i feel on myself as a righteous man exactly you are so proud to be so righteous that sometimes you don't need or you don't feel you need to humble yourself and to us god's mercy because everything the church requests you've been doing you pray a lot you try to be a good person and sometimes we feel that's good enough sometimes we just begin a season let me ask you a question i told you i like to ask questions raise your hand if you already know what are you willing to give out during lent see what are you willing to give up for land nobody knows not even the priests i know raising my hand so we are all in the same place why because for us it's just another time so we are not being thoughtful about what these 40 days mean or what should be mean for us it's a journey it's to prepare ourselves but to get into the mystery today through the scripture passage we see jesus plays into temptation he's been 40 days and finally he feel hungry and then the devil comes command the stones to be breath tentation number one basic instinct we need to nourish ourselves not just from bread but from the name of god second temptation he shows the entire world if you worship me i will give you everything temptation of power the first attention he brought him up to the tower the highest part of the tower jumped because it's written he won't allow you to be damaged say no presumption you want then the lord your god so my brothers and sisters with that in mind how are we willing to really prepare ourselves for this journey it's not about giving up something it's about preparing ourselves to really embrace it's not about the tradition it's not about what we hear every single year yes we are called to repent every single day why because it's always that need to try to be better to try god is not expecting impossible from us he knows what we are we are children of god but how are we open ourselves last wednesday we all receive the ash repent and believe on the gospel repent and believe or remember that you are dust and into that you shall return meaning we are nothing our time on this earth is just a journey this for these days has to remind us but has to be an opportunity for us to really be sincere and to embrace it god bless all now with confidence let us profess our faith i believe in one god the father almighty maker of heaven and earth of all things peaceful land invisible i believe in one word jesus christ the only begotten son of god born of the father before all ages god bless life and life true god come true god begotten now made consubstantial with the power through him all things were made for ask men and for our salvation he came down from heaven and with the holy spirit who was caught under the mary and became men for our sake he was crucified under pontius pilate he suffered death and was buried and rose again on the third day and then he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the father he will come again and glory to jesus and his kingdom will be out known i believe in the holy spirit the lord the giver of from the father life son with the father and the sons of the lord and glorified who have spoken to the purpose i believe in church i confess one day we trust in god we bring our prayers before our gracious father our response is lord hear our prayer for all the members of the church during the season of lent may we be examples of faithful service we pray to the lord for several leaders of all nations to act with justice peace and compassion we pray to the lord for those who will be added to the elect from our parish and throughout the archdiocese that they may be richly blessed in this time of preparation and enlightenment we pray to the lord for peace in our world for the conflict in the ukraine to be ended defend loving god those who cry to you may they trust in your protection and overcome fear we pray to the lord for him and catholics to experience in this lenten season a deepened sense of renewal through the intercession of our patron pope saint paul vi we pray to the lord [Music] as children of the light let us support the 2022 archbishop's annual appeal stronger together and bring the light of hope joy and promise of new life to those who are suffering and do not yet know our lord jesus christ we pray to the lord for the members of our parish who are sick and hospitalized and for those who are confined to home and can no longer worship with us and for those who have died adele morondo christopher prisco giuseppe floriano we pray to the lord today's mass is being offered for barbara dynam we pray to the lord for our own personal intentions those written in the book of hope and all those on the angel prayer line we pray to the lord god open our hearts to conversion and grace listen to our prayers and grant us we ask through christ our lord come back to me [Music] [Music] deeply [Music] the wilderness [Music] [Music] [Music] and justice [Music] with tenderness you shall know [Music] deeply you shall sleep secure with peace faithfulness long have i waited for your coming home to me and living deeply on [Music] brothers and sisters that my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable to god the almighty father may the lord accept the sacrifice at your hands for the praise and glory of his name for our good and good of all as holy church give us the righteous position oh lord we pray to make these offerings for within we celebrate the beginning of this venerable and sacred time through christ our lord amen the lord be with you and with your spirit leave file your hearts we lift them up to the lord let us give thanks to the lord our god it is right it is truly right and just our duty and our salvation always and everywhere to give you thanks lord holy father almighty and eternal god through christ our lord by abstaining 40 long days from early food he consecrated through his fast the pattern of our land and observance and by overturning all the snares of the ancient serpent taught us to cast out the living of malice so that celebrating work with the pasqual mystery we might pass over at least to the eternal pasqual feast and so with the company of angels and saints we seen the he know your praise as without and we acclaim [Music] all your glory [Music] is [Music] you are indeed all your lord i know you have created righteously jesus be praised to to your son our lord jesus christ by the power and working of the holy spirit to give life to all things and made them holy and university to god there are people to yourself so that from the rising of the sun to his setting a pure sacrifice may be offered to your name therefore lord we humbly implore you but the same spirit graciously made holy these gifts we have brought to you for consecration that they may become the body and blood of your son our lord jesus christ whose command we celebrate these mysteries from the night he was betrayed he himself took breath and gave you tense broken and gave it to his disciples saying deities all of you and it for this is my body which will be given up for you in a similar way when supper was ended he took the chalice and gave you tense he said the blessing and gave the chalice to his disciples saying take this all of you and drink from it for this is the childish all my blood deployed the new and eternal covenant which will be poured out for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins to this in memory of me the mystery of fate [Music] therefore oh lord as we celebrate the memorial of the save and passion as your son his wonders resurrection and ascension into heaven and as we look forward to his second coming we offer you in thanksgiving this holding and leaving sacrifice look we pray upon the oblation of your church and recognizing the sacrificial victim by whose death you will to reconcile us to yourself grant that we who are nourished by the body and blood of your son and filled with his holy spirit may become one body one spirit in christ and he make of us an eternal offering to you so that we may obtain an inheritance with your elect especially with the most blessed virgin mary mother of god blessed joseph her spouse with you blessed apostles and glorious martyrs senrita saint paul vi and all the saints on whose constant intercession in your presence we rely for unfailing help and the sacrifice of our reconciliation we pray o lord advance the peace and salvation of all the war be pleased to confer in faith and charity jupiter church on earth with your serban francis our pope leonardo bishop the order of bishops all the clergy and the entire people you have gained for your own listen graciously to the praise of this family when you had someone before you in your compassion or merciful father gather to yourself all your children scattered throughout the world to our departed brothers and sisters and to all who were pleasing to you other passing from this life kids can admittance to your kingdom and we hope to enjoy forever the fullness of your glory through christ our lord through whom you bestow for the world all that is good through him with him and in him o god almighty father in the unity of the holy spirit glory and honor is yours forever and ever [Music] divine teaching we dare to say our father who work in heaven hallow build a name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth us this day our holy bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliberately deliver us lord we pray from every evil graciously grant peace in our days that by the help of your mercy we may be always free from sin and safe from all distress as we await the blessed hope and the coming of our savior jesus christ [Music] lord jesus christ to say to your apostles peace i leave you my peace i give you look not on our sins but of the faith of your church and graciously grant her peace and unity in accordance with your will who live and reign for ever and ever amen brothers and sisters the peace of the lord be with you always let us offer each other the sign of peace [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is behold the land of god because we will take away the sins of the world blessed are those called to the supper of the lamb r but only say the word okay this is a spiritual communion prayer for those viewing mass online my jesus i believe that you are present in the most holy sacrament of the altar i love you above all things and i desire to receive you in my soul since i cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally come spiritually into my heart i embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself holy to you never permit me to be separated from you amen do you want me to get here so [Music] jesus is calling calling for you and for me he's waiting and watching watching for you and for me [Music] come on [Music] jesus is calling calling for you to come home why should we tarry when jesus is pleading pleading for you and for me why should we linger his mercies mercies for you and for me come home come home [Music] you whoa [Music] earnestly tenderly jesus is calling calling for you to come [Music] you are [Music] [Music] tenderly jesus is calling calling for you to come let us pray renew now with heavily bread by which faith is nourished hope increase and charity strength we pray o lord that we may learn to hunger for christ the true and living breath and strive to live by every war which proceeds from for your mouth through christ our lord the lord be with you and the blessing of almighty god father son and holy spirit go in peace glorifying the lord by your life thanks be to god said michael the kingdom of god the prince of the heavenly hosts by the power of god cast into hell's father and all the evil spirits [Music] 40 days [Music] [Music] i [Music] that is [Music] use [Music] such as earthquakes [Music] i
Channel: Hamden Catholic
Views: 120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 39sec (3099 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 06 2022
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