Divine Connection - Surah Al Mulk (Dominion) - Day 1 - Tawfique Chowdhury

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in United mean what sort of Louis elavil article and I mean I'm how many early here Siberia Saira Malik or not a lawyer but I cut my brother's my sister's lap this is the first of inshallah 11 classes in Ramadan where we talk about the beautiful sutras allah subhanho wa taala has revealed in juice Tabarrok which is a twenty nine Jews of the Quran he was reported that when the time of Ramadan came that Imam Malik Rahim Allah would close his books of Philco and he would close the books of hadith and he would then turn towards a portal because this is the month of the Quran and to focus on the put ad is what is the purpose of this month that is why we recite the Quran so much that is why we have that away and that is why in the Torah we try to complete the Quran it is also for this reason why the Prophet SAW salem would revise the Quran the whole Quran with gibreel in the month of Ramadhan so in equity it is for this reason why focusing on the Quran in this month is one of the most important purposes of the Sharia so equity if you're able to do so inshallah attend all the eleven classes with me insha'Allah and you're going to find some amazing swords some amazing themes and raising topics and inshallah if you don't know much Arabic what you're gonna find is by the eleventh surah you'll understand so much of Arabic because when you're taking the top seed oh I know that word that sword came there oh I know what that means that slowly you know what you'll begin to understand 20% of the poor and 20% of the four hundred thirty percent and the rest insha Allah if you use a good English that's here you will pick up to be him in life salah student is Philpott and 30 verses of one particular surah that is in the Quran that continues to bend allah subhanaw taala forgiveness until allah subhana wa taala forgives and that is nothing but surah milk so surah milk is one of the most important sewers in the quran allah with one of the most important suitors in the quran because of the fact that the surah focuses on seeking forgiveness from allah subhana wa ta'ala through one important means and that is to demonstrate the power and the might and the magnificence of allah subhana wa ta'ala if you want to see a surah that creates that impression of fear total absolute fear in the heart of awe of a slave of God who believes in Allah and the last day then this is the surah because creates that all that inspiring all of the massive magnitude that the power of the mind of allah subhana wa ta'ala and that is why allah starts of the surah were talking about tabarak Allah D be a deal milk glory be to the king the one who has a dominion of the heavens of the earth and all a power in his hands and ends by talking about the most basic thing that we need in order to survive which is water and that's what Allah says do you see all human beings if you don't listen to what I've just said in this surah that if the water that is with you the water with which you drink and that you are thirsty but without which you will die within a day or two right this water if someone wants to prevent the water from you who is there other than Allah who can send the water back and we know that every single thing depends on water whether you think everything surrounds that the economy guess what the economy surrounds agriculture guess what agriculture depends on water if you think the economy is there that economy depends on capital capital depends on water everything depends on water our life our living depends on water so allah subhanho wa taala demonstrates his magnificent power through this surah in surah moon this surah al-fatiha was revealed for the most arrogant of sinners we know we have sinners and all people are sinners I am a sinner you are Cena everyone's a sinner but the best of sinners are the ones who repent and Jenna and Johanna were created both for sinners Jahannam was not created just for those who sin also Jenna was created for those who say but Janna was created for those who seen and then repent but Jahannam was created for those who sinned but don't repent so here 40 this surah was revealed for those people who are the most arrogant sinners the most arrogant haughty proud sinners those who think that you know I am the greatest and there's no one greater than me and who is that they can take me to account and I will never die and no I'm the one who has the most money in the wealth who is there greater in wealth and money and women and children than me so this surah is for the most arrogant of the most arrogant of people it is for this reason why equity the surah deals with the topic of Tova from a very different way without telling you to repent Allah causes you to repent without telling you to repent Allah subhana WA Ta'ala makes you repent why because you are filled with an understanding of the magnitude of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala so let's learn about this surah the surah that was revealed in Makkah by the edema of the scholars of the seal this surah was revealed in Makkah and by Makkah with me it was revealed before the nature of the prophets or Salem's or 13 years before the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made Hydra to Medina it was revealed around that time in the thirteen years so it is at mckeil and the sewers of Makkah and origin are the suit as a deal a lot with the day of judgment a lot with Jahannam a lot with Jenna and BA it deals a lot with the reality that we are all facing you have puppies some of you as we take the lemon sore as in inshallah and juice tomorrow may be surprised what allah subhanho wa taala talks about Jahannam allah does it not sound demotivating Allah is always talking about the negative aspect no the reality is Allah is not talking about you hand them so you feel negative Allah is talking about Jahannam now so that you feel positive that was warning you that there is something very severe and very serious that you are not paying attention to just like the prophets of Allah is send them said if you knew what I know you would not find pleasure in sleeping with your wives he said another authentic hadith if you knew what I know you would not bury your dead he said another authentic hadith if you knew what I would know you would cry more and you laugh less if you knew what I know right if you knew what I know so equity this is a reality that we must connect with today which is the reality of our Hara in surah movie let's continue inshallah surah Molk is divided into into a number of parts the first part of surah book talks about allah subhanho wa taala and his greatness and his blessing and about the sky and how Allah subhana WA Ta'ala has created the sky in this amazing glory and his amazing greatness he talks about the sky as an example to show you the perfectness of the creation of allah saw it and if a creation which is the sky is so perfect imagine how perfect Allah is and that is why we say a Salam I love my aunt assalaam o Allah you are the Salam what does that mean Salam means peace but Salam the name of Allah does not mean peace Salam the name of Allah means perfectness perfectness he is the perfect God as Salam why is he a Salam because he is perfect in every way perfect his names perfect his attributes perfect in every single way his words are perfect his actions are perfect and that is why there is no blemish in anything that allah subhanho wa taala does the blemish is only in our minds only in our inability to understand and comprehend and that is why Allah is a Salam so Allah gives one example of the perfectness of allah azza wajal and that is to talk about the the skies and look at the excellence of the skies how perfect is it so therefore you will know how great Allah is then the Quran in the second part of the first page Allah subhana WA Ta'ala moves into talking about as people are being thrown into Jahannam there is a conversation that will take place between them and the husband at the Jahannam and the 19 angels that look after Jahannam and there's also a man that has been created and his name is Soak and this man will also speak to the people of Jahannam we're going to come to that very soon allah subhanho wa taala talks about this conversation that will take place between the husband and the Jahannam who are the angels that are guarding Johannah and the people that are being thrown into Jahannam and he talks about this and he describes it in such a amazing descriptive way that you actually feel you're really there listening in as if you are the close the third person is listening to the discussion between the two so that you know then allah subhanho wa taala moves on in the second this surah and talks about whether you believe in this or not indeed Allah subhana WA Ta'ala will take you to account then he talks about the greatness of the signs of Allah talking about how many things Allah has done for you the earth and how Allah has outstretched it the water that he has given to drink how he has made everything easy for us the valleys that he has created for us in between the beautiful mountains that are stakes on the ground Allah talks about this a lot talks with the birds and how the birds fly in the sky Allah subhana WA Ta'ala talks about how we live in this dunya imagine how we live in this dunya despite allah subhanaw taala the ability to give us an earthquake or a huge frightening lightning thunder that would come down from the sky and and destroy us just like allah destroyed the army of the field and so allah subhana whatever scares is rebelled and he scares his slaves by saying do you have a guarantee I will not cause an earthquake right now do you have a guarantee Allah will not cause the earth to tremble right under you right now do you have a guarantee you will not die right now when you leave outside you have no guarantees I thought I mean Umar allah allah o monomakh allah healed l taught one class you don't do they have a guarantee alas not mocking them no one has a guarantee of the mockery of Allah except for those who disbelieve so equity we have no guarantee at all in one of them tick narration it was reported that one of the son of who saw that he said I met all of the 10 of the Sahaba that were promised Jannah the 10th anniversary and he said every single one of the 10 I should move our city every one of them was afraid that they were a hypocrite every one of them was afraid that they were a hypocrite meaning every single one of them was afraid that whatever good was happening around them it was a mockery of Allah just before they died they might enter judgment so they were all afraid and so they led their life in fear of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala so here 40 allah subhanho wa taala carries on and he talks about if unless of her donatella does not help you who will provide for you unless the one who provides with the birds so who will provide for you which army will provide for you which God will provide for you how will you ever save yourselves and this is what a lesson panel there talks about in the second part of the last part of the surah which is the third page and a half of the third page Allah subhana WA Ta'ala talks about when you see Jahannam on that day philip marlowe who's really fancy at which oval lady in a cafe Mikayla had a lady come to that down and when that Jahannam is dong draw drawn close to them Zilpha many drawn close to them see a two agility in a kafir you will see the faces of those who are who are disbelieved Eliza was very very downtrodden and sad and unhappy on that day and it will be said to them this is what you used to ask for meaning you ask for the Jannah this gem is this is the gem you ask for so Allah subhana WA Ta'ala finishes of the Sunnah by saying all people if I can punish hamlets and allow the Selim and his family by giving him difficulty in this dunya what will prevent you from getting having difficulty in this dunya and ayah if Muhammad's are selling who is so close to Allah yet Rasul Allah says Salam had difficulty in his library not all his male children passed away his many of his daughters passed away before him is Sahaba died before him his beloved wife died before he was uncool dad before him he was hit in battle he had no food to eat for two months in a row sometimes he used to put stones on his stomach yeah if Allah can put his most beloved into the most difficult situations what is the guarantee that you have that Allah will not punish you so repent to Allah subhana WA Ta'ala before your final in comes and that is why that is why it was reported in a narration in the books of the seal that Shaitaan came to allah subhana wa ta'ala and he said o Allah I will never ever cease to misguide your slaves until I enter every single one of them into Jannah so Allah replied to him and said and I will never ever cease to forgive them from all their sins as long as they seek forgiveness so my brother's assistant is now the reason for taking this surah is so that we may earn the mercy of allah subhanho wa taala repentance let's take the syrup word by word and sentence my sentence bismillah r-rahman r-rahim in the name of Allah our man meaning the one who is most merciful to all all beings and all creations Rahim inning the one who is merciful specifically to the believers the one who is specifically merciful to the believers that's why it is not permissible for anyone to name himself Abraham and why because our man is the name of allah subhanho wa taala only so if someone is called mr. rush man it's Haram that's wrong tell him to change his name to have the right man okay but if someone's called Rahim that's fine because Rahim a human being can be Rahim just like a lot can be Rahim as well of course the Rahim of Allah is different to the Rahim of creation okay tabarak Anna deavere de la Habana kulla shay'in qadir tabarak means praise be the one glorified we will be the one Tabarrok meaning glorified and praise be the one and let me be at the hill milk the one in whose hands is the Dominion meaning in the hands of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala is the total totality of the Dominion of the heavens of the earth in the authentic narrations it is reported that when the Day of Judgment comes when the blowing of the horn happens all of the dunya and all of the universe will be folded up in the right hands of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala and then at that point Allah subhana WA Ta'ala will say where are the kings today I am the king and there is no other King other than me and for about 40 we don't know what is 40 years 40 thousand years or 40 million years there will be nothing else in existence except Allah subhana WA Ta'ala then Allah will recreate the angel and the angel will blow into the horn and then which is the second blowing and then at that point the earth or resurrection will be recreated so everything in this and they have hands of allah wa barik alaa DBA the hill mo glory be to the one in whose hands is the totality of the Dominion of the heavens and the earth were who are the foolish a embodied and he is capable of doing every single thing meaning he's capable of killing you and giving you life he's capable of putting your agenda or Jahannam he's capable causing you to be guided and misguided so everything isn't happens and the hands of allah azza wajal and allah has total ability to do all things elodie honican mountable here that the one who has created al-hayat which is life Allah D who led helical mode the one who was created death and Al Hayat which is life Lia become in order to test you i nukem action where amana who amongst you is best in deeds the scholars that have seen mentioned that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says he created death then he created life why did he mention that because a soul is non existence until brings people Allah brings into existence so because non-existence is the basic nature of everything until Allah brings into existence Allah starts off with death other scholars mentioned that allah subhana wa ta'ala is talking about those things that give rise to life which is not life as yet like for example the semen and egg of the women that are coming together they don't they don't have a soul blown into it yet they're not father Alek are the medulla but then the soul is blown into it so Allah is talking about death meaning that they're still dead then Allah gives that life okay so Allah created life and then he created death why did he do this in order to lea blow up whom the purpose of all of this is a test here would he Allah decided there to be a test that's why he created it and the purpose of a test is to know whether we will succeed or not ear fatigue let me ask you this question do you tell the excellence of a teacher by the results of a student generally no we tell this excellence of a student right so our results do not indicate the result of allah subhanaw taala or his excellence it points to our results on how good a student we are yet so f of T if we sin that does not mean Allah is the one who as a bad teacher to us does that make sense if you fail that does not mean the teacher didn't do his job it's you didn't study correct if this is the case why blame allah subhanaw taala for your misdeeds if you sin if you committed a sin and you did the filthy deeds that you have done for which you have earned your hand them why is it that you blame Allah saying the father of Allah it's not it's yours it's your fault that's why everybody it's a test it's a test and we are the ones who are sitting the test how long is a test for approximately three to four hours compared to a lifetime that is how long this life is compared to that after a day of judgment as Allah will say in one of the sutras we're going to come to that on that day yeah on that day salamé our own aha la miel buffo allah a tank and now la miel before elijah get an auto haha when they see the day of judgment they will think that this life was nothing but a morning or an afternoon just like you have an exam for three hours or four hours morning one afternoon that's all it was so just like one of the exams you will sit now how insignificant is that exam compared to your life in the same way this whole life will be like that 3 or 4 hour exam compared to your life in this dunya and Allah amazing isn't it so everybody understand understand the grandness of the day of judgment and the grandness of the vastness of the Hereafter and that is the unfortunate thing you ot that with this test of 3 or 4 hours we are going to earn an eternity Jannah or an eternity in Jahannam an eternity in Jannah or eternity in Jahannam so the answer and the question to you all is what sort of eternity are you are you earning there is no middle place it's either judge nor Jahannam and don't ever think that Jannah is easy yeah party let's carry on Shahla under the hollow pile moto al-hayat alia become a new compass and Ramallah in order to test who is best in deeds so yes actions are a part of a man yes actions you have to prove with your actions not just the intentions yes stop saying or he intended good he had good intentions you know we say that all the time it's okay the brother is fine you so he has good intentions stop saying I love Allah and the messenger in the heart and you have no actions to stop saying it because then you're nothing but a hypocrite you're a hypocrite because you've got no actions a hypocrite is someone who said I love Allah and the messenger but they actually disproved it with the actions yeah and that is why F what he stopped saying oh no but why I have good intentions in the heart people say this all the time I intended good who cares you intended good and that's why shekel is not even T me or him Allah he said he said the path to Jahannam is paved with good intentions he says the path to Jahannam is paved with intentions that's true because everyone who did good who tried to do good who tried to do what they did had good intentions oh I'm only taking River because I want to get richer so I can get more zakat yeah or I can look after my family good intention good intention but you took it about the process yeah so the point of the matter is the equity remember this f wa the path to Jahannam is paying with good intention so your actions are extremely important your actions much match the rhetoric that you say you have in your heart okay I mean let me holla pal mounta well Aziz Allah before and he is al Aziz Allah for Allah he is meaning the most honored and a fool the one who loves to forgive so the scholars Islam saying when allah subhanaw taala puts two of the names or allah subhanaw taala together what does it mean it means mu Ramallah noon or in certain field filled with Ron Avalon fear itself meaning what when he forgives he forgives in a massive way until when you see the forgiveness of Allah you are baffled how can I love forgive so much and you and you have you see honor in his forgiveness and you see forgiveness in his honor meaning that his ennobled his his honour with with love to forgive people and that is how you understand one of the names Allah with another name of allah subhana wa ta'ala develop a service emma watson' Tabaka the one who has created the seven heavens one above the other seven heavens so how is it from now until until allah subhanho wa taala this is how the scholars have described it so this is the earth above the earth is the heaven of this dunya which is the first sky above this are the and skies each sky or each heaven as large as this universe so seven universes you might say above this above this universe or our sky seven others above it then after this then after this comes judgment then Janna has according to some scholars 100 levels according to other scholars five thousand six hundred something levels we'll come to that later another another discussion so that is a number of levels of Janna each level of Jannah like the space of the heavens and the earth and the universes each one above it is water above its water and above the water are the angels above the angels are the other other angels that carry the throne of Allah and above the throne is Allah established in a manner befitting his majesty and this is the way the scholars are described how everything is above us I love the Honda pasaba a semiotic Tabaka the one who has created seven heavens above all of us lofty structured on top of each other Martha Raphael commandement affords madara you do not see in the creation of Allah the foul what's the thought me any deficiency no deficiency can you see in the creation of allah subhanho wa taala father and Basara so return your eyesight back to that thing that you're looking which is the sky for Gerald Besson held her arm in photo can you see any problems any in shape up in it watch what is in chicopee it means any breakage any tearing any parting in the creation of allah alrahman photo so margins muscle then return your eyesight again car brought any meaning again and after again once again and once again and then and then after you look together look back didn't tell the person look again and then after his put his eye down and said look again meaning keep on looking again and again car Brittini meaning man roberta mara meaning again and again car attaining young colleague illogical basado farsi Allah who has healed your eyesight will turn back to you confused meaning you'll be so so busy looking and looking for the the in the sky and that you'll your eyesight will turn back to you confused meaning I can't see anything no deficiency well who has healed many tired completely tired fatigued and confused meaning that you will not be able to find a single deficiency in the creation of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala from monetary bizarre a car Athenian calleb Allah kielbasa lucassi Oh wha who has here then Allah subhana WA Ta'ala talks about how a loss of Hanuman has created described not only for the purposes that you know of which is to provide protection for this earth and for life but also for to other purposes number one is to create a beautification for the earth well a kazillion nassima at dunya be Mesabi ha and we have beautify the heavens with the Mesabi with the lanterns which is these stars can you imagine you know some of you might be thinking but Allah is talking about a beautifully defined the sky can you understand the power of this verse because this verse is talking about how great Allah is the Allah Subhan Allah that did not need to create the Stars simply to you know balance out the planets and whatever else no he created the stars also as beautification meaning you know you know and a very extravagant person who are so much wealth or so much money he doesn't just buy a car just because he needs it he buys it for you know what I'm gonna call for Thursday and I've got another one for Friday I've got another cup of Saturday oh yeah that car that's for my wife and that one right such that one that was for my for my home for my sister-in-law brother but does that make sense equity like you know filthy wealthy people they spend and they spend not out of me to spend out of like Pride or like extravagance does that make sense that's Allah Allah is the one who has pride Allah is that Lil Kim oh he is the one who has pride and so he is saying walaqad Zaillian sama Benecke imagine the power of this verse how mighty is Allah that Allah didn't need to create the stars for anything except zina beauty okay I don't know about you but if any one of you reads about the Stars and how magnificent how huge they are how heavy and how Bernie and you know the fusion that's taking place in their mouths amazing Heat unless created them for a lot it's like Xena does that make sense that can you see the power of this verse or light it's amazing for a lot Xena for us it may be necessity of life existence for our lives like yeah Xena well I've got zillion neshama at dunya and we have indeed beautify beautified the heavens of this the sky of this heaven Bhima sabi huh with lanterns that that emit light with lanterns well now how would you militia athena and we have made it Raju meaning something that is thrown at the shell team so are we saying the stars are thrown in the shouting no that's not what Allah saying Al I say that because their lanterns the light of the stars what is thrown at the star at the at the at the shouting and what we know today is that the meteors that come out of the stars yeah the meteors that come out of the stars or the light or the heat of the sky as it heats up the meteors in it and then the meteors hurl towards towards different planets that is what Allah is referring to over here okay so the stars themselves not hurled towards Shetty but the light of the stars the energy of the stars causing the meteors to be hurled that is what Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says he has created them as meteors or missiles for the shell team what is allah talking about here and one of the tough seals is reported that allah is talking about air power so if a muslim muslim country wants to know what will give you power and strength and it is air power because that's what that's what lots of hana what i was talking about again and again in the quran well now how would you Malaysia LT we have made it a missiles against the Shelton against thee the Shaytan of this dunya and the and after we're at a banana home a diverse area and we're prepared for the charity I've ever sorry which is the terrible torment of the fire at this point allah subhanaw taala starts talking about that conversation that will take place between the two people right and it talks about the situation at that simple point when people are being thrown into Jahannam so imagine now you've changed the whole picture and now you've come to this this image in front of you are an image in your mind of the point when people are being thrown into Gehenna at which point will people be thrown into Gehenna the authentic hadith rasool allah said a lot is seldom state that when people are being tied up with the other yards and their hands are being tied up and their legs have been tied up with seventy yards as we will come to in surah hopped-up that everyone who'll be thrown into Gehenna will be tied up in seventy yards of fire and these are molten fire that will they will be used to tie them up and I su cara thought he said that the there will be such a severe tying that the angels will put put the Rope through the bottom and bring it out from the mouth and that is how severely they will tie you up with a book with the molten fire of Jahannam so that's in sort of half parts coming in China on Sunday we will talk about that being the level so your party at that particular point there will be a discussion at that particular point when all the people that are going to go to Jahannam are being tied up at that point it is reported that allah subhana wa ta'ala will get very angry okay Allah will get very angry in one event occurred if it is reported that all of the angels and all of the prophets of God would be will be very very worried they'll be very worried some of them crying some of them having each other and crying and they will say to much say to each other Allah subhana WA Ta'ala now is so angry that he has never ever been this angry before and you will never ever be this angry ever again okay so angry and it is in that point at that point Allah subhana WA Ta'ala will say throw them into Jahannam so the angels will say out of how many and Allah will say 999 out of every thousand nine hundred ninety nine every thousand authentic hadith which is in Buhari okay nine hundred and ninety-nine out of every thousand people yes l am so equity protect yourself in the fire because when that happens it is at that point that the surah mood will stand up and so Allah save them from that it is at that point that your charity will argue with Allah it is at that point that if you have a son or a daughter that has died because you had a miscarriage for example sisters in Islam if you're listening then that child will argue so in all Europe you don't put my father into Jahannam okay it is at that point that your daughter's if you have daughters in this dunya the daughters will act a shield from Jahannam so there is no one amongst us except that we must protect ourselves from the punishment or Allah subhana WA Ta'ala diarrhea party let's move on tendon allahumma rabba sorry well in Laveen a kafir Ruby rugby him adabo Jahannam will be Salma seal and for those who have disbelieved in Allah subhana WA Ta'ala and are too arrogant to repent to allah azzawajal other abu Jahannam is the terrible torment of Jahannam who are big selma seal and what a terrible machine what a terrible destination it is either goofy ha when they are being thrown into it and what we know is that people will be thrown in head faced headlong into Jahannam not nicely pushed into or dragged into no they'll be thrown headlong so claw from Jahannam grabbing them from the heads of pulling them to Jahannam that's how it will happen in the old poo feeha when they are being thrown into Jahannam so me rule shall he come there will be huge roar that comes out of the fire every time someone is thrown into the fire because remember the fire the fuel of the fire is men and stones right the fuel of the fire are the human beings that are being thrown into it and the jinn that have been thrown into where the fuel or the fire so every time it is being thrown into Sonny or Lana he caught a huge roar will come out of the fire Samuel AHA shaheed gawah here at the fold until it is blazing in its in its flames meaning as they're being thrown into it you sound will come out of it and the huge fire will go outside of Gehenna and burn outside meaning you know how when you throw something to the fire we see in the woods some somehow you know that it starts and the fire sometimes almost about to get out of control that's what I was talking about well either old goofy huh Samuel de huracán huge sound would be heard of the fire screaming out well here at the food until the fire is burning with rage the car many years you mean otherwise you can barely make out the roar of the fire from the scream of the people meaning you don't know which one is louder is it the screaming of the people inside that is louder or the roaring of the fire that is louder the Cardew tomainia zoom in on life you're only able to make it out from the roaring the roaring of the fire you're only a bunch of the difference between that and the screaming of the people that are in it the car than my years of being I don't know about you in 40 but all you have to do is break a leg or burn yourself one day and you see how painful things are you know I'm a medical doctor and I give pain relief to my patients when they come into my emergency you know every page is different sometimes I give up I give a end up giving so much morphine to our lady that I realized that lady was just overdoing it she's not in that much pain but she's like you know some people their pain tolerance is zero who is hurting me what a paper cut oh I got a paper cut I mean a paper cut is killing you yeah it's really painful man see some people were like well done you know what I'm talking about other people have a higher pain pain tolerance I don't know what you what sort of pain tolerance you have but the fire you would see is a pain that has not been created anything like anything like the car don't have my ears or mineralize Kalama will pay a fee half hour on every single type of thought you thought means a group Kalama ulti a fee huh single time something is thrown into it what is thrown into it followed meaning a group is thrown into it Sarala hasn't not to her by the way did you also notice a group is thrown in meaning what meaning you will not be thrown in alone you will be thrown in with the people that you imitate it and that you are raised up with okay you will be raised up with the people that you imitate it and you are with who did you imitate in this dunya what did you want to be oh you want to be like them don't be like that go ahead everyone will be with the ones that they love to diss them you who did you love I mean really loved who did you really look up to I mean you really aspire to be like that well I'll say you in this university because you want to be a doctor right oh you want to be a dentist so you want to be an engineer so do you want to be raised up as that is that really your goal is that really who you want to be is that your identity you know like today people identify themselves as who are you or I'm a doctor I'm a lawyer said you identity no it's your - it's simply a tool that you have it's one of your characteristics it's not who you are who you are and what you do with your life is not medicine as not it's not engineering it's not computer science who you are what you do with your life is something far greater than that and that is to be the slave of Allah so let every single person over here decide what they want to do with their life I'm sure many of you are not doing what you're doing simply because you want to be that you're doing what you're doing to earn a living and earn money but the reality is the equity in the process we forget that we're doing this only for money not for anything else we actually make it B reason the purpose of our life and that is why equity unfortunately many of us will lose our our chance of this example of life who will lose so realize this equity and realize your true purpose in this dunya Kalama will pay a fee her fortune sir and a hookah sauna to her the Hazara meaning the ones who are guarding the Jahannam which is the guards of Jahannam sir allah who will ask them Allah yet hakuna deal did not a Warner come to you did not someone come to you a messenger of allah subhana wa ta'ala tell you to fear allah and to be weary of this day call whether they said yes absolutely they did called the JA an an ideal a Warner did come to us for cut verb now we disbelieved in him so yeah what have you noticed something Allah didn't say for kuffara now Allah says for tell them now what does that mean meaning that we disbelieve in him meaning we lied against him what does that mean meaning that lie in the Quran is tantamount to go for lying in the Quran is tantamount to cover what you're gonna find is many a times Allah uses the word Cathy to mean goofily to show you how cut it is completely unacceptable in slap a Muslim does not lie a Muslim never lies and that is why that is why Allah Allah and who said speak the truth even if it kills you speak the truth even if it kills you've never cheating your exams never lie about about anything never cheat and lie fot today lying has become endemic in our in our community it's almost the most easiest thing to do lie and cheat and steal yeah as they say you know there's a joke that we have you know forgive me about this if I'm racially profiling people I'm not ready I'm just joking you know as they say oh I've got two PhDs and they say oh really from which Pakistani University you know they make that joke yeah yeah in Bangladesh for example on the other hand people are known to lie about their children all the time Oh Bobby yes Ravi my son mashallah he came first in the exam and he actually came last but they lie to an amazing extent I swear people lying I don't know why everything but people tend to lie about things and they considered so easy but here allah says falcons apni and relied and that is why it is reported in authentic hadith that if a person continues to lie or a source and said never lie upper it but if you continue to lie then you'll be written with Allah that you are a liar and lying guides to hajur which is transgression and food guides you to Jahannam meaning line will ultimately lead you to Jahannam so do not lie if with the even if you even if you if even if it causes your death even if it causes you to be kicked out of this University never lie and that is why I'm already alone I'll also said he said I would rather speak the truth even if it humbles me and very rarely does truth ever humble you always glorifies you and I would never ever lie even if it raises me and very rarely does does the lie ever raise you because very soon people find out that you're a liar Tybee equity so be of those people who always speak the truth Bala Khadija and Anna Dillon for Katniss oh we lied against the mikulina and you said Manas or Allah who min shay'in' Allah has not revealed anything at all in unto allah fear allah and kabir verily all your messengers you are nothing but transgression and you are nothing but misguidance you're a misguided bunch kuru what car do now Coonan a smile and then they continued and they said if only we heard now Coonan as well I will not kill you meaning we only heard all we even pondered we didn't even hear but we simply pondered in our hearts about the greatness of Allah and about the signs Allah has given us ma-kun afiya's harvest sorry we would not be from the people of Jahannam so equity why do people not why do people into jahannam or why are human beings entering Jahannam because they don't wander in the quran and they don't listen to the guidance or less origin that is the truth when was the last time we really pondered on the quran and therefore stayed away from the scenes it is a lack of pondering it is a lack of thinking about our ultimate future that causes us to enter Jahannam ma-kun Nephi as hobby sorry fair enough who will be than me him so they acknowledge their sin for so fondly as hobbies I saw Kamini they when a basket poorer than what that meaning get away from me get away from me meaning away away let the people of Jannah be away from me meaning away from my my mercy so even though you will acknowledge your sin in the day of judgment Allah will not accept their acknowledgement of the of judgment why is that because Allah knows that if you were to be brought back in this dunya you would behave in the same way soon you would forget about your hanim soon you being drawn engrossed in your dunya and soon you would go back to what you said and that's why Allah says I will do la do only man who I know or in the home liccardi born and if they were to be returned back to this dunya they would go back to what they have done and indeed they're liars meaning you have forty you have one chance to prove yourself so you'll never be sent back and what is your final they bring a closer yeah a bit and they suffer yeah bit and saw five meaning they are bringing their wings closer to their body and then they are out stretching it right Allah mural Illinois you refocus off that way a bit ma you see kahuna in LaRoche man who causes the birds to fly such great distances Allah says ma hakuna no one carries them ill nourishment except for Allah some of your thinking but it's the air that carries them yeah perhaps yeah perhaps you're right but the point is Allah is not talking about those birds Allah is talking about the fact that this is my group migratory birds have you heard of them birds that migrate from the south to the north they travel thousands ten thousand kilometers not to stop except until they reach the destination who how can you imagine a small bird by the way the smallest of the birds that carries the largest distance is the one that goes from the tip of South America right tip of South America to the top of America okay a small bird house well well usually the size of my my would he call it thumb can you see my size my thumb house one is that so very tiny very tiny but can you imagine the tiny bird flying for 10,000 kilometers in one go okay from the South America North matters about 14,000 kilometers how does a bird fly that long for 10,000 for 14,000 kilometers in one go twice a year in the summer you will go up to north the winter come down to the south why and who grabs these birds and how will they carry the migratory birds also there's another bird call it there's a duck a particular type of duck read up about it you can google it and Sharla and find out about this amazing bird just call it bird migrations ok read up about it there are these birds some certain ducks that fly 10,000 feet up in the sky they are so high up with where oxygen is almost there and it's freezing freezing cold - something but they fly at that altitude for thousands of miles thousands of miles at one go in one go so think about it my UC Kahuna in LaRoche man who holds them up except for for Allah and that's truly equity because these birds if you want to think about whether they actually have the fat or the energy to carry them they don't so who owns them up except Allah subhana WA Ta'ala my ahkahuna illness man in na ho be cool - I embassy verily he is always ever seeing every single thing he's always watching and always watchful over every single thing a man had a lady who are Joondalup ambience welcome in dunya man or is there any other army that will help you with other than Allah subhana WA Ta'ala al-kafi rona in love you verily the disbelievers are in nothing but rule meaning confusion there nothing but confusion a man had a lady arizuka come in I'm sorry Scott or is there anyone who will provide for you if he were to withhold his provision from you bulla juvy or - we wonderful rather they continue in their auto or throw in 104 what does that mean what ho means that they turn away and they reject so they continue in their rejection 104 and the perversion and the perverted and they are they're rejecting so they are perverting it and they're rejecting it so they continue in their perversion that continue in their rejection alpha Mariam shimamu keep an analogy he is the one who walks or flat on his face mokuba allah wa g he other more guided am i am she sorry and other one who walks straight and I serve out the must attain straight upon the path well who led unsure upon say he is the one who was truly creatively the very first time what Jonathan sama and he has created for you asana which is hearing well observe and eyesight will Athleta and hearts poly LaMotta school how little it is that you thank him the scholars Islam Allah have mercy upon him said shuker is the other upon Hammond so when you sell hamdulillah it is only by the mouth that you praise allah azzawajal but sugar is not only by speech sugar is also by the heart chakra is by the speech and sugar is by the actions and sugar happens not only in the heart also happens on the tongue also happens in the limbs okay so you have but the Allah says Khalil a Metascore own so therefore what is sugar sugar is Yad upon ham so when you sell hamdulillah al hamdulillah hamdulillah that is praising Allah with your words but sugar is here so extra upon that what does that mean meaning that is not for a she in thanks to Allah meaning that you give charity in the cause of allah azza wajal right meaning that you teach people in order to thank allah okay or you look after orphans or you do a good deed so sugar cannot be done except by praising allah plus doing a deed that allah loves that is what sugar is so if you want to thank allah you can't just say oh allah thank you know that's how you affect a human being thanking allah means doing a good deed that's what allah says kalila mother school meaning how little are your deeds so thank me all slaves allah thank allah subhanho wa taala and increase in your sugar of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala when who led the rockenfield out they say he is the one who has created you on this earth what a lady Tasha moon and to him will be a return so why don't you thank Allah subhana WA Ta'ala where your Oh Luna and they say it happiness and pride matter had a you are doing tombs are 13 when will this hour come if indeed you're truthful cool enamel anymore verily the knowledge and Allah is with Allah while in Nam and I am nothing but Nadira Mubeen a manifest Warner nadir means the Warner and I'm nothing but a manifest Warner so equity this is what the Tower of Rasul Allah Islam was to warn us against the punishment Allah subhana wa tada we're now the last three verses of surah Moloch and here allah subhanho wa taala takes us back to the fact that if understanding the might of allah and having fear the day of judgment and the greatness of the signs Allah is not enough for you to repent to Allah and think about his greatness then Allah gives us the final warning what does he say Salaam Barajas all fathanah and notice all human beings that when they will see Jahannam Zilpha meaning drawing near because Jahannam will be drawn by seventy thousand angels found on seventy thousand rings each ring having 70 thousand angels huge Jana Jana is huge so far number oh ha sulphate on when they will see Jahannam being drawn close by see a true Jew will latina Cafaro the the faces of those who disbelieve will be full of SIA SIA means blackness darkness worry concern and feel yep so can you imagine see a Jew who live in a cup on the face will become black and dark and gloomy and they'll be worried see at would you who live in a kafir and it will be said to them meaning the angels who are guarding them and making sure they don't run away will be saying to them rather let it consume that their own this is the Jahannam you were asking for because a lot of the kuffar do that today right because in the haughtiness I'm proud I'm talking about the hottest of the hottest but are the most arrogant of the most arrogant who follow what what did they say oh yeah Mohammed if he is truly truly the case and this Quran is right why doesn't God punish me now kill me now God you know give me the earthquake time you heard those sort of people they are the worst most arrogant of them right so they are the ones who unless referring to here and they will say kill ahead and let it consume we hit that down this is what used to ask for Cara say o Muhammad SAW said up to this arrogant people in alicante Allah if Allah was to destroy me meaning give me death Ramaiah and those with me our mana or to have mercy on me from any Yuji rule kathleen's who will save that cat fearing the disbelievers me neither been a lean from the terrible fire who would who will save them from terrible fire so we know the prophecy sallam was hurt in this dunya we know that the Sahaba were killed in this dunya so if the most beloved of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala were in difficulty in this dunya what will give you a guarantee or people or people what guarantee do you have that Allah will give you an easy life and love will not punish you and cause difficulty in this dunya and after no guarantee at all no guarantee at all well in Lakhani allahu al rahim Anna from Aug we'll carefully who will save the calf a dream another Ben Ali from the terrible punishment will who are Rockman say he is a brush man he is the one who loves to forgive Allah he taught Kalina he is the one he is Magne be I believe in him well a heat awaken and upon him I put my trust meaning I don't believe in all of these things occur far do I don't join with the Kafar I don't listen to them in the arrogance and pride I don't be proud proud with them but I repent to Allah subhana WA Ta'ala and I turned back to Allah in repentance man a man maybe he say he is a man the one that we believe in what he thought and upon him we could all trust first doctor al-amin a man who feared Allah Allah mu B meaning say back to the disbelievers and these people who are haughty and proud verily soon enough you will get to know who is the one who is in manifest manifest error who is the one who was completely misguided and allah subhanho wa taala finishes of the surah are talking about water and the most needy thing to create that urgency for us to repent to Allah Subhan Allah our item say well if you will you see in us Bahama Okumura if as for how many if your water was to become as perhaps become Malcolm meaning your water Laura meaning uncollectible salty undrinkable unusable yeah in us Bahama open warrant for many who will come with MA in mind who will give you water to drink so Hannah say yeah but this is surah bulk one of the most powerful suitors in the Quran I'm going to recite to you in Arabic now as we finish off this surah now that you know the meaning of the surah now listen to it but in Arabic and see if the arabic makes a meaning to your now okay dear lady conical mountain al-hayat inebolu become a yoga asana wahoo Allah Aziz Allah for a lady Hanukkah party baba matter efficient aluminum eat a food from Jane Bashara Haram in photo from Basara karate Nia Poli be illogical besouro horsey horsey one of others anus adonia be Mesabi Hollow militia a clean heart O Donnell ahumada bursary one in lovina Farm Bureau behemoth abou Jahannam grabbing Salma see Eva Kofi ha Samira nahi dawa heretofore kakadu camera zoom in a low voice Kalama UT nafion savasana - ha savasana - ha Adam Metacom Navy Cano bana Padilla naka de Bona walk on walk on Manizales che in in from in from ill people allah kabir wanna smell anima kunafa a swabbie sorry ferret are forbidden be him fossa connelly Ostrava sorry in latina action are upon below I belong Mahavira now mahjong Kabir Oh a servo Kahuna come away Johar OB le monde Vedado sudo la Moomin wanna pawn no trifle homie Oh a lady Jelena como una semana keeping our economy risky yo mama yo chief a become a leader here at amorphous silicon hashiba facet our Alamo una campaña de una potable novena mil bubbling emphatic Anunnaki I wanna mural in a pointless all conservative Aiyappa build my own sick una alarma in Naju be Coalition in Yemen in el que una y la vie or Asuka come in a moussaka rispa Bellagio fire auto 104 FM AM shim Okinawa atom am she so many civilian are a lousy rotten most a sharp imagine a Nokomis Imran Abbas Aravena quani LaMotta quran qaloo holidays are upon fin de na hito Sharon vaya con una battleworld importance ordained in Dalai Lama an anathema beam furrows satin see latina Cafaro Mikayla hadn't let equal to meet at Don Juan our anthem in Laconia la manna from a new chick a feeling I mean our job in any manner begin wallahi Tabaka Luna for certain a moon a man who - Alan mobile-phone anthem in Oz Bahama famine Bhima in dr. herawati thank you for coming today and listening inshallah tomorrow will be surah column very amazing surah all about the flock of the prophets SLM all of our charity all about patients all about the story of Janos Elizabeth salon very very beautiful surah actually perhaps one of the most beneficial surahs of the whole just about is tomorrow so if you know people family members are the friends just buzzed inshaallah how better to spend one hour learning what allah subhanaw taala today we went over time I know and I attribute that to the fact that I couldn't start for about 15 minutes or so and then a little bit of interruptions tomorrow will be exactly one hour I assure you inshallah as long as inshallah all of the audio systems everything are up and running forgive me and forgive my brothers today we're a little bit late but inshallah it's the first day and that's understandable so tomorrow I'll see you all sharp at five o'clock and and being allowed please bring as many people as a transaction fee see you
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 113,003
Rating: 4.9018922 out of 5
Keywords: Divine Connection - Day 1 - Surah Al Mulk - Tawfique Chowdhury, Al-Mulk, Surah Al Mulk, (Dominion), Tawfique Chowdhury, heart of every believer, hadeeth, Quran, Muhammad, Kings, Jahannam., narrations, hasan, punishment of the Grave, Great safety, Divine Connection, DrTawfiqueChowdhury, Allah, Sunnha, Prophet, Koran, Dominion, Qur'an, Grave, Mercy Mission
Id: ZTpopjcSCJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2013
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