Divine Connection - Surah Al Haqqah (The Inevitable) - Day 3 - Tawfique Chowdhury

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yes Alam can you see how powerful gibreel is that is what law says and Lama who she didn't Guha meaning our solar system was taught by someone who was very very strong who is that person she breathe Alisa - Salam okay she bleed our Salam is very very strong and so on the tip of one finger he lifted up the whole town can you imagine all the kuala lumpur being lifted up on the tip of one finger and turned upside down and this is how powerful you breathe a little Salam is equity right this is what difficult which are feel renew and feel around came how did I love destroy for out drowned him right and those before him again they were drowned woman Cabella who won with terrific art and the people of loot how were they punished well they were turned upside down and the second thing that happened to them was an earthquake that happened so an earthquake plus been turned upside down and the earthquake when the earthquake happened and the earth basically tore apart and ate them up so imagine being to an upside down to the earth spreading apart and then crushing them all in it in between this is how they were all punished this is the punishment of those people who behave in this manner in the Quran Raja Aviano Waman Cibola who one moon difficultto bill Xavier for us o Rasul are up to him they disbelieved the messengers of their Lord for akadama that Arabiya so allah subhanho wa taala took them with a complete taking Rabia means with a complete taking after that means to grasp them and to grip them so allah gripped them with a complete and total grip meaning allah subhana wa have destroyed them totally did not leave any signs behind and totally destroyed the first of them on the last of them unity in Alamut of alma and also remember of human beings l'm Martha Alma when the water disobeyed the levels meaning by the permission of Allah the levels right so a levels are always set for the water but the water exceeded the levels when did exceed the levels the time of Noah correct until the sahaba the scholars of Islam mentioned that the water was 15 meters higher than the highest thing in this in this in our time what is the highest thing that we have today Mount Everest how high is in 1482 right one thousand four hundred eighty two meters I learned it a long time ago it's difficult to forget these things okay but don't worry k2 which is in Pakistan will soon overreach it within 30 years because it's climbing at the rate of 18 centimeters and it's being with it down at the rate of 12 whereas k2 is rising at the eighth of about 40 or 48 and is withering down about twenty four so k2 will overtake Mount Everest soon anyway coming back 15 meters higher than Mount Everest can you imagine how heavy the water was 15 meters higher than the tallest mountain which is Mount Everest this is how much water there was yes Allah yes al an amazing amount of water where did it come from well for the moisture in the air and for the water under the ground yeah and it all came up and Allah subhana WA Ta'ala drowned the whole of human beings and mankind and everything else in this dunya except for that small ship of new Hollister salam in Alamut of Alma and when the water dissipate the levels Hamill Abu we carried you or people feel filled area on that ship Linna holla holla come so that we may make it turkey rotten and reminder what area ha hoo no warrior and that so that it may be preserved and memorized by the ozone by those ears that are attentive were a minute two years y-yeah with Allah subhana WA Ta'ala preserved us and didn't kill us we are from the children of those people that were on that boat correct yes we are from atomizer Gosselin but also through him through only those descendants from the boat so that we may remember that our forefathers were on that boat everyone else who destroyed so that we may remember my brother's decision Islam what our fate was just like our fathers and mothers would have been drowned had they not obeyed Allah subhana WA Ta'ala in the same way we too will face that that ultimate end if we do not also obey allah subhanho wa taala indomitable maha monarch of algeria lineage ilaha lagoon so that we may make it for you that we return a reminder what are you ha you do no warrior and so that those attentive ears can preserve it and and remember remember what they have heard and of course tell it to others then allah subhanaw taala now talks about what the day of judgement is that he started off at the beginning of the surah saying al Hakka Hakka wama adraka ma Lanka right now he's going to tell you about what the hacker really is but first before that he told you about don't you dare disbelieve in what I'm gonna tell you don't you do human beings just believing were less going to tell you because what Allah is going to tell you is going to sound amazing what Allah is going to just about to tell you is going to sound unbelievable what a lies about to tell you is going to sound incomprehensible but it is true and those people who disbelieved in it this is the fate that they had so now listen to what they disbelieved in and ask yourself are you also going to follow their fate and disbelieve in them as well this very in it just like them so this is what what lesson Hannah one who tells us is what would happen on the day of judgment or the fitna that will take place just before the day of judgment what is it for either movie Hoffa's soon enough cata wahida that's it that's how it starts how will the Day of Judgment start how will it start by either new free coffee soon enough hidden and when the boy and what one it is blown into the horn sword means the horn for the new fukaku fluff means that's the blow okay that's called enough that's a blow yeah so for either new fear of this soon and when it is blown into the horn nuf cartoon wahida a single blowing the scholars of islam have told us many things about from the authentic hadith about the horn what is the horn in the authentic hadith rasool allah says allah which is a Muslim a vehement Rasul Allah said o Allah send them said the horn is the hollowed-out hollowed-out wing of a ramp hollowed-out horn of a ram and this is a ramp from jemna that Allah Allah created a huge ramp and one of the horns was taken and was hollowed out and this was given to one specific angel there's a specific angel that is responsible over it in authentic hadith who know the name of this angel his name is is revealed yeah it's revealed what can you tell us about this Rafi what do we know from the authentic hadith about his Rafi well we know that is Rafi original Salaam is an angel that never blinks okay we know that is Rafi is an angel that never blinks why because he is afraid that if you were to blink that at that moment the command would come and he would delay the blowing of the horn so he does not dare blink can you imagine how attentive he is can you imagine how serious this issue is right the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa send them said boy if two animosity Hakata I have been sent to the last hour like this so when the Rasul sums no more then only last into a is the last hour in one authentic narration in Bukhari it is reported that the prophets of allah salem was asleep you're sound asleep and suddenly you know how some wonderful sometimes he is a bad dream and we suddenly wake up grasping for air so in the same way the person was asleep suddenly he woke up casting for him and then I should have Ilana already a little Anna also she also suddenly felt like Rosa waking up she also suddenly woke up and say youngsil la what's wrong what's wrong rest rest here assume a rest be an easier sort of man and so the prophecy um said K and K phenomena how can I rest well sir it was soon and the owner of the horn which is Rafi has taken a deep breath and he has puffed out his cheeks and he has put the horn to his mouth and he has raised his eyes looking at Allah waiting for the moment that Allah gives him the moment to blow the horn meaning he saw this in his dream that at that night his reveal was given the command to get ready so on that particular night and because it dreams of the UM be our true aren't they and so on that particular night whilst the prophets was there 1400 years ago mr. Rafi was given the command to take a deep breath puff out his cheeks put the horn to your mouth and not blink at all wait for the command to come at any moment yesterday this is the day of judgment for either Luffy havasu enough not to wire them how many blowings or the horn will there be the scholars are differences some said to other said three the strongest opinions three insha Allah three boys of the horn first blowing is not a confessor what is that the first blowing is got enough cotton for us a meaning with the first blowing everyone will be terrified oh my god what the heck just happened what was that sound what was that did you hear that I heard that was like so not fertile father meaning the first blowing we will create tremendous fear in human beings and jinn and all of creation the whole universe it's called enough confessor okay the second one is called the next blowing is the blowing of destruction okay with the second drawing everything will be destructed so the second one is more severe more sound and with it the power of the sound will destroy the whole universe with sound Allah will destroy universe it's amazing isn't it with sound nothing else no hand of God coming and destroying things no nothing like that this sound can you imagine the power of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala so with South Allah will destroy the universe and so the next blowing will be blowing up the sound of the sound which will destroy the whole universe at that blowing even is Ravi himself will disintegrate with that blowing even the horn will disintegrate everything will die debris will die Mika ela will dice Ravi will die whole grain and Jenna will die the service in Jannah will die every single person will die the 19 angels looking after Jana will die everyone who died everything will be destroyed couldn't do manali a fine way up of our watch Europe because generally will crowd nothing will remain except Allah subhana WA Ta'ala the one who is not harmed by this right that's the second blowing then Allah Subhan Allah we recreate its Rothfeld recreate the horn and they will blow into it the third time and with this equity will be the third blowing and with this Allah would recreate the Day of Judgment recreate human beings in their graves and a lower cause of rain to fall and then human beings to come out of the earth starting the day of judgment this is the third lowing by emeriti so allah talks about the first blowing or the second blowing in this in the surah okay for either movie Hafiz Sewell enough hot or hidden and when the horn is blown just one single blowing for even look officer enough for two Waheeda humility our dual Jabbar luffa do cut that cut away meaning the earth is lifted up the mountains are lifted up and they are smashed against each other ok for heavy little art while Jabbar for dukkhata Dhaka towada can you feel the power of these verses you don't get it from you don't get it from an English translation here pity you don't get it from in this translation don't try and the Koran just through English translations you need to understand that have seen what la is so powerful so Allah will lift up earth the scholars of the scene mentioned that this does not refer to any simple earth it means Allah lift of continents imagine Australia being lifted up imagine the whole of Mount Everest and there and and the Alps being lifted up and then they're smashed against each other Subhan Allah can you imagine how magnificent that day will be the power of unrounded de l'homme a little out of the well G bar over dukkha dukkhata Waheeda for youma even walk our attila para on that day will the work i truly take place what is the water which is the worker as the one that will truly take place the reality will take place what cara means the reality on that day what character will appear on that day the reality will take place what is the reality reality what we have been told by all the prophets of God the reality of the Quran has been saying reality what we knew in our hearts that Allah will offer surety Allah will offer surety destroy all of this and bring us to one day to Judgment Day where we will be judged for all our deeds for young marine what cartel will appear on on that day now Allah talks about now the third blowing and the third blowing everything is recreated what has happened now on that day on the third Lloyd when we come out of the graves and people come out of the graves how will people come out the graves rasulullah SAS allah said people will come out of the graves who fought and fought and Horla right who farted or rather Hoonah we will be raised up naked or at how fat meanie barefooted Horla uncircumcised this is how we'll be raised up all at the ages that we died act all of us at the ages of a didin will be raised up on that day in this fashion right no one will look at each other because of the severity of the test of that day will be far too serious and to even look at each other's private parts and this is her father Oh rotten and also when we look at the sky this is what a lot says the sky would look like what is the how will the sky look like one shot at this summer and the sky will be torn up meaning you will see holes in the sky have you seen any equity when you have a cloud of a layer of cloud sometimes and sometimes they are holes through the cloud sometimes summer sunlight comes through right in that way the sky will look hold okay one chunk of this summer the sky will look hold up why because the number of angels that are coming up and down and they're like light because the number of angels are coming up and down there they have torn up the sky one shot cut this summer over here Yama even why here until on that day you will think the sky is like a simple piece of paper you know fragile paper not the 80 GSM the very tiny GSM light paper that you maybe if you take a light piece of paper and you put all holes in it right you see how flimsy it feels right this is how the sky will feel one shot got a Samara heeda yellow my eating were here on that day the sky will be completely fragile and frail why here means fragile and frail one male koala rje ha and suddenly after 50,000 years awaiting they of course as we know the human beings will wait for 50,000 years if what they I don't know about you but 50,000 years I haven't been stood for a day and I can feel tired how are we gonna stand for 50,000 years this is before the day of judgement even starts meaning we are standing on the plane waiting for a lot to come waiting for a lot to come yeah 50,000 years waiting for a lot to come and so unless of Hannah what Allah says just before Allah comes after 50,000 years what will happen people will go to all the different prophets finally they will go to Rasool Allah says Ellen rasoolum say yes I am the one so then allah subhanaw taala will raise up rasool allah says allah he will prostrate on Mikami Mahmoud and at that point Allah will teach him how to how to praise Allah and then allow only Allah will listen to Rasool Allah says Allah and the first thing our solar system will ask for is your mosque the day of judgement at that point that's what Allah says look at what Allah says when man Iguala are jaha suddenly you see angels descending from the sides of the sky meaning the angels descending what's happening Allah is coming Allah is coming and well melaku a large ayah and angels upon every single side of the sky so the sky is full of angels now floating in the sky well Malik Allah our jihad y-yeah millou our sharp beak of Okayama indian tomania on that day you will see holding up the throne of your Lord will be eight angels right Allah says why ya Malou and holding on top of them Foca whom above them are sharat be our share of being then the throne of their Lord how many angels samanya eight angels so eight angels will be holding on the throne of allah subhana wa ta'ala on that day and this is the coming of Allah Allah so bad what has now come he's established on the throne you cannot see him yet he is covered by light he has a hijab that protects you from the from seeing allah azza wajal he will only allow you to allow you to see him later on if you deserve it because seeing Allah is a blessing and a reward and before that Allah will remove a little bit of the hijab so you'll be able to see his shin and then you'll be asked to prostrate you know about that we took that yesterday in the seal of surah column so equity allah subhanho wa taala now brings us to the judgment see how beautifully allows condensing the whole of a 2-0 or the day of judgment so quickly and so beautifully allows bringing it to now the Judgment Day now the judgment is about to start so here is a live front of you angels all in front of you and you're right you can smell Jannah to your left to your left you can see Jahannam Jahannam has 70,000 rings on each ring as a rope with 70,000 angels that will be pulling it and Jahannam can be and it's whales that it screams can be heard from far away whereas Janna can't be hurt but janma can be smelt you can smell just a five hundred years away because is so beautiful yes Allah how amazing is that you're hearing Jahannam smelling Janna Allah in front of you and then one by one where is abdullah bin Mohamad where is use of Bindo field where is so-and-so one by one with our father's name were called out who is the first people to be judged the Ummah of Muhammad Allah send them why so that if we truly was sincere and we were righteous and we prayed and fasted and did all our obligations we will go to Jannah first or that because if we did not do so then Allah would make us the first example for the rest of humanity and from the O Muhammad SAS allah will be the first people to be judged don't Alima the scholars the preachers the recycles of quran those who gave a lot of charity there will be the first people to be judged so here quickly the more knowledge you have the earlier you'll be judged in the day of judgment so be wary of that be wary of that so Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says we are malucia Rebecca Foca homeo ma Eden samanya Yama in tirana la da farm income javea leather faux mink Oh coffee on that day torah deut you will all be presented in front of allah la da farm income ha fear not a single raffia not a single secret will be hidden on that day meaning every single person will come in front of Allah when the names are called and all the secrets will be laid bare and not a single of the secret will be hidden on that day all the deeds will be on the right good deeds all the bad deeds on the left their bad deeds on the left side of the scale not one single secret of theirs will be laid bare 7 witnesses who will then start to witness who are the seven witnesses the first witness is who the first witness who was the first witness guys the first witness of the people around you unto you heard Allah he fill up the dorsum said so you will witness for me or against me if you saw good from me you will say o Allah this brother taught as Islam he taught us the Quran we went through this year of B so you will witness for me or against me ok so human beings witness for you or against him number 2 after this will be the earth the earth will speak with us will see little of those is Allah how illogical after ask Allah who were calling in Sodom ilaha Yahoo my even too had a baraja on that day the earth will speak about its tails so the second witness is the earth the third are the angels of melodica those who wrote down your deeds that are here with us they are looking at everything they were witness either for you or against you on that day number four your fourth witness is the prophets of allah descendant will either witness for you or against you if you obey his son if you listen to his Sunnah and followed his path he witness for you otherwise he will say robbed be in the cometa ha dejado karana majora oh allah my people have forgotten this quran they left the Quran and that's why we're trying not to forget the Quran today this month ok 4th witnesses the prophets Allah seldom the 5th witness equity who is that is our book of Deeds the soft that the Angels is to write down they are being collated and put together and they will all be presented to us on that day and that is what allows anatella will talk about very soon in the quran the book of deeds that will be presented to us so all our deeds we've been we've been accumulating are being written down everything will be written down and presented to us on the day of judgment so yeah buddy that's why do not say it is reported that imam ahmed rahim allah on his deathbed he was making a sound which resembled that he was moaning let me do one ear pain and then his son came back came down his son solid-solid live in Madrid humble came in and said oh my father I know you're in desperate pain but my father even this has been written down even this don't make and so environment therefore made no more sound until he passed away yeah what the everything has been written down everything's wilted down every found on the face every action of the body every statement of the tongue every single thing written down that is why rasool allah sawas and upset he said well la he I guarantee the middle part of Jannah and the highest part of gender if you never speak a lie even when you're joking if you never speak a lie even when you're joking why because even when you're joking spirit him down so padam laughs oh yeah you can say all it was just a joke or one lie was a joke I was just passing the job no nothing's a joke yahi nothing's a joke everything is serious everything is serious so equity what is that what number witness was that six five perhaps six is your body your skin your bones your eyesight your hearing will all witness for you or against you what does shadow are laying him out of Judah who were that shadow Ali him what is it some absolve him what you know to whom be back I know Yalo moon so Allah subhana tom tells us the quran that his summer and his absorb and his an on his skin and you know the womb will all witness against him so Allah says no Quran were called only to do the him lima Shia Elena a person will look at his skin and say to his own skin why have you witness against me and what would the skin say untuk on Allah who led the untuk a foolish a Allah has given us ability to speak today we could not speak and tell you not to do this when you are sinning with us but today we know when we punish with you but we were still witness against you because we were never with you and you sinned we never was we were never with you when you when you sinned so our body parts were witness against us on that day right and finally finally the final witness is Allah subhana WA tell himself and any of the good deeds Allah has allowed or will allow to witness on that day for us the prayer will witness for or against us the fasting will witness for or against as the end will come as a witness for us or against us and in fact in the last part of this surah allah tells us that this quran whoever it witnesses against allah will punish him and Jahannam forever so if the quran witnesses against you you're destroyed in one event in narration it is reported yeah this is a very severe matter on the day of judgment you can't argue by the way no arguing so there's no like rebuttal you know like what do you say now this is the evidence that's been proffered what do you say now no no regatta the prophesy some said that if someone is debated and rebutted if Allah rebut something that someone says he will be punished if someone is rebutted on that day he will be punished an example rebuttal is what did you do with your life and a person will say oh Allah I gained knowledge with my life and then I spread it in your cause then Allah will rebut him and say you lie you gain knowledge so that you could be called a scholar and you and you spread the knowledge so that people could call you Sheikh and they did and so that was you know world and then you'll be tied up and throwing to Jahannam so that is a rebuttal can you see that never-ever here with e the only answer as our chef used to say equity the only answer you have for allah so much on the day of judgment only answer is your up guilty of everything guilty guilty of every charger totally guilty of everything because you know me better than me you know me better than you allahi allah knows our hearts either when we say with sincere Allah knows whether we truly are sincere or not so don't be but don't be arrogant with guilty of everything we guilty of everything subhanAllah so nothing had really enters into Jannah acceptable as mercy and forgiveness nothing but a las mercy and forgiveness yama even torah dawn alerta famine kaha via from mom an OTA kita Baba who be Amina so Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says as for the one who will have he serve a year zero and that is why the prophecies used to say oh Allah give me he Salva year sirrah he said by us you know we should also make the war to Allah his supper you see Allah what does that mean he serve a asilah means his army Asiri means allah was mentioned his good deeds Allah will mention his bad deeds and forgive all of it and he will mentioned his good deeds and he was saying he accepted it and will give his book in his right hand that's it he's obvious you okay that's his hobby is heroes so we should all make daughter Allah o Allah give us his Ummah yes he'll give us his hobby as hero Allah you see very easy he said we are up not a difficult one because a difficult one who destroy us yes but he who are the people who will have a difficulty son anyone who dies which will have a difficulty son because they will not be able to enter for 500 years who will have a difficult history anyone was harmed a lot of people at this dunya whatever difficulties had anyone was left this dunya without fulfilling his obligations that I do upon him anyone who lives this dunya in this manner will have a difficulty cell here fatigue is reported that al-hasan al-basri used to say by the way does everyone here have an account bank account who is there has bank accounts how many people have bank accounts I'm sure you are putting up your hands people on the on the TV can't see but I'm sure everyone on the on the on this call I'm sure you're all putting up your hands because you can afford a laptop or a computer to be able to see this broadcast imagine you have a bank account so guess what equity you're already from the because only 7% of the people of this world have bank accounts only 7% of seven billion people have bank accounts that's it everyone else can't afford it there are not money this is dawn so you're already from the rich la la la la do you know what that means do not die do not leave your charity for your children on that day just to give to your children give you a charity away before you die it distribute the inheritance before you die to your children give it all away die a poor person die a beggar dies die with nothing you are nothing but the shirt on your body that's it your hoodie the other day I was reading about Suleiman illogically who was the owner of Raja Bank eleven point six billion US dollars owner what did he do he said he distributed wealth from his children gave other wealth away to his to charity that's it I'm a poor man yes Allah yes I love that's exactly right he is the wise man do you know what happens when you leave your inheritance later until you're about to die is that your children fight over your wealth and they can never ever agree who will take what until how many of you know that until now in your own families they haven't divided up the wealth of your grandparents is it true because they can't agree because people are so greedy that's the muscular don't die like that don't leave your charity till you're about to die divide up before then die as a beggar and that as well as a number see like mama used to say but they used to say L have said why is it that you hate earning money so he used to say if it is Haram many of the money that I earned is Haram than fear Jahannam and if it is hilar then fear the questioning fear the questioning because Allah will question us about every single penny and I so mellitus alone nanana then you'll be asked about every blessings of Allah fine for unmanned who dat Taba who be a meanie as for the one who has been given his book in his right hand fire pool ooh ha Oh mukarat whoo get a beer he'll raise up his book and he will tell his people go people read my book how MUC rockateur bein in Toronto and NEMA lock in his idea I knew that I would all one day meet my Hassad Malakand meaning meat he Serbia my concern from a fear a shudder radhiya so he is in the Risha meaning he the the life of raffia the blessed life patient Aradia which is in Jena isn't it the blessed life which is only in general feature netting idea in the highest of gender who - fahara Dania in Jannah the trees and it's and its shade are very very close by the tough seal of even embers for the amount a grandma mentions that when someone enters into Jannah and he looks at this looks at the trees and it sees a beautiful peach for example or what do you feel like lychee for example ok there's no durian so this is your last chance to intern in here guys no Julian and Gemma right with smells so peach or mango free I always have the durian joke with all my Millea brothers and sisters so imagine you have a mango that have seal even a bus mentions that the tree mango tree will actually Bend and come close and bring the mango in front of your mouth so you can take a bite you don't have to go and shake the tree climb the tree and oh you know fall down or say oh you breathe by the way can you please not one of the men goes down there well nothing like that the tree will actually that's what it means by the tofu huh Danny okay COO - for Daniel meaning the tree will actually come and present the fruit in front of you and you can take a pipe in one authentic narration even ambass is reported when a person sees and a bird that feels like eating the board as soon as the season will automatically become barbecued and cooked front of him yes sir can you imagine that go to Luhan here okay if you feel like what do you feel like why you don't have to go to the river of wine which is there no suddenly as soon as if you like white straight away a spring will sprout out and wine will come and you can pour it into your cup and drink masha'Allah - Bartok Allah amazing isn't it go to Fahad Anya so the trees of Jena Adani are close by and Allah will say and angels will say Kahlua shabu honey I eat and drink and be merry bemis left them fill a Yamil halia for all the struggle that he went through in this dunya are we were like going through struggle in this dunya not at all have we ever spent a day without food really other than fasting not at all even students were lacking don't go hungry here well I so have we had one day difficulty in the path of Allah being tortured punished what's happened to her brothers and sisters in Syria has one day even touched us one line oh how can I expect that this will be said to us Kunlun watch in Omaha I am Bhima as left to fill a Yamaha lion eat and drink and be merry for what you went through in the past we didn't go through any difficulty what's wrong with us what's wrong with us is that we are not taking a path to a Lhasa widget we're not doing enough for Allah we're not giving enough in the cause of Allah we're not making our life purely for the sake of Allah so how can we expect allah subhanho wa taala to test us and give us more why will i shall be great it will not be because our Iman is so low so if waiting time to change this is a wake-up call time to change if you want this to be your end that it's time to also have a difficult life in this dunya not by you doing it to yourself but by you seeking a path seeking a path or struggle for the cause of Allah when that happens definitely difficulty will come to you very quickly the profits of a set up said whoever seeks a path whoever loves me truly their poverty strikes him faster than the wind meaning a trial comes from Allah which is financial poverty comes to him faster than the wind that's just an example of how difficulty strikes a person faster than the wind on that day on the day of judgment the prophets um said that the people who were never ever killed in the path of Allah or who had never tortured in the path of Allah will see the reward Allah gives the people who were tortured in the path of Allah and they were wish they will wish that they were tortured in the path of Allah they will wish that their bones were also broken and their skin was also cut off in front of them they would wish that would happen to them because the reward that Allah had given to those people who were tortured in the path of Allah subhanAllah viability fraternity gnarly Acuto for Donnie Acuna bouhanni abdomen stuff to fill area Valhalla um man Oh Thea kita Babu be Chevalley the last one which is the one who's been given his book in his left hand I'm a man oh ticket Abajo be she Molly freya Kuna Yala Tony la muchacha Tommy he'll say all woe to me how I wish I was never ever given this book one of a dreamer he Serbia and how I wish I never ever knew what my hijab was ya later hawk until Katia oh how I wish it was my end what was it my death how I wish my den my death was the end of my life death is not the end of your life Yahoo T it is just entering into a new life another phase in your life so the disbeliever out or the bad Muslim will ask and we will pray oh how I wish my death was the end of my life forever reality is we will all live forever do you know the guys we will all live forever either in Jannah or in Jannah that's the terrible tragedy or life terrible reality yeah later her karna tilcara oh how I wish it was my end mahathma and me Molly my wealth has not benefited me holla Carney Sultana halacha means destroyed and me from me so Tania my right and my status in this dunya meaning I was a king in this dunya was a rich man I was a nobleman of the grotto everything is destroyed nothing you are nothing but a slave of God you are no better than the other person that you can see that to be a beggar you drove our Mercedes that person didn't have a car to walk on but today that person is higher and you are nothing and that is why I holocron diesel Tania Magnani Mallya my worth has benefited me my children benefit me my statism benefited me nothing at all will benefit your equity on that day except your deeds except your deeds so what will it be said whilst he's lamenting in this way what will be said Allah will say who though follow who though grab him for hulu tie him up a low in order who threw for hello grab him and tie him up Thermage ahima salut then take him towards a path towards Jahannam from murphy silsila tinder aloha sir Beruna dolores look oooh and then facility since allah means a rope faciltiy latin verano ha its length sir Beruna there are and 70 yards long first look oooh tie him up meaning tie him up Allah will say take him to a pastoral Jahannam and tie him up on the way with a rope from Jahannam of molten lava that is 70 yards long in one of the narrations from Sufjan authority rahim allah in the tough scene of this verse it is reported the sofyan authority said it is reported it was reported to us from our teachers who heard it from the Sahaba that the Rope will be so severely tied that they will even be brought up from the bottom and brought up from the top of a mouths will be tied up so severely ok so severely will be the tied up then we were taken up from the bottom and the Rope of rubato from the top and we'll be tied up in that way yes Allah from Mafia silsila tinder Aloha Subaru nadir our and Vosloo coup in the who can allow me to be la why witty why this punishment because he never used to believe in Allah the great meaning even though he believed that he was created by Allah but he never ever believed Allah was so great and so as a result he transgressed and he continued to sin why do you sing today equity because we don't think Allah is great enough we sin today because Allah Allah is not less than watching or we don't care if he watches we sin today because we don't realize how great Allah is that is why I hoodie that is a person that will have this fate the one who does not believe in Allah the great everyone believes in God believe me even the atheist believe that there is no God that there is a god what's the proof well the proof is as Winston Churchill said there are no atheist of them on the battlefield you put an atheist on a on the battlefield any watchful he pray to God or not absolutely he will is a coward he will pray he will pray to God and that is the truth in fact I came across a research that was done recently in one of the books of Psychology by some of the professors in America where they had atheists that went through a particular test to see whether they actually believe in God or not atheists hardcore atheists so one group of atheists were made to swear that I swear me my mum be punished I swear am am I so one one group was made to swear about terrible punishments coming to their family okay without taking the name of God another one was made to swear that may God punish my family may God destroy my wife may God destroy my kid right now may God kill my father right in that way by taking the name of God and then they put all these electrodes on their body and hard measures and on the skin to measure their electrical conductance and what they found is whenever they took the name of God that there the internal emotions were far more severe if they weren't if in far more distress so what they said is therefore even atheists inherently they also have some belief in God that's true in life that's true and that's why your hoodie what Allah is talking about here is that not that you didn't believe that there is a God but they that you did not believe that God is great in now who can allow you me Noble I love him when I upper arm in the scheme nor did he encourage the feeding of the poor this is so critical reality we have to feed the poor why are we fasting today if you're not feeding the poor why are you fasting today you should be feeding the poor today as well yeah would he go and find poor people Allah he give charity because Allah says that is why you will be tied up in this way that you don't believe in Allah the great or greatness of Allah and that you didn't feed the poor I remember when I was reading this after Fajr once when I was in my hospital and I said you know what I do a lot of Dow activities and mercy mission but I haven't started a project to feed the poor yet and that was the day when I spoke to my team and I said guys we have to do it that's when we started a project called charity right to feed the people do you know how many people hungry today will go to bed hungry today meaning will only have half a meal or less than one meal today 1.2 billion people of them 780 million and Muslims will go to bed hungry today hungry today that's what Allah says this in the whole kernel I'm going to be late are they voila your hot water for our meal miskeen feed people food a hoodie simple things man I know you're trying to be aeronautical engineer and whatever else you guys are studying masha'Allah great go ahead but it's simple things like this that will make the difference between a gentleman Jahannam of the day simple things like this in the who Canada you know be la Isla de wallah I hope to Allah to Harmony scheme for less Allah who glioma Haruna hammy towards the end Allah says what for laser level Yamaha muna humming so therefore today there is no friend for him no Hamim any close friend for him today on this day of judgment one of our Moon 11 Racine and not to eat except this Lee what is this Lee it is the pus the steam is passed so what will a person in Indiana eat basically as his body is melting from the heat he will lick it and he will eat the pus as it is passing down he will suck it and you will eat it this is the wrist Lee and as the people on top of him are being burned and their pus is coming down he will open his mouth and he will eat their pus what a Tamil in laminar whistling this is called the sling out of Allah Allah says there finally he says what cool ooh-hoo no one will eat this ll heart the own except the ones who are wrong except the wrongdoers who are the wrongdoers the sinners the transgressors those who didn't pray didn't fast those who sinned not caring about a lot of great they are the haughty own they are the ones who will drink this save yourselves save yourselves your tea from this save yourselves from what Allah is saying remember you have with you all of this what we have taken Allah started off by talking about add the mood and all those people who are destroyed because they didn't believe in this so all of this I love tells us now now are you going to believe in it absolutely all this will offer surety come true now it is time to therefore shown this with your actions show that you believe in this with your actions so unless of how to what Allah says for the opposite will be palpable zero so I swear by everything that you can see all human beings women CC Road and I swear by everything that you cannot see as well which is gender jihad Jin's angels as well all of them as well in the whole Nakano Rasool and cream this Quran that is recited to you is nothing but the statement of a noble messenger Rasool in Korean woman who are becau Alicia this is not the words of a point column to oonh how little it is that you believe voilá Bicol iike him nor is it the words of a soothsayer magician kalila methodical how little do you understand it is nothing but an Zillow Mirabella alanine it is nothing but a revelation from the Lord of mankind Allahu Akbar this Quran yayati is the zero Mella biljana mean this is what it is this is what you're reading now are the words of allah subhana wa ta'ala the great and then Allah says Walla Walla Elena Baraka we and if you were to even think that Muhammad SAW Allah Allah or debris analysis Allah had the evil audacity to even add one word or subtract one word one outcome one attica one means to add on something okay to say something that the other person did not say so if I said you said something but this you did not say that the thing is the Koala I use does that make sense I'm trying to say something that you subset which is have actually never actually said or attribute in something to you so they never actually say so Allah says if mssl ammaji breathes the cub one alian maybe if they dare to even say something attributed to me that I did not say well of the Koala like a barrel according a few words only a few sentences few phrases what will a la do la Jara mean who billion e I will grab them both by their necks with my right hand I will grab Muhammad SAW sullen and Jibreel with my right hand look at a last warning yes Allah Allah will grab them with his right hand and I mean who billion mean from Allah Capernaum in Hulu Athene and then in front of you all I will cut off there within what is waiting what is the carotid artery so imagine in front of them Allah will cut of their carotid artery and they will bleed to death in front of you meaning don't you everything that they have added one word or subtracted one meaning every word that you're getting is purely from another with you how powerful is that equity well lying when you read this is like yes Elaraby I am so sorry Allah I rejected the Quran for so long that I had the Quran in my house and I looked for other ways or inspiration or guidance and looked for hidayah in other places I should have looked in the Quran where my words of my lord were sitting there waiting for me to read so Malik autonomy in Halawa team from a min cumin I had an aunt who had is in and on that day if that were to happen no one amongst you could ever has he would ever protect me from him protect them from me okay protect rasulullah SAS energy breathe for me no one could ever protect them from me ye now who'll attest Kira to Lil motorcade so yeah what is o my brothers sisters is that all human beings in the whole disc or ad is nothing but earth Kira to Lil muttaqeen is only a reminder for the people of piety people who fear allah azzawajal well in an amine could look at the bead and I know that amongst you are few those who are liars those who say that you are muta clean but inside you're actually liars you still don't believe in what I'm saying so Allah says that don't you think that you're all righteous be worried that you might be hypocrite well in Malibu and amine kombucha tea bean and I know that amongst you are some of you who are look at the me though you say you are so deeply you actually look at the bean or in the hoola has flattened RL carefully and this Quran or in the who meaning one header Quran this victim lajas rotten will be a hassle what is Hazara and regret ll carefully are you are so this Quran witness against a Sephora chot if you read the Quran you try to understand it this Quran will say Yara P I kept him up awake Europe prevent him from Jahannam prevent him from Jahannam we're in now last low-poly carefully and you will witness against those people who rejected it why in the hula hokule'a theme and this is nothing but the manifest truth in that sentence Allah says it this is definitely the truth in two different ways in the home definitely most definitely love this Islam lamb with a kid how cool a king this is the absolute truth as if you are seeing in three ways Allah has said that this Quran is most definitely from allah azza wajal well in who were in man who loved how cool you came three ways huh so Pamela can you see how definitely are not saying this is definitely from water from Allah for sudden miss me Rebecca Levine so glorify the name of your Lord the most high Allah workable whoever how powerful is this here with the amazing is an amazing amazing surah let me read in Arabic in Charlotte five minutes in China and maybe in the lab try and follow the words and feel the power of the Quran as it touches you in sha Allah bismillah al-rahman al-rahim ah-ha-ha-ha wama adraka ma Casa Bassam udoit dumbbell Korea from Massimo funny kobito via amara doofus lick obedience or sorry Nadia Sahara Harlem 7-iron you was a man yet I am in no soma futur uncle Murphy house Soraka and Arjuna Flynn Korea sallallahu memeber Pia wha-ha-ha Kabbalah who won mudafucka to bilharzia Faso Rasul Allah P him for akhada whom a coup d'etat Rabia in maha monacan village area lineage Allah Hannah come to the Kira Tom what are you Odin waria VII da Luffy Havasu in a fatwa Haida waha militant Aldo al Jabar Rauf ado kata-kata Waheeda try yo ma easy walk our tilapia one chef party sama over here Yama idioma he won my luck wanna Raja uh-huh Wyeth mine wanna shut up because oh oh oh me oh my Ilyas tomania yama idiot oregon anata farm income Coffea famine oth it Abajo be a meanie fea pono ha Korra Okita BIA in near onon to any moon up in high sabbia follow Phoenicia till Rabia fee janet Ananya coo tofu ha dhaniya Konoha shabu honey um Bhima a sloth on Phil oh yeah milhorn iya wah mom an OT Akita bajo be she money fire pole fie upon we are Leighton Elam Ulta Kataria wallam a dream ahi sabbia y'all ain't AHA Khan Attila cornea ma ivana pneumonia Honiton nice um Tanya who do follow Oh Somalia hemo solo Oh some Muffy Cincinnati no Roja Saburo nadir on face loco in Naju kannada you mean oh billahi l-'aliyyi wanna yahood wanna pour a meal miskeen phallus alibi Omaha muna Hamim wala for our Moon alam in Riesling la a cool oh ho ll hot yo all follow Oh Moby matobo's yawn la mala como si or on in Naju Nakano Rosalyn Karim Wamba who Abbie Cornish our air con ella mató me known wannabe Konica in canina matada Cahoon tansy Lommel rabbul aalameen Walt a koala Elena bottle Ocoee La Paz Nam in ho Billy Amin Samana Cottenham in halwa teen from a mill cumin a Hadean an who Jean one in Hulett oscuro to nil muta pin when Alana an iguana milk on mocha d-beam when hula hushirat' to neuronal carefully when hula hokule'a pee in first baby smear up beacon of the zocolo here hamdulillah a las mercy and blessings we've been able to finish three suitors from surah hop called hamdullah only eight suitors to go next next week in Charlotte on a Friday Saturday Sunday again inshallah we will restart restart with sort of marriage and then inshallah dialer carry on with the suitors after that very very beautiful suitors all coming up the story of the perfect that I know Hollister Salam coming up surah marriage all about injunctions Allah wants us to do so that we succeed on the day of judgment coming up in surah marriage surah in Sun coming up with allah subhanhu the talking about joining a detailed description of Jannah coming up and what that are talking about surah G so everything you want to know about jinn all coming up in sha allah and very interesting stuff about black magic and jinn and all the unseen world mashallah Tabarrok allah don't miss it please tell everyone if they can make it they should make it if they can't and login insha'Allah Allah online banila missing miss out then you really miss out okay I'll see you on Friday 5:15 sharpen Charlotte's a macaque political coup what a Gris
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 32,285
Rating: 4.8518519 out of 5
Keywords: Divine Connection - Surah Al Haqqah - Day 3 - Tawfique Chowdhury, Tawfique Chowdhury, Divine Connection, Surah Al Haqqah, The Inevitable, Muhammad, Quran, Al-Haaqqa, Koran, Prophet, Shakira, Truth, Lie, Steal, Tafseer, sunnah, Sheikh, sufi, sufis, Ahmed, Sufism (Idea), Nasheed, beneficial reminders!, Allah destroyed, People of Nuh, Lut, lot, Firawn, Day of Judgement, chilling, journey, Judgement, Surah Al Haqqah (The Inevitable)
Id: hV5u7uoNfl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 11sec (3491 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 17 2013
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