Sankore - Learn While Playing

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welcome to the Jung games tutorial for sankare in this video I'll be teaching you the rules to the game as it's being played and I will be showing the first many rounds of the game today now before I go into that I would like to ask that if you enjoy this video that you please click the like button for it down below as well as the Subscribe button for the channel in addition to that if you'd like to directly support the channel and gain access to a ton of exclusive content then please go to jat games some of those exclusives include my dozens of opinions episodes where I've talked about my opinion on hundreds of different games the things I like and don't like about those games and I come back and give updated opinions as I continue to play them you can also watch some of my videos early and advertisement free and you'll get access to an exclusive podcast feed where you can hear audio versions of all of my Vlogs including those opinions episodes now coming back to this game I do want to ask that if while you're watching this some part of it jumps out to you as particularly interesting then please comment about that down below because I'd love to see that kind of feedback all right let's jump into the game out here we have the game fully set up and ready to play for for our three different players now before I start I would like to ask that you please turn on the klling on subtitles I might make mistakes as I'm showing you the game and those will let me put Corrections on the screen where you should be able to see them and I will also put Corrections below this video in the top comment well let's start things off with a brief overview of the game it is set in the year 1325 and specifically each player is the master of a school at the University of sanare in timbuk 2 the goal for each of us is to increase The Prestige of our schools as part of the University and the university in general as we want to impress the world with the quality of students that we teach now at the University there are four main disciplines mathematics theology astronomy and law as the game goes on we will all be instructing our students in a variety of these different disciplines and we do that by teaching the students and that promotes them up to higher and higher classes now mechanically the way the game works is on each player's turn they must perform two different actions and the main action of the game involves teaching a student that means you take a student you then have them attend the class above where they are if the class is Advanced which means it's larger then you can potentially gain matching bonuses if the student color matches you will also be able to activate various skills that are associated with the discipline being taught and then most importantly this will activate the discipline area action associated with that class once again the four disciplines are out here on this main board and the action that you perform is different for each of these disciplines over here in the law area we're going to place these crowns down and these will give us access to various skills that we can then activate when we perform the associated classes in the future instead in the mathematics area we are going to be placing down walls these are going to project our influence in the horizontal and vertical lines giving us the ability to activate the effects of these tiles flipping them over and then we are going to VY to take these tiles as Prestige at the end of the game based off of the majority of walls that are pointing towards them over here in the theology area we are going to place mosques down and these are going to give us books now there are many ways to gain books but these are one of the most important elements of the game because these can be used to gain various advanced classes that can be placed onto our board and when we do that we contribute it to the library and the position of these books in the library will dictate the amount of points we get for prestige tokens at the end of the game once again the goal of the game is to have the most points and you get points with Prestige now these are Prestige points here they start the game being worth zero points but they'll be worth more points if there's a majority of that color book on a bookshelf at the end of the game so as we are contributing these books we will be manipulating the relative value of prestige and of course players will gain prestige in a variety of ways including these tokens here the final discipline that can be taught is astronomy and the way this works is we are going to move our camel across North Africa we leave timbuk 2 and we go to various places we are going to establish trading posts on these locations and generally our ultimate goal is to reach one of the port cities around the outside to place a trading post into those giving us access to much more powerful effects after attending class the student moves up and as you can see in this way the students start at the bottom and work their way up to the top they can be graduated to gain Prestige as well and I'll explain that when we're playing now you may be wondering how we get new students and that is one of the actions players can perform specifically for an a player can take the rightmost student from any of these lines and they place that student onto their matching introductory class at the bottom of their board now this is also going to drive the main scoring of the game specifically when the fourth student is taken from this row we are going to have a book scoring and then when the last student is taken from this we will have a Prestige scoring specifically each of the areas on the board has four different scoring sub areas and the player with the majority of their pieces in that sub area will either take the book if it's the book scoring or the prestige token if it is the prestige scoring so in this way players are trying to seek majorities in various areas of the board including these wall segments out here as well as various trading posts in Northern Africa mosques over in the theology area as well as the crowns over in the law area there's one more very important concept to mention in the overview and that is that as the game goes on players will gain access to these sanor tiles and when they do they place them here into the madrasa specifically they place it onto the lowest value number and then gain the benefit that's printed there so in this way we are going to fill this out and remember we can gain these benefits with the walls and at the end of the game we're vying to take these as Prestige based off of where our wall tokens are and the game is going to end once all 12 of these spots are filled in and everyone takes the same number of turns at that point we'll determine how much Prestige each color is worth and then players will gain points for their prestige tokens with the player who has the most points being the winner now obviously there's quite a bit more going on to this game than what I've talked about so far and don't worry I'll explain how all of this works in detail while we are playing on that note I think it's time to start playing the game and it begins with the player who has the starting player token that's the red player here and we are going to play as the red player for this tutorial so let's now take the first turn of the game now the structure of a player's turn is simple we must perform two different main actions and there are five different main actions available I think for our first action we are going to enroll a student now the way this works is we look out to the board and specifically to the student cues that are associated with each of the four areas then we enroll the student that is farthest to the right in that queue I think I'd like to enroll this law student here and when we do that we simply remove them from the queue now I do want to point out that this is an overlay board that's used in a three-player game in a four-player game the queue looks like that and in a a two-player game you flip these boards over now during setup we randomly placed these students out into the que and once again the one farthest to the right over here was a law student now I do want to point out that there are various icons underneath these spots and if there is a new icon revealed as a student is enrolled then you perform that effect I'll explain how these icons work later on in the game though obviously there was no effect here and now we have to place this enrolled student into our school now as you can see we have an area for classes here in the Middle with each of these tiles being a class at the start of the game everyone gains four of these introductory classes one in each of the four disciplines we also all drafted one advanced class in this case we have a mathematics class now when you enroll a student they must go underneath the matching introductory class shown at the bottom of the player board in this case we have enrolled a law student so we must place them in the empty spot underneath the law introductory class all right we finished our enroll student action and remember on our turn we must perform two actions and they must be different so we cannot perform another enroll a student action and I think for our second action we are going to teach a class now this action has five steps that are performed in order it's the most complex action in the game and it's the most frequently activated action in the game the first step involves choosing one student that is directly underneath a class now classes are these scroll tiles here and there are two different types of classes we have introductory classes that are placed at the bottom of the board during setup and and there are advanced classes that go up here in these various areas now this is an advanced class we start the game with one of these everyone drafted these during setup and once again we now have to choose a student and we are going to activate them now we are going to activate this mathematics student and we're going to place them onto the class they are directly underneath and they are going to take that class so we've done the first step out of five where we have activated a student and for the second step of the teach class action if this is an advanced class that's being taught we can act activate all of the skills associated with that discipline now once again these are advanced classes but the ones at the bottom are introductory and that means we are not going to be activating any skills even if we had them skills show up on these gear locations to the side of the various disciplines so for example if we had this skill here that would be associated with mathematics but because we are not teaching an advanced class we would not activate this however instead if we were teaching an advanced class you can see in the bottom left corner there is that icon and that There To Remind us that because it's an advanced class we can activate all of the skills associated with that discipline so in this case we would gain one salt that we could place over here now of course we are not activating an advanced class so we would not activate this skill even if we had it but we don't have the skill either so we skip over the activate skills second step and move into the third step where we potentially activate the student bonus when we focus in you can see on every class both introductory and advanced there is a student bonus area area that shows a student of the color that matches that discipline now this is the moment where if the student color matches the discipline of the class that's being taught we gain the benefit that's shown so if for example this lost student was taking a mathematics class that does not match up with the student bonus and we would not get anything for this third step of the action but we would continue on and still do some pretty good things on our turn of course in this case we are teaching an introductory class so by definition this student must match that class when it's performed so this student bonus matches which means we gain the effect that is the same for all of the introductory classes specifically it increases our favor token once on the favor track the favorite track is in the top right corner of the main board and when we advance on this track we simply move our token over now that let us Advance once so we go there it's important to note that this token is going to go to the right and it never goes back to the left and if you are ever at the end of the track and you gain more advancements all of those excess advancements are ignored so our token is on the first spot and as you you can see there are various icons underneath these locations one of the actions we can perform is gaining favor which will allow us to gain these various benefits or take favor blocking tokens from our board and I'll explain how that action works in detail when we get there for now though we can see that our favor token has been moved up once with the optional third step done we can now move into the fourth step of this teach action where we are going to perform the area action of this discipline on the board once again the main board is split into disciplines with law mathematics Theology and astronomy occupying essentially all of the board except for these graduation tiles here now this is a mathematics class so we are just going to focus on this area of the board and in particular up here we have icons that show us how we perform this area action so what we do is first place one of our walls down onto an empty wall spot that matches or is lower than our current knowledge level now before we can perform the area action we have to ascertain our current knowledge level in that discipline now knowledge level can come from a few different sources and the first of these comes from the student queue down here you probably noticed this plus one and plus two down there of course at the beginning of the game there was just the plus one but it became plus two when we enrolled this student and the highest number that's showing down here is the amount of shared knowledge that we gain access to with this action it's called shared knowledge because obviously any player gets access to this when they perform this action so by enrolling this student earlier the shared knowledge available to us is two instead of one so we have two shared knowledge and we can add to that the amount of knowledge that we have in that discipline specifically at our school now this shows up in that area of our board and specifically it will show up down here once we start placing these wall tokens out so in the very beginning of the game we have zero school specific knowledge in mathematics or any of the other disciplines so that means right now our knowledge value is two shared plus Zer School knowledge and the last area we can potentially gain knowledge from is the student bonus associated with the action that we're doing to give an example of this we can see that is an advanced class for mathematics the student bonus here says plus two knowledge that means if we were doing this action with that advanced tile with a matching mathematics student then that would give us two extra knowledge that we can add to our overall total if that was the case we would have 2 + 0 + 2 or four but of course this is not the case so currently the only knowledge that we have is coming from the shared knowledge on the board and that means our total knowledge for this action is two now the way we count up knowledge is the same for all four of the disciplines and once we have our total knowledge value we can perform the area action which is going to be different for each of the four disciplines in this case we are performing the mathematics area action and the first thing that we are going to do is remove the bottommost wall from our board that's this wall right here and that of course means in the future when we perform another mathematics action this will provide plus one knowledge to our overall knowledge total and then we are going to place this onto an empty wall spot around the border of the sankur madrasa this is specifically the university that we are all working with now you may have noticed there are numbers associated with each of the spots where we can place the wall and that is the amount of total knowledge that we at least have to have in order to place a wall there once again we have two total knowledge so that means we can place this wall on the one or two spots that are available and there are two ones and there are two twos I think let's go down here onto that two knowledge requirement so we can place the wall down now there is another requirement to place this wall in addition to the knowledge threshold and that in the case of the mathematics area is books now specifically you can see this red ribbon that goes underneath all of these actions that means this cost applies to all of those spots and likewise there are red ribbons under these spots with those costs applying to all of the spots that the ribbon goes through now the cost for placing a wall on one of the horiz ials is a single book of any color If instead we had placed this wall onto one of the verticals we would have to contribute to different books and this would have to be a supported class now I'll explain the details of how supported classes work later on for now of course we went over here and at the start of the game we only have one book so this is going to be the book that we contribute and again we can contribute a book of any color for this action and when we contribute books we have to immediately place them into the library now the library is this entire board here and it's made up of three very long shelves I do want to point out that this is the suggested side to play with usually but you can play with the opposite Advanced side that actually has six different shelves with a different attribution for each side I'll explain the details of how this side is different when we're going over end game scoring later in the tutorial for now we're going to have this side here and we can place this book into any of the shelves it doesn't really matter at this point because it's the first book placed and when you place a book down you have to put it on onto the leftmost open slot so let's just put this one here so we've successfully placed this wall by meeting the knowledge requirement and the resource payment requirement and now we're going to gain the benefit of one sanor tile that is in the line associated with where we placed the wall that is also not flipped over to its Prestige side during setup we placed these specific tokens down over here in a random orientation and every single one of these sanor tiles has a Prestige icon on the backside that matches the color of the tile you can also see that icon that shows you the type of prestige that's on the back now what we do here is again choose one tile in this line that's not flipped over to the prestige side if there is one and then we gain the benefit so we have just this option because that is the line with our wall and that icon is one we've already seen that will increase us once on the favor track so we'll slide this over once and then we are going to flip that sanor tile over and on the back of every one of these tiles is a Prestige icon that matches is the discipline of the corresponding tile color now this is going to stay flipped over for the rest of the game and at the end of the game we will have the potential of winning this Prestige off the board so that we can score it as long as we have the most of our walls pointing towards it you'll notice this spot has four different locations for walls to be pointing towards it so if we're able to place this for example over here then that would be two of our walls pointing towards it compared to maybe one of one opponent and one of another opponent and having the majority means we take this and score it now I'll explain the details of how we take these tiles from the madrasa during endgame later on in the tutorial after flipping over that tile the final thing that we gain is gold and specifically we gain an amount of gold equal to the amount of gold icons that show up in the line that we used this is the reason we decided to go here on that two instead of up there on this two because that two is associated with two gold icons whereas this one is associated with three so we gain three gold resources and specifically speically we do this by taking those tokens from the supply and then we place these into our area now specifically we have storage areas for the three resources in the game those being salt gold and inspiration and these spots on the board show how many of each resource we can store at the end of our turn we can have an unlimited amount of these resources in the middle of our turn but at the end we will have to place these down over here and lose any excess so you can keep these off to the side when you gain them and put the monteer board at the end of the turn or place the monteer board immediately if you'd like well after gaining the gold we are done with the mathematics area action and the final thing that we have to do is promote the student that just took this class now the way this works is you move the student from the class up and you follow one of these arrows we can see there are two arrows from this position whereas if they were on that class there would not be a choice now when you promote a student they have to follow an arrow and they must go onto an empty spot if there are no empty spots available because there are students on those locations already then the promoting student is actually removed from the game so you certainly don't want that to happen and in fact there are bonus actions that can help you get out of a jam and I'll explain those later on for now though we can see we do have two options and we can go over here even though there is no class on this spot but I don't think that makes sense let's promote over there so that our mathematics student is underneath our advanced mathematics class so we can potentially teach this class in the near future and place another wall onto the board of course in order to do that we need books and we don't currently have any books so we'll just have to see how soon it is that we actually teach that class well let's finished our second action and I do want to point out that during our turn we can take any number of bonus actions that we want between the main actions that we perform there are four different bonus action options and three of them are printed down here now I mentioned that inspiration is a resource you can only hold up to two of these from one turn to the next and as a bonus action you can spend an inspiration to gain one of these benefits the right one is simple you simply take any book from the supply and add it onto your bookshelf I do want to point out though that you can hold at most three books of a color in that Associated bookshelf so if you already have three then you cannot gain any more the next option involves moving a student through a class upwards so we could spend this inspiration to move this student up there or if there was an advanced class here already for example this then we could spend that inspiration to essentially bypass this introductory class so that they could jump right in and take this class sooner rather than later of course that does cost inspiration and inspiration is not the easiest thing to come by the last option that you can do as a bonus action by spending an inspiration is moving a student to another open spot within its specific row as long as it is not down here in the introductory area so you cannot spend an inspiration to move a student from one introductory class to another but you can do this to move a student from any of these slots to any of the other ones so in this way you could spend inspiration to move a student out of the way if you need to open up a slot for a promoting student that's going to be coming up now once again you cannot perform these bonus actions in the middle of your main actions and you do have to keep that in mind the fourth and final type of bonus action you can do on your turn is completing objectives during setup everyone randomly got four of these and if we meet the requirement at the top we can reveal the card and then we will gain the benefits that are shown on it these are the four that we got and I'll explain the details of them as we proceed but I do want to point out this one right here it says we can complete this objective once we have two wall pieces in the same region of the map once we do that we will receive a discount of one salt when we place mosques down to a minimum cost of one and this is one of the reasons we're focusing on placing walls early because I'd love to place mosques down with a discount we also have it looks like this objective that has to do with mosques so it makes sense I think to get the discount from placing walls down before we start placing mosques down to try and complete this objective in addition to gaining the benefit that's shown on the bottom you also gain Prestige at the end of the game of course depending on the value of that school's Prestige when the game is over obviously we can't complete any of these yet but if we built another wall in any of these slots into that region then not only will that help us compete for the majority in this region which I will explain later on but it will also let us unlock that objective hopefully sooner rather than later I don't think we're going to perform any bonus actions at this point though so we can move to the last part of our player turn where we first check for majority scorings now a majority scoring happens if at some point during the turn a student was enrolled from a board where that student was associated with one of the two scorings so if during our turn that student handbid enrolled that would trigger a book scoring at the end of the turn likewise once this one is enrolled that would trigger a Prestige scoring now I think I'll explain how these scorings work in more detail later on on obviously neither of them were triggered on this first turn of the game the final thing we check during the end of turn step is we have to make sure we don't have too much salt gold inspiration or books the limits are printed here on the board with three books of each discipline type four salt being our Max six gold and two inspiration obviously that's not the case for us here though so that means we are done with our end of turn step and our first turn of the game is done and that means play is going to move clockwise over here and the white player can now take their turn so they have to take their first out of two and they've decided to begin by teaching a class they only have this one student here it is a theology student and they are going to teach this introductory class in theology so the student has been activated and the student does match the bonus on the class which means they will increase their favor by one this will bring them to the first spot and then they can perform the theology area action that area is over here and they of course have to start by figuring out how much total knowledge they have now they are gaining ging one shared Knowledge from that area of the board then they Gain No Knowledge from the class or from the school part of their board because they haven't placed any of these mosques down yet so their total knowledge is one and this means they can take a mosque from the bottom of those available to them and then place it onto a spot that has a knowledge value of one there are two of these as you can see all of these books were placed down randomly at the start of the game it just happens that in both of these cases those are astronomy books out of these two options they decided to go here and as you can see there is an extra cost specifically this bottom row is going to cost one salt if they were placing in the middle row that would cost two salt and if they were placing up at the top that would cost three salt and this would have to be a supported class once again I'll explain how supported classes work later on obviously they do not have seven or eight knowledge in order to actually go up here and activate at that level everyone starts the game with one salt though so they can afford this so that means they will take this book they'll Place their mosque on that spot and then of course spend their salt and place the book they just gained onto their bookshelf now that's finished the theology area action but let's talk a little bit more about it before we move on let's once again look back over here because I do want to mention that if you go to the middle row you will gain the book as normal you of course have to pay one more salt and it has the extra benefit of activating all of your skills in the associated discipline this one is associated with theology so if they had done that they would activate all of their theology skills if we once again look at the top here it does cost the most to perform these actions but if you're able to build a mosque up here then the leftmost option is going to give you a skill token you do need seven total knowledge for that and the right one requires eight total knowledge now this skill token right here gives them access to a specific skill tile when we take a look at it this would be placed into the theology area of their board and and then every time they activate this tile in the future by teaching an advanced class in theology in this case they would gain one theology Prestige from the supply whenever players gain prestige tokens they place them into their Prestige storage and it is worth noting that they have a limit to the number of prestige they can have this is blocked by these and they can actually gain and lose these blockers and I'll explain how that works relatively soon let's look back up here because this other option requires you to have eight total knowledge and what this effect lets you do is you remove one of the matching students from your area in this case that being a theology student and you place them into one of these four spots over in the mathematics area where the madrasa is you can see the theology icon right over here after placing this down you count the number of prestige showing on flipped over sanor tiles that matches that student and then you gain that number of prestige tokens from the supply so obviously if this happened right now there are zero of the the ology Prestige showing but if this was flipped up and this was placed there there' be one and you'd gain one of course the white player is nowhere near actually doing any of this I just wanted to explain how all of these various benefits activate when we get more and more knowledge now there is actually one more element up here that you do get if you're the first person to place on the left or the right on the top row of one of these areas now that is a sanur tile and each time a player gains a sanur tile they immediately take the benefit that's showing on it in this case you can do an exchange of favor action and then you place this onto the lowest uncovered number so the first one of these will be placed here the second will go there then there and there as we fill up the madrasa now this is how we get more tiles down that players can flip over with their walls when they do mathematics actions and this is also the endgame timer the only way the game ends is once 12 of these tokens have been placed to the point where this is covered up at that point we will keep playing until everyone has taken the same number of turns and then we'll move into final scoring now I'll explain how final scoring Works later on but as you can see gaining these Sor tiles is the only way that we proceed towards the end of the game in order to gain these you need quite a bit of total knowledge as well as quite a bit of salt and obviously that is not what the white player is doing right now so once again they have completed their theology area action and now they can promote their student and they will go here now they do have to perform one more action at this point and for this they've decided to do the first exchange of favor action of the game the icon for that looks like this and every time you perform this action you have to choose one of two options the first option is you can gain one of these Prestige blocking favor tiles and you can gain the reward under your favor token or to the left of it the white player token is here so that is their only option but if it had been here for example they could have chosen any of these three options now they are here and that means they can take a gold or a salt and they've decided to to take the salt this means they take ass salt from the supply and they place this blocking token here that is covered up two spaces where they could store prestige tokens now prestige tokens are how you get all of your points in the game so being able to store a bunch of these is important but they currently don't have any of them now you may be wondering how you remove these and that is also associated with the exchange of favor action remember each time you do this action you either add one of these and gain a benefit from the track or you just remove the top one of these from your area but of course you don't gain any benefits when you do that so you can keep doing that as you can see unlocking more and more spots of course it only really makes sense to spend your actions doing that if you need those spots right now they have a lot of capacity for prestige tokens so they figure they may as well lower that capacity to gain some salt well that's finished their exchange of favor action and that means they are done with both of their actions it looks like they are not over their limit on any of their resources and no scorings were triggered on their t turn so they are done this means we can move clockwise to the yellow player and they've decided for their first action to enroll a student they want to pick the astronomy area so they're going to enroll the rightmost student from that queue in this case that happens to be a mathematics student and of course they must place it underneath their introductory Mathematics class that has finished their enroll a student action and now they want to teach a class they could teach either of these two introductory classes and they've decided to go with the astronomy class this is an introductory class class so of course they don't gain any skill advantages and they do have a student match with the class so they gain that benefit which increases them once on the favor track this brings them to the first spot and now they can perform the first astronomy area action of the game they of course begin by ascertaining how much knowledge they have they have none from their player board since they haven't placed any of these trading posts yet and the class they're activating also doesn't give them any this means all of the knowledge they're gaining is shared and because they enrolled a student the shared knowledge is at two so their total knowledge is two and as you can see there are travel lines radiating out from the city with knowledge numbers on them now as you travel you are going to use knowledge up essentially and you can go as far as you want going from one spot to the next as long as you have enough knowledge now again they have two knowledge and they've decided from here they're going to travel there which used up one of their knowledge which means they have one knowledge remaining and unfortunately that's not enough for them to go further with this travel they're still okay with that so they're going to stop here with their camel and it is worth noting that you cannot stop on a location that has any other players camels or any other players trading posts speaking of trading posts once the camel stops they can spend one gold to build a trading post on this spot they started with two gold so they can certainly afford this and then they can take their bottommost trading post from their board and place it right over here now the cost when placing into these oases is always going to be one gold and the benefit for placing is always going to be two Salt so they can take two salt from the supply which means they now have three salt total now that's finished their astronomy action but before we move on from their turn I'd like to talk a little bit more about some of the other things that can happen up here the first thing to mention is that every time you start an astronomy action you can optionally take your camel from wherever it is and reset it back to timbuk 2 before you then start traveling again the second thing to mention is that every time the first camel crosses one of these four dotted lines that player is going to gain the associated Sor tile and once again they get to activate that effect and then they place it into the madrasa over in the mathematics area the next thing to point out is the fact that there are oases all over the land but on the edges there are a variety of ports now every time a player reaches a port they will have the option of placing a trading post there but the cost is going to be two or three gold depending depending on which Port it is and it must be a supported class now I've mentioned this many times and once again I will explain the details of that soon the benefits of placing into a port are either going to be a specific skill token so that token right there which is then placed on the player's board and gives them books associated with the discipline this skill is next to or you can place your Trading Post on one of these two spots which will give you that Prestige token that you then put into your storage and that you'll hopefully gain victory points for at the end of the game now as soon as a player puts a trading post anywhere in a port they must reset their camel back to timbuck two now again some of these ports only cost two gold and some cost three those are the ones that are furthest away and in fact I want to highlight these over here because if you place a trading post onto that bonus you can take one wall from your board and place it for free into the mathematics area and if there is no wall over here yet then you can place it onto that spot you can see the astronomy icon there shows that this wall location is reserved for a player who gets to place there from one of those two ports well I think we're done talking about astronomy right now and I do want to briefly mention that yes I have not gone into the details of these books and prestige tokens in the green boxes in all of the various areas of the board don't worry I'll explain how that works soon now before we move on from here I'd like to show you a handy player Aid right over here what this means is in the astronomy area you're going to primarily gold to get salt in the theology area you're going to primarily spend salt to gain books and in the mathematics area you primarily spend books in order to gain gold so you can easily see what you are working towards as you manage the resources that you are gaining well yellow is done with their second action and their turn is over that means we can now take our second turn of the game I think for our first action let's jump right into teaching a class we're going to teach a law class with a law student these colors match which means we get the student bonus of increasing our favor once which means when we perform the exchange a favor action and take a benefit we can take a gold a salt a book of any color or we can gain one student of any color from anywhere in any que on the board now we can perform the law area action and we start by counting knowledge we get none from over here or from the class so far which means we just get the one shared knowledge so our total knowledge is one now what we do is choose one of these bonuses that are empty that has a knowledge value of equal to or lower than our total knowledge and we have to pay the associated cost now we have one total knowledge which means we could go here here or here and I think this is where we want to go in addition to the one knowledge we also have to spend one gold if we were placing up here we would of course need four or six total knowledge and it would cost a Sol instead of a gold and along the top it costs a book and the class has to be supported of course we only have one total knowledge so we're going to go here that means we have to spend one gold which we can easily do then we place our lowest Crown onto that spot and we going to gain the indicated skill tile this comes from the supply and then we specifically have to put it into the area that matches the discipline where we placed the crown this is the astronomy discipline area so we'll place that here and in the future whenever we activate an advanced astronomy class we'll activate all skills over there and that will include advancing twice on the favor track I do want to point out that you can have at most three skills in each of these discipline areas and if you get a fourth one you can discard a previous skill to make room for the new one that has finished our law area action but let's talk a little bit more about this area before we move on now as I mentioned you can spend salt to go along here or a book as well as having a supported class to take from the top and you may have noticed this Sor tile right here in the middle of those that means the first player to put a crown on any of these locations will also take that sanor tile gain the benefit that's listed and then put it over into the madrasa covering the lowest face up number this saner tile bonus lets you choose one discipline and activate all skills associated with that discipline the last thing to mention over here is what happens when you place your crown along the top of course the restrictions and payment is the highest and if there are any overflow items in the top you get those as well let's focus on a student queue I mentioned earlier that when you enroll a student from either of these locations that would trigger the associated scoring but in addition to that the prestige token next to that student will go into the Overflow spot in the law area on that indicated discipline so once this student is enrolled that Prestige token will be placed onto the Overflow for the law area which is right up here and again any player who places here or here gathers everything in the Overflow and gets to take it now it is possible that Prestige as well as potentially books can be placed into the Overflow area later on when we do scorings and I'll explain how that can work very soon now of course we placed here with our crown and now that we're done with our law area action we have to promote this student we can go there or there I think we'll head to this spot on the right that finished one of our two actions for the other action I think I want to exchange a favor we are going to take one of these blocking tokens and then I would like a book in particular I'd like to take a law book which means we take that from the supply I do want to mention that the supply is limited if there are no books of the specific color you want then you can't get access to it so we'll place that here we'll Place The Prestige blocking favor token here and that's finished our turn this means it's time for white to go but before we see their turn I think now it is finally time for us to talk about the majority scorings I've alluded to these several times and again these happen near the end of a player's turn where either of these scoring options have been uncovered by having that student be enrolled now again this is the book scoring and that is the prestige scoring and mechanically they work the same it's just the rewards that are different to explain this let's look back at the mathematics area now as you've probably noticed there are these green spots in each of the areas specifically there are four of them in each of the four areas of the board and each of these has a Prestige token that matches that area and then a book there is one of each book type that are placed on these specific spots during setup now the way the scoring works is we are going to check majorities within each subsection of that area for the mathematics area that has us counting up the walls within each of the four sides of the madrasa when we're doing the book scoring that means the player who has a majority of walls in that specific area will gain the book whereas when we're doing The Prestige scoring the player with the most walls in that area is going to gain this Prestige token if there is a tie between players for having the most then the player who has a token on the highest value spot will break the tie in their favor so as you can see we are currently vying for this book and that Prestige token because we placed one wall over here when we look at the law area you can see it is split into the four disciplines and within those disciplines we have the book and the prestige benefits so once again we are going to count a majority of crowns within each of these four discrete areas and if there's a tie the player who has the highest value Crown in that area will gain the book or the prestige depending on which scoring we are doing when we look at the theology area this works exactly like the law area it's split into four areas with those four disciplines with the bonus going to the player with the majority in that area the last area of the board is astronomy and as you can see it is also split into four areas with these geographical zones within each one of these zones there is the book and the you scoring and the way this works is you just count the number of trading posts that players have within that overall area and again the player with the most will take the book or the prestige depending on which scoring this is now I did mention earlier that it's possible during scoring for books as well as Prestige to go into these overflow areas that specifically happens if there are no players in that specific scoring area when the scoring happens or if the player who wins the book or the prestige doesn't have enough room to hold it then in this case the items are placed into the Overflow area that matches the area scoring that just happened so for example if there was a book scoring in the mathematics area right now we would gain this book but then these other three books would be unclaimed because no one has a token in them and we put them into the Overflow matching the scoring and again the first player to place a crown in the top row of that sub area of the law area will take everything from that overflow so that's how the majority scorings work and now let's come back to the white players turn they have decided to start start with an enroll a student action and they are going to enroll this student here from the astronomy queue now before we move on I want to briefly talk about some of the other icons on the student queue this icon right here says when a player enrolls a student from that spot they get to do an exchange of favor action as a bonus that does not count as one of their two mandatory main actions remember one of the action options for those main actions is exchanging a favor this just gives you the option of doing another one the other icon to explain is this one once that student is enrolled that player is going to take a saner token that matches that specific spot and they'll place it onto the lowest uncovered number over in the madrasa as you can see these are double-sided they show prestige on each side and the benefit for the player who puts this down is activating that gaining one of the associated Prestige so let's come back over here and the white player must place this astronomy student underneath their introductory astronomy class and then they're going to activate that class they will go here they have a a match with their student which is going to bump them once on the favor track so they go here and then they must perform the astronomy area action they have no Knowledge from their player board but there is three shared knowledge out here because there's been a couple of students enrolled that means the white player has three total knowledge and unfortunately for the yellow player white is going to use that to go one to three now again you can pass through areas that have other players trading posts but you cannot stop there once they cross this line we can see they are the first player to do so so they'll activate this saner tile the bonus for it activates for the white player that's going to get them one inspiration and this will go here onto the one because that was the lowest uncovered number the white player now has two inspiration and that is the maximum they can carry from one turn to the next now they are going to build a trading post so they can remove this and place it there as long as they spend one gold and then they will gain two Salt they do do have the gold to spend and now they have a lot of salt that's finished the area action so they can promote that student and at this point their turn is done all right it's yellow's turn and they've decided to start by enrolling a student from the mathematics area they'll place them here and then for the second action they are going to teach a mathematics class that will gain them one favor which ties them with yellow and then they'll perform the mathematics area action they currently have no knowledge at their school about mathem matics but there's three shared knowledge for mathematics so that is three knowledge total for them and they're going to use that to place this wall here on the three spot they of course do have to spend one book and the only book they have is theology now they can put that here or there and I think now is probably a good time to talk about why they would do one over the other over the course of the tutorial I've mentioned a few times that the only way players gain points is by collecting Prestige and the amount of points each Prestige is going to be worth varies depending on how the library fills out now when the game is over we're going to check each of these three shelves and the discipline that has the most books on a shelf is going to add two points to each Prestige token that players have of that color and then the discipline with the second most on that shelf will add one point to that color if there is a tie then the discipline that reached the tie earlier so closer to the left will break the tie in its favor so what that means is if the yellow player put this here at the moment there is a tie but law is in the lead so right now this would add two points to every law Prestige at the end of the game and this would add one point to every theology Prestige and of course the earlier you get this in the more likely it is to break a die with other books that are placed afterwards they could of course just do that in which case both of these are currently winning and at the moment no one has any Prestige just yet so the yellow player decides they're going to put this over here instead of stacking it because they're not sure if that would be helping or hurting now I did mention earlier that this Library board is double-sided the the backside actually has six shelves on it as you can see and the way this works is the three shelves over to the left are only going to give benefits to the discipline in the lead in this case two points per token versus these shelves over to the right which will give one point to the discipline that's in the majority so essentially on this side there are no second places once again yellow decided to place this here and now they can activate a sanor tile in this line that's not flipped over to the prestige side already well that's going to be this one that was just there on the previous turn that means the yellow player will activate this gaining them one inspiration then this will flip over and as I mentioned earlier once the game is over players are going to be competing to take these Prestige tiles from the madrasa once again for each of these tiles that are flipped over at the end of the game the player who has a majority of their walls pointing towards it will gain that and gain points associated with that discipline according to the library as I just mentioned so right now we are tied for both of these along with yellow then the first tiebreaker goes to the player whose wall segment is associated with the largest knowledge value if there is still a tie then a wall in a vertical area will beat a wall in a horizontal area the last thing yellow gets to do is gain three gold which they can easily store and that has finished their turn this means we get to go again and I think let's start by doing the first establish advanced class action of the game now the way this works is we have to spend a book and then we can take one advanced class of the associated color so we are going to be gaining an advanced Law class of course we have to place this book down into the library and we have to figure out which of these to go with right now we don't have any Prestige I'm not sure if we're going to have more law Prestige versus the other disciplines I think let's just go even like this all right now we can take one of these advanced classes and when we take a closer look you can see it is split into three different sections this section on the bottom with two rows have advanced classes that can go into any of the six Advanced spots on our board when we look up here these can only be placed in the top two rows so those three spots and then up there at the very top there's only one of this advanced class for each of the disciplines and it must go into the one single spot at the top of the board out of all of these I think I like this one the most for now so we are going to take this and I do want to point out that if we had taken this one we would then refill by taking that and putting it over here so that there are two of that option available of course that wasn't the case though now we can place this onto our board and again this one can go into any of these six Advanced slot areas now I do mean any because we could put this here we would simply discard this advanced class from the game and replace it with that one I don't think we want to do that though now I also want to point out that we could put this here remember this could go onto any of them and there are no placement restrictions based off of where the other classes are I don't think that would make sense but technically we could place this anywhere on our board now I do think this is where we want to go and we have finished establishing this advanced class for our second action let's teach this advanced class we'll move that student up and now because this is an advanced class we get to Traer all of the skills associated with this discipline unfortunately we chose to put a skill over there in the astronomy area as opposed to over here in the law area that was probably a strategic mistake for us if this had been over there then we would gain two advancements on the favor track but that's not the decision we made so unfortunately we don't gain any skill benefits and now we do get a student bonus that's because these match and that bonus lets us take one book of our choice let's go with a theology book we can place that right over here and now we can perform the law area action we have a single Knowledge from our schools so that is one so far and then there is another shared knowledge over here so that is two total knowledge that we have and now we can place a crown out and we could put this onto a two if we wanted however I think we're going to place this on a one the reason for that will become obvious rather soon now that is going to cost us one gold we had four so now we have three and we can place another one of these double favor skill tokens down this time going into the law area which is probably what we should have done on our last turn so we'll place this here and then to finish the teach action we'll promote that student and now as a bonus action let's complete an objective that is specifically going to be this one in order to complete it we have to have two crowns on the same number within the law area this is why we put the second one onto a one so that we have both of those being equal and now this is flipped up and it'll be active for us for the rest of the game now this counts as one law Prestige so suddenly we kind of care about having law Prestige be in majorities on those shelves in the library and it also gives us an ongoing effect specifically once per round we can pay one salt to advance one space along the favor track we have a lot of ways to advance on the favor track up to this point in the game now we can leave this face up in our area so that we remember that we have it and of course we don't have these just yet well we are done so the white player can go and they've decided to start by enrolling this mathematics student and they'll put them underneath the mathematics CL class then they're going to teach that class they get a student benefit which will increase their favor once so they go here and then they'll perform the area action they have no Knowledge from their school but there is three shared knowledge now they could go here onto that three however they would not actually trigger a benefit they have to decide if that benefit is worth it to them yeah they think they want to go over here to the two spot so that they can gain one of these benefits in both of these options they were going to be gaining two gold they of course have to spend one book and they will spend this mathematics book which they've decided to place here now they're going to flip this which will give them one bump on the favor track which means they now have access to that favor benefit which gets them two gold now of course you can always do any of the options to the left of your token and while we're looking over here let's talk about the rest of these benefits this one right here lets you gain an advanced class without paying a book that one gets you two Salt this one gets you an inspiration that one gets you three gold this is three salt that one lets you take any One prestige token from the supply and you can put it into your storage this lets you take two books of any color of your choice and finally that one lets you graduate a student for free now we haven't actually talked about graduation just yet and I think we should talk about it now although before we get to that let's have the white player finish out their action by gaining two gold and they'll place that gold here finally this student will become promoted and their turn is done now I think it's time for us to talk about the graduation action this is the fifth of the five main actions that I've covered in the game and the way it works when you perform it as an action is you spend one book and then you graduate a student that matches that color so for example if the white player was to spend an action graduating this student they would need to have a theology book and could spend that theology book to graduate the student when graduating you remove the student from the board and then you gain a graduation tile of the color and rank associated with where that student was this is the graduation icon right here and you can see it shows two Prestige icons so this means the white player would take this graduation token because it is purple matching Theology and it has the two Prestige icons on it if this token was already taken by any other player then the white player could still take this one with the One prestige token on it even though it's below where they actually would have qualified so once again in this case they would take this and remove it from the board and then place it above their school with that student on top of it now this graduation token is worth two theology Prestige because that is the color of this token also I did mention earlier that when you perform this action at the top of the theology areas you can remove a student place them over here to score for Prestige based off of the tiles that are flipped you can remove that student either from your classes or from one of your graduation tiles and there's really no reason not to do this because having a student on this graduation tile at the end of the game has no effect so these are really good ways to gain extra benefit from your graduated students this is also a great way to get a bunch of prestige in a specific color that you think is going to be worth a bunch of points as you can see as you promote your students further and further up when you graduate them you can take higher and higher level graduation tiles in fact I do want to point out that once a student takes a class at the top of your board it is then promoted to one of these spots over here where it will be worth One prestige at the end of the game of that matching color so you are very incentivized to graduate these students so that you can take for Prestige of that color instead of just one so that is how graduation works and I've now covered all five of the main actions in the game well white is done with their turn so it's now time for the yellow player to go and first things first it looks like I did forget to have them promote these students that student should be there and that student should be there all right now yellow can take their turn and they've decided to start by doing a bonus action they are going to spend this inspiration and then that lets them either move one of these students to a different spot up here or they can move a student up as long as there's a class above them they're going to Target this student and move them up here so they are not going to be teaching this class instead they now have these two students underneath the advanced astronomy class and then for their first action they want to teach this Advanced astronomy class now they could do this with either of these two students and if they did it with that astronomy student they would gain a gold and a salt as a bonus but they've actually decided they want to teach this class to the theology student now first things first even if there is not a match all of their astronomy skills are going to be activated although they don't have any of those just yet and now if these matched they would get a gold and a salt but they don't match so they will not get that student bonus now they can do the area action for astronomy and it looks like they have one Knowledge from their school board and then there is three shared knowledge for astronomy that means their total knowledge is four and they can use that to move their camel now remember at the start of each of these actions you can begin at timbuk 2 if you want or you can begin from where you were already and in this case they are going to begin here and they will move 1 two three and then four as you can see that used four knowledge total and that's the amount that they had to use this puts them into the port city of fats now when they stop here they have to place a trading post down but it's going to cost them two gold they have that and in addition to that they also have to make sure that this is a supported class now I've mentioned this many times and I think now is when we should explain how this works as you can see there are two students in this supported class icon and this is because a class is supported if there are essentially two students associated with it as you can see there are two students down here this is the activated student of course and the other student is supporting the class that student is not going to move by definition it's just an extra requirement in order to place on that spot this is the reason they spent their inspiration to move this theology student up so that they had a student below to support this area action when they did it so it is a supported class and they can spend two gold in order to place this Trading post out as you can see they now have two School knowledge for astronomy that Trading Post is placed onto one of these three options if they went here or here they would gain the associated Prestige but they've decided to go here that gets them the indicated skill tile which is this one here and that lets them place this skill tile into any discipline of their choice after thinking it through they want to add this into their theology area and that means in the future when they activate their theology skills this will gain them a theology book the equal sign simply means they gain a book that matches the discipline where that skill token was placed after this they must move their camel back to timb 2 remember this happens whenever you place a trading post down into any of the port cities yellow can finish this teaching action by promoting the student up to there well that's finished one of their two actions and for the other one they want to enroll this law student from the mathematics student queue when they do this they activate this special action allowing them the ability to do an exchange of favor action of course they do have to enroll that student and they'll put the law student underneath the law introductory class and then for the bonus exchange of favor action they're going to take one of these favor tokens which blocks two Prestige storage spots in order to gain either a book or a salt or a gold they've decided to go with a book they've decided to gain a theology book that's going to go here into their storage and that is going to finish their turn well it's time for us to go again and I think let's start by enrolling this astronomy student when we do this we will immediately place that Prestige marker into the mathematics overflow section of the law area that is right here and of course this means the first player to place on either of these spots with the cross will gain this as well as potentially any other overflow tokens that are on this spot when that happens of course by enrolling this student we have enabled a book majority scoring for the mathematics area at the end of our turn now of course this was our first action and we do have to place this student into our school now we have to perform a different action and considering there is going to be a book scoring in the mathematics area after our turn I think let's teach a mathematics class the first thing we would do is activate any mathematics skills that we have but we don't have skills over there just yet so we don't have anything to get there but we do have a match because this is a mathematics student taking the advanced class that means we get that bonus which is going to be a salt as well as one gold we can place those over here and now perform the mathematics area action let's start by figuring out our total knowledge we have one Knowledge from our board and then there is five shared knowledge so that means we have six knowledge total that means we have to place this down into an empty spot that has a knowledge value of up to six and I think we'll go into this six right up there that does mean that there are no soray tiles for us to activate but it has the benefit of us taking a book away from the yellow player we'll get to that soon when we score this area though we of course do have to contribute a book and currently the only book that we have is theology I think we're okay just placing it up there in the top shelf now we could gain gold from this column and we'll get two in this case and we can just barely hold that much of course we can have more than this amount that's just the amount that we get to keep at the end of our turn we are done with the area action so we can promote that student and now before we end our turn I'd like to activate this objective that we already achieved that says that once per round we can pay one Sal to advance one space on the favor track I think it certainly makes sense for us to spend one salt considering we have two and then we can move forward once on the favor track okay our turn is done and we can see that there was a scoring that was unlocked because of course this symbol right here no longer has a student next to it on the Queue this means we will score the mathematics area and specifically the reward will be books because this is the book scoring when we score this area we just check for majority of walls in these four sections and the player with the most walls in those sections get the book associated with it so that means we get this book since we have no competition with anybody else and then up here there is a three-way tie and our wall is associated with a higher knowledge number of six compared to the three and two of our opponents so that means we win this section and we gain that book as well these will be placed immediately onto our bookshelves and then we can see that neither of these books were won by anybody because there aren't any walls in those sections that means all of these unscored books will go into the Overflow spot of the scoring area in this case mathematics overflow spots are of course in the law area so these will be placed into the mathematics part of it once again the first player to go in either of these spots will gain all of the Overflow rewards there so that's definitely a big incentive to place on these eight knowledge is looking pretty high for us at least at this point in the game well that's finished the book scoring and of course there will be a Prestige scoring once there is no student next to that and it will work the same way we'll just get mathematics Prestige instead of books well at this point it's time for the white player to go although before they take their turn I just realized I promoted the wrong student this student should have been promoted not that one and they would have promoted that student over there now it's time for the white player to go and for their first action they are going to establish an advanced astronomy class they of course had to contribute this astronomy book and they are going to place it over here now they can gain a top astronomy class of their choice and they're going to go with this one here here they'll put this over here on their board and then for their second action they are going to perform this class using this matching astronomy student the first thing they do is activate any skills but they don't have any astronomy skills yet and then there is a match with that student this means they gain one gold and they will add one knowledge to their total knowledge for this action speaking of that they have another knowledge over here so that is two so far and then when we look at the astronomy student queue they gain three more shared knowledge so that is five knowledge total and they are going to use it to go 1 2 3 4 five that is going to end them in the port city of Tunis and of course in order to go here they must spend two gold and this must be a supported class we can see it is a supported class with the mathematics student there and that means they just have to spend these two gold in order to perform the action of course they now place this Trading Post down and they have to choose one of these three options if they went here or there they would get the associated Prestige and Prestige is how we win the game but for now they think the game is early enough they're going to go over here instead that will get them the associated skill tile and they can place it on any discipline of their choice they're going to put it over here in the theology discipline specifically this effect when activated removes one of these favor tiles from the player's board next up white has to reset their camel back to timbuk 2 and then finish their action by promoting that student now they're not quite done with their turn because as a bonus action they are going to complete this objective that says that after they complete an astronomy action that requires a supported class they can reveal this it will be worth one astronomy procedure at the end of the game and it says for the rest of the game after they teach a mathematics class that costs two books they may move the last book from any one shelf to the supply so that gives them some flexibility when they perform specific mathematics area actions they can put this face up in front of them and now they're done with their turn this means the yellow player can go and they're going to start by establishing an advanced theology class they'll contribute this book over here into the library and then they want this advanced class which they will place right here for their second action they are going to teach that class they get to activate all of their skills in Theology and this is going to activate that will get them one theology book and as you can see there are just two more of those left in the supply they'll add this to their bookshelf and then they gain the student bonus because the color matches that is three knowledge Plus plus zero knowledge over here and then two shared knowledge means they have five total knowledge with this in mind they want to place up here that has a requirement of four total knowledge and of course they also have to pay two salt and then they will gain this book they can easily afford that with the salt and they'll put this book onto their bookshelf and then finish their action by promoting that student and now they are done with their turn well it's time for us to go and I think we want to start by enrolling a student specifically let's enroll this student here by doing that we will gain one favor and of course the student will go underneath the mathematics introductory class now when we gain that favor we can get rid of a favor token or gain one of those to gain one of these benefits I think let's go for this one here now as I mentioned before that lets us enroll a student from anywhere in any queue with that in mind let's enroll this lost student here now whenever you enroll a student from the middle of a queue you simply Slide the rest of them over and only if by opening up a spot over here there is an icon underneath do you actually gain the benefit of that icon so we'll place this student here and that finished our enroll student action where we actually enrolled two students because of that favor bonus now let's teach this class here we of course match with the introductory class so that will advance us once on the favor track oh speaking of that we should have gained one of these with the favor action we took now let's Advance on the track which means we'll go here and in the future that option is available to us that lets us establish an advanced class without having to pay a book now we can perform the law area action and our knowledge from our board is two and the shared knowledge is also two so we have a total knowledge of four and with that in mind I'd like to choose this spot here that of course requires at least four knowledge now that is going to cost one salt and we have exactly one salt so we can spend that now we're going to gain some good benefits the first of these is that that we were the first player to place one of our tokens next to this soray token so that means we will gain that benefit and then place it into the madrasa it of course covers the lowest number in the madrasa and now we can perform an exchange a favor action I think let's gain another one of these tokens and one of these options and let's actually go with the one we just unlocked letting us establish an advanced class without having to contribute a book this is actually great because I would like to establish another Law class and we don't have any law books but we can make this happen due to that favors effect and we are going to place it here we're setting ourselves up to do another law action next turn hopefully a pretty big one now we're not actually done with the current law action because the other effect over here says we are going to gain this specific skill and it is going to be placed into the law discipline area of our board that is right over here and when activated that lets us move one student to any open slot in the same row as long as it is not in the introductory row so essentially one of these three Advanced rows as you you can see I'm trying to set ourselves up to have a really big law turn on our next turn where we can potentially activate this gaining more favor using that to slide this student over to then do a big supported law action I'm getting ahead of myself though for now we are done with this action so we can promote that student and we have finished both of our actions we don't have any bonus actions to perform so we are done all right it's the white player turn and they are going to start by doing a bonus action they are going to spend an inspiration to gain one book in this case they would like an astronomy book which they add onto their bookshelf and then for their first main action they will contribute that book in order to establish an advanced class they're going to put that book there and then take this class of course that means a new class needs to fill in the spot and they'll place that here now for their second main action they are going to teach this class activating this astronomy student they don't have any astronomy skills but they do have a match with the student so that lets them do an exchange a favor action they've decided they're going to gain one of these tokens to activate one of these bonuses and they are going to enroll a student from anywhere in any que after thinking through their options they are going to enroll this student so no new students need to be slid down this also means that this astronomy Prestige will be placed into the astronomy overflow section in the law area that's right over here and at the end of the white player turn there is going to be a book scoring in the astronomy area this student has to be placed down here and they of course gain that favor token and that was all from their in bonus now they can perform the astronomy area action and their knowledge from their board is two and the shared knowledge is up to five so they have seven total knowledge and they've decided to use six of it to go 1 2 3 4 5 six they could have headed up there using all seven but they liked this position better of course as they cross over this they are the first player to cross that line so this s tile is placed and they get to do another exchange of favor action and they've decided to gain a favor token and enroll yet another student from anywhere in any queue this time they will enroll this mathematics student from the theology que that means these will all slide over and no bonus was revealed that student is placed here and of course they gain another one of these tokens now they have to perform this action which will cost them one gold and gain them two Salt they have the gold so they can spend that and then place a trading post out which will get them those two salts this means they are up to five salt and they are now done with this action before they move on they do want to complete another objective that being this one it says they must have at least four salt in their storage they have five so they're good there and it says once per round they may pay four gold to buy a mathematics Prestige token now they aren't exactly flush with gold right now but they might be later on in the game if they switch up gears they can place that up here with their other objective and it looks like they have two astronomy Prestige already in the bank they are definitely motivated to try and make astronomy good in the library by the end of the game well their turn is coming to an end and they do have to discard this salt with the white players turn done before we move on it's now time to do a book scoring over here in the astronomy area of the board this of course happens because that icon has been revealed we do this by checking the majorities of trading posts within the four sections of this area we can see the white player is the only player in this section so they'll gain this law book over here white is also the only player with the tra Trading Post so they'll gain this theology book next up in this section we can see yellow has two trading posts and white has one so yellow is going to win and take this book and I do want to reiterate again that if there is a tie in the number of trading posts in a section then you break the tie using the flags at the top the higher the flag the better of course there was no tie here finally this section has no trading posts that means this book will go into the Overflow area of the astronomy section of the law area that is right here all right that's finished the scoring and of course the white player gets to add these books to their bookshelf and yellow can add that book onto their bookshelf now it's time for yellow to take their turn and they will start with an establish an advanced class main action they are going to contribute this theology book here to the library and then establish this theology advanced class they must place this on the top spot of their board so that will go here and then for their second main action they're going to teach this class right away now they do get to activate all of their theology skills which means this will activate getting them a theology book there's just one more of those left in the supply that will go onto their bookshelf and now for the matching student bonus they will gain one theology Prestige that comes from the supply and they can add that right over here after that they're going to perform a theology area action and we can see they currently have one theology Knowledge from their board and there is three PR shared theology knowledge that means they have a total knowledge value of four and they want to go here they can place their mosque on that spot they of course have to spend one salt which they do have in their area and then they will gain this book as a reward that will get placed into their bookshelf they've got quite a few books at this point and after that they will finish by promoting this student once the student reaches any of these spots they can't go any further and they are worth One prestige of their matching color at the end of the game if they are here now if you instead graduate a student from up here they will be worth up to four Prestige and I think it's very likely we'll see that happen on the yellow players next turn yellow is done with their two main actions although they are not done with their turn because they now want to reveal and complete this objective it says they have to have two mosques of the same number and they have two value for mosques so that is completed this is worth one theology Prestige at the end of the game and it says for the rest of the game when the yellow player places a soray tile they may advance once on the favor track so they are extra incentivized to place saner tiles into the madrasa well yellow is done with her turn which means it's once again time for us to go and we've been setting up a big law area action and we are going to do that on this turn I think let's go for it we'll start by activating that student and then we can perform all of the law area skills the first of these will bump us twice on the favor track this means when we gain these favor bonuses we now have the options of two salt or one inspiration after that this effect lets us move one student to a different empty spot within the same Advanced row let's move this student there the reason we're doing that is because this student is now supporting that class and that will be very important considering the area action we're about to perform now we do have a color match with the student so that gives us three extra law knowledge we also have three Knowledge from our board so we are at six knowledge and then there is two shared law knowledge so we have eight knowledge total and that is just barely enough to go here now this does require that the class is supported and it will cost one book we did support the class and let's now contribute a book I kind of wish we had a law book to contribute technically I guess we could have used this inspiration to gain one before this action but holding on to this for later is fine as well let's go ahead and contribute this mathematics book we'll put that up here just to add some extra contention between those different disciplines now we can place our Crown there and gain that specific skill this is pretty great when activated it lets us take any book of our choice from the supply this must be placed into the mathematics discipline area of our board and we almost have a skill in all four disciplines at this point not quite yet though after that because we are the first player to go next to this sanor tile we get to place it into the madrasa and then of course activate its ability and that lets us activate all skills from one discipline of our choice I think let's activate our mathematics skills that will activate the skill we just put down which lets us take a book of our choice and let's take a law book and put that onto our bookshelf getting law books onto our bookshelf is good because we then have them to contribute to the library to try and to make our law Prestige more valuable to us now we are still not done with this huge action because we placed into the top row and that means we gain everything from that overflow spot that means we get these two books as well as the one mathematics Prestige it took a couple turns to set this up but I think it was well worth it it also puts us in a good position to find for this book and that Prestige when the scorings happen so let's Place those books onto our bookshelf and the prestige into our storage we are finally coming to the end of this huge action we have to promote that student and now we have to perform another main action let's establish an advanced class we can contribute that law book there which means law is still technically in second place on that row because the first tide theology book is further to the left than the first tied law book and then let's establish this Law class which means a new one needs to come out and we can put that right here that way we are set up to potentially do that on a soon turn and it will give us a salt as a bonus which we can then use to advance ourselves further on the favor track we're obviously setting ourselves up for the future here and at this point we are done with our turn all right the white player can now take their turn and they've decided to start by teaching this theology class they do get to activate all of their theology skills and this one will remove one of these blocking favor tokens from their board now they gain the matching student bonus in this case that gets them one book of their choice and they've decided to add an astronomy book to their bookshelf now they can perform a theology area action and they have one Knowledge from their board and then there is three shared knowledge so that is four knowledge total and they are going to place a mosque here which takes at least three total knowledge they do have to spend one salt and that's fine they had four so now they have three they also gain this book which they can add to their book bookshelf they can now finish their action by promoting that activated student and then for their other main action they are going to contribute this astronomy book and by doing that they are going to establish this Advanced astronomy class we can see astronomy is now in the majority here in the top row that advanced class will go up here and they are well positioned to teach that class on a future chart of course when they get this matching bonus they will gain astronomy Prestige so far that's the only kind of prestige they have they've definitely been focusing on that in this game well that's finished both of the their main actions and they are done this means it's yellow's turn and for their first main action they want to teach this astronomy class they don't have any skills to activate but they do have a match with their student so that will get them a gold and a salt after that they can perform an astronomy area action and they have two Knowledge from their board and then there is five shared knowledge so that is seven knowledge total which is going to be enough for them to go 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 they're the first person to cross this line which means they'll place this sanor tile into the madrasa and of course as they do this they will activate that effect this lets them activate all skills of one discipline type and they currently have one skill that's over here and it will let them gain a theology book and they figure they may as well do that there are now no theology books left in the supply of course they did just place a Sor tile so that means their objective will activate advancing them once on the favor track they've been lagging pretty far behind and this will help them catch up a bit now they must perform this action which will cause cost them one gold which they do have now they can place a trading post down which will gain them two Salt they will put those right over here and now they are done with that action and now to finish this main action they will promote the student to the left they have one main action left to do and they are going to perform the first graduate action in the game they can graduate any student in an advanced row and they will graduate that student there now in order to do this you do have to contribute a matching book to the library which they can do and they're going to go down there looks like they're competing with law after that we look at the row where that student was and gain the associated graduation tile that was a purple student from the top row which means they take this tile if that tile was gone and they did this they would simply take the highest tile available to them in that color the tile gets placed into any of these slots at the top of their board they put the student on top of it and that tile is worth four theology Prestige at the end of the game so they are very motivated to make sure theology is worth a bunch of points in the library once the game is over that student is going to stay there for the rest of the game not really doing anything although remember you can use this student or any others from your board in order to activate the top left bonus from any of these mosque areas it's probable the yellow player will try to make that happen before the end of the game well yellow is done with their action and their turn which means it would now be time for us to take our turn but I think it's time for us to stop playing through the game when we focus out we can see that the madrasa is starting to fill up five tiles have been added and remember the only way the game ends is once 12 tiles have been added to the madrasa at that point we keep playing until everyone has taken the same number of turns and then the game ends now once the game is over we do have to check to make sure every single one of the scorings has happened specifically any Prestige area scorings that haven't happened will be activated as normal if there happens to be a book scoring that didn't happen that is ignored once all area scorings are done we will move into the madrasa where players walls can gain more prestige tokens as I discussed before every one of these tiles that have been flipped over to The Prestige side will be taken by the player who has a majority of their walls pointing directly at it if there is a tie then we check to see which of those walls in the tie has the biggest number if there is still a tie then the vertical walls beat the horizontal walls now of course at the end of the game all of these will be filled not all of them will be flipped though and we will simply go through all of these giving the prestige tokens to the players who have majorities pointing towards them after that point players then look to the library and ascertain the point value for each of the four different disciplines prestige tokens remember this is decided by the majorities of books on each of these rows once that has been ascertained players are going to add up the points for their Prestige they will gain Prestige from the prestige tokens they have in front of them as well as any of these saner tiles they were able to take from the madrasa at the end of the game and players will also gain Prestige from their completed objectives and they gain bonus Prestige for each of the top three spots in each of the disciplines that has been cleared so if these were gone for example that would be worth two do more law Prestige for us we also gain Prestige from our graduation tokens that could be at the top of our board and any of our students that are in the final spots up here are worth One prestige to the player once we've added all of that up the player with the most points will be the winner and if there is a tie then the player who has the least of these favor blocking tokens will break the tie in their favor and if there is still a tie then the tied player with the most prestige tokens in their supply will win if there is still a tie then players will share in the victory well at this point I've covered just about all of the rules to the game so that's going to bring this tutorial to a close I hope you enjoyed learning how to play sankare as always I'd like to thank everyone who's been supporting this channel including these producer level patreon supporters if you too would like to directly support the channel in the creation of future videos like this one then please go to Jong Support also if you enjoyed this video please click the like button for it down below as well as the Subscribe button for the channel thanks for watching
Channel: JonGetsGames
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Id: JYMy4Y45eJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 20sec (5060 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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