Hansa Teutonica - Tutorial Playthrough

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welcome to the dragon's games tutorial for hansa tatonica in this video i'll be teaching you the rules of the game as we play it and i will be showing a full game today although i do fast forward through the last half or so now i do want to mention that the only reason this video is being made is because this game won the monthly poll that is voted on by the patreon supporters of the channel now you can learn more about that by going to patreon.com johngetsgames and i do hope that you would consider directly supporting the channel if you enjoy videos just like this one i'd also like to ask that if you enjoy this video that you please click the like button for it down below as well as the subscribe button for the channel all right let's jump into the game out here we have the game fully set up and ready to play for our three different players now before i start i would like to ask that you please turn on the klingon subtitles i might make mistakes as i'm showing the game and those will let me put corrections on the screen where you should be able to see them and i will also put relevant corrections down below this video in a pinned comment i'd also like to mention that today i'm filming this with a very old version of the game i bought this copy back in 2010 now that means that this does not necessarily look like the newer versions in particular some of the art is more subdued with this version whereas in other versions they pop out and it's also worth noting that there are one or two tiny differences in the rules and components between this version and the newer ones now i am going to teach the rules with the new version so that means what i say might not exactly match the icons that show up over here but i do want to teach this in a way that matches up with the most current rulebook well let's start things off with a brief overview of the game as you can see each player has a desk in front of them and on a player's turn they will have a certain number of actions and with each action they can do a variety of different things one of those involves placing a cube or disc onto an empty spot out here on the board between cities another thing that you can do is actually take your cubes and disks from below your desk and bring them back up here so that you can use them in the future after that you can also place down cubes and disks onto spots where opponents cubes or disks are and you will displace them and you actually have to pay a penalty for that and it's likely your opponent won't actually be that upset because they will get a bonus when they are displaced now another thing that you can do is just move your cubes or disks from spots on the board to other free spots on the board and lastly if you have all of your tokens filling up a road between two cities you can claim that section by removing the cubes and then you can either increase one of the abilities on your board if you're next to one of these banner cities or you can place a cube or a disk down into one of those cities to then generate victory points in the future when other people claim that road as well as getting points at the end of the game now i did mention that at these banner cities you can actually upgrade your desk which means you remove the left most token from that associated area and these will increase your effectiveness at doing all of the things that i've talked about so far you might just get more actions that you can spend each turn you can also just move more things for an action by pulling these cubes off these over here mean you can take more cubes and discs from below your desk and bring them up to the top where you can use them and those over there actually dictate which colored spots in the cities you can place into finally these key upgrades will increase your end of game network scoring modifier now i know i breezed through those very quickly and i will cover them in detail once we bump into them while playing now we are going to keep playing the game until any one player has reached 20 points or until 10 of the cities are completely full or until we no longer have enough of these bonus tokens to pull from the bowl when we need to add a new one out onto the board again i'll talk about all of those things later on in the tutorial but it's worth noting that once any of those end game triggers happens the game immediately ends and we move into final scoring after final scoring the player with the most victory points is going to be the winner and on that note i think let's now start playing the game for today's tutorial we are going to play as the purple player over here and we are the starting player so let's now take the first turn of the game in order to do this let's focus down over here onto our desk as you can see there's quite a bit going on and the first thing to point out is this area up here in the top right now this tells us how many actions we can take on our turn and as you can see we currently have a two showing which means we can take two actions on our turn if we had these cubes removed then we would actually take three actions on our turn so it is the number that is farthest to the right that is uncovered that actually applies for this moment now that means we do have two actions at the moment and for each of those actions we can choose one of these five options that are printed down at the bottom of our desk now i think for our first action let's do this option here which lets us place a tradesman down onto the map now a tradesman is either a cube which is a trader or a disk which is a merchant and we can place either of those onto an empty spot on a road on the map now when we do this we have to choose a cube or a disk that is in our personal supply and those are the components at the top of our desk all of the components down below are in the general supply and we don't have access to them now there are reasons to place a disk versus a cube and i'll talk about those later on for the moment i'm just going to say that we're going to place a cube out onto the map now this cube can be placed down onto any empty spot on any of the roads out here on the map which means there are a ton of options out here and i think for this first placement let's go down over here now i'll go into the details of this soon but whenever you have all of your cubes or discs completing a full road you can spend an action to complete that road and either build a trading post in the town or potentially upgrade an action now the reason we're heading down onto this road is because this city specifically has the attribute increase option of increasing the number of actions that we can take on every one of our turns in the game taking more actions is certainly a good thing so this is a spot that we want to go down onto and try to complete as quickly as we can now with that in mind we do have one more action so i think let's take another cube and place this out onto another road on the board now once again it can go anywhere on the board but considering we are incentivized to try and complete this road with all of our own colored components let's place down over here before we move on i do want to point out that each of these road spots shows a square shape as well as a circle shape which means you can place a trader down as the cube or a merchant down as the disk and both of those match up with those symbols it's also worth noting that the actual position of these tokens within the road does not matter so if we had the tokens like that or like that it is functionally the same as this first set that we put down like this now at this point we've used both of the actions available to us on our turn and i will describe the details of claiming these roads later on once we are able to do so so our turn is over since we spent both of our actions and play will now move clockwise to the next player in this case that is going to be the green player and they also have just two actions to spend on their turn now i do want to point out that they started with one more of these traitor cubes in their personal supply than we did and the yellow player as the third player started out with one more than green which was two more than us so that's a little bit of a balancing mechanic baked into the setup now the green player has decided for both of their actions they are going to place these tokens out and in fact they're going to place this merchant down with one and this trader down with the other this merchant is going to go right over there and that means this road is fully occupied but you'll note that there are multiple players pieces on it now you can only complete a road if all of the tokens are your color so that means if we want to complete this road we are going to have to kick this token out and i'll talk about how that works soon now that was just one action for the green player and with their other action they want to place this token down onto that road over there the reason they've decided to go to this specific spot is because that road has this bonus token connected to it now these are placed out onto the taverns at the start of the game and as these are taken we will add more of them onto the board and i'll talk about how we gain these and how we use these in more detail later but it's worth noting that this one is quite good and the green player has decided they want to work towards potentially taking this and you have to complete a road to take a bonus token that is pointing towards it so green is done with their turn because they took both of their actions and now it's time for the yellow player to go and much like the previous two players they are going to spend both of their actions placing tradesmen out onto the board each of these is going to be a trader cube and they want to put them both up here in the top right corner of the map in this case they want to place the cubes onto that road and the reason they're heading up here is because they have the ability when they complete this road next to the city to enhance their ability to hire more resources bringing them from the general stock and then putting them into the personal supply of that player this makes that action more efficient and i'll talk about that in greater detail later on it does seem like the yellow player is likely working towards that although when you complete these roads instead of increasing one of your abilities you can start a training house in one of the connected cities you actually generate prestige whenever roads are completed next to cities that you control by having the most of these trading posts so they might go over here with the anticipation of players wanting to complete this to upgrade that ability later on and then they could get victory points when that happens now that's a decision the yellow player has to make later and i'll talk about the details of creating these trading posts and getting points from these road scorings next to them later on in the tutorial well yellow has used up all of their actions which means it's once again time for us to go and i want to complete this road unfortunately for us there is a blocking disk on that location there so in order to have all of these be our color we have to displace that token when we focus back on our desk so far in the game we have only seen this action happen but now we are going to take this one over here which lets us take one of our disks or our cubes and we can kick out an opposing disk or cube from the map now when we do that we have to pay a penalty and that is shown right over here in particular if we are kicking out an opponent's cube then we have to take another cube or disk from our supply and put it into the stock which means we actually lose access to it but if we kick out an opponent's disk then we have to take two more of our tokens from the supply and put them into the stock that means in order to displace that one disc out on the board we need to use one token to kick it out and two more as a penalty so this is going to cost three out of our tradesmen now that penalty is obviously the reason why the green player put a disc over here instead of their cube because the disc has a double penalty compared to the single penalty of the cube now i do think we still want to kick this out so that means we are going to spend this action taking three of our cubes from our personal supply one of them will go down over here and we will displace that opposing disk out and since this is a disk we have to take two more of our tradesmen which could be cubes or the disks in our personal supply and put them into the stock once again if this was a cube instead of a disk we would just have to get rid of one of these from our personal supply into the stock so let's place both of these into the general stock we've paid the penalty but then the next thing that happens with a displacement action is the player who was displaced will gain a bonus now the first part of this bonus involves them taking the token that was just displaced and they can put it down onto any open spot on a road that is adjacent to the road where they were just displaced so in this case that means they can place this down onto any of these spots there or those spots up there because each of these roads are touching a city that is touching the road where they were displaced in this case they're going to put that down over there and then in addition to moving that displaced token over they can now take one or two of their tradesmen from the general stock and they can place those directly onto the board onto empty spots on the roads that are once again adjacent to where that displacement happens now i said one or two because if a cube is displaced then one is pulled from the general stock and placed onto the board but if a disk is displaced then it's two so not only did we have to pay a greater penalty to displace this merchant disk but the green player will get a better bonus for having that disc be displaced so in this case they're going to take two of their cubes from the general stock and they can put them onto the same road or a different one it's worth noting if all of the roads adjacent to where the displacement happens we're already full then you just go out to another adjacent road from those full routes now they've decided to put all three of these over here and that has finished our displacement action we put one token down onto the board and the green player put two additional ones so the green player made up pretty well from that action now that might not seem great for us but you'll notice we now have all of our own components filling up an entire road which means we now have the ability to complete that trade route this does cost an action and at the moment we have just used one out of our two actions so let's go ahead and complete the trade route and that is this action right over here now as you can see there are two options showing and the left option involves creating a training post and the right option involves upgrading one of our abilities now i think this is what we are going to go for and i'll talk about the details of building trading posts later on in the tutorial now as you can see this shows the desk and a plus one and that means we are going to improve one of the five attributes on our desk but i'm getting a little ahead of myself before we actually do that we first have to see if anyone will gain prestige points by us completing this trade route now the way that works is if a player has the most trading routes in a city that is adjacent to the trade route that was just completed then that player gains a single prestige and they can show that by increasing their position on the track around the outside of the board now obviously these are the two adjacent cities to the trade route that we are completing and there are no trading posts in these cities because trading posts are cubes or disks on those cities that a player put down previously this means no players will gain prestige from the creation of this trading route the next thing that we can do is take a bonus token if it is pointing towards that specific trade route there are always going to be three bonus tokens on the board at the start of every player's turn and they all have arrows on them which point towards specific routes on the board as you can see none of these bonus tokens are currently pointing towards that specific route but if that one had been over there then now would be the moment where we could claim that bonus token now i'll talk about claiming these and using them later on in the tutorial because obviously there aren't any bonus tokens down here on the trade route that we are completing all right we've now reached the point where we can remove all of the tradesmen from that completed trade route and we can either build a trading post in one of the two adjacent cities or if there is one of these ability improvement scrolls next to one of the adjacent cities we can improve that ability now that is what we are going to do so again i'll talk about how we build these trading posts later on and as you can see this specific attribute is associated with the actions with that in mind let's come back to our desk and the first thing that we have to do is take all of the components that we just removed from that completed trade route and we put them into the general stock where we will not gain access to them until we do this bag action over here which i'll talk about in detail later on now what we can do is improve the associated action and again at that city that improves the action ability up here now we're going to take the leftmost component on our board in this case that is a cube trader and that will go into our personal supply which means we can use it in the future and you'll notice over here we have unlocked a new action we went from two up to three and if we're able to do another upgrade on this it goes from three to three again so obviously you have to do multiple upgrades in the future to gain even more actions on each turn now this means that we immediately gain another action because we now can take three actions on each of our turns so far we have displaced once and we completed one trade route so we can spend our third action doing something else in this case i think let's place our merchant down onto that same trade route because we know that other players are going to try and complete it to get more actions we also know that it's quite painful to displace one of these discs considering we already did it once on our turn so we are hoping that somebody else maybe also pays that penalty which will bring more of our components down onto the board either way that is our third action for our turn so we are done and now it's time for the green player to take their turn and they once again have two actions available to them now for the first action they would like to do a new option which is printed over here and that says they can move between two and five of their cubes or disks on the board to other free locations on the board now this is associated with the book in the middle of the desk and as you can see it starts off with a two showing and as these tokens are removed it goes all the way up to five now what this means is when you spend that action you can move up to that number of your cubes or disks from where they are to free spots on the board and they've decided to do that right now as i said they can move up to two with this action and those can move from the same trade route or multiple trade routes and they can go on to the same trade route or multiple trade routes in this case they are going to take this one cube and move it onto that empty spot and they'll take this cube and move it onto an empty spot up there now that has finished out their first out of two actions and with their second action they're going to place this cube onto that spot there thus filling up this trade route but of course they do have to spend an action to complete that and it's likely they'll do that on their next turn this means green is done so yellow can go and they'll go ahead and put a cube over there onto that empty action spot on that track and then they'll place another one up here filling out that trade route that has finished up all of their actions for this turn though so they won't be able to complete this until a future turn well that means it's our turn again and we have three actions to play with for the first one let's put a cube out onto the map now we obviously have a ton of different places that we could put this and i think let's put it over there that is associated with the trade route that would let us improve the moving tokens action remember at the start you can move two of your tokens from anywhere to any empty spot for an action but if you upgrade that it can go to three four or even five tokens which means you can very efficiently jump on a trade route from different spots of the board now with that in mind i think placing one cube over there to work towards that is a good idea after that we have two more actions left but we have no more tradesmen in our supply once again tradesmen are the cubes or the disks now that means we should probably perform this action now i think technically this is called the higher action but i always call it the bag action because it looks like a bag now the way this works is we are going to take three five seven or all of our cubes or discs from the general supply and put them into our personal supply where we can use them the amount that we actually pull over is going to be based on the number that is revealed on these bags at the start of the game a3 is revealed so that means for an entire action we can take up to three from down below and put them up top i suppose it is worth noting that technically all of the general supply stuff are supposed to be in a pile off to the side but i usually like to play having all of the components in the area with the good stuff above the desk and the not usable stuff down below i guess that's a bit of a variant but i think it works out pretty well for this game well we have one action left because we've placed a token and we have done a bag action so for our third action let's place another cube out onto the board now if we want to we could place this over here that way we have two out of the three spots filled in for that trade route but that also puts a bit of a target on this spot uh telegraphing to other players that we are quite interested in finishing this so they might put a cube or a disc over there to then force us to displace it if we want to finish it instead it probably makes sense to put this somewhere else like maybe over there that way we are keeping our actions uh broad and in the future we can use one of those move actions to jump over there to fill that in when our opponents aren't suspecting it i think spreading out these tokens for the moment is a good idea and that is our third and final action for the turn so we are done this means it's time for the green player to go and they still have just two actions for the first of these they've decided to complete a trade route and that's going to be this one up here once again all of the tokens on that trade route must be of the active player's color now as you can see there are no trading posts in either of these cities at the moment so no prestige is gained and we can also see that there is a bonus token associated with that trade route that means the green player now gets to take this bonus token and they can put it face up in front of themselves where they can use this as a free action later on in the game but not in the middle of the action where they took it now after that they have to take a random bonus token from the supply and then put that face down on the plate in front of them and that is a reminder that once they've finished their actions they then have to flip this over and place it down onto the board that way there is always three of these bonus tokens at the start of any player's turn i'll talk about placing this out soon and we can now continue on with their action when we focus back out on this trade route you can see that neither of these cities have an attribute banner next to them which means they can't improve anything on their desk so they are certainly going to establish a trading post the way this works is they're going to take one of the components from the trade route that they just completed and they're going to put it onto the left most spot in one of the adjacent cities as long as the component matches the shape and as long as they have the appropriate privilege now to start off with the shape you can see over here that requires a circle and that means one of these specific tokens on that trade route would have to be a circular merchant in order to fill that spot in and then that disc would actually stay there for the rest of the game obviously they don't have any disks here which means if they want to build a trading post it'll have to go over to the right we can see that the leftmost option is square so a cube can fit and we can see that the color of that is white the next one is pink and the far right spot shows black with this in mind we can look at the privileged part of the green player's desk and as you can see at the start of the game it shows a white and then underneath these cubes we can see orange pink and black now at the start of the game this means that players can only build trading posts into white spots in the towns and then as the game goes on players will be able to increase the ability of this privileged spot once they remove one of these they can build in white and orange then white orange and pink and then finally they can build into any of the privileges out there on the board the way players improve that specific attribute involves completing trade routes along this route because that specific privilege icon is showing up next to this city here that's part of the reason why we put this cube there because this is a pretty good attribute to increase so let's focus back over here and we know that the green player has the white privilege since all players start the game with that and they must place this into the leftmost spot with a matching shape so they can place one of their cubes over there and then the rest of the cubes will go back into the general stock now this component is a trading post and it will stay there for the rest of the game at the moment the green player now controls this entire city because the player with the most trading posts in that city controls it if there's a tie then the player with the left most trading post in that city amongst the tied players will control it and control is important because at the end of the game every player will get two victory points for each city that they control and whenever a trade route is completed adjacent to a city that has a trading post in it then the player who controls that city will get one victory point even if it's not their turn and it wasn't their cubes that completed that trading route now there are two other reasons why you want to build trading posts and the first of those involves these two red cities on the board now as soon as a player is able to draw a path through cities with at least one of their trading posts from one red city all the way over to the other red city then that player will immediately get seven victory points and they can track it over here the second time that happens a player will get four victory points and the third time that happens a player will get two victory points now once again you don't have to control all of those cities in that path you just have to have at least one trading post and as you can see this city is next to the red city the quickest way to connect these two would be to go right across the middle but that can be tricky with privilege sometimes it oftentimes ends up being easier to make this connection in a longer route as you play through the game and complete other objectives now once again you don't have to control the cities in that path between the two red areas you just have to have at least one trading post in it so the green player has started that out the city is adjacent to that city so perhaps they'll try to build into the city and make a route like that across the board players don't have to make this connection but getting seven points to be the first person to do it is definitely a good goal to have in the game well at this point green has finished both of their actions and i will note that i'll discuss what the specific bonus action does later on in the tutorial probably sooner rather than later since the green player is now finishing out their turn and they do have at least one bonus token on their board they have to take all of these bonus tokens and place them down onto trade routes so they can reveal this bonus token and once a player claims this one they can for free use it by flipping it over and then immediately gain three actions that they can use in that moment now as you can see this token does have an arrow and the green player has to place this down so that it is pointing towards a single root out here on the board now there are some restrictions they cannot point this towards a root that has at least one cube or disc on it they also must point this towards a route that does not already have a bonus token associated with it and lastly that route must have at least one empty trading post spot in one of the cities that are adjacent to the route that this goes down next to now they've decided to place this over there with the arrow pointing towards this route and that's not too surprising considering this is adjacent to a city that they control so when any player completes this trade route green will get one prestige point now the green player is also motivated to complete this to try and build a training route into that city so maybe they'll try to do that and claim this bonus for themselves we'll just have to see what they do in the future well it's now time for the yellow player to go and they have two actions on their turn for yellow's first action they are going to complete this trade route there are no trading posts in either adjacent city so no prestige points will be awarded there also aren't any bonus tokens so they can move right on to deciding if they want to establish their own trading post or if they want to increase the bag skill on their desk they've decided they actually want to build the trading post so they're going to place this over there onto the matching square it has white privilege which everybody starts with at the beginning of the game and then after that these will go into the general stock now this was an interesting decision because upgrading the bag is a good way to be more efficient when you gain more discs and cubes from the general stock but this city is connected to four different trade routes two of which have these upgrade options on them now the next option up here requires orange privilege in order to place down onto it so that means a player needs to complete this route in order to actually do that so the yellow player would be guaranteed to get a couple of points before that happens and they're also hoping to get some prestige points when the bag track is completed over here now with that in mind yellow does have one more action and they've decided to send one of their cubes from the personal supply back onto this track now before we move on i do want to point out there's a special icon on this spot as you can see that is a one prestige icon and whenever a trading post is built over an icon like that then that associated player immediately gets one prestige on the three player side of the first map there are six of these and on the four and five side which is the back side of this board there are only four cities that look like that well the yellow player's turn is done which means we can go and we have a couple of options available to us we obviously have three actions so we could place both of these and then complete a trade route if we wanted to or we could just place these out onto spots that are annoying for our opponents to make them potentially displace us which would pull cubes out of the general stock and put them down onto the board i suppose a third option is we could just place both of these over there so that we just have to displace a single yellow cube on our next turn to be able to potentially claim the spot and increase our bag option but i think maybe let's not fully commit to that let's put a single cube down over there and then another one on that route it's a pretty nice route considering this bonus token it gives extra actions and i imagine other players might want to get in on this or maybe we will on our next turn if nobody else places onto these spots now that's used two out of our three actions so for the third one let's bag again which means we can take three more of these and place them into our personal supply all right we are done so green can go and before they take any actions they've decided to use this bonus token these bonuses can be used before or after any actions are taken and this one says they can take up to three cubes or disks out on the board and move them to free open spots also out on the board it's worth noting that this specific bonus action changed from this version of the game to the current version and the rules that i just taught are the current version of the rules now they can move up to three of these tokens and they've decided to start by removing our purple disk that's unfortunate because we were hoping that somebody would displace us and give us a bonus but they've used this bonus right over here in order to get this out of their way the green player can put our disk down onto any open spot of the board and they've decided to put it over there they certainly are not interested in helping us out and they don't think that's going to do very much for us for the second move they're going to get rid of this yellow cube and they've decided to put that way over here which is probably not going to help the yellow player out and then for the third move they are going to take their own disc and move it down onto that empty spot on this track well that has completed the use of this free bonus token and they still have two actions available to them for the first of these two they're going to place one cube from their personal supply onto that empty spot there and then for their second action they are going to complete this because they have their own tokens on all of these spots now it's worth noting that if they wanted to at this moment they could build a trading post over here instead of increasing their number of actions that means they would get a prestige every time anyone else completes this trade route and it's possible that this is going to be a popular trade route to complete but the green player thinks getting that extra action is too important now before they even do that we can see that there are no bonus tokens associated with this route and currently there are no trade routes next to it so no one gets any prestige after that they're going to clear all of these off and they are indeed going to upgrade their action spot of their desk but before that all of these from the completed trade route will go into the general stock now they can upgrade their actions which means they'll take this cube and place it into their personal supply which means they can use that in the future and they also have three actions for this turn and every future turn of the game they've only spent two actions so far so they can take another action immediately well we're not too surprised to see them place a single cube over there they figure they'll probably be in somebody else's way or if they're not then they could continue upgrading their actions the next time that happens they don't actually get more actions but two more of these upgrades will get that player four actions per turn and this could go all the way up to five actions per turn which is pretty great it's also worth noting that at the end of the game every one of these tracks except for the keys will give a bonus for victory points if all of the tokens are removed from that specific track so that is another reason to upgrade deep on a specific attribute either way the green player is now done with their turn because they've taken all three of their actions which means it's time for yellow to go currently they've got three things in their personal supply and they've decided to use both of their actions to fill in these empty spots along that trade route so that's completed a rather quick turn for yellow that means we can go and we have three actions available i think for this turn instead of trying to be sneaky and get people's away let's spend two actions to place these cubes out and a third action to claim a trade route we could do this over there to potentially upgrade our privilege or we could do it over there to upgrade our move action and i think that's what we want to do so we've spent two out of our three actions and for the third action we will complete this trade route no prestige points are given because there aren't any trading posts adjacent to the trade route that just got completed now when we complete this trade route we could place one of our cubes onto that spot over there that would give us one prestige immediately and it would also get us prestige in the future when people completed this to try and improve that attribute that does seem somewhat tempting but i also like the idea of improving that attribute right now so let's go ahead and remove all three of these and then improve our move attribute these will go into the general stock and when we improve that attribute we will bring a disk and place that into our personal supply now this uncovered a three so that means that this action can move up to three of our disks or cubes out on the board instead of two so that got significantly more efficient and also unlocking another disk is great at the start of the game we only have one of them and now we have two so that means we can use these to establish trading posts or to just get in people's way making it more painful for it to be displaced either way our turn is done so green can go and they do indeed have three actions available to them after considering this they're going to start by placing two cubes for one action each and they'll put those over there onto this trade route that has that plus three actions bonus token next to it they do have a third action available and they could send this cube out but they've decided they are going to do a bag action instead which means they can take up to three things from the general stock and put them into their personal supply and that's finished their turn this means yellow can go and they're going to start with a bag action to bring three cubes up and then their other action is going to be placing a cube out onto the board this will go right up there onto that spot and that's finished their turn this means we can go again and let's spend our first two out of three actions placing these out and in particular let's place them onto this trade route then for our third action let's complete that trade route and instead of increasing our privilege i think let's build a trading post now before we actually get to that you'll notice when we complete this trade route one of the two adjacent cities is controlled by a player that's the yellow player since they have the most trading posts in the city so that means yellow will gain one prestige when we complete this trade route after that we again could increase our privilege but instead we have this disk which is our second disk and let's place it onto this city as a trading post now that is the only trading post available in that city it also has a white privilege which means we are able to go there right now and it has a one prestige icon on it which means we get that immediately so that means we get to go up to one prestige on this track and it's worth noting again that there's just one spot in the city which means the city is now full now every time a city has their final trading post spot filled in we move this token forward once on the full cities track now this is important because this is one of the three ways that the game can end now the game is going to end at the end of any single player's action if there are 10 full cities any one player has 20 or more prestige or if a player claimed a bonus from the board and there are no more bonuses in the supply to refill the board for the next player's turn in any of these instances the game ends immediately after that action the active player doesn't even get to finish their turn well our turn is done and now that we've placed that over there we are going to gain a prestige every time in the future when somebody completes this trade route in order to increase their privilege or of course they could use that to try and build another trading post over here although you could do that by completing some of these other trade routes instead i suppose i should mention that there is a very tiny chance that we could lose control of this city by having our opponents place access trading posts off to the side through the use of bonus tokens and i'll describe how that can happen later on once we see that type of bonus token being taken well the green player can go and for their first action they would like to displace they're going to start by placing this cube out and fortunately for us they are going to displace us over here on the road now that is a cube they just displaced which means the green player has to get rid of another cube or disc from their personal supply and put those into the general stock so they'll place this cube over there as the penalty and then as a bonus because our cube was removed we can take a single cube or disc from our stock and place it onto an adjacent road we'll do the same with this cube that was just displaced so that means we can place these onto those three road options we could split these up if we want to or we could put them down onto the same road and let's just go ahead and put these over there for the moment the displacement is done and for green's second action they are going to complete this trade route now they are in control of this city so that is going to give them a single prestige and then they can take this bonus token and put it face up in front of them after that they have to take a bonus token from the supply and put it face it down onto the plate on their desk until the end of their turn and then they can establish a trading post as you can see neither of these cities have an upgrade they could do on their desk now they can't put this over here because right now the green player does not have the pink level privilege but they do have the white level so they can place this cube right over there and the rest of these will go back into the general stock after that action green has one action left and they could also use this to get three more actions once now they've decided to hold on to that for the moment and for their last action of their turn they are going to place a cube out onto the board after considering their options they're going to put that over there well green is done with their turn and that means it's now time for them to place this bonus token out onto the board now this one is an extra trading house effect and if a player takes this one and has it in front of them when they place a trading house out onto the board they can actually put it to the left of a city instead of in that city itself that means for example if the green player had this and they had cubes on there and they decided to complete this trading route they could use this bonus along with that action in order to take a cube and put it to the left of either of these associated cities now this is the way that we could potentially lose control of that city if a player put two of these bonus trading houses over to the left they would have more trading houses than we would but remember if there was a tie then the rightmost component breaks that tie so even in this case we would still control that city the last thing to note about this is you can only put a bonus trading house to the left of a city where there is already at least one trading house there well green has to place this down onto a route that has no bonus tokens and no cubes as well as at least one open trading house next to it and they've decided to place it right over there well the yellow player can now go and they are still at two actions although they are about to fix that for their first action they are going to displace this cube that is a cube being displaced so they have to pay a penalty of sending a tradesman from their personal supply into the stock and then the green player gets a bonus of pulling a tradesman from their stock and they can put it down onto the board onto an empty spot on an adjacent trading route now they're gonna put both of these over there and then for yellow's second action they are going to complete this trade route no prestige will be gained and they've decided not to send out a trading post instead they are going to upgrade their action so that means this cube will go down over there and they now get three actions per turn and they can actually take their third action immediately in this case they've decided to displace for the second time of their turn and they are going to displace us up here on that trade route they're going to push in this disk and since they are displacing a cube they have to pay another tradesman from their personal supply into the stock after they do that we can take a cube or a disk from our stock and place it down onto the board onto adjacent trade routes i don't see a reason not to do that improving our privilege would help us as well as the yellow player and uh we just have to kick the green player out and that does make it harder for our opponents to increase their privilege which is certainly something we wouldn't mind stalling them out on as the game goes on well yellow is done which means that we get to go and at this point all of us are taking three actions per turn now i do see a good opportunity so let's jump on it and use a move action which means we can move up to three of our tradesmen on the board let's take all of these three tradesmen and put them right over here onto the action trading route or at least the route that's next to the upgrades for the actions after that let's spend an action to complete this trade route no prestige is given out and then let's go ahead and upgrade the action spot on our desk again this means we go from three actions to three actions which means we did not gain any additional actions but we are just one more action upgrade away from getting four actions per turn which is great and that did get us another cube which we can put up here we do have one action left so i figure let's place this cube out onto the board and i figure we'll throw it over there making it harder for our opponents to also upgrade their actions although they're probably less likely to go hard on this now considering they now have to do this twice to get another action benefit our turn is done and that means green can go they've decided to start with a bag action which will pull three cubes or discs from the general stock and put it into their supply and then for their other two actions they are simply going to add cubes onto the board and they'll put both of these down onto that trade route they could have moved these over there for a single action but they like the idea of just adding some more cubes to the board perhaps they are not even committing to try and finishing this trading route they might end up moving these somewhere else on a future turn now they could use this to get three extra actions in this moment but they've decided to hold on to this once again and that means their turn is done so the yellow player can go and they have three actions now the first of these is going to be completing a trade route and that's going to be right up here now yellow does control that city so they are going to gain one prestige when this trade route is completed and they could place a cube over there to gain another prestige but they've decided they really want to upgrade their bag action so they are going to do that instead this means they can remove that cube and now when they do bag actions they will pull five of the cubes and disks from the general stock into their personal supply instead of three and that is significantly more efficient at this point they have two actions left and one of them will be a bag action they can take five of these so that'll be four cubes and a disc and place those into their personal supply now for their third action they're going to place a single cube out onto the board and they've decided to place it right back over here onto that trading route yellow is done so that means we can go and i think we should once again bag we don't have anything up here and it would be great to try and upgrade this considering uh losing a whole action to just bring three up is somewhat costly and we've done this several times this game so far after that let's do a move action which lets us move up to three of our cubes or disks although i think at the moment we just want to move two we only have three cubes or discs out here on the board and i like this one staying over there clogging up that route now let's move these two over onto those spots there and then for our third action let's displace yellow now that is a cube which means we can place one of our cubes down and then pay another cube or disk as a penalty remember if this was a disk we would have to pay two as a penalty but it's a cube so it's only going to be one going back to the general stock after that yellow as a bonus can take one tradesman from their stock and then they can put both of these onto an adjacent trade route or they could split them up and they've decided just to go over here to make sure this isn't too easy for the green player to fill in themselves our turn is done which means the green player can go and they've decided to start by displacing us on this route now that does mean they have to pay a penalty uh sending one keyboard disk to the stock and then we get a bonus of pulling one from our stock and i think let's just place these over there and there we'll just split those up for their second action they're going to complete this trade route that does not give any prestige to anyone and they would like to do an action upgrade which will pull this cube up there after that for the third action they are going to do a move action which means they can move up to two of their cubes or disks and they will move these two right over there and then they are going to use this to get three more actions this means they're going to take six actions total on this turn and they've already taken three so their fourth action for the turn will be placing this there then for their fifth action they're going to complete this yet again and that means they can upgrade their actions again which means they get up to the fourth action spot on this track that means they're actually going to take seven actions this turn and so far they have taken five so for their sixth action they'll place this cube back on the track and then they will perform a bag action for their seventh and final action of the turn this means they will pull three of these from the stock and put them into the supply so that was a very powerful turn for the green player and they now get to take four actions on each of their turns for the rest of the game this means the yellow player can go and they've decided to start by placing one cube on the board and they'll put it here for their second action they can move up to two of their cubes or discs and they will move these two onto those locations and for the third action they are going to complete this trade route no prestige is going to be given out and they've decided to upgrade their move action so they can take this disk and put it into their personal supply and now that move action lets them move up to three and they have two of these disks all right that's finished their turn this means we can go and the first thing that we should do is complete a trade route in particular that's going to be this one up here to upgrade our bag action when we do this that is going to get the yellow player another prestige and then we can pull this cube off so now in the future our bag actions will pull out five of the cubes now again you can upgrade this to seven and then finally this c means all so you just take all of your cubes or disks and put them into your personal supply for one action which is obviously very powerful well we've taken two out of our three actions and i figure let's go ahead and place this cube out onto the board and i think this is as good a spot as any green can now go and they have four actions available to them it appears they like the idea of even more actions because they're going to spend two of their four actions to place those there then their third action is going to complete this trade route again and they are once again going to upgrade their actions at this point maybe they're starting to feel like they should have placed a trade route down to get some prestige from all of these completions but they also like increasing the actions so these go into the general stock and then this cube will be removed that did not increase the number of actions that they get right now but they are just one upgrade away from getting up to five they do have one action left at the moment and they've decided to send this disk and they'll put it over here onto that action track green is done so yellow can go and they have three actions after thinking it through they are just going to place out three cubes and they'll put one there and the other two will go over here and that finished up a quick turn well we can go now and we have three actions and i do not want the green player to be able to upgrade their actions one more time because that would get them up to five actions per turn so with that in mind let's spend the first action moving and i think we'll send both of these onto those spots there and then with our second action let's place this disk onto that route now the reason we're going over here is because we might want to actually claim one of these special prestige bonuses which i haven't talked about just yet now this route is slightly special because when you complete it you can either build a training post as normal or you can send one of your merchant disks onto one of these prestige bonuses it must be a disk because it has to match that shape and you can put this down onto any of these that you want to as long as you have the associated privilege color now you can obviously go left to right if you want but if we had the pink privilege and we did this we could jump right over there and go to the nine privilege spot and that would be worth nine privilege once the game is over obviously there are only four of these available each game and even seven prestige is a really good use of a disk at some point during the game we have one action left and nothing in our personal supply so let's do a bag action to pull five of these cubes up and over there all right our turn is over which means it's time for green to go with their four actions uh they're gonna start by doing a bag action and then they're gonna place three cubes onto the board after considering their options they're just gonna put them all over there and that finished their turn well yellow can go and they're going to start with a displacement they're going to place a disc and displace a cube which means they have to take one thing from the personal supply and put it into the stock and in this case it looks like they are displacing us that means we can take a cube from the general stock and place it down onto one of these adjacent roots and i figure we'll just put them like that that's completed one of yellow's three actions and for the next one they are going to complete this route they could once again build over here if they wanted to but they are going to upgrade their bag again now i'm getting ahead of myself the first thing that happens is they are going to gain another prestige so they are going to continue to pull ahead because of this specific trading post that they put there earlier now they're going to pull all of these back and upgrade their bag attribute again on their desk after they do that they have one action left and they are going to do a bag action and that lets them pull seven things from the general stock and put it into their supply so they're gonna put two disks over there as well as five cubes well we are next and we're just one action upgrade away from more actions so i think let's start with a displacement this will be costly but i hope it'll be worth it we're going to displace this green disk which means we take two other things from our personal supply and we put them into the stock and then green can pull two out of the stock and place those onto the board and they're gonna put all three of these over there that's finished one action for us and for our second action we can complete this no prestige points are given and that will let us upgrade our actions which means we now get to take four actions per turn for the rest of the game we've also only taken two actions so far and we have two more remaining now again i really don't want the green player to get up to five actions so let's just spend our final two actions putting these over onto those spots on the board well it's now the green player's turn and for the first action they're going to place a cube over there and for their second action they're going to complete this trade route over there no prestige will be given out because there are no trading posts adjacent and then they've decided to upgrade the key attribute on their desk they do that by pulling the leftmost token off and as you can see this key value went from one to two now it goes one two two three four and this value is only used once the game is over for end game network scoring the way that works is each player is going to find their largest network of connected cities with at least one of their trading posts in it and they are going to count the number of trading posts there and multiply that by their key factor so green now has a two showing up here and at the moment their biggest network is just these two cities that have two trading posts within them that means if the game was over right now they would get two times two or four victory points and obviously this is a big reason why the green player might want to grow out this network considering they have now doubled their endgame scoring for it and if they continue to perform this key upgrade they can get it up to a 3 or even four time multiplier well the green player has used two out of their four actions and for the third action they're going to complete this trade route over there no prestige is going to be given out when this is completed and then they've decided to construct that trading post there instead of upgrading their move action so that is going to increase their prestige value by one so they go up to two green does have one action left and they'll put one cube down over there green is done which means yellow can go and they're simply going to spend all three of their actions placing three cubes on the board after considering their options they're just going to put them all over onto that specific trade route with yellow's turn done we now get to go and at this point i am now going to stop playing through each of the player turns and instead i am going to fast forward through the rest of the game and then we will stop once any of the end game triggers are hit and we can then proceed with final scoring well the game just came to an end after the yellow player claimed this route over here and that got them to the 20 victory point spot i just realized that while the game was being played i wasn't tracking the full cities there are i believe four full cities out here so we're not close to the 10 but again the three end game conditions are 10 full cities any one player with 20 or more victory points or trying to take another one of these tokens from the supply but having none left as you can see there are just four left there in the supply and the green player did do a big jump because they were able to connect these two red cities with uh cities that have their own trading posts in them they're the only player to do that and the first player to do it gets seven points the second player gets four and the third player to do it gets two although in this play it looks like only the green player pulled that off there are a couple other things of note that i'd like to mention before we go into the final scoring and the first of these is a couple new types of bonuses this one right here was claimed by the yellow player and this simply lets you upgrade any one thing on your desk in this case they use that to upgrade their last privilege spot the other type of bonus that i haven't described just yet is this one and that lets you swap the positions of any two tradesmen within a given city which will obviously increase your odds of winning because you're better on the tiebreaker a couple of these were used in order to swap some control over here although it ended up swapping back and it is worth noting that you cannot swap a bonus uh trading post with one that's actually within a city speaking of the bonus trading posts a couple of them were built over here in order to have the players extend their network through this one trading post city well since the game is over it's now time to move it into final scoring and the first thing that we get points for is just the prestige that we already have so going into final scoring we have a paltry six points the green player has 16 and yellow is at 20. after that we will all get four points for each of our fully developed abilities on our desk except for the keys and as you can see we did that just once we got all the way up to five actions so that is going to get us for prestige over here the green player also was only able to do that one over there so they get four prestige and finally we can see yellow ended the game with just three actions compared to the five of both of their opponents but they did complete two of these areas so that is four plus four or eight points for yellow so we go from six up to ten green goes from 16 up to 20 and yellow goes from 20 up to 28. after that we will all score points for our bonus tokens that we have collected throughout the game whether or not we actually use them it looks like the green player has a couple of these extra outpost bonus tokens that they did not end up using now specifically we'll get one point if we have one of those bonus tokens at the end of the game we will get three points if we have two or three tokens we get six points if we have four or five then ten points if we have six or seven fifteen points if we have eight or nine and lastly 21 points if we have 10 or more of these tokens in front of us which would be a pretty big task considering there's only 15 of these tokens in the game well we have two which will give us three victory points bring us to 13. yellow also has two which gives them three points bringing them to 31 and green has five which means they get six points bringing them up to 26 if they had just one more of these bonus tokens they would have gained 10 points instead of six next up we can score bonus points for the special powers area over here and it looks like we were the only person to go onto the spot that is a seven prestige location so that means we immediately get seven prestige bringing us from 13 up to 20. next up we will each get two victory points for every city that we control and remember you control it if you have more trading posts than anyone else and if there's a tie then the right most trading post within that city will break the tie let's go ahead and start off with ourselves we control one two three cities and unfortunately that is it we do have a trading post over here but the yellow player is going to break the tie in their favor so that means we get three times two or six more points bringing us up to 26. next up we can score green and they currently control one two three four five six seven eight cities out here on the map so that is eight times two or sixteen points which brings them from twenty six up to forty two lastly the yellow player currently controls one two three four cities so that is four times two or eight points bringing them from 31 up to 39. finally it's time for largest network scoring again we find the largest branching network of cities that have at least one trading post for that player and then we multiply the number of trading posts in that network by the key value now we have a key value of two we were able to upgrade that once throughout the game and when we look out at our largest network that is going to go around here and onto that spot we do have a stranded trading post over there now within this network we have one two three four trading posts and we multiply that by two because that is our key value so we get eight more victory points bringing us from 26 up to 34. after that the green player's largest network is quite large as you can see they do have a trading post up here but they were not able to quite connect that now we can see they have one two three four five six seven eight trading posts in this largest network and their key value is two so they get eight times two or 16 more points which brings them from 42 up to 58. finally the yellow player was unfortunately not able to upgrade their key throughout the game so their multiplier is one and they have one two three four five training posts in their largest network so that is five more points for them bringing them from 39 up to a final score of 44. well there you have it these are the final scores for the game green came in with a pretty decent victory yellow came in second and we are a pretty distant third and it's interesting to note that both the green player and us as the purple player had five actions per turn uh somewhat in the middle a part of the game whereas the yellow player went with three actions the entire game and they still did quite better than we did um it's also worth noting that this is a relatively sparse board out here i was playing against myself in this play and in my experience in the past there was oftentimes more congestion out here on the board i think the game was somewhat accelerated towards its end by the yellow player getting some double scorings up here by having some pretty key trading posts but either way that's going to bring this three player game of haunted tetonica to an end and that's also going to bring the tutorial to a close i hope that you've enjoyed learning how to play the game as always i'd like to thank everyone who's been supporting this channel including these producer level patreon supporters if you too would like to directly support the channel in the creation of future videos like this one then please go to jungitsgames.com support also if you 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Keywords: jongetsgames, jon gets games, johngetsgames, jongetsgames playthrough, jongetsgames play through, jongetsgames playthru, jongetsgames runthrough, jongetsgames tutorial, jongetsgames runthru, jongetsgames Hansa Teutonica, Hansa Teutonica playthrough, Hansa Teutonica play through, Hansa Teutonica play thru, Hansa Teutonica runthrough, Hansa Teutonica tutorial, Hansa Teutonica runthru, Hansa Teutonica review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 14sec (3614 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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