PARKS - Tutorial & Full Playthrough

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welcome to the jungles games tutorial for parks in this video i'll be teaching you the rules of the game as we play it and i will be showing one full three-player game today now i would like to mention that the only reason this video is being made is because parks was selected by the contributing producer level supporters of this channel at the patreon campaign now you can learn more about that by going to johngetsgames and if you enjoy watching videos just like this one then i do hope they would consider directly supporting the channel so that videos like this can be made in the future the last thing i'd like to ask is that if you enjoy this video you please click the like button for down below as well as the subscribe button for the channel alright let's jump into the game out here we have the game fully set up and ready to play for our three different players now before i start i would like to ask that you please turn on the klingon subtitles i might make mistakes as i'm showing you the game and those will let me put corrections on the screen where you should be able to see them well let's start things off with a brief overview of the game now it's going to take place over four rounds which are called seasons and within each round we have a different hiking trail in the middle of the table all of these tiles will be shuffled up and one more will be added with each season and on a player's turn they're going to take one of their hikers and move them as far to the right as they want as long as they land on a spot that is empty or they can go onto a full spot and exhaust their campfire once they land they can then perform the action on that location and we are going to keep playing until all of these hikers have made it to the end of the trailhead along the way we will be gathering various resources and we will use those resources to visit parks that are listed up at the top or we could also reserve these parks and visit those instead each park tells you the number of resources that you have to spend in order to go there and each of these also gives victory points at the end of the game now as we go through the game we will also be able to pick up gear cards which give us permanent abilities that change our options throughout the game and we can also draw random canteens which give us opportunities to spend water in order to get specific boosts for ourselves in addition to that the season cards will dictate special effects for that specific season and once we finish this season we shuffle up all of these tiles in the middle we add another one in and place them out and then play through it again once we do that four times the game will be over and the person with the most victory points will be the winner now i will go into the details of all of these things as we bump into them while playing and i do believe it's time to start now we are going to play as the purple player over here and we have the first hiker marker which means we get to take the first turn of the game the way this works is we have to select one of our two hikers and then move them as far to the right as we want with that in mind we obviously can't select hikers at the trail end because there is nothing to the right of that space so let's take this hiker here and i think we want to move two spaces over onto the forest now whenever we land on a location we have to make sure that we are the only hiker there or we have to exhaust our campfire token in order to go onto a spot that has any other color hiker including one of our own obviously this is empty so we can keep our campfire lit and it is worth noting that every time a hiker reaches the trail end the campfire will relight after landing on a spot we can perform the actions there the first thing to note is that there is this sunshine token on top of that action now at the start of each season we are going to seed all of these action spaces with a token and that depends on the specific season card that was drawn and this action right here has a sunshine token that means we can take this token and for the rest of the season the forest will no longer have a token on it now there is a action in the forest which says we can take one forest token so let's grab one from the supply as you can see the game came with these two organizing trays and it's worth noting that if there are no more of that specific resource in either of these trays then you cannot gain that resource until players pay those back into the supply so we can place these into our area and now at the end of our turn we have to make sure that we do not have more than 12 tokens in our area if we do then we will have to discard down to 12 but obviously at this point we have two tokens so we are fine well our turn is done which means play will move clockwise over to the green player and they have decided to simply move one space into the valley now that is going to get them a water token as well as two more sunshine tokens from the valley itself that has finished their turn which means the blue player can go and they've decided to jump quite far with their first hiker they're going to go all the way over here to the ocean that is going to get them one water from the top of the tile and then the ocean will always give two more water tokens so that means the blue player has just gained three water tokens in this round after this they've decided to activate their canteen all of the players got one random canteen at the start of the game and whenever you gain water instead of putting it into your personal supply you can place it onto a canteen to activate that effect it's worth noting you are not allowed to activate a canteen with water that you have already stored in your area you must decide in the moment that you get that water if you want to pay it onto a canteen now if you have multiple canteens then you can activate multiple cards at the same time when you gain more than one water into your personal area well in this case that canteen says they can place one water down to gain one mountain token and it is worth noting that every canteen just costs one water token now that is going to stay there for the rest of the season and then this will be flushed out once the season is over so that they could use it in the following season well that has finished the blue player's turn which means play will move clockwise back over here to us and before we actually take our turn i'd like to focus down here on this year card that we have in front of us during setup we drew two of these and then chose one and the year of woods is the one that we went with now all of these are hidden from our opponents that's why all of the other players have these face down but we will keep this one face up because we are playing as the purple player now once the game is over which happens after we complete four full seasons we will potentially get two or three extra points if we have fulfilled the top or bottom row on this year card the top objective says that if we have six forced icons on our visited parks at the end of the game and have taken three photos then this will get us two points and instead if we have ten of those forest icons on visited parks and have taken five photos we will get three points now in order to get cards with forest icons we do need to spend forest tokens or wildlife tokens which can be used as a wild when we look back at the board we can see that this card which is the conga national park just takes two forests in order to be visited so i do have my eye on that and that's part of the reason we went here on our first turn to pick up that forest now at this point we get to go again and we can move either of our hikers and i think we should go onto this spot here now let's just move one space forward with that hiker instead of moving this one all the way up to the front that is going to get us a sunshine token and then down below we can see that the wildlife action says that we must spend one token to gain one wildlife now it is worth noting that you are not allowed to land on a space if you cannot perform the action so if we did not have any tokens suspend then this would not be a legal place to go now we would be able to use the sunshine that we just removed from that action if we wanted to and i do think we are going to do that so let's spend this sunshine in order to take one wildlife token now there are 12 different shapes for these wildlife tokens but they all work the same way and i think let's start off by taking this bird we can place these back and the wildlife tokens act as a wild type of token for whenever we visit parks or take photos that means one possibility for us involves using this bird as a forest along with that forest token there in order to pay the two forests that we need to visit this park now we can't actually visit a park without going to a visit a park action there's one over here at the end of the trail and more versions of this action can show up in other places in the game and we'll see those at some point next up the green player can go and they've decided to take this hiker at the trailhead in moving all the way up here to the vista that means they are going to gain one sunshine token and then they can either gain the top canteen from this deck which they will keep for the rest of the game or they can take a photo now they have decided they would like to take a photo that is going to cost two of any tokens and they are going to spend this sunshine and this water token and that is going to gain them one photo as well as the camera token the photos are up here in the supply and as you can see they do have different images on them but on the back you can see that every single one of them is worth one victory point at the end of the game so they can take this photo here and then as i said they also gain the camera tile now at the start of the game this goes to the player to the right of the starting player so that's why blue has it and this goes over here now to the green player this is important because when we look at the back of the camera it says that whenever you have this and you take a photo you only spend one token instead of the normal two and if you have this at the end of the season which happens once all of the hikers have made it to the trail end you can take another photo as a bonus which again just costs one token now i'm going to leave it on this side as a reminder of these effects even though that side does look nicer of course it is possible that someone else might go to the vista and take this camera away from the green player before they can actually utilize this so there is a game of hot potato with this camera going around throughout the season well green is done which means the blue player can go and they've decided to move this hiker two spaces forward to the forest there is no token on that spot as a bonus but the forest does give them one forest token which they can add into their area so that has finished their turn which means we get to go again and let's move this hiker all the way over here to the mountain that will get us a sunshine as a bonus and then the action at the mountain is going to gain us one mountain resource that has finished up a simple turn for us but obviously amassing a pile of these tokens is certainly a good thing for our options as we go throughout the game that means it's time for the green player to go and they've decided to move this hiker all the way over here to the ocean now as i mentioned before you cannot go onto the same spot as any other hiker including your own colored hiker unless you extinguish your campfire so green has decided to do that and that is going to gain them to water now while their campfire is extinguished they cannot go onto another space with another hiker but again this campfire will re-light every time one of that player's hikers reaches the trail end and that is likely going to be happening soon after that it is now time for the blue player to go and they've decided to head from the ocean all the way to the trail end the first thing that happens is their campfire will be re-lit although it looks like they never extinguished it so it will stay lit in their area next up they have to place their hiker into one of these three different areas and they place it all the way to the right in that area if they were to go to reserve a park they'd place it on top of that icon and that means they would take this first hiker token which means they would take the first action in the next season now they would also be able to reserve a park which would let them take any face up park on the board or the top face down park from the deck and they would then put that sideways in their area and in the future when they visited parks they could visit this one in their area or any of the others and no other player could visit this reserved park now the blue player has decided they don't want to do that right now and the next option involves visiting a park now that simply lets you spend the associated resources to visit one park that can be a park that you have reserved or a park that is face up in the middle of the table but in this case blue isn't going to do that either they are going to go into the middle in order to buy gear now as you can see there are two spots over here on the right and the farthest one shows a four plus which means you only use this in a four or five player game that means the farthest to the right spot in a three-player game is this one here and that is going to give them a one sun token discount when they purchase gear so they can now buy a gear card and as you can see there is always going to be three options available on the board now the cost is always going to be sunshine tokens and that is listed in the top right and at the moment the blue player does not have any sunshine tokens which means they can use this discount of one to pay for the binoculars this is the only gear they could currently afford now this will go in front of them for the rest of the game and that says that they may gain a wildlife token instead of two sunshine every time they visit the valley for the rest of the game so the blue player can put this in front of them and now we have to draw a new gear card this one is rain gear that costs three sunshine and it says for the rest of the game if you have the rain gear you can spend water in the place of forest tokens whenever you visit a park well blue has finished their turn which means it's now time for us to go again and i was thinking about going to the end of the trail right now but i think i might want to hold off we can buy gear if we go onto the spot but there's obviously no more discount and at the moment we have two sunshine now the gear that we would really like is the journal that says that for the rest of the game when we visit parks they cost one forest less and considering we are quite incentivized by this year of woods card to visit parks with lots of forests that seems like a great synergy for us but it does cost three sunshine and we currently just have two so let's hold off i don't think any of our opponents could take this before us and instead let's move this hiker one space forward onto the valley that will get us two more sunshine tokens which means we now have four of them total and can afford to take this on our next turn by going there now we might change our plan based off of what our opponents do but i do think this will be a solid option for us well the green player can go and they've decided to send this hiker to the trail end and they would like to buy gear they are not going to get a discount with this purchase and then they are going to buy this wide-angle lens which does cost to sunshine now this says that for the rest of the game they may take a photo whenever they visit the ocean and in addition to that this says that they immediately when they take the gear card can take a photo now they currently have the camera which means whenever they take a photo they spend one resource instead of two so that means they can utilize this camera to spend just one water to take a second photo which will go in front of them now it is worth noting that you only take the camera from somebody else whenever you go to the vista and every other time you take a photo the camera will stay wherever it is next up let's reveal another gear card this is a water filter that costs two sunshine and it says that you may gain three water instead of one mountain token whenever you visit the mountain green is done with that gear by action and they do have to remember to reignite their campfire because again that happens every time one of your hikers reaches the trail end green is done so blue can go and they've decided to use their campfire in order to move on to the ocean and that is going to gain them two water tokens their turn is done which means we get to go and i think let's go ahead and purchase a gear card of our own the one i already talked about is the journal that is going to cost us three sunshine and we do have four so we can spend three of this and now for the rest of the game whenever we visit parks they cost one forest less this also means that we can reignite our campfire but we have not actually flipped it over yet next up we can reveal another gear card this is a tent that costs three sunshine tokens and it says that you can spend your campfire token which means you go from the lit side to the exhausted side in order to have one of your hikers revisit their current site so they don't move they just perform the action on the site where they already were well our turn is done which means the green player can go and they have decided to send their hiker all the way to the trail end that means they have to reignite their fire and now they do not actually have the tokens necessary to visit any of these parks so instead they are going to reserve a park they are the first player to do that so that means they are going to take this token and that means they will be the starting player in the next round and we are going to go third which isn't great for us but either way now they get to reserve a park card they can take any of these or they could grab the one from the top of the deck and it looks like they've actually decided to reserve the congareen national park this is the one that we have been hoping to complete but we went a little bit too slowly and now that is gone now they are reserving this so that means they're going to put it sideways in their area to show that they have not completed it and in the future whenever the green player visits a park they can visit any of these three or they can visit this one that's in the reserve area after that a new park has to be drawn and placed over here green is done so now blue can go and they have an important decision to make as you can see they have this hiker that can move and if they were to go to the very end then that means on our turn our hiker would be the only one not at the trail end now whenever it's your turn if yours is the only hiker left out here you must go to the end you cannot go to any other spot that means if blue goes to the end they will force us to also go to the end on our turn however if they go somewhere else then we will have more flexibility to do more things before the end of this season now they would certainly love to go to the vista and take that camera away from the green player but they've decided it probably makes sense for them to rush a little bit more so they are going to go to the end and they have decided to visit a park in this case they want to visit the glacier bay national park and as you can see that is going to cost them a forest a mountain and two of their water tokens that is going to be worth three victory points to them at the end of the game and they can now leave this face up in front of them they do also reignite their campfire because one of their hikers reached the trail end after that a new park has to be drawn this is the biscayne national park blue is done which means we now get to go and as i mentioned before if ours is the only hiker out here then we are forced to go to the trail end now this is pretty unfortunate i would love to visit a park and we do have three tokens but they do not match up with any of the face-up parks we would have been able to finish one of these if we could have gone to the ocean first but the blue player stopped us from being able to do that so i suppose we are going to reserve a park and since we are not the first player to do that we will not get the starting player token and it appears we have definitely been penalized by going too slowly on this trail so we can take one of these three or the top one and i think the biscayne national park is actually pretty good it has two of those forests on it which help us out with the year of wood's goal and of course we get a discount of one less forest whenever we visit parks like this so let's go ahead and reserve this in our area and then the next park is going to be the sequoia national park now that is one we are very interested in it needs four forests and that would really help us out with our year of woods goal our turn is done and since all hikers are at the trail end that means this season is coming to an end now the first thing that happens is the player who has the camera can do a photo of opportunity that lets them spend one token to take a photo and green is going to do that they definitely benefited from the blue player not taking that camera away from them so this will go over here and they are going to purchase their third photo of the season and remember each one of these is worth one victory point after that it's time to empty all canteens which means we simply take the water off of the canteens and place them back into the supply next up we are going to return all of the player hikers to the trailhead and then we are going to take all of the trail tiles and add to them one more advanced tile shuffle those up and place those out to make the trail for the next season so we can take all of these hikers and place them over here and then we can make that new trail before we do that i do want to point out that this starting trail that we saw is made up of five basic tiles which are always in every season and then we randomly pulled out one advanced tile and you can tell by that asterisk in the bottom in the setup of the game we pulled wildlife out and as you can see there are four of these advanced tiles so now we are going to take one of these and that is going to be the lookout and we will shuffle these into the rest and then we will place these out so that means in the next season the trail will be one space longer now if you remember this game is going to last over four seasons so at the end of this season we'll shuffle this one in and in the fourth season the fourth and final advanced tile will be in there and the fourth season will be four spaces longer than the first so that means every single time you play you will see all four of these advanced tiles is going to significantly impact the options for the players in that specific game all right we can shuffle these up and build the trail the next thing that we do is reveal a new season card and the way we do that is we get rid of the current season card and bring out a new one before we do that i've just realized that i forgot about this effect that's printed on the card now each of these season cards will dictate what tokens will go down onto the trail in the bottom right corner and they also have an effect that is active throughout that season for this first season of the game we had the season of stone and that says that players should gain one sunshine if they gain any amount of mountains on their turn now i did unfortunately forget this was out here and throughout the first season the blue player is the only player to take any mountains so let's just go ahead and fix this by having the blue player gain one sunshine now they certainly should have had this a long time ago and i'll try not to forget about these as we continue to play through the game so as i said we can now reveal a new season that means we can place this one to the bottom of the deck and then we can draw the top card from the deck and it looks like in the second season of the game this is a season of splendor now that says that we immediately add one sunshine token onto the three current parks so we can place these out and now whenever a player visits or reserves one of these cards they will also gain that sunshine token and you are even allowed to use this token to help pay for visiting that specific park now unlike the season we had earlier this one does not have an ongoing ability so in the future in that season if we draw more cards they will not get more sunshine tokens on them now the next thing that we have to do is look to the bottom right corner of this season as you can see it shows a cloud icon and then it says water and sunshine that pattern is used to place the water and sunshine tokens out onto each of these trail spots we start at the first trail and we follow that pattern so we go with a water and then a sunshine and then we repeat that pattern as many times as we need to until all of the trail spots have one token on top of them all right we can start the second season off and the green player gets to go first after considering their options they want to move two spaces forward to the mountain that is going to get them a sunshine token as well as one mountain token after that the blue player can go and they've decided to move one space forward onto the forest they are going to take this water as well as one forest token and they're going to use that water they just got to activate their canteen which will get them a mountain token after that we can go and i think let's jump forward onto the lookout spot that is going to gain us one water now if we want to we can use this water on at this turn to fill up the canteen that we started the game with and that would let us get rid of another token to get a wildlife token or we could reserve a park now i think we should do this and let's reserve one of the three parks on the board the one we are most interested in is the sequoia national park so let's reserve that and then we gain this sunshine token that was placed on top of it when we revealed the season of splendor card so we can place this reserved park with the other one and now we do have to take an action at the lookout space on the trail i suppose i'm actually getting a little ahead of myself we should reveal another park card first and that is the channel islands national park that needs one mountain and two water now we can do an action at the lookout and as you can see that lets us do a parks action which means we could reserve a park or we could visit one or we could buy gear currently we don't have enough tokens to visit either of the parks that we have reserved but we do have to sunshine and we can spend these right now to buy this water filter gear card that says for the rest of the game we can gain three water instead of one mountain token when we visit the mountain location on the trail after that we have to reveal a new gear card this is a water bottle that costs two sunshine and it says that you immediately do a gain a canteen action and then for the rest of the game you may fill a canteen for free whenever you visit the ocean now what that means is when you visit the ocean you take a water from the supply and place it directly onto one of your canteens all right our turn is over which means the green player can go and they've decided to move this hiker all the way forward to the ocean that is going to gain them one water and then the ocean itself is going to give them two more water and then they'll use one of this water to fill up their canteen now that says they can get rid of any two tokens to take two other tokens as long as those don't match with the first ones and they are not allowed to gain wildlife with this exchange they've decided to get rid of both of these water tokens and they will exchange for two sunshine they could have taken a sunshine and something else like a forest if they wanted but they wanted these two now after that they're going to activate their wide-angle lens that says that they may take a photo whenever they visit the ocean which they did indeed just do and they still have this camera none of us have taken that away from them yet that means they only spend one of their resources and they're gonna spend this mountain in order to take their fourth picture of the game i think the rest of us really should try to wrestle this camera away from the green player well they could place this over here after that the blue player can go and they are indeed going to take a photo they're going to move this hiker forward to the vista spot that is going to gain them this sunshine and they could take a canteen but they are more interested in taking a photo and taking this camera away from the green player now the blue player does have to spend two tokens to take that photo and they're going to spend a sunshine as well as a forest they can place that photo over there and their turn is done this means we can go and i think let's send this hiker to the mountain that does mean we are passing over the forest which would get us more forced tokens that we do need but i think we should not go as slow as we did last time and that mountain is going to interact with our water filter gear that says instead of taking a mountain token we can take three water well we do need two water in order to visit this park over here so let's go ahead and take all three of that water and that has finished up our turn this means green can go and they are going to move over here to the lookout this is an occupied spot already so they do have to extinguish their campfire and now they have decided to buy gear they are going to spend two of their sunshine and that is all they need in order to pick up this water bottle now that says they immediately gain one canteen so they can take the top one from this deck and that says if they put a water token down on it they will gain a forest token they'll place this over here and green now has two different gear cards that give them a bonus when they visit the ocean so i think it is very likely we're gonna see the green player going to the ocean more often during this game green is done so blue can go and they've decided to move this hiker up to the valley that is going to gain them one sunshine and then they do have these binoculars that say they can gain a wildlife instead of the two sunshine that's printed on this area now they have decided to do that so the wildlife they are going to grab is going to be this deer-shaped token blue is done so that means we can go although before we take our turn i just realized that we do need to refill this gear spot now this card is a flashlight it only costs one sunlight and it says for the rest of the game gear costs one less sunlight token to take now we can take our turn and considering we have this water filter which gives us a decent way to get a bunch of water i think gaining another canteen is probably going to be a good idea so let's move this hiker one space forward onto the vista and instead of taking a photo we're going to draw a new canteen so this is the card that we got and that says we can put a water onto it in order to gain two sunlight now we cannot place any of these on here because again you can only fill up a canteen with water that you gained during that turn our turn is done so green can go and they've decided to jump all the way to the end of the trailhead with this hiker they want to buy gear they are the first one so that's going to give them a one sunlight discount and they are going to use that to purchase this flashlight without spending any sunlight at all because it only cost one they can place this into their area and they already have three gear cards but future ones will be even cheaper and it does appear like they are trying to focus on that now this is going to reignite their campfire and now we can see a new gear card this is a journal that costs three sunlight and it says that parks cost one mountain less to visit all right the blue player can go and they've decided to send this hiker to the end of the trail and they are going to visit a park the one they've decided to go to is the channel islands national park that is going to cost them to water as well as one mountain token and they do indeed have that to spend we also had that to spend so it's possible they were worried that we might take this away before they could now that is going to be worth two points to them at the end of the game and a new park card comes out this is the saguro national park that needs one forest token and two sunlight tokens next up blue can stack this on top of their other visited parks so that they can easily see the victory points and the costs because those do apply for these year card bonuses that happen at the end of the game well it's now time for us to go and i think let's send this hiker over to the wildlife spot i was tempted to maybe go to the very end of the trail but this spot does have a water and we can use that to fill up the canteen that we just picked up on our last turn to get us some more sunlight so i think this is a good idea so let's fill the canteen and gain to sunlight now at the end of our turn we do have a token limit of 12 that we have to discard down to but we are still fine on that front next up the wildlife spot says we have to get rid of one of these tokens and then gain one wildlife token i don't think we need all of this water right now so let's spend this water and then the wildlife that we're going to pick up is thematically accurate that is going to be an orca so we effectively turned a water into a wild token which is certainly nice and that has finished our turn this means green can go and they want to go to the ocean where they do have two gear cards that will help them out now this is going to gain them to water after that they can fill one of their canteens for free whenever they visit the ocean so that means another water will come from the supply and they can fill that up so that is going to gain them one tree token and then this wide angle lens says that they can take a photo when they visit the ocean and in order to do that they do have to spend two of their tokens well they're just going to spend both of the water they just picked up to take their fifth photo of the game next up the blue player can go and they haven't moved this hiker at all yet now they're gonna head over to the lookout and once they arrive they have decided to reserve one of the parks on the board in this case they are going to reserve big bend national park and that is going to gain them the sunshine token that was placed on top of it after that we can see a new park this is arches national park which is a two-pointer that needs one mountain and two sunshine all right it's our turn and i think let's just head to the end of the trail with this hiker let's go ahead and visit a park and i think we should visit one of the parks that we've already reserved in particular let's visit the biscayne national park we have a discount of one forest so we do have to spend to water as well as another forest in order to pay for this we can place that face up in front of us and that is worth three points at the end of the game also this has two forests on it which help us work towards our year of the woods goal now this also requires that we have at least three photos by the end of the game and we have certainly been slacking on that front that is part of the reason why we moved this hiker instead of the one farther back we might want to try and take a photo on our next turn to start working on that part of this goal all right it's time for the green player to go and they are simply going to move to the valley and pick up two sunshine tokens after that blue is up and they've decided to go from the lookout spot all the way to the trailhead now they want to buy gear and they're going to spend their three sunshine tokens in order to purchase this journal over here that says for the rest of the game they pay one less mountain token whenever they visit parks after that we do have to refill the gear row this is a water bottle that says you can refill a canteen for free when you visit the mountain and it comes with a free canteen when you buy it blue is done which means we can go and if we went to the very end of the trail that would force the green player to also go there but i think it's pretty likely they're going to go there anyway so let's slow down and go to the vista instead when we arrive i think we should take a photo now that is going to cost two tokens and we could spend our wildlife but these are wild for the purposes of visiting parks so i think instead of that let's spend this mountain and this sunshine now that is going to get us our first photo of the game and we will also take the camera token away from the blue player now this means we are going to have it at the end of the round no one else can take that away from us and we could spend this token here once the season is over and that is going to happen soon well it's now time for the green player to go and they are indeed going to go to the trailhead they've decided to buy gear and remember they do have this flashlight which reduces the sunlight cost by one for them now they want this water bottle that says that they can refill a canteen for free when they visit the mountain this normally costs two sunshine but they can just spend one because of their discount and this does give them a free canteen so they can take the top one from the deck and that lets them turn a water into a mountain now we do have to see another gear card that is a water filter it says you may gain three water instead of a forest token when you visit the forest green is done which means it would normally be time for the blue player to go but they don't have any hikers that can move so that means their turn is skipped and we get to go we have the last hiker out here so we are forced to go all the way to the end and honestly i think that's just fine with us let's go over here and reserve a park and since we are the first player to do that we are going to take this token so we will go first in the next round now i do think we should reserve the zion national park it does have a forest token requirement which is something we're looking for and of course it does come with an extra sunlight which is a nice perk we can now refill this spot with a new card and that is the olympic national park well the season is over and since we have the camera we can take the photo of opportunity and that's just going to cost us one token so let's spend this here and that is going to get us our second photo of the game after that we have to empty all of the canteens and then we can move all of the hikers back to the trailhead after that it's time to rebuild the trail and of course we have to add a new advanced tile to the stack this is the river and when you land on this spot you have to spend a water token in order to copy the effect of another location where any other hiker currently is it is worth noting that the trail end is not a location so you cannot use the river to copy any of these all right let's go ahead and shuffle these up and then we can build the trail huh the lookout is all the way over here at the end right next to the trail end which has very similar effects and it appears the river is over here in the middle well it's now time to reveal a new season card so we can place this to the bottom of the deck and then reveal a new one this is a season of flowers and it says that all parks cost one less water to visit next up we have to add tokens down to the trail and the pattern will be water sunlight water once again we can start with the first spot on the trail and there is a lot more water available in this round than there was in the last which is interesting considering we need to spend less water when we visit parks well we can start things off and let's go ahead and move one space onto the valley that is going to gain us a water as well as two sunlight and the reason i wanted to do this is because we can now fill this canteen up to pick up two more sunlight and we actually have more than enough sunlight to visit the zion national park we have a discount of one forest on here so realistically we could visit this site right now by using one of our two wildlife to cover for that mountain so this one is effectively done and we can of course continue to work towards that one there green is up next and they are going to go to the ocean that is going to gain them this sunlight they will also gain to water and then their water bottle will let them fill one of their canteens for free because they visited the ocean uh they have decided to place this over here which is going to get them a forest which means they now have enough to visit this park that they reserved a couple of seasons ago now they do have this wide-angle lens still that lets them take a photo for them that currently costs two resources and they've decided to once again spend the water they picked up from the ocean to pay for that photo this is their sixth photo so far in the game next up the blue player can go and they've decided to go to the wildlife spot they gain this water and they are simply going to use that water to immediately gain a wildlife token and this will be the one that they take well it's time for us to go again and let's move our farthest back hiker all the way up to the forest that will get us a water and it will also get us a forest token which will help us as we try to complete this sequoia national park reserve card we did gain a water so we could use that to fill this canteen and i figure let's go for it that lets us get rid of one token and turn it into a wildlife token so we can get rid of one sunlight i don't think we need this many and then we can gain our third wildlife these are handy to have and so far we've just been hoarding them instead of spending them we should probably get around to using these well the green player is next and they've decided to head all the way up to the mountain that is going to gain them a water and it will also gain them a mountain token in addition to that this water bottle will activate letting them fill a canteen for free when they visit a mountain and they'll fill this canteen which will give them yet another mountain token well it's time for the blue player to go and they are going to move this hiker one space forward onto the valley in order to do that they do have to extinguish their campfire and then they could use their binoculars to take a wildlife instead of to sunlight but they actually would prefer to have the sunlight so they'll take two and that's finished up their turn well it's time for us to go and i think let's capitalize on the fact that we have the camera already and take another photo let's move with this hiker up to that spot this will gain us a water and then we can take a canteen or take the photo and let's go with the photo we do have the camera already so we just have to spend one resource to do it and let's spend the water that was on top of that spot so that is going to gain us our third photo of the game after that green can go and they're going to jump over us onto the lookout that is going to gain them as sunlight and then they are going to visit a park after considering their options they are going to visit the kongari national park that is going to take two forest tokens which they have and this will be worth two points to them at the end of the game after that blue can go and they're going to move one space forward with this hiker to go to the ocean that is going to gain them to water and they are going to use one of these to fill their canteen which will gain them a mountain token after that we are up and let's now visit a park i almost went onto the spot last turn to get that sunlight but i thought taking the photo would be better and it probably was but either way let's now go ahead and visit a park and even though we have the resources to visit either of these that are reserved in front of us i think let's actually take this olympic national park from the board this has a one-fourth discount from our journal that means we have to pay two forests we can spend this one here as well as this bird which is a wildlife and acts as a wild for visiting parks now this is great because that has three more of the forest symbols on it and if you remember the better option on our year of woods gold card says we need to have 10 forest tokens on the parks that we have visited over here there are five and over here there are five so now our goal for probably the rest of the game is to try and visit both of these spots because that would have filled that out of course we will need to take two more photos to make that happen as well and if we are able to visit these they are each worth four points anyway so i think these are good goals for us well next up we have to refill this spot with a new park and that is mammoth cave national park at the moment all of the parks out here are quite easy to complete and they're all worth just two victory points at this point green can go and they are going to go to the end of the trail and they want to buy gear this will give them a discount of one and they do have a flashlight which gives them another discount of one so they're going to pay two less sunlight the gear they want is a tent so they will spend just one sunlight instead of three and that means they can now use their campfire by flipping it over in order to revisit a site where one of their hikers already is now we have to refill that spot this is a journal and it says that parks cost one mountain less to visit well blue is up and they've decided to move this hiker all the way to the end of the trail they can't go over here because they've already extinguished their campfire but by going over there that will reignite their campfire and they have decided to visit a park now they are going to visit mammoth national park that normally costs two mountains but they have this journal which is going to pay for one of them so they can visit this for just one mountain after that we have to see a new park and this is the carlsbad caverns national park well it's time for us to go and let's move this hiker all the way over to the mountain we do have a water filter which says we can take three water instead of a mountain token when we visit this spot and i think we want the water more than we want the mountain we are not going to use it for the canteen but we can spend that water for things like taking photos as well as gaining wildlife tokens and we have 12 or less tokens so we don't have to discard anything well our turn is done which means green can go and they've decided to send this hanger from the trailhead all the way over here to the lookout that is going to force them to extinguish their campfire and then they've decided to visit a park in particular they're going to visit carlsbad caverns this normally costs a mountain a sunlight and a water but remember the season of flowers says that parks cost one water less to visit so they can visit the carlsbad caverns by just spending the mountain and the sunlight after that we can see a new park and it's been a while since we've seen a high victory point one this one is four points and it does cost three mountains and two water green is done and blue's going to go they've decided to go all the way over here to the lookout that does mean they have to extinguish their fire and they've decided to reserve a park the one they would like to reserve is arches national park so that is going to go into their area and then the next park is grand canyon national park that is three points and it needs two mountains a sunshine and a water well it's time for us to go again and i think let's take a cheap picture we have the camera still and let's just spend one of the water that we picked up to take our fourth picture of the game this means we need just one more to satisfy the picture part of our year of wood's goal all right green can go and they've decided to go to the trailhead they don't actually have any choice in this matter and they want to reserve a park they are the first one to go up there so they will take this token and they are going to take this four point park into their own reserve after that the next park is mount rainier national park that's a three-pointer that needs three mountain tokens at this point blue can go and they are going to visit a park this one is going to be the grand canyon national park the season of flowers is still in effect so this will cost one less water and their journal says that they pay one less mountain that means all they need to spend is a mountain and a sunlight they can spend the sunlight as well as a wildlife to make up for the mountain and then they can place this into their area the next park is great basin national park all right it's time for us to go and in fact all of our opponents are done so let's go ahead and move this hiker over to the end we could use this one and go there and extinguish our campfire to then do this and then move both of these over but i don't actually see a reason to do that extra action so let's just go over here and let's visit this park right over here in our area now we have this journal which means we pay one less tree we also have for sunlight and we do have a wildlife that can make up for that mountain so that means that this one has been visited and we can place it upright in our area after that this is the last hiker out on the trail so let's just go over here and reserve a park considering we have a journal that discounts a visited park by one forest i think this seguro national park is great that would effectively be worth two victory points for two sunlight of course we do have to do a visiting action to pull this off but i don't see a reason not to have this one in our reserve we can refill this spot with another park that is the mesa verde national park well the season is over and we still have this camera so we can take a photo of opportunity it appears now our opponents are letting us hold on to this for maybe too long but either way let's spend one of our water in order to take our fifth photo of the game that means we have the five we need for this and we are still four of these forest tokens away from completing the other part of this but we just need to visit the sequoia national park to pull that off next up we can empty all of the canteens and then return all of the hikers to the start of the trail before we rebuild the trail itself now we are going to add the final advanced trail spot on this is a lodge and that lets you spend it two tokens in order to get two other tokens so we can shuffle this up and then build the trail after that it's time for a new season this one is going to be a season of trees it says you gain one water token if you gain any amount of forest tokens on a turn after that we can see the weather pattern is going to be water water sunlight and we can use that pattern to place these tokens down onto the trail well the green player can start this off and their campfire should be ignited as should the blue players i forgot to do that in the last season and green has decided they're going to go to the mountains that is going to gain them a mountain token as well as this water token when they visit the mountains they can use this water bottle to fill a canteen for free and they will fill that one which will give them yet another mountain token and that's finished their turn this means blue can go and they've decided to jump all the way over here to the valley they do have binoculars which say they could take a wildlife instead of to sunlight but they actually would prefer to have the sunlight so that gear is not particularly helping them out right now they can place this into their area and they do want to spend the water they just picked up to fill that canteen which is going to get them another mountain this means we can go and we do need forest tokens in order to visit the sequoia national park so i think let's just move one space forward onto the forest that is going to gain us this water as well as the forest token and then since it's currently a season of reefs we will gain one water because we gained at least one forest token so that means we get two water and a forest all for that one placement which seems great and i think let's spend both of these waters in order to fill up these canteens this one right here is going to gain us to sunlight and that one lets us spend another one of our tokens in order to gain a wildlife we could reserve a park instead but i think i'd rather have the wildlife well the wildlife we gain looks like a ram and then we will get to sunlight we are now done so green can go and they're going to move over to the lookout that is going to gain them one water and they've decided to immediately use it to fill this canteen which gains them one forest token after that at the lookout spot they are going to visit a park and they've decided to go to the great basin national park that does need two mountains and a forest and it looks like they do indeed have that over here the next park is everglades national park next up blue can go and after thinking about their options they are going to do a massive leap going from the trailhead all the way over here to the ocean that is going to gain them to more water so they gained three water tokens total and that has finished out their turn we can go next and i think let's move over here to the lookout we do have to extinguish our campfire to do that and let's visit one of the parks that we have reserved at this point let's visit the seguro national park and the journal will pay for that one forest token so all we have to spend are these two sunlight tokens after that green can go and they're going to head over to the mountain that is going to give them one mountain token and then this water bottle lets them fill a canteen for free and they'll fill this one that lets them get rid of two tokens to get two different ones and they're gonna get rid of both of these sunlight tokens in order to take a mountain as well as a forest token and the season of reefs says they will gain a water if they gained at least one forest token on their turn and they did so they can place that over here as well next up it's the blue player's turn and they're going to send this hiker to the river that is going to gain them one sunlight and then they can spend one of their water in order to copy the action on a location that has another hiker on it in this case they are going to copy this hiker in the valley it doesn't have to be theirs but that is the one they want to copy so that is going to gain them two more sunlight they currently have 11 tokens which is getting pretty close to the maximum of 12 but they are still fine well we can go next and i think let's just take a photo we're gonna head over to the vista we can take this uh sunlight here and we can spend it we only need to spend one because we still have this camera in front of us we've had it for much of the game and that is going to get us our sixth photo after that the green player can go and they've decided to go to the vista as well that does mean they have to extinguish their fire and then they are going to take a photo they are going to spend these two tokens here that is going to be their seventh photo of the game and it does mean that they are going to take the camera away from us so that can go in front of them and that does mean that they have locked in holding this camera for the end of the season opportunity photo because there are no other hikers that could come up from behind and take that away from them i suppose maybe we were hasty going to that spot on our last turn but it looks like this is how it's going to pan out green is done which means the blue player can go and they're going to move one space forward that will get them a sunlight and then the wildlife spot says they have to spend one token to get a wildlife token they will spend this water and then the wildlife they get is going to be a buffalo at this point they have 12 tokens in front of them which is the limit if they had any more than they would have to discard down but again they are okay holding on to these so blue is done which means we can go and i think let's just hop over here to the valley that will let us gain two sunlight tokens and potentially we can head over to the lodge to turn these into other tokens that we need more in order to potentially visit one of the parks currently on the board with our turn done green can go and they're gonna head over here to the ocean that lets them take two water tokens and then their water bottle would let them fill a canteen for free but all of their canteens are full and however they do have a wide angle lens that says that they can take a photo when they go to the ocean and they do have the camera so this photo is just going to cost one token they will discard that water and that becomes their eighth photo of the game green is done which means blue can go and they are finally ready to execute a plan they've been putting together for a few turns they are at their token limit and they are ready to start spending these now they are going to move this hiker up to the river there is already another hiker there so they do have to extinguish their campfire and then the river says they can spend one of their water in order to copy the action of a spot that has a hiker they are going to copy the lookout and use that to visit a park in this case they want to visit the mesa verde national park now they do have a journal that says they pay one less mountain when they visit parks so that means this is just going to take to sunlight as well as a forest they currently don't have a forest but they do have two wildlife so they'll spend this buffalo in the place of that forest after that we do need to see another park and this is the black canyon of the gunnison national park it's three points and it takes two water as well as two mountains now we can go and we did pick up that two sunshine on the hope that we could move over here to the lodge and turn these into something that would let us visit a park from the board but it does not look like that's turning out for us so instead i think let's just move from the valley all the way to the trail end now let's go up here that lets us reserve a park and more importantly that lets us take this first player token that's important because this is worth one point to the player who has it so by going over here first we have just locked in yet another point now we do get to reserve one of these parks out here and i think we will reserve mount rainier national park because it's possible that one of our opponents could finish this and we want to make life as hard as possible for them now after that we have to see a new park this is the isle royale national park and i wish we'd seen that one earlier because this is a park that we could have potentially visited before the game was over but i think that door is now closed now of course we do have this hiker to go over there but remember we have not actually visited the sequoia national park yet and i've been planning on having that park visit go towards that one green can go although i do want to mention that our campfire has been relit when we went on to that spot and they've thought about several options but think that they won't actually gain any benefit for trying to slow roll through this trail so instead they're just going to head over here to the end of the trail and visit the park that they have in their reserve that's the wrangle saint elias national park and they do have to spend three mountains as well as to water to visit that four victory point location this will reignite their campfire and now the blue player can go both of their hikers are on the last spot on the trail so they must go over here to the end and this is part of their plan they're going to send this one over here to visit a park and that is going to be the big bend national park that they've had reserved for a while now this journal says that one of the mountains does not have to be paid for they can also spend this mountain as well as three sunlight and a water and then that park is completed and it gives them four victory points at the end of the game this also reignites their campfire although that's not really going to matter now we can take our next turn and even though our hiker is way back there i just don't see a reason to try and slowly go through these areas you don't get victory points for having any of these tokens at the end of the game so let's just go all the way to the end and it's finally time for us to visit the sequoia national park normally we would need to spend four forest tokens but we spend one less with this journal so we can spend this forest token as well as to wildlife and that has paid for this which will now go over there and at this point we have now officially unlocked the three victory point part of our year of the woods card with our turn done green can go and they are simply going to go to the end of the track they have essentially run out of things to do they have their one token that they need for their photo of opportunity and they don't see a way to visit any more parks so they'll just go over here and reserve a park and they figure they'll take this one which is the easiest to complete that will go into the reserve and it won't be worth anything to them at the end of the game this does mean we can see one more park out here and this is bryce canyon national park which is a four pointer well this is the final hiker out on the trail so it must go to the end and they are going to visit a park and that is going to be a park that the blue player has already reserved as you can see that is arches national park they don't have to pay this mountain because of their journal and that means they will spend these to sunlight to complete it so they have ended the game with a wildlife which is wild they had a ton of tokens over here and they were able to get rid of just about all of those to visit three different parks before the end of this season all right the season is over and now it's time for the photo of opportunity which the green player can take because they have the camera they're going to spend their final token and that is going to get them their ninth photo of the game and at this point we don't need to work through any of the other season end effects because the fourth season is over which means the game has come to an end so let's focus over here and obviously with four seasons gone that is completed one year and now it's time for final scoring what we're going to do is add up the points that we got from the parks that we visited as well as the photos that we took and the year bonus that shows up on our year card that we took during setup once again the starting player token is also worth one victory point well let's start over here by scoring us now we were able to complete the three point option on this year of the woods because we have 10 or more of the forest tokens on our visited parks in fact we have 11 and we have taken five or more photos in this case we have taken six so that will be three points plus six points for these six photos we will gain another point for this token here and we will add to that the points that came from these five parks that we visited throughout the game when we add all of that up our final score is 26. next up let's score the green player and the first thing they will do is reveal their year card this says year of gear and it says if they have seven sun worth of gear then they get two points and if they have 10 sunlight worth of gear they get three when we look over here they have one two three four five six seven eight nine ten so that is enough for them to get three victory points from their year end card in addition to those three points they have nine points from these photos and then they also have points coming in from these four parks that they visited when they add all of this up they have a final score of 23 and finally we have the blue player they have a lot less stuff in this part of their area compared to the rest of us but they visited far more parks than the rest of us did as well these are seven parks now their year and card says year of heights they will get two extra points if they visited six parks that have at least one mountain icon on them and they will get three points if they visited eight parks with that unfortunately for them they got to seven parks not quite eight so that means they will get two victory points instead of three so they will add to that the one point they get for that single photo and then all of the points on the parks that they visited throughout the game when they add all of this up they have a final score of 22 this means we have won the game with a score of 26 compared to the 23 and 22 of our opponents and that completes a full three-player game of parks this is also going to bring the tutorial to a close because i do believe that i have taught just about all of the rules to the game as we played through it i hope that you enjoyed learning how to play parks as always i'd like to thank everyone who's been supporting this channel including these producer level patreon supporters if you too would like to directly support the channel in the creation of future videos like this one then please go to johngetsgames.comsupport also if you enjoyed this video please click the like button for it down below as well as the subscribe button for the channel thanks for watching
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Id: abfV3r4JQnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 59sec (3599 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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