Disgusting Legend of the Final Fantasy House

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i'll start it and if it's not as captivating as i think it'll be or if i if it's not as captivating as i want it to be i'll stop it's that easy i'm already hooked on the ost here never mind i'm in [ __ ] it so what was the final fantasy house a [ __ ] a popular and influential story driven such a good game he introduced it by writing these people are dangerous this is not a joke he was contacted by a person calling herself hojo referencing the mad scientist villain from the game and the two began conversing with each other occasionally over aol instant messenger had her own favorite cycle to her namesake then came a good old bombshell i was asked if i had any memories of past lives i do believe in past lives i think it's a pretty valid cycle given how many cultures believe in it and in those universes maybe just maybe video games actually happened i thought it would be plausible because i like imagining anything's possible yes of course of course she tells me now it makes sense in a past life in another universe mr krabs really did overdose on ketamine and die for both country you even live in a basement like he was locked in one and you hate it addle your brain with freshman idiocy and vodka and this will suddenly make sense sure maybe i'm not him now i said but it was possible there's a lot of good scientific points being made a week before christmas she was wearing a purple skirt pulled up around her breasts it looked like she had just got out of bed and i was to say the very least intimidated about three seconds later she whirled around i hope there's a picture of her earliest person ever whatever she was mad about was out the window about this time i started to realize though jen wasn't role playing i wanna see the cult leaders trip to the club the writer in a soundproof room past the point of panic to help him quote remember being zack another time when meeting someone soul bonded to the character eris jen attempted to coax them they just lied you say oh now i remember end she announced that she was going to start reading like a [ __ ] wikipedia page she actually she would always be listening in on calls reading his online interactions and demanding to know wherever he was going to keep track of him she would frequently wake him up in the middle of the night for sundry magical errands depriving him of sleep she demanded he spend that's so sweet though ten dollar steaks for dinner get up there i'm sick there's demons and ghosts before i'm not your one he and hoj nobody in the apartment would take out the garbage or clean besides the writer who only washed the dishes and so the stink festered in the apartment in the hot big stink big sting or a single dress and the writer described the smell in the apartment as rotting flesh and a miasma of filth with sparkle sunshine fairy artificial sugar scent sprayed over jen and hojo would beat each other loudly and with increasing frequency behind their bedroom door as the summer continued each time followed by noisy sex this pattern of starvation i had a problem with self-injury so i knew very well the sight of a deep cut and the sight of a light cut i know well nice oh this man went full sherlock texture everything maybe it had been with a safety pin or a butter knife it was not any kind of super attempt at the moment however there was one person from the circle of friends in town who had consistently helped to stabilize the writer's mind though the author describes him as having quote one foot in reality one account was about someone he referred to as captain mccool a sensitive person by whom they sought to fill the vacancy my favorite final fantasy character a big soul bonder of course he was too nervous to turn when they discovered his lie they quote had him stuck in a chair forced him to watch while they raped each other that is another captain not cool at all her blood to help jen's lifestyle others who already knew her found these claims unsurprising beyonce tv they don't look like this story gained interest on charles including 4chan who treated it with disgust and fascination if i remember right later we were playing with a ouija board and that something or something so good again trying to contact us zozo is the account of the ouija board jen from the original i am not however your apprentice anymore and i am free to say what i think and i will because it's a relief to say it even if you aren't reading this i do not actually say it to her face don't be a coward or not spit on her hurt your feelings and you will care that it happens i don't the letter is structured as a list and the first item reveals the name of jen you do not look like any final fantasy characters you look like jennifer cornette you shared some of her thoughts on how dropped a real name jen if something is a magical item that doesn't mean you must own it it would be nice if you could let's go ahead and back up there's no such thing as a magical item and money because i rarely bought anything for myself just establish that i got some money because i've never seen one i understand then again i've never held like some crazy but among these accounts there was one that stood out from the others and if it's to be believed it showed just how no probably not crystal meth probably energy crystals of course shanghai stuff like that but this was before 5g so shungite probably wasn't very popular and that's more of a rock [Music] writer entered email correspondence with a woman who went by mela mela had apparently known and bonded with jen in a utah boarding school and rediscovered her online through an open letter quote i moved in with seventeen thousand dollars in my bank account and soon jen had drained all of that on necessities all for the house many of which went into jen's room and never came out all this time she was telling me how important i was to her special plan how the world needed us to stick together so we could conquer evil etcetera i wanted to but i think they could have too i was scared and alone i really think they had a chance she knew a few matches worlds could be saved right now meeting people and for their houses eventually mela would tolerate no more and she kicked them out much like their apartment the house was left a mess documented with photographs they also had stolen numerous objects upon their departure including pretty empty is suspiciously innocuous it's not that bad compared to like half the [ __ ] i see gamers post on twitter there was the author would finally reveal the faces of jen and hojo in the frequently asked questions section vincent gen hojo this was jen in 1999. she got fatter and dirtier this was renee in 2000 she looks the same in response either one of them's like obese or anything began to franchise it sounds like they were most traces of themselves they don't look like cult people at all though publicly available that's one of the few cult leaders that i would never expect to be one half the time fortunately she has left but the bitterness remains man you guys remember when people used to make [ __ ] blog posts about everything live journals and all that [ __ ] with me in the cut you will find part one of the song we have truly evolved kept it that way she would play the same game over and over some crappy looking rpg from the 90s it had an unpronounceable name unpronounceable such as final fantasy game she also told upon further discussion she explained that she believed she was the incarnation of this character oh this is the other girl do you write yeah this is the other girl i forgot what character she was claiming however i can't even pronounce it she started with i am sorry but you have to understand where i am coming from she also said lots of she pulled a rick and morty because i have such a high intellect it is beyond their grasp excuse us for being sane [ __ ] that intellect is too high that she had used friends help to get past the screening process so there are some morons out there who are giving money to sarah so if you can pretend to be a video game character yeah others how to do that that's so weird something said it's almost different weird is giving people money for sleeping on stream you don't work either tim it's insanity he's ready at this point matt threatened to call the police since it was nearly 10 o'clock but when one of the members of sarah's group threw a punch the threat was carried out and the group was forced from the premises yeah i'm sure that was a very strong punch this man's soul bonding to a [ __ ] point other jrpg character i'm sure he's throwing [ __ ] wood readers and they would quickly discover much more than they first expected more poop and pee pee in the house huh she claimed that she was soul bonded to the aerys oh [ __ ] final fantasy vii allow me to introduce you to catherine rainey so she was the one getting the a small writing donations in high school with catherine they also discovered the flicker account of someone cosplaying as sasurai who had numerous pictures of both herself and catherine one of these images credited her as catherine silverberg damn this guy [ __ ] blew the case wide open character but the most telling piece of evidence jaeger hunda discovered was legal paperwork of her name change by searching for her name in the county archive quote took a day off everyone i don't really have anything more to add except to mention to everyone that i've become aware that our protagonist is now aware of this thread say hi everyone i don't blame the final fantasy 7 house author since he's probably taking it simply on faith that our housemate horror author is telling the truth this is getting crazy through the thread should see through this pathetic obfuscation pretty easily yes elementary my dear person uh verification final fantasy applied bonding you're responsible for me to say that greta and there was so much to this [ __ ] story holy [ __ ] i got so sad what happened to jen where did she go
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 1,087,555
Rating: 4.9453564 out of 5
Id: kFSfHuAsEmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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