Killer Bees Are Dangerous

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That Rikishi reference tho

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Shrekt115 📅︎︎ Aug 02 2019 🗫︎ replies
since their arrival in the United States they have already killed two dozen people hmm rookie numbers you know the exterminator kills two dozen people by accident if he was really taking risk he'd be out there [ __ ] naked like he's spring breaking from getting stung can't say I'm impressed yeah I like to take risks which are why I'm out here in full medieval armor he risked his life on every job Bisby what an appropriate name for a bee removal with expert the guy lives in Bisbee that's like some comic book [ __ ] hound used to 60,000 bees holy [ __ ] that's good though bees are super good today that's great news actually we should be celebrating unless killer bees are bad because they don't pollinate me maybe I don't know they don't pollinate [ __ ] these bees then giving the hard-working bees a bad name and the honey nut cheerios guy doesn't deserve to have his name slandered with these [ __ ] disgusting killer bees him to make sure his suit is well zip-top nothing gets my dick hard like smelling some killer bee venom in front of my face they don't even make honey what do they do smoke weed and play fort night what kind of [ __ ] freeloading useless creatures of these things they do make honey [ __ ] now I'm gonna who to believe which one of yous a registered zoologist I hope the cameraman is in a full tactical suit like this otherwise he's super [ __ ] or he's the strongest x-men hair is immune to bee stings and apparently this cameraman is super short because this camera is that like their nipples right now they have a child filming this okay now keep in mind when I say this I am NOT a registered Killer Bee scientist but if I was designing the the suits of armor against this Menace I certainly wouldn't put holes in the facemask I'd make it out of like glass or something like an astronaut's helmet Sally I couldn't accidentally get stung on my nose because I bent over too far smoke no oxygen then put it on literally just give him astronaut suits then and if I get stung right between the eyes in the forehead both of my eyes swell shut and it feels literally like why don't they just dress up like Nautilus from League of Legends like that entire underwater apparatus [ __ ] why not yeah it'd be a little heavy but so what get some real men to wear it and take down the beach I wouldn't trust this lady she might be a group of killer bees in disguise like the cockroach from men in black who investigate the problem on his own oh it looks like I've identified the problem you've got a killer bee problem the problem $2,000 please notice is the gap swells gasps wall and the roof eave that neighbor is way too close do you just get out of there lady Reed gets stung again through his net I think this is his fetish getting stung on the nose and not just wound or drive away intruders they will kill them and then keep stinging the corpse whether it's up that's hardcore or person that's like some CIA trained bees right there God damns an alarm pheromone is also released to mark the victim so that more bees can come and attack that pheromone travels very quickly through the air and so why didn't you Manzella piss kind of technology like our tailbone extends when we want it to like we flex our ass cheeks real hard we extend a barbed stinger from our tailbone really just excrete poison when we need to that seems so efficient now would have taken the rikishi stink face in the WWE to the highest level and the remaining bees will not attack powered bunch up together usually in a corner or something yeah group hug in the shower that was the worst day we ever had yeah whatever they don't even fight till the last man Genghis Khan would have beheaded those bees for that kind of betrayal there are often dangerous drug smugglers or illegal aliens trying to cross the border wait so they not only stop killer bees but they stop illegal immigration damn these guys are a jack-of-all-trades protection there but Jesus crisis is a really tall tower did the bees construct this to make it harder for people to get rid of them expert technique that's why he's the professional squeegeeing it get the whipped cream in there Jesus Christ it's time-sensitive Chuy's literally dying down there at the bottom of the crannies now sealed inside the tower Pole chewy brings them back to the ground we're still attacking cheery pretty good it all started in Far Away Brazil oh is this the patient zero of killer bees there was an experiment that went wrong in 1956 at the request of the Brazilian government a dr. Warwick Kerr went to Africa what a cool name is pure African Queen Bee that's a [ __ ] awesome name for a supervillains war wicked producer original conditions and basically so he crossbred these two types of bees the result was a more productive but more aggressive bee unfortunately they escaped into the wild these killer bees soon colonized Brazil and the other surrounding countries it's like a game of plague in the holy [ __ ] continent was saturated with killer bees that's when the killer bee minister Kover i've years later the bees moved into Mexico oh god we're losing the u.s. now 90 they arrived in the US oh okay let them have an attitude I don't give a [ __ ] if they got small dick syndrome and they're a little aggressive if they're still pollinating then [ __ ] yeah what their numbers increase I don't mind going outside in my full hazmat suit to protect myself its pollination is super [ __ ] important that's fine I'm on team killer bees again me keeper in kinetic of course read well Jesus Christ the schoolchildren are about to be killed by the bees cannon fodder unless Reid is using them as a distraction baiting the killer bees out of their hiding space I've seen it in many spy movies my lord all right there they are man the outside world looks scary I wouldn't want to walk through that huge grass because I like monsters in there and pedophiles like monster pedophiles and something just scary stuff hiding in that tall grass going between forty and sixty thousand bees really holy [ __ ] at that point just give them the barn just let it go to the bees they've earned it that is a bee being born right there Oh am I allowed to watch this on Twitch Jesus covering on her cell there's a bee that was just good thank you for censorship oh god are they making out Jesus don't mount it no thank you close call what bees don't have a childhood they're literally born oh my god full-grown I had a really cool story idea that kind of emulates that but I guess the killer bees stole from me or maybe I hurt anis toll from them I had this idea where a woman or a man it doesn't really matter gets pregnant just spontaneously towards the end of her life like she's 90 years old and she gets pregnant and within nine months she gives birth to a younger version of herself that keeps all the memories she had so she has immortality because she keeps rebirthing herself as like a 20 year old woman he collects when she reaches like 90 honey butter scent but it looks like the killer bees beat me to it I mean it's trade market right now if someone steals it from me I'll just I'll do what the guy for the conjuring didn't just sue Reed and Jim I'll wait till it makes a ton of money and then I'll come any legislation light up on the other side of the house and could get stung please save the dog I don't want to see Air Bud get hers how much do I get paid I don't know Reed hasn't discussed it or might get paid and sexual favors might get paid in the honey they collect to be honest there's no telling you just putting the building down this diner yeah I got to the scene and felt you know I'm pretty tired I don't want to hunt down 40,000 bees this time I just burnt the whole goddamn [ __ ] down so now we get a little deeper into the lore of why Reed hunts bees now because his mother got stung so much in 99 dove like Batman that's the scene if it was his mom that fell into the well with the bats the bees immediately left the building and started yeah those are his bees that's a Sony Vegas or After Effects victim was Debra Strait effect who was driving a car with the way doesn't he look like these it's like falling leaves in her vehicle who do they think they're fooling with that CGI garbage I didn't have a bra on so my tits were out flopping everywhere pretty sure I gave a couple people some boners the first he immediately ran up what happens is they run on a budget to hire Reid and Jim why are we getting animated he's here in a story a creepypasta with over a hundred stings on his head and down his throat he was rushed to the hospital he's these filler tonton here it's not what I'm here for they were stinging telephone poles tires it was complete mayhem and it looked like a war what is it the falador massacre of killer bees here Jesus Christ nowhere is safe okay I'm gonna I'm gonna draw the line in the sand there I don't think that happened and Reid as he worked under you tell him you got tips [ __ ] and [ __ ] flying out everywhere cuz people are afraid of bees that's the last thing I'd want to do that Britt survived I wouldn't want to be super naked and getting stung on my labia the [ __ ] that has 37 horses that was the whole episode there was the entire things his wife Fabriano along to help flashback filler art here at this war they're trying to get honey of course looks like a kill the bulbs ooh good lord they took down an entire wooly mammoth safe yet there must be on this job Reid is able to save but he's like the Heisenberg of killer bees on a empty because they were ready clean that's already made it and go form a ball of bees in a tree what does the queen bee only mate with a single bee out of a colony of the 40,000 how do they choose who to [ __ ] like the biggest twitch streamer of the bee colony I don't understand here we go or maybe she just ran by the entire football team I'm not quite sure how it works
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 3,398,456
Rating: 4.9309473 out of 5
Keywords: Bee
Id: SrVvwGnQjGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 31 2019
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