Discussion with John Lovell from the Warrior Poet Society // RealWorld Tactical

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it's going on YouTube back here again in Miami Florida why you looking at me nice looking in the camera job you don't look at the camera I like John Lee the camera right here we go so we're back here in South Florida in Miami could have a great range date today I got John Lavelle from Worldport Society I got be able to bear from calzone I got Ruben Alvarez from the Ruben BJJ black bumpers in in black belt badass certified and I got Evan I don't know where the bottom line is today we're gonna be doing some cool stuff some cool drills for you we're gonna be debating on a lot of topics me and John weather the Army's good bad great compared to swaggered bad great we're both garbage we're both great but we're gonna be debating a lot of subjects that you guys want to hear about what is absolutes what are not absolutes and shoot a little bit so they do [Music] I just wanted a few points okay a couple debatable subjects that differ from person to person and as we're both experienced people that have been doing this other bit of time he comes from that military background I have some military background that I come from mainly Anneli background okay so one of the biggest things that I get a lot of questions for is what's the best sling to run or what is the best way to run a sling so you have a one point two point sling whatever however you want to run it so first I'm gonna say what I run okay and then and then he'll say what he runs the reasons why he runs it and I'll just explain the reasons why I wrote it so I predominantly most of time will run at one point sling the main reason that I run on one point sling is because I had to do a lot of hands-on Anneli a lot of hands-on stuff so with a two point sling what I came to find out was the rifle was in front of me too much where it was very hard for me to put it behind me on a subject that I had to attack or that I had to get on very quickly efficiently so that's point one for me and point two when you're switching shoulders if you ever are but I'd never switch shoulders very rarely do our schools but if you needed to switch shoulders or whatever you can switch shoulders with a won't points leg without having to come on there take your arm out from under it and having to take an extra step okay now I've seen guys like my buddy rich Graham which does the extra step so fast that I just it doesn't really even matter what he [ __ ] runs he's been doing it for 20 years so I want to debate this subject mainly just because I want to let people know that neither of them are wrong there's preferences and and every there's reasons why every guy runs what they run and depending on what their job description is or what your mission is it's going to determine on what you do okay you're always gonna have the guys errors absolutes and I don't believe in absolutes 1000 1000 ways to skin a cat kind of guy so writes what I run in and I want to know John I know I think you run a two point correct so I want you to explain to them why you run a two point what are your reasons behind running a two point and how it's more effective for you and for what you doing all this stuff everything you do you get something and you give something up so there is going to do some absolute weaknesses for single points there will be some for two points as well the only way that's not true is a three point sling let's just say that's a webbing disaster yeah should not wear so see two point one thing is you mentioned having to go hands-on a little bit if you're in an Ellie context your rules of engagement how you have to handle those people are way different and then get over what you can get away with in the handling of terrorists overseas with night vision on is different than how you have to treat someone who may or may not be innocent and will be proven so yes in a court of law so you have some difference is there and so I don't have to be as physical with them all negotiation is done at the end of a gun for me so cover contact officer it's just not quite as high risk for the soldier going hands-on I like a two point for a bunch of different reasons but as you see as Sloan you'll see the gun is way up here right in the pocket of my shoulder so if you observe this where it's chilling and also because of where it's put my rifle away from my legs now if this buttstock is instead way down here kind of like a single point while oftentimes have it way low and the rifle will go into your knees so when you walk it hits you in the knees hit me in the junk that's no fun at all and so it kind of defeats a little bit of the point of the sling right and now if I need to get my gun up now I have to bring my whole gun up and then find that good platform where is in a good two point sling my arrest is right here in the pocket so look one arm check it out I look I'm already in the pocket of my shoulder it's like idiot proof I can immediately so it's gonna be blazing quick and it keeps it away from my legs so I can walk now part of a point of a two-point sling is if I'm all cinched down like this that means I'm not really expecting contact I can still come out and shoot but I don't want to fight like that immediately after that initial color well pop up a buck you swim out of your sling and now once you've done that swim out of your sling I'm good to do my right or transitions seamlessly smooth easy peasy if I'm walking from I go from more of a permissive to a non-permissive environment and I'm kind of like all cinched down being like not really expecting stuff I can work with my hands and you can see I can where I can walk it's not hitting me in the legs at all and this is really good and when I body armor it works even better because now it's out here single point slings for me shine the best when you have body armor because now you have your body armor which holds it out so it's not banging me in the leg so I like single points more when it's tighter up and it's on body armor without body armor meant for me I just like it there's some other stuff and then it just becomes techniques of how you can basically ditch this gun whether you're coming over here like this to the bad or you're just basically ditching it and when I'll do a spin with this tricep and now I can freaking sprint and the guns way out of the way and I can go hands-on and so there's there's techniques to get around a lot of weaknesses and should I just point those out but I want to kind of throw them all back over to you see what you have the same conversation so all the techniques so it's one of the biggest things that I spoke about is pretty much this coming in and out coming in it's an extra step that you do now in any kind of close quarter anything you do close quarters if you have to go hands on one step could be the one step that kills you okay so for me so you understand I don't have I don't I don't even have it right now set up for not know play carrier but when I run when I usually have my sleigh and it's one point it's here up to there my right so when I walk around with it I just walk running like this and it doesn't bother me doesn't do anything to me whatsoever okay so from here it's as simple as the same thing that he says here from right here she's right to the top okay I want to go to my left shoulder do whatever I want to do or however I want to do it I don't have to worry about undoing my arm or redoing my arm and all that stuff okay same time something happens to where I do if I'm coming in or something and I have it I have contact physical contact I don't and I can't you know use my buzz or hurt kill a guy Patera it's like it's a regular person or even it is an armed robbery guy with the guy's unarmed okay I automatically go from here straight across to the back side of my I don't have to worry about this anymore so at that point I just go hands on on the guy drop down to the guy and then he and no point can reach am I gonna get and go for the gun okay so it's that so what I when I wear plate carry it feels better also if you're a bigger guy like me when new huh and me well what else gonna say was if you have a man chest and shoulders in back like real men then a 1-point is great because it sits naturally plain see if you are ever you're weak 150 pounds you know soaking wet and it writes down here like this because you walk wrong like dude I'm heavier yeah that's it you know so that's a problem too so that's another reason why one points thing for you know big dudes works a lot better now even if it isn't off - right and here it's pretty much centered now he is correct on your own this one thing if you do leave it hanging eating [ __ ] and you're walking it will hang and it will pretty much bang on your legs yeah okay now what a play carrier won't do that but a plate carrier just it'll sit pretty much on here like that so that for him on a tool point will be a lot better see that and III can walk I can ya know where she can do work yeah he's watering the stuff now he could also move it to the back all right - to the back where he was you just have to do that thing and swim out is like so right now we're chilling and I could come up yeah at the moment I have any inkling I'm like it's quiet almost too quiet and you know of like all this did I get some breathe good if I if I think I'm like getting it on I just go ahead and swim out this is for holding the gun and the point of the sling is to hold the gun so you don't have to and when I think I'm fighting I only fight like this this is how I fight so there goes to my point all the years he's trained in it all the years he's done it it's natural movement for him it's efficient it's non muscle-memory non-thinking repetitions so he does everything naturally right someone who's never has to build that they have to understand to do that they have to become good at it and how do you do that by reps reps do it reps reps reps reps reps strengths and weaknesses with all of it you gotta have trainers some folks would be like well what what gear solution can I get so I'll have to train I'm like dude quit sir there's nothing there is nothing got it do the reps you know so that was one thing that I want to talk about it was great both sides you heard two point the pros and cons and you're the one point pros and cons okay so now let's talk about he wears as you can see here he wears a war belt okay what's called a war belt because I like to party alright so if you turn around he wears a lot of stuff here he has two up here stuff here stuff here and then he's got his back now notice how he has his mag he has his Mac facing backwards right and you have the same as always to a pistol he's got some gloves here got a knife over here and then he's got his a sidearm right so now me I don't ever I've never won a war belt I've always worn a regular regular duty belt and so the main reason I don't I've learned over the years as Anneli I don't wear anything on my back so back here so as he sees this right here yeah yeah that's one yeah so here all that stuff if you're in a car or you're doing a lot of operations on cars where meaning I'm doing surveillance is car chases all these different type of things that it's gonna have you sitting like this so I would have to literally sit this way and a lot of the cars that you use an alley or have cages so they have a cage you're literally gonna have no room that now when we did off so you guys understand when you do different things you have your rifle on in some times or after your right depending if you're about to house whatever it is now rifle here with the steering wheel right here because I have to move forward not very conducive okay now granted I'm a bigger guy too that didn't help either yeah you big guys yeah you know so that's number one number two in a fighting confrontation okay I get thrown to the ground and I land on my back okay you just you just herniated l4 you're turning at l5 why because when you land it because of the stuff you have in your back now your back instead of landing rolling like you're supposed to break your fall and roll into it you can't break your fall and your back hyper extends upward because of the stuff that you have back there okay now in his line of work or in the military the chances of that happening aren't as one percentile but one percent where you can actually get on your back or whatever itself during the thing we don't Amir reactionary gaps inside military context are different than that of civilian in lawn for meaning the average gunfight for a civilian law enforcement officer is seven yards an end and that's not even close to true for a soldier how do you get close to the soldier of kind of like you can't get close to a soldier you'll always be close to no soldiers or a lot of soldiers and so for someone to go hands-on if like the moment grab my gun my buddy kills you it's not like you've done so anyway in some SWAT contexts as well anyway without a real context I don't really know how to dress so to speak cuz I mean like this problem in the car as well or a fall is completely gone if I put body armor on because now it's actually from here all the way up it's a lot and it's good to go and should be goo you sitting in the vehicle sucks for you but I can kind of sit back a little bit more so it's nicer into our body armor and a war belt if I'm doing long patrol operations I'm gonna probably up and down mountains I'm ditching body armor and I'm ditching this too what good does a pistol do in long-range environments oh no I mean just chafing on legs and if I have to wear it I'm gonna I'm gonna be hiking like this these are gonna backpack yeah and I got a rifle and a ranger rack and that's about all I want yeah you try to go up and down mount doing kind of like long-range patrol stuff dude your toaster so I mean some people will just be like well this is the best set up and I'm like best set up for what but I'm a civilian so most of the time and a lot of times when we were out here running drills earlier I was running concealed holster because that's my main contest I'm carrying concealed with an ankle medical kit around my ankle flashlight in my pocket that's my loadout and so that's my context and so as soon as I started adding war belts and my body armor set up and whatnot I'm starting to imagine context or I'm Ranger RAC and so without the context I did the day I mean worst case scenario you're talking about okay we just recently had a pandemic right let's just talk about that and it it get gets worse let's just say it's not a pandemic just becomes the apocalypse all of a sudden we become Venezuela from one day to the next for whatever reason you know I mean so you're gonna have to prepare yourself for whatever happens in whatever environment you are whether it's urban this or that or whatever you know so you'll have to in that sense what it's gonna work for you okay there is no absolute in that in that sense so what he's wearing is nothing wrong with he's wearing what I'm wearing is nothing wrong what I'm wearing I'm wearing based off what I did for this many years he's wearing based off what he did for so many years so when you come to the conclusion oh let's talk about the magazine equation about the same you know yeah typically I wasn't wearing a war belt kind of stuff I was range rocker body armor usually all you want is little on your legs is possible possible of like an advent there's a saying an ounce on your legs is a pound on your back meaning you could put one thing in your pocket or 16 of the same size things on your back one ounce one one pound anyway they lost you all thought you can carry now it's on your legs so as you see he runs his magazine facing backwards I run my magazine facing forward okay there was I had come to some some couple years back or was like well this is the only way in the right way to do it now you can do it differently you're just gonna be wrong there you go that's what it is right there she's getting this is gonna be wrong right as you can see I'm not the smallest guy there is as you can see he's probably the smallest guy there is so at that point right there okay his range of motion to turn his body and to do this is a lot easier and very quickly see how easy he does that he just grabs it and goes there you go yes quick so for me because okay I have lats and I have triceps and I have traps okay it's harder for me to go back there and grab it so what I end up doing instead of running it backwards I run it forward so all I have to do is just from right here and then like that okay it's easier for me now could I ruin it that way yes I could I would just have to understand that I'm gonna have to really come back and force myself to go back there and grab it and then grabbing wouldn't be the hard part it's actually pulling up and then turning around to do it so and their main reason I say this guy's is just because there's people that are made different in different sizes different weights different mobilities different flexibilities you may have a bad shoulder you may have something an injury or something like that you know where you can't do this stuff and then some instructor sits there and tells you oh but you have to do it that way that's the way you have to do it and it's not it's not the way that you have to do it the way that makes you feel the most comfortable or I should say the most efficient movement for you as a human what is gonna be the fastest and quickest way that you're gonna get that magazine into that rifle period right regardless of how you how you gonna reload it as long as it you're not gonna do this and strain your neck and the process of doing it and it's still quick and efficient you're good to go you know I had another kid one time and one of my courses he had been to a class before where he didn't index the mag where he were like this you know he didn't do it in the class and he got reamed out for 15 minutes so in my course you know he was really adamant about indexing and I go okay that's great that's good that you're indexing and but the problem is is that every single time that he was he would engage in the order have a reload he would like I got it anyone do this right and it would take him like ten minutes to cool one repoed because he was so traumatized about the other instructor had screamed at him for 15 minutes you know so I got to the point where I told the kids like this and I honestly I don't care how you put the magazine in the gun I don't care how you grab the magazine I don't care how you do it just we need to be a little bit faster and getting that magazine into the gun you got me sometimes you're gonna sacrifice a little bit here and a little bit there you know in a situation like that obviously it's it's a yes do you want to do this right what that's your ultimate goal but is that going to happen every single time no it's not you maybe we had a car you may be behind a wall you may behind maybe it fell down on the floor maybe you're lying on top of it maybe and you can only grab it this way who knows the bottom line is is don't stick yourself always to only just one way you know what do you feel about how you feel about that yes that's great I mean don't traumatize students is the better thing yeah real big ideas you just want the straight line from elbow all the way through so some people are focused on on indexing but they're like this and I'm like that's not a straight line and neither is that it's really I hold it up look at the mag whoa as well flavor clear hold on straight line that's all you have to do see the straight line get a straight line you can do it practice and then yeah if you have a dirtbag instructor that screams at someone before they have time to complete the you know the learning project you don't add stress when somebody's still trying to learn how to do the technique now you're just an idiot meathead that's scarring a student you know that didn't need that later once they got it now let's see up up the intensity and that starts the door yeah but it's kind of like we were doing deadlifting yesterday I was teaching Tony some stuff and just but between listen listen between me and you most of what he does is like CG stuff it's not real this guy sucks no but seriously we were doing some deadlift stuff and there was a technique where I wasn't like flexing like like my lats and activating my last year and a little bit of a bend in my elbows and he's like dude you're gonna blow out your bicep and I'm like oh and tried to really focus on that and really slow down and do it right and you gave me the time to do that absolutely and you yelling at me would not have helped me would have hurt and if it just proved that you had an ego and you're trying to be anyway yeah safety first always you know you always don't want to get hurt you know the other day so and it's not worth because of people's egos or there's a time for everything there's a time to scream at a kid because he's being a a weak-minded individual and I'm gonna tied to scream at a kid when he's trying to learn that you're not supposed to be screaming him to different to different worlds you know you should if the kid is trying to learn and you see that he's struggling to learn then stop and teach him it's it's time to be a teacher it's not time to be a person that's gonna be in his face and yelling at him okay once he's learned that he's got the fundamentals down it's got everything down and you're doing a drill to push him physically mentally then it's time to scream and then it's gonna be the time to push him and try to get him to the next level you know so you have to know as an instructor as a coach you have to know how to turn that on and turn at all kind of you know what I'm saying like that and of course try to motivate that's a that's really really important to and I'm not the type of guy that gives participation trophies I don't believe in that either you know but if you see a kid he's [ __ ] busting his ass you know what I mean and he's just not making it and you kind of sometimes gotta like to sit there and step back a second and say it's gonna be better for me motivate this kid and to tear this kid down figure out what motivates people yeah everybody's a little bit different like you know it's a real a lot of times your high character and highly individual driven people I mean you just give him that look like if they feel like they failed you it'll break home like that's a self-correcting ship leave that dude alone and he'll spool it up and rad shame to it you're just gonna end up Lou brother yeah whereas other people you got to put kind of the wrath on them and fear and some intensity is well they're not as much self-motivated and everyone speaks pain yeah there was an old um there's a there's an old saying that I had that I like to it praise in public and and I was a praise of public you should know it was in a book report see that's my main it's called it's it's pretty much saying a praise in public and shaming in private so it's kind of like saying you know when you see somebody do something good let them know and let everybody know they're doing something good when someone's doing something bad pull them aside from everybody else they'll make them look bad and tell them hey look you're doing this this this this is bad fix this is this and this is you know no grown man they would speaking to a grown man wants to get screamed at by another grown man knowing that he's [ __ ] up you know he's making a mistake you know so you don't want to belittle him now you need to correct him and for everybody then you correct them but you don't belittle the guy you don't belittle them and make him feel you know like you disrespected him or some kind of weight you know yeah you know what I'm saying I saw 150 pounds and yeah insinuate they don't have lats in all the hurtful things you say hey go ahead and unsubscribe for this guy right now and us just can hit like and share comment alright guys so we're gonna go ahead and do some drills for you just want to touch it a couple aspects of rifles and oh quick question let me see your right for real quick there what kind of rifle do you run I run all kinds and I'm always in a process of testing and evaluation okay and then I have rifles for different contexts all right I know me you believe in the same exact thing here okay a lot of guys think that they have to have a 4000 on a rifle to shoot good yeah they want to spend all this money okay um I I think most of my rifles are all of them are on there $2,000 fifteen sixteen hundred bucks you guys normal firm believer and the human is the weapon the mindset and the physical portion of it in the tool this is a tool and it's an extension of your body John I want you to touch on that a little bit you know just on let them know that you don't need a high end rifle to do be just as good yeah you just don't it is the Indian and not the arrow there right it is training centric and sometimes to underscore this point as I'm running classes with students I'll grab their stuff I'll shoot their guns and they'll watch me perform high level on the spot no excuses it's really the person pulling the trigger however good gear and good guns they can move hills but never mountains right and so they have little advantages sometimes when we're trying to get from here to here what we'll do is we'll rely on a gear upgrade to be able to make the jump instead of skill and sometimes it actually works where you'll make a little bit of progress but what happens now is it's almost like you've got a crutch and that skill never really develops I see people do this all the time when they upgrade triggers too quickly before they really learn how their trigger curve even works where you prep stop hit the brakes exhale through the mouth and E breaks I'm all for non-stop E and then they don't really understand how a trigger curve works on a properly resented trigger and then they get this tiny little short trigger with a reset and they never really let their trigger control develop well don't want you to do is get good and then get the cool-guy trigger in that order and so I don't want to take it from you I'm just saying man wait a little bit longer and get a little better first yeah and so man I don't want to be the the gear snob now this is my profession so I get all the goodies you know but the point is is you don't need them right and sometimes of like this this is a Palmetto state lower and it's fine it runs just fine and then this it's kind of like this is a hodgepodge disaster of really expensive stuff mixed with some really cheap stuff mixed with some mini berry not seeds in not good just inexpensive is the word we're gonna see trigger yeah sure except district I have no idea what it is I I don't know I don't care I didn't really seem true on this one that's our BC I'm nor right no this is a fully intact those miny same that's why you ready - yep really was one so pretty cool so I've got a couple different context like I'd mentioned earlier if I'm up and down mountains doing some longer range stuff what a navigation smooch yeah I want a 16 or 14 5 I'll have a can on it I'll have an IR laser and probably an LP via low-power variable optics something with some distance because I'm interested in seeing far and being able to do night-vision stuff and that's what I'm interested in generally I always I'm a big proponent of stay in your lane okay me being the team's I never used night vision we never use night vision so we had it we trained with it but on on ops stuff like that very rarely do we ever use any any of that stuff so I don't teach it I don't push it I don't you know that's just me him on the other side that's every op he did or Baltimore or you know an BG so every night what hundreds hundreds yes so you know you know and and a lot of the gear that he ruins is gonna be geared towards that then which is you know so mine isn't when it is geared often the regular le you know the TAC light you know what I'm saying all that stuff so it just depends on what your what your your gear towards your what you want to learn now we've had multiple discussions being John about this don't be something you're not don't be something you're not if you're on if you're on there and in it playing GI Joe and you're not GI Joe understand that people are going to see that and they're gonna know what you're doing right or wrong yeah it's right I mean if you're as long as you're not being a poser of like you know what I really just want to play GI Joe but you know you you're like that's what I'm doing and I don't care what you think play GI judge the gory fun with it but don't be the tool that's you know LARPing you're trying to be correct no I'm not I may say more power to that guy Mills milsim Mills awesome crew yeah yeah yeah and they're having a great time and that's a game that has some real-world application that's a good beneficial game and I like that but that's what they're doing and I'm not gonna shave them out of it because there's a lot worse things you could do with your time absolutely you know I mean you could be on a beanbag watching non-stop whatever eating Cheetos you know and there's nothing wrong with Cheetos right they're moving they're playing more games I love Cheetos anyway anyways I don't even want to rain on that parade but don't be a poser right yo so he calls it up holes all right I just call it what it is it's someone that you're you're pretending to be something you're not at the end of the day when you're on Instagram and you're on social media be yourself be who you are stay in your lane I stay in my lane he stays in his lane we all do you know the other heroes and you know I know when it comes to certain aspects of certain things I know they don't know I'm okay with saying that you know twenty years in the game and I know that my experience in NVGs and night vision is very very limited very limited secondary power bro yeah you want decent migration stuff yeah I go I got some goodies so well play he understands that when it comes to the Fitness realm his his his knowledge is right right they're very limited so what does he do what do I do if I had an energy issue I'm gonna come to him and I'm gonna ask him I'm gonna ask me questions so I so he came to me he's like well what am i dead let's go on this one with that so everybody has their pros you know there are things that are good at man you gotta just just know yeah I don't know when it's time to not say hey by the way I'm a badass at this but I'm really not I just play it you know it's a big difference I want to thank John for coming out as well as Evan for sharing the name with me as a matter of fact I know you guys don't know this but this is one day of three days of my show on their network okay and it's water point society Network it's an actual channel guys and I want to say something that is really exciting for me and I know it's very exciting for them they are killing over there okay we're having three days three days I guess a day in the life with me and John in heaven and if you want to see those three days just like this day a fool three days of our shenanigans its miniseries it's behind the scenes it's real-world tactical I mean I want to say something funny here but it's actually completely brutal and I'm thoroughly exhausted yeah so her questions and kind of walk around yeah so what can they find where can they find you downloaded on iOS Android we're gonna have a whole suite of apps launching and rock cuy Apple TV on Amazon fire all the streaming service is available there Tony has his own show and it's lit I mean we brought out the red carpets of the the filming quality is all we you do YouTube stuff this is not YouTube stuff this is a show and here's your hosts and my whole rush step man yeah I've been filming we're filming like madness yeah we're trying out here taking your yeah great a great little adventure with us that's the bottom line just to see so you get an in-depth view of who I am and what my company represents and I share it with these two great guys so stay tuned I've got a lot more coming um don't forget to subscribe comment go check their channel out where's your channel unease in Alaia War II ports ID on on their channel cuz it's guy so you understand you have John level and then you have everything oh you left the temple have any temple but they're brand-new their company is called a warrior port society okay give them a little quick background on this ultra where they can find you your website no let stone type in warrior poet in the Internet and you will find it and you will find it there big time guy you know you just search them when they're there now if it's all about that see all the SEO no you should have SEO rig right here on his chest right here we want to show you a look and what this guy can do for regular people like me and then pros like John's so if you're interested in some more content guys go over to their channel download the stuff check out the three days monsoon expert
Channel: RealWorld Tactical aka Tony Sentmanat
Views: 171,504
Rating: 4.9321499 out of 5
Keywords: john lovell, warrior poet society, special operations, tony sentmanat, realworld tactical, john lovell ar 15, warrior poet society sling, warrior poet society ar 15, wpsn, firearms training, warrior poet, discussion with, 2 point sling vs 1 point, 2 point sling ar 15, swat vs army, john lovell edc, army ranger, tactical training, warrior poet society network
Id: Vxi20wkgY4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 42sec (2022 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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