ANGRY WISDOM with Vietnam Vet and Legend Clint Smith + Funny Intro

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okay shut up and listen it you won your enemy to advance uh against the wall of lead gaming okay okay so that if he gets to my gun my guns empty because I just shot at him a lot okay anybody got any questions yeah are you trying to imitate Quinn Smith no and any other questions if you don't stop imitating me I'm gonna stab you right in the heart okay okay any other questions all right let's move on I'd hey folks I'm here at Thunder ranch with the legendary Clint Smith will you own legendary I'll live with it if that's just gonna be like yeah man legendary no seriously so incredible history a Vietnam vet and actually did a lot in Vietnam real noteworthy shooting and being shot being shot that was fun that's the enemy marksmanship or good time the Lord I don't care yeah right ten years as a cop you were the operations officer for Jeff Cooper yes the gun for a number of years and then you've been I I think he's been trained in other people in firearms for about two hundred and eighty-three years to it yeah give or take I've owned my own business for 35 years but uh I've been teaching in one form or another for 50 holy cow all right anyway so when I said legend it wasn't a hard sell I was like yeah all right I guess you got legendary so that's pretty good so Clint's famous for angry wisdom and if you follow them on YouTube or Instagram or whatever social media outlet you hear I'm just kind of angrily ranting and it's just pure wisdom what why are you angry and I'm not really I'm not always like really angry in the sense of someone like other aggravated my deal is I think that it's important that people grasp that what we're teaching is them to fight okay and we get a lot of people who are not in that mode it's just like most people you know like on chatrooms forums and blog their biggest fight they've ever been to get the bedsheets off okay and yet they'll claim to be you know like you know they call them all commandos or something like a shopping mall commandos but I'm not actually angry I think I have a job I think I have a purpose and I think my job and purpose is to save people's lives so sometimes people need a kick in the ass they're just sort of slow starters and they you know they don't mean to do poorly I don't think anyone would go to anything like you and I would do like schools and like you know um there used to be Pat Rogers famous another famous guy lives past now but held in high regard and you know he always had a hat for the class that said that guy in other words the [ __ ] mode and so I I kind of don't really care that much for that guy mode I need people to get their head out of their ass and understand that the most dangerous thing in the fight is not their tool you know they got like a 380 that's pink and they think they're really good to go not true I think their deal with it is ISM I'm not angry like in the sense of like I'm pissed off at you I'm angry because people don't grasp the reality of what's going on like sometimes with no disrespect intended or implied you'll get a lady in the class you I don't think I could show you why no J's you know a crap like a lay oh that's great but they deal with it is you have children yes okay if someone was gonna cut your three kids throat with you shooting sure so everyone has a lever the key is is it's very hard to learn new [ __ ] in the middle of a fight so you're gonna have to like be tuned up and so they're angry thing that people think yeah sometimes I do you know you're not talk to a little bit about like the the holster thing where I kind of went on a rant so I didn't go after I took the gun my holster I kick his ass well probably not I mean almost everybody in the classes today can kick my ass s nothing unusual I'm like old guy but at the same time the reason I took the holster away is because it was a stupid-ass holster and the guy was either gonna shoot himself or shoot somebody else and then of course he dressed like he was going to you know some sort of snow festival so he looked like a little snow bunny with this stupid-ass holster so I took the piece of [ __ ] away and threw it away but the other side of the story that people don't know is that I immediately got him a brand new host that belonged to me and I gave him the whole story so like you know when I tell people hey I want a holster and I want the holster to fit the belt and I want the mag houses this and I you know one gun is one and that's for you and I someone using a proper holster on the range is self-defense it's like when I go inside the house and I wear armor I'm not wearing the armor cuz I'm afraid to get shot I'm afraid of them clipping the doorframe and I'm not afraid like in the sense I'm scared I just think that injuries defeat the purpose of training so they deal with it is if you go you know you're always pissed off I'm not pissed off I'm actually a pretty nice guy I want a goose I mean how bad can I saw a scooter this is awesome it's mean it's probably overlapped of lobster Raptor it's nice mmm all right it isn't it's cool meeting you but but the goose yeah the goose is better is that okay to say absolutely you're great but not the goose is awesome though I mean every day gets bigger and one of these days he's gonna open a can of whoop-ass on everybody okay cuz you know these are prey the last thing you'd want for a pet but I kind of go perfect you know angry Clint and pissed-off goose what better very imagine yeah yeah yeah so it becomes a like and besides you know I'm it was the deal with the gusto people if you don't know anything about geese which I don't know a lot about geese but I do know that when geese sort of see the first thing that's moving they imprint on that and so like the goose is sort of imprinted on us and so like you know your kids took him for a walk today yeah yeah yeah we're gonna roll some food I think John jr. was running and the goose was like right there after him you know and the goose was runner not a stretch out his wings and you know I don't know that maybe enough about the goose but he's still awesome dude I mean you know he's we I have no intention of having be a pet goose in the sense of it they're like you'd get a dog I'm just trying to protect him long enough that he can bigger not be big enough or she can be big enough to go find other goose you know and then they can do gooses and and like fly around I'm saying so just protecting them that's all you know that the angry wisdom I think it resonates it resonates with me at least it's kind of like I mean I'm just my generation just younger folks are just so inundated with spam and fluff and political correctness it's kind of like I want somebody to just pull up a seat somebody that's been there done that and I had a few more black eyes than me and can warn me and just shoot hate shoot me straight and give me some good wisdom and so I find it refreshing and I think that's part of why just a whole lot of your audience flocks used because you just tell them that so I think a lot of younger folks are thirsty for hard-hitting wisdom and mentorship so we want to speak to mentorship and yeah I think it's a really good thing I mean you know the idea that people would come and I I not long ago I'll give you a clue you know this is interesting to me and there might be a message here detectives would call it a clue but I you know did at a class like last year and one of the guys in the class he had been a student mine at gunsight so that we're talking 1982 and then one of his sons had been a student of mine in Texas were talking 1997 eight and so when they came they brought the father's son so in other words I had three generations I had grandfather father and son so maybe I've been doing this too long and or the idea that you know we want people to understand that you know it's if people talk about families just like one of my least favorite things is when people go life you get that that's something else for your toolbox I don't need a toolbox full of [ __ ] okay like I don't need all this ninja [ __ ] I need rock solid I know my equipment you know I'm gonna carry my gun more than I'm gonna shoot the guns so that means I need a stable platform everybody watching this okay how many times have you been in a physical fight part of fighting is being on the ground most people are not Muhammad Ali most people are more like MMA you know so like MMA is awesome I mean I it was way after my generation but the reason I liked it is because I always told people they go hey I'm gonna punch this guy out now you're not okay very rarely just someone get knocked out okay and that guy I mean I got it but it's actually a reality of what's gonna happen to us on the street which is there's gonna be you're gonna get punched like you said you're gonna get a black eye but you're gonna roll around in the dirt so many this fights turn into gunfights so then the ideology needs to be okay when I'm teaching people I need for them to stable gun platform so that if I'm rolling around the dirt I'm not shooting myself in the dick okay or blowing my ass off you know what I'm trying to get this gun out then we need to make people smart in the mentorship program where people are smart enough not to place a semi-automatic pistol against the trunk of them and you know that people go well you know if this guy is laying on top of you and you're choking this [ __ ] he's choking the [ __ ] out you are going to do everything you can to get them off of you and so like now it becomes a cross between jujitsu and street fighting and you know knife fighting and gun fighting and people go like well you know what do you know about knives I know enough about knives that I stay away from I know enough about knives if you pull one on me okay and start at me I'm probably gonna shoot you okay knives never run out of ammo okay I mean and usually most of the people carrying them has some idea especially you know if you see a guy standing with the gun pointed at his footing his finger on the trigger I'm not really I got it you know is he dangerous sure but if you see you know somebody the worst knife in my opinion and there are many knife experts but the worst knife for me is the one I can't see you know because that's you know when somebody's carrying for example I blacked out and I've compared to a shiny knife blacked-out knives or a better you know you don't see them and 60% of our [ __ ] takes place in low alter of feeling light so I might not pick up on that so I like the mentorship in that I'm hoping that we're helping people just like you you know the deal with you is this yeah we do it we take money both of us but we don't do it for the money we do it because we love it the money is like the residue of being a mentor and I you know like you know you come you've seen we'll probably put it on film you've seen my classroom when people drive in here they know that we expect them you know the classrooms said the stuff squared away we're ready to go and we're ready to do that mentorship to help people realize that hey you know we actually do give a crap now I need some investment on your part besides money and we also would like to make that paper so we can make it rain sure yeah I mean you can't okay you can't no it was so serious I'm like what's the dumbest thing I could okay and I wanted to bring like this hip vernacular that I don't even embody yeah that isn't even belong to me I'm like I'm just gonna throw it at quit and see what he does but you take it in stride yeah the cameraman's laughing yeah but YouTube's just silent like what that's a problem in this industry today okay and this concept of this ideology people are way too serious we need to lighten the hell up on this okay most people watching this are never gonna be in a fight that could be because they went to school with Oh someone or something yeah well that could be because even they statistically I think in the Jacke like average cop being one gunfight in his career oh yeah so in 20 years now if you put a second Ranger tab on and you start wandering around Afghanistan I'm pretty sure that you could like take that fuzzy and get in trouble there I'm saying so um yeah if you're looking for a yeah this is much better than mine okay Jack doesn't have one at all but um yeah yeah mines white and his won't be long I'll be gone Hills will be white okay this kids having it's already starting sad the father's my subscribers fathers they're awesome I suck you know that but anyways this was everybody this is everybody on the channel picked on me and they should have cuz I did a video and had one glow-in-the-dark white hair and nobody heard anything in the video and when I watched it over once I saw that white hair on my teeth I can't hear me at all that's so distracting check out tweezers it's coming I've got like five or six in there there's more on the way baby okay there's more on the way I named the first two after my kids their fault John Jr in judo right so before we started filming I was just kind of hanging out with Clinton we're getting to know each other and you started to say something about dads we're talking about mentorship and wisdom and I stopped you like whoa stop and it was kind of disrespectful I didn't mean it that no I get it I was like whoa save it for the camera and he's like okay so dad's yes I think the thought was in my mind's eye is like I'm 69 now and I if I could do something you know oh okay what's your whether they call that bucket list [ __ ] or something look at a poop or whatever anyways my I'd like to have speak to my dad for five minutes and my dad passed them of course in 1997 but I don't think that I would go hey Dad what about this you know what's the story of life I would think I would go hey Dad you know you already paid the interest on the loan why don't you just sort of like going stuff from the past just be cool you know just I want you to go into the next world whatever that is whatever people's beliefs are I want you to go there peacefully I want you to be a piece you know you work hard all your life you raise great kids there were four of us you didn't have any chicken rape us you know you know we have like none of us beat our wives okay yeah yeah yeah well nobody wants a chicken fornicator no you're you're right I probably a beep in there I didn't know that that was them yeah well you know it's know there'll be a day wait if you know someone aboard on this now what am I gonna you go out of my senses sons are they chicken fornicators or you know do they beat their wives so anyways the point was is I'd like to speak to them in and like have him be at ease when he goes into the next life yeah I mean yeah you can always I hate dad why should why didn't I buy a Corvette and you don't care about that neither do you [Music] there's a lot of [ __ ] important in life but most of it is not that important I mean so what would you now let's turn it around everybody wants to spend five minutes more with their past away father what if you could speak to 25 year old Clint you only got like two minutes you can't you can time travel grab young Clint by the shoulders and be like listen up punk yeah this is I'll go farther so here's the drill I'll go back a couple more years I remember that when I was 18 I went after I got you from high school because I wasn't very smart dude I kind of got thrown out of high school sort of but um I remember very vividly that when I was 18 I always kind of thought my dad was a pain in the ass again he was a 25 year street cop so you know they're born again hard I mean they're tougher and woodpecker lips okay so like this guy is bad to the bone he's been there you know he's got it going for himself and so what I realized shortening it up to two minutes is that when I came back from Vietnam I was surprised how smart my dad was I thought damn dude I've been gone for years this guy wants to went to MIT he went got himself a Rhodes Scholarship ah man he's really smart so the point of it is as my dad has always been a pretty smart guy ahead of time I was a jackass so it's that evolution of growing up and people always groaning all guys I think you know like I have a friend of mine and we'll just say his name is Harry which it is but when his daughter turned 18 she went to Israel and spent two years in the IDF and made her a different person and then when his son just recently turned 18 you know he spent two years in the IDF and people go well you know I got it but that two years made a significant difference in the way his children who are now young people how they behave how they have themself with other people in other words I think that you don't need to go you know shoot people I mean it there's a funny one could you get it of all the people you know I mean I think and correct me if I'm wrong there are about 4,500 Rangers in all the Rangers in the planet about 1500 of those are priced support people I cannot confirm or deny okay great so we'll say there are nominal 3,000 Rangers okay Antonio not every one of those guys has been in a gun fight okay you know just like people I love people go like whoa when I was in Vietnam I was ambushed six times no you weren't you'd be dead if it was a prize if it was a ambush everyone dies okay and it's just like when we went the Marines went into Fallujah you know when you tell someone two weeks ahead of time that you're gonna come in and now they put like a propane bottle behind every door hinge and I mean all this [ __ ] that they you're gonna pay for that right so people go well they've really do very good or whatever branch of service you know the United States didn't do very well well if you tell someone that I'm gonna burn your house down I'm gonna get a gun stand outside when you come on-site or I'll shoot your ass okay and or at least I'm gonna get fire always ready I'm saying so you that that's kind of the stuff so I'm yeah I was surprised at how smart my dad got and that time I was done I I definitely agree because I mean growing up I mean clearly my parents were brilliant and they knew everything you listen you learn everything I'm teaching my kids their you know four and five years old and literally everything we teach them everything so we're brilliant we know everything but then from the time you're about fifteen to twenty four you're dead you're a human wasteland of stupidity and you'll never feel like you're smarter and no more and you'll think your parents are morons maybe your parents are morons but you're dumber and you'll be like 26 so the point of this is someone said to me there would be mandatory service of some kind I don't give a [ __ ] I'll pick up trash you know go on the army you know travel for Rangers get your tab you know whatever I think there's a time frame there that's the part of the problem we're dealing with now so like we have the parkland thing it's a terrible tragedy I understand okay but like if you're ever gonna get a clue that someone was going to go off the hinges there's a good example now we have an assclown pimple-faced knucklehead okay who just barely got out of high school who's telling me I need to turn my gun in I have 50 years of service to my community in my country yeah I've never done anything wrong no chickens no bank robberies no wife beaten no traffic tickets I mean I'm like yeah you sure about this yes I'm sure about that I don't know about the chickens you know yeah I have a chicken thing but I'll get in a lot of trouble so um anyways the point of it is is I'm kind of irritated dead I have someone that basically no intellectual basis or foundation telling me what I can own and not on on a personal level now if I'm out on the street shooting out streetlights butt-naked you got a chicken whatever okay then yeah I got it haul him off but you know I kind of behaved all my life sure you know so I'm that's kind of part of this deal won't pay well we're gonna um well you do what you got to do I mean if you say I can't have like a magazine with a bunch of bullets and it doesn't matter I already know how to load a single shotgun I mean that's the difference everyone else was whining about like whoa you don't like I got a trapdoor Springfield just like they would have got off the horse with a little big one I shoot the hell out of that gun you know okay so it's again repetition and competency with equipment you have right you know so and you know that yeah guys if you're watching and you're kind of those college-age and you feel picked on and your white number right or me and you're you're you're all pissed off here's what we're saying but listen listen to me in a chicken it's not that it's not that it's not you're saying we're you're stupid or really your IQ is way down what we're basically saying is when you're 28 you're going to be thinking a lot differently seeing the world a lot differently saying a lot of stuff differently you'll be embarrassed what you were absolutely certain of when you were 8 there's a good concept I made easy is that all were saying so like Tom Hayden thank God I outlived him but Tom Hayden okay he was part of the SDS students for a Democratic Society all that [ __ ] in the 60s and 70s you know he was like hooked up with Jane Fonda whatever okay so this guy America sucks next thing you know he's a California senator flying around on a Learjet okay tell them everybody so wait a minute wait a minute I thought you so in other words you're in favor of like protecting the environment as you drive up in your lawyer jet jackass how is that possible that one of this America I know but how did it get there where all the sudden what it means to be American is to be anti-american nothing's more American today that being anti-american and my only question is why is everyone trying to come here if this is such a [ __ ] that's a great question I Got News for you we've been in [ __ ] holes yep okay Jack the camera guy he's been in a [ __ ] like walking in somebody's house as a cop where you walk outside in warm rub your feet on the grass to get all this [ __ ] off okay so like yeah so the deal with it is just easy to run your gums when you're not contributing anything and that's my whole point would like the Parkland thing I'm interested and I think you're entitled to your opinion that's why we're Americans okay you know all that stuff that we've done that was so that you could speak your mind okay duly noted I only have one question what has been your contribution to this country you know okay so there's a guy that used to write books his name was Robert Heinlein and he's the one that came up with an armed society is a polite society you know that your poet guy okay but he also like there was some merit you know in his thought process like people watch starship trooper in the gods guys in big guns killing bugs okay put the bugs aside the actual point of the movie was that you can't be a part of this society without contributing something this [ __ ] had hadn't even paid any taxes yet you know and so I'm really not interested that jackasses opinion so but I know but how do you feel about well that's probably an angry rant I just think he's a jackass no I'm here I'm wise and would be angry yeah well he he doesn't matter to his opinion that's why he went to Afghanistan Iraq too yeah so he went to Afghanistan and Iraq fifty years ago I went to Vietnam oh that was a [ __ ] war what we know that everybody knows that okay so we were looking for WMDs that didn't exist the Gulf of Tonkin didn't actually happen so like let me get this right I could have been at home don't know who to couch you with the chick in the backseat of the car I don't have to say chicken in the back so yeah it could have been chick I said you said chick did any nominee there wasn't a chicken okay so I have a rubber chicken no guys don't say that okay yeah so anyways y'all get it so a lot of things that we have done that we believe are proper things by our standards okay those things turn out in the end to be a lie and you know how do I qualify or quantify that okay I do that by saying that in the day if he'd have been behind of doing I'd have been behind the dome so when I'm there I don't actually care what his politics are everyone else my job is to take care of my partner okay so in my personal opinion in military especially in a technical or tactical application or is more about taking care of the people that you're with yeah you know you and I talked about what are the inter-service rivalry what a bunch of jackasses he said out of his own mouth this guy Army Ranger okay he said some of the best air cover he had it was a Marine Air and I absolutely without question okay it's because they would be fly like in the streets you care if they had held their hand out you could high-five him in the street they got Carruthers on the lower rotary flies for for cover when you're in an urban environment the more it makes the enemy's head stick down or us you know stay in their windows which means they're not shooting you in the streets but the more danger it is for the pilots cuz Blackhawk down stuff so anyway Marines were absolutely fearless just in it and the other of the other best pilots ever had for air support was the Brits the Brits were yeah kamikazes thought they were nuts and I loved when Brits gave air support so they were the best Batman I'm here speech speak to this real quick you know Marines have always looked up to armies kind of like big brothers I am what what what could what could the Marines do to kind of you know you know just be given some more money so they get good equipment quit getting all the hand-me-downs alright right now so everybody's so proud of their branch and Marines are to have no inner service rival because like in march 28 1969 I got in the way they kind of got the enemy marksmanship award by getting shot wasn't a brilliant move but [ __ ] happens so the next morning because we couldn't really do anything that night you know how that goes times bad in the morning army helicopter came and got me awesome and I like that right I was hooked up it flew me right to the hospital ship hope Navy okay and they gave me a boo-boo money band-aids and worse my butt and all that kind of stuff and got everything cleaned up and then they took me off of the boat on a barge the Naval Support Activity at Danang and I got flown from there by the Air Force whoa the dudes on blue I got flown to eat with Cooney Japan so I can't really have a case of the ass or anybody you know one guy came and got me one guy gave me a ride and one guy gave me a airplane ticket yeah I was like it was living the dream baby it's stupid and if any of you Marines are watching you're like dude Decca's unsubscribe how dare you joke dude joke bro I didn't like you wouldn't just burden ball okay so take your hook and throw it overboard and follow it down with the chain okay get over guys we're at thunder ranch right now that's our that's Clint's training ground it's beautiful out here in Oregon and guys if I could encourage you to train with Clint you should really do that he's kind of amazing classes and stuff I'm gonna go ahead and put links below in the video distribution so that you can check out his training page is also as social media links and whatnot and make sure you're following him because he's got great wisdom but you need to meet him you can need to make the journey out I'll be teaching a pistol to tomorrow and he's gonna be helping me teach that and then he's going to be doing a shoot house home defense type thing that would be a work I'm gonna be taking some plastics which of course is bad don't do that but anyway you got anything else you want to clean up I think it's good don't forget the poet society because this dude travels okay I kind of give that up can't fly on planes anymore too much sheet metal so I got a cavity search every time I try to get on a plane that's not a replacement but he travels like he just came from the Portland area that's a sink [ __ ] and then he's gonna like travel around a lot they know me that's this guy so yeah what see if I can give him another gray hair tomorrow be in the paintings Aspen otherwise we're gonna we got a good group of people I'm gonna love it I can't wait man I can't let it there Brock saw it would be good at it yep go I appreciate your time yes sir train R train smart and we'll see you next time guys three two one on okay check it out if your [Music] [Laughter]
Channel: Warrior Poet Society
Views: 591,520
Rating: 4.9617715 out of 5
Keywords: Clint Smith, John Lovell, Interview, Thunder Ranch, Vietnam War, Vietnam Veteran, GWOT, war vet, combat veteran, vietnam sniper, Special operations, special forces, USMC, marine corps, military training, military humor, tactical training, police training, fatherhood, mentorship, learning from mistakes, advice to young men, jordan peterson, PTSD, warrior poets, wisdom, should I join the military, self protection, black rifl
Id: p8sKJDNSuz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 5sec (1685 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 14 2018
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