A Fresh Start - A New Beginning With God

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[Music] you don't love me like girls [Music] yeah that's nice mommy i need help with my hair don't worry and i'll come and help you okay thank you we need to talk [Music] what is the rush renell you don't even know this boy mommy what you talking about elijah and i together for over a year now you know him our whole family knows him how you can say i don't know him i yeah child does not give me enough time to know somebody you hardly even know your own self you know anything about his family you know anything about him even you know anything about his past mommy i don't understand you know last time we talked about elijah he had nothing but good things to say about him he respectable he ambitious this that the other now you're just switching up and acting like if he's the worst person in the world i have a problem with this thing because you telling me that you want to get married eh you're talking about wedding dress and ring and everything that goes with it but you still haven't answered me wait wait wait grinnell don't tell me you pregnant no you want this boy sexually active no one no mommy is sexy ronan what kind of foolish question is that uh foolish girl foolish is rushing into this marriage foolish is not finishing your education and getting a job before you get married foolish is messing up your whole life mommy elijah said that finishing school wouldn't be a problem his new job is more than enough to support us i don't understand why you can't just support my judgment and respect my decision elijah say this that's all i hear in elijah has it all figured out but you still haven't answered me rene what is the rush mommy we going in circles right elijah and i we love each other we love each other we want to spend the rest of our lives together and i want to be his wife that i just don't understand why you can't just understand what i where i coming from renal you know anything about marriage you know anything about being a wife rene you can't even cook you can't even keep a house when i look at the state of your room you still a child you feel marriage is a bed of roses or one of them fairy tale stories i don't know about marriage i don't know about marriage you know anything about marriage you want that he knew so much about marriage that now you're divorced you're not even married right now you of all people not in a position to tell me about marriage well exactly rene this is what i am trying to prevent you from making the same mistakes that i made i am not you i am not you and i am not going to become you i don't want to be you elijah and i love each other we are going to get married just because you messed up your life doesn't mean i would mess up mine is it or you support me or you don't i just real tired of trying to explain to you that elijah and i love each other we love each other and we want to get married and that's final i see grown woman riddle you didn't come to ask me about this you did not come to seek my blessing on this but you came to tell me exactly what you're going to do what you name woman rene this is your life but let me tell you something as your mother and as a woman who has made mistakes in her life i absolutely not in agreement with this wedding and i totally do not agree with this marriage you hear me what mommy yeah i know what you're thinking but don't worry she would come okay trust me and trust god i know my sister she'll be here so don't stress i hope so yeah don't worry mommy my hair still needs a fix so no i don't look good now okay i'm coming i'm coming and now yeah what is so miserable like i don't know she's sick senior here [Music] sit down and call yourself sharon hi carol van alisi see what i meant i knew she would come all right this one we'll all have to claddy room okay so sharon and vanell can have some privacy what's more in my hair we'll fix it downstairs come on [Music] you look beautiful renault thanks mommy i'm so sorry for everything i really am i'm sorry are you sure this is what you want to do yes well me and elijah spoke not [Music] not what elijah wants is this what you want to do yes mommy i want to get married well i may not agree with your decision but you're my daughter i love you and i'm here for you i pray that god will bless your marriage [Music] yes you can come in i'm city photographers okay let's him come in do you ladies want a group shot of course you know my effects now so now we can take pictures anaya why do you believe it i saw you getting married too all right guys you're watching me in three two one so anaya before we share any more embarrassing stories about annel elijah we would just like to say welcome to the farmer and rannell well annoys miguel and you know retired from a long time because you know he's best friends but just because you get hugs burn and use wife now that don't mean you can leave me on the picture but all i have to say is i wish you all the best in all your endeavors and may god bless you both two renewal cheers it was about a year ago elijah came to our company fresh out of university tasked with leading a major project and i've been a senior manager was given the task of grooming him i invited elijah across to my home for our family right and it was there that he met beautiful rene ladies and gentlemen it gives me great privilege and a wonderful feeling to introduce our next speaker to race attuse none other than the mother of the groom mrs alexander put your hands together for mrs alexander please thank you so very much but it's miz not mrs i'm no longer married sorry about that mom to god be the glory good afternoon ladies and gentlemen i am so happy to be here this evening i'm glad that you came to celebrate with my son and i elijah is my son in whom i am well pleased yes elijah he's such a respectably young man oh he loves his mother he loves his mother yes you know he is also so focused and purpose driven that when elijah friends were out there playing and lying he was always in front of a book that is why he was able to graduate at the top of his university class because of that yeah brunel your score big and good this evening rene i don't know if he told you that he liked his and he must eat my color what elijah don't forget me love your mommy and don't forget alone ladies and gentlemen let's raise our glasses for elijah best wishes to you andrew give it up for miss alexander wonderful speech put it together ladies and gentlemen this is the moment that we have waited for put your hands together for elijah alexander [Applause] firstly [Applause] [Music] firstly i would like to see a special thanks to mommy ma i made it happen you made me happen from the sacrifices i made for me to the days that you believed in me even when i didn't believe in myself and i really do appreciate that not me son tony all right dance and the best money class thanks for being here it's not nicholas who's pastor nicolas ma he and i go way back in secondary school so i believe he and i know where we stand but anyway nicholas thanks for coming thanks for showing your support right brother for now is my mandar i would like to let you know that i would love and take proper care of your daughter perhaps you'd rather worry about how universities anymore i have that handle [Music] [Applause] today i stand here as a happy man and a very lucky man as well life life couldn't be better growing up as a young man i was always told to aim high dream big set suits and goals graduate in with first class honors check yes having my own contract at one of the region's biggest films check driving my dream car a bmw 3 series double check and marion this wonderful gorgeous young lady that i get to call my wife check [Applause] all before 25 again i would like to say thanks to everyone from from friends family co-workers thank you all for making today possible ladies i'm sorry to boost your bubble but i am officially off the market so on behalf of my wife and i [Applause] we would like to make a toast to each and every one of you all for making today possible thank you [Music] yes sir yes sir nothing can be done again sir [Music] i hear you sir yeah thank you very much though thank you very much [Music] well brian i can see that by the look on your face that you've heard the news right what is going to happen mr alexander he said that he's fired i hear that the contract has been suspended until next year [Music] i just came over from talking with regional and it's true the contract has been suspended elijah just got married he's on his honeymoon how am i going to break this kind of news thing but something has to be done he has to know are you going to tell him i can't do that i can't do him that not only sunny moon i'm going to wait till elijah gets back in the office and i'm going to sit him down we're going to have a conversation i can't do that not now okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] you could tell me what taken this man so long well my sabotage is still on the line but don't worry everything will work out i mean how could they take you of the project i mean all those long nights and hard work we spent they will never just take care of the project i mean how could they yes okay okay i'll send another now [Music] this is about time this is just real ridiculous only had was that i put in everything i did do you just want to throw it away yeah get out done for me no please all right thanks mr elijah have a seat [Music] mr elijah i know you know already but i just came off the phone with a conversation from mr mirage what went on with you two guys as a matter of fact mr mirage indicated to me that when he spoke to you about the contract being postponed to the second quarter next year you were very upset he said you were very disrespectful you want to tell me about that that that is very incorrect mr bartolomeu i signed these contracts how could they just ops and cancel the project most man you have any idea that mr mirage is the vice chair of this board do you know that mr marat signs off on every single project that passes through this office look i know hence reason i spoke with him mr bartolomeu i did all the legwork for this contract the projections i did them the contacts i gathered them they need this project they need me on this project elijah we are living in some very uncertain times we are living in a covey 19 pandemic management wants to play it safe not just for us but for you and us the workers also and it's not as if we are canceling the project altogether we are just postponing the project until the second quarter in next year elijah you and i need to have a serious conversation you see all this i did this and i did that that won't work in this corporate world my friend mr elijah let me tell you something you are replaceable and further to that mr first class honors i literally had to beg mr mirage to save you from being fired and bossman be reminded that this contract is broken up in two phases and you have been paid for phase one already don't forget that brother don't forget mr bartholomew look i apologize i am truly sorry but what should i do now i was really counting on the second phase payment what am i to do elijah come to yourself what you need after speaking with mr mirage decided against firing you as a matter of fact i told him that you just got married and you're just a little worried and frustrated so he decided that he's gonna put you on a smaller contract i have it right here smaller project smaller project elijah i spoke with hr about that already and while there's just two days in office it's still something mr bartholomew this is a very big pickup i can't live on the salary elijah you youths have to learn to adjust learn to live we all have to make adjustments in our life maybe maybe you might have to sell the car stop buying food or look for a small apartment to rent these are things that you have to sit down with renee and discuss elijah trust god trust god all right all right thanks well i see here that the project starts next week so i'll see you again thank you you're welcome yeah you know i still unpacking gifts from canada yeah we got so much things yeah one stop please and everything you'd have to buy nothing for the next 20 years yeah well yeah tell her that but um hold on i think i hear an elijah i have to go right right yeah okay bye hi hi i packing up stuff folding i don't even know let's see um the people from different at your company they call and they want to drop off this stuff oh and when i was coming home i buy food to have food in the fridge yeah we still go in three blinds because they close not five what's this time it's already four o'clock so we should probably i just need to finish we gotta talk we need to talk so let's have a seat okay right now we really need to hold up on some of our purchase plans for a little while okay why coven right due to the pandemic well today at the office they told me that the project i was working on it has been pushed back till next year what well what does that mean do you do you still have a job yes yes i do still have a job but i only work in for like two days a week on a smaller project with a reduced salary okay so we really need to cut back on some of our monthly spending okay well we can make it work we just need to figure out what our expenses are are we supposed to have sevens in the bank right well between the month like installment rent in advance and the wedding we just had very little however the salary that i'm getting i could afford to pay the monthly installments for the car um utilities oh and um mommy's allowance what if i want to your mother we could cut that out what nah [Music] we have rent what about my school fees all right well i was thinking that remember you was telling me that the bank offered you a position just beyond august yes but that's full time how how am i supposed to work and go to school this semester starts back in september all right well i'll just get into that you could just take one year or from university and just work for that one year we'll get back on our feet in no time oh no what this is my last year i can't just stop any last year elijah renault look i thought it through and this is the only way i see fit no it has to have another way i cannot just stop any last year elijah daddy could pay to school for you what daddy no what he wouldn't have a problem with it i will i will call him now no i just said no don't be foolish please excuse me you're not alright i saw you right it's just a lot we're going through a lot right now and i needed to trust my beard please just just trust me okay okay i really wanted to finish the last year but i guess we just we just have to figure it out i will call the bank manager and i will handle food and rent so by you handling food you're cooking right you're pushing it come here [Music] well if you're home if you're going to look for two days then i could already cough you they've got to look um you'll see about that but trust me right you and i will see the stream what's your tackle what's that tackle what defend are you [Laughter] yeah yeah you keep waiting for that but anyway i i need to go that meeting in church so i go see you later all right bro all right though somebody likes later hey renae let me help you with all this mess before i go thank you no problem [Applause] so you need to tell your friend i'm not his mother and he needs to pick up after himself i'll see you later okay okay elijah are gone yeah [Applause] drop of some food so i had that what i wake up early take off food for you and you eat your mother food look it's not that big of a deal she just cook a little extra and she drop it by when she comes to bordeaux what did you just say where's the car elijah she come to bordeaux right she said she'll drop it back a little later what's the problem no i'm really trying to understand what you're telling me right now because yesterday i remember asking you to borrow the car to go to work i have to travel today you know i had to travel today with groceries to bring for you to cook tomorrow morning the food that you do not eat but your mother asked you wants to borrow the car and yelling at her reynald jackson so what is my car either spending monthly installments whoever i choose to lend it to is my business your car your car listen mr man i just pay things in here too you see that okay but they're watching i pay for it you see this roof over our head i pay in three runs right so if you want to keep your car you keep it everybody contributing to the house so renee right so cause they're making a little money i think it could dictate my life now i am not dictate in your life i am your wife your mother dictates in your life you're giving hannah want i travelling like a slave right you're really upset in me elijah i upset in you i upset in you you good petty bahango library don't ever call me patty again right because i like some fool getting up every single morning making food for you and you're not even eating it right i travel and i cook and i clean in the house right i coming home a big bag of mess on the counter once i got trash all over the house you're not even cleaning you're not doing anything elijah you know what since i petty ask your mother to make food for you for the rest of the week ask her to come and clean this house that you have in a mess for the rest of the week because i don't rene rennell [Music] [Music] is [Music] you can't handle anything [Music] remember you're telling me cannot wait until later [Music] i don't want to anymore [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah me yeah i still come in okay bye [Music] is the same thing i'm talking to you about him how you could keep this from me gil for me i wasn't keeping anything from you let's just have lunch thank you you're welcome thank you anything else um yeah we'd like to have some for produce uh-huh right you want some no okay then one group for juice yes [Music] i must be upset about this scenario because we talk about this before you get married you only have one more year one more year to finish university and this bangkok that was never your dream career girls for me i don't want to talk about it okay it's just one more year it's my life i i don't know let's just have a good lunch i don't want to talk about this i don't want to argue is money the problem because your auntie carol tell me elijah not working full time anymore it's part time now normally i don't want to talk about it okay let's just have a good lunch we have to save the place open vantage carol [Music] [Applause] but i was out on the field and i don't go back dressing what can i think oh well i was looking good on you oh well i just passed my wrong psychology contributions financials per day oh right it's right um that's not my check it's 50 dollars 15. yes small change look um i didn't pass by the atm so is it possible i can get here tomorrow yeah i'll pass back for tomorrow all right take care bye hey jesus all right elijah what's up brother going on man look i didn't sign up for this and i really didn't sign up for this holy they had one already on the field and i had to go back just now elijah just adjust yourself brother you will get past this so that's why i'm not seeing you in church disease brother i just want that real tension right now things real rough but uh come by later for that line all right lying oh all right elijah you looking like you forget that line by me you know no i didn't forget what am i talking about the anniversary yeah all right brother and remember you're supposed to walk with some drinks right oh all right no problem better i know office we'll talk later all right okay okay right now i'm so frustrated school have me all over the place yeah but i wasn't really impressed but i hope everything good with you you're just looking real stressed [Music] okay everyone gather round gather round gather round jordy could you bring your handsome daddy please hi sweetie yes yes so we are gathered here this evening to celebrate our 24th anniversary yeah we have been married for 24 years it's been rough it's been good we've had our good times and our bad times but we've made it we've made it yeah even though sometimes i felt like sending him back where he came from thank god but god yeah not so much we had some good time but what has been good to us he has blessed us with a good family yeah two wonderful children yeah wonderful we wouldn't change you all for the world never you know we're really happy that all of you came to celebrate with us and we're gonna have a good time sheila you've been an excellent neighbor thank you very much for the support thank you to all of you yes may god bless you unto my sweet wife yes lovey let's still loving each other amen [Music] aliyah come and see pictures from elijah wherein huh you see in these pictures and i hear you're watching yourself don't try that mommy you're looking good enough yes you are ah wow that's a beautiful pity they look they look really nice there yeah it reminds me of our big dish he looked just as sweet ah thank you you're welcome you're welcome well you see how happy looking yeah elijah what were you whispering in her ears there boy i could just imagine literally smile on her face yeah must have been something good wow and sharon isn't that a beautiful picture wonderful yeah [Music] [Music] talk to me i am your mother talk to me what is wrong [Music] come on i'm just so tired you just fight every single day and i tried to talk to him about it but he just don't even he don't even talk to me anymore and i just i don't know how to get out any situation i am here for you i am here to support you i just i don't even know what to do i was like every day i just regret dd says john and i don't know [Music] [Music] you sure you're pregnant right now yes and you know i shouldn't even know because i'll tell them about it and you're not listening to me i can't even have a conversation with him and i don't know what to do [Music] i am here for you god is still in control of everything okay we will get through this all right [Music] now we will get you [Music] i don't know what to do [Music] good job elijah equaling real good now getting better and better every day you gotta buy some alkaline books for you in because you're pulling out all the books first yeah really enjoy the coloring enjoyment too [Music] what's going fourth time they call me and did you ever go but i know [Music] [Applause] really i didn't [Music] no i know [Music] mommy yeah i so frustrated i don't know what to do what do you mean you don't know what to do i spoke to you about this already you and elijah need to sit down and talk about this it's not just the two of your anymore you know you have an audition come in yeah but it's like every time i try to talk to him about it we can't even have a conversation on everything ending up in an argument and i'm just so tired of fighting okay hear what to do be get down on your knees and pray about it ask god to help you find the right time to approach elijah on this and when the lord shows it to you you are going to get eliza's attention and you will sit down and discuss your situation yeah i just wish i could go back in time and undo it there is no going back in time to undo nothing ranel you already stood up before god and man and made your pledge so there is no going back no you have to be moving forward and as i told you before it's not just you and elijah anymore you have an audition coming so you have to think about this child that you are carrying okay yeah well i will try to tell him tonight and maybe i'll do it during dinner or something yes that's a good time that would be a good time um try to prepare you know a meal that you know he likes one of his favorites prepare that for him and you'll discuss the situation that is what you need to do you all need to sit down and really talk but before you do that say a word of prayer enough okay well i'll let you know how i go yes i would really like to know how things um play out all right okay okay then be bye-bye [Music] all right [Music] all right what happened are you hungry you want to fix something for your teeth no i had to go back to the office you know so oh and take this before come on elijah what'd i tell you about that no pleasure come number i insist is it lisa could do you know what sacrifice is it made for me growing up elijah i told you already we were parents we are parents as our parents do they make sacrifices for the children because they love them we just get children and then expect them expect a sponge on them when we get older so i'll tell you about this this is all right in elijah all right okay and speaking of parents elijah [Music] you know your father's still upset or we didn't get invited i don't get upset when you call enemy married why would he even think that i would invite you to my wedding elijah he passes the pass i now catch why are you even talking to him in the first place he called i didn't call him call my that simple when he called do not answer the phone right do not answer the phone i can't believe you take on a man call after all he did to us ma after all he did to you you really answer he phone elijah i'm watching your dear and you know you know it's sad you know that attitude you're just reminding me of your father look how vex you're getting don't ever compare me to a man again that nasty man to ever ever compare me to him again and our next thing that man is not my father he is anything but my father [Music] i think it's home are you hungry let me get get something for you to eat okay okay elijah all right now if you you say it is if you can't wait i'll [ __ ] it right i'm gonna do something for you [Music] that's a good message you get there boy uh it's just work okay look before yay right hold it properly all right can you take care all right go with good son and remember to pray okay nice i love you [Music] so hey while i can sit down smile [Music] what's my workout well i'm here so i just come to normally this original project true well you got the cake call of fame oh yeah i have to write it i just give them any time to eat it oh well ativa i wanted to eat it but i did it especially no i brought lunch room i was not about to head out to the cafe if you wanted to come on hey elijah caro hi um this is my colleague giselle hi jason i know gisele weren't you at the wedding his wedding yes i was you were the one with all the nails yes well i was just about to leave it was nice seeing you again this is the song yes ma'am did i tell you okay um i'm all right what's your name she's okay all right i just went to look for brian and he says he wants to see at his office all right hope everything is okay all right uh mr bartolomeo hey elijah i'm hustling here but i i got some information and i i thought i need to share it with you fusan and what information is that no elijah this is not kung fu this is not confused but i got it from a reliable source upper management is very concerned about the delta experience in this pandemic and i'm hearing that i'm hearing that they're thinking about pushing back this project and putting on your restart date namaste battalion the cardumidas they cannot do me this again [Music] so when i want to restart this project elijah that's it nobody is saying much i'm just picking up things here then everywhere give me a little chance let me make some calls and see what i can find out what am i to do with this information now elijah what i don't want you to do is anything foolish i don't want you to go picking up the phone and calling upper management making calls elijah something will work out work out what could work out i have responsibilities no master but on me this this unfairness about all of you they cannot do this again elijah elijah take it down elijah listen to me listen to me you need to take the rest of the afternoon off go and sit and cool your head [Music] elijah we all make plans and half the time the part the plans don't pan out listen to me but what are sure about is that god will make our way okay [Music] renault i need dining room are you original melody today we know we need to talk what happened i didn't know he was coming home so early today we need to talk or now we need to talk okay i'll just prepare and don't know i have to listen [Music] since you and i got married renell since you and i got married nothing has been going right these past six months is nothing but chaos things are terrible between you and ironer elijah what you're talking about let me get us off my chest please listen to me i made a blueprint for my life rene i made a plan for my life and right now nothing is going according to that plan right now [Music] britain oh you could do this to muranel oh you could be pregnant how do you know about us how i know about her [Music] you're always calling me a mama's boy but as soon as things go bad between you and i you're quick to go and tell your mom you all be business from when we don't talk i know you're telling her that you're pregnant you told her this before you even told me reynald elijah i was going to tell you today was going to tell me today he was going to tell me i cannot take care of a child oh you could allow the stop on how i could allow this up on how i could allow this to happen i got pregnant by myself you wasn't so sweet taking precautions you know i taken precautions you wasn't taken precaution until i saw why trying to make this my fault renee i cannot afford a child right now a canternell it's milk pampers clothes granola baby you will take care of that what you just tell me take care of that that's all you have to say elijah just take care of it you're trying to tell me to get rid of your child renal i did not say that do not put words in my mouth i did not say it oh i understood exactly what you said you said to take care of that like the one this is our child elijah ronald i was not talking about the baby i was referring to milk and pam personally don't point your hand in my face right you are the most selfish self-centered person i have ever met in my entire life right everything is about you your career your life what about me what about my degree libra i don't want to hear what you have to say right everything is about you everything is about you right you're driving around in your in your bmw car now ford gospel it's always asking me for it always talking to everybody about the big project you used to work on brunch right i don't want to hear you elijah you know my mother told me i wasn't ready for marriage i took a chance on you i give you a chance i put aside everything everybody that care about me i i argue with my mother because i believe that i had loved you and i wanted to marry you right now you come into me and tell me that's the worst six months of your life you acting like a little boy elijah what is your spec man you are actually not calling me [Music] you have issues right but if i have to do this by myself i'll do this by myself don't touch me don't talk to me i don't want to hear it right this is not in your plans i don't care deal with it [Music] god i don't know what to do just just help me [Music] what's going on with me buddy [Music] know [Music] i had enough i can't i can't do this anymore it makes no sense trying to talk to him every time i try to talk to him and just end up in an argument i can't i can't do it you need to calm down yourself guilt you calm down well you cannot be working up yourself like this it's not good for the baby come have a seat have a seat [Music] ren you know you're always welcome home by me your room is still there but after listening to what transpired between you and elijah i want you to try and talk to him again mommy that makes no sense i try to i keep trying to talk to him he's not listening he don't ever listen every time i try to talk to him in the argument you just act like an ignorant selfish fool every time every single time i just tired it is not an easy thing to be a single parent a single mother even i could do this by myself can you do this by yourself yeah but it was not easy yeah you might say i did it but many times many nights i cried myself to sleep because it was very hard and very lonely even the nights when you were sick and i had to be up all night with you it was hard renal scary but it's only god and god alone knows how i got through this and you know something god never intended for the family structure to be like this a child needs both parents mother and the father and even you yourself there were times when you went through a face where you wanted your father you used to be asking for your dad and you wanted him or wrong but he was not there you would even cry at times reynald and that broke my heart as your mother it really hurts me to see you that way friend there were many times i questioned myself would i or could i have tried harder to make things work with your father but i didn't and maybe if i did we would have still been together today but i suppose we were just too stubborn and set in our own ways yes but mommy i tried to talk to elijah he just he just make everything into our argument you know a soft answer turns away rough and it takes two people to argue me you just know exactly what buttons to push look at it look look what happened when i tried to talk to him about you know we need to pray about this [Music] i want to pray for you and your family okay father in heaven i bring before you this afternoon your children rene and elijah lord you know the struggles and the issues that they are going through at this time you know their father that you are present here with them just willing and able to help them so please dear god help them to turn to you to put all their burdens on you and continue to bless them their father and this baby this be my prayer in jesus name amen amen [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just wondering [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] morning morning i brought back your ice box thanks so much how are you doing you're good yeah i'm good you're looking a little tired though was busy all right i could understand how's elijah you left already yes i'm silly oh okay all right well after one pick up maramanaya ready you know she don't like to be late all right so i'll see you auntie carl yesterday you know uh giselle from uncle ryan yeah do you sell gordon yeah yes she she was adi wedding right yeah she's brian secretary been there for about two years yeah just curious okay um you're young in this thing right and as a woman of experience who's been there done that let me just give you a little pointer you know it's what i do all the time just drop by the office unexpectedly you know establish your territory make sure everybody's seen you make sure you are seen you know as elisha's wife you know you get my drift all right lovey so see ya bye be good [Music] elijah these these figures actually look doable my only question is whether they would want to proceed with it so you know what i'm gonna make a call today i'll come to myself and see if we may have to make some adjustments to get them to accept it but but this will cover it will come okay yeah good day mr telling you but it's time for one o'clock appointments whatever appointment is that we have to share with you today with mr manzo i'm becoming scheduled because we are already scheduled for today [Music] and an easy type is just a document we have to pick up you know but he always wants somebody from the office to come and person to pick up that document and jesse remember i have an appointment i have to leave here just now to go to my over for another important appointment well elijah could carry me [Music] i can't argue like you to do something either um it's not a problem i basically finished any proposals so i could take her sure yeah why not all right so let me see if i get my as well on the phone and i know that i'm sending you giselle to collect it all right thank you fancy meet me in my office giselle you ready yeah need to grab a few things oh my god i'm so sorry i'm so sorry it's all right it's all right [Music] with mexico don't touch me elijah sorry to disturb you right go back by a woman brennell nothing is going on she was just helping my clean ass spit clean that's how it is clean elisha she was touching all up in your chest and all kind of thing jeselle and i are just colleagues we work together and that's what at two o'clock in the morning right i got any bathroom to vomit because i'm pregnant with your child and seeing messages from giselle nice work we're just sending jokes to each other elijah i don't care i don't care i saw you just i don't know what's wrong with you you want to see my phone right now you are a grown man i'm not supposed to have to go through your phone renault you know what you was right these past six months have been miserable i can't do this anymore i don't know what to do with you anymore i can't i can't do it here ronald take it i don't want this i don't want you [Music] [Music] right now things just are falling into place right now um i got a email from the film this morning and i said that i was accepted so everything's real great right now i'm so happy for you i'm happy for us right now i wanted to do this after church you know after sabbath but i really couldn't wait okay what i know we've only been together for just over a year and it felt like a lifetime to me you bring so much peace and joy to my life and i wouldn't change that for anything what we have right now i wouldn't [Music] i want to keep it and i feel like what we have is something special if we just click in and usually when i felt like i was looking for my entire life and what we have right now i want us to grow and build on it i don't want to lose it um you know i want to spend the rest of my life with you [Music] i'm adopted [Music] do you marry me oh you could finish a degree so my question still starts do you marry me yes mr alexander [Music] i love you now i love you too yeah fellas yeah what's going on with you boy you're out on the field playing on as like as you alone on your team you know what pasta nobody you just want to shoot i mean it's kiano we lost two boy that man can't play football what going on with you nick i just a little distracted look what i new trigger for you i know that's your favorite drink hola thanks oh you mean distracted we're now going back home she went back home yeah she going back by her mom mum police's gift oh he just got married a few months ago what's going on if you and you know the past few months a complete disaster the peace cornhold window long time constantly we arguing back and forth i can't take it no more i don't run along nobody right i would just send money for the baby and guys it i'm not going to wait what baby baby she pregnant congrats boy elijah boy i mean that was quicker and and i would be your uncle but wait hold on let me understand this you'll just get married she's pregnant and she went back home what going on she does just bring only worse in munich i didn't even know i could go like that every day is a fight every day is an argument i can't take that i'm not going to i really not going through her bro i'm listening to you and the way making that song is it songs like it everything is her fault that she just want to argue the other day she came by my work right and giselle spilled something on my [ __ ] and she walking on giselle cleaning the shoes and she just jumped to conclusions stole my rebuilding and didn't want it to hear anything she just jumped to conclusions and you notice nothing going on between jesus and i we are just co-workers all people would know when i'm done for somebody a hundred percent done for them i committed to that person but like shidokara yeah but you say one thing in there right when you're committed to somebody you're down for them you understand what that means right pasta and for our preaching thing right now listen who's brethren let me forget you passed the thing that way i'm here for you to support you bro let me be straight with you i'm gonna talk to you frank you see all we knew was playing football just now it was like you alone there nobody else on the team you know what pass you just want to shoot like it's a one-man team right sometimes you get tunnel vision that all you just see is your plan your way and nothing else matters i want you to think about everything that would have happened from mourinho's point of view in terms of what she would have been going through right she decided to marry you even though she was still in school you all got married things happen she got pregnant and what the difficulties that you all went through there she went back home and then she came and saw you and giselle and giselle cleaning all stuff from your [ __ ] how would you feel if you were in her place and you went to her workplace and saw some guy wiping off stuff or for her shoot i would have asked a question bro put our bravado thing out of the window because you and i both know you're not going and behave like that with your temper bro you not gonna behave so right i want you to take into consideration how she feels i remember when we went to pick ordering right a new woman asked you to describe renault [Music] you described your nail like if nobody else in the world existed like it was just about two i want you to consider her point of view like that like it's just about to it's not about you it's not about your plan nothing it's just about who consider how she feels in all of this that's all just consider her all right honestly right so here's what i want you to do i want you to go and get a wife one gay wife one make it with but remember love is patient love is kind love is long suffering you have plenty work ahead of you but bro i believe in you you could do it go and get your wife all right next thumbs up [Music] [Applause] i tried talking to her in a duffy i don't want to push her but she don't want to hear nothing [Music] so he wants to come over yes he called my phone because she not answering his calls at all and i tell him it was okay but i don't want to stress her out more than she already stressed you know so but she didn't even come out and say exactly what happened between them all she said was that elijah messed up i feel the two of them need to talk to each other duffy i don't want her to end up like us of course no me too i wouldn't want that let me try and speak with her i will talk with her okay all right [Music] [Music] you know i maybe i'm the last person who ought to be giving you marital advice but i think you should allow me like you to come and talk how do you know and i have nothing he could say that i could change my mind she's the worst person ever vinal you know your mom and i will support any decision you make any stand that you take will be there for you and we will support our grandchild [Music] but i want you to think it through well but do me one favor i want you to allow me like you to come and talk i think when that is done then you can say to yourself that you tried you can say that you really try to save your marriage like i said i will pay for your school fees i want you to go back to school and your mom and i we will support you and your baby marrying him was the biggest mistake of my life i i don't want to hear what you have to say [Music] right now the biggest mistake of my life was me not fighting to keep my marriage god knows i would have wanted to do that so you could have been in my life i don't want you to have that experience you know i don't want you to have that experience [Music] okay i'll talk to him but i can't promise that anything will come out of it let's try just try good okay okay oh how are you when you're right how are you going elijah if you come to talk just talk why the attitude right now look i needed to understand that i'm not on giselle well she was right up on you if i wanted giselle i could have easily had her but i don't i chose you i've been choosing you and i always would choose you renee elijah you know how embarrassing that was for me to come in your office on cedar everybody probably thinking i'm a fool right nigel probably spreading it all over the office why would you put me in that position nothing is going on between jesus allah night but listen i don't think i'd be working at the office any longer i've been sending out resumes to different locations [Music] anyway that'd be society point i needed to know that i want you back i want us to work out yeah it's not just that we're always fighting i see and things in you that i never saw before and i don't like it honestly i've been seeing things in my stuff that i didn't even know about it yeah we really know how to go on each other's moves i know what to do now that is not the man i wanted to be i want to be a better person for you for us for the baby right now i don't want to be like my father i wanna i wanna be there for my child for all children i don't know how we're gonna afford a lot of stuff but something will work out we will make it work out rene all i know is that i want us to be a family a happy family [Music] granola i love you and we really need to make this um was it was is the child a boy or girl and when is your next doctor's appointment well i didn't find out yet i have to win actually tuesday all right um is it okay if i come with yeah all right [Music] elijah i really wanna sue it too but if we're doing this we have to do it right this time it's not just us anymore [Music] and i understand that much and honestly i'm willing to make any necessary changes that could better us and better our situation [Music] what's wrong how again a really bad pain a pin where my stomach something wrong elijah ow um call mommy follow me come on mommy yeah mom moms i don't know what's going on what's going on [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] elijah [Music] yeah we just found out right when we don't know what's happening and read us outside here because we don't want too many persons inside dr james yes dr james this is elijah when else has won elisha will be outside yes mr alexander so i'm dr james rennell's obstetrician i spoke with her earlier and i'd like to give you a little update on what's been going on with her would you like to have a seat [Music] all right so as you know she's had a lot of vomiting recently and when she presented to us she came in with abdominal pain and some bleeding now she's stable now right and she's a lot more comfortable since she's been with us however we need to get an ultrasound done now to make sure the baby is okay basically our working diagnosis is a threatened miscarriage and what this simply means is that in light of who presenting symptoms and what's ongoing she is at risk of miscarrying i know it's a lot right so we're gonna give you some time to go back and spend some time with her speak to her but as soon as we get this ultrasound done i really need to speak with you both together in the interim we're gonna monitor her closely and the baby as well okay thank you hey elijah you got a good park okay good good doctor james was jessie rennell remember what doctor says any more pain nobly then you'll let us know right yes movie okay duffy i going on call passes to see how far away he is right okay okay well i will come with you because i need to update brian and um okay how are you doing you all right um i just spoke with dr james and she said that everything is stable for now um but you would have to take an ultrasound oh and before i forget i brought these for you elijah what's your problem right now i thought it was good i don't know i just i don't want to deal with it right now i need some space space right now i don't know how much space you need how much i don't know i don't know us maybe it's just that was not the right time i just need some space okay i don't want to deal with it right now you know pleased [Music] just give my next chance please [Music] hey elijah how are you doing bro [Music] how are you doing all right let's pray and then by god's presence all right bro are you still [Music] no there's all right there's so much people could be in here at once um i [Music] heavenly father we come before you your children you say that we should always lay our burdens before you so father we bring this before you at this point in time this situation this very moment there god we know that you are still a miracle-working god and that you are still caring and attentive to even the smallest details in our lives so we come to you with that faith as much as a mustard seed knowing that you would move the mountains of trials and tribulation of pain of hoot from our our lives even at this moment so we pray for healing their god that you will intervene into this situation with rene with elijah and the little one that is soon to come their god this is my prayer for christ [Music] dear lord i know you and i have it we have our own and off relationship [Music] most of my life i did everything by myself and no more than ever [Music] i realize i need your lord i need you to intervene god i needed to save me save my wife [Music] marriage [Music] my baby lord you just stay controllable just by myself you are not a good husband good man a good father but god you are in good shape mentally i need to be [Music] hmm i was taught growing up that even in my time of need i could come to you thought i need it right now come to you with a heavy heart [Music] i promise you that from today onward my family would serve you and not just by going to church but to truly serve you god [Music] thank god be with my phone be with me i'm soon [Music] [Music] i'm so proud of you rinell you did it i'm really thankful for everything that you and daddy did for me i really love you yeah we love you too [Music] bye-bye [Music] all right let's go let's go and have jordan [Music] look who is that look [Music] go by granny right yeah i'm gonna be all right all right stay by granny come okay sorry for the late start everyone i'd like to thank each and every one of you for coming out today and show your support uh ryan and myself we wanted to have this thanksgiving celebration and while but you all know how hectic things could be at times with our newborn [Music] we want to give thanks for a few things today number one the successful birth of our daughter sarah prayer really is powerful and it really works sarah is our miracle child and every day we thank god for her sarah's six months by now yeah she's already six months and every day with her hand run things are just truly breathtaking number two i'd like to thank god for his provision although now we'll commit on could be anymore real missing here brother real missing here i miss you too i even had to get rid of the bmw just to you know don't pay for the house you could actually that bmw my way you know yeah boys god has truly been good to me and i thank him for my new job it may not be as big as the project i was working on before but at least i get to spend more quality time with my wife and child last but certainly not the least i'd like to thank to save in my marriage i'd like to thank god for nell [Music] a few months ago uh ronald and i celebrated our one year anniversary marriage marriage is sad god knows that's a lot of hard work but by the grace of god he brought us through we have been through a lot and i just really want to thank god for what he has done and what he will do for us when we got married i was a child i thought as a child i spoke as a child i felt like a child but by the grace of god i put away the childishness and i am a man now amen bro yannick thanks i want to thank god [Music] i want to thank god for the fresh start that we so desperately needed in him i had a plan for my life but you know what god's plan was even better better than anything i could have imagined so i just want to say all praise and glory beyond to god i love you right now [Music] with christ all things are possible [Music] [Music] [Applause] i've always tried to live life on my own [Music] no one but me could sit upon my throne [Music] the that i've gained were all achieved in my own name in the end i know i'm worthy of the vain but then one day it all came crashing down [Music] my former friends were nowhere to be i found was mine was like the friends i could not find now i realized [Music] [Applause] starting over with christ my savior i'm starting over all my life has been full of smoke and screen selfish passion in between with christ my savior i'm starting over [Music] my selfish passion has brought me to this [Music] lord can you anoint jesus [Music] christ my savior [Applause] though my life is now full of broken dreams between with christ my savior i'm starting over [Music] and though my life is now full of broken and sorrow in between with christ my savior i'm starting over [Music] i'm starting over starting over again [Music] for almost 95 years the university of the southern caribbean has been a voice in the valley founded in 1927 usc prides itself on a legacy of transformative education training our yuching men and women to one day become extraordinary servants of god to humanity our philosophy of holistic education stands on pillars of intellectual curiosity cultural diversity moral integrity and spiritual nurture all for the development of head heart and hand our voice in the valley echoes strongly throughout our internationally accredited and recognized programs offered at our campuses in trinidad and tobago antigua barbados guyana and saint lucia a voice that is carried across the globe by generations of proud usual students and alumni who are dedicated to changing the world a voice that can be heard well beyond the horizon of excellence a voice that is usc strong [Music]
Channel: TTT Live Online
Views: 3,400,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ttt, trinidad, tobago, local, news, sports, crime, weather, politics, caribbean, radio, government
Id: MD01tXqZl2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 43sec (6103 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 17 2022
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