Nu Nu The Movie (Full Movie) Hood Movie

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I swear who said all right well no no no all right [Music] I've been true true to the game not giving a care about no line but this story I'm about to tell y'all [Music] you either working or you heard see my baby daddy JP he was a hustler yeah I know y'all but JP was a good man and he handled the business even though he fully took care of me I always knew how to go get it on my own cjp taught me a lot he kept me up on game he's always been there for me when no one else was damn they had a wish I Wanna Live I don't know how she feels you don't know how it is she going crazy I had to call A1 to come get me I need her to come get me from the hospital because she Grady just ain't right I swear if it ain't one thing just another God please help me and you owe me [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] rhyme with my thoughts of them thing right oh yeah yeah he said he won't get like 10. need to find out where they at goddamn go for now you feel me yeah we're definitely [Music] what's up hey man what the hell you got going on right you got [ __ ] going on where we going on with you baby AP man you know that they hadn't burnt that [ __ ] oh for real don't kill them all right yeah so is she what they got everybody kind of like going on see y'all ain't got them doing [ __ ] I might work out there we go down and get a little balls or something dude [Music] [Music] they've got a [ __ ] alert alert killer died I swear Mama died I went to work sister ten like church YouTube I got murdered the long way but I'm a first first no hook just a burger I Gotta Give no curse I swear to y'all been the worst Atlanta feel like it cursed her imma start by the burst first don't put me on the shirt please don't wait till I die if you feel like I'm fine now this is as well and for what I can see looking at him right now looking real shaky but he showed up thank you what time y'all pulling up what whole crew out here yes sir somebody new new in the whole game oh yeah we gonna find out what's happening sir I'm at the kind of like right now I just pulled up a few minutes early yeah the whole gang I had the camera like pretty sure some more folks gonna pull up but they out here right now all along all right cool no no no I'm gonna push up I'm gonna push up on there and give them my condolences yeah she don't know me hey hey this that [ __ ] that they be talking about talking about [ __ ] [ __ ] got a [ __ ] they killed my baby daddy and I lost my baby got me known wait here I come I guess it's just the [ __ ] you got to go through looking at my life everybody pulling up now that's for JP they kind of like your sister ain't tell you man pull up shot some respect for that girl know what everybody told me he had them breaks say he had about fit them don't nobody know where they at though oh they about to put the counters out there in a minute everybody just pulling up okay come on hey bring me a yellow Red Bull too all right [Music] every day I wake up feeling cause I'm so tired of taking losses I'm tired mama hate it when I leave the house [Music] sometimes I feel like I don't have no choice I just wanna um get my appreciation you know I'm saying for everybody that's here [Music] should be a whole lot of [ __ ] here but like I always told JP you know I'm saying you know your real [ __ ] is um but yeah I just appreciate y'all and I'm sad like I mean you know he was all personal like you know that was all probably took us out for your loss you know what I'm saying so first PJ people love you bro you know you know we're here if you need that for real real man I love my boy JP man Rich pee my [ __ ] I just wish that he took heed to a lot of stuff that I was saying you know what I'm saying like because at the end of the day it's really just you it ain't everybody and he really carry everybody that man carried everybody but who was carrying him that's why I said I appreciate y'all I appreciate every one of y'all for being here I just don't even understand this is really about you at first now that somebody would take time for me damn man where's PJP bro we love you bro um and all these [ __ ] that he claim to take care of all these [ __ ] that kind of have his back I don't see nobody I don't see nobody serious really fast he was so disrespectful but not only that he a crooked cop his girlfriend do you want him here you let me know what's going on you want him here get him out of here do you want him help hey man get the [ __ ] up out of here bro Atlanta Police Department I'm gonna let you have that tonight young man I know you're emotions I know you're emotional tonight I know your emotions [Music] he sure ain't trying to find out who killed JP stop just ain't right I mean everybody around me looking like some real weirdos JP why one two three [Applause] I tried to tell JP JP I tried to tell JP I tried to tell JP uh you rushing me I said how you feeling I feel like [ __ ] yeah see I look like [ __ ] I don't know man I've been crying I would have came to the hospital but you told me they gonna um discharge yeah basically yeah damn right man you're going through it you still prayed up you know what I'm saying trying to I need to go see my baba but he out of town right now yeah yeah so as soon as he get back I'm definitely gonna go make that brand man what I wanted to tell you was you know what I had the word on the street bro he had 50 bricks yeah you know where they at for real so coming out try to tie you up and everything torture and everything yeah what you think I just know how people Rock so you need to look for them bricks find them break and he had a you know he wasn't pissing the total so you know where guns at no way he kept a couple find them gone you went missing you weren't dealing with no little pee on it working I know that plug I didn't know JP was out there like that well me and J JP cool we used to bear with the same little girl before you so I had to have her too so um no he was messing with some stuff you know I heard he had the Cubans involved so I don't even know if they're gonna come back and try to get you about that try to fight you forward are you saying that he got you think he got them from the Cubans yeah basically he's in he owed him now I know the plug oh the Cuba you know what I mean again giving it to him too so but what I wanted to tell you what you gonna do about some get back you know you're gonna let it go out like that and I can't that man did everything for you wish it were they don't do that stupid you know what I mean she well when I said stupid don't don't get yourself caught up it's gonna get handled though let me go ahead and get this for you DJ gotta put everything in motion good job I'm free to go put it together for you you need something to smoke yeah they killed my baby daddy and I lost my baby [Music] yeah all this death really got me known wait here I come [Music] [Applause] no no what's up baby yeah I heard it man I'm sorry about your brother JP yeah they say um I can put you on the schedule they'll send that deposit and I'll get you on after this week all right keep your head up all right [Music] now turn the radio down right fast now listen you know the boy jpj died right they saying he had 50. 000. I'm trying to say he had 50 units no we gotta ride down home and we got to figure out where they at you know we spot War but now listen we need for y'all I need you to get um the shelter down from the block and y'all pull up on me we got to go over and check on Nunu because they thinking she know that man got them units at we gotta find out dude she know if not we gotta find them how long it gonna take y'all nah don't bring yeah them too cool but don't bring him now he hot bro he don't listen he good for a drill but he ain't good for a mission we trying to do he's good for that just leave him but y'all come on now to my spot you know you can't pull up the hot spot she gonna have a fit boy how long you think you're gonna be all right come on now I'm fixing to pull up on her y'all beat me at my spot that they won't regret to them that's why they're not trying to shops [Music] yeah I know I know I heard about that [ __ ] but hey that's some real [ __ ] though where the [ __ ] the bricks that cause I know man what your whole new news yeah girl I know she know where it's at I want in on that [ __ ] cause but look at them they out here we got the hell got some new floor you can see it right there yeah yeah [ __ ] y'all got my team man my brother with the whole movement man we need to find them bricks man you feel me it's our time [ __ ] yeah man get on that [ __ ] hey something boy all right [ __ ] one yeah I gotta find them bricks man gotta get this [ __ ] stay on the bridge of themselves that's why they're not trying to shut up [Music] should I just pull it up to you know where we're meeting at but you know I'm saying the police over here so we're gonna have to make this quick but I'm waiting on you all right [Music] yeah another black man taking a bite of here skin ridiculous yeah I heard about the baby yeah I heard she lost a baby that's so sad it's getting crazy you said you heard what nah he ain't heard nothing about no 50 grits who got the 50 bricks no no you ain't no dude got the 50 press nah nah nah I don't know about that that's that's a little reach yeah but girl yeah I just can't believe it I can't believe everything that's going on she lost a baby baby daddy now got killed it's just getting real out here yep well girl just call me later all right be safe out there all right [Music] it's open thank you what's going on I'm good again I don't understand it trying to maintain myself better to keep you focused vote for closing in on this house my boy gone so I'm working on that actually no no no no what the straight Sands and the streets saying they don't know that I think it's buried so I think it's in the backyard or something well then we need to go dig it up man that's why I've been dealing with frog about I think we want to go kick in the door say Let's Wait a western load I mean this you know she Mia it ain't walked we know it's here somewhere well I'll tell you this I met at the store the other day and right now she's still set aside showing nowhere she wanna ain't answer my phone call wow so I'm just saying like I'm gonna have to pull up myself no we gonna have the me and frog well y'all gonna have to do something for like an event I can't lose I lost my son I pulled the Luma house too no I ain't gonna go out like that we gonna make it happening to you trust me I got to all right that's my word though yeah I'm gonna have to make it happen and make it happen quick you know what I mean like I just can't sit around procrastinating let these folk take my house like that and she walk around with my son and my son [ __ ] that's my word we're gonna make it happen I'm depending on all right can I get a shot before I go yeah pull up left field [ __ ] sound if she can't come up with that bread she might gonna have to go on down there and be right there beside him one other two you understand me sound about right to me frog on another all right y'all let me know what needs to happen JP AP what's up [Music] [Music] ain't lying yo what's up in the city fam what to do you know man well you heard um about your boy JP man God damn boy I don't know I know you don't heard that name [Music] do you no no man um put your grandma your uncle and your nephew [Music] I heard this [ __ ] though man they crazy though man I don't know need to find out something there are some states say that again hold on how many you heard they got they got them and that's [ __ ] up okay give me one break God damn put me on well I know you keep your ear to the street but I know that way you call me boy you know somebody got him yeah but yeah I'm a goddamn I'm gonna be down I'm gonna be pulling up an ass in about an hour I'm gonna hit you when I get done though don't break cause I need me at least three of them time with money you ride over here to Atlanta Avenue [Music] foreign somebody you got really got going strong business they put some [ __ ] together I'm gonna call your phone later on yeah that show appreciate for taking me on the show I know anytime you need to cut it but you know I got [ __ ] yeah man I can't get in here early man I'm working on a big case man I gotta I gotta stop by the office grab some Lawrence I got a lot of stuff going on this weekend man this case I'm working on might change my life brought me on the captain too I'm trying to get money oh you know that 100 lineup when I when I get their promotion on this case it's a big one here 50 Bridge don't tell nobody though you know what I mean that [ __ ] between me and you you know what I'm saying tell me where I don't know what you're talking about yeah yeah girl ain't no no I know you heard JP yeah yeah man JP man he he really he really got a lot going on out here man so uh okay all right man you know what I'm saying we're gonna put a stop to that though APD start today you've been doing all right nope trying to make good Luigi yeah yeah how the kids out of the way man I've been having kind of up and down we like talk to each other sometimes she don't wanna showing man I mean you stick a thing about open your shot open your own shop yeah genre UI to breaks you a shot and I'ma invest in you man cause you a good dude man you need your own shot man I want to do that for you yeah yeah all right now let me know so now hey yeah bro everybody y'all take it easy ain't nobody don't worry that [ __ ] show all right [Music] we're doing them [Music] [Music] man but we need a guy down get hoes look at him man you know how to find [ __ ] man I already know because um you know JP little bearish [ __ ] look at him man we gotta get some [ __ ] over there immediately hi everybody I know you're the Goddamn finder they're losing [Laughter] that's your phone in a minute I got you all ready all right Living Color like the Wayans real [ __ ] full speed like a train's Calling My Name walk [ __ ] with no brain didn't used to have it but a [ __ ] got well [ __ ] don't turn right prison now you know didn't go too away while you don't know me come on man you know just go two ways [Music] [Music] [Music] what y'all the house too I don't know you know that dude you do know that don't know I know so they can go two-way you can tell me something or we can go right Street we go to right Street there man that's where I'm from man we ain't doing no tender man I do it we ain't doing none of that [ __ ] I need to come off now hey man give a [ __ ] yeah well I got my money so he ain't ready no rice no neck you ain't got no rights no more you ain't got no right yeah I got no right and you heard my arm come on man foreign [Music] he's your cousin big dude nope this can go two ways you can go to jail or hell make it light on yourself I see you in here they ain't got no insurance on you no way oh no no no no no no no why my brother my boy what's happening take his ass to right Street yeah [ __ ] just got that ran from that West End Mall white T-shirt yes those we got on black mask yellow pants yeah yeah that's them lock that ass up I'll be up there in a second go two ways you can go to jail or hell hey man get your choice we just ate they started clicking what you gonna do time is ticking the braceless is clicking man we're gonna go this way the choice is yours if the other one go off hey it's a brick over there tell me what I need to know man man [Music] you know y'all got the bridge man come on man hey man I don't know what you're talking about hey man hey man hey man no info man oh you got some info no info for you my phone you want to go right straight [ __ ] is that gonna be the streets foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm playing yeah what going on with them bricks man I only I ain't starting off at the bridge I'm trying to come up on 50 lit Manu hurt man she heard man why y'all like that man bro you gotta get up at my house man you got breakfast man they the real one right here you get it oh you want to get a case which one you want to do come on bro you want to go to jail or you want to go to hell no I go to jail about some rap three hearts and a cat for you and your puppy now man listen man you in the world full house man um bro hey man you know what I'm on man I'm trying to find that money ain't nothing got them bricks man and I'm trying to stop these biting from dropping I just told them y'all the only one can stop it though I'ma stop anything the young boys listen to everything you say man man yeah hold on listening everything you say man what man what is your time man yeah shoot him man what you mean you can't see the bad the number come on man two three whack come on man two three oh one nine my black two three oh one oh my boy I'm from the streets three oh I'm from the streets bro don't forget that man I don't know my brother got 20 years man can I let everything going on around here man all right whatever bro I'm from the streets bro so what I ain't the dope police though my boy I ain't the whole uh persons you looking for man you the only hope this kid got man you hoping for nothing you the only hope these kids can I get your captain man can you get your captain here I'm about to be the captain when I saw that case whatever I don't know okay a real vacation [Music] foreign where you at man that dirty detector just walked in my house man I'm walking out the door he pushed me out the door and then come pick me up down here on something y'all trying to wait on that bus man I can't wait that long bro yeah I gotta go over there across the street over there I started to go party with them they got the pores going on man you wouldn't believe man everything going on bro I swear yo man that cheating got killed you know my sisters hell yeah I mean she's still tripping like what I told her man look she needs to cut her loss get the hell out of town she ain't getting too hot to do what I'm saying yeah yeah man [ __ ] they took my 50 bricks bro somewhere in the city ain't nobody found out what it is I'm gonna find out what it is where you at man oh that's you right up okay okay all right yeah I'm about to hop in all right [Music] that's why they're not trying to shops [Music] [Music] oh no you don't say hey you're gonna say you know that girl you've been having a little baby I'm gonna get one remember the baby's gonna be going bro yeah yeah 60 70. what 65. yeah yeah right 70 000. for real man folks man God that's the low you said sixty thousand sixty to seventy thousand about 80. she was an 80. [ __ ] on the floor okay you know I got nothing against entrance I'm trying to tell her she got to pay attention you got to listen to The Script the street don't talk man everybody talking about [ __ ] you need to listen she need to listen like this you gotta listen I'm gonna tell them to know you been standing on that I've been staying under what I wanted to do and find a brick for herself though don't let nobody else find him man she better not everybody want them Breeze everybody they fit the bread and that's why I had all kind of green and the man has some money until you go tie me already by 10 on 10 on yeah man everybody talking about what he said he's gonna get him and I know he wasn't gonna lie to him if he say he's gonna give you 5 10 bro he gonna get 5-10 brick that just shot him that JP but not uh it's gonna get crazy around here you know she's gonna have to stiffen up you know what I told her you're gonna have to step it up that boy had all them gone man keep them guns around you cause I'm telling they finna be through you through your window straight offline looking for right now I'm surprised my phone ain't ringing asking what [ __ ] I see what you got going on with their health yeah I just got them when you gonna net me what when you gonna let me I like that video man yeah yeah we got to put something together for the mean play together I got some country boys man and they want a rap you know they got the money we just need to bring it to the studio let me see what's going on probably got a white phone and put it in the mix yeah we probably got it right from whatever but they got the paper paper oh really I started to take them off but then I said no these are some good country boys can't take everything God I had to tell a little girl tonight you can't take everything though he took the socks off but our [ __ ] I would like to him I said come on baby you can't take everything y'all say search stuff you just can't do she kicking it too hard man she took her socks oh my big toe look like yeah no woman with no ugly tone missed the whole night up man listen missed the whole night up Carla I don't know what she would claim blood or crap I don't know where where we're going big Bernardo she was pretty yeah like she had a rough childhood you know how the girl be when they y'all they don't take care of their toes and stuff like that when she was young and then she got older she realized she was somebody she played basketball I didn't answer that but it looked like she had some basketball feet she played basketball yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm trying to um I know it oh stay right here I'll be right back I gotta go to the car huh yeah [Music] [Music] y'all don't walk on a break when you be at school we need to do that whoa whoa y'all don't do that you used to I'm not trying to get Lulu on the phone all day jay man he'll come up be brought it back with you know the routine man you know the procedure you know you got to tell me something man where you cousin at man oh I got a lot of clubs in Four Seasons what you cooking bring it with the stick and finger that's your question [ __ ] but I know you a hustler come on man man you can be real good friends man you understand me man what you got going on you tell me where them bricks at Tom what you talking about them right there nah come on man let's don't play crazy man we can get child protected service down here real quick won't even don't even mention nothing about my son you know what I mean he's on that play like that exactly you know what I mean tell me what I need to know if we could go ahead about our business you understand me double double down here that was a hold on man my phone already but see you the hustle of the family so I know you got love yeah you ain't no hustler ain't you hustling be in the car come home arrest I gotta get my son oh you got school tomorrow man have a nice day young man I don't talk to my son man I can tell bye to him I have a good night man y'all have a good night man if I get it right you're going away for a long time can I get my phone not in my phone be my phone now have a good night your phone bro have a good night see your bullet like a pit and she know I'm with [ __ ] I see Lulu got them bricks made me whack on weak you ain't no NBA young boy you ain't gonna wiggle out of this but I'll never be broke again yeah sir [Music] yes sir would this beer prove it [ __ ] we'll make sure that proof because if I got it right you ain't coming up out of this well I'm practicing my uh Fifth Amendment right yes sir [ __ ] you talking about man get me on up in here man so I can make bills yeah you gonna tell me something somebody gonna tell me so why y'all breaking that girl that's [ __ ] up but that's God who broken the eye but this show wasn't me right now you ain't on the wrist but you might be that's how you Gucci Mane freak [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] somebody gonna tell me something start with [Music] you [Music] hold a real one down man ain't too where you at we gotta pull it down on you man I just got out this pre-trial his officer your name officer Thomas gonna swoop down on me talking about it we don't broke any new new house and all type of crazy yeah I already you already know that what's going on man but yeah you know me and frog handed it yeah you got to prove it though yeah yeah yeah man we don't check the everything 18 man one nothing over there we don't we even went in the backyard went under the Dog House frog know they had done shot the dog we ain't had no choice man JP died one thing to bite me in my head you looking for them bricks by any means necessary I know ain't he I know I know I know we trying to come up on it not trust me we looking the streets watching I got you I would have pulled down on you I'm on the way hello man I just got the phone man there's so much [ __ ] going on over here bro yeah bro yeah the other day I mean I'm talking about like two cars pulled over here with [ __ ] they help trying to see what's going on over here ask them knocking on my door and then the last night I had my cameras on some [ __ ] got down trying to come in the back window I'm glad my fault without they shot him they ran through the dog on cut man you know where it's staying from man going up four got killed bro I mean [ __ ] I don't know who these [ __ ] are here bro I mean [ __ ] we in this [ __ ] no I'm ready for whatever especially by Nunu anyway yeah let me know bro and bring the big [ __ ] man not a little [ __ ] with me baby I think this big bro they deep all right bro I'm all at you hey hey this that [ __ ] that they be talking about [ __ ] [ __ ] got a [ __ ] [Music] really got me known wait here I come for real man my [ __ ] look out for you I got two words for these folks pay me he know me and I know him [Music] my name gave him and his girl somewhere to stay he ain't tried to get at me about nothing about JP or the whole situation oh my [ __ ] Goldie [Music] [Music] [Music] together all the time that [ __ ] be on some real life now I've been here lying back to back and he had like he don't see me calling now he don't know I know he on jpiou list [ __ ] that [ __ ] all JP 30 Bass no one he was always in JP face smiling and grinning awesome real clown [ __ ] it's cool though don't worry about it I got you [Music] I'm glad you answered the phone yo check this out man you know that situation that you in man the way I'm looking at it like bro look oh boy gone situation go even though you know I know you still owe some money and I owe a little bit I'll check this play out though bricks I said the whole give it to her to us know you did that I know you okay [Music] I got you hey I know the situation you know you stop me that should be good enough you know what tell me good all right next week that's it for you get the picture I got you I got you tomorrow you gotta look for oh yeah but I'm gonna let you get away with that [ __ ] Street A1 sauce if I see you and you owe me [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] just so we can take you out no no where you at oh my God no I'm trying to I'm trying to get to you I gotta tell you something man I can't tell you over the phone that's why I'm asking you where you went if I can pull up on you but you all the way open up I gotta tell you something like I just did something something just happened and right man look okay so listen just call me when you leave from where you at we can meet up or whatever and I'm gonna talk I'll talk to you then right now I just need to go somewhere and sit and ease my mind I'm gonna tell you when I see you I'm just just call me back handle what you had to all right hand of your business all right [Music] foreign [Music] yeah now but um so I'll be texting me she been testing me guys you know new new man tells me about the JP [ __ ] yeah yeah I told them folks same thing bro I'm dead in mind it is not a [ __ ] this [ __ ] yo this year yeah yeah she can't take it with him she my old guy now fall back [ __ ] around getting some [ __ ] got now keep pushing up on [ __ ] see your females bust down female play tired of taking laws [Music] what you got going on today oh okay how am I gonna be working in the shop two more hours some more hours okay okay well then y'all sure appreciate this girl thank you all right um I'm gonna get with you though I'm gonna hit you up um wait if I say another one yeah all right all right all right well thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you lost the baby stress oh what happened what the hell is you talking about when you lost the name not two weeks ago all that stress it's just so much stress um what's going through your mind concerning JP right yeah I know yeah he was in his [ __ ] down there every day every night yeah it's gonna be all right you just have to just take one day at a time and I'm causing you you didn't lost the baby oh yeah you don't lost a little weight and everything around here stressed out about that [ __ ] man [Music] no no it'll be all right baby I ain't even have a good month being pregnant and all this stressed and everybody running around got done trying to yeah see now look at look you don't lost the baby [Music] I'm sorry I'm sorry I do so sorry I just feel your pain baby I need to go get me another drink yeah no no don't let that become a problem oh no yeah you need another drink foreign bartender at Club Blaze on day shift real good people this shot we bout to take though this for you JP my first time coming to Club Blaze was with JP of course she was the first person JP introduced me to this was his favorite spot [ __ ] whenever I needed to find JP and he answered the phone I know exactly where to come to Club Blaze down [Music] enjoying girls like that but she already yeah but [ __ ] [ __ ] like that she was so you're sitting all over here talking about you crying you lost the baby you should have lost a [ __ ] face running around that [ __ ] with that [ __ ] the [ __ ] your [ __ ] goddamn my own girl that lady is crazy girl what happened the girls see the [ __ ] that got killed and then she she was like I didn't even know she had one boyfriend okay [Laughter] thank you okay lawyer she was no lawyer walked up to it and snap in the [ __ ] face girl bye bye-bye I'm gonna drink that Margarita you know what I'm gonna drink on that one too long please no no it's fake girl that lady is fake she probably wasn't even pregnant [ __ ] why she been lying she's exactly she's been laughing I gotta have my ID already ready coming up here y'all hold on how many scared of one and two y'all take a chance I had my girl Yaya on the way yeah yeah with the five five she finally taught me out of getting out of the hotel I needed to get out and do something anyway it was time to start living my life I needed to get back into the world only that life just didn't feel the same without JP but if Club Place could take my mind off of everything just for a second then Club plays it is [Music] so tired [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we've been here since 10 o'clock okay let's continue always show me how to keep myself together okay no I'm driving where the keys at give me the key yes [Music] what kind of [ __ ] you on man but I only be on your mind is a [ __ ] breaks you hear me do you hear me cause I'm telling you man like they can change your [ __ ] life like you're playing I don't know what you got going on but hey man you need to figure that [ __ ] out hey I'm trying to find them bricks I already know what's going on tired of these [ __ ] on my head calling my phone on my line like that guy ain't trying to find these [ __ ] are you thank God what you got going on first of all let me see everybody got something going on what I'm telling you is stay focused it's the bad that we got to be focused on [ __ ] what you going through [ __ ] with everybody else going through and [ __ ] that [ __ ] JP how about that personally easy to note raise your voice at me secondly need y'all [ __ ] to keep y'all [ __ ] JPS to y'all [ __ ] self and stop [ __ ] my [ __ ] he dead like real [ __ ] like [ __ ] wrong with y'all you my sister you did what I'm saying he could have you he did you could have been dead right along with that [ __ ] running behind that [ __ ] all I'm saying is hey man the [ __ ] gone [ __ ] the [ __ ] let's get these 50 bricks to this [ __ ] and left somewhere in the city you guys don't have a Happy New Life I hear you but I'll keep you out like I said y'all keep y'all [ __ ] JP's yeah so you know what I just wanted to feed the bricks and then it's uh I love JP you feel me straight up I knew it I knew it I just want to do it aggravating [Music] it's life changing that's something you can take his weight about where we at right now we need to [ __ ] away from here you need to get out of town man we need to make a cool new break cool new start telling you change our life no more [ __ ] I'ma get to it tired of taking lawsuits I'm tired every day I wake up feeling cause I'm so tired tired of taking yo yo where you at now you know where I'm at me [ __ ] where is you man listen yeah I'm at the store man I'm in here waiting on you yeah I bet some goddamn shake [ __ ] like [Applause] talk I got nothing to do with that oh no this junky like y'all everybody just knew you know everything what is going on that's what you call me up you know what's going on auntie I was about to get two double going on about that and they don't have nothing to do with me for real yeah for real mjp girl don't got nothing to do with you oh knees girl has a lot to do with me but that's his mama that show auntie you you make that happen you you see looking she looking at you right I probably wait you don't want to handle this [ __ ] I can't you know what I ain't even gonna call you not man you know so because I only want to get disrespectful so you know any [ __ ] here I ain't got nothing to do with that [ __ ] I don't know where no bricks I don't know call you next week well I know she loves me so uh it is [ __ ] okay [ __ ] [Music] bro that's your family bro my family they're my sister you feel me you wanna talk about some bricks bro you can talk to me talk okay so I'm talking to you now what a brexit right on the top dog grandma what to do because what it do man where you at brother pull up on me man listen I think we're going to go and do what I said we were gonna do man [ __ ] I'm just gonna pull up on you right now punch right yeah my boy just go ahead and uh drive up home all right I got you all right coz I got you I'm on the way bet say no more today [Music] what's up I'm not being able to do that yeah I mean if you make it over there before I do because I'm really on the mission oh yeah oh yeah yeah don't worry about it [Music] like I said you said before I do oh my God no more colors yeah hey what's up man what's going on baby right here at 20. man come on man brother yeah I'm trying to see what's up with it what's up with that that right now what you mean what I mean what you mean what you mean what I mean so we just can be rich meaning each other yeah but you know [ __ ] I don't got no money though man I'm tired of hearing it seriously man I mean this thing 20. [ __ ] that's more than fun what's up you ain't got nothing on it you're right you're right you're right but [ __ ] I'm gonna get answer for calling you got huh I'ma get at you next time pull up a little better don't worry I'm gonna pull up all right baby [Music] she's minor G minor G minor how you doing today don't move too fast move too fast black lives matter now don't make me do it to you what you got going on that heavy Rock hey man you know oh my God Don't Make No sudden move black lives matter don't make me do it to you you know ain't the dope police you know that oh homicide baby what's going on hey so he wanted anybody dropping down around here man you tell me come on G you don't have to tell me something baby stay out of there oh okay let me out of my bed now baby what's going on you got dope man you got dope man you got dope today I don't know who that is man [Music] yeah bro so you don't know JP this can go two ways you go to jail you can go to jail foreign let's go out of that [ __ ] man you hate the Chain man you ain't going downtown man we're leaving I don't know somebody gonna tell me something today what's going on I need to see man hey man hey girlfriend [Applause] first of all what's that you doing too much You Wanna Know is that how you got locked the last time I wanna know what's going on with these bodies and how you keep getting up so buy the job though let me understand this now buy this drop you get locked up you keep getting that right get all your money pick up the club my buddy so what what you had to pay money for them yeah so what we gonna do here [Applause] here we go [Music] all right bro [Music] then you've been out here all day I'm ready to go 15 minutes 15 minutes 15 minutes 15. hey man we've been out here all day man damn I'm saying you coming with the money man coming with 1200. it's yours but we've been out here all day I got plenty money right now man it's time I'm hungry I'm ready to go can we meet him tomorrow 15 minutes foreign [Music] they looking for you or some stuff like that and I'm like and then what it was yesterday some guys had to go through the Wonders on the side we got him on camera I want to see do you know the guys or something I mean are you good I mean I'm straight that's why I haven't been here but um I'm pretty sure I know what's going on well I just made the whole I mean the situation a little more better now because I got some of my friends coming over to try to take care of the situation now being that all the stuff is going on right what do you else you need me to do you know yeah I didn't even do anything for you or something no I really don't I ain't coming back here I mean at the end of the day just you know do what you need to do for the house okay are you saying are you saying I mean I'm all right I'm making it okay I'm doing it I'm I'm making it okay well we got this we got this now all right if you need me let me know all right all right well I appreciate that yes always always okay Mr Williams all right now all right let me know if you hear anything else of course I got you but we got we got it together now all right you're gonna make me shoot you like no no you're gonna make me do you like no no no this is [Music] episodes [Music] [Music] [Music] Korea my day it's all good that I made peace um [Music] [Music] I can't do that [Music] she'll mess up my home my whole everything if I sat there and man [Music] [Music] yeah hey this is [ __ ] that they be talking about talking about [ __ ] [ __ ] Gotta [ __ ] I don't even know why I pulled up to this spot though I just I guess I just feel like I need to come by here and see what the [ __ ] going on like I went by the other spots so this is the last one I got to check and so far everything's scrapbook you need to get some pills because I don't trust you remember I like that little baby I got that little [ __ ] that [ __ ] upgrade I look great but look great so this so that she's doing well for you huh yeah like y'all want to go when you say you want to walk around first to make sure nobody I mean they just kind of peeked through the window make sure ain't nobody like in there I don't want your best I still down here you gotta plan this [ __ ] I know you were excited when [ __ ] [ __ ] hold on let me do this [ __ ] I didn't want to make sure nobody Maybe some time for their [ __ ] [Music] thank you ladies ladies ladies how y'all doing how y'all doing today y'all know the proceeds y'all know come get your car get your phone baby get your phone yeah what y'all got going on come on y'all hold hands y'all best friends right you got to grab me like that what's going on ladies how y'all doing first and foremost how y'all doing today what's going on what are we having fun with black ladies have you talked to your son that's the first question every day what is that supposed to mean stay out of this hold on one second I talk to my son every day okay okay what y'all got going on over here put your phone down for me baby put your phone down for me baby phone on the car phone's on the car phone's on the car baby don't make me call back up is this not the residents that were broken into a few days ago what you ladies doing over here it's mine I understand that you got a lot going on Nunu I'm gonna need you to hold up you got a lot going on back to you young lady how you son doing right my son's straight [ __ ] it must be a reason all right [Music] okay I'm trying to help you out now believe it or not help me doing that believe it or not help me doing that baby so so have you talked to your son today again I talked to my son earlier with me okay when you get in contact with them you might want to get in contact with me because I may be the only one that can help you too oh my God what's up okay I've been overlooking a lot of stuff they've been had your name involved with it now officer talk a lot that's all right are you are we dying nah we ain't done yet till I say so you understand me you see hey yeah can I record this I like them photos [Music] this is my spot we ain't doing [ __ ] wrong it's my spot can we go it's my spot we ain't doing [ __ ] wrong so y'all have a nice day oh yeah we gonna do that y'all take it on now [Music] you have a good day y'all have a good day we'll take you so long to crank this vehicle up record this [ __ ] man like runs I ain't worried about this we ain't worried about it [Music] that's why they're not trying to shop these [ __ ] in the head with these dice first and foremost turn around let me talk to you brother black lives matter what's your name son on the truck what's your name son yeah trapping dead trapping dead man I heard yeah but be careful out here boys I don't know yeah it wasn't in the building man so hey man so tell me what y'all got going on this evening y'all like gambling what y'all doing yeah the gambling boy y'all got treat Dyson now [Music] for real though be careful hey Jack boys out here now all right we ain't worried about no boy man y'all take out have a nice night [Music] dead man I don't know what he gonna do well I'm gonna do hey everything did y'all everything dead boom there we go give me that but [ __ ] man they're gonna do something I don't know hey I got a little money I say [ __ ] that [ __ ] man oh yeah man these [ __ ] think I'm playing man I ain't thinking man I'm not playing I'm not playing [ __ ] you hey why I can't believe you shot that [ __ ] man I can't believe you shot that [ __ ] man hold on I'm going down that's right and you did that and you did that like I said they looking for me they don't know I'm looking for them huh never see me coming [Music] life [Music] I don't nobody contaminate my crime scene [Music] don't die first now trezo too you know yeah she said she did pulled up man what's going on but you on the phone now though like man what's mad I'm sorry buddy can you call you back please so look dog man what's up bro like this my [ __ ] truck like I asked you to handle the kitchen business with the truck all right huh I ain't done yet man come on so you couldn't just answer them answer the answer my call let me know you wanna die man come on bro where the keys at where the kids [Music] God we not doing that with you yeah that's my [ __ ] truck [ __ ] let me free stuff hello address in that phone keep sticking out to me it just keeps looking at me they need keys foreign hello hey [ __ ] you know I um I'm up here in Buckhead so like I was just thinking about when we were talking about in the car earlier you know what I'm saying about me being focused on finding these bricks go ahead so yeah this this you know I came across this phone this other phone he had and he had some addresses in there he has some names in there it's the io IOU list and I'm saying and then um he has some uh addresses in it but this one address just keeps sticking out to me not not the uh remind you that I found um this key uh in one of our own spots so I'm I'm actually five minutes away from this spot and I'm about to pull up to the spot and see what's going on and see what's what's in it [Music] nah like I said that [ __ ] just too open you know what I mean like you won't have all this [ __ ] I didn't open it so I'm gonna go check this bottle I don't I don't really know too much about this spot like I didn't even know he had this spot to be honest that that I don't know like I said I don't it's in his phone the and the address just the address just keeps sticking out like my spirit keeps telling me to pull up Lulu pull up see what's going on so I don't know [Music] I mean the white teeth [Music] car he got me caught up in the mix see your bullet like a pit and she know I'm with the [ __ ] I say Lulu got no bricks made me whack on with [ __ ] know that Lizzy gotta switch I say Lulu got the freaks [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] come here [Music] finally more about inspect ing me foreign foreign [Music] baby who do I trust me sometimes [Music] because trying to avoid the streets cut it to us these are ugly but this is [Music] shouting and tripping though man I ain't saying nothing man foreign [Music] [Music] we gonna do with all these bricks we gonna do with the bridge he gave me God [ __ ] man I was saying man no dick yeah yeah man I don't need straight up [ __ ] [ __ ] yes first time work time work time foreign [Music] [Music] we yeah they got down low this [ __ ] no home he wasn't doing the right if I ain't no home one fan [ __ ] I don't cross these guys playing the wrong [ __ ] Remix [ __ ] he know [ __ ] with golden brown comes around yeah but you know foreign I thought I'd be back I told you I would come back I said I will be back you got going on man I told you what's up bro all that [ __ ] [ __ ] bro he did the money there you know what the [ __ ] going on to put your fire down yeah [Music] you might want to check on your homework all right well Machine better man guys [Music] [Music] to work [Music] really got me known wait here I come hey excuse me excuse me y'all think y'all can help me let me get my phone uh I need to know what I need to say what's up man what's up yeah yeah worried about the [ __ ] brick where my [ __ ] man what the hell you got nothing you all up brick you all on my mind about your breasts what my [ __ ] money at though listen away what you mean what's going on you just all bit bad bit bagging the [ __ ] like on the phone by some real cause you want to know where the Brit's at but where my [ __ ] money at you on the list now most people don't know the definition of Revenge but they always want it a lot of folks move off anger but JP taught me a lot and he taught me always to think situations out first losing JP really made me see things differently death would turn you into somebody else but I also teach you today man I don't know he always [Music] what you mean how you know I belong on this side of town oh yeah thank you all right [Music] we're doing them yeah [Music] y'all checking that Shane or two pit you hear me now God's son lady Q why you know ain't numbers from being in Japan oh yeah y'all long in the day yeah we going over there look at man man look at man on here early on that live y'all more waiting on many days yo bro bro going on man do I live with it yeah all day it's popping in on me where did you come from oh they come from the spot man what's up hey yo what you doing over there I always chilling with a little female so yeah man this [ __ ] going on too oh yeah yeah going up on that line going on with you though man man uh oh yeah I called you last night but man he had a little cop [ __ ] pulled off on me and my son last night bro what neighborhood yeah I ever caught me around the corner right now tomorrow bro hold on jump back up to my unmarked car and everything bro oh man no likes or nothing tomorrow Bernard Bernard with your cousin brain you keep breaking in I'm like breaking in what he breaking what are you doing no don't tell me on you like that yeah bro trying to get me to talk but tell our home what he doing he breaking in so what you doing you you hustling into him do you get him you send them back into the break in and take it back what you think they said I ain't here really blowing me man don't nobody know what's going on oh yeah I've been calling Nunu looking for the brick who got the bread and I think she got no break man damn man what yeah she trying to do some bad dose I don't know I'm jumping I'm gonna talk to Luna cause she be coming you know she know how she is crazy already man you better watch it man she might got no bread bro they so we might even pull up on and go holla at him okay I'm gonna see him I'm gonna see him in due time I'ma see her butt ain't that right live we don't see no no [Music] foreign [Music] what's up we outside every night okay no I'm talking about you [ __ ] we really outside tonight you know what's going on I'm saying what you trying to do with it what we finna do with it okay so no I got um and then I'm gonna leave here and I'm gonna pull up to the spot which one A1 sauce if I see you and you owe me [ __ ] man [ __ ] [ __ ] you no real [ __ ] these things can't take care of that lady oh gosh but listen [ __ ] look no for real you need to be looking out for these [ __ ] ass police I just got out of jail they just Jam me up [ __ ] talking about these bricks some bitching ain't [ __ ] I just got a rice fruit all right then [ __ ] you better make sure your [ __ ] mouth closed remember no no I'm on my way grasses this is crying season I want it bad as I can breathe I want it bad as I could sleep okay all right foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Applause] on what you got I ain't doing [ __ ] but in the block trying to get rich man I'll let you down please let me know please I just need to use your phone please hold up hold up hold up man I'm gonna call you right there version what the hell happened to you I won A1 I needed to pull up bro [ __ ] I don't know but I think g4j took off on me oh no and then Nick dropped me off at the [ __ ] bus stop bro please just pull up eight one please West End Mall please okay all right thank you so much foreign [ __ ] I told you on the phone [ __ ] just ran up behind me a [ __ ] choke me literally [ __ ] put me to sleep [ __ ] when I tell you I woke up at the [ __ ] bus stop they took the bag thank God the bricks that I had I got things put them [ __ ] up so he got some but I don't even know who who I didn't I don't know but it might have been at all no might have been that [ __ ] ass time the [ __ ] officer on the phone so we got people on the street talking you don't know you even take a piece of the [ __ ] face like you can't [ __ ] ran out behind me choke me not me to sleep so what we bout to do like what you what you want to do I don't know I know you frustrated I just need to get myself together man so what what a brick said I put them up they they good and I ain't gonna lie I might need to go back to that house though and get what the [ __ ] I put up there because like I said the [ __ ] did get me for the fear I had foreign like what are we doing right now like I pick you up for what are we about to do like is you good you don't want to retaliate my throat you want to keep my neck hurt my everything just hurt right now my head hurt I just I gotta think I got it I got it well we about to do she's next to the kids to my car so [ __ ] I don't know man that ain't nothing we can get that [ __ ] we made like man [ __ ] bro like we gotta get out of it we just gotta go you gotta go out of town you just gotta go you gotta go I still got business you gotta go I don't manage I'm not [ __ ] but I'm gonna go but I still gotta have this guy I still got to take care of this business because JP I'm not [ __ ] Jay you can't find myself JP right now you know about yourself tripping tripping like either you gonna you you finna go you're gonna get out for real yeah did you just say I had to go for real that's how we gonna do it man oh man I'm gonna bring your ass here man [Music] she's so tired OT was on my ass y'all and I almost lost my life A1 taught me into leaving town so you really I didn't really want to go you told me I needed to but I knew that this would be the best thing for me too where I go you really you gotta take care of this one last thing because if I don't I ain't gonna be able to sleep at night nah for real um yeah kind of let this [ __ ] cool down don't be afraid to ride the airplane be just okay I see you over there nervous so yeah man if you hear anything all going on in the city but for real [ __ ] you know what I'm saying something you can come back down here now it's just keep your air open you know what I'm saying no [ __ ] I did a lot of [ __ ] damn [ __ ] was in the bag [ __ ] get some clothes you know um really I really kind of took care of everything I really kind of took care of anything before I get excited yeah yeah you got a present for me oh [ __ ] hell yeah I'm just saying no you know what I'm saying I want you to be able to take care of yourself rocking my baby so so you know what to do you know can you get that [ __ ] in I ain't got none of this [ __ ] on me the [ __ ] so uh everything being taken care of where I'm going with where the [ __ ] at you know I mean like [ __ ] taken care of that just what I wanted you to have talk to me I know for sure talk to me now for real man security oh yeah yeah I'm uh take my name [Music] no more [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] y'all can't never stayed nowhere else I made sure everybody was straight well you know the ones I love anyway I know that [ __ ] talk better make sure JP Mama's great damn imma miss my dog A1 though once I get settled I'm sinful thank God for my plug my ID fake as hell but he looks so official come on now y'all know I had to cover my tracks all right then y'all see you when I see you out [Music] thank you what's up all right what's my name you say number one JP yeah okay okay you know me right no I don't know yeah I don't love me [Music] hello apart [Music] so um I came in the mall from the shop right or whatever so you know well yeah let's go through that I can't talk too oh he's gonna go what's wrong [Music] perfect [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Atlanta Avenue
Views: 1,513,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shocheese, hood movies, web series, nu nu the movie, detective, police, jail, action, drama, suspence, life problems, digijouse studio, prop guns, atlanta avenue, park, bus stop, drizzle dollar, bricks, candle light, candles, balloons, movie, episodes, baby, jp, house, grady hospital, barbershop, grips eats, pink shirt, lou lou, runtz, fire station, little dog
Id: vHdGKRjVpsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 33sec (7953 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 10 2022
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