1851 Navy Restoration

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you okay so the reason that I'm just using some steel wool here in superfine is that I'm just wanting to remove the rust but I want all of this beautiful patina to stay so if you look right here we have some surface rust it's pretty light and what we're gonna do is just set that down and just hit it with a little bit of steel wool you guys are familiar with the term gunmetal gray correct well that's what that is that's gunmetal gray anyway so this thing is like 250 bucks you know they're not real expensive shockingly high-quality for something so inexpensive but this is a sportsman's type scenario this is not something that you you would want for hunting or anything like that of protection I mean it worked I mean wars were fought with this obviously but that's not what we want it for I just really like history and I really like this kind of stuff even though this is just a replica historical replica my hope is one day to be able to afford the real thing our cylinder will be next now I've had some issues here the nipples themselves are frozen to place that is one two three four nipples or froze in the place I ordered some it's going to take about a month for them to get here and so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna leave these in these four right here and we're gonna clean around them we'll put the other two back in because if I take these out then I won't actually be able to use it now I am not necessarily worried about getting these out it's just they're notoriously a huge pain in the butt and there's an upgrade and so we'll get the upgrade coming but we're gonna clean the cylinder up just like this and when they come in I'll replace them you guys won't see that what a fun little project so this part is just getting cleaned now you can when I say clean I'm gonna wipe this down like I'm not gonna no abrasives whatsoever and and we're just gonna clean it with a little bit of oil I'm not gonna clean it with any chemical if I were to put anything acid-based on here it would remove this finish in a heartbeat and that's a beautiful finish and that will develop its own patina over time but we're gonna leave it like that's really really pretty the handle how goofy is that huh like look at that thing it's all shiny and pretty and new and well it's scratched up now but so what we're gonna do is we're gonna sand this guy down and we're gonna get that shellac coating off there and we're just gonna do an oil coating so the natural wood color looks pretty good so we'll see if we keep it natural or we put a little bit of stain on there tell you guys mr. cool it is nice to have the shop at 65° it's really hot outside I think it's somewhere in the neighborhood of 90 degrees and yeah it's just it's it's wonderful and you can see we we have the standard gaps over there just it's this is a building a loose insulation there's still a gap right there that I need to take care of and it's cranking it out it's just so ridiculously comfortable in here so I'll put a link in the description where you guys can pick one of these up yes that is the sponsor of the good ole and channel and also I put a video out of installing this particular unit so go check it out gah so pretty okay there you go 1851 Navy all right we're gonna not use keywords here cuts also we will not be banging this thing today if you want to see that go check it out on Instagram and we'll show you just how straight these objects operate it's just crazy that I can't man it's nuts so there's a lot of history behind these and I really wanted to get into it but if I did that guys if I was talking about the history I'd get in trouble on YouTube so it's a shame man it's a shame we live in a world of censorship hopefully that'll change soon so once again guys it's 95 degrees outside right now if you want to call your shop click the link in the description and check out the mr. cool mini split units they're super easy to install actually have an install video there and I really like a man fantastic stuff and right now it's like 68 degrees in here I've got to set a little warmer than I normally do because it kind of freezes me out I'm trying to acclimate but shop is nice and cool energy bills is next to nothing and we'll see you guys on the flipside
Channel: The Good of the Land
Views: 10,571,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #restoration, #toolrestoration, #vintagetool, amsr, antique axe restoration, antique restoration, asmr no talking, axe restoration, how to restore, old axe restoration, restoration, restore, restore hatchet head, restore it, restore old knives, restoring, restoring knife, restoring old tools, rusty, tool, tool restoration, tool restore, tool restoration knife
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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