🔴 Live class: street English | Canguro English

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hello everybody and welcome to kangaroo English I'm Christian and this is a surprise a surprise live English class normally the live classes on Tuesday but today Monday surprise and today we're going to be talking about Street English gangster gangster English the way that the way we're going to be talking about the type of English that that you know people speak normally on the streets of England you know not the kind of English that you find in textbooks and so today we're going to be talking about vocabulary we're going to be talking about pronunciation and we're going to be talking about some sentence and grammatical sentence structures for Street English some slang so this is this is British British Street English okay not not Australian Street English so yes so hello to everybody who's with us today hello to sadi Michelle and Michelle Kaiser Kaiser Chiang nice name cool name Carrie Yara chef cook at the cocoa monster the cocoa monster in Thailand Lenny Escobar from I think Lenny's from from Colombia yeah just sick Zaza the French layer Ricardo for cats yes hello everybody I know sorry Lenny's not from Colombia she's from Brazil oh sorry lady I have I have a terrible memory we have Quan from Argentina and just sick is from Poland from Poland there's there's a massive a big community of Polish people in England yeah a lot and Halong from Vietnam and cloudier from Brazil as well or cloudy uh no cloudy oh okay so so yeah let's let's start to talk about some some Street English so where do you live Hey okay where is Haverhill right okay okay Bishop okay so if I draw England pretty much like this this is England looks something like this and where's and then here we have like London okay London's like here okay and where's where's Haverhill okay so here's Haverhill okay here now hello hello Ricardo in Brazil hello to everybody in Brazil okay now as you can see my typical artistic skills the best so andrew speaks what's called estuary English okay so here here we have the the River Thames okay here you have the River Thames coming into London and in this estuary area so it's an area like this pretty much in all of this area here okay we have we have s people who speak estuary English so you can find this type of English in a big area of people okay so let's let's start to talk about some vocabulary vocabulary so let me just just one second I saw it Christian use my hand okay important okay so the first the first piece of new vocabulary that you're going to learn today is this word lit so what does lit mean okay it's an it's an adjective and adjective what does it mean it means it's cold it's it's something that's good happy and very very cool vibes okay so can we can you give us an example in the sentence this is lit this is lit the nightclub is lit because remember that lid lid is related to something that is alight something that is on fire and Ray said that said that this class is lit it's very good and Ray and he said look so jeff says adjectives is quality light is a is something that lights up yes it's different light and leaves different so go see her go see your sister he has a lit test yeah I don't know because normally lit is something good right yes like exciting and it's on fire and it's good okay it's like a nice vibrational sensation we've learned something here yeah French word yeah little it is like in fundido in Spanish it's like something exactly exactly okay so now another another another adjective for you okay this one okay this is the word ping hey PE ng ping so it's another adjective and normally it's used to describe a person yeah and what does it mean so say not intelligent than the newsman I would say to a girl if she was looking very nice beautiful you look pain so ping is like attractor yeah attractive hot yeah hot I can use it you can use it for boys and girls yeah yeah okay so so there you go so if you see someone and they're looking attractive they're looking hot you can say you look pain yeah exactly it's like it's like cute or hot can you can you say this who Sherlock is pain can you is it similar to cool why can you say why can you say like this party is paying yeah yeah you can you can describe it okay okay okay nice so if you like clothes or something you could say this looks pink okay what about this one another adjective for you fresh now normally Sebastian says his legs are pink and French French Leo wants to know can you say she has a pink bottom can you use it sort of a specific yes yes okay so fresh fresh normally we would use to talk about exactly exactly sergiev we would use it to talk about fresh fish or fresh vegetables but in this case no it's another adjective what does it mean if it's a fresh you can have something like like a go again like you're looking fresh or boy you're looking fresh looking cold what's the difference between you're looking fresh and you're looking pain Peng means more of like a describing word to say like like your body or face you're attractive like an attractive but which means that you're kind of looking cool your clothes may be you're ready to go to the nightclub okay okay so fresh describes like your your appearance like in that moment like the clothes around your hair maybe okay so fresh describes yeah how you're dressed no it's not related to pure no not really to be so it's a fresh go see ya go CSS go see I don't know go see I don't know if you're a guy or girl but you're fresh no problems can you say fresh yes you can fashionable fashionable yes like you're looking fresh meaning like cor you're looking good like with what you're wearing okay so calcium wants to know can you say you look unfresh yeah yeah yeah like you're just looking bad you're looking bad unfresh so euro Schiff wants to know how what's the difference between saying pal and mate and fellow and guy when you're in the street okay so I think we need to look at some of these words so okay Andrew would you would you ever call someone power powers out okay would you ever call somebody mate yeah yes yes and what what what circumstances would you call someone mate like you could say I have mates okay you are my mate so it's more like friend yeah would you if you're like in the supermarket you'd be like hey mate yeah you're right mate okay fellow fellow would you say ah he's a nice fellow okay so this word fellow is really it's like you're quite an old-fashioned word now okay people don't really say fellow it's very posh so no okay we're eliminating fellow right yeah okay guy people do say pal it's not like every he doesn't use it people do say okay so what about guy what about what about guy if you call someone hey guy or there's this guy I don't use it I know quite a few people do I think I think maybe the difference is that a mate is like your friend right but the guy is more like someone you don't know like when you talk about someone you could say well this guy just came up to me or this guy walked here or something like that yeah it's like to talk about someone you don't really know but instead of saying somebody or someone you say guy and man what's up man what's that man that's slang it's like and there's actually another word another piece of vocabulary which we're going to learn now which is of course right now bro right so when when do you use bro when you're talking to somebody I use it a lot yeah when when I'm talking to Christian sometimes I go for stuff right he's my bro and would you use it to talk about people that you like if you meet someone you don't really know that well would you say hey yeah you wouldn't say bro no no okay so I knew people that you know well like your mates okay so so bro is like a close friend yeah like a close friend like bro is short for brother and then you're kind of calling them brother but you're on they're not fully your brother so it's just bright so so Jeep says that he just had a shower to make himself fresh yeah yeah Huckleberry Finn says he thought that you were James James flatmates way I'm fresher than James [Laughter] yeah he's James's brother he's Jonas brother ah so what about buddy or dude what about that dude is Australian but English people do use it okay so there's another word dude it's another word you can use to talk about before hey dude I do I do like to like babies and stuff I was like you're right it will do yeah I think now I think maybe in the past it was more fashionable I think now dude is a bit a bit old-fashioned but I think a little bit yeah and buddy well yeah again I feel I feel like you're right I think buddy maybe buddy is something that you would say to like children right yeah you'd be like you're right buddy okay teaching them words yes I think definitely for for children more nice it's definitely more soft like baseline stuff room at okays buddy so yes so so just just for some of you who don't know okay that you can use mate you can use mate to talk about somebody who is like your partner in in activities for example you can have a flatmate yeah a housemate roommate roommate classmate in football you have a team mate demate so your mate is like a person not necessarily a friend okay a person who does an activity with you like living together doing sports roommates classmates team mates inmates nice okay um this someone wants to know can you call do you ever call somebody a fashionista fashion is it's like a fashion it's like somebody who's like have you ever used that word I think I think really if you if you think about the way that Andrew speaks you know words like fashionista and these words which are more European not really okay I would say like someone's got fashion but not fashionista yeah okay so someone can be fashionable right or trendy or fresh fresh and and and something that we're going to talk about later in the class is the influence of Jamaican Patois Jamaican language on English which you don't realize but we're going to talk about this soon okay so yes I fellow fellow is old-fashioned she's my mate indeed she has a fresh pink bottom okay so let me just have a look with guys actually yeah you can you can turn up with like a group of friends and you can say hello guys let's see Teresa may is not my brother I'm from Uruguay and my grand my granddad who is 89 is watching you with me well language that you know language has changed a lot in in 89 years when when your granddad was living in Uruguay when he was younger the Spanish that he was speaking can you imagine if you ask him about the Spanish vocabulary he used in Uruguay 80 years ago it changed a lot you know main thing is we say hello granddad hello granddad it's good to have you in class my man it's good to have you in class Christian do you know how a girl can call a man who is her friend can you say I'm a a mate or a buddy or yes a mate buddy you can say girlfriend or boyfriend but you have to stay the boy and the friend are separate yeah you can't just say he is my boyfriend you've got to say boy but he is my friend yeah it's complicated like in English like like if you have a girl and she says yeah last night I went out with my girlfriend and then you're not sure if she means romantic girlfriend or just a friend who is a girl so other languages have a distinction between girlfriends and the friend who's agava English so sometimes but men would never say I went out with my boyfriend's buddy not fellows with your fellows house my teammate oh Lola wants to know can you say beer mate I suppose you can it's a good question a beer mate a person who drinks beer with you I love it I think maybe you invented a new word it's one thing that I hope for all of you I hope that you all have beer mates or wine mates or gin and tonic mates yeah or you know hay water mates if you're a healthy living person you know why not okay is your girlfriend your mate - I guess they are mmm but they're your mates but you treat them with more yeah I think I think that if you're talking about your girlfriend and you call and used to tell your friends my mate it's not it's not good to say she's my girlfriend yeah happy wants to know why do we always start a live class when he's on the toilet oh nice one soul mate soul mate yeah what is their soul mate I'm kind of confused about that one actually myself okay so pro gamer has a great question here the answer is yes and try and cut yourself please as much as possible comrades yeah okay so let's let's have a look at some more um let's have a look at some more vocabulary so there are some crazy people commenting you in this group so let's talk about a situation if you if you meet someone in the street okay one option is you can say this right you can say this and what's the pronunciation was that was that before you were like either one gay and this is basically like what's up what's up what's happening how are you yeah what are you doing okay and this is this isn't - it's not - this is quite common but there's another one which is a new a new one for me which is this okay now this is the number one right so the pronunciation is 1:1 and what does it mean white one it means like so imagine imagine if if I see you in the street I'd be like was that when when you say was up you don't reply with like I'm good it's just like you say it back to them so it's like saying hi hi hello hello and then you go out to like what's up so basically if if I ask you if I say to you what one I don't expect you to answer me really it's interesting yeah I suppose it's it's a bit like in French right you say you know I saw and they say so far but no one actually answers the question like so if I said if if you say what one I say well I'm having a fantastic day thank you for asking I would look confused now you have to remember a lot of this vocabulary you know is very informal and it's it's it's language that you will find people using every day on the street okay and what's interesting is that maybe in one year or two years this will disappear completely you know this or or it could become permanent who knows there was an interesting comment there yeah by is this English word it's only only people that speak slang but if you speak term this isn't normal normal words this's like mix it up kind of words young young people or old use and if you go to someone hello how are you they would still understand you and know what to reply them well the thing is right that this word I don't know if you know this is actually Jamaican is it yes it's Jamaican and Jamaican is it's it's actually spelled like this right yeah white one okay but buddy yeah if you're texting someone you say white one and there's actually lots of Jamaican words right now that are super popular in British English like for example manda manda right which is another which is another Jamaican word I can't man them and what is what is manda manda means like I don't actually know it's like your crew you turn up with a group of friends alright what's up with Amanda what's up with Amanda so your men domes like a group of people that you hang around with and again is Jamaican Patois okay and if you if you saw my if you saw my life class last week right then you will know that I talked about the influence of African dialects and South American dialects on English and listen to the pronunciation okay of some of these English words the way that Andrew pronounces them so for example here's the classic the classic word thing but how would you pronounce it now thing but as well as we're in in slang ting exactly teeming like and I talked about this in the last class how how in in British English the th the th is disappearing slowly because it's difficult to say and people are saying Tina so can you give me an example of a sentence people like with Tim what's that thing over there what's that thing over there and there you can in slang you can kind of change it today exactly exactly here's another example very nice very nice so the word there the th okay we are it's it's transforming into a D yes what's that thing there what's that team over there what's that team there so um so yeah if you if you have a problem pronouncing your third no in if you go to the South of England no problems you could be painting their problems at all there's a dingo and and let's let's um let's have a look at Andrews Andrews pronunciation of this word as well okay but and you can you can hear that andrew is using a very strong glottal stop they say but there's no butter right yeah no because when you're saying it in a fast kind of like like for instance mum come have some butter on my bread you kind of forget to say the butter like you don't say normal but when you get to saying butter and then you go to your mum now some butter you think so it's it's crazy that that Andrew feels like if he says butter it sounds posh yeah sounds too partial he has to he has to eliminate it to sound to sound normal yeah interesting so so you can see that you know so and for people who are learning English great okay so th is disappearing the tea the tea is disappearing scent butter global stock okay and another one what about this one okay how would you say that how would you say though if you were talking to your friends I would say my mum my mother so again you can see we have this we have this transformation of the th to the to the D mother okay or or you might hear people also saying it like this right like maybe like that was really funny you might hear people pronouncing up like this with the tube with a V instead right would you say there's nothing yeah mother so like lots of words you will you will see the th replaced with a V or an F okay mother not muffin no okay so now it's your turn I want I want you guys to make some sentences using some of this new vocabulary okay so I want you to [Music] and okay so here's four words okay we have fresh ting lit and there so I want you guys I want you guys to write the sentence terrible write a sentence with these words okay let's see who can write the best sentence we could say okay can you invent a sentence with these words all right why is everyone mentioning about this Pacita Esposito is fresh that's Percy - it's fresh so Abby Abby is actually saying yes and it's it's true Abby it's another another feature of of British English that the inge is pronounced as ink like preserves you say thing is I think yeah yeah it's true like and and if you combine various things like if you say I am thinking right that's about details yeah okay so let's we'll get back to this point in a second Abby but Ellen e says I have a fresh friend yeah that's good okay nice nice I need a fresh piece up okay so G no we want we want fresh like the other meaning of fresh like you're looking fresh and and actually Ella nice I think that a fresh friend is not good because remember fresh is to talk about how you look in that moment and so your friend could be paying because they're always paying but they can only be fresh at that moment so you could say my friend is fresh tonight so now in this I could say I look fresh tomorrow I go out in a jumper hoodie and trousers and I don't look fresh I look like bad you you would say look fresh so it was only the moment I looked fresh ah man homey man says that we are a little thanks said Jeep says I have fresh dress yeah that dog over there is paying oh no if you didn't point a maid to say like I'm a dog no time that could use new things to talk about an animal I think new kid okay well you could okay what about this from some rumor there was a lip party we were fresh and ready for some things oh it's the best one going yet love it amazing well done that girl is so fresh it is mind-melting you guys are incredible best students best students yeah like Andrew says I have a fresh look nice fresh Andy is there with teacher mate Christian Lolo my beer mate is fresh like a Guinness what the hell vana okay fresh teens usually fun frivolously fanciful fanny fried fresh fish furiously that's a tongue twister I don't know where you can twit lgh gamer I don't know what you're talking about his better ting is his fresh pen bottom nice nowadays I live in Mexico please stop talking about this pursuit oh I'm listening to this song everywhere Gonzalo desperately desperately toe is like a virus it's taking over the world your hairstyle looks fresh my hair I don't have a hairstyle but his his is fresh great sentences guys Christian in the morning makes himself look fresh but he forgets the hair now it's it's interesting that um that a lot of people think that that thank you thank you me that you know a lot of people think if you speak like this that it's bad English but it's really important when you're learning a language to realize that language we have different types different ways of speaking okay you can speak colloquial informal with your friends and you can speak English like you're going to a job interview okay but there's no such thing as bad or good or better English okay all language is equally valid all language is equally as good so what you need to do is stop judging language you don't want to say this is bad and this is good and say this and this is correct no what you want to be is you want to be a language chameleon you want to be able to use different types of language when you're with different people right so when he's with his friends he's not going to talk like he's in a job interview and he's not going to call them fellows right he's going to use the language which is appropriate for the situation and but when he's with his grandparents or when he's in a formal situation you change your language you know so don't don't judge language okay in fact take advantage take advantage of your ability to use different language at different times okay so that's my advice like this I'm playing I'm playing so with with miss lang you take off third gene the G's playing and and and again this the reason for this is because difficult writes all right here mm-hmm I'm going to do something why it just adds on that little no extra word mm-hmm you don't need it so people make it shorter by I'm going to do something nice nice okay let's look at let's look at another word here okay now now normally this well this is an adjective okay it's an adjective to describe like something like naked like naked but we can also use better as an adjective to mean like a lot yeah for example you might have an example like there's many ways you can say it like your head is bare yes Sophie my head is bare but this is another example I could say like to Christian if I was getting annoyed I would say your bare annoying you are barren are you are very annoying and in slang it would be okay again so he's he's saying that you're dropping so this G this G at the end which is difficult to pronounce because you have to okay if the block off block off your throat you have a nasal sound we're getting rid of this right there annoying so bear can mean very like your bear annoying you're very annoying but also it means a lot like you could say like if or you have bear drop you have bad chocolate you have a lot of chocolate you have bear chocolate you you have bear views on your video Andrew Andrew made a music video you should check it out on his Facebook page his music video Andrew Conroy Andrew Conroy music video sharing so yeah ban means pretty or quite or very or totally yeah exactly exactly so in this class we have bear students and they are bear happy all of them okay so one one final thing we're going to talk about okay is we're going to talk about we're going to talk about some some grammatical structures that people would use in in in estuary English so so here's an example of a typical sentence right so you see as well you can take away the end word move so it's yo so yo you're looking piff so it's like 1:1 so when you meet someone it's like yo but you can use in a sentence like young-looking pin wow so we can see we can see that that in in it in a correct you know grammatical structure we would say you are looking if we have the you are causes its present continuous right but here no it's you're looking pin so if when I how I handle wants to know what does piff mean piece yeah what does pit what does it mean it means you look good it's like we didn't say we only talked about paying and fresh pip-pip is like paying but it's like you look good your sense of style good okay so yeah it's like gorgeous like attractive you know and and so what about yeah so Ross is wondering about the pronunciation of this like can you say good joke and say yeah yeah I know it has to be yo yo you're looking piss and again that you will find that this is the influence from American English coming from South America coming from Africa into into British English you know the whole gangster culture the rap culture okay so what I'm saying is if you're using present continuous you can eliminate your verb to be you can say you looking fresh or if you ask you a question can I can I ask this question can I ask this question is that good that question yeah in that questions gauge okay for example what you're doing yes again with me so the verb to be we're eliminating the verb to be from the present continuous from the question it's not what are you doing it's what you are doing what you're doing okay and one one other grammatical structure what do you do watching you Joshua that's perfect my friend and look Joshua eliminated the G love it love it Alejandro says you are piff with that pink hat young man hello Pedro Belmont how are you again Garcia says you look pissed saying I told you the Hat was good when appointment I bought it today Rosa says where you're from great question that's perfect you are writing like a proper estuary English British native right now good work awesome okay we're going to combine a few different things here oops why was your doing this so you can see we have we have the th here okay and we have the G disappeared and we have the yo up here okay so what's interesting is we have you we have you but we're not saying why were you why were you know saying why was you you you have to use that you have to conjugate the verb to be incorrectly and and it is almost phonetic right it's like a phonetic song piff piff tacular Maria your English is pivot Acula I tell you so yeah so why was you doing this why was you Andrew why was you doing this to teach people slang okay and finally Andrew wants to teach you he wants to teach you a verb okay a verb the verb is to pull so what does it mean if you if you pull somebody say oops I have big big feet if if you was to pull you would go out again the nightclub like if I was to go into the nightclub I could get I could pull a girl or a boy and and like each other like glove and for that night kiss wave and have fun okay so pool is like so like get someone to pull the girl right oh yeah get it girl fancy I could get her to fancy you okay Sebastian says hey your pull with me Sophie Sophie says if she doesn't pull she pushes okay is it like a connection or like a crush or is it like a one-night stand I think I think the verb pull means that means that you you you sort of have a girl or a boy who's interested how can I describe it it means that you have success in either kissing them or yeah maybe you take them back to your house and have sex with them yeah maybe but not not not necessarily it just means that you had success attract attracting attracting a girl or a boy yeah your sneakers pulled the dance floor so so yes so for example when Andrew goes out okay when Andrew goes out in his pink hat he says I pulled bare girls so he pulls a lot of girls so so yeah listen today was just a quick class with Andrew to talk to you guys about some Street English and so we've talked about vocabulary and pronunciation and and also some some sentence structures so now you guys have to to go on practice and and also you know think about Sophie wants to see Sophie wants to see Andrews six-pack actually andrew has an eight-pack he is that ribbed so yes so now when you hear people speaking okay just see if you notice see if you notice some of these little things like the pronunciation some of the some of the vocabulary yeah you can use some of this vocabulary to try and pull the girl why not and you can say go go girls go guys no guys no guys yes I have a melted chocolate head a one pack so yes so and I think that if you start to listen for some of this vocabulary and pronunciation you will really notice it in television series in popular music you know it's it's really if you download some lyrics for some popular music from the top 40 you will find a lot of this vocabulary okay it's not this is not abstract this is not only for people on the street this is language that people are using in reality every single day and not just a few people millions of people who live in London and in the surrounding area so I hope you enjoyed this class thank you Andrew okay he's my bro I'm glad it was amazing so don't forget to connect with me on facebook on instagram check out andrew's music video and i will see you again in class soon I'm Chris Jeff this is kangaroo English I'll see you in class bye everyone lots of love
Channel: Canguro English
Views: 21,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Live English class, english slang, street english, london english
Id: 5Sx-KwUiCZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 10sec (2770 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 28 2017
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