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oh my gosh guys I just got a bouncy signal that was way down there you're watching JD's variety channel alright so I'm here at this super old house it's estimated that it was built sometime between the 1840s and the 1850s you know I've permission or search around the entire property here it's really steep Bank going down to the road there I assume there's gonna be a lot of trash in here because there's a some apartment complex and buildings up there it looks like there's something used to be in there that was tore out you know everything's just a mess here you can tell this place has been vacant for quite some time and it's a nice big lot on this side so I'm hoping there's some fines over here it's raining pretty good so it's gonna be a wet one today but uh my first good target here you know I've got something pretty interesting it's all that's for sure I'm not sure if this is like a big makeup compact you can see this fell out of the middle there's another piece of it there but uh check out how ornate this lid is beautiful pattern on it I'll clean that up a little bit and I'll show it more it's raining pretty good right now so probably spending a lot of time under these trees to show the stuff but uh here's that compact cleaned up a little bit check out that ornate design on it beautiful piece that's a good way to start the day with an awesome relic I'm really hoping to find some a lot more cool relics around this place yeah I'm definitely interested in some old coins but I think there's potential some really neat relics in here okay let's keep punting this is something you don't get to see every day I've been fishing around that hole getting some more pizza pieces of this compact out and there's some paper inside of it that's still legible it's tell if that says 59 cents 39 cents maybe something down below it's not gonna last real fragile but it was inside that compact maybe it's the you know like a little flyer how much you to cost or something I'm gonna throw that in my car and see if I can make any more out on it later that's pretty cool though would have been neat if there was some paper money folded up in there wouldn't be much left of it but pretty neat oh my gosh guys I just got a bouncy signal that was way down there and I can't believe what's in the hole oh my goodness this is the oh man the skeleton key is huge oh man this is the biggest one I've ever dug by far oh my goodness oh it's like the size of my entire hand Wow look at that oh is that ever sweet I hit it with the shovel a little bit but uh it was already bent man that is an amazing find Wow that just made my day there if I don't find anything else soils real rich and soft here so there's some deep stuff Wow all right let's keep hunting check the hole again that was it all right a happy camper right now got a shallow 1238 you can see here the imprint and how there was some iron right next to it a little bit there anyway there's a side view of the house and uh the shallow 1238 is a really see if it'll focus there there we go it is a really crusty Indian Head Penny kind of see the one-cent on the back there it's a little bit uh I don't know it's weird it's almost got like a extra layer on it or something it's quite odd it's got a little ding it's all disfigured but uh I don't know that could be an old one I don't know if I'll be able to get a date off of this one or not I got to clean up a little bit it's really crusty it's a really interesting coin I don't know if this high part here is the original surface and something ate into and corroded it that's really crazy but anyway it's either an 1883 or in 1893 I think it's a 93 so sweet into the 1800s for this coin [Music] you're kidding G all right not getting to too many good signals my Adrenaline's pumpin now I got a big silver in the hole it was almost right on the surface like it I thought it was just gonna be a can I'm on this pretty steep slope right now so maybe other people that have detected here I haven't come down this far I don't know but back a little ways if I can find it here I just got a piece to an old insides of a clock and let's check this out here I think it's a Franklin half I think I see a bell on the back of it so modern silver or not I'm so happy right now yep that's the silver Ben Franklin half oh sweet beautiful oh man I'm not gonna rub it just to get the loose stuff off yeah I can't tell the date or mint mark that's sweet it's a Benny nice I was not expecting that to pop out of the hole just a garbage signal all right let's check the hole again could there be two there might be something else in there it's probably just trash sweet I'm gonna keep looking around this area right up by the front of the house and working down the slope right there right by the edge of that hillside and that's where I got me my Franklin happy camper right here my dude I'm about ready to pee my pants right now this little flap there he's right where I pulled that half out list of this 1147 I don't know if that's a half but that might be a silver quarter in there with it let's check it out I'm gonna be real careful with this shovel cutting on the sides of it okay see what we got down here [Music] oh there it is I think it's a quarter what is it to Washington looks like I might be an older one though Swede silver quarter in half spill alright let's check the hole again check the area have that's probably yet 75 cent Silver's bill yeah I got a little bit of spit on there to clean that quarter off just a little bit and it's a 1948 hey I'm still about rolling off the cliff there's like a big ditch right here I have no idea what what happened there actually it's a little bit of a maybe they pulled some bushes out here I don't know it doesn't look like there was a tree there to me well then I got a deep signal here and look at this cool ornate piece that maybe victorian-era I'm not sure but that looks like that may be a decorative woman's buckle it's pretty thin I may have hit it with the shovel it was down there pretty deep it's a sweet fine there it's very ornate it'll look good cleaned up probably can't straighten it out though without breaking it all right this hillsides paying off all right how to scare here thought I found my first copper and down a good seven inches really deep wobbly signal not sure what it is it's like an octagon shape or something I don't even think it's a token it's got like a hole in the middle of it or not like a hole I'm not sure well I think there's a design on it hmm most Assad's let me clean up a second yeah there's definitely a pattern on that can't really tell what it is but uh no idea what that is off to clean that up later interesting seems like it's fairly old probably just 1900s but uh check it out later okay guys I decided to work the front lawn real slow again it's the easiest place to hunt where the grass is lowest and I just got a real bouncy wobbly tone it wasn't too deep maybe four or five inches probably four but check the plug I think I got a I think this is a civil war-era bullet I'm not sure it looks like a three ring er 58 caliber probably sweet this is a big one anything that registers in you know below the surface I'm pretty much digging Wow beautiful chunk of old Civil War LED right there it was chasing a super deep target here about almost a foot down you know you look at this side and you think it's just a chunk of copper but I wiped the other side off and it looks silver it's kind of weird but it's not I'm pretty sure it's just aluminum I don't know though I mean that was deep to still look that clean really deep so I don't know that's interesting I'll clean it off later see if I can make any sense out of it alrighty so thinking outside the box when you're hitting a spot that's already been detected before they put down these bores because the driveways a complete wreck and I had a 12:40 tone 108th one of them boards and it's real hard pack underneath there we found a huge Nightcrawler and check out this imprint here anyway I got about four inches down in here and there's the first wheat penny of the heart and it is in 1934 so I'm gonna hunt under these boards by the driveway a little bit more because most of the good targets the majority of the good targets that I found were just in the front yard area and then sloped down toward the front where the hillside is I found a few things in back on this side but not much all right guys run into this board so I'm gonna go ahead and show it to you I'm gonna pull this out of the way and see if I can get it out I don't know how long these have been here obviously not too long could be modern trash could be clad quarter it's a nice high signal I'm gonna check it out and see what we got the other way [Music] a lot of night crawlers over here Oh it's silver see there's the holy Doug right there I just flicked it out some Mercury dime so who knows it could have been a lot more in this yard maybe it's been cherry picked pretty good 1944 sweet I'm gonna keep checking under these boards see if I can find some more okay still moving these boards out of the way and not sure this is that's one huge hunk a copper I believe whopper of a signal on that one there's been some updates to this place this sidewalk that would have gone out to the road at one point you can see it's all grown in and this is isn't very old here and they also redid the porch you can see the cinder block all this tile doesn't seem like it was done too long ago it's a shame that the place is in really bad shape now I don't think it's too far gone you could repair it for sure but uh they keep letting it go longer you can't see in there too well there you go there's a lot of leaks on the inside you can hear dripping they let it go much longer might be beyond rehab but a neat old place that's for sure okay just want to show a shot of the cellar I don't have permission to go down there so I'm not gonna go down I just wanted to take a look and see what it looked like chimneys in good shape it's always the last thing standing on the old houses they build the chimneys better than they do the houses himself a lot of times
Channel: JD's Variety Channel
Views: 3,497,093
Rating: 4.2432938 out of 5
Keywords: Treasure Chest, Deep Hole, Digging, Metal Detecting, Detecting, Hole, Treasure, Deep, Brick House, 1840, Skeleton Key, Key, Old House, Treasure Found, JD's Variety Channel
Id: VXp1a7Q3s30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2017
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