Metal Detecting The Riverfront

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i'm on a little adventure today and i was kind of hoping to get in the water um but it's a little too deep here it's a little deeper than i thought it was going to be and i didn't bring my mask and snorkel and all that stuff i thought it was going to be shallow look now i can get in the water a little bit but out in there is where i really wanted to get and we're not gonna make it today so i decided to come up here and just look around on the bank a little bit and i got a bunch of signals i've been digging a few things including guess what civil war bullets look at that um i got a burn that's a burnside carbine or burnside yeah carbine and a uh another smaller bull i can't remember what those are another pistol bullet and a mashed up uh mini ball or some other thing lots of signals here and neat thing about it is is that it's like hard pan so the stuff's right on the surface i'm getting like modern fishing sinkers and other stuff too but since i started digging a few bullets i thought we'd dig a few together if you don't mind i think they're all fired though unfortunately but we're gonna look around just a little bit uh we're just gonna go along the bank here and see we can see if it gets shallowed out a little bit we may go out in the water the problem is right now it's um it's getting kind of later in the fall and i didn't bring my wetsuit today because i wasn't hoping i'd have to get very wet but i didn't realize it's going to be pretty deep right here i think i might be able to eyeball some stuff though huh genie i don't all right let's look around see what we can find hopefully we'll find a couple cannonballs some watering here look at that all right let's get back at it see if we can find a few more what do you say that little signal right here and i can see it reads about like a bullet but if you look it is a sinker this is a fishing weight made out of lead looks like it's happening out so that's about the size of one of those pistol bullets right there that have a pound mini ball weighs about an ounce roughly let's go along look a little bit together what's iron you're not hearing much now it's kind of funny get like three bullets almost right off the bat right in this little spot i don't hear that very well but i don't want to take my headphones off just in case they get in the water all right hoping to get at least one signal for you it's back to silent search okay there's a little something there all right let's see what we've got here right right there the other ones are pretty much right on the surface so let's see what we've got still in there's a little bit of a squeak to it now of course i didn't take bring a digger because i was hoping to be in the water didn't bring it bigger oh it's a bullet lucky yay that might be a drop too huh that might be a drop mini wash it off take a look what do you say you know what i think we'll definitely be getting in the water here but i want to bring my uh either come in the summertime that's fired either come in the summertime or uh bring my wetsuit next time that's a nice little mini ball 58 caliber mini ball that's fired but it's a nice little one see any more i imagine we'll probably find some in the water here but gosh that's not too bad well by the way the paw paws are just coming right but i had a few on the way in but i didn't do a video because i didn't know if i was going to find anything down here today just cover the hole up and keep moving what do you say another nice little squeaker here is that it oh it's just another bullet awesome that's another burnside carbine probably fired but i don't know for sure but i saw something else as i was getting my camera to show you that check this out tree right here is a persimmon tree these little baby persimmons see them now if you want to eat one of those right now it would absolutely well i'll show you now persimmons are best they have to be right you know cleaning up a little bit so persimmon's the best after like a frost so we haven't had a frost yet but we're getting close to it right now they're very very astringent meaning that i guess it's astringent it'll just like dry your mouth out like crazy give you the pucker factor if you know what i mean if you bite into them now after the ripe are really sweet yeah it's actually yeah right now i can feel this sensation going across my lips and my tongue my mouth it's like almost making it numb but i don't think it's really numb it's just kind of a puckery feeling you see this one's actually starting to turn color so it's not too bad you get the really green ones they're horrible but when they're nice and ripe boy they're delicious as sweet as honey all right back to digging what do you say right at the base of the persimmon tree got a nice signal right there probably above it you see it hopefully we can see it in there somewhere anytime it's in that litter like that leaf litter it makes me a little nervous could be like something floated down the river but i don't see it so let's go ahead and once that's it yeah it definitely moved so it was on the surface whatever it was could be uh i don't see it though do you i know it's in there it could be this clawed i guess that might be right there it can be like a sliver or lead too okay whatever is in my hand yeah that's what it is that is a sliver of lead that's from a fire bullet one that impacted the rock and it just kind of shattered into a bunch of pieces if you can imagine a lead shattering i guess it more like peeled apart really all right we'll dig a few more and then we'll gonna move on down the river uh see if there's any other hot spots and maybe find a shallower spot too that would at least get in the water a little bit today another little signal right in here that sounds pretty good this is actually buried though should be right here let's hope that could be right there now let's hope we could just like do a bunch of fanning today but in the water let's see what we've got all right right about there must be uh yes in my hand that's another little baby bullet some sort a little pistol bullet of some caliber probably 45 caliber it's probably a colt right there but i'm not 100 on it another nice little pistol bullet sweet a signal right here there's a camp across the river uh another bullet so they probably used the rocks over here for target practice it's another mini ball beautiful shape almost looks dropped that it could be nice yeah you know what you know i was actually hoping to move down the river a good bit and kind of scope it out but i might just hang around here for a while just dig some of these bullets i haven't really dug too many in a while so the water's probably just paved with them i guess we'll just look here for now what do you say well i decided to wade out into the water just a little bit just to see and you know there's a few bullets out here but um i found something else pretty interesting lookie i just found an exploded artillery shell so pretty awesome right there it's a nice piece of artillery shell from the american civil war this tells me we're gonna have to get out in the water for sure wetsuit next time they come i promise and hopefully that'll be soon i just found another bullet this is a fired uh williams cleaner in the water this is pretty awesome right here man i think what we're gonna do we're gonna look around just a little bit longer uh but we're definitely coming back here probably in a couple days i'll bring my wetsuit my mask and all that stuff and we'll get out there and really tear it up what do you say i'm on the water just a little bit trying not to get too too wet but i just found a big old piece of uh cooking pot it's pretty cool right there that's awesome not finding much else so just a few fire bullets that's it really so we'll keep that a little bit longer got another giant piece just up river from it that's pretty awesome right there i love it we just have another nice piece tell you what i'm going to do is i'm going to pile this up i'm going to get my boat in here for sure and we'll pick it up then well i was actually headed back to the vehicle i've been hunting around for about an hour and i think i found one more bullet and a couple other little you know modern things uh but i just got a big old signal and i'm looking down i haven't dug it out yet just kind of clean it off i think it might be an artillery shell at least i'm hoping so and if it is i think we're going to have to come back for sure i was actually kind of not thinking about doing it this year because i got some other spots i want to work on but what do you say look at it together there had my fingers on it sure does feel like one hope it's not a piece of pipe i'm gonna put you under okay so you know what that means hold your [Music] breath [Music] [Music] so oh that's kind of worse than a pizza pipe that's actually a uh old propane tank kind of used for camping all right man i thought i really had one oh well maybe we won't come back i don't know well just found an old army entrenching tool so i don't know if that goes along with a propane tank for a camper or if that goes along with another detectorist look how it's uh oh carotid oh well she'll shake the coins from your pocket take your gold chain and your lock it mother earth has no sympathy she'll take the ring from your hand and bury it in the sand and keep it for eternity mother earth she's got her secrets she's promised to keep hidden in her dirt or deep in her creek mother earth she ain't saying exactly what she's saving where it is or what it might be [Music] mother earth you are my lady my big round baby i'll rock you until i go to sleep she don't care if you're dying or if you're living or somewhere in between mother birth you are my lady my big grand baby and i'll rock you until i go to sleep she'll shake the coins
Channel: Aquachigger
Views: 45,409
Rating: 4.9654155 out of 5
Keywords: metal detecting, magnet fishing, river treasure, aqua chigger, aquachigger, beau ouimette, family friendly, outdoor adventure, treasure hunting, metal detector, relic hunting, river hunting, river finds, how to metal detect, metal detector (hobby), river metal detecting, found underwater, finding stuff in the river, kid friendly, underwater metal detecting, water hunting, civil war history, river detecting, metal detectors
Id: dmf13tH6d_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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