Incredible Metal Detector Finds

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imagine finding an incredible fortune buried in the woods or even your own backyard well for some people the seemingly crazy fantasy isn't so far from reality thanks to the power of metal detectors every now and then lucky people have found unbelievable wealth waiting just below the surface so grab your detector as I share with you the ultimate tales of inspiration to head out in search of your Millions number 10 beginner's luck in 2013 ordinary British citizen Wesley Carrington purchased a metal detector a mere twenty minutes into his first time ever using it he discovered a hidden stash of Roman gold coins these were estimated to be worth nearly a hundred and twenty-seven thousand dollars this could well be the most profitable instance of beginner's luck ever recorded Wesley later joked to the press that he peaked early in his career as a metal detectorists considering many spent decades to find little more than Cola cans I'd say he was right the coins have been laying in wait only 7 inches underground for 1,700 years and have been described by historians as being of national significance due to the rarity of gold coins of this quality despite joining a metal detecting Club Wesley is yet to replicate his lucky find number 9 a meteoric success in 2012 trawling the plains of Rio Rancho New Mexico with a metal detector that his grandpa made him 13 year-old Jensen Lyons discovered something out of this world a two-pound meteorite the Galactic fine was designated as a large nickel iron chondrite a variety formed from cosmic dust in the formative years of our solar system Jansen's discovery had lay in place for an estimated ten thousand years before its discovery making its touchdown long before recorded history even began a small piece of the meteorite is now on display at the University of New Mexico but the teenager kept the rest despite its estimated value of over a thousand dollars this kid could write the book on honourable detectorists conduct number eight Oh hoard worth hoarding in 2010 Englishman Dave Crisp hit the detectorists jackpot near Somerset England he found the Frome whore which is a colossal stash of over fifty thousand Roman coins the coins which were mostly made from silver and bronze were found inside a ceramic pot and comprise one of the largest horts ever dug up in Britain unlike some lucky metal heads crisp said that in his prior 22 years of metal detecting he had never found anything nearly as interesting as this for crisp perseverance paid off as he took home half of the four hundred and five thousand five hundred and twenty seven dollars the hoard sold for the other half going to the owner of the land he found it on a nice gesture but also enforced by the law number seven off-road not all of the amazing things found using metal detectors were crafted thousands of years ago in 1966 an entire 1913 Ford Model T was found by a group of enthusiastic detectorists but it wasn't a complete chance discovery people went out looking for it after a Detroit DJ shared the story of a local named Perry Andrews who supposedly buried the vehicle in the 1920s according to local legend he buried his beloved car in an attempt to preserve its value but was unable to retrieve it later number six medieval bling if the entries on this list are anything to go by England is the place to go if you want to make money in the world of metal detecting this is backed up by a discovery that packed a significant financial punch for its small size when it was dug up in 2009 in a field near ezarik North Yorkshire detector is stumbled upon a ring forged of gold with a blue gemstone and a red glass close na an ancient metalworking technique the discoverers reported their fine to the portable antique scheme and after a funding campaign by the Yorkshire museum sold it to them to the tune of forty four thousand three hundred and twenty one dollars much like Bill Bowes finger bling a group of experts gathered to discuss its fate in 2013 it became the subject of much academic interest with most historians believing that it dates back to the fifth or sixth century from somewhere in Europe likely belonging to a member of a royal family this inference came from the sheer craftsmanship of the ring which is particularly impressive considering its age now it's just a matter of finding the accompanying manuscript full of frustrated curses from the devastated loser of the Ring number 5 sippin on well in 2001 metal detectorists cliff bradshaw discovered a dirty crumpled cup in the English county of Kent but this wasn't the aftermath of a Kent University student shindig the cup found to be fashioned of a single lump of gold was purchased by the British Museum for 270 thousand pounds which was then five hundred and twenty thousand dollars the ring Almir Gold Cup dates all the way back to the Bronze Age proving to the lesson form that not everything was made of bronze in that period unfortunately the cup was badly crushed sometime between the year it was made in the year of its discovery so it is no longer a very practical piece of dinnerware part of me hopes though that the night watchman at the British Museum sneaks it out for his evening cup of joe number four helmet head a severed head is the last thing a detectorists expects to trigger their trusty device but a severed head is exactly what an unnamed detectorists found on an exploration near Crosby Garrett England or so it seemed defined since name the Crosby Garrett helmet isn't actually composed of flesh it's a copper Roman cavalry helmet from the late second or early third century it looks like it would be very hard to see out of so perhaps the owner walked hard into a treat killing himself historians disagree with my theory however suggesting that the helmet was intentionally placed into a man-made stone structure rather than misplaced or left with the corpse of a clumsy fashionista it was likely a ceremonial helmet not a tactical one which explains how small the aisles are Ralph Jackson senior curator of romano-british collections described the helmet thought to be inspired by the Trojans as an outstandingly important find interestingly enough the helmet was sold at auction for 3.6 million but not to a museum the Tully House Museum got outbid by an anonymous private buyer so while it has appeared temporarily at various museums is personally owned by someone somewhere I certainly hope it makes a regular appearance at costume parties at three point six million dollar mass makes for a not-so-subtle flex and an undeniably stylish accessory just watch out for trees number three in ocean of wealth despite everyone's love for the underdog not all buried treasure can be found by total amateurs case in point a gold chalice from a 17th century Spanish shipwreck was discovered in the Florida Keys by diving company Bluewater ventures despite his professional training this was 20 year old diver Michael de Mars first-ever treasure find seemingly another spectacular instance of beginner's luck he told reporters that when his detector began beeping he thought it was a beer can at first but he investigated further good thing he did because the two handled ornate chalice had an estimated value upwards of 1 million dollars the company was investigating the shipwreck of the Santa Margarita which is thought to have sunk during a vicious storm at 1622 and has been a source of riches for many si trawlers over the past few decades the chalice is thought to have been the property of one of the ships wealthy passengers and was possibly used for communion d'amour and his co-workers certainly paid homage to the cups past in this regard before passing it on to experts the discoverers said that they all drank some champagne out of the chalice which is the only rational response to a discovery of this kind number two lucky hands and wealthy boots in 1989 a local prospector from Sonora Mexico purchased a cheap metal detector at Radio Shack in the whimsical pursuit of a new hobby a few days later to his astonishment he discovered something amazing the largest existing gold nugget ever found by detectorists in the Western Hemisphere the so called boot of Cortez the Nugget which as per its name is shaped like a boot weighs a staggering 389 troy ounces troy ounces by the way are a special unit of measurement used by the precious metals industry in case Imperial measurements weren't overly complicated enough the boot of Cortez is 10 inches tall and 7 inches wide and it's rare level of purity and intriguing shape combined its massive size make the boot of Cortez extremely valuable it's sold an auction for over 1 and a half million dollars in 2008 now here's why I had to specify that the boot of Cortez is the biggest existing nugget found by detectors to know Western Hemisphere in 1980 a gold nugget called the hand of faith was discovered in Australia by metal detectorists Kevin Hillier it weighed 875 troy ounces which totally blows that old gold boot out of the water this golden beast is considered the largest nugget ever found by metal detector Hillier however wasn't quite as good at bartering as his Mexican counterpart despite almost double the boots weight Hillier received just over 1 million for his find before I get to the number 1 spot here are a few notably ridiculous honourable mentions English woman Karen Wooley freaked out when her 100 year old diamond ring a family heirloom disappeared after becoming suspicious of her ever hungry puppy she ran a metal detector over them the ominous beeping confirmed her suspicions with the assistance of a veterinarian the ring was removed from the pup before it attempted to pass at the old fashioned way next up a landowner in Oxfordshire England who earned his mention despite his poor memory he found a 2000 year old Roman statuette while a metal detecting one day left it in the used margarine tub and then forgot about it for 10 years luckily a detectorists asking him for access to his land made him remember the statue but unfortunately it said had fallen off during its time as a rather elaborate condiment in a dirty corner of the refrigerator number 1 pennies of Prosperity reg mead and Richard miles are the rock star detector world quite a title I know they began detecting in a field on the east side of Jersey England in the early 1980s they believe the area had promised because a farmer had discovered some old coins there a few years prior and though it wasn't an easy task they turned out to be right it took them 30 years to find what would come to be known as the groove of hoard because the owner of the farm only let them go detecting once a year for one day only after all his crops had been harvested it all paid off in 2012 when Mead and miles found an estimated 70,000 late Iron Age and Roman coins worth anywhere between 9 million and 18 million dollars historians speculate that the hoard may have been part of a Celtic coin minting operation but one thing's for certain the coins had lay buried for as long as two thousand years the greevil hoard is the largest ever found in Jersey and the first major find on the whole island so it turns out that guy lugging his metal detector down to the beach every day isn't so crazy after all judging by these tales though you may be better off heading to the English countryside aren't you inspired to head out detector at hand and dig for your fortune or have you found anything cool with a metal detector before let me know in the comment section down below thanks for watching you
Channel: BE AMAZED
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Keywords: beamazed, be amazed, top 10
Id: VjrUgxhdcdE
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Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 20 2019
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