Sealed Bag Found Metal Detecting Pennsylvania Woods on 500 Acre Dairy Farm Settled in 1841!

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you [Music] you [Music] there you are welcome to the video everyone we're going to be exploring around a dairy farm so as I give you a quick tour of the place I'm staying I'm going to fill you in on everything that's going on so if you're watching this video right now everything you're about to see has already taken place so I am in Pennsylvania right now I kind of did a trip on a whim scheduled it I shouldn't say scheduled it I didn't really know I was coming until the day before but I got to do a lot while I was in I got to meet up with my brother who I haven't seen in years and also I own a duplex here in the state of Pennsylvania that I used to live in and one of the tenants moved out so I had to do a lot of work and cleaning to the one unit so I spent all day two days ago doing that and then yesterday I was able to spend the entire day here on this roughly 500 acre dairy farm which was absolutely awesome and today I'm going to just be doing some other stuff and then heading home probably won't get any detecting in but we found a lot of cool stuff here and it was an absolute blast I got to explore all day here I Network with some local farmers to set up this permission and it worked out really well for this trip and I had an awesome time and I've found a bucket list or something that was really cool and just had a good time overall it's nice to be back in Pennsylvania that's for sure for everyone who doesn't know I grew up in Pennsylvania and I haven't been here for many years many years since around the time I started the YouTube channel so it's a bit nostalgic that's for sure so that was your quick little tour of the farmhouse now I hope you enjoy me metal detecting around the old farmhouses and structures on this property as well as some of the fields it's a very cool place that dates back to 1841 when it was originally settled well hopefully this is a sign of things to come I literally moved right off the front porch and I got a penny from 1976 it was about an inch and a half down in this nice rich soil now let's get on to something a little bit older so I moved into the side yard trying to find some older stuff my last three targets I got this old piece of scrap copper a live round and a quarter from 1985 and that took the last couple minutes so I'll keep searching well I've been digging a lot of modern coins and I working my way around trying to find an older patch and I got me a bunch of old iron links so it looks like a lot of grounds been disturbed here and some of it turned over throughout the years probably as part of the farm fields but now there's some section of this yard that seemed like original soil you never know what's gonna pop up so we'll keep digging alright guys I'm really happy right now I've been out here for an hour haven't been finding much other than some modern change up by the house like nothing older than the 1970s just a lot of deep aluminum you can tell most of this area down here has been plowed I just made it first for me can't believe I found this probably doesn't have to do with this building here it's gonna be much older getting down into the edge of the farm fields I am so happy I just found my first ever Crowell Bell and it is complete that is absolutely amazing it's full of dirt so I don't know if the dingers in it Wow look at the patina on that I am so happy right now so I'm definitely gonna check the best I can in these fields up until about where their crops start and see it this way I can do all this kind of lumpy area up and through here where they didn't plant if I found this who knows what else could be back here it's so amazing about five minutes into trying to wash all the dirt out of this and we got it singing that is so awesome love the detail on this thing too let's shut that off absolutely amazing finally knocked one off the bucket list that is super cool the wind is fierce up here now so not sure how this is gonna turn out but I got really deep here and I'm not sure what this is this is really super hard packing and almost looks like a piece of I don't know something out there like this might be an old car I'm about six inches down the hardpack and where they used to have fields here really wedged down in there this took me five minutes to dig out so I'm gonna finish plopping it out we'll see what it is it's can't do it on camera and then dig around it carefully and see what we got okay I just loosened it up you can see part of that here I was right it's a wheel it is a large old toy truck part of one got orange paint on it it's not in the greatest shape looks like it's been hit by a plow at some point but how about that that is so cool it's really grown in out here where they don't maintain fields anymore it's about almost you know about 10 inches high so it's hard swing in here but I'm able to pick out the big targets and that's an oldie right there that's probably gonna go back to around World War two give or take really old toy truck right there a little bit busted off but man that was wedged down in this hard pack and about eight inches down I'll see if I can figure out anything about it later like exactly what kind it is but cool piece of American history right there so I'm working this little high point behind the house where the brush isn't grown up as much in the center of it and right there I just got an ATV key not sure if it's just me but I think I found like an old-school style walkie-talkie push right here 10-4 no idea it says pace on the front of it and ants build a nest and it got to keep shaking my hand off see they're all down there it says something back here path calm incorporated Harbor City huh pretty interesting cracking signal right there listen to it nice well this had me scared for a second I'm not sure what it is I don't think it's very old man did it would give a lasting signal it does not want to come out of there [Music] there we go yeah there you go squirt squirt squirt well now quite what we're looking for but it is a target well of course the cans gonna sound really good never seen this type of can though before real draft premium beer huh somebody tell me how old that is I have no idea Brooklyn New York anyhow carrying on oh let's take a look at the top oh yeah old style tab there may be 1960s on that one or early 70s that's my guess well and back in the yard portion I'm pretty sure there was excavation done at some point most of its sort of a mixture of soils and a bunch of little rocks mixed in a few areas or original soil but uh anyhow can't crack sort of the 1970s on the coins got a nice signal here and there's a 1980 Canadian cent so at least something a little bit different no old coins are relics from right around the house the old stuffs in the fields but that's a cool find anyway I'll keep looking all right so the house is way up there and I'm just looking on the back end out in these fields real pretty out here very happy to be in Pennsylvania doing this type of metal detecting but I just looking by this not so old Appletree figured very high back here got a bleach cap them in and ago that's an older one and looks like I got the leash from the farmers old dog so I'm not going to show these tags unless I kind of cover these normally have like the exact address or area that I'm in so I'll clean them off and we'll see how old they are and I'll let you know but I got the whole leash this time and you can see right here that this rabies vaccination tag is from 1997 so it's not too particularly old and the one above it or the green one is 1998 it is very overcast right now we're just looking over here around the shed on the opposite end of the house which is back under there now holdout building over there you got a slamming signal here and just an odd fine but I kind of like it it's just a melted lump a lead very smooth was a very interesting chunk of lead right there I will keep on the search I'm getting plenty of trash that I'm not showing I've been out here probably two two and a half hours maybe probably closer to two this is the most interesting find in a little while I unfolded it a tube of absolutely tasteless odourless USP mineral oil it appears to be older trash anyway the old typical style lids that I find a lot around the old houses normally just find this little portion right here on the top put on occasion you get the whole tube rolled up and this time we did know we've got a nicer relic right here I was up by this pole where they put in for a nightlight like a street light and right under the surface I thought it was just going to be some modern brass but it's much older it's a looks to be quite old brass buckle solid very solid this is a good find right there that's there actually the first nice relic from the yard portion here nice we'll keep looking maybe something else down here I just found something here I have no idea what it is it says duckbill something 18 or 38 very odd looks like it's hollow on that in kind of tapers out I honestly have no idea what that is I'm sure somebody knows but that has me baffled it's like there's a hole on maybe both sides here or something went through their answers in the comments please alrighty so here's the scoop I got permission to search all of the farm now not just the farmhouse that I've been looking around so I'm taking a trek now to explore some more of this 500 acre property there are multiple old home sites as well as an 1841 log cabin now that's part of the original settlement house I'm not certain if the cabin is like in its original location or if there's too much ground to work around it to preserve it but I guess we're gonna find out because I'm gonna probably start looking there I got a little a little bit of walk here but most of the fields are planted unfortunately they will find able to find that chronal bail you can see behind me here most of the filter planet but I mean I'm gonna start around the structures because I'm going to assume I'm gonna I'm assuming I'll find at least one hot spot so I'm gonna start around to some of the other structures on the property see how that goes and if it's a little slow we'll hit the edge of the farm fields here so I'm gonna get Viking down here I got my pack on the t2 the shovel I got water everything you can think of in my backpack that I'll need to be out here for the next several hours now once we got to do is dig up some goodies I'll see you in a minute so we think we're on the log cabin it's gonna be a bust I just got this piece of junk metal here but I wanted to show you that in this hole here there's a lot of old material that I think they dozed around and leveled this ground with other than this had been finding big pieces of farm iron and cans and of various depths a lot of big deep overload signals so I think we've done something to the ground here unfortunately but I'll give it a little bit longer and if that doesn't pan out then I'm gonna start looking behind one of the old houses so I'm on the slope behind one of the old farm houses now and where they run their dairy operations is right behind me thankfully it doesn't look like any of this has been disturbed or at least we're gonna start telling the story now the soil looks original right here I had to sell a coin tone about four inches down and I popped this oh it's not a weed scent I thought it was going to be but it is a copper Memorial and it seems like it was a natural depth it's nineteen seventy something so I think there's going to be some old stuff in here let's get going so I just searched behind this old house that's on the property I'm not exactly certain at the age but it looks like it's early 1900s if I had to put a guess on it but anyway they're dairy operation is all on behind here you can see all the other buildings behind it and unfortunately over the years maybe too many pipes and different things put in to get up to the road something's happened to the ground here there's really not anything old other than a bit of modern scrap down in there in about the last 35 minutes all's I've been able to find was two pennies from the 70s one from 1963 and I got that piece of pottery in the hole with one of my other targets so uh I'm gonna move on from here I've got a couple other places to look on the property and now if it doesn't pan out we'll head into the edge of the farm fields well we may have to stick around here a little bit longer I came into the section where the grass is higher and it looks like original soil right here on this little patch kind of in behind the house between here and the road and that's the 1841 cabin right up there that's been redone and I had a really Scratchy nickel signal a good probably five inches down you see the edge of it there I hope that's not a shotgun shell headstamp it looks like the edge of an old nickel I'm gonna go ahead and pop it oh it is a nickel question is how old is it going to be it's a buffalo nickel dad is sweet all right so I'm gonna grid this little area here and behind this house I'm glad I didn't give up I was just trying to test some of the deeper faint targets anything I could find and that's the only signal I could lock onto for now but I'm gonna keep working it because if this is down here there could be more so the buffalo nickel is very corroded upon cleaning but when you get it at the right lighting angle I do believe this to be a 1919 making it a hundred years old on the button I am so glad I found a little patch of dirt here that's original because I've spent probably a good three and a half hours on this property today working for everything I found I went up about two and a half feet maybe from that buffalo nickel had a really deep faint signal in the low 80s and it looks like we got a coin in the bottom of the hole probably a wheat penny to go along with that Buffalo that's what I would guess yes it is a wheat cent and I cleaned up the Buffalo a little bit I couldn't see the date and this wheat cent is 1941 or I can't tell the last digit it's 40 something which is another old coin so I'm gonna grid this little area here maybe three by three yards or so might be more lockdown it's been five minutes or so dug a few pieces scrapp I was able to locate another deep signal bouncing low to mid-80s we got all kind of ants and larvae down in this hole but I check out that right there that's what we're looking for looks like a really green penny oh yeah that's a sharp weedy that might be an oldie dude that's a 1909 does it have I can't believe it does it have the VDB on the back I've never found one with the VDB man that's in good condition for a first year hopefully the corrosion means it was stuck to another coin I doubt it but turn the pinpointer back on I'm gonna check that closely you know it was by itself there it appears let me get my naked eye on this and I'm gonna check it out I check this 1909 carefully and unfortunately there is no VDB on the reverse there by the rim I don't know why the VDB has been so elusive to me but I'm sure I'll find one someday but there it is first year issue 1909 Lincoln wheat scent okay I had a really deep signal here down about 8 inches I thought it was just gonna be a piece of trash and I got way down there and check it out I think it's the piece of a giant coronal bail I'm almost certain that's what it is it looks has the same patina as they want is the small one I found earlier and it's round I'm almost 100% certain that's a big chunk of a giant coronal bail that was much deeper than the coins and in the section it's not like the real rich original soil so maybe they dug this one up and they were putting some pipes and you can see the pattern on it right there that is cool all right let's keep searching a little probably about five by five yards right here is where all these little targets are coming from so I'm taking a break in the shade I couldn't find anything else behind that old house over there except for the two wheats that buffalo nickel and the piece of the chronal bill and then a lot of modern trash mostly this is the 1841 cabin which I was not able to find anything in through here other than some cans aluminum cans that were deep as well as some big farm iron that was it the soil was has definitely been disturbed there so I just started coming over this way and working my way over my way over to another old house over here which I'm not sure of the age on it's not super old they could have built this one after they obtained the farm in the 1930s so that could be you know like closer to around the world war two give or take it's working the field in between in the shade and I found a modern quarter right there at least it's a target trying to get onto another patch of oldies an update it's been about 20 minutes I started making my way toward that other house that's behind the log cabin right there it appears to be a fairly new house I looked at the style of the brick in the siding I think it might be a newer home that's kind of made to look a little bit older so it may not be older than like 3040 years or something like that I wasn't finding anything over there I did a quick pass around the reconstructed 1841 log cabin and nothing again desperately needed some shade and figured we'd come over here now I don't know if there was ever any structures back here I doubt it it's kind of on the edge but for as long as this property has been inhabited it's possible there could be stuff back over here in this young forest so there's the tippy-top of the farmhouse apart by where I found the complete Crowell bill and I would look in here maybe I'll do a couple of these areas where it's really low but it's kind of tough swinging in through here but I may give this a go because there could be some stuff in here as well but for now since it looks a lot easier in there I'm going to hop on into the woods laughter as soon as I find a way through this brush line where they piled this all up probably down there then I crawl over there back into the woods and we're gonna see if we can locate us some old relics so maybe we'll find an old dump back here there's an old pot of some kind not sure why they got these back here that's the only sign I see if man-made objects at the moment it's possible this and through here could have been farmland at one point as well because all of these trees seemed fairly young I'm not seeing any with a wide enough circumference that I would assume are older than maybe 30 years old a barrel gear down all right so I just point fascinating back here we at least know there's going to be tin in the ground I'm gonna try to stay away from these large objects you'll be down this way more the original Road should be maybe 50 yards up that way not very far maybe a little bit further than that we got here this is cool cloverleaf unloader adjustable I can't read that there you might be able to can read Ohio on it you can't read the whole thing for the you find her some kind of gigantic old piece of farm equipment I assume it's got like a pulley system here pretty fancy - I'm definitely glad I came back here maybe this is more of that system that almost looks like a rail where something can run along the edge of it I'm not too sure the other stuff all under here yeah cheer more tune [Applause] all right I think it's time to get the detector out what do you say if I can remember where I said it okay literally right where I set my detector in my shovel down there was this little bag here under the brush a little bit and I thought it was empty but I picked it up and there is something in this ziplock bag I can't tell what it is well you know we're definitely doing it live if I can get it open and set the camera down here a second I said it let's try set it right here there we go how to work perfect okay there's just some kind of accessories it looks like a tag off of something I'm not sure what oh there's a little band to wonder if these are no they don't look quite like bird bands or wrap their own pieces of aluminum though to ban something I don't know what this one here not sure if you can see that it says uh PA eight zero zero one two PA for Pennsylvania that's where I'm at right now in this little band here it will crimped around piece of aluminum says PA two two two zero two and they're aluminum so uh I think that was it yeah I think there's just piece of dirt down to some dirt down in there with it but that's it that's what was in the bag I'm a pretty interesting you know it's not a pile of old coins but hey I like oddball stuff like that yeah it's right here where I was showing these uh pots earlier they've been down here a long time rotted through stacked in there oh this is my kind of place back here that's for sure I won't keep you a king huh yeah you just seen right here behind that drum but uh yeah really look around here quite a bit I'll price 10 minutes spend at least an hour back here well I called this one first repeatable signal down here in the woods Jaime and 'red about 15 yards from the brush line over there yeah and a shotgun shell headstamp Peters 12-gauge I'm sure there's plenty of these back here and try to skip those signals see if we can pick out anything a little more interesting not much back here yet haven't even been able to isolate any iron patches alright but uh got another shotgun head stamped there and this one's really old we got the paper cartridge mostly still intact they're pretty remarkable that's crazy that one is a super X got to be something else back here so I found a little creek that I didn't know ran through here and I'm not talking about what I'm pointing out here you can see how it snakes down through here and washes out here probably when they have a lot of rainfall draining you can see all the exposed roots down and through here and you can see where they were it deposited all this material and it's mounted up so it's always good in areas where you're finding a lot of targets to check these areas that are washed out there can be things right on the surface and generally you don't find anything good where everything's piled up but you should check anyway but anyhow I'm gonna work the edge of the creek down here because I assume back in the day there have been kids and people back down in here now this isn't much of a stream but its water in water is a magnet for activity running down through here so I'm gonna check out around the banks and maybe get my shoes off and get in there but it looks like a lot of it kind of settled down in there it's like looks like really goopy a lot of sediment so probably stick the edges right now I can see another it looks to be some sort of like oil drum or something back there so maybe we'll find something let's grab the detector should probably quit set into places so I don't lose it so this was pretty odd ran over these with the detector they were sitting right on the surface looks like lumps of coal some sort of hot rocks anyway pretty fascinating I'll just let those go but uh found some more signs of humans I turned my discrimination all the way down to listen for iron started noticing sent a little bit of iron around here and this is gonna tell us something got this stake in the ground nails all through it I'm sure there's getting a lot of iron around it which I'm assuming is mostly nails haven't had any non ferrous signals yet and I caught some stuff out of the corner of my eye and we're gonna take a look at it live some sort of crate metal lining on the inside old blue paint on it it appears you got something down here what's left of an old chair oh man I remember these things these things were going out of style right about the time I was growing up I think the last one I've seen with public in the 90s huh a little bit of a clearing here right on the edge it's a bucket over there yeah we'll poke around here a little bit see if we can find anything the streams just right there kind of working it as close as I can it's really grown in and just sort of walking down it's so funny I didn't notice this the first time because I was doing random passes up through there I came through once and spent most of my time down here but now when I look at it sideways it's the old at least an old fence line of some sort post post you can see them they kind of go down there's some missing some in really bad shape but they continue down this way one one growing in between the tree there this is an old fence line potentially an old property boundary so I haven't been able to find anything no non-ferrous yet but uh I'm gonna give it a little bit longer yeah the fence is long gone you know I can't I don't see any remnants of it it's just a post with some of the iron staples and some nails in them maybe if they expanded I know they're properly expanded over the years maybe they brought bought the adjoining property and came down here and I clipped all the wire that is a possibility because normally you'd at least see some remnants of fence you can see a little bit here running through there let's see how far it goes outside of the woods here and now I can't go in this way this is where this little young for stops we got a post here old one right there really old one and it continues down through there one right there so old property boundary okay guys so I'm in the farmhouse that I detected as the first part of the hunt earlier in the day where I found the chronal bell the old toy truck and some coins and odds and ends and later on in the day is when I hunted the old 1841 cabin and the other house that is down there by the dairy operation and then the woods that I searched in you can kind of see where they start there and it goes the whole way back that way so we put in a total of maybe around four and a half five hours of searching today and I've just been chilling out for the last few hours here and we're not done I'm gonna go back in this evening and work in through some of these rows where they haven't planted and there's a few nooks and crannies there where everything isn't very high and we're gonna see if we can pull anything else out because there was definitely old relics down around in this portion so this is just a snapshot of what I've dug so far today - they're like really really good stuff or at least the small or decent stuff but anyway it's just I'm not even to say enough and I'll just pan through it because you've seen it all in the video or most of it I haven't showed all the trash obviously but this truck ended up being a Tutsi toy made in USA awesome it's unfortunate that it was out in the fields and the plow got it but I hate what he gonna do I didn't show that just a old clock part always like finding those and that's the more scrappy scrap down there so that's it so far got about two hours before dark I'll probably do I'll probably swing for about an hour and we'll see what happens let's add to the pile houses up there I found this little area that they cleared but didn't plant so I'm kind of working down and through here and so far I just got a can lid and I cut something here well I don't know if I call it funny but it was at least surprising to me cuz this is the first time it's ever happened to me I got a faint signal here I just found a a bird band and unfortunately it still got the birdies leg in it so I can look that up and see what type of bird it was but there you go let's see the year on that I think it says 2010 yeah it's 2010 bird band alrighty we'll keep looking in through here not a lot of space but there are some other areas I can go to okay so in researching this bird band I went to the USGS website to go ahead and report the band this is the first time I've ever done this and I found out it is not actually a federal band but there's a lot of different when you start filling out the forms you just keep going through option after option and even when you get to the page about the the band the bird the date etc there's even an option here to select found band or band number only including metal detecting so you would select that if you found it and you can keep going through the prompts but anyway I wanted to show you here because I was trying to figure out where it was from I found this little question mark here and it shows you at the bottom if the band has the letters äúi FC u n PA or Hebe it is probably a pigeon band and then that they don't keep records of those and it gives a website here of where to go to try to track down your pigeon band so it takes you to this website the American Racing Pigeon Union incorporated and on that website it breaks them down by the you know different numbers listed on the band mind being if' so that sends me to this website which is the International Federation American homing pigeon fanciers incorporated where they basically have racing pigeons and things like that it's quite interesting very extensive website so I even went to a lost and found here and it shows you how to care for pigeons if you find one and a how to try to get it back to its rightful owner and even here at the bottom it also says if you are if you're out with your metal detector and find a band you may be able to track where the band is from the website too so I went to their band list which starts in 2000 goes to the current year and they have records of where the bands are font from mine is from 2010 so I went from the 2010 band list and I was able to find out the going through this list that the homing pigeon that I found was from Cedar Grove New Jersey or at least somewhere in that area so I'm gonna go ahead and shoot them an email and just let them know where I found the band in case that information can be useful from them for them and for anyone who's interested in all of this I will put links in the description the next target is what you might call it I have no idea on that one I don't hunt farm fields too frequently so I'm not up on my farm junk but I think that's just off some sort of equipment no idea what though so I've spent the last hour plus searching the edge of these fields and haven't been able to come up with anything other than some junk but hey I tried I'm going to work my way back to the house now and go through them fields a little bit more in through here where I found some of my good targets earlier today but just a beautiful evening out here I wanted to do those strips up in between the fields but the grass is just too high so I stuck to hugging along the edges and I've been the whole way over that hillside about almost a half mile that way working my way around this huge property it is absolutely beautiful out here this evening and a successful day overall I had a lot of fun definitely had a lot of fun out here so let's head back on that way and see if we can get us one more nice old relic on the last clip I was standing right there so I walked the whole way up here the only thing I found in the last five minutes working my way over the Iron Horse tech ring about right over here it seems like most of my old stuff has been on this side of the property I locked into a dream signal best when I've had all day as far as high conductive and small on the size perfect 89 90 87 sometimes the pinpointer all the way let's try one live why not we're about to wrap it up here could this be the nice old silver dime or quarter I've been waiting for all day hopefully hopefully but if not that is okay because I've got some really cool stuff today and a huge pile of trash as well I think it's just further down it's like it wants to read it hopefully this is not iron tripping you signal got worse I'll fish it out off-camera and we'll see what it is how's it got deeper and deeper I was thinking man maybe this is a large cent not sure how well you can see it down there but uh went down about six inches in this dry hard pack and it's a nice brass buckle the iron tongue I disintegrated as I was pulling it out there you go nice brass force tech buckle what a good signal that gave off so I'm working up and down through here north to south at least from my perspective right now I was going this way earlier today thinking there's got to be more up here got a slamming signal in the low 90s went down about 5 inches and I got another buckle except this one is in much better condition that is nice that is complete and that looks a little bit older it's not like it doesn't like ring eight early 1800s to me but it could be mid to late eighteen hundreds into the turn of the century who knows but that's a beauty right there gonna look good cleaned up alrighty so I am back home in Tennessee here at the farmhouse so we're gonna take a quick look at what I found from this trip I did make a few pit stops on the way home it's some public schools to see what I could find and I'm going to show you that right now and then a brief recap from around the farm settled in 1841 so on the way home I stopped in Maryland and I found a bunch of clad coins quarter dimes nickels a bunch of pennies and I did pull one wheat cent this school wasn't very old probably built in the late 70s or somewhere around there but there were old houses across the road from it on an old street and I was able to pop that 1948 D wheat scent so not a bad pit stop by Doug old in about a half an hour and then I stopped in West Virginia at an old school that looked like it was a brick school built probably around the 30s with a bunch of small 1950s homes around it and right up against the side of the school property almost but up against one of the old houses built in the 50s I started hitting some old targets but anyway we got some quarters dimes I started hitting a lot of pennies from the 1960s by the side-door to this fairly old house and I did pop out this first year issue 1959 D Memorial cent which I always seem to find those and then I did squeak out a weedy 1953 and I believe that has a D mint mark so the ground didn't want to cough up any silver but I did also find this really neat old drawer pole which could be Victorian wasn't expecting that where I found it need to clean it up a bit more but that's a pretty cool find so I got hunting in in three different states on this trip but that's what I found that the public property on the schools now over to the farm there's all my modern coins we're not going to go through those these are the tags that I found in the bag in the woods so maybe they were making bird bands out of them this kind of looks like a homemade bird band of some kind but pretty neat there's my pigeon band we got an assortment of old buckles I didn't show this in the video somehow I accidentally deleted the clip but I did get part of an old lantern out in the fields they're really like finding those Dilk lockport have the live bullet the Tootsie truck which is an awesome find I got the hundred-year-old buffalo nickel 110 year old first year issue wheat penny from 1909 another weedy and then probably what I would say the best finds of the trip are these pieces of the crow ttle bells these are really hard to find in Tennessee and it's the first time I've found coronal bells but this is definitely the find of the trip right here it's a number two crow tool Bell and it is my definitely my favorite find super happy to knock that off the bucket list so I'll leave it at that thanks everyone for watching if you haven't subscribed I hope you would consider doing so thanks everyone take care and I'll see you on the next one happy treasure hunting [Music]
Channel: JD's Variety Channel
Views: 36,617
Rating: 4.7816195 out of 5
Keywords: Metal Detecting, Sealed Bag, Metal Detecting Pennsylvania, Detecting, Dairy Farm, Pennsylvania, JD's Variety Channel, Woods, 500 Acre, 1841
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 44sec (2924 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 04 2019
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