Different ways to charge for Stump Grinding

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just me mustang rebuilder it's saturday you know what saturday is for me whatever i grind goes to my tool money but i noticed on facebook on uh in some forums a lot of new guys are asking questions and some guys get irritated i'm not i tell you the answers to it they want to know hey how do i charge what do i charge okay well to be honest with you it depends where you live the united states i've said this before different areas are more expensive you live in l.a california high-end i mean even your gas cost more let's say i pay a dollar eighty two under two dollars for a gallon of diesel okay and underway under two dollars for gasoline so it is cheaper where i live okay and i live in the midwest okay i live in oklahoma um now if you live in the east coast same thing very expensive fuel in all northern i don't know what it is in like michigan or i don't know what it is in florida you know but i know in some states louisiana guys are doing stumps very very cheap with tow behinds and i you know god bless them they know their area they know what they want to charge hey that's their business okay for me i'm kind of somewhere in the middle uh contractors i charge three dollars a diameter inch residential customers are calling me off of google or referrals or whatever they get 350 a diameter edge now there is another way to charge okay um like i got called to large jobs like last year i did a golf course there's a pga golf course i got called in they had a very like they were under the crunch they had well over 20 million budget and they had a time frame they had to get this golf course done in so they called me in and they had their own stump grinder on premises but they called me in and then i brought my brother in okay because i had a time frame and then they also gave me restrictions they said i couldn't grind after eleven in the morning i had to grind between seven a.m and eleven a.m and anytime there's a golfer coming by on a cart i have to stop shut down wait for them to finish golfing through and then start up and go again okay but that job uh it was very profitable because they needed me and they know that i provide a real good service and i would show up okay uh we did basically five days of stunt driving and in days eight hours okay they paid me twenty thousand dollars okay i split the money right in half with my brother he brought his machine in he did the work this is like i did and that's the way i operate another video i'll tell you how i built my business and how i treated the guys that worked with me not just fair but i made it where it was impossible for them to say no to me okay i spread the wealth that's just the way i am okay other guys would say i'm a freaking idiot for doing the way i did it but you know what i'm blessed and i only got a year and some change left that i'm out of this business because i saved a ton of money and it'll pay me revenues that come in just like i'm stump grinding and i'll be sitting home on my you know on my ass in my shop but today i'm going to turn this around show you where i'm at and there's another way to charge okay this job could have been done with a 252 vermeer you know 27 horsepower machine or a smaller horsepower not a hand swing but a hydraulically swung machine okay hand swing you you you have to be built like hercules to hand swing what i'm doing all right let me turn around and i'll talk to you through it and uh i'll show you what it is there's my 2550 big booty judy okay you see the red flags sticking out of there or just they're pink or whatever all right i the homeowner and i'm on an estate basically a compound okay iron gates to get in here whatever it's a 200 acre estate and they clear out a little section at a time all right and even after they bulldoze clean it or whatever then they still got to go through and they pick out trees that made it or didn't make it okay i'm growing mostly small oaks and cedars what i'm grinding and i'm not going deep i'm only going maybe four inches deep because uh they just wanted to wear a brush hog to come through here or a gigantic riding mower and not hit these okay so you see this it's hard to see but there's flags everywhere okay i probably already did 50 stumps over this crest is another group so i go slowly i start one end of this property and it's all marked for me i just walk with the machine i got my headset on listen to music or talk radio and pop them okay i come out here about every three to four months so i give this person a deal if i was to charge them by a diameter inch for every one of these stinking stumps it'd be a tremendous amount of money and i know they don't have it they got money but they don't have that okay and i like working here because i come here on saturdays they pay me bam right when i'm done okay they pay me with greenbacks now here's the deal on some jobs i will price you they'll ask me what's your day rate or what's your half a day rate i come here for a half a day a half a day to me is four hours of grinding i charge six hundred dollars for four hours you want me for a day to grind i that i even take a 30-minute break i don't i don't milk them or whatever i give them eight hours and it's 1200 bucks okay different parts of the country you might say god damn are you doing it so cheap or some other guys might be say damn you're raking it in all right so 1200 bucks for the day 600 for a half which is four hours all right these people take really really really really good care of me all right i just walk along my machine this ground is so dry today to where i if i turn around and show you the rest of my body uh i look like uh off the peanuts cartoon a dust bowl sweat and mud on me just from the sweat and the dirt hitting um another thing to talk to you guys about is you want to know about pricing i told you three dollars a diamond range but here's the deal if you're coming out to a 10-inch stump or something like this all right this is probably inch stump five inch dump all right you gotta have a minimum to come out to a person's property to do that small stump my minimum is 60 bucks okay other parts of the country who knows what it is a hundred or more or whatever they come and do it but i used to be 50 but now that i'm on my way out and been established a long time 20 something years i charge them you know a minimum to come out at 60 bucks and i come out when i come out to do an estimate i always bring my machine whether it's my big one small one whatever's on the trailer and basically my trailer is hooked up to that truck 99.9 at a time and i drag the machine there i do the estimate and somebody if a customer is like well i'm going to call someone else you know i got flexibility i'm already there that's what i'll tell you what i'll do it for 50. or if it's a big job wherever i could come off i said you know what here's an update i'll give you a senior citizen discount which you know what that is contractor price okay or if it's a homeowner i'll tell this all right hey i'll give you a contract to price all right bam i got it i do it i didn't waste my gas going out there to do an estimate okay so hey it's just a quick little video by the way click the like button make a comment as long as it's just proper and you know constructive for other guys to learn you got a question about this business so you want to get in it i've had a lot of great questions coming in and people emailing me because they're kind of afraid to put it out there in public i'll answer it okay hang around you know there's going to be a question for a sticker you know my stickers they say uh if you're not learning something new every day you must be dead right and i i've i've had so much great response from it so the contest for the sticker when i get home take a shower i'll re i'll review the video i posted five more minutes of me talking about i'll pick a movie and some kind of car or motorcycle question that you got to answer to win the sticker all right god bless you all and i'll see you back in a few minutes when uh a few minutes it'll be a few minutes for you but it'll be a few hours for me when i get home cleaned up all right talk to you soon okay we're home we're cleaned up it's time for the question for the sticker and some of you first time ever are looking at this you know the rules for the sticker contest will be listed in description i take the first two people to answer the question correctly and it's open to anyone in the world okay i don't care from like i say from tim duck to kalamazoo whatever and the sticker is the saying that i came up with remember if you're not learning anything something new every day you must be dead all right um and every week whoever wins and then i asked you if you win and i mail you to sticker when you get the sticker take a picture with it or take a picture where you put it and then i post you in the next video which i'll be posting the winner of this from last week um and there's been a bunch of people so it's like delayed when you get i have to wait for your email back with your uh your picture sticker and all so i always put the name of the people all right this week's question it's from a tv show called the walking dead say i went to a modern deal instead of an old movie there's a character named daryl that drives motorcycle in it now the first motorcycle i'm not asking about it i'm asking about the second motorcycle which came out in season eight so you have to do a little bit of looking on the internet to see what it was okay i want to know what it was actually based off of uh i need to know what year and make a model that they started to because the motorcycle is made up of a bunch of but the base model is made of a particular that they started to build it's a frankenstein bike which basically means it's built with all different parts okay but you'll understand you got to do a little bit digging on the internet to find out about it there's a bunch of videos out there i'll put a link to a video that shows the motorcycle being made but in there they don't tell you the base was based on okay so i need to know what year model it is that the mainframe and the motor and all is from and uh the model and you know the manufacturer you know so it's very simple you know like let's just say hypothetically it was a 1958 harley uh whatever electric light or whatever that's basically what i'm talking about okay so you got the question and uh remember in order to win though the rules will be in the description you got to be a subscriber okay and you got to make a comment and the comment will be the answer to this question okay and uh you have to like and be a subscriber so very simple it's no big thing right i want to thank everybody who takes the time to watch the end of the video that i make and answer these questions and um you guys really make my day and i appreciate your time you take out to watch my videos because i answer every comment that i get um and basically sometimes i base the next video or future video on a comment someone maybe send me an email or whatever a long question that's well hey that might be a good point to put out okay like this video that you just saw today was about pricing and pricing goes everywhere it depends on what part of country of the world you're in so good thing to do is know what people are charging where you live so you can go and you know you got to do your research i can't do it for you i just tell you what it is for me here okay so you got to put a little effort in yourself okay um i can only hold your hand so far okay and also a lot of these tips and stuff i'm giving you or you know i'll give you some financial tips in the future if you want them so you know make a comment about if you want to know some things about finance i'll gladly try to teach you how i did it and you know um i've become very well off doing some of the things i do and i'm teaching my son and my niece and nephew um the future of it you know not necessarily my business but some of the same aspects that apply to any business or how to become what i call wealthy in life okay and then wealth means a lot of different things to a lot of different people okay you know my dear wealthy might be totally different than what your idea of wealthy is all right at the end of this entire video series when i shut down my business i perhaps i might show you what my house looks like you know some of you might think like no big deal some of you might think hey it's a goal for me too okay that's what i want i want to spread the wealth okay a lot of people say that why would a wealthy guy want to teach someone else how to become wealthy why wouldn't he want to keep it to himself and i'll tell you a person who used to tell me that all the time it was my father you know he thought that i should keep it a secret and even my brother thinks that way too um i'm different you know i got so many days left on this earth and i want as many people as i can i can help prosper okay that's why i'm teaching my son my niece and my nephew because they've shown interest they want to put in their effort i've got a young man that's a firefighter and he's a relative of my neighbor who happened to work for me on the job and off the job in my business and now owns his own stump grinding company who i'll be handing the keys over to my business and i won't even charge him for it i'm just going to give it to him that's just the way i believe some people might think i'm a fool but you know what i've been blessed and in this time in this age of all the craziness going on i don't want to bore you or anything but you know what us guys out there the blue collar guy and all that's working we don't have time for nonsense okay we go to work we come home to provide for our families we take care of those that you know that are in our circle of life you know if you uh listen don't get mad at me for saying this but if you've got time to protest it late at night and throw things and tear down things of america or your country because it's happening across the world where the hell are you getting your money how the hell are you able to do that and feed yourself who's feeding you okay because all i know is the guys that work with me around me and all when you get time for the bull okay so anyway i'm sorry i i put that out there but i talked to the working man and uh you know i love you guys you know i've i've been in the ditches okay i've eaten food with dirt all over my hands and and i i sit in a trench my old job you know i was a captain but i still ate in a ditch with my men i didn't stand up in a chief's car the military would have been i wouldn't been doing the company officers at all i stayed with my men anyway enough a bull god bless you and i look forward to who could answer the question huh some of you watching to the end some of you don't so i understand i may bore some of you but uh those i haven't bored god bless you and thank you very much for spending time with me i appreciate that's why i answer everything from you make sure to like comment subscribe once again god bless you no matter what country you're from remember in youtube learn land in my shop we all bleed the same color blood god bless you again bye see you next time
Channel: Mustang Rebuilder
Views: 7,482
Rating: 4.9529409 out of 5
Keywords: stump grinder, stump grinders in action, stump grinder rental, stump grinding business, stump grinding gone wrong, stump grinding tips, tree stump removal, stump removal cost, stump grinding, stump grinding tip and tricks, bandit stump grinder 2550, bandit stump grinder zt1844, Vermeer, vermeer stump grinder, carlton stump grinder, rayco stump grinder, rayco stump grinder 1625 super jr, vermeer 252 stump grinder, vermeer 252 stump grinder teeth, green teeth stump grinder
Id: 1hSqBSyPumU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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