Why I use a Bandit ZT1844 Tracked Stump Grinder

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today's video is for the guys with the zt 1844 bandit the reason why i own the machine is not just because to get to tight access but it's rained here for three days and uh i can't bring my uh 2550 out even though it's four-wheel drive because um i damage a lot of yards off tree guys have been calling me since i'm a subcontractor and you know they're kind of pissed off at me because i tell them each time i'm not coming i'm not i don't grind in the rain and i'm not going to be tearing someone's yard up and then you're going to come back and ask me after you leave hey you're going to help fix the yard i don't do that you know in the beginning of my career i did now i don't oh let me show you a couple things i've done i've been here for about honestly been here 30 minutes all right and i'm going to turn the camera around and i'll show you what i've been doing we got a lot of sun here but this one here is probably about a 45 inch maple at the growing up close to the fence that's why my machine doesn't have that red guard on it and then this one here was about a 30 inch maple silver maple okay but i'm going to show you something here walk with me i won't bore you this is for the guys that are thinking about the machine or new to it i've have done those two i don't have any tracks in the lawn come across here i just got some grass pushed down there's no no damage really and then coming across here this is a bog i mean my feet are wet walking through here no tracks that's the difference it's kind of like having a skid steer with wheels and skids to you with uh tracks the tracks do they have their purpose okay each machine has pros and cons but the tracks do float you across here so i'm allowed to get into weather yards apparently this tree fell across the steel never saw it before because i came in later this one here is probably a 60 incher you know normally i attack big bigger stumps with my bigger machine made it out of here but today i got to use the zt because the ground i really don't want to be here but anyway i started over here okay set my depth came in ground it only grinds about 32 inches wide then moved over caught some roots over here come over here get into it now i just bring the machine over on this side right here reason why i keep moving the machine it's got a shorter swing and i'm not fighting these chips i'm not coming up with set my height like i showed you in my past videos that i come through all right after i come through here a little bit more i'll stop i'll move the machine over here grind over here then i'll come back see these points i'm leaving what i'll do is i'll come back and i'll attack these points it grinds faster on a small machine whether you have a zt or 252 whatever those pointed areas they grind really fast because you're going like a small stump a little bit bigger bigger bigger you know it is faster and also you know on a hot day and all it's kind of better on your mind to feel like you're going faster too because you know i know what it's like with a small machine on a big stump you want to get out of there okay now the chips i'm not taking the chips away or front or back i might dress them a little bit and that's going to stop the video show you basically how i dress it with the machine there's a little trick to it so that way whoever's raking is not fighting it okay our job remember everything you know simple make it easy on yourself or nothing about these machines if anybody's running this machine or running any kind of other manufacturer that has electronically activated clutch remember there's the ear protection remember never let them engage the clutch while the engine's running at full rpm or even even above iron on idle that's how it is okay i got a little squeaking here my belts are really old order new ones they're coming in i'll change them i say really old i'll be quite honest with you i change belts at 100 hours i keep the spares in case i blow one somewhere okay uh i buy them from a certain place i get a real good deal on them i'll leave a link on who i get them from in the description of the video anyway i'm gonna get back to grinding this one and then i'll show you the last part of the video show you the how to make it easier when you're raking it it's so simple it's actually stupid okay some guys don't do it because they're tired or just don't know to use the machine instead of your back okay anyway and then after that stick with me there'll be another question for a sticker god bless you guys [Music] i use my left hand that way i can put it down come down just listen to the motors is my here's my last cup unless the customer wants something anyway i'll show you the last part about this all right we're back listen it's been about 15 minutes i've finished grinding the whole stump there's a little bit you can see like a little lip there i'm not going any further it's still on the ground it's just optical illusion i'm not going any closer to that old fence post and that's on the other person's property line and defense guys will put up the fence they want it they deal with it okay now you see here the different color i got chips here and i got dirt here all right well you know normally everybody else cleans up or if i have my blade i'll backfill it for if you try to use a regular rake this part here is mixed in with soil because this was the outer edge that you start with that you're always going to grab soil well it's hard to move and it busts your back a little bit okay so what i typically do on these outer edges at all and i know it sounds stupid somebody said well who the hell wouldn't know this but trust me okay when you're grinding the chips in the dirt are shooting backwards right they're going underneath your chassis and around you here you're driving over them so you're compacting them right if you have a wheeled machine especially like a 252 and stuff a veneer and even with tracks it compacts them right so then when you go to rake it back in you're trying to rake in compacted stuff right or wet dirt like what's all i have today so all i do is i gotta you might not hear me very well i'm gonna raise the rpm okay it's engaged hang with me all i do is fly back over did you know everything's going to be thrown back at you i go to the outer edge i drop the blade not real low i need a bulk of the soil fluffing it up so instead i painted that you know where the race okay and i'm pulling it back let's get our rake i'm gonna do this crap one-handed oh god the stuff i do for you guys anyway see look i'm i'm i'm raking fluff okay i'm not sitting there with the rake on damn and let me get through this dirt kind of pull up through this raking fluff okay see how smooth that's coming out all right that's how you leave the customer's yard after you're done you smooth it out nicely all good okay anyway hang around it'll be a question you know the the car question off of the movie and all let me get home take a shower clean up and i'll post it later anyway you know remember like subscribe make a comment as long as it's uh you know it's a legit question okay or if it's you want to be you know an internet dumb you know what please i don't have time for it you know it's not nice you know i'm trying to be nice about this stuff i got a whole nother side of me that i don't want anybody ever to see anyway god bless you guys okay we're back we're home we cleaned up no loud noises and um hopefully that video helps you guys out and it doesn't have to be a bandit machine you're buying a zt it could be any other manufacturers have tracked machines you know i have a four wheel drive machine and then i have that smaller track machine the track machine does help me out because uh my brother grinds and my other buddy across the street from me grinds used to work for me they can't get out after it rains two or three days either because bigger machines they you know the way over two thousand pounds or even a wheeled machine they tend to sink in in wet boggy conditions okay then you got to fight cleaning up the tracks and stuff that's why i have a track machine also besides it the one i have is etv being able to get into narrow gates and stuff so there are benefits to having a track machine all right um anyway enough with that if you got any more questions about the zt and all if you're looking at buying a new one they've come out with an sg40 go out with the sg40 okay they just changed the complete model they didn't even call it zt anymore it's the s sg40 and i haven't got a chance to put my hands on it but i know when they were developing it i got calls from banded from and to a call with service and engineering and yada yada asked me what i liked didn't like what needed to be fixed what the major problems were which was you know i felt kind of honored they were asking me that stuff but you know i never did see a check that was joking um anyway i hope it helps you guys out there's some so little knowledge i put in there i know some of it to some of you guys i grind every day it's like you know like i said in the video what idiot wouldn't know that but you know if you're new to the game you know i'm just going to give you shortcuts so you catch up and get up to our speed real fast um all right sticker time open to anyone in the world and once again i give out two stickers okay and uh for first two people i answer the question right in the comments of this video i'll put the rules in the description okay um there's a movie came out in 1975. all right and the same guy that was an american graffiti okay that played mueller i guess his name was anyway the name of the movie was aloha bobby and rose this is another simple easy question but for some of you younger guys it's a good thing i'm telling you about these movies because you get to go back and watch them maybe on youtube or whatever and say damn that's what these old guys or my dad was watching back in the day okay 1975 the movie was aloha bobby and rose just tell me the year and model car that he was driving okay i'll give you a hint that was red okay and you know what i had one of them i had one of them with a small block and i also put a 427 in one of them big block okay out of a corvette then i sold it all to go to college god those were the days anyway god bless remember do me a favor huh press the like to subscribe and make a comment okay google picks it up on the algorithms and stuff remember as long as the comment is constructive and good i'll answer it if you're a goofball no one will ever see it because i'll delete it okay anyway i'm here to help you guys and you you know help us i'm getting older and it's uh what do i got now left in the business like a year and three months you gotta left to me and stump grinding knowledge stuff and you know even later on if i find something or whatever that i find that's neat like going to a trade show or something or one of my guys out in the field has a piece of equipment that i see is neat i'll pass it on to you okay if it's a piece of crap i'll tell you it's a piece of crap i'm just kind of a guy tell you the truth all right anyway uh once again requiem movie was 1975 aloha bobby and rose wanted to know what year the car was a model it was and it was red and you know what i'll do to help you guys out i'll put a link to the movie in the description remember two people can win all right god bless you all see you on the next one man
Channel: Mustang Rebuilder
Views: 10,591
Rating: 4.9808612 out of 5
Keywords: bandit, compact stump grinder, stump grinder, bandit zt1844, zt1844, stump grinder in action, stump grinder equipment, stump grinder rental, bandit model zt1844, zt 1844, tracked stump grinder, tracked stump grinder rental, stump grinder teeth sharpening, affordable stump grinder, stump grinding machine, stump grinding business, stump grinder vermeer, stump grinding tips, stump grinders in action, stump grinding tips and tricks
Id: xv7dgsYm8t4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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