The Poor Mans way to sharpen Green Teeth

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you'll know what i'm talking about you're sharpening carbide okay and in this poor man's way uh you can get hit two ways all right really um to protect yourself you need to wear a respirator or like an n95 a really good some the catches of particulates because what you're going to be catching is on a poor man's way you're going to be using a silicon carbide grinding wheel okay so you deal with silica and then you're doing with carbide and then the tooth itself is carbide the dust that comes off the tooth itself is carbide dust right which is causes particular illnesses okay cancer causing also all right so that's why you got to protect yourself and also the wheel we're going to be using is what's called a green wheel okay that's a silica carbide it produces silica dust okay which is can cause cancer and it's hazardous to your lungs okay and you're gonna say i'm just doing it once in a while what's the freaking big deal you know let me tell you i used to do this right every now and then i'd do it you know quick and easy way or whatever and once in a while i wouldn't put on a dust mask and you know i was doing it outside in the open and i said hey around the open with five seconds what's the big deal i would come down with a deal that's almost like a sinus infection i know you know guys know what that's like i would really get congested here i would feel like someone punched me to nose like a dent feeling okay and what it is too there's two ways it's going to enter your system all right and you guys can understand this one it's going to come in through your mouth and your nose that's through your respiratory system right also the carbide dust that's really really fine will enter in through your eyes your eyes are moist you know truck attract the dust and the powder coming off of here it's so fine and all you don't even notice right so your eyes you know you'll feel like you feel like you got a sinus thing coming on or whatever it'll last sometimes with you know half a day of 24 hour period you know flush your nose out you know like you do for sinus stuff and all that so it is very serious and it can make you kind of feel like crap for the rest of the day all right so you know you got to use an n95 or what i use you know i use a painter's respirator okay put that on and uh for this video you know you're not going to be able to see me what i'm wearing but then you also got to wear you know some safety glasses or if you got a shield one wear that or even some if you can't some goggles things all right this is very cheap to do that's why i'm showing you the poor man's way all right one of these wheels okay i've got a a wholesale tool supply here i think i paid 15 bucks for this this wheel and it's a large diameter this is a seven-inch wheel okay another thing you need you need a bench grinder okay the bigger one like this one there's a junk one it's like three-quarter horsepower okay i think i bought this sale at uh honestly it wasn't in harbor freight it was like big lots i looked up on the shelf saw it for like 25 bucks a few years ago whatever so hey what the hell if it works for a little bit blows up who cares well i don't know that might have been eight ten years ago i don't know but i had my farm and then i have another one and it's from harbor freight too and it's a mid-sized one and what i keep on there i keep the wire wheel on it and we'll show you the process to do it all right it's it's very simple i call this the poor man's way so when you're starting out you know the other way i'll make another video the other way where you need a bench press okay and then you need a a diamond wheel and then you need you could do it with a green wheel but i suggest if you got the bench press get the diamond wheel then you need a weight and you put it on then you need a timer like one minute or if it's really bad a minute and a half okay but i'm going to show you the diamond wheel right now okay here's a diamond wheel okay it's embedded in resin and you really can't feel it just a little bit rough i mean kind of like fine fingernail polish the dimensions on this i don't know if you can see them it says right there i'll read them to you it's four inch by one quarter of an inch by one slash quarter okay so it's four inches around all right it's a quarter inch thick all right and the one and a quarter you'll know that's the dimension on the inside right so here's the deal it says diamond d1a1 i searched on the internet on ebay i posted a link a year ago of the same wheel suppliers change they come and go i bought this for 35 bucks okay i searched i went through like 20 pages because you can go forever on ebay keep going and keep going and keep going and i found somebody right and they were us-based i got it right away oh i know these are made in china okay but i didn't have to pay the 150 135 or whatever some people charge for these diamond wheels and this is sharpened it's probably good for a hundred teeth this one has already got 100 teeth on it's still going you know so you can do the poor man's way if if you got if you can dig around on ebay and find this and i'll look this weekend and see if i can find if i do i'll put it in the comment section i'll find it and i'll put the link in there or on the description of this but it takes a while to find them okay you gotta hunt you know and you can mount this also onto your your bench grinder and do it that way now you will need to see how big that freaking is you will need to get an adapter but luckily when i buy these green wheels it comes with a multi-drilled hole plastic adapters you see it comes with it look it fits right over it okay so that's because people have different shaft sizes on different grinders bench guns anyway i've got a leftover wheel i'm going to turn around and show you it i'm going to show you both machines and how they're set up but anybody can do this i wouldn't tell you to do this if you couldn't do it okay just hold on a second all right this is my one set up all right it's got the wire wheel it's got the original metal grinding disc of course on this side okay now if you need to know something you cannot grind carbide with metal cutter one it'll laugh at it okay you have to use a silica carbide the green one i was telling you about all right now i want you to notice something this is this wheel is probably oh god two three years old there that wheel was originally this size okay so now it's after about a it's really almost time to get rid of it it's just i know i could get a few more sharpenings through that so be you know i'm not gonna waste i'm gonna use it till it's no good anymore all right the other thing you're going to need is a drill so first thing i'm going to do we're going to clean the tooth and then we're going to come over and then i'll show you the setup on the drill that's why i keep the brush you always want to clean your tooth first all right remember that always clean the teeth first you know why because you don't want to continue especially if you went out and spent the money on the dining you know don't go put trash [Music] foreign field i'll clean it off some more when i got two hands here anyway and the reason another reason is you see these cut marks in here remember when you're going into your pocket this is your positioning locks that way you can rotate this tooth every time all right so see this tooth isn't real bad i'll clean up this last spot here in a second but um still has imprint but the reason why you want a smaller diameter now this green one here it's a little thicker than this you want a quarter of an inch okay this one here probably was actually it probably was a half right it's because when you're going to go grind it you want it to sit inside this profile here now this you're going to have a drill it's going to be spinning one way and the wheel's going to be spinning the other one so it's a count two counteractions against each other and we'll show you that in a minute okay okay before we start all right of the grinding once again you see this hanging here you can't see the rest of it because i got the camera pointed here but i got a respirator on we got a face shield too but listen i don't need this is remember poor man i think i found this at a garage sale maybe 15 years ago for five ten bucks or whatever but you go to harbor freight or somewhere this is a half inch drive drill okay because these are 900 series so the shaft is bigger uh 3 8 some might fit depends what brand but some don't so that's why i just keep this piece of garbage one just for this all right this is what i call remember what once again this is the poor man's way or what i call also a fast way like if i'm just coming in the evening and i want to sharpen a couple real quick you know rather than going to the drill press setup and i'll make another video the drill press one will do it from scratch okay i'm waiting on another tall drill press to make it and and use as my permanent one okay but anyway so what we're going to do is drill it'll be going one way the wheel will be going another way and there's other guys on this forums and sights to show you so see the tooth is clean it still has a profile on it we're just doing a quick touch-up on this all right and um let's go take my mask off hold on look at there sharp all the way around all right so listen do not do this do not take that until i'll just tempt and go around here and just grind a little while spinning no no no no this cut in this dish that's what's giving you a proper profile all right the diamond wheel is going to be smaller i mean thinner it's going to fit into this profile really perfect okay i'll give you that dish cut in it all right this all i got was the outer edges nice and sharp we're ready to go again that's what you call the poor man's way okay and i put another shirt on top of my regular shirt because you see hump look you see how much dust comes off of there right it's not good carbide right so i'll clean this off put this away and we're good the shirt here i'll blow it off outside okay remember safety first uh hang around you know i always have the sticker give away a car question movie question or whatever and really if you don't hang around god bless you for just watching this be safe okay it's all about being safe doing stuff a little cheaper way save you some money while you're getting in the biz okay once you're in the biz you can set yourself up hunt around for a big drill press or you know i'll show you how to make that a cheap piece of garbage drill press we'll use the same bench grinder here we use the same one we'll put the diamond wheel on it and we'll do it okay now if you can afford we'll do some searching i'll help you we'll look so for this here for 35 bucks the mounter on this that's even better but unless you got some listen here too you got some really really damaged teeth you know really really dull this is what i suggest this is just me talking use the green stone on it first then throw it on the diamond because the diamond costs a lot more than that green stone right anyway saving you money guys okay guys i know the video was a little long about sharpening the teeth and stuff but there's a lot of safety stuff i wanted to put out there anyway don't want to bore you it's time for the question for the stickers first time watching you know it's a sticker you can win by answering some movie questions and it's a saying i came up came up with uh remember if you're not learning something new every day you must be dead um i want to thank everybody and make sure to hit that like button subscribe and make a comment as long as it's constructive and you guys have been fantastic 12 of you have been watching this you know i've been trying to answer every comment sometimes i have to look it up myself or go out to the shop and get a belt number for you or something like that um anyway let's just make this real short the video was long enough safety boring you um the movie question and that movie series was john wick he drove a mustang right they say it's one kind of mustang in the movie but you get an idea it is but i want to know what it really is okay so i need to know the year and the model mustang it really is because they kind of pretend it's a certain kind and um just tell me what the real one is all right very simple question you can google it come up with in about two minutes all right so it's gotta have a year you know what to make is it's a ford and you know it's already a mustang but we want to know what model it is all right so the year model anyway guys thank you so much i appreciate you this move this video was a little drawn out but i wanted to go over some of the safety stuff and you know i really really hesitated putting this video out because you know i don't want guys sharpening their teeth without wearing a mask i don't want anybody to get sick or i know this caused by something i showed you okay so remember i'm not taking responsibility that's just the way i do them all right but i will tell you please safety first all right god bless see you in your next one and if you got an idea or some kind of video you want me to make with the machinery mustang or punisher just let me know okay thanks have a good one guys
Channel: Mustang Rebuilder
Views: 6,311
Rating: 4.9526629 out of 5
Keywords: stump grinder, stump grinding, stump grinder teeth sharpening, green teeth stump grinder, bandit zt1844, bandit zt1844 reviews, bandit zt1844 stump grinder, tree stump removal, tree stump grinder, stump grinding business, stump grinding business startup, stump grinding tips, stump grinding techniques, stump grinding tricks, bandit 2550 stump grinder, vermeer stump grinder, rayco stump grinder, carlton stump grinder, green teeth manufacturing
Id: u0L752I__Y0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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