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what is up fellow stump grinders in future fellow stump grinders jake here tactical stump removal freezing cold outside again today typical winter video in the office today just kind of messing around with the new computer and figured we'd shoot another video uh this video is basically calling out to fellow stump grinders or guys that are trying to get into the stump grinding world basically um i'm i set this channel up to help you guys so in order for me to help you you have to help me and what i mean by that is basically shoot me some questions uh shoot them you know over the comments section look up my email my email is pretty simple tactical stump removal gmail.com we're pretty easy to find on google really easy to find on facebook things like that and basically you know you ask and i will do my best to point you in the right direction and kind of go from there recently i've had some questions about oh how do i stay organized and how do i keep my jobs in line things like that so that video is going to be coming out soon my wife and i are going to kind of go over that because i don't do a lot with the computer so she's going to kind of show you guys how we handle that with the google google sheets oh other what else is up on here let's see i get this question all day every day it seems like what machine should i start with or what machine should i buy that's a hard answer [Applause] it is but it isn't so let's just go over the fact that you're trying to start a stump grinding business and you want to [Music] uh buy a grinder so i kind of went over a little bit of that before there's no right or wrong answer if you go out and you want to buy you basically just have to buy what you can afford um if that makes sense i mean it should make sense don't go getting into debt at first because let's be honest most of us are in debt now so go out and i i always tell everybody to rent rent first just give it a go if you enjoy it and you think you can make something of it that's when you're going to decide go ahead i'm going to invest some money and buy my own grinder that's the best way to start out so rent do a few jobs things like that don't go posting all over facebook that you're a professional stump grinder you are not get in touch with family and friends do stuff for those people first learn the heartaches and headaches before you start opening up a giant can of worms and destroying people's property you know at least your friends can kind of understand and help you out that way so that's going to be my best suggestion as far as getting your start after you get you know everybody's that you know stumps taken care of and things like that and you still like what you're doing that's when you're gonna decide to invest um i hear it all the time online i see people posting all the time you know in the forums what how much should i spend how much it it always comes down to buy what you can afford so if you can only afford a little handheld grinder that's fine go ahead and do that for a while the nice thing about stump grinders is that they hold their value so if you buy a stump grinder today for four thousand dollars and you use it for a season that machine's still going to be worth thirty five hundred to four thousand dollars you're not going to lose on it unless you don't maintain your equipment and you just destroy it or whatever take care of your equipment and you won't have that problem so some guys obviously have more money than others i have seen guys buy the crappiest little three thousand dollar stunt grinder and they turned it into a business i've seen guys go out and spend ninety thousand dollars at vermeer raco carlton whatever and they lasted half a season and they're out so it's really what you put into uh what you got when i first started i started with a handheld i well actually i started with a rental unit that's how i've kind of really got into this stuff i had a whole bunch of stumps so i decided to do my own i liked what i was doing figured it would make a good side gig i purchased a walk behind had it for a very brief couple months knew that it wasn't enough for me sold that machine took the money that i made with it and then i invested it into a reiko rg35 and that 35 was a game changer for me i absolutely loved it it was completely better than the rental grinder it was a lot better than the walk behind so it kind of got my foot in the door and i was able to continue working and you know keeping people happy when you have that style of machine i don't want to take a whole bunch of flack for this one but you're still not going to hammer out a ton of jobs it's just not going to happen you're not going to be fast enough so the grinder that you buy is going to dictate the amount of a money you make in jobs that you're going to complete so obviously those kind of go hand in hand the more jobs you do the more money you make vice versa so start off with something like that on the weekends whatever just keep moving up you're not going to have a huge clientele at first so start on the low end that's what i suggest i mean if you go out and buy an 80 000 machine nobody knows who you are there everything in this business is basically word of mouth if you ask any professional stump grinder out there any guy that does this every day they're not just finding him in the phone book and calling him it doesn't work like that you know you work for one guy and that guy tells five other guys and next thing you know those five guys tell five more guys and everybody's calling you so start out slow get into the 35 run that as long as you can and and you'll know you'll know when you cannot handle any more jobs at that point in time you're going to have to decide to either move up or stay where you're at so for me i'm just going to tell you my basic story on this excuse me i don't have coven um i had the 35 wasn't enough ended up buying another 35. so now we've got two of those and i had a friend helping me out on the side and i was able to keep up a little bit you know people were not dependable i've come to realize that so you know i had some help got some jobs completed um and i still wasn't able to keep up so the following year and this is you know obviously the first grinder i had was almost a year the second grinder i had was almost a year the third grinder was almost a year so we're on year three year four that's when i really decided that i'm too busy and i have to either leave my job or continue grinding stumps and it's it's a gamble and every year is different you never know what can happen so year four i purchased an rg45 that was a complete game changer that machine was twice as fast as having two of my rg35s i mean it was just so much smoother so much faster and at that point in time tree guys started to notice me then you know you go out and you spend forty thousand dollars on a stump grinder you're kind of serious into what you're doing so that's when the tree company started calling me after that i ran that machine for an entire year so now we're going on to year five and i met up with a couple of the guys at rayco explained to them my situation and they said that the rg80 might work better for me and i said screw it let's see what happens so i purchased the rg80 and that machine has been awesome all last year i mean we were able to keep up with most of our stuff but again as usual more people tell more people and i'm slammed again and next thing i know i was three weeks three weeks booked out so now it's time for you know the next move so we just purchased another rg55 and we're gonna try the whole somebody working for us again and i don't know if it's gonna work out well there's there's good things in bad things so the nice thing is the rg45 doesn't matter what grinder you have it's gonna break if it breaks i'm not going to get behind so i'll have the rd55 to you know keep moving things like that the rg 80 and the 55 i should be able to keep up with most of my jobs if i can find the right person to run it that's a whole nother video trying to find somebody that's going to be reliable or you know fit your needs so back to the original question what grinder should you buy if you're asking me i say start small work your way up uh every machine that i've ever bought i've sold for about the same price or sometimes even a little over so not a big deal there you know if you start small it's gonna leave you room to buy a truck trailer tools saws whatever so yeah that's kind of my best suggestion i got for you there um other questions that we got let's see here what teeth should i use again that's a personal preference question depends on who you ask um if you buy a brand new machine some companies might get upset if you change them sometimes they don't you just gotta kind of have to talk with them oh how much money do you make oh that's a good question uh i don't know if i can answer that every year is different so oh i started uh first year made i don't know four or five thousand dollars second year i doubled excuse me i doubled so um third year um i'm sure i came in pretty close if not more than one this is a hard answer i can't i'm not just everybody's different everybody's area is different so do i make decent money sure do i work six days a week yes do i work all day long yes so like i said everybody's different i've got guys in my area that do this as a retirement thing they do it two days a week that's cool are they making a ton of money no they're making enough to pay their bills so that's simple um that's it's it's there's no set price on this stuff guys um i'm more affordable than just about anybody in my area um i still feel that i'm competitive uh but i also have 250 000 worth of equipment that has to work every day so when a stump grinder gets upset that you undercut them by a certain amount of dollars that's simply because i have to go to work every day i'm not doing this on the weekend so your prices have to reflect that type of stuff can you make a living doing this yes absolutely you have to be 100 percent dedicated to this job though it's like any other it's any other business you want to start a restaurant business and you want to make crap food nobody's going to come to see you if you are passionate about what you're doing and you make really good food people are gonna come see you uh salesman same thing you sell a crap product nobody's coming to see you you sell a good product everybody comes to see you so there's just uh there's a lot to it and we'll get more into that stuff like i said you guys got questions i'll do my best to give you some answers and that's about the best i can do for you um i don't know if we're gonna go through anything else today we'll kind of save some more stuff for other videos this video is already creeping on 14 minutes so yeah you guys got questions i'll do my best to answer whatever you got honestly and that's all i can do um so we'll cut that video there and i will see you guys on the next one uh maybe we should do i don't know how me in these videos excuse me i mean these videos don't tend to get along because i i don't know what all you guys want to hear i don't know what you want to see um i did get a message from youtube uh email from youtube and they said we've got 600 and something well let's look youtube let's see how many subscribers we got now again i don't really care it's not a big deal but uh no we're not looking for stun guns i don't know why that came up 609 subscribers so that's actually pretty cool um glad to see you guys are you know interested in this thing and basically what what they were saying in the the video is the more subscribers you have the easier it is for other people to find you um so like i always say i don't care if you want to subscribe cool if you don't i don't care i'm not doing youtube to make money i'm simply doing this to kind of pass information along to you guys to help you stay up to date kind of answer questions that you might have there's only a couple guys online doing these youtube videos now and i have the time so i might as well figure i figure i'll help you out if i can so yeah if you subscribe that's only going to help the next guy out if you don't that's okay too not a big deal if you like the videos great go ahead and support them if you don't i guess you can thumb down them i don't care i can take it all right guys that's enough for today and i will talk to you here in a little bit enjoy it and i hope everybody's uh getting ready for their season and everything's going to work out good for you we'll see you here later
Channel: Tactical Stump
Views: 2,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: M2x1x2FU62k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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