Difference between Mountain House and Wise Freeze Dried Food

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along again Craig here from the prepper stop calm we're here to talk today about freeze-dried food and two different brands which are the most popular brands in the nation difference between mountain house and wise freeze-dried foods now of course there are other brands such as backpackers pantry thrive there's lots of other brands out there to compare your welcome to the pair mall and for those of you who are my regular viewers you're probably looking at the same wait a minute he's done this video before yes I have done this video for the last one I did about two years ago is this below in the description box a link to it you won't be able to search it but you can you can still watch it if you want the reason I'm doing this again is because things like this happen this is all Mountain house brand and now they're that these are all old labels now their label was like this somebody in marketing decides they want to come up with a new look and so they bring these different labels in and and so the old video with old plus they have different lineups different flavors different dates and things change so I'm having to do this video uh probably on every every couple years I have to redo this video so deja vu for some of my regular viewers so the difference between mountain house and lives first of all most people will okay but I've got two different things here chili mac with beef by mountain house chili mac with beef by rice so similar menus most people when they taste two similar menus side by side as a taste test most people will say and I'll let this a subjective thing I'll let you be the decision maker on this that mountain house generally tastes better than lies that's somebody's opinion and if you go on YouTube and find people taste testing and suicide by side usually that will be the outcome usually people will think mountain house takes a little better not always okay so comparing the two generally people think bond house tastes a little better than wife's that's an opinion now one thing also people know it's one of the major things also they find that mountain house is more expensive than lives this is a nine dollar touch chili mac would be this one is a six dollar pouch chili mac with beef why did they difference well here's part of the reason two and a half servings to have one cup servings this is two servings okay so that takes us to three dollars and sixty thousand dollars and sixty cents of serving where this comes to three dollars a serving okay so it's a little bit cheaper ah the wait there's more mountain house so let me read what it says around the package of the chili medic with beef by wise beans elbow macaroni seasoned ground beef texturized vegetable protein and a rich beef sauce did you catch it texturized vegetable protein TVP that's a soy pretending to be meat okay but does have some beef in a two it did say ground beef but it also has texturized vegetable protein which is a whole lot cheaper than real beef mom house has never used any TVP and their products are unaware or at least there's nothing in their lineup that has TVP in it right now so the camping line that's what this is the camping line has mule meat in it some real meat in it all of mountain houses always have real meat in theirs for instance these buckets behind me all the wise buckets something you don't generally get told all the wise buckets have TVP menus in it all the mountain house buckets and cans have real mean and there's if it says beef pork or chicken it really is beef pork or chicken so but they're exception is of course they do have some meat buckets this bucket is just nothing but meat their idea is you mix the meats in with their other things if you are they're all dead you tearing they all left TVP in them so so I pretend I'm eating so off the bat there that's one reason then why is is cheaper or less expensive than mountain house because of the TVP and it's less expensive than beef so what else here chili MacCabe oh that expiration date now mount House recently changed if you have any Mountain House from 1986 to date from last 30 years or so Mountain House recently in the year 2016 made all their food in the pouches buckets and cans except for ice creams to be a thirty year shelf-life retroactive to 1986 30 year shelf-life wise in the camping line is a seven year shelf-life so this has an extra best by date of year 20 47 this one has the best by date of year 2024 okay so Mountain House based on their 50-plus years of experience with an administrative decision they didn't change the packaging they didn't change the food it was basically just an administrative decision based on their years of experience they can now guarantee you a 30 year shelf-life with mountain house in the cans pouches or buckets other than ice cream the wines brand seven years on the camping line which has meat in it the other ones don't have meat in them but so they'll have 25 year shelf life most of them the meat buckets they say have a 15 year shelf-life but so they do have meat buckets you add the meat to it if you want to give a meat dish instead of a vegetarian dish with the wise company so this is a seven year shelf-life but most of their stuff is about 25 years up like most of it most of their buckets so similar a shelf life now make sure you're comparing apples to apples I had a customer that did he that I can generally match people's prices on the internet or beat them even especially when you're talking quantities and so I was able to as one customer came and he wanted to he found this price he had a price set in his mind that it's the stuff from Alex Jones he was selling and it was going to be a little over dollar serving something like that and here I just showed you is we're talking more like three dollars or sorry well dollar serving well it turns out it wasn't freeze-dried it was dehydrated you don't know that is between the two I have a video on my channel you can find out the difference between the two it wasn't freeze-dried it was dehydrated and it was mostly soup mixes and such and a lot of other things and it wouldn't even really constitute a meal or the serving size will smaller or whatever you have to compare apples to apples freeze-dried process is a lot more intense than just dehydrating something and it lasts a lot longer so if you're going to do price comparisons like that make sure you're comparing apples to apples alright let's see what else here for it also breakfast items are cheaper then okay here's Mountain House and why is again mountain house scrambled eggs with bacon and ham not scarf sorry scrambled eggs with ham and green peppers this one is strawberry granola crunch my wives grains are usually cheaper than real eggs and real meat now why is it been struggling for years to come up with an egg product and market to have something else right now but it has TVP in it to cut costs a lot of times they'll put green tight breakfast in instead of the real scrambled eggs and meats okay that's another thing about lies and not how so I'll use they use white lies uses mostly green type dishes for breakfasts so with that in mind let's let's take an example here this bucket wise prepper bucket 70 bucks 400 and I'm sorry of 52 servings 52 servings for 70 bucks Wow that's not a whole lot more a dollar serving well if you look at the menu on there you'll find out that of those 52 servings 16 of them of the entrees are entrees with the TV p.m. okay savory stroganoff is one of them so you have 16 serving of serving with both these companies generally is 1 cup then you have eight breakfast grains in there richer cheaper than the entrees then you have 28 drink mixes that they're calling a serving orange drink mix and and whey milk alternatives they're calling as a serving so if you want to sit there just one night you have a couple of kool-aid basically sugar water and you want to call out a survey that's up to you but see that's how they play with the numbers so in order to get their prices to look like they're super cheap compared to mountain house they play games like that mountain house always has real meat in there they don't have any drink mixes in there at lease all they present line up this is all straight entrees with real chicken beef pork any other type of meat like that another example here these two menus here is two boxes they change their box styles all time and so I have to do this video again and again this one is only in 15 servants 15 servings these are both about 40 bucks 15 servings this one is 34 servings and they're both same price Wow how is that well that there 134 servings my wives has 16 16 servings of the entrees again TVP no meat 8 servings of breakfast grains not real real scrambled eggs and bacon or anything this one's breakfast guilt which has real eggs in a real sausage and then 14 servings of whey milk so that's another example how they play with the numbers they get to look like their products a lot cheaper and it is cheaper and frankly you know what when all the neighbor all your neighbors meeting bugs and grass I don't think anybody is going to pick the planning about a little TVP or granola because you're going to have something neat so that being said it price is your only object that you might want to go with wise or some other company because there are other companies it's all dehydrated it don't matter to you you just wanna connect they need all they go with something cheaper another example chicken this is diced chicken by mountain house this has 14 servings in there now in this case with the meats they're servings are 3/4 cups it's only 14 servings whereas their meat bucket right here by wise that has a 105 servings of meat throw lisa lavie may get the right price right here 90 bucks 105 servings for 90 bucks under I'm sorry only make serving 14 servings 453 bucks for mountain tops 53 bucks 14 servings versus 90 bucks for 105 servings Wow what's the big difference oh that's what I make this three dollars and seventy nine cents a serving whereas the lives comes out to be only a dollar sixteen of serving Wow super savings well you're not comparing apples apples so to speak this mountain house is 3/4 cup servings this is half cup servings and hold on 80 servings of this is right so you only have 24 servings of milk real meat in there and they're small egg servings another way they play with the numbers again you have to read yet to be very careful buyer beware look at all the labels find out what you're actually getting because what you might be getting will be something might be different than what you secta get okay let's see what else we got here before we finish up one other thing mountain house now has claimed Mountain House recently went from that 30-year shelf-life decision back in 1986 I'm sorry in 2016 they declared all their products in the third year shelflife retroactive to 1986 all right that was an administrative decision there was no change in the food no change the packaging based on the years as an experience that's what they're coming up with now so but they also claim they have some reports and I'm going to link those below if you want to look Mountain House has done some independent third-party testing of different brands of food I think backpackers pantry was one wise was another and what there's and I think there was another brand or two they're testing for oxygen content in the foods in the packaging and what they found was mountain houses was far superior to the others and that the projected shelf life would be a lot less on these other products because of the oxygen content now that's a claim by Mountain House based on a third-party independent company that they paid got to take that in consideration they paid to have the study done showing that their food was had less oxygen content in the packaging than the other brands out there that's if not high fines some company that does the same test where Mountain House isn't involved at all I'd be a little more valid in most people's minds I believe the test but this is again this was paid this test was paid by mom so got to take that in consideration but the oxygen content it looks like their products are going to really are going to last for a lot longer period of time than the other brands out there so all thanks everybody for watching until next time so long
Channel: ForbiddTV
Views: 266,081
Rating: 4.8774815 out of 5
Keywords: Freeze Dried Food, Mountain House, Oregon Freeze Dry, Wise, taste test, price, prepper, preparedness, survival, food storage
Id: 9xd1qNq5TfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2017
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