50 cent calls Diddy Gay on Breakfast Club.(1-9-18)

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not enough if when you continuously call puff gay I don't know I don't call I'm gay I said let me read this sorry I can no longer help you guys soon you will all be gay and happy you are all not left under the leadership of puffy daddy report to the nearest rainbow when they do what are you doing he says things he know he sin is like fruity [Music] the story we build a nice young roster for our brand I'm walking in at their birthday on drink chance goddamn it no no me you we party like we need to me one time long time ago and Chris ladies waiting you told me you take me shopping I looked at them like what would you say when you see you see put his head down while we we stuck here right now and the cameras roll anybody see don't make like it's just me man relationships and Hollywood in like fifth stop you know gay-bashing it doesn't know cuz they know that I'm just I'm poking at what are you saying and plus I'm a rapper don't give me mogul cuz when you get mogul you be in trouble they kind of know what comes with you is very consistent so you can't go to me and say why did you say this when I've been saying is the entire time now let me ask you guys this when you finish filming [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so burger came with me doing something presently at the moment okay and I need I need to break out okay and I don't want to be rude you know just when you stop by and give love ya know [ __ ] need to stop cooling right now it's an emergency situation [ __ ] need to stop cooling including myself you don't saying nothing off me we all need them up up and get focused and get this money
Channel: theREDMASKchannel
Views: 6,842,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 50 cent, breakfast club, theredmaskchannel, redmask, den of theives
Id: i724soP0k2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 2sec (362 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2018
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