Did I get SCAMMED by GameStop?

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- Oh, GameStop, my favorite store to purchase some slightly used and highly refurbished consoles. What could possibly go wrong? (laughs) Some of our previous GameStop experiences have had consoles literally coated in dust right out of the box. But it's been a little while since we bought anything from GameStop. So let's give them a fair shot. Let's go on gamestop.com, (keyboard clacks) buy some consoles, some gadgets and gizmos and see if we can get that high quality GameStonk experience, or if it's time to Game Stop? Pretty, you gotta gimme, that was a pretty good one. Let's get some consoles, shall we? PlayStation 5 for $436, oh, refurb. One of the things to consider when you're purchasing from GameStop is that, say, take the PS5, for example, I have three options. I can buy a new PS5, which is $500. I can buy a pre-owned, which is 436 or a refurbished, which is also $436. Now you might think, "Oh, I clearly want the refurbished." And normally that's the case. The problem though is that in my previous dealings with GameStop, there's almost no difference. Some of these consoles are nice and clean, some are in absolutely terrible condition. You don't know what you're getting. Oh wait, hold on a second. Pro exclusive score, refurbished Steam Deck for up to 20% off. I'm a pro. I want 20% off. And mind you, all the prices I'm quoting today are with the GameStop Pro discount. So Pro I think is $20 a year. As much as I might not be a huge fan of GameStop, if you're ever gonna shop on GameStop, just get the pro. And I'm gonna quote all these pro pricing. Okay, a Series S for now, hold on a second. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. What's, the refurbished is $265. The new one is 250. The thing is, there's a lot of items like this that will advertise that they're available with same day delivery, but they're not. I have not seen any of these things actually let me do it. So they're telling me I can get a Series S for 250. That's a damn lie. Are you telling me that GameStop sell a Pelican case for your Xbox Series X? Couldn't you fit your Xbox in a backpack or something? This seems so excessive. So we've got the new 3DS XL, which is $218. Now I'd have to consult my crystal ball, go back in the past, (thunder booms) but I'm pretty sure that's more expensive than this was when it was new. You know what? I've got an idea. What if, for the consoles that we're purchasing today, we evaluate each one from GameStop and spend a little budget, take a little bit (geese honk) of that pocket money, and try to upgrade/refurbish them ourselves and see if we can improve what GameStop has delivered to us? Or if we would've been better off just going on eBay or DKOldies? (wind whips) Oh boy, look at all the power to the players. I am really excited. (upbeat electronic music) This is how these boxes showed up. This one actually just held together with a rubber band. This one looks like someone just sort of squashed it. (box rattles) First up we have, aha, our new Nintendo 3DS XL, with an AC adapter and a four gigabyte micro SD card. Is that packaging? Did they package the box? And the item, this is, I don't even recognize this company anymore. Just to refresh ourselves, when the new 3DS XL came out, it cost $200, but this is now worth $220 on gamestop.com. Now I'm actually not gonna ding GameStop for that, new 3DS XLs are just more expensive, because unlike most Nintendo consoles, you can't play 3DS games on something like the Switch. This is the best console you can buy to play those sweet, sweet 3DS games. Can't wait to go into the eShop and just download everything. There's so many great games on there. I'm just gonna have a great time, huh? - [Ken] Wait until you read a newspaper and see what date it is. - [Matt] Did you also get a time machine? - Wait, what do you mean? The eShop's not around anymore? - [Matt] It's only closed on days ending in Y? - Oh, I can work around that. I'll just, oh, oh, oh, okay. They put a screen protector. - I got scared! - I got very scared real quick. I dunno if I would go so far as to say this is a premium refurbished console, but seems decent. Let's fire it up, shall we? Whoa, my eyes are, ah! Boy, that don't feel good on your eyes at all. This actually seems (3DS XL dings) like we maybe didn't get scammed by GameStop on this one. I'm feeling cautiously optimistic here. Okay, hey, "Pikmin," activate. So I will say it, so far so good. Everything seems to be functional in this 3DS. My issue, and it's a minor issue, but it is an issue, (upbeat electronic music) is just some of the wear and tear on this, like these little rubber pads, these seem to be kinda rubbed down. My circle pad definitely has scuffs on it. The plastic is not in great shape, and certainly the back shell is also not in great shape. So thankfully I thought ahead and I purchased a shell replacement for the new 3DS XL, because, well, let's be honest, I bought a handheld from GameStop, so it was a pretty safe bet that it was gonna come scuffed. For 27 bucks, assuming that this is not incredibly difficult to do, 'cause I've never opened a 3DS XL before, so it's probably gonna be a little bit involved. But this can be a great way to breathe some new life into your old console. So we've got ourselves, oh boy, that's a lot of pieces. Oh, oh, okay. That's a lot of pieces. So this replaces this, this goes here, then this would go here, this goes here and this goes here. There we go, that's gonna look great. So I'm flying blind here. I've never done this before, so I'm just gonna start undoing stuff until I make progress. Oh, ew, look at all the gross stuff inside there. Do you see all the, I don't even know what that is. It looks something growing in there. Oh, so now I'm gonna have to, oh, this is actually gonna be involved, 'cause this is all tied in. Maybe gonna fast forward through this part, 'cause it's probably gonna take me a solid hour, if not maybe an hour and a half, to actually tear the rest of this down. (upbeat electronic music) I have broken the 3DS. I crimped the ribbon cable, if you can believe that. I'm gonna see if I can get it to work. Best case scenario, the ribbon I snapped was for the cameras but I think it's not good. Okay, ready, and, (dramatic orchestral music) press back power button. So the LED is on the 3DS has power, and it immediately shuts off. Luckily I have many other excellent deals from GameStop that are totally gonna make me feel better right now, lots of 'em. They're all gonna be great. What could possibly go wrong? What else is in our box? (wind whips) Ah, I didn't forget about this at all. - [Ken] Oh, what? - It's our 151 Poster Collection! We do have three very nice little promo cards and a poster. All the cards from the 151 set, or outlines of the first 151. See, GameStop would never lead us astray. I got a poster. Next up, let's see what's in this very light box, which also is, (upbeat electronic music) I swear, it looks like these things just got attacked. Oh, I was confused. This is my 12 days of socks. So when I did the ordering scene here, there were a, no, no-- - What, Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. - Okay. - I was not here for said ordering scene. - At what point is this a refurbished thing and-- - No, no, no, I'm evaluating GameStop. Here's the thing. They had buy 1, get 2 free from clearance. So I spent like 30 bucks, and got three clearance items for that 30 bucks. So each one of these socks cost me, like, 50 cents. Carry the one, square root, divide by pi. Yeah, it's about 50 cents each. Large variety of socks that I got for free with my GameStop order. Now let's just hope that the rest of my items are in that really big box, 'cause otherwise I'm gonna become a sock review channel. Subscribe for Austin Sock Tips. I'm gonna just sock it up. (wind whips) I'll also say this one is not well packed either. I mean just look at the, that's probably not super secure, but it's only slightly squashed. What is in the big box? I will say I'm a little doubtful that everything's in here. I don't think all of our items are in this one box. Ooh, hmm, yeah, we only got two more consoles in here. So we are definitely missing some items, wow! - [Matt] They're so well refurbished that they aren't, (laughs) I ain't got nothing. - I'm getting some Wish flashbacks here. All right, so let's go through what's in this box first, then we'll go from there. - [Ken] Is that a PlayStation 5? - An expertly packed PlayStation. So the thing is with GameStop, and we found this in the past, you get a variety. So some items, so that 3DS, I think, actually came from the main GameStop location. So those tend to be a little bit higher quality, not by a lot, but tend to be a little bit better, because they've actually been fully refurbished. The pre-owned consoles are typically, at least from my knowledge, if you were working at GameStop, you know better, please lemme know the comments, but the pre-owned consoles seem to tend to come from just stores, right? So someone traded this in, the store turns around and ships it right back out. It doesn't seem like they've really been anything more than just rudimentarily tested just to make the sure that they work. So I spent a total of $209 on this PS4 Pro, the "Star Wars" edition. So let's take a look to see. - [Matt] Imagine spending more money on a 3DS-- - Than a PS4 Pro? - [Matt] Than a special edition PS4. - Yeah man, well, that's just the world we live in. All right, let's see what we got. Well that, that's-- - What, really? - I don't know why I am surprised. They just shoved it in a box. So we got an HDMI cable, a power cable, a very short micro USB cable, an orange, is this a Nerf controller? What is the color (indistinct)? I've never seen this controller before. - [Ken] It's the New York Mets. - Pre-owned, wow, wow, wow. Look at the beautiful console. If you look really close you might be able to notice that there are a couple of very minor blemishes. So there's one here, and here, and here, and here, and here, and here, and here, and here. Oh, and then there's more (crickets chirp) over here, and then a lot over here. And then there's some over here, and then that's just chunk missing. And then there's a few over here. All right, well, (upbeat electronic music) I guess there's only one way to proceed, which is to fire this up and see what we're working with. So we did find one problem. The micro USB they gave us doesn't really work. It would charge the controller for a split second and then stop. So we actually had to swap that out. But other than that, this does seem to be functional. - [Matt] Yikes. - Dude, look at the frame rate. Oh my god. It doesn't help that I'm so close to TV, but oof. That being said, this has nothing to do with the PS4 Pro. It's just the fact that this was a game that was a very early PS4 title, and this is pretty much what I expect from a GameStop console, especially one that is pre-owned, not refurbished. Now I'll give them that piano gloss black is very difficult to keep clean anyway, so if you were to get one of these, as much as this Star Wars design is all right, you probably would wanna put like a dbrand or something on it. But when it comes to $209, the thing is, I actually do think that that's a somewhat reasonable deal, especially considering that a base PS4 is not that much cheaper. And I will hands down take a PS4 pro over one of the base consoles, just maybe ask to take a look at it at your local GameStop before you open the box, because this one is not good looking at all. Next up we have our pre-owned Nintendo Switch Lite coming in at a whopping $152. (upbeat electronic music) Oh, good lord, (box rattles) it's the same thing. So we've got ourselves the original Switch power adapter. So okay, that's fair, that's fair. It does come with that. And we have the Switch Lite itself. I'm can't believe I'm about to say this, this actually looks like it's in very good shape. So with a charge, our Switch Lite seems to be fully running. I don't want a system update. Thanks very much, Nintendo. As with most items that you purchase from GameStop, it is real luck of the draw. It's like one thing if you're actually in store and they'll actually show you the item. For that, I feel pretty confident that you can see if something super scuffed or whatever. When you order online, it's a way bigger crapshoot, because you know this item came horribly packed, does not seem like it would be good at all, and yet was essentially unused, right? There's next to nowhere, all these buttons look clean and fresh. I think someone bought this and just trade it back in almost immediately. And even though the back is a little scuffed, it's not that bad. However, I preemptively purchased something expecting this to be way worse than it is, and I'm gonna commit to the bit anyway. I purchased a replacement shell for the Switch Lite. Now I used an older version of this for my personal Switch Lite, which I am absolutely a huge fan of, that. (parts clink) Look at that. But imagine that on the front and this on the back. Does that go together? Or is that, oh wait, those are slightly too similar colors, aren't they? - [Joanna] Kind of. - I actually think I might not swap this shell, mostly because this one's in such good shape and we actually have a Switch Lite that we purchased from a pawn shop in a video a couple months ago that has a super scuffed shell. Maybe I'll just save this for that one and maybe I'll make a YouTube Short. So subscribe to the channel and I'll make that soon. But for now I, this is going good. GameStop, you're not letting me down, even though this was quite literally loose in the box when we bought it, but other than that. (wind whips) Because GameStop had (upbeat electronic music) such a great clearance deal, not only did I get my wonderful accoutrement of socks, I also have my new Kirby sweater, which was $37 on clearance. Yeah, I got it for free, baby. (bell dings) Look at that. - Oh, I don't like that we can-- - Why, wow I think we found (Austin imitates dance steps) a new shade of white. - This is GameStop style, my friends, because this fit was free with the purchase of my GameStop Charger and Game Dock. I have to, is this Ikea? Do I have to build the whole thing? - [Ken] Oh man, we get to see him assemble something. - No I'll figure it out, don't worry, it's fine. Oh, is this attached to the back of the dock? Oh, so is that the way it goes? - [Matt] So you meed a Switch dock to-- - Non-Switch-Lite, 'cause the Switch Lite can't be docked. - [Matt] Oh yeah, it needs a good Switch. I can't help but notice you're outta boxes over there. - I'm gonna find the rest of my GameStop packages. I'll be right back. (steps plod) - Woo! (imitates explosion) (power surges) - Game! - I work for him. - All right, inside we have, (upbeat rock music) aha, this is our Steam Deck. Okay, so the Steam Deck I'm curious about, because they make a very big deal about how they are GameStop refurbishing the Steam Deck, and, well, I am skeptical. And as far as price goes, to buy yourself a refurbished 512-gig Steam Deck, which is the highest end model with the anti-glare display, buying it brand new from Valve, it is $650. Now if you're able to get a refurbished console from Valve, that's gonna cost you about $520, and it's the same price on GameStop, although if you have a Pro discount, I was able to get this for 493 bucks. Behold, our brand new Steam Deck! Did they change the way that they designed these? 'Cause I don't remember. This is, mine's definitely black. - [Ken] Mine's black too. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. So maybe this is like a slightly newer one. Oh that's definitely anti-glare. I can immediately just tell you that right now, right off the off the bat. - [Ken] Oh the anti-glare one has its special case. - Oh! - That's great. - And you need the screen, I see, I see. Okay, all right, all right. You know what, that's fine. So comparing this to the original Steam Deck that we purchased directly from Valve, that one was also in very good shape. Obviously it didn't have the anti-glare display because of 64 gig, but it did actually have some scuffs on the back. And I'll tell you that, I'm looking super close, just some super minor stuff, but you're absolutely just trying to find something at that point. So to test the Steam Deck, I'm going to be trying "Counter-Strike 2," which is the first time I'm playing whatsoever. I don't know how well this is optimized for Steam Deck. So this is also just me just trying it out. Yeah, it actually runs really well, and I hear that the fans are now, they're starting to spin up, are still pretty quiet. I didn't hear of the grinding at the very least. Ah, okay, you know I kinda had that one coming. So we are running at 19 watts, so it's definitely pushing the Steam Deck, and that fan is really pretty quiet. I don't think we're gonna have a major problem with this. (gunfire rattles) The only thing I wanna do is take a look on the inside to see if there's anything nefarious. But honestly, unless I see like some horrible red flag, or clearly, like a modified SSD or something, I actually think that this is a pretty clear win for GameStop. It doesn't look like GameStop opened this up to do anything, but honestly that's fine. They didn't need to. This seems like it was a perfectly functional Steam Deck that is in good shape that they resold, and honestly I'm kind of okay with that. Well look at the time, (wind whips) it's almost like our final item took an extra two and a half weeks to show up from GameStop. So this should be our PS5 Digital. Now every other item got here within a week, pretty standard. But this one, even though it said it was in stock when I ordered, it was backorder. So it was stuck as a pending order for almost two weeks before it shipped. And it took a few days to actually get here. All right, well, we've got padding and a PlayStation. Hopefully it's a PlayStation 5. Wow, wait, hold on. Is this GameStop? They put padding in a box, it's revolutionary. Wait, this is actually like properly done. Look, they've even got foam, custom foam and everything. Sorry, I just gotta, can we all just take a moment, is this GameStop doing a good job? All right, so I have a few questions with this. First and foremost, is it scuffed and terrible or not? And at first glance, it looks very nice. In fact, I would say, very, very nice. I'll take a close look in a second. Let's plug it in and make sure it actually works, and then we can see if we actually got a good deal. But so far not bad. I am attempting to get a game loaded (ominous electronic music) and the display keeps flickering, but I saw something really strange. Oh, and there it's back. There is zero anything on here? All right, I'll be right back after I figure out what's wrong with the PS5 and spend the rest of the day trying to fix it, or Ken just smacks it (Ken smacks) and it starts working again. So by swapping to a 1080p display, we have now got the PS5 working a lot more reliably. It has flickered once on us, which doesn't fill me with confidence. At least gameplay seems to be fine. I don't think we're crashing or whatever, and there's no disc drive to check. So that's one more point of it can't be that scuffed. Lemme do this, so I was gonna open it up anyway, because, knowing GameStop, (upbeat electronic music) I figured it was gonna be a complete disaster. So I preventedly ordered the dbrand Darkplates specifically to swap it out. It actually doesn't need it. In fact, a lot of the things that I ordered for this video aren't necessary, because they were in perfectly reasonable shape. But regardless, I'm gonna go ahead and throw the the Darkplates on anyway, so I'm gonna crack it open. This is not sponsored, by the way, I bought it, just in case you're curious, 'cause I support dbrand. I don't know why I still do, but I do. Woo, that's so cool. Yo, dude, look at that. (upbeat rock music) Oh man, that's so sick. How did Sony not ship it like that? That is so cool! This PS5 needs to be returned. I do not trust the HDMI. A couple of these items could have been packaged better, but honestly not bad. GameStop might be improving. It's kind of a little too early to tell, because this was not a flawless order, but some improvement's better than nothing. I'm so just, I can't stop staring at this PS5. It's just so good. It's so good, sorry. Subscribe to channel, (bell dings) ring-a-ling the ding-a-ling button. That way you can know the next time that I go through the GameStop experience so you don't have to. I'm gonna take these plates off and put it on my PS5 now.
Channel: Austin Evans
Views: 668,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamestop, game stop, console, game console, refurbished, refurb, preowned, pre owned, used, playstation, ps4, ps4 pro, ps5, ps5 digital, nintendo, 3ds, new 3ds xl, 3ds xl, switch, switch lite, steam deck, steamdeck, dbrand, darkplates, scam, austin, austin evans
Id: rFm2Ti9jDLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 49sec (1249 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2023
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