They Call It "Mystery Tech"

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- What is that? (party horn trumpeting) What is that? - [Ken] Nothing. - I literally can see it. - Nothing. No, no, no. - [Austin] It's under... - I'm tying my shoe. - With a box in your hand? What is that? Atari Tiny Arcade. Oh! That's cute! So it's a little TV with the Atari 2600 and the joystick. The smallest fully-functioning desktop console game. I like how they go desk-top. 25 bucks? As a novelty, all right. Although I'm afraid that this joystick is gonna be like impossible to use. - [Ken] Um-possible? - We've got ourselves the little TV, which does have the stand, if I can get it out. Now I will say, this looked a whole lot better in the package. It is very cheapy plastic, but that's fine. Is there a screen protector? No, okay. So the entire Atari 2600 actually has a button on it and then there's the joystick, which, you know what? I'll tell you, it actually joysticks. Uh, wow, that's really small. Okay, Super Impulse presents the world's smallest. Press to start. Okay, so I will say the screen is bad, but I mean, it works. Let's play Pong. Ah! No! Why do I suck? Do you wanna do Asteroids? Okay, now this is gonna be much more difficult. Wait, am I dead already? What the.. Game over? It works. It's a cool little novelty. The joystick is actually a lot more usable than I would think. The screen though, is bad, like it's very small. For 25 bucks you could do worse, but I think you can play this for about 30 seconds and then be like, "I'm bored." I don't know what they're about to throw, but can I just take a moment, (bell dinging) and thank you for watching "Mystery Tech" at this point. And for, ah! (box thudding) - [Matt] Oh, man. - Yeah, you got me where you thought you got me. These are the Philips Sleep Headphones with Kokoon, which has side sleep comfort and biosensors. Now, I'm very fortunate that I don't really have any issues sleeping, except for children who like to wake me up a lot, but when they're not around, I sleep really quite soundly. - [Matt] It whispers what you think would put you to sleep. Just like.. - Actually, yeah. - [Matt] All of your bills are paid. Your fridge is fully stocked. You have a full tank of gas. - Yes! All right, open it up. Oh, that's not what I thought that was at all. That looked like in the photos like it was an eye mask. Little, little small. So how much are these headphones? - $250. - Ooh, yikes. - It's a lot of money, but if it helps you sleep better, that's, you know. So I've gotten these to pair and I will give you some initial feedback, which is not good. So, first of all, it was a little bit annoying to actually get them to pair for the first time. I had to charge them a little bit, unplug it. I finally got that to work. Now I have gotten to the point where the app is functional, however, if you want to do that, you need to be aware that you have to pay for the app. So they will pair as normal headphones, but one of the main reasons why you would wanna use these, in my opinion, is the fact that not only are they sort of supposedly comfortable headphones, but they also have like sensors. You see like heart rate and whatnot and all that is gonna be passed through the app, which there's a three-month free trial, but to access it, you have to give them your credit card or something. It is a $35 a year fee. I'm gonna give it a shot. They better be very, very good. This is still, as recording this video in Indiegogo, maybe there's room for them to change their business model and consider not forcing you to give the credit card to get the app to function. I've got a library of sounds and music and whatnot. Oh, you know, I like this one. I like the outdoor like bug noises. - [Matt] Well, we got you one other thing too because you misread the box. - All right. - Yep. - Whoa. (Matt laughing) - That was pretty good, that was pretty good. - [Matt] We're gonna have a chat with your coach. - Oh, how lovely. It is a sleep mask to tell me to enjoy my life. We found the Music Cozy, which are Bluetooth headphones built into a sleep mask. This actually works pretty well. This is really cheap. It doesn't sound as good and I will say it's not as comfortable because when you're sleeping on it, especially on your side, these speakers are kind of like hard, but as a sleep mask, we'll give it a try. - Y'all wanna leave? We should hit up Cracker Barrel. - A number of thoughts about these. First of all, they are quite comfortable. You definitely are getting what they promise as far as something which does feel quite nice, even if you're a side sleeper, so I'll give them that. The audio experience is nice, you know, the different soundscapes, the fact that you can mix in like sound effects with like very like chill music and whatnot and you can kind of adjust the mix is nice. I'm struggling a little bit because they are quite expensive, and if that was the end of it, I would actually say, you know what, these are pretty good. $250 is not unreasonable for this. Paying $30 a year for the privilege is... (grunting) Oh no, Matt's running, that's never a good sign. I caught it. Eargasm earplugs, what the? Eargasm? - [Ken] Oh, these things are actually really good though. I use these at concerts. - You're looking for options, we're trying to give you options. - Sure, thank you for your purchase. How much are the Eargasms? - [Ken] They're probably like 17 to 20 bucks. - [Matt] I have no idea. I ordered these like 14 years ago. - Ear plugs are a thing that are, I'll be honest, something that I almost never wear. When I'm in a really loud environment, ANC. - Oh. - It's not great and I will probably not use this for a concert 'cause I'll just burn my ears out 'cause I hate myself, but this is what I will use most of the time, but I know that using proper earplugs is absolutely a good idea and it's something we all should probably be doing more often. - These I would use for concerts and just concerts 'cause they're tuned for that, but also because they kind of just float, there's like no string or anything. - So it's got a basically a couple of like little stages and then this bottom piece is the actual muffler, the attenuation little guy, so let's just give it a try. So one, two, three. Oh, that goes in there. That's deep. It is quiet, like really quiet. (upbeat music) (all laughing) Boy, that's a little, you know what I just found? Some new ear wax that I've never seen before. (Alex laughing) A huge shout out to the sponsor of today's video, The holiday season is nearly upon us. That's great news for your bottom line, but a nightmare for logistics. Look, we've all been there. You finally found the perfect gift, hit order and wait forever because it ships days or even weeks late. I can't tell you how many times I've been burned by late shipping and I've actually missed the holidays altogether. Kind of ruins the moment when you're sitting there empty-handed while everyone's opening fun gifts. It's not fun to explain, so don't let that happen to your customers. Be prepared for the huge influx of holiday orders. Thankfully has your back. For the last 25 years, they've helped over one million businesses, big and small, just like yours. With partners like the US Postal Service and UPS, you can have all the flexibility you need, and more importantly, discounts up to 84% off standard rates. Plus using is even more convenient with their mobile app. Get your business ready for the holiday rush. Get started with today. Sign up at for a special offer that includes a four-week trial, plus free postage and a free digital scale. No long-term commitments or contracts. Just go to Are you enjoying this episode of Mystery Tech? - I'm standing in front of this. - What you got, Mr. eBay? - Hopefully it's not fragile. - [Matt] I've never bought anything faster. - I mean, coming from the guy who bought the Tungsten Cube, I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. All right, I'll see what we got. Orlando, Orlando. ♪ Orlando, Orlando ♪ I still don't know know what I'm looking at. I legitimately don't. It's like a pirate wheel, but why does it have video signals on it? Oh my God, is that a DVD player? Ah! It's broken. - [Matt] No! - I don't think I did that. I think it was already like that. Dude, I think- - I am a little annoyed because this was supposed to be with the box. - There is not a box. There's some extra accessories in here. - Rip in pieces. - Oh, it's Disney. It literally is Pirates of the Caribbean. It smells just very strange like- - [Matt] Like a pirate? - So it's a Pirates of the Caribbean DVD player? But the problem is though I don't see anywhere where a DVD would go in. - [Ken] Look at the one circular thing on... (laughing) I mean, it has to, right? Where else would a DVD go, apart from the only thing that would fit a DVD. - Okay, I'm gonna try to figure this out on my own. I'm really, I'm a big boy. - [Matt] Can you finish the unboxing process? - Oh yeah, see there's anything else missing? Okay. So we've got ourselves the what? Is it the remote? (all laughing) This is the DVD remote control. This is really it. I will agree, I did not know this this stuff existed either. - [Matt] I searched long and hard to be able to find one that came with both. - Do I wanna ask how much this Pirates of the Caribbean DVD player from 2004 is? - It's priceless. - Like 40? All right, I'm gonna plug it in. Does he light up? - [Matt] You're supposed to hook it up to a TV. - Well, I know that, I was just wondering if he like lights up or like starts laughing or something, I don't know. How do you open it? - There's only one TV that we could legally play this on. - Oh, it's the mouse. - The cease and desist from- - Is this the? - From Mickey was very specific. - Is this literally just the 2004 Disney setup? - No. - Ah! Ah! Davy Jones' locker. - What would be appropriate to watch on the Pirates of the Caribbean DVD? - Pirates of the Caribbean. - Yeah, of course, so we got you Excalibur. (all laughing) - Okay, so the TV is on. I'm not sure if you headphone users can hear, but it's got that lovely CRT whine. So we're gonna go ahead and close this up. Oh. - Hey. - Oh, it's really like logo thing. - It's not a start- - You know what I'm gonna do? Excalibur. So, what do we have to say about this DVD player? Well, it's a mysterious piece of tech, I'll give you that. It's something I never knew existed. It's back when tech was cool and not just generic town 5,000. Look at the engineering, the craftsmanship that went into little Timmy's room. (slide swooshing) (package crinkling) Okay, I caught that one, and I caught that one, and I caught that one. So, we've got ourselves my lunch and the Xbox controller, so I see my combination of things here. And I've got this, which is Xbox controller hoodie? Do I put this on the controller and then it keeps my controller from getting dirty when I'm eating and drinking around it? All right, I will say that this is quite adorable. You got a little hood, you got two little dongle dingles, and then you got a zipper. - [Matt] No, do not call him dongle dingle. - I insert it like this, pull this through here. - That's adorable. - And then I zip it up, make sure he is nice and warm. It's my controller. (Matt laughing) Am I really gonna get put chips all over this? Like this is not meant to be, oh, good Lord. Is that the Couch Buddy? Wait, wait, I actually saw this the other day. I saw this in an Instagram ad. The idea is, is that you can, well, put this with you on the couch and you can load up a bunch of your tech and all your gaming goodies without actually having to get up. Okay, so we've got a bunch of stuff in here. A self-balancing cup holder, the storage box, the eco-friendly PP. - [Ken] What? (Matt laughing) Huh? Okay. - All right, I gotta see this PP here. I gotta see what an eco-friendly PP looks like. - [Matt] No! - Well, look, it's an item, how cool is this? Okay, so this is a, oh, there's a bunch of foam inside. I'm assuming the foam probably stays inside, right? So you can put like your snacks in here, your drink here and you could use this just as your charger so you've got a wireless charger, USB-A and USB-C. Wow, that's a gyroscoping cup if I ever seen one. - [Ken] Yo, actually, the idea is that you could, it's on the couch and it will never spill. - [Ken] Yeah, the guy from Initial D wouldn't learn how to drift with this. - Hello, my friends, so I'm gonna put my Z Flip on the charger and it is charging, wonderful. I'm hung-ee so I'm gonna eat some chips. Gonna drink some coffee. Okay, that's probably not supposed to happen, is it? Look at that. The little thing gets locked on the bottom of my can. That seems like a less than ideal design. Mom! - How do you play with the hoodie on? - Not now, I'm busy. I gonna own the noobs. ♪ Da do do do ♪ (package thudding) That was aggressive. You threw tissues at me? Can I have an item please at some point today? Oh, that's a heavy one, that looks big. (box thudding) Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! That's a chunky one. That's a big boy, all right, well, what have we got in this mysterious brown box that says absolutely nothing about what's inside. Oh, the Laptop Studio 2. Okay, oh my God, that box is so heavy. So we've got ourselves the Laptop Studio 2 outfitted with a 13th Gen Core i7 Processor, 64 gigs of RAM, one terabyte of storage in a 4060. Matt, what do we need to know about the Laptop Studio 2? Because we briefly talked about this in a This Is. - So this is the Laptop Studio, but it's the second one. - [Ken] Great. (Austin laughing) - So we did cover the Laptop Studio 2. Actually. I think it was in Mystery Tech a while ago when it first came out and look, I like this as a concept. My main problems with the first model was that it was a little bit heavy, it didn't have an enormous amount of ports, and it was slightly underpowered considering the price tag. Oh wait, they did add more ports, oh, I didn't realize. They have USB now. They didn't have USB-A last time. And we also have microSD. - [Matt] Find the microSD to be a weird- - I would've put SD, but it's an improvement. Something is better than nothing. Also this is thicker. I can definitely tell that that's just- - [Matt] It is one millimeter thicker. - I can feel one millimeter in my hand. - [Ken] You know what one millimeter's like, for sure. So one of the things that makes this special is that while it looks like a standard laptop form factor, unlike you know, other like Surface tablets or whatever, it's an actual real laptop, but the screen will pop out and you can set it down either in sort of a trackpad mode or you can set it flat, or if you wanna do a presentation, especially if you have like a second display or something, I could be showing it to you on the other side. So this is a legitimately cool idea. Like I really like the fact that they do this and it also, I don't have one here, but I believe that the Surface pen will dock on this little lip. - Correct. - This laptop cost $3,300. (baby crying) Something I immediately noticed is the new trackpad. So this is very similar to something like on a MacBook where it's a haptic trackpad. - There's a lot of accessibility options, which are good for a lot of people too. Like you can resize like where a right click is versus where a low- - Oh, it's terrific. - Like you can like almost like map out the trackpad like that, which I think is really cool, but it feels really nice. - It does, no, this is without any caveats the best Windows trackpad I have ever used. This feels right up there with a MacBook trackpad, which I mean, to be fair, MacBooks have always had the lead here, but like the tracking, the scrolling, the fact that the click feels the same haptically everywhere on the actual surface. Two thumbs up, really, really solid. Let's listen to some audio and take a look at this screen. - To make a video on it, then- - So I'll say speakers are still not amazing. One thing I'll say, I know that they do this for the aesthetic, but we've got plenty of space on the side for upward firing speakers. - [Ken] Can you not pause it in a bad frame? What is this? - Zoom that in. - [Ken] I look like I got punched. - It was such a good video, you actually, yeah. Fairly high resolution display, it's not crazy, but importantly, it is a full 120 hertz. This is a significant step up from their first Studio because that first device felt like it was really cool. You know, I had like the tilty flippy screen and everything. The problem was, is that it didn't really feel like it had the performance to justify the price. So the base model's two grand, but it doesn't have dedicated graphics, ignore that. You get a 4050, but that's kind of, eh, if you want a 4060, you have to spend the 3,300 bucks. So if I'm gonna outfit a MacBook Pro, 4060 is probably equivalent to an M2 Max, right? I think that's a pretty fair assumption, not the Pro. - [Ken] Yeah, yeah, GPU-wise, yeah. - Yeah, I think so, so we build out the M2 Max, 14-inch MacBook, we'll stick with the base model, we load it up with 64 gigs of RAM and one terabyte. This is pretty equivalent and this thing costs 3,500 bucks. I think about the Lenovo Yoga that I took a look at and that was still significantly less expensive and more specced out across the board. - Slim 7i. - Yeah. - 4060 with the i7, not even the pro. So Legion Slim 7i, it says here Gen- - Gen 8. - Gen 8 Intel, 16-inch, 4060 with that i7. How much do you think that is right now? - It's like 1500 bucks, right? - It's 1,459 right now, so it's almost, it's less than half the price. - And that's the thing, if you're just looking at this compared to a MacBook, which I think a lot of people are, it's actually reasonably priced. When you look at something like that Lenovo, which was built really well, had better performance than this, and it's maybe not quite as cool of a design, but it's still less than half the price. It's tough, man. I think a lot of people will be happy. I'm glad that this is a much better, more well-rounded package, but as always, it's just very difficult to recommend spending this kind of money. Like you really gotta value this design, which I will say is nice, it's really nice. It's a lot of money, man. A lot of money.
Channel: Austin Evans
Views: 518,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mystery tech, tech, mystery, microsoft, surface, laptop studio, laptop, studio, surface laptop studio, laptop studio 2, surface studio 2, surface laptop studio 2, unboxing, review, phillips sleep headphones, sleep, headphones, kokoon, tiny atari, atari, atari arcade, eargasm, earplugs, pirates, pirates of the caribbean, pirates dvd, disney, dvd, austin, austin evans
Id: DjvQcIZPniw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2023
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