I got SCAMMED by Pawn Shop Tech

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- Today, we are going to be searching for tech in a pawn shop or, more specifically, a whole bunch of pawn shops. So we did this video a couple of years ago, and we found some absolutely wild stuff. So I'm hopeful that, today, our luck will strike twice or we'll find nothing, and it'll be really lame, but I think we'll find some cool stuff. So this is our third or fourth stop of the day, and we've actually found some pretty decent stuff. So we're gonna take this stuff back to the studio, fire it up, and see, first of all, if everything works, second of all, if we actually got some good deals or we got scammed. Only one way to find out. So let's start out with the Dreamcast. Now, the main reason why I wanted this was it was actually a good deal. We were able to get this complete in box Dreamcast for $104, but if this thing is in vaguely usable condition, we got a good deal because most boxed Dreamcasts online, even in like somewhat rough shape, go from between two to $300. Congratulations, cupcake, you hold the future in your hands. Okay, not just the future of gaming, your booty's future. Wait, what? Are I trying to say that my future is sitting on the couch playing Dreamcast? How's that my booty's future? Also, why would you call my booty? So we've got ourselves a controller, which, I will say, these Dreamcast controllers do tend to yellow, but they're always a little like gray. So I don't find it to be that bad. So we've got our controller. Oh, we actually got a second controller. Oh, actually, that's pretty nice 'cause the Dreamcast only came with one in the box. Okay, so you see this right here? This is the seam. That's what the plastic looks like. All that dark stuff, that's hand goo over the years. We also have web browser 2.0, which is clearly still in the original shrink wrap. We also got the original phone cable. So, again, this is clearly never put online, and, unfortunately, I don't think you can put a Dreamcast online anymore. I shouldn't have said that. This probably someone's figured it out here. Here's hoping. Ooh. Okay, so $104, again, we got it for a great deal. I'll go get a TV. I'll be right back. Okay. Let's give it a try, shall we? Well, that answers that question about half a second. Oh, wait. (Dreamcast buzzes) That's not suppose to sound like that. Dreamcasts are actually fairly quiet. So this is a actual working copy of Crazy Taxi, I believe. So let's try that and see. Yes, okay. (sighs in relief) - Let's go. - Whee! - Into the cable car up on- - You're not hurt, let's go. - (indistinct) careful! - Look, man. You gotta get there on time, right? Come on. - You got Class D license. - D? - Game over. - Oh, well, it's safe to say that we got a good deal on this Dreamcast. I'm slightly worried about the noises it's making, about its long-term viability, but getting a boxed Dreamcast in slightly dirty but usable shape, thumbs up, good start. I am hopeful that the rest of our items are as good as this. (laughs) There's a couple that are not going to be good, I think. Next, we've got ourselves a Lenovo X1 Carbon. Now, this is, obviously, been well-used over the years, and it's a little bit on the older side. So this looks like it came from, I believe, 2013. That being said though, the design of this thing, I still, actually, think holds up pretty well today. The biggest problem with this guy is that it's got like a, it's not a touch bar, but it's kind of similar because I believe this changes, but it's been like, I don't even know what happened like has it been in on the sun? It's burnt out like that. I don't know if it actually is going to work, but it's certainly seen much better days. One area where laptops have come a tremendous way in the last 10 years is audio and, definitely, screens. This looks bad, but I will say, the little touch bar guy is working. Yeah, yeah, so you toggle it. So we have all of the function keys, and I tap it again, and then I have my volume, my brightness, and everything like that. We do have a Core i5-4300U. So it's Haswell. It's fine. I'd say this is still probably usable for very light tasks today. Could be worse. Eight gigs of DDR3 RAM, so plenty, and yes it is, in fact, the 128-gig SSD, and we also have AC Wi-Fi. That, actually, kind of surprising. That's actually a really high-end Wi-Fi chipset for back in 2013. The screen is definitely where, if I was buying this laptop today, I would be most disappointed, and keep in mind that while I was able to get this for cheap, it's still not like crazy cheap. So this costs me $120. So on the back, you'll see this is the original Windows 7 license key, but there's also a Windows 10 refurb license, and, you know, I'm actually, and, now, I'm really curious. So, obviously, it's not in like great cosmetic shape, but I would say it's fine, but let me actually open this up 'cause if this was refurb, that helps the value. Oh, wow! That's so clean. Wait, wait, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. That's so clean. So the first thing I see, our SSD. This is the Kingston SSD. Look, it's got a little date on it of April 2020. So, actually, this has been refurbished in the last three years. So that's nice. You know, here's an idea. Should we actually try the webcam? Normally, I wouldn't care, but because so much of this stuff is actually like decent enterprise, I would be surprised if it's actually okay. So this is a look at what the webcam looks like. I mean it's actually fine, but, boy, color, it hasn't learned how to deal with the RG and B, it's just kind of gray. Actually fine, might be slightly overstating it, but it's a webcam, whatever. Shoutout to Lenovo, man. 10 years ago, this design holds up like really well. Next up, I bought a Nintendo Switch Lite, you know the best version of the Switch. (clears throat) So this one was listed at $170. We are able to get it for 135, not an amazing deal, but I would say decent. Now, if you wanna hear me wax poetically about why I still think that the Switch Lite is the best version of the Switch, I've got an entire video, which you can go check out. The short story is, to me, this form factor is absolutely it. What's not it is the quality of this one. This one looks like it's been chewed up a little bit, and, by a little bit, I mean, wow, that's actually... I couldn't tell through the plastic wrap. That's actually not good. The screen is moderately scratched. Definitely no screen protector on there. There's some deep gouges there and there. There's also more broken plastic, too. So where the game card slot is, it's clearly just been like broken off. Oh, wait, there's a game inside. Let's see what game we got. Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games, okay. We're gonna let this charge for a minute. and see if I can actually fire a game up, make sure that the screen is vaguely functional, but best case scenario is just got a ton of cosmetic damage. This one feels like slight cheating because I already know these are fake. I got a couple of pairs of headphones. First of all, I've got a pair of Beats Studio Buds. These were $45, which the real Studio Buds, even on sale, typically, are about 100. Now, these are not advertised as AirPods Max, but I think if you take a look, you might be able to spot some similarities to the real thing. I want to try the Studio Buds first. Now, again, I understand these are not real. I'm not gonna judge them as if they are real, but I think a lot of people would probably see this and assume that, yeah, those are real Studio Buds. See, we got here. All right, well, that looks legitimate. We've got a few ear tips. A USB-C cable and our Yeats. They sure ain't Beats. So, oh, God, that feels terrible. Yeah, that's not good. The case feels like it cost them like two cents to make. Well, that's great. So I guess I need to charge these fake Beats for them to have any juice whatsoever. No, I can't, the USB doesn't go in. See, it like goes like about two thirds of the way in. (device clicks) (Austin groans) That did not feel good, and the LED is also not on. (subtle upbeat music) Why do I do this to myself? This is, this is... I don't even think these are gonna work, dude. Are these even real headphones? Maybe there's some circuitry for real headphones. Best case scenario, they're crappy knockoffs that have to literally smash into your ears to do anything, but I cannot get them to take a charge, to pair, to do anything. After that disaster, why don't we take a look at our AirPods Max or, as they call it, the Model P9. So for context, this is a pair of real AirPods Maxes, which weigh 521 grams. They are big heavy boys. Now, if I take a look at our entire P9 box, it weighs 293 grams. So I guess, on one hand, you could say that we got a good deal 'cause these only cost $50, unlike the real ones which are 550 bucks, but something tells me that the quality is not gonna be great. Let's see. Well, okay, at first glance, they look okay, and, oh, my god, they weigh nothing. Do you hear that quality? So we've even got buttons on the side, a micro USB, an aux, and an SD card slot. They're like warped. Like only one ear, like this ear doesn't go on right. Let's hope that the Bluetooth actually works. That will make me feel slightly better. (upbeat music plays) They don't work out of the box either, great. Hello, welcome to Austin's waiting for (beeps) I bought to charge Emporium. They've been plugged in for a little bit now, and I can hold this power button all I want. (upbeat music continues) Nothing. I think what happened is that these items, both of 'em were probably bought, at like Wish or Temu for like five, 10 bucks each, and then resold for 50, and I'm the sucker who bought them. (disappointing music) Let's check on our Switch Lite, shall we? Like some of these scratches in the middle are like deep enough that like you can see them no matter what you're doing. There's a couple over here as well. A lot of the surface stuff is fine, and, honestly, like the fact that it's been bitten up and chewed is not like the end of the world, but, wait, the right bumper does not work on this at all. Like just straight up, it doesn't click, and there's no input whatsoever from it. I can't believe I'm about to say this. This experience makes me wish I had just shopped on Wish. Lucky for us, we got a whole bunch more items that I'm sure are gonna be really, really good, and my sanity's gonna continue leaking bit by bit. We're just gonna find it. It's just gonna be... (heartbeats) It's just gonna have a great time, great time. (glass shatters) (beeps) Let's take a look at this, suspiciously, in hindsight, good deal on an Xbox One X. So we were able to buy this One X for $180, which is actually pretty good, especially considering that a lot of like Xbox One S's are only like 20, 30 bucks cheaper, and the One X is a way, way more powerful console for playing, not only Xbox One games, but, also, this can actually run a lot of Xbox 360 games at like 4k and whatnot. So there's actually real advantages in buying an Xbox One X today. I will say the Xbox is not cosmetically good, but because it's this matte plastic, even though it's got a bunch of scratches, to me, it's, honestly, not that bad. I'd probably just either not care 'cause I got it for cheap or just stick like a dbrand or something on it. Okay, let's take a look. Let's see what kind of quality we got here. The sticks are definitely well used, but feel fine. Triggers are fine. Buttons' all feeling okay. Oh, here we go, my money was worth it. We got ourselves some Duracell Quantum batteries. Boy, that's the good stuff. Those will last you 30 to 33 hours on a charge. All right, well, I'm gonna grab a monitor, TV and really hope that this works. Every like on this video is one more prayer for this Xbox to work. Don't fast forward to see if it works, okay? You're with me in the moment right now, okay? Leave a like, and, together, we're gonna find out if everything's okay or not 'cause it's not okay right now. It's not okay. (suspenseful music) Yes! Yes! After a lengthy update process, we are now up and running. So let me start out with one of the main reasons why I think it actually makes sense to get a One X over something like Series S, which is installing an Xbox 360 game. This is specifically Skyrim, and the cool thing about Skyrim is that it is one of the games that has been optimized for Xbox One X. This game isn't playable here. It is playable here. - [Alex] It is not backwards compatible. - Skyrim doesn't work on Xbox One, are you kidding me? Okay, nevermind then. I guess I'm just wrong, and that every other Xbox 360 game, I guess, besides Skyrim, works on the Xbox One. While 2K16 is installing, get this back on track. Let's take a look at another item we got, which is the Elite Series 2 controller. So the regular version retails for, I believe, 170 or $180, and then if you don't care about all the extra bits and bobs, you can get the core version, which doesn't have all the extra sticks and whatnot, but, importantly, still has everything else, and you can buy those separately for 130 bucks, but this, my friends, this only costs 70, and it comes in the box. I don't wanna use this, this is, oh, a controller that's for Xbox One. I want an elite controller 'cause I'm an elite gamer, and I've saved so much money today by buying stuff from pawn shops that I'm gonna treat myself to... Look at that, look that. That's a good controller. I can tell already by the look of (stutters) the buttons. It's gonna be a good controller. This thing feels like so much better than this. Obviously, these standard Xbox controller is totally fine, but the elite has like this nice heft. The grips are nice. Now, I do know that this is missing the USB-C cable. So they did mention that, and I don't think it's... Yeah, there's nothing else in the box. I'm gonna sync this and hope that it works. Okay, we'll plug it in. You know what, I actually think it's gonna be better when it's wired 'cause it needs to charge. Boom. Instantly works. Okay, so while a lot of things might not be going our way today, at the very least, we can say that we have got ourselves a good deal on this controller. Does it actually need a 38-gigabyte update? No, it doesn't. (controlled breathing) (groans) So while I install, it's a beautiful copy, of the game, definitely is gonna work, let's take a look at some more stuff. How about this? You know the kids these days, they're past smartphones. They're past DSLRs. No, no, the cool thing is crappy old digital cameras from the 2000s. - [Alice] Good luck. - And boy, oh, boy, have I got the option for you. This is the Sony Cybershot DSC-W310. This is an older camera, but that's the aesthetic that everyone's after, and importantly, we actually got this for really cheap. This cost, I think, $25. Oh, my God, look at that. Look at that, dude, this was like the era of like the ultra cheap, kind of crappy cameras. Although, to be fair, that lens is pretty flat. So you actually could like toss it in a pocket pretty easily. We've got the USB cable. We've also got, oh, okay, so it does come with that weird like proprietary USB to AV, some paperwork, and that's it. They didn't gimme a battery, did they? Cool, so they just didn't gimme the battery or the charger for the battery. - [Alex] You know, it's okay. I figured something like this would happen. I thought, you know, maybe like a 10-year old battery was gonna be exploded or something. - Did you get a battery? - [Alex] So I ordered one ahead of time. - Finally, something went right, and something was prepared correctly. Thank you very much for this Wasabi battery. Okay, so we're just gonna just take... Why don't we take a selfie? I'll take a selfie. Jesus Christ. I guess the flash is on. (groans) (upbeat music) (shutter clicks) Oh, wait, there's a video mode, I forgot. What does the video mode look like? We're now recording on our $25 digital camera from the pawn shop in beautiful, crystal clear VGA 480p. I'm not gonna lie, this actually makes me a little nostalgic. I totally understand why everyone's like, you know, taking these things to like concerts and to capture memories because it's like, it's a very specific kind of aesthetic. It's not for everyone, but, honestly, I might Instagram a little bit with this. I'm not even gonna lie. I kind of get it, and importantly, even though I didn't come with a battery or a charger, it works! So while we wait our perennial 20 minutes for our game to install, next, let's take a look at my Mac Mini. We actually did a pawn shop video two years ago, and the same pawn shop we went to had, I'm pretty sure, this exact Mac Mini. It has been sitting there for a long time, and we were able to liberate it for the low, low price of $60, and they thanked us for finally taking it off their hands. I wanna fire this up and make sure, but I believe this is either first or second generation Mac Mini. It's certainly the older one where it's aluminum, but it's got like the polycarbonate on the top, and it's got a wide selection of ports. So we've got ourselves the power connector, ethernet, FireWire, DVI, four USB 2.0, I assume, and then audio in and out. So since it's got DVI, I'm gonna use an HDMI to DVI adapter, but these things are like nothing. I heard it fire up, it... Oh! It works! Wait, what's "Excalibur"? Wait, there's an actual disc in here? So we're on 10.5.8, which is regular Leopard, not Snow Leopard, and we've got a two-gigahertz Core 2 Duo and one gigabyte of RAM, and we do have a 120-gigabyte hard drive. Well, I mean it does seem to work. What's "Excalibur"? Should we just find out what "Excalibur" is? Wait, am I gonna regret this? This is a bad idea? It remembers where this DVD was... There we go! Okay, wait, so actually we got ourself the DVD. Look at that. I don't know how to judge this Mac Mini. It clearly works. I would certainly nuke it and reinstall it and maybe upgrade with like an SSD or something, but if you want an older version of Mac OS that's running on a system like this, you can't upgrade this that far 'cause I think if this is that Core 2 Duo, you're probably only gonna be able to upgrade it, (bell dings) Snow Leopard or, I don't know exactly how far, but this is probably not gonna be like massively upgradable. That being said though, 60 bucks, that's, I think, an okay deal. That's an okay deal. Let's just play a game. I'm just ready to play an actual game. Do you see that? That... The game finally is starting after almost an hour. There's a problem with the connection to our online services. (crew laughs) Trying to tell me that the 2K16 servers don't work anymore? Imagine that. So what have we learned today? What we learned that when you purchase items from a pawn shop, it's probably a good idea to make sure that you're getting a good deal, not guaranteed, make sure that the items work, it's certainly not guaranteed, and make sure that they have a good return policy so that, you know, if the thing doesn't work, you can get your money back, and boy, oh boy, I wish I could do that right now.
Channel: Austin Evans
Views: 754,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pawn shop, haul, tech, pawn, dreamcast, switch, switch lite, nintendo, sony, camera, digital camera, point and shoot, xbox, xbox one x, mac mini, lenovo, x1, x1 carbon, thinkpad, beats, airpods, fake beats, fake airpods, fake, austin, austin evans
Id: nu-GKUd4wxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 1sec (1201 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 03 2023
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