I FOUND the RAREST Nintendo Switch GRAIL!

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I have a pretty large Nintendo switch collection but there's a Holy Grail item that I've always wanted the Nintendo switch kiosk ask any video game collector game kiosks are usually extremely sought after if I don't find one of these things now I'm probably not going to be able to feasibly buy one and I got to give a shout out to one of my twitch followers just David Baba who sent me a link to one in Mari right here in my home state of Pennsylvania he essentially told me that he had a really big gamore that had a massive basement under it filled with video games that nobody has ever seen and if we come pick up the kiosk we can dive into his back room so now all of a sudden this has gone from me going to pick up a cool Nintendo kiosk to me Kim and our friends KIPP and live driving 2 hours to a small little Podunk town to buy some video games in a man's basement going to be a good day as I'm standing here shoveling all this snow at the back of my truck I am worried that it's not going to fit because really he measured it and he said it's 6 ft and the back of this truck is 5 ft I'm putting a lot of faith that I'm not about to drive 2 hours to the middle of nowhere for nothing right now but it's time for a road trip we are driving 3 hours to go to henkle's toy bar which is a video game and toy store up in Milton PA all right we're here this reminds me of when I was with the game Chasers once and we went to that video game store in the middle of nowhere town like this it's the same Vibes we just drove all this way and the store is closed in fact I'm looking in the window and I think the store is closed down I think I've been had this was a scam he hates your YouTube content he hates YouTubers he hates YouTubers especially Nintendo based YouTubers I've already given him my $1,500 and the store ain't here I'm more like trying to call him and call him and he's not picking up so there there was a moment here that I thought I'd be telling Kim and Liv that uh we came a long way for nothing I was very concerned when we pulled up to the wrong store cuz we drove a long way and uh that would have been bad thankfully this guy just has too much stuff and this old location is too small to house at all how far is the new store two blocks away all right thank you buddy all right bye bye okay but we tell them the store is back near the house yes the boys were like so the other store is 2 hours the way oh yeah you did try to lie and say that we drove 2 hours in the wrong direction the bad news is that the store that we're now going to is an hour back the way we just came no yeah seriously you're kidding yep nuh-uh dude when I talk to you guys to us you're lying you got to say something us it seems like we are lying so he moved around the corner to a bigger Barn Hinkle's bigger Toy Barn that's terrible so we go there and he shows up in a Jurassic Park Jeep what's going on guys is that your your daily commuter one of the three hey nice to meet you how you doing Budd Gary hey man how nice meeting you guys turns out he's kind of obsessed with Jurassic Park so much Jurassic Park half of the store is dedicated to Jurassic Park toys and memorabilia we asked him at one point why he likes Jurassic Park so much and he just said I watched it as a kid hold on to your butt when unicorn Overlord was revealed at that recent Nintendo Direct I giggled at the silly name because it's like two of the complete opposite things coming together demonic sprinkles or fluffy decapitation it just didn't seem to work what I didn't know at the time was that this game was being developed by vanillaware yeah the same people that made 13 Sentinels and Dragon's Crown and that was a beat them up show some respect it's also their fourth game published by Atlas so I take back all my Giggles I will now accept the Unicorn as my my one and only scw over unicorn Overlord is a retro fantasy strategy and pays homage to Old School 16 and 32bit Classics it's a strategy RPG Adventure where you forge alliances liberate kingdoms and explore an expansive world with beautiful 2D visuals much like other vanilla Weare projects the art for focused on 2D designs rather than the 3D art that is dominating the video games industry and I got to say it looks really good I don't know if it's handdrawn or painted but it's just stunning the game is 40 to 50 hours long there's even a demo out right now that you can play for a few hours which is actually how I've been playing it and the best thing is all your progress carries over to the main game so there's no reason not to at least try it out this game has a rich and advanced tactic system that's all about arranging ing your units using active skills unit formations mixing up class types 60 unique characters a large variety of items and weapons and honestly so much more that's just gone over my head I'm just running around the world picking up side quest unicorn Overlord is available digitally on Nintendo switch Xbox x and S PlayStation 5 and Playstation 4 and physically baby on Nintendo switch Xbox x and PlayStation 5 pre-order is available now and The Game launch on March 8th 2024 easily one of my favorite sponsors to take on the channel is Nintendo switch games on the eShop that it couldn't be more perfect so thank you unicorn Overlord for sponsoring check out all their links down below I mean at least play the demo for the music Alone have you been listening okay walking into Hinkle's toy bar was a little um different it didn't look like a toy store at all no I was skeptical at this point I was a little confused that it was a furniture store come to find out he is sharing this location right now and eventually he's going to take over the whole place this store has everything you can get your rock slate or you can get The Rock WWE wrestler for now a lot of his inventory is in the basement the video game section is pretty small though there was a tiny Corner that was the video game section was there a couple of game cubes in there there's a PlayStation one really dirty though there's a CO store there's not as many video games as I was hoping and definitely no Nintendo switch everyone else is liking it and I'm just here for my kiosk so I'm having a good time the actual toy store is more for Kip Kim and Liv who were all losing their minds at this point Kip was going cuckoo for Cocoa pops over the pop figures he did have a good selection of Spider-Man pops there was a couple that I wanted I definitely don't have this with a spider Bop so found something I got to be honest I hate pop figures they are so ugly I've never understood them and ially I thought the store was that one little closet cuz we walked in and it was just that it looked like the smallest little store it was so cool cuz it just went on forever after you got in there I was really itching to get into these back rooms though so finally he opens this door in the back of the store so this guy offered us to see his back door that's the wrong one he'd sold this to us as if he was giving us this private tour that no one's ever seen and we walked through on our own it was Gary who we had just met I want to throw that out there seems like a lovely guy but they always do moments before a m so that the Vibes getting Eerie coupled with the fact that he then says you guys ever had Chef uh gravioli and stuff like that yeah love them okay cool this was the building that was the meat packaging plant gets even worse though as he takes us straight to the meat killed these like all meat kills Alexa what happens in a meat kill this might answer your question cannibalism is the as he wrenches up the giant metal lever it scrapes against the door it was at that point I thought we were going to die the vibe of everything changed in this moment if you don't know what a kill is it's a small room that gets very very hot there was a moment where I was like we've left the girls in the shop it's me you and this dude and it's dark and it's cold and there's a Kil canceling ground thankfully he didn't cook Us Alive there were old 90s standies in here the kilm is filled with old standies from the 90s nice whoa Disney and cartoon nostalgic standies he then starts showing us the Pokémon stuff that nobody has ever seen which sounded really cool to begin with and then it ended up being Hungry Jacks branded Pokemon stuff no one's ever seen which to be honest is still pretty cool we're talking all the old place mats and Fry packets from the '90s in condition that looks like they could stop fat frying some fries right now and shove them into these bad boys and serve them up there was an old VHS for how to set up all of the Pokémon merchandise even the tape looked like it never been watched so all of this has just been in the first back room there's another back room where my kiosk is so he takes us around to that and holy moly it's gorgeous we traveled so far that we just hoped that the chaos was going to be in the kind of condition that was worth the trip thankfully it was it was superb I mean that's like documentary style I can't stress enough that I really really have wanted one of these for a long time it does make me very happy this is one of them weird collectible things where certain pieces can be missing this has everything it even has the cardboard removable cover that covers where the joy-cons and the switch would go this is as complete as a switch kiosk could be minus the joycons what happened on those uh those ones are they took so they have a rep from Nintendo that comes and they got everything mhm so they take the system itself like this is just the charging system for it and they take the controller the fact that everything else is here is insane there is also a screen that is usually in the left hand side in this missing Gap here what's nice about these with the other two that we had do you ever hear Raspberry Pi yeah so you can hook it up to add a bunch of extra things to it and one thing that I didn't mention until now is somewhere in my collection I have a kiosk Nintendo switch a kiosk Nintendo switch is one specifically released with these kiosks and they only have a series of demo games all right we're going to leave this kiosk here for a second and we're going to go and explore the basement was basement we just trusted a stranger yeah we did do that cuz he said come to my basement kids we have toys and I said don't do that yep the basement couldn't be creepier I got to be honest you got to remember we are in the middle of nowhere nobody can hear a scream out here let alone in the basement of a meat factory that has a kilm I don't want to make Gary feel bad he was very nice very sweet but there's always a chance almost immediately he took us down to another room in the basement that I can only describe as the room where he keeps the bodies cuz there were just body bags everywhere that could have just had disembodied people it looked like a room of death we definitely thought there were body bags in that room but they weren't body bags they were McDonald standies which clearly you keep in trash bags when you used to go to McDonald's and out the front they'd have the Happy Meal displays each one of these bags had a different one of them in it do you know if any of these are like Nintendo or Pokémon so we did have the Pokémon one that one sold for a little over $8,000 holy yeah this is the kind of stuff that you call Priceless because who else has a collection of this and then the rest of the basement was filled with tubs and tubs of Transformers old board games Barbies Barbies it stretches all this way all back there where Kim has been digging through I don't even gold thank you Polly Pockets the weird nostalgic items that are hidden down here is baffling to me boxes of M&M's here from the Millennia the year 2000 it's stuff that you would never think of I feel really bad that I don't collect this stuff I'm probably not the right person to be given this opportunity I wish the toy Chasers were here Kim and Liv though losing their minds oh my gosh the My Little Pony we did find some nice porcelain dolls yeah dressed like clowns didn't want that house oh my gosh they were so cute but Kip Pates clowns oh we got the Strawberry Shortcake baking pan you want a strawberry shortcake pan you need her for your kitchen oh my gosh you were loving the box of The Simpsons oh yeah I did get some Simpsons figurines I was getting pretty overwhelmed in the basement there was just so much stuff we just didn't really have the time for it I figured my best bet of finding anything that I was actually going to buy would be back up in the store so I did one last sweep up here feels like we're never going to see the girls again yeah know this is that part of the movie and found some cool things actually growing up I was in the video games I didn't really have many toys nothing licensed anyway but these I did have he has two of them here for 25 bucks and they're sealed you don't know what you're going to get there's a Charizard Pikachu Jigglypuff pow Mewtwo and Togepi I had one but it was like the worst one I think it was like a Jigglypuff or something and I always wanted a Charizard no it was a Togepi I had the Togepi I got is there a polywall I got it twice yeah I also found a CH figure from Persona 4 while Gary was talking to me and he came over and just went you can have that and I appreciate it so much and now is probably a good time to stop making jokes about Gary trying to kill us and talk about how Gary was so hecking nice his whole vibe was very small country Family come on in and I'll make your dinner kind of vibe you shouldn't trust strangers like that but he has something we really really want it and it was that Nintendo display case thingy I also never mentioned this he's a big wrestling fan and my friend Kip he wrestles for aew he's on TV you like aw he's all that great but no no I'm not I'm going to be WWE guy but we have a lot of wrestlers that'll come here and do signings we had Eric Rowan here we had had debiasi we had Sergeant Slaughter wrestling hasn't been what it's been in the past 20 years and we were kind of messing with him and being like that be why you don't like Kip Sabian and Penelope Ford yeah you should look into Kip Sabian and Penelope Ford they're really good yeah and he's just trashing them and the company as they're standing right there tell the camera they're the best I'm supposed to tell them that they're the best they're big they're big fans of the uh of the the video well come to my store and do some signings and then you promise I promise you'll be the best all right there we go good luck getting them out here good luck dragging them out he wasn't an aw fan he also didn't have a kip Sabian figure not enough Kip Sabian variations I didn't think oh man we're evil he thought that I was the YouTuber so he kept addressing me me directly as if I'd arranged this whole thing which was hilarious while Woods walking around you know trying to get all of the footage he really took to Kip once he realized Kip was a wrestler the only problem is this thing's heavier thank God there's wrestlers here so oh you told him I mean we're in his after hours at this point the store is closed he's just here because we're here and he was having as much fun if not more fun than we were and that was really nice to be around he had a very infectious personality we've already been here 3 hours and we did not plan to be all away from our dogs as long as we have been I bring the truck from the front around to the back without all three of us this thing was not lifting so when we originally decided to pick this up we were promised that it would easily go into this trailer smooth as butter um it was really heavy makes it even more scary that the left hand side with the light and the Marquee that apparently bre breaks super easily I'm 99% sure it's breaking but Gary gets down and squats with all of his might and we lift the other side and somehow manag to get this thing up onto the truck Gary was right successfully fits in the back of this truck and I'm going home with a switch kiosk I'm very happy I did actually grab it on the bad side at one point and I heard it Crunch and I thought for sure that I broke it and there's no way of knowing until we get it home and plug in I don't expect any of the lights to turn on we're all loaded up we got to buy all of our stuff that we've picked out the girls have found a ton of stuff from the basement and in the store I got this Prett cool I like it I like it I got her I got a creepy po I got a little pony I'm definitely getting this one but I'm trying to decide if I need this one but she's so pretty she was so pretty so pretty I offered to sign Samy gavara but but then as soon as we're about to check out all of a sudden this guy offers us the grand price of zero I get a picture with you T right by my sign there you sign these you guys take the box yeah yeah that's the deal seriously that's the deal well thank you so much no problem I appreciate you guys coming Kip and I insisted but he said no it's fine you signed things you've already spent $1500 in the store which I see that I really only have these two little Poke Ball things that I want and then the chier which he just kind of thrusted in my possession so I was like okay I've spent a lot of money I can be okay with this Kip couldn't let it go it felt wrong we'd spend the whole day here I had to buy something there's a master chief helmet that I saw maybe I buy the master chief helmet then I don't want to come in and take stuff without no no no no listen but I'll definitely sign these listen the exposure for your store of small business and then you know just a good time it's it's more important than the dollar I felt bad yeah me too it was too generous we just spent I think maybe 7 hours in this store do you want to give it a plug of where it is Milton Pennsylvania dead middle of the state why should people come to your store if you just want to relive your childhood for a heartbeat to remember how it was to be a much simpler time it was really fun and it's a really nice store and thank you so much for your time appreciate it guys shake your hand too I appreciate it shake your hand as well thank you man thank you bro for story sake we're home now it's also been snowing a lot recently and our driveway is super icy it was icy I beat the out of it with a shovel that was my first so I didn't want to film trying to lift this thing into my garage cuz I was so worried about everybody's safety oh my gosh that kios I mean I hope I was helping I felt like I was helping because that thing was Heavy one last thing for the night before Kip and Liv go home I opened up my Pokémon blind boxes I'm opening these from the '90s which feels terrible to do but I want to know so bad if I got a Charizard finally I got Pikachu that's pretty that's sweet yay and then there's a certificate of authenticity in there too po wall polywall po Pikachu again okay that's still cool two Pikachu they're not blind boxes they're both Pikachu it's Pikachu on the box they were both always going to be Pikachu I don't need two of them though so I gave one to Kip and live and now it's like the turtle does thing where we both have one and we can remember where we got it this special day of hanging out fast forward to now a week later this thing's been in my garage this whole time but Kip and Liv are back over my house I mean Kip and Liv as I said are both wrestlers and they're both very strong but Liv did just have hip surgery so I'm so worried about her my laum was torn and it's reattached and would invites us out to uh go pick up this Nintendo switch kiosk thing and forces me to pick it up out of the truck and I'm like oh my God I just got done using crutches like 2 months ago I'm perfect Al capable of lifting this and I was it wasn't as heavy as I thought it was going to be I took most of the weight myself I've been working out really hard recently and uh I felt good I hope Wood's okay he's been really trying recently in the gym bless him and this whole time I've been waiting to turn it on to see if the lights still work I was nervous that it wasn't going to work because it was at this point that I realized we' not tested this at all I'm not even joking so I was worried this wasn't even going to turn on and what they do they still work and it looks so cool I wiped it all down cleaned it all up plugged it all back in and it's so cool it's actually so cool I've been waiting a while to make this video cuz I've been making a ton of other videos and I've had to put blankets on it so no one saw that I had this there's LED lights underneath that still work the Marquee still works it's Animal Crossing which is such a cool Marquee to have out of all of them I'm so so happy I still can't believe I have one and also just how cool it is I mean it just looks like such a statement piece in the collection I think the switch is my favorite console of all time not just because of the channel but because of the library of games and how much I have played this console I've never played a console as much as I've played the switch in my life I really wanted to get this kiosk now and to find one this complete that works in such great condition very happy so thank you Gary from Hinkle's toy Bond thank you Kim Kip and Liv for coming with me on this adventure of course we had a lot of fun good time cuz we got to hang out I think we could have spent longer in there I know yeah I just felt bad staying in the basement the whole time cuz you wanted me to film you picking up stuff and I I just wanted to dig three boxes of dirty toys cuz I love that we we got pretty selfish I had a really good time everything I say sounds sarcastic though it does a little you want the honest answer I like nerdy stuff and I like wood thank you just David Barber for randomly messaging me in twitch DMS to let me know there's one near me this all happened because of you these are some of my favorite videos to make for so many reasons so thanks for watching them love you guys and bye
Channel: BeatEmUps
Views: 395,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nintendo Switch, RARE Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch Grail, Nintendo Switch RAREST, Nintendo Switch RAREST item, nintendo switch collector, Nintendo, Switch, Beatemups, I found the rarest nintendo switch, nintendo switch kiosk, best nintendo switch, new nintendo switch, nintendo switch game, I FOUND the RAREST Nintendo Switch GRAIL!, nintendo switch oled, nintendo
Id: s0cGIYfBe4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 25sec (1345 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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