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I'm running the show today I was in the middle of researching for some wonderful items off of GameStop when I decided oh this stuff is good enough for main channel so while we make it this is all about it stop stop giving away my formula here's the thing the map I have a wide variety of items actually starting out with this lovely tote Matt how much do you think I paid for this lovely PlayStation branded tote from Gamestop 14.99 49 cents I have more cool because I'm taking it I love a good tote I got some gifts for you this is the first item for this video it's gonna set the move it's gonna set the tone I just want you to appreciate the wonderment of GameStop and I just want to make sure that you're really in the mood oh I don't know oh no there are two items in the Box so I know that Kyle was unfortunately unable to be here due to a yet another dirt bike accident Goku Baku what would you say if these were some of the most expensive items in this video don't worry about it it's fine oh who let me out of the house looking so fly I actually am really happy that this actually matches my shirt I didn't even mean to do that hey Matt I heard that you're a big fan of gaming is that true can you confirm I well I don't compromise so I think legally that makes me a gamer what's your favorite platform um well I prefer marble but uh it's I will I will take a good granite let me ask you a different question Matt are you a big fan of deals yeah of high quality gaming accessories well boy oh boy if I got the item for you in this PlayStation tote I like to feel around just just experience this high quality deal direct from GameStop Matt are you confused what's what's the confusion so what we have here is a connect not just any connect an Xbox one connect an Xbox One Connect that uh does not fit in this bag I had the idea for this that uh every item is gonna come out of a tote now I'm realizing how annoying it is because I only have three totes and a lot of items so that's the Hebrew when I did this with a with a bucket I managed to juggle those I gave you buckets full of keyboards Matt I got you something else it equally is amazing is it a PlayStation connect I'm having a similar hand feel right now whatever could you mean Matt something that doesn't quite fit in a bag huh a weird proprietary cable whatever could this be oh wait it's a second connect I could tell you a whole story about how this is a part of an elaborate joke but the reality is I accidentally added two to my cart but Matt you haven't asked the best part I asked you if you like deals well how much do you think I paid for uh two Xbox One Kinect 350. 350 no oh wait wait 3.50 yeah they were 999 each 9.99 each such a good deal I accidentally bought two I'm so rich I can accidentally buy multiple things and not even realize it it's okay I was under this budget it's okay I just need some more bells and then um we'll be reloaded at any moment now so fun fact we pay all of our employees exclusively in bugs bugs like bugs bugs yeah when we negotiate salary here let's say I'll give you 150 bugs a week yeah we got some high quality accessories here which is my way to plug them into what about something there's a thing in there there is actually what's something I truly love just think what's the list of items Austin Watson like Boss Coffee true F1 also true in that order just open the damn bag not a familiar hand feel we got this is a charging and TV dock for a Nintendo switch first of all this is GameStop branded but this actually is the coolest stock I have ever seen for the switch not only does it work it has oh GameCube controller ports on the dock this dock allows you to hook up your switch it has two GameCube controller ports and on top of that it has a little switch it will either work with the HDMI turned on so you can actually ride it out to your TV or you can flip it off and therefore just have it as a charging stand with USB around back we've got in addition to our GameCube ports up front a USB we've got a USBC as well as HDMI so I guess the only downside here is that you do need to provide your own power cable but for the level price of forty dollars you give yourself a dock with Gamecube controller ports built in that works not only with HDMI on your TV like a regular dock which you can also use a portably so you press this little button on the back and it switches between HDMI output and just uh routing the power and the USB into your switch we're about to smash I will win this I'm better at it no I'm so bad at smash I haven't played Smash in a long time no no no no no no no no is it nice to play with the GameCube controllers portably though like actually I don't think I've ever done this before the switch is not plugged in right now so the switch is entirely running on battery which is powering our Hub and our controllers that's really neat oh well anyway this is great can will you not agree that this is a pretty cool item I found it this actually is really cool this is probably the best switch dock I've seen it's exclusive to GameStop right like this is not like some other third-party thing like this is an actual GameStop branded item how about some more GameStop branded items I thought you were supposed to not tell me what these things it's GameStop Brandy it could be anything the hand feel uh really loses it when it's just in a square box we have GameStop branded touch control gaming earbuds that look like a Transformer shoot these out opened have they this is oh this was grunge stuff in the I bought all these items from gamestop.com so it was all shipped to us it does say pre-owned guarantee this definitely has been in someone's ear what the this was definitely purchased as a new item and yeah yeah you're right it's been opened and it does not come with the extra no like if you look there's there's juice on there so we stopped branding on it but over on this side we have not put these in our ears yet there's definitely some um ear remnants ear juice that does not make me feel confident um yeah also these are so ugly dude I will say I have determined that there is a problem with this box and that there's no damn Steel on it so someone could have easily just popped it open stuck it all up in their ears and then put it back so evidently it's not new if you guys are asking us why why aren't you testing it because I don't want to have your coven uh oh oh my God oh my God worse things have been my ears man I don't get grossed out by a lot of stuff but you're ears is one of them since Matt's too scared to try the used earbuds I'm gonna listen to them right now I'm currently listening to him at 100 volume and I would still say they're not that loud there's a uh customer service number that I'm considering calling foreign rgbing right now they sound okay they're not bad they're really very quiet like I've had it like 90 95 volume and that was about where I would normally listen whereas normally I have earbuds at like 40 50 they've got RGB and which you know means it's a really good brand right how much would you pay for the map I'm curious brand new of course from Gamestop we've seen like from from uh Five Below we've seen from Daiso we've seen from CVS yep and all of those were like 10 15 bucks and but this has a GameStop logo because of game stunks I'm gonna say these are 99 no they're 55 55.55 that is still way more than you should be paying 30 dollars more I'm personally like not a fan of RGB uh um headphones to begin with because I feel like headphones should be kind of like subtle and whatnot well you know what else is subtle not our next item this next one it's a two I got two items now before we open this bag I there's a little bit of a backstory here because when you see the item you're gonna be like okay cool whatever but it's not so much the item is how it was advertised this was a random assortment of this item so they just shipped me whatever again they were a random selection of what they had in the store so go ahead foreign oh God so uh we purchased random Xbox One controllers one of them appears to be like a power a I believe the other one I have no idea I did not open these beforehand but we saw them in the bags we're like uh I don't feel so good isn't this like brand new twenty dollars maybe if it's not a first party controller they just put it in a bin controllers so this no this is a they reused the bag this is legitimately like caked in some excrement of some kind the fact that they're reusing the bags before I even open this up look how gross this is oh oh look at the grime okay we should actually open this bag this one's like legitimately like there's keto dust still caked on to the the joystick oh owner was a smoker oh oh so much worse than I thought it's like I stuffed my nose in it ashtray man the whole studio smells like smoke right now ah don't do it to me don't do it to me you you did this to me that's legitimately one of the top three most disgusting things I've ever seen on this is when we first saw it we saw the bags like oh haha funny weird random controllers and immediately didn't look at it until we're on camera no absolutely not you might not be happy right now and I feel slightly nauseous but what if I could tell you that we can end this video you need a little bit more action you need a little bit more lights and you need a little bit more sound but this would actually be helpful okay all right big big big box big box GameStop Brandon stuff doesn't miss apparently just already fifty dollars for these that ain't it Chief these are 23 48 that's still too much I would say that the branding for GameStop is uh egregious okay so I'm gonna fire up our laptop let's get some sea shanty going here are ready to activate the RGB mhm what mode is this is anyone enjoying this well you know what though people are gonna enjoy the beautiful sound quality hello and welcome to this is today we're going to be looking at the most expensive they're actually not that bad it's not that bad yeah it's not that bad but hang on let's actually do this right [Music] foreign [Music] because the ones we looked at Five Below didn't have Bluetooth I mean they're not terrific sounding but certainly way better than like laptop or monitor speakers like for this kind of budget I'll actually kind of give them a pass yeah I would pay 50 bucks for them but I would pay 25. oh wait wait wait wait no I actually saw something I saw something here yeah okay I I wait wait so here here's why these are a little bit priceier every time you buy one of these things yeah comes with five shares of games of gamestons so you get five shares of this thing that I'm lying to you about let us know what you think about all these GameStop products did they make us buy it did we get game we got game scammed we just traded in a good video for this and uh like unfortunately store credit was all they gave us subscribe we'll catch you in the next one foreign
Channel: This Is
Views: 162,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: this is, austin evans, matt ansini, test drivers, the test drivers, facebook, tech, technology, amazon, google, sony, playstation, ps5, xbox, apple, meta, gaming, consoles, pcmr, laptops, gpu, rtx, psready, denki, xboxready, superswitchgo
Id: GtYnVHbyX_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2023
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