What Happened to the 9th Generation?

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now we've designed the most consistently powerful Next Generation console and we built state-of-the-art platform technology to allow every developer to realize their full [Music] vision where are the games at where are the games where are the games it's dry where are the games I kind of keep waiting for them to do their thing I don't see anything these are easily the most pointless upgrad have ever experienced what is the point of buying a console if you can just make a PC if you know everything on PC why not just buy a PC and B console where are the games where are the deadlines where are the projects where are the teases like it feels weird that it's like why buy consoles now comes the fun part we get to see how the development Community takes advantage of that feature set something's happening with video game consoles they've changed from machines people couldn't wait to get their hands on to machines people couldn't wait to forget and after weeks of digging I boil down every problem the ninth generation has down to three so let's break them down starting with the most obvious of them all the games see every console generation is measured by one thing and one thing only the games the 360 had Halo 3 the PlayStation 3 had Uncharted and the Wii had the Wii Sports tennis game that broke all of our TVs and I oh jeez but unlike the previous generations the PlayStation 5 and Xbox series X technically have way more games than any other console in history every week a new indie game releases there's backwards compatibility for almost any game you can think of and if God forbid those older games didn't play well well then there's a pretty good chance it's been completely remade so then why does this generation feel like it has nothing how does that make any sense well the answer starts getting more clear when we look at every hit this generation's had so far there's a problem do you see it hold on let me remove every game that was made primarily for the previous generation now let's remove every game that's considered a better playing experience on the PC and last but not least let's remove every remake or remaster of an existing game the list is dramatically smaller isn't it I mean if these games tell us anything it's that there's something in the water at Insomniac and we got to protect them at all costs they love me but this generation's games are actually a bigger problem than you'd think when we compare them to the previous generations specifically the Xbox 360 and PS3 and Wii generation for context the seventh generation of consoles objectively had worse development tools worse Hardware to build games on less people with skills to build them and less documentation to learn from I mean these consoles released before social media was even a thing yeah here's the games they released during the same amount of time as the PlayStation 5 and Xbox series X oh W that's pretty wild right you see back then every game was made solely for that generation of consoles without remakes and you could forget about a PC Port back then I mean that just wasn't a thing because during that time steam is just getting started blizzard makes like one game every decade and Microsoft is pushing the insanely buggy games for Windows Live look these games technically aren't telling you the full story While most of these games are critically acclaimed it's what they did for the industry that made the Seventh Generation so special for example Gears of War revolutionized Third Person cover Shooters Cooperative story and the brown color palette that every game used for a lot longer than they should have Wii Sports revolutionized motion controls made a accessible for a brand new casual audience technically because of the Wii anyone could play games now rest in peace to all the TVs out there and back then Call of Duty actually revolutionized FPS controls multiplayer progression and 60 frames per second as a staple of competitive multiplayer 50,000 people used to live here now it's a ghost but what's more insane is that the Publishers that absolutely dominated in the Seventh Generation have completely bombed in this generation Next Generation gaming Warner Brothers was on top of the world with Batman and Shadow of Mordor but then they release Suicide Squad a game that nobody wanted how you feeling Floyd ready to kick your ass nobody Ubisoft dominates with Assassin's Creed but then launches their quadruple a game skull and bones to crickets like that game came out 2 months ago and no one's talking about it it's already probably half off Activision revolutionized multiplayer gaming with Call of Duty a grounded military game but now this is Call of Duty you could be the king but watch the queen conquer why is Nicki Minaj in Call of Duty the war game money also Microsoft you know the single biggest video game publisher in the world right now well they launch red completely broken Starfield completely empty lion head Studios completely fired laid off four more companies during the making of this video you what and release three buggy incomplete Halo games in a row and they all hurt every single one of them hurt me quite significantly so here's the million-dollar question if not billion dollars what the heck is happening with video games well you see the simple answer that gains a lot L of social credit these days is making games is hard making games is hard making games is hard making games is hard making games is hard making games is hard now using my personal experience in the software development field I've been doing it for like 10 years I can't argue that the process is difficult but I can argue that these companies seem to have no idea what people actually want to play and when we look at the games through that lens we can start to see why we're getting so many remakes of games that were so successful before so many lives serve as Destiny or fortnite clones and why so many games are made for the previous generation with a higher install base first instead of the new consoles we spent $600 of our hard-earned Canadian money on they weren't cheap guys maybe we start building for them just a throwing that out there now it might be because I love video games or because I'm Canadian and thus genetically predisposed to helping people come back stronger that's that zenai in me baby so video game companies here's some feedback that I'll give you free of charge ditch these consoles no one thought the Xbox one was going to make it 2 years let alone 11 just take it out back to the farm make it look at the sunset do what you need to do we're all in the same page no one's going to be there and going to be like no please no not the Xbox One and PS4 no I love them so much bring them to the farm you see it's time to make games that people actually want we're talking a non-li serve as Batman game an Assassin's Creed Black Flag 2 an actually good Halo game he's fun I like him or just look at what's popular in the mod scene and you'll get a hit it's actually surprising how little companies do this I mean it worked for DOTA it worked for Team Fortress 2 it worked for Battle Royale it worked for Counter Strike and all the gaming companies were like we should make a fortnite or a Destiny clone Suicide Squad why money but unfortunately the last of Next Generation games is just the first problem because these consoles make playing games kind of difficult dude how is my timing that bad how so let's say you get a brand new console here's a simple question for you what should it do it sounds simple enough right it should play video games of course but there's actually something else that I'm sure you'll remember after this [Music] now if you didn't play the GameCube then that just didn't work but if you did it's just one example of the magical experience a console can actually give players and in every one of your favorite consoles you'll find a similar experience when you play it for the first time but what about the Xbox series X oh it's uh it's just an Xbox one but uh I guess it's faster now $600 Canadian dollar faster I guess and I guess my $600 wasn't enough to cover the ads either now In fairness when you boot the PlayStation 5 Sony says hold my beer I don't need it I don't need it I don't need it I don't need God that that was like every single PlayStation merged into one super PlayStation and I loved every second of it but look what happens when I pop in an extremely expensive 90 Canadian dollar Next Generation physical game from this incredibly sad and empty plastic box into each console yeah the game needs to install gigabytes of data or download larger and larger patches before you can even get a chance to play so then you think to yourself well okay I guess while I wait the mildly frustrating 30 minutes for this game to be ready I can just you know play one of the digital games that I already own but then you find out that when you do that the network speeds of your consoles are dragged into the Frozen depths of H double hockey sticks so then you think fine okay all right I'll just play another game today and take the hit on the network speed so I can play the new 90 Canadian dollar Next Generation physical game from this empty plastic box tomorrow but then the game that you decide to play also has a 60 gig update because of course it does so at this point you're you're basically dead inside but because you're desperate to play anything during the 2 hours of time you have left before you have to go to sleep to your corporate soul sucking 9 to-5 job you decide to play the most depressing game of r Russian Roulette to see which of the games you own doesn't need a 200 gig update until you almost assuredly give up and decide to watch someone else play games on YouTube or twitch instead and if that's your case hello and welcome to the channel okay now at first glance it seems like the console experience is objectively worse than those that came before but if you're skeptical like I was then don't worry because I decided to bust out my older consoles to put this to the test so for the Xbox series X I found my original Xbox from over 20 years ago the idea is simple on the original Xbox I'm going to try to play Halo Combat Evolved a 20-year-old game and on the series X I'll try to play Halo infinite to see which console lets me play the game first [Music] well that's depressing but you might not be convinced so I repeated this same exact test with the PlayStation 5 and the Playstation 2 on the PS2 I'm going to play ratch and Clank going Commando and on the PlayStation 5 I'll try Ratchet and Clank ripped apart so this test was really interesting because even with 4K Graphics Insomniac somehow loaded ratch [ __ ] on the PS5 in almost half the time but unfortunately what you don't know is both of these consoles needed their games to be pre-installed ahead of time just so they could compete now remember each of these consoles is playing a game that's pushing their Hardware to the Limit but only the previous generations actually let me play the games immediately and I don't even want to imagine what would happen if these newer consoles weren't connected to the internet like these things have way more power they have way faster hard drive speeds and yet I can just play games faster over there because you see in the ninth generation the games are worse the play experience is worse and in the Xbox series X's case it barely tries to do anything to trigger any form of nostalgia I mean who's launching the Xbox series X 10 years from now being like Oh man the Jurassic world Dominion ad on the front dashboard that I paid $600 Canadian dollar for and his subscription to Game Pass and Xbox Live that's when gaming truly peaked ah yeah the Nostalgia so here's the question if the modern gaming experience boils down to a list of games that are slightly better versions of the previous generations games that constantly require downloading Andor updating then why not just play games on the PC where the games look and run so much better and I can actually do something else while I wait for my game to download the truth is most people wouldn't which is exactly why we're seeing a dramatic surge in the popularity for PC gaming instead of console gaming that was traditionally always the place to play Games first but there's actually one more reason why people are moving to PC away from the PlayStation 5 and Xbox series X and it has to do with the way that these consoles treat people you see when it comes to video game consoles there's actually two different eras of communication the offline era where you actually had to visit your friends hang out bring over a giant CRT TV in the online era where you have friends list parties and wonderful messages is awaiting you every single person who watches your videos are [ __ ] stupid I'm actually nostalgic for it but somehow the Xbox series X and PlayStation 5 online community feels like an absolute ghost town where there's technically millions of people playing but no one ever talks y'all feeling a good sense of community Bravo is taking these Zones look closer to your fellow man fellow Spartan your team love so let's go back to 2007 to see just what the heck happened okay it's 2007 and for some reason we talk like this broken weird Canadian British accent but that's just what 2007 was like so you want to play Halo 3 with your friends and your 360 hasn't red ringed what are you to do well first you need a microphone to communicate and thankfully Microsoft graciously includes a pretty pretty decent quality mic for the time with your Xbox 360 that means that anyone and everyone who has a 360 can communicate online right out the gate so how do we go about communicating well it is 2007 so communication software is I'll be blunt it's it's terrible Skype is probably the best out there but us Canadians what we were using MSN Messenger n fortunately we're in luck because sure the communication software may have been total garbage yeah yeah yeah Skype and call but the software in these consoles were actually magnificent you see it had friends lists a private party system that worked across any game and like I mentioned before some of the most wonderful voice messages you could have ever hoped for five see you I'm going to your face wide open yeah like I said 2007 was a different time but what about the game itself how did we communicate with the others you see by default Halo in every other multiplayer game let anyone with a microphone communicate openly lobbies were active parties were well indicated on screen with an icon and proximity chat was always turned on by default you don't need communication you don't need communication mindblowing I know every single person you played with could be spoken to just like if we were playing sports in person it was truly a community but now let us forward back to the present day to see what the new consoles can do okay so it's 2024 and the PlayStation 5 and Xbox series X have a few small differences despite being more expensive the consoles no longer come with microphones Next Generation gaming Sony technically provides one embedded in the controller itself to be fair but unless you play like a complete psychopath it's probably not going to gain Mass adoption isn't it great that we can just talk right through this controller might if I ever see you I'm going to f yeah don't do that that's weird next comes the communication software and it's pretty much the same as before but while this sounds great on paper it's actually pretty bad given that it's been over 15 years you see companies like Discord have streamlined the way players communicate and the consoles really haven't tried to keep up the only Innovation I could think of was that the consoles did technically add Discord integration but In fairness using Discord on a PC or a phone still feels infinitely better than the watered down version we get on the Xbox series X or PlayStation 5 like I just use my phone or you know what I you know what I probably do is I just go on the PC instead but okay what what about the games how are they handling communication 15 years later well let's use Halo again as an example to showcase the 15 years of innovation and the reason I use Halo is because quite frankly Halo 2 in Halo 3 were revolutionary for really promoting communication within games each of these games kind of pushed things forward proximity chat [ __ ] talking dude postgame lobbies that all kind of stemmed from the Halos M me he's like dude it's like 5:00 a.m. where you are go to sleep and I just replied with Halo 3 it no longer has pre and postgame lobbies and hasn't for over a decade it no longer has proximity chat it does however support text chat between console and PC crossplay so that's cool but they completely block all forms of written or spoken communication with the Enemy team entirely and unfortunately every game seems to have seen that in decided that rather than figure out a system that works for different communication Styles yeah it's just easier to block everything completely so no one gets hurt what you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard it's as if you played a game of basketball outside but no one was allowed to talk to each other and the only way you could talk to your team was to stop pick up your phone and then text them before someone hit you in the face with a basketball and that sounds like a weird analogy but it's like legitimately true sure I guess technically no one has a chance for harassment in that case what did you say [Music] Punk but it kind of loses a lot of the humanity in the process don't you think look I love video game consoles their reveals their launches and what they do for the industry some form of connectivity is called Xbox 360 right so stick with 360 that's your message each one defined a specific part of my life and I'm pretty sure it did for you guys too but the honest truth is that the ninth generation consoles are just overpriced poor gaming experiences where the games are held back by less capable machines corporate greed and a censored online environment in a world where if I spend a couple extra hundred bucks I get all of that and more on a PC the market is basically being forced to go elsewhere yeah and I'm afraid if these problems continue video game consoles we know and love will die slowly in a wasteland as nothing but a memory except I don't think they have to it's a PS2 cu the magic of what made video game consoles so special to everyone never truly left it's always been there just waiting for some [Music] someone anyone to bring it back 5 4 3 2 1 to bring back games that aren't afraid to push the industry forward I am your Shield I am your sword to bring back experiences we'll never [Music] forget and to put players first as a community anyone complain am I [Music] here if you haven't left yet I would advise that you sprint 36 for the PlayStation [Music] 2 oh my God [Music] and it's [Music] on it's just one big social Gathering uniting people all over the world for you know love of games 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 are you excited I am now like I wasn't before but like seeing this I hope you enjoyed the video you're beautiful you're Goose tastic and as always keep it cute hey can anyone hear me stop talking through the controller you're an absolute psychopath and I despise you
Channel: Zenkai Goose
Views: 923,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zenkai goose, zenkaigoose, keep it cute, ps5, xbox series x, xbox series s, 9th gen, 9th generation consoles, video games, gaming, playstation 5, playstation, xbox, xsx, xbox one, ps4, playstation 4, xb1, games, gaming consoles, consoles, video game consoles
Id: EJxaIP8F3K8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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