I got SCAMMED on the "New" Temu 😅

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- I've seen some comments that this site is better than Wish and Temu combined, and it's called Banggood. I'm not kidding, this is an actual real website. Banggood is a site much like Temu and Wish, that offers discount items direct from China at, what are supposedly, excellent prices. Let's investigate because I'm suspicious. Whoa, what? An fiber laser engraver for $1,300? I would light something on fire with this. I'm probably not gonna buy that. PH meter for soil? What I'm finding here is a fairly wide variety of sort of weird gadgets and stuff. You know what this actually reminds me a little bit? A little bit like AliExpress. Do I want a high-speed RC car? I probably do, if I'm honest with you. So this is $118 HBX 16889 A Pro, which is a 1/16th scale. Very little machine. This one was born to drive off-road, people love these things. Honestly, these listings are some of the most accurate of Temu, Wish, AliExpress I've ever seen. Like there's a lot of information here and most of these translations actually seem to be pretty decent. Wait, wait, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. FossiBot F101, 24 mega pixel triple camera phone. You know what? It's on sale for only 99.99, I'd be a fool not to buy it. Wait, what? This says here a hundred dollars, I click on it, it's 125. Banggood, don't clickbait me. Fine, take my 124.99. With that, I think we have everything we need for our Banggood review. Is it time to Banggood or is it time to go back to the warm, loving embrace of AliExpress, Temu, and Wish? Well, unfortunately, we're all about to find out. - [Ken] Oh god. - Okay, so- - [Matt] Oh god, yeah. - For today's video, we're going to exclusively be doing it from the over, no, no, no, no, I knew it. I heard the rustling. I knew you were about to smash me directly in the head with an anvil straight out of.. Here's the problem, we shot the ordering scene for this video in August. We are recording this unboxing in November. Yes, my friends, that is multiple months, I can't count. - [Ken] That's bang bad. - That's real bad. So whatever this anvil is, it's gonna be a surprise to us all. So the first item. - [Kinsey] Don't like that. - [Ken] Grip it with force. - All right, we got ourselves an bent alloy laser sword. - That's not actually bent, that's just a knockoff Count Dooku Lightsaber. - [Austin] Yeah, yeah. - The real ones will get it. - Dude, Count Dooku man, cool dude. Also, I mostly like Christopher Walken? - [Matt] Yeah, that, yeah. Christopher Walken was definitely Count Dooku. - That's it, right? - Join me at the dark side. - So, we got ourselves our laser sword. The good thing is it doesn't seem to be broken, I don't think. So give me a little while. We'll come back to these once they've been fully charged up and I'm ready to dispatch those pesky Jedis. Did I buy this? - [Matt] I love that he ordered this and then he just like, did I do this? - So, could you please refresh me on the price of my wings of the future, very cool mouse. - [Kinsey] It says, 36.99. - Now, you might hear 36.99 and go, good lord, that's a lot of money, that's what I said. But, this has a secret. So this mouse, my friends, has a removable fuel tank and some other stuff. - [Matt] Did, I'm sorry, did you say fuel tank? - What is this little spinny guy for? - [Kinsey] It's for suspended UFO mode. Press the bottom of the mouse to decompress the module when you are not using it and it pops up. Is that what that is? - It does, it pops up. - [Kinsey] But if you put it back in, I think it might spin the actual, you can make the mouse spin. Yo! - Fingertip gyro. So users with large hands can use thumb and middle finger. Turn the top of their fingertips in the palm of their hands. - [Kinsey] So not you. - [Ken] Unfortunately, that won't work for Austin. - Excuse me, they're perfectly average size. So I could just do this. - [Kinsey] You use an iPhone mini. - Which is a normal sized phone. - [Ken] Wait, it was a mini? - [Matt] I'll say, I thought it was a max in his hand. - All right, let me connect it to my laptop and see how this works. Oh, this actually feels pretty nice. I'm curious what happens if I take out the middle part? Oh now, it's super lightweight. So this is not only a fidget toy, but also it's, honestly, like half the weight of the mouse right there. I actually think it kind of looks nice. Honestly, this is a huge W. Like this thing is actually like way cooler than I thought. Welcome to the destroyer. Yeah. - [Matt] What is that voice? - The destroyer. - [Matt] Randy Savage in a library. - So this is an off-road stadium truck. It's a 1/16th scale, electric powered, four wheel drive, off-Road stadium truck. - [Ken] So, do you wanna race? 'Cause I actually happen to have a real one from Kyosh, like the actual name brand. - Like here? - [Ken] Not here. We'll have to get that in a later shot, but I have a real one. - [Austin] Okay. - But, it's a really cool RC car that should go toe to toe with this. - [Austin] I will race you, I will race you. (upbeat music) So, I'm gonna put our Banggood RC car to the test head to head to your much cooler looking car. We're gonna do a lap from this side. We'll gonna go around these trees and come back over this side. - [Joanna] 3, 2, 1, go! - [Austin] Oh, oh, I spun out. - [Ken] Oh. Wait, my car's not going in the direction I want. - [Austin] Ha, ha. All right, I've got one lap down. - [Ken] Hello? - [Austin] And the winner is my super cool Banggood RC car. This thing is so, so fast. It's also, I didn't realize it's even all-wheel drive. That's so cool. Look, I'm clearly not an RC car expert, but for a hundred bucks, man, this thing is so cool. Oh, how polite. So this, I actually think I know what this is. So there was a Banggood mystery box. Now, they say mystery box, but it clearly seemed to have things like a T-shirt and whatnot inside, which is interesting 'cause I don't know who wants to walk around with a Banggood T-shirt on? Not me. - [Ken] You wouldn't wear it at Disneyland? - No, I would actually not- - [Matt] To church? - I would not rep this brand, but I'm just curious about this. So, how much did I pay for this mystery box? It was like 70 bucks or something. - [Kinsey] 70 bucks. And it asks you for a T-shirt size? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, so that's why I assumed there's a shirt in here. (playful music) - [Ken] Does it sound like the ocean? - A little bit. Not only is it dusty, it's incredibly light. Did you guys take the stuff out of the box? - [Ken] Nope. - [Matt] Nope. (Matt and Ken laughing) Did they forget to put my stuff in the box? - [Matt] They whispered T-shirt in the box. - There is nothing in the box, that makes $70 a box. - [Ken] No, Austin, it's see-through. - You guys couldn't share the bang a box. - [Matt] This is a nice box for $70. Like we got our money's worth. Can't break it. - [Ken] It's actually, like you don't see the corrugation that's actually really high quality. - [Matt] Oh yeah, like it's- - [Ken] Wait, I can rectify the situation. - Okay, you fix it, please. Okay, let's try this again. Oh look, an item. Is this just a random item that you put in the box to make you feel better? - [Ken] Yeah. - 'Cause I bought this. This is a phone. This is a 10,600 milliampere-hour battery. Yes, you hurt me right. Don't adjust your headphones. 10,000 milliampere-hours. Which should power this phone for probably until it breaks would be my assumption. Wait, how much was this? - [Kinsey] It was a 124.99. - That's a reasonable price for a phone, I'm not mad. Oh, fancy packaging. We've got some foam and then we've got the, what the? What the? Oh my god! Feel the heft. - [Matt] Is that a phone or a taser? - It's my Z Flip 5. Admittedly a fairly small lightweight phone. It weighs 188 grams. This FossiBot weighs 339 grams, so it's over double the weight. Let's try the speaker though, that's the thing I'm really curious about. 'Cause this is a chunky AI music powered speaker. Dude, it is so slow. Like honestly, this is one of the slowest phones I've ever used. I don't understand why it's this bad. - [Ken] Listen to Careless Whisper by Toad. - The (quack) version? (upbeat music) Wow, what an experience we all just had together. That is the loudest speaker I've ever heard on a phone. And it is not even close. That's like quadruple the sound of like an iPhone or whatever like, it is so (beep) loud. - [Matt] Whoa. - [Ken] Okay. - I don't think I could recommend this phone to anyone because it is so slow. I mean, it is slow, slow, but the only positive things I can say is that it does seem like it's built relatively well. At least it's built in a durable kind of way. Unfortunately, it weighs about as much as a brick and is about as performant as a brick throwing it through the air. Okay, all right. That's a big chungy boy. Oh, is that my chair? All right, let me open this chair and I'll be right back once I've assembled what I'm sure is a very wonderful knockoff of DXRacer. - [Kinsey] Oh, but, you know, there's an extra feature that is listed here, it says massaging. - Racing, gaming, and massaging? - [Ken] That's the Douxlife, don't you know? - Oh, it's the doux part of the life. (upbeat music) So I've got this bit which, whoa, whoa, whoa. - [Kinsey] Well, you gotta deploy the footrest now. - Oh yeah, you're right. - [Matt] So, it's that then flips out? - [Kinsey] Yeah. - [Matt] Yeah. - [Ken] Nice - Boy, this is the way I like to race. And then I've got buttons here, so I'm gonna turn power on. All right, what? Okay, we want high intensity. Woo. Can you hear that? - [Ken] Yeah. - [Kinsey] Yeah. - I mean, it sounds like you've just eaten a lot of Taco Bell. - [Matt] Yeah. - Okay, this is normal mode. It's a pleasant sound of sitting on driving over train tracks. - You look super relaxed right now. - I'm so relaxed. - [Kinsey] This chair was 135.99. - That actually is pretty good considering that you could get like a regular, cheapy office chair for the same price. What I'm experiencing here is not so much a massage and more, so imagine you stuff 10 smartphones in your chair, turn them on vibrate and then give them the beans. - That's a great idea. - That was disrespectful to this, I'm sure, very fine product. Oh, I know this one. The uleFone, the uleFone Armor X13 with up to 12 gigs of RAM, six gigs of RAM and six gigs of virtual RAM. All right. Now, this is certainly a chunky. Look at, I have average size hands and it's like I'm holding a damn iPad. How much was the uleFone? - [Kinsey] It was 139.99. - Pretty good deal. Especially because we've got ourselves a tempered glass screen protector, very, very nice. So the uleFone phone is quite a chunky device, but there are a couple of features that make it specifically unique. So when I open up the camera and what we're gonna find is that it's got, oh look, a lovely, actually not a terrible looking camera, but if I press night vision, it's now. - [Matt] Oh, oh no. - Oh yes. Can we please dim the lights? So dear viewers, you can't see me right now, can you? But you can with the uleFone because it's got a night vision camera. That's a cool feature, right? - [Matt] That actually looked really good on like, I mean, I'm curious to see how the actual video comes out, but like on screen, that looked really good. - There's an alarm bell and a noise test. I'm gonna do the noise test. General room environment, noisy work environment, nerve cells are destroyed or you'd better leave now. - [Kinsey] Whoa. - [Ken] Wait, that's a metric? - So, let's be quiet for a second and see what this studio sounds like. Okay, about 35 db. Now, I'm gonna get loud. Is everyone ready for my itch to destroy your nerve cells? Ready? Set. (Austin screams) - [Ken] Let's get ready to rumble! - It just says 90. It didn't go above 90 at all. This thing- - [Matt] I think. I feel like OSHA would have some things to say about you trying to go above the thing that says nerve damaging, you better leave. - You better leave now. - [Kinsey] Yeah, you trying to damage our nerves? - I just wanted to find out how loud I could be, and apparently, I'm not loud enough. This thing is actually kind of cool. I mean, I don't know if I would've recommend buying a weird chunky phone like this, but it's actually not bad. Like honestly, this thing is kind of cool. Well, it opened itself. - [Matt] Oh, okay. The ghosts opened that. - Oh! Hydrogen rich water cup. Healthy water, the source of life. - [Kinsey] Yeah so, you ever drink water and go, damn, I wish this had more hydrogen in it because that's somehow was better. Well, this electrifies your water, so there's more hydrogen. - I, you know what? I drink, actually, only hydrogen. I don't drink like the, the O part of water, get out of here. - [Ken] There's too much O. - Exactly. I don't want the H2O, I just want the H2. It has a power LED which, can I just mention that the power button is not straight. You see, I was just like kind of curved to the side. - [Matt] Same. - [Kinsey] Okay. - Can anyone please read me the benefits of this while I experience it? But can you read like a posh cool accent, so I feel better about my health decisions? - The benefits are that this well keep you hydrated for the rest of your life because it's going to electrocute you. So it only, apparently this only works with pure water, mineral water, or purified water. - Well, this is purified, so it counts. I turned it on, it's doing some- - The water temperature at 50 degrees celsius. - What? 50 degree? That's hot. - [Matt] Yeah, that's very hot. At this time, a large number of hydrogen bubbles in the bottle will rise from the bottom. - [Kinsey] I wouldn't not call it a large number. - [Austin] Well, it's gaining. - [Matt] It's doing its thing. - There's more and more of them. - [Matt] The LED lights will automatically extinguish. - [Kinsey] Whoa. - [Matt] When you can drink. - Oh, it's done, it's done, it's done. Okay, okay, wait, check, I gotta check. - [Kinsey] Exponentially. - Smells like water. Oh, it's cold, why is it cold? Wow, it's very cold. - [Matt] It was in the refrigerator, you idiot. (beep) - Can I just say that it tastes like water. - [Kinsey] No, can't you feel your improved microcirculation? - Well as far as I'm circulating right now. - [Matt] Do you feel energized? - No, but my sinuses feel like I just did a- - [Matt] Do me a favor and wipe down that table. - All right, I'm just gonna clean that up real quick. - [Ken] Oh. - Okay, that one did not get close. Let's take a look at what clothes I bought months ago and have completely forgotten about. "Boy Future belo to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." - [Kinsey] Is it dreams or is it drearas? - Drearas. The beauty of my drearas. All right, well, we're just gonna put this one on. How do you do fellow kids? - [Ken] Oh god. - Oh no, sorry, I'm not done, I'm not done. Let me finish the drip. Oh, what the, what is this fabric? It's a... Oh no, oh no, this is see-through. - [Matt] HR is just pre-filling out every form right now. - [Ken] Look at the- - [Matt] What is the entire, what is the intended usage? It buns down way too far. - Can we move on, please? Is there another item? All right, the mini TV game console. It's almost like a PlayStation one, except (quack). Inside we have, what's just like a fake PlayStation Classic, isn't it? We got a lot. So we got some. Oh my god. - [Matt] I can hear how cheap those sound from here. - [Ken] There's like nothing in there, huh? Including, there's no L and R buttons is literally a D-pad. - [Matt] Wait, whoa. - [Ken] What? They didn't render? - Yeah, they didn't finish rendering. All right, fire up TV. Fire up TV. Oh wait, no, it's actually broken, isn't it? - [Kinsey] Oh. - Wait, no, no that's literally me like pushing down on the cable till I get a little bit of a signal. Wow, I almost can make out an image, almost. How much did we pay for this thing? - [Kinsey] 13.99. - [Austin] That was 12.99 too expensive 'cause this thing is junk. - [Matt] This is like reminding me of like trying to watch channel 99 in the '90s. - It's like, I think I saw something. - [Matt] Well, don't worry 'cause we got you a backup plan. - [Austin] A backup plan? - [Kinsey] Backup plan. - [Matt] In case that one didn't work. - Uh-huh. Oh my god, a super console? Who needs that? - [Ken] Whoa. - [Matt] Chances are that works probably better than before. - It probably. I actually just fixed it. So this is my X2 Pro super console with built-in classic games, dual system and added games. And inside we have, well, we have an HDMI. Wait, what? This is our super console? That doesn't look very super to me. We got ourselves a quad core A53 CPU. Apparently will support Sega Saturn. Ooh. - [Ken] Wow. - Very exciting. That's pretty good. All right, let's plug this in. Let's see what we got here. Let's see what we got here. - [Matt] Okay. - [Austin] Whoa. This is a super console, isn't it? And then- - [Kinsey] Oh, sick. The controller works too. So we've got 72,597 games. - [Ken] Wow. - That's more games than I thought existed. All right, let's try, let's try PlayStation first. Oh, Ace Combat, hell yeah, brother. Dude, this actually, at first glance, I mean obviously I would never condone purchasing ROMs. - [Matt] Well, you own all 72,000 of these games. I do, actually. - [Matt] It's fine. - It's in my basement.w But, this does seem quite impressive, like if this works remotely. Yeah boy, that's not good. I mean, look at my frame rate here is just literally multiple frames per second. Like probably at least five. All right, let's get out of PlayStation, it can't do that, let's get something older. So far, I've been moderately impressed. I mean PlayStation should be, oh wow. Yeah, and then in fact for, so for Game Boy Advance, it actually has like a little CRT filter, which honestly doesn't look bad. This actually seems pretty decent. Super console, might not be, but for $69, actually $69 is like a little borderline, but it's okay for 69 bucks. They don't work. - [Matt] What? - Dude, they've been charging for hours now and they don't work. - [Matt] What? - [Kinsey] Did you assemble them correctly? - I mean, you just plug them in. What did you do? - [Matt] There's an on switch. - Held the button. - My apprentice, you have betrayed us. (epic music) - What fell? - Do you see now? It is now a giant flashlight 'cause I broke the end. I will say, besides the fact that they definitely break really easily, they actually are kind of cool. - [Matt] I mean, we hit really hard. You can't flip that? You can't twir, yeah, come on. - [Ken] There you go. - [Matt] There you go. Okay. - [Kinsey] Rip Darth Maul. - Thank you very much for watching this episode of Banggood Tech. Subscribe to the channel. I'm not going to order from Banggood again, but who knows? Maybe my next video will be full of good tech and not whatever this is. - Probably not.
Channel: Austin Evans
Views: 770,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: banggood, bang good, bang, good, wish, aliexpress, temu, gadgets, gadget, tech, unboxing, review, mouse, rc car, fossibot, ulefone, console, playstation, austin, austin evans
Id: Y8Eq7fmOz9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2023
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