Diablo by Funkmastermp in 34:17 - AGDQ 2018 - Part 146

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three dollar donation from Dresner I just got off my overnight shift at work but no way am I missing this awesome Warcraft 3 run also come on y'all let's get that dark souls run already we are so close to that Dark Souls 3 run and we have only two at low we just met Dark Souls 3 so we now have that bonus run and this this now makes the second time I have seen an incentive net while I've been announcing it that's awesome alright so for a couple more donations we have $25 from lager hief shout out to funk master MP one of the great new friends I made a my first gdq thanks to all the runners and staff for making such a fun event let's kick cancers butt we have $20 from Lee 156 covert muffin is the best couch height man I've seen all agdq he elevated both his run and the others he joined in to must watches we have two hundred dollars from preach incredible mission 5 but can we get more love for my boy thrall alright we have 75 dollars from SIL I was raised on Blizzard games so I'm super psyched to see Siddiqui crush this game just say no the creepy floating swords for Lord Arryn we have 156 dollars from hammie hey guys had to donate during Warcraft because that's what I've been streaming all week here is everything we need we made plus a little more through in donation goes to the Dark Souls 3 for the Alliance we have an anonymous $50 donation praise the Sun also never trust the try jumping comment we have two hundred dollars from spoils of the vault I noticed the graphic timer that I noticed the graphic behind the timer is a binary timer whoever whoever is responsible can choose where half of this goes the other half goes to Dark Souls 3 and that right there is a shot at to support class who did all of our layout graphics as well as that binary timer behind the real timer or maybe the binary timer is a real timer actually are kind of both timers anyway we have an anonymous $50.00 to we have anonymous $300 donation gotta contribute to that Dark Souls 3 run we have $50 from Magus conjurer I've been waiting all week to donate during my favorite game and maybe the human campaign but I'm still for the Horde we have $50 from disco Stu $1.99 love Warcraft 3 and the custom games are still the main focus of any good land party just wanted to give a shout to the man on the couch funk master MP good luck on your Diablo run we have $20 from good guy 3 to 0-8 good event as always guys I know 2.2 million seems like a long way away but I know we can do it let's see swordless zelda we have $20 from little Timmy 1 5 7 I'm just glad or amazing Prince Arthas is here to protect us he's most definitely would never do something to hurt us we have 150 dollars from Vita my favorite franchises ever our Warcraft and Diablo so I had to donate during the blizzard block I'm really excited to see these runs we have $50 from Nick Benesch always impressed with the runners 1 3 3 7 h 4x 0 RZ Z's I probably have to tell you what that means money goes to oh hi mark we have $10 from Korea Lee's LA's Korea lays on that's great let's go to feat Diablo don't forget to touch the look cow we have a two thousand dollar donation from mark two three five oh hi Diablo hi doggie you're tearing me apart Lisa we have $50 from Darren Darren Ln Darren Alan okay I got it I'm so excited to see Warcraft 3 at gdq again this was one of the first games I actually completed as a kid and I can't say I was particularly good at it seeing it blasted through like that was really satisfying I hope I get to see more Warcraft campaigns at future events who or maybe even RTS block we have a $200 anonymous donation this donation is an honor of my sister who was diagnosed with colon cancer last year she is doing great now thanks to early detection it's awesome to see a speedrunning community come together for such a great cause we have an anonymous $20 donation gamedev student here love all that you guys do and hope that one day I got to see you play a game that I've been able to work on I was so excited to wake up and see that we've surpassed 1 million let's go for two this goes towards seeing the dark souls run to allow a bit more time for those donations we have $500 from jrx 1981 here's to a great cause and hopefully a great Dark Souls 3 run we have five hundred and thirty dollars from best notes I hit up the staff of our office this week and kamo came away with this much we have the best staff in the world next time I'm going to challenge every other software company to do the same keep up the great work we have twenty-five dollars from Oasis just realize I'm only 25 dollars away from qualifying for the 8th gen bundle Oh what the heck come on guys let's get that dark souls run in now time is of the essence all right it looks like Funkmaster MP over there is all ready to go let's see some Diablo okay okay am I on oh hello there I'm a funk master MT I'm gonna be running Diablo today or I hope I will be let's introduce my couch so I have Morgan over here I are Morgan dead I have shining face I have covert muffins I am sad G I have cute face and then ng burns over as well as swag and oh I'm sorry I neck oh yes Nick oh who is also spiral so she's awesome so yes so I I can get this going in just a second I'm so excited for this run man thank you I am too knows what was the incentive name again oh I'm so used to my splits can I go whenever okay so I'm going in 308 one second three two one go okay so this is a little different than normal that's the wrong one Oh game over so what I'm doing right now is I'm actually farming Griswold instead of the normal Adria which is far out to the other side I'll do I won't do I'll be farming her again later too but right now I'm just doing this because I need an item specifically with flour or five it can't be anything but a chess piece or a helmet if it's either of those I basically can go on with the rest of the run if I can't find those well oh let's just say this is a great time for donations and so far it's a great time for donations we have five dollars from the sky I sense a soul in searching for speed what a cute guy you are Funkmaster good luck with the run and remember don't drink the golden elixir Oh tragic story actually the golden elixir is regards to lockdown and which is lay orcs oh sorry spoilers lyrics head lair kind of curses him and everything when they actually slay leoric because vlei orcs gone mad from diablo and lazarus so it's a very tragic story although he retains a sanity at least that's the main benefit here hmm okay sorry we have $15 from carved cat I already made my donation earlier but between Dark Souls and kid eights details on the amazing work PCF is doing here's some more yeah Griswold is pretty pretty chill so once again this is going to take a few minutes if it takes too long I can always but it usually only takes about three minutes in total okay I got plenty of time yeah you're fine masters peeking at that I'm sorry you didn't see anything Oh rags rags love regs okay so now I can actually start the run so right so one thing I'm gonna be doing right now is something called duping it looks like I'm throwing items on the ground like almost like a crazy man no trust me it's actually there's a very specific reason to it and that is because it gets me lots of money so basically by clicking on something on the ground at the same time as clicking on something in your inventory you can turn to something in your inventory into the ground woah yeah it's pretty crazy so by doing this we can basically get all of the gold that we need for the entirety of the run which is around [Music] I swear I'm the best in the world cuz you're the best of around thanks no problem man so I don't think we explained this at the start but this isn't a normal any percent source or a run we're actually going to be making it to the end of the game at level 1 so that's gonna be fun oh yeah everything does a million damage near the end and you have to basically do a pass with this around and not kill anything up until Diablo well yeah you don't really kill I'll show you what we mean later but you don't exactly kill him you just have a friendly chat with them you'll see what it's it's very interesting but I swear um so now now that we've got all our gold and oh my god can you not I'm sorry I'm genuinely curious so yes now that I've got all my gold I'm going to be duping this again because well regs are kind of rags you know they're meant to be thrown out so what happens is armors in this game actually breaks if it takes them enough damage so regs having six durability breaks really quickly so we have to do pit just so that if it breaks we don't have to suddenly farm Griswold all over again for more items so now we're doing the Adria crime this is way better than the normal one if you really insist on wanting to see the normal one we did that last year or not like two years ago a 2016 so that was I sent to Seoul in search of answers as phrase I never want to hear again so don't give a frontline um but yes so now we're farming for mana shield oh now we're buying mana shield firewall telekinesis holy bolt town portal there's a lot of different books we're buying here arguably I'm surprised this what thank you thanks for awful games not awful runs you didn't do that did you [Laughter] the only book is either well portal or firewall at this point or well actually firewall and or something like that I need firewall the town portal is more of just beneficial so when I'm buying here I'm not actually buying any I'm buying god dang I'm going firewall quite agent once again is the firewall but the thing is actually looking at the names of because well names are so I'm looking at this spell costs interesting yeah so I'm looking at the spell coffee and the spell cost is for example for firewall six so all you look at for the most part is looking at the spell o 6k oh my god so I didn't even see that it was a firewall I just thought the 6k and I knew as we all do so let's and let's do our fireball or firewall so the start of this run is a lot slower because you are literally doing this at level one so you need a little more prep just a bit there's not as much farming later on in the game as in the original run though oh no I forgot I have to fill these up with potions unless you want me to inventory dupe afterwards which I can show off anyways but that's really things but this is actually one of the cooler runs I would say out of the Diablo speedruns there's this there's any percent and then that other thing people run I think they call it glitch but anyways yeah so this isn't glitchless we are doing lots of glitches arguably intended glitches because they never were patched I don't think that's how that works oh yes so they're in the sanctity of this place I've been fold yeah he says a lot yeah the sanctity of this place has been fouled oh wait okay so now I'm gonna be getting something called low HP this firewall is really bad what do I do what are you sweeten swing batter batter swing that's too high so one thing this game does is there's something called an rng seed so there's something called an rng seed so based off of the orange indeed okay so long story short based off of the rng seed every time you reload the game you know the seed resets so it's really nice oh oh I killed something no okay so stand in the doorway and let one of these guys basically they're not firing away so low each o menu low HP requires me to actually have the same HP as my level or lower than my level so the trick oh oh my armor no my armor Oh No I'm doing so many things so many things at right time okay so low HP allows me to no longer be stunning and it's really cool it's because like as a seasoned adventurer any damage that is like less than or equal to your level why would it stun you level four thousand why would have one damage done you don't make sense so we're using that to our advantage and the fact that oh please don't kill me please okay [Applause] [Laughter] one time okay so yeah basically the damage that enemies do is within a rain he's hoping for a two and then a water yeah Wow sorry Wohlers or three that works too okay when he says that he actually means it like this run there's so much RNG it's insane the orangey in this run can differ from like three minutes to 40 minutes I'm not kidding when I say that I you had a race with cubeface and shining over here and I think captain clever was in the same one right anyways if not I had a race with them and I was destroying them because I'm a guarded this game then the tragic thing happened it was I shopped the Adria for good it was great I had so much fun needless to say I didn't win that game was still pretty fun so this is a really bad Cathedral um look eat them Oh Cathedral in general has nice Hey I thought interject quickly and say that you can still get your bids in for baldur's gate to character name we are gonna be closing that very soon sorry about that Oh No thank you thank you sorry I love you man you're just so positive so we do have the butcher incentives so well nice thing about bosses in this game is they're actually most people remember the butcher as this he actually died really quickly okay most people remember him as like this huge Impossible guy that took like forever to kill and was impossible in the kill but lo and behold you just drop a firewall and close the door all right so a little explanation on the way that the maps generate basically in the cathedral there are four pillar rooms and everywhere except for the fourth level of the Cathedral it will never spawn on the top so he basically has its laid out in diamonds the way that the map is done so it can only be in three of the Diamonds on the first one and he's just getting very unlucky okay so like shining with egg there's a subsection within the map generates one thing you'll see actually me do is manipulate that phase seed that I was talking about early so by swinging sweet you can actually progress entries down the seed so I know that for example the first phase every single time I load that map it will send me it set me up so I'm like oh that's not where I wanted to go so then by using the manipulation I can be like hey I don't want to go and that's why I did so the bad thing about phasing over teleport is that phasing is basically a random direction the way that it sends you is based on the seed and you can manipulate that like you said by swinging and it will change which direction you go but it's really bad when you're trying to get out of a bunch of mobs when you're not going in the right direction because they can just surround you and just instantly kill you luckily there's no stun lock because of the glitch but it you can die very quickly especially in the later levels what is happening where do you know where this be the bottom left or left no no because it can't go beyond here no this is insane this is really bad rng thanks game it can't be top so it must be left or you or you miss yeah so basically there's a sub section right and the sub section can at the very very rim of it this is generally at the very rim of it it can spawn but levels like that [Applause] okay all right so it's not quite my caves here whoa I won time literally had it so that every single level of the caves it just spawned right in front of it I was kidding I've never had that happen ever again that Wow that was probably one of the better ones I've seen Oh forgot instead of HP in this game you're you have mana because I have mana shield mana shield reduces all damage done by are taken by 30% but you have to realize your HP is now mana so by doing that by realizing okay that was a good faith so we're encountering one of the most hated enemies in this run and that's those little bats those guys actually what they do is they come in and then they block your way and that's all they do that's our entire purpose in this run is to block your way and it's really annoying it's really annoying I'm not kidding when I say that because what they do is they come in they attack and then they move back but because they're going back and front they're constantly taking two positions in the map and because of that though you're off of getting a perfect one this is great don't do it don't you dare don't you do okay so now that we're down in the caves the caves is terrible because it can it can only respond on top left surface so you'll most likely want to be checking the top left wall except for some reason in this game the developers thought it would be funny if on random blocks in the middle of the stage that are at least three wide it can just randomly spawn so you could be looking along the edges cuz that's the best way to do it but it could just spawn like in the middle of nowhere and it's like almost impossible to find come on face really how much have I done for you in life I discovered how you work most people thought you were random I believed a lot of people when they think of phasing they think of completely random anywhere on the screen it will tell for you they're liars they're complete liars they've never done their work so what actually is is it teleports you in one of the four cardinal directions randomly but it's an affordable or 3x3 style so it's not as random so what you can do is you can actually block off as many tiles as you want of those and then it won't send you there and when it doesn't send you there you're really happy the only problem is it's not perfect as in like you can block off as many tiles as you want but sometimes it just won't cause a drag one yeah so this is one of the islands as shiny was saying that it will just spawn anywhere in the random or randomly anywhere in the middle of the map so usually yeah okay so we're we're coming up to like a key portion of the run which is basically basically the how would I say we go eight adriĆ  she she actually sells things based off of how far you've progressed down you're in the dungeon so one of the nice things though is at dungeon level twelve we can buy a lot of really cool things and any percent we buy teleport but yes B Oh wrong way but at least it's skipped going around the other way so that saved me probably like a second and risked saving me no second so I'm happy [Laughter] so one of the core key things about phasing in teleport is that when you're teleporting if there's an enemy on the tile it's going to teleport them to it'll basically say okay well you're not going in that direction so you're gonna go one of the other three it's so what you most likely want to do is you want to try and block yourself off by walls and enemies so we'll force the facing to go the direction you want it to this is a really really bad yeah caves is like absolutely the worst it's probably my least favorite of them I was telling cube for years for years that the caves was the worst you always he always told me no no it's he always told me it's the catacombs and I was like no but slowly slowly but surely I actually started to agree with him so yes catacombs are the worst the caves are slightly not I disagree [Laughter] you know where it is okay so yeah that was a really bad level as paved normally is okay so yeah we're going back now we can finally finally get our staff of oh yeah so what we're coming back for is a staff of wizardry so we're level one right yeah what level one zero experience which is great at all it's amazing it's really cool but the problem with that is we can't do anything right now we are extremely weak we like yeah we're surviving but we're surviving by the tip of our tongue so we're barely even surviving so two things we're going to get now boy will allow us to do that surviving you know that's really important why I'm considering Diablo can one-shot I thank you guys so much thank you for the donations to get this sound file in my favorite to definitely this one on my stream though I do use a tutu roof probably yeah so but before I get to donations I have a question for all of you so I know all of you wants the Dark Souls you very gently generously raised $75,000 but how would all of you like to see a couple of the bosses of Dark Souls 3 beaten and blindfolded that does sound pretty cool we have just opened up that incentive is a $25,000 incentive you guys do not have a lot of time to get in for that but that does sound really awesome so definitely get your donations and for that yeah we can totally do that let's go guys okay so I found my staff but let's not stop there so now that I don't have staff amazing because I need actually to get a book of phasing so the spell that I've been using thus far is called phasing I think I mentioned but yeah the spell I'm using right now is called phasing normally in the end percent route right now I would actually just be tell looking for teleport it's a 20k item really annoying it hurts so much by the way so shops in this game view every time you go back to town yeah shops in this game every time you go down to dungeon level increases the shop pool and every book has its weight on how often it will show up like teleport oh we just thought where do you teleport in general is a very low low spawn rate because of its waiting and there's a item and the problem we're having right now is we're looking for we're wanting to buy we're looking to buy phasing and we're fighting against like potentially 30 or 20 other books so it might take me so donations fire away all right we have $10 from to diddy one love you too diddly Funkmaster can you Duke the money raised to the money race ya doop the money raised me it's easy you just did the diablo you can do with the money raised okay okay so we have phasic we have her Stefan that thing and I cannot cast that here yes exactly so yes we have our stuff of hazing oh no we have our staff of wizardry and we have our book of phasing which we just learned so now one thing we're going to do is learn a ton of firewall every time we learn firewall hey it gets pretty pretty much so if I stand I'm damage for that six seconds longer which isn't that big of an issue um but for the person who it is an issue for is Diablo so you'll see what I mean event donations fire away donations we have ten dollars from ryan lochte 32 he's a high school friend of mine he's awesome he Wow he doesn't play this game he doesn't care at all for this he's pretty sorry back get back to ride lucky school say Ryan Ryan lucky says shadows - Funkmaster MP good luck on the run thank you we have two hundred dollars from crabman stereo while--and speedrun I'm sorry I'm sorry we we do actually see Kane once in this run but you'll see how much we see so the rest of crap meds message first time donations don't forget to find Ogden sign good luck Funkmaster and don't lose a leg oh Steelers oh no no wait still learns is good it's just they hurt so and I'll try not to lose like usually I lose the staff or something but and the other like there's cats in this game like on the first level I call the deranged cats because they're kind of deranged they're pretty crazy so yes so what you just saw me do there was something called warlord of blood so it's a certain question [Laughter] as intended it's rng manip but yeah so we're learning but all it is is quest where a guy wants to talk to you for a while about his life endeavors and you just kind of cut him off and you're like no so he rages and then he tries to like kill him it's really weed but yes donations donations sorry we have twenty five dollars from the tedster oh hey funk the tedster here hope you had fun this week greetings from Florida you can earn games done quick twenty-five more dollars if you speak the abandon your foolish quest portion of the run okay that's real easy abandon your foolish quest all that awaits you is the wrath of your master or my master you are too late to save the child now you will join him and that's $25 right there so Ted and me we were supposed to do a dance-off at this gdq [Laughter] [Laughter] you're going to be doing that dance with Diablo so I think you'll see how much it's crazy he might he might very well be or very well have a PhD in ballerina dancing I don't think that's a real degree so this is actually basically the second hardest run in run the second hardest room in the run so what's in this room is Lazarus you know the guy who I just quoted right that guy so you'll hear a part of the quote from him you'll hear part of the quote from him this time I can play it no should I play it through I don't know I don't think so it's too long anyways but yeah you'll heal part of the quote from him and he this area is really hard because we can't phase in here so I have to actually walk through all these small corridors it's it's the nightmare it's boring as heck but luckily it's not orangey though it's the same room every time actually actually with level 1 percent it is orange so is it actually sorry shining you did here okay there you sorry it took me a little longer but what happens is these these succubus or I mean ladies with bat wings don't worry they'll actually block this board or I'm in right now I was pointing to it I'm sorry also he just put firewalls down just walked away he died yeah so this is a pacifist run as you can see I didn't gain experience so no he didn't die he just uh it seems to exist well know what was happening is he was so happy that I actually listened to his statement you know his long dialogue or monologue or whatever you want to call it that he just actually freely just sat in it he just had it he's like you know what that's everything I need in life so now we're now we're on to the hardest level in the game oh wait what that's phasing what hi telekinesis sorry this is the only use of telekinesis in this game but there's no such thing as Scrolls Oh HP it's girls of telekinesis so this game is greatly programmed like as in like amazing as in there's nothing to break in it right so here's a wall here's no wall so what happens is the game only checks if a spat switch like one of the switch over by potion if one of those switches have been hit and if they haven't or if one of them have been hit when you reload it checks and it's like hey this switch has been hit so then it opens where's the app you should have followed you bring it round here oh yeah yeah so he's a dancer so this is the joy of fire walk okay yes firewall come on I swear I'm good at this game you got this man thanks I believe in you too okay so here oh oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay here's a really cool thing so the game actually likes firewall so firewalls really cool firewalls are coolest felt so I'm beating the game with no hands right now [Laughter] [Applause] further down the dungeon it does more damage which allows us to beat Diablo because every one of our spells do like one two two and then this one does like thirty damage per second it's crazy so this is this is Diablo I love you guys you guys are awesome thank you gdq thank you tech staff thank you donation readers musical daredevil you're the best oh and thank you my couch yes and here here's one of the most controversial cutscenes of all of Diablo David Brevik the actual game design or lead game design on this game or lead director game director he he's gone on a lot of his videos saying about how basically this cutscene was made before the game even had its story so they kind of had to adapt the ending to this cutscene so if anyone's confused like why is he shoving the stone as his head like it's no one knows it's because the creator or the cinematic team did that monologue I can recite it but thank you guys for watching I hope you enjoy the baldur's gate too after this see you around alright and thank you for Vanquish yet evil for our smoke master MP
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 811,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Awesome Games Done Quick 2018, AGDQ2018, Video Games, eSports, Competitive Gaming, Speedrun, Speed, Fast Gaming, Legend of Zelda, Zelda, Super Mario 64, Mario, Mega Man, Hasty Play, Fast Run
Id: 2xh3Y60DM2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 10sec (2710 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2018
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