The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall by Puri_Puri in 30:19 - SGDQ 2016 - Part 121

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all right so let's get back into the game here totally normal looking yep everything's fine good old Lando Keller's chances are we're going to see this das prompt a few times during the run it won't be my fault though fingers crossed alright so ready to count out okay three two one go yeah so this is dagger Paul so in Daggerfall we start off by making our own completely balanced character for whatever reason again Bethesda things they left in a debug key that lets us reset this number right below my mouse cursor that lets us make a custom class normally it would say like hey you you need to balance out your skills and all that but instead we just hit the U key and and it doesn't worry about it these skills that I'm picking here will come into play much later but for now let's just say that they're for going fast athleticism major 3x for a triple spell stuff and then spell absorb is important this stuff is just to balance out all the cool stuff that I just selected these don't worry about this is also just going fast here we're going to be the law that's totally built into the game alright so speed is important that governs how fast we run so does the the run primary skill I just need to make sure that those are above destruction in their their number reflexes very high determines how quickly enemies move towards me so now we're inside the game I'm going to delete my spells and then we are going to literally cheats alright yeah it's good first dungeon pretty good there we go we did it so I will explain the literally cheating later but it's it's maybe not cheating community is fine with it okay so what this is right here is something called buffer jumping this makes moving much faster even if out a horse than just normally walking alright so here we're going to take out a loan 50k and then with draw 49k because Daggerfall like models taxes and all that and and withdraw fees because of course of course it would here we're in the mages guild we're going to buy a few spells first spell that i'm making is a leveling spell this will become apparent why i'm making this in about 30 seconds okay off to a good start with the typing second is teleport this is just you know to teleport next one is levitates after that is a damage spell the important one for this is that it is area range will call boom boom and then another traditional thing slow fall but it's going to be slot fall-off slug full of course okay so that's all those spells all done and now we go on to a brief brief level grind believe me it's it's brief short event arena so i'm going to turn down my ingame sound here because i need to probably don't want to listen to the spell spam so what's going on here is that Daggerfall is one of the few older scrolls anypercent runs that actually requires you to be a certain level before you can actually do stuff in arena you just kind of needed to get to level 2 in the first dungeon then you could just do whatever in this one you actually need to get to about level 7 and then a little bit the end a little bit is just another bethesda thing apparently there's varying levels of level 7 but you have to be really level 7 yeah you got to make sure that you're actually level 7 the number might say 7 but never trust offensive numbers so what's going on here is that I made a leveling spell in the mages guild and I'm casting that leveling spell every single frame by holding down the open spell book button and the enter key so that's given me training in three different three different schools of magic I'm also casting slow fall immediately when I Zone into the area here I'm holding forward run and jump at the same time so I'm holding about six keys down very important you have a good keyboard to do this and you can see at the top of the screen is giving me skill ups so as you get skill ups those go into a pool of about twenty once that pool reaches twenty you get a level up that's essentially how the how the system works there's a bit more complication to that but that's essentially what's going on here so I need to make sure that I am level seven like actual seven we're level six right now so we got a little bit more to do luckily this is fairly short so not a big deal another thing to point out here that every single dot on the map is a place you go to so there's a whole bunch of different like little provinces here in the map and each one has like sixty dots on it and unlike arena this stuff is all statically in the game yeah like everything is going to be the same layout every time everything is going to be in the same spot every time so we're level seven now but just to make sure that I'm level seven I'm going to just use the the spell spam on my way here and now we're on our way to the first first quest of the game so another thing here is that I'm looking up in the sky alot when I'm doing these these buffer jumps because 90s dos game the frame rate is higher when you're not drawing stuff and you get much more distance on new jumps if you do that so here I'm going to quick save the game and then click on the door and hold down for word run and jump and this is going to again do a buffer into an interior part of the level for whatever reason buffer dumps don't work anywhere near as well die set buffer dumps I'm at monkey jumps oh well so here it comes - yeah that's when the game really crashes alright so we talked to the quest giver there set a teleport anchor in front of her for a quick return to her and then going on down here to ours my next quest step so in Daggerfall if you believe hard enough walls don't exist so we're just going to do this and we're currently in space so believe it or not Daggerfall isn't actually an RPG it's actually space flight sim because clearly in space right now so we can we can interact with NPCs through walls which is another nice thing they can't hurt me which is the other nice thing so we can essentially just go out of bounds interact with the NPC and then just peace out so there i alt F 11 to the door I made sure to hold down the travel key as I open this map because the game does weird stuff with them with loading stuff and now we're off to Daggerfall so this is the start of the werewolf quest and as I am running over to the castle bagra fall I'll actually tell you what alt F alone is so in in the most recent patch of Daggerfall this is on the most recent patch and I'm sensing a trend here yeah it's really weird they put in a hockey because players were also this is currently happening just kung fu--ing really hard at work I'm going out of bounds this is called the direct drop shoutouts to direct players were just playing the game casually and then they would fall through the floor and die or just fall out into the void so because people got so upset about that Bethesda put in a hockey King cards old okay a hotkey to put players king king card or let's just do that there we go that was a traps we did it we go thank the chops that's right here alright so this is the werewolf quest this is the by far and away the worst quests in the game so a lot of people think Daggerfall is random it actually isn't like we mentioned before everything on the world map is going to be mean same exact spot every time same layouts same everything one of the exceptions to that is placements of enemies in dungeons oh man we got a bad one geez okay so this is one of those those quests where we're looking for a enemy and a random ish spot in the dungeon and it's kind of down to pretty much luck on if you can find it or not so I can narrow down my search in a lot of ways by knowing which which of these cells here the werewolf has potential to spawn in so I can I could make educated guesses as to where the world was going to be a lot of the enemies here you can start seeing from far away but the quest enemies in particular can only show up when they're really really close yeah yeah which would which makes this way harder than it should be yep and so if you want to know where most runs diets here yeah this can take anywhere from like literally the first room you check to actually infinite amount of time yep like it your computer will just break before you find it so it could be here and of course it isn't okay so luckily this is why I made a save before I talk to women the castle here the location of the dungeon and the location of the werewolf in the dungeon isn't set until you talk to her so we got a castle King for it now we'll give this one a go Castle King fluid all right so try number two I'm for sure yeah definitely this time got a good feeling the unfortunate thing here is that we're getting castle dungeons which isn't good so one of the things I can do to make this a little bit easier is that I have audio cues so I'm listening for the werewolf mating call which is much different from the mummy mating call which will we'll get in touch with later that's the other zombie or no the the giant mating call mmm just call right it could be like right here of course not of course it's not there all right so this is another bad dungeon this layout is enormous and there's only a few places where the thing could be also works here they make the same noises that werewolves make which is why it's unfortunate that we're getting castle castle type areas because there's a certain like spawn list that the game chooses from so based off of what type of area it is you'll know which kinds of monsters you're going to spawn all right this is the last room I going to check before we pull the parachute on this one all right there we go so definitely first try the third try me third time's the charm so this is this is the beauty of the werewolf quest this can this can do this Theo trick actually I have done this one before this one should be fine probably don't worry about it per he's one of the better runners because he's just had to go to so many of these locations that he has memorized all of these possible yeah there's there's probably like a hundred maybe different places that you can go just for this just for this quest and once you do enough Daggerfall runs you start to see the same ones kind of popping up so here we got the flame Atronach switch are better than the the orcs they make different noises than than everything else if you're really lucky you can also get a dungeon that just has werewolves or where boars yes bond normally exemplify the correct one oh I hear it I hear it we might actually have one of those okay there it is all right there should be it oh yeah all right I'm ears over okay that's why it's important to have audio cues I wouldn't have found that otherwise all right also important save the game because the game can just kind of blow up at any time so here we go into oh man okay get high ooh those of you who know huh if I can spell this right this has a really long name uh that's not it okay hold on now we got away for it so this this is another unfortunate thing with that ball is that some of the towns have really really really long names cheran bruh Hamlet okay try and spell that turn bro cheran bruh bruh ham there we go okay so a lot of the towns even the ones with like stupidly long names share like the beginning of their names with a few other towns so for this one like cherian if i just typed in cheran it would send me to somewhere that's not this usually like charity or chair in town or any other place everywhere except where I want to go and another great thing here is that I have to ask around NPCs where to go actually I don't nevermind so I know that a place I'm going to is a general store and it should be this I could tell based off of the name of the place and while we're here this is also important Daggerfall tradition this is RNG manipulation yeah this is totally manipulation we absolutely need to do this there there we go looking all right all right it's even a good design it's the best all right so the the quest NPC I'm looking for if I can stop getting stuck on stairs is not that guy okay wasn't even the store great good there are two stores apparently two general stores which almost never happen it's all right well what's actually important is that we got a sweater so that means the rest of the run is going to go great all right so this is also apparently a general store why are not sure this one commercial to general stores know ins what a great town there we go okay so that guy said eight days and Grimm for in this quest the NPC's lie to you for some reason so he said eight days in Grimm for it is actually six days and Grimm for it so the unfortunate thing with this one is that there's a time range to for a su-33 really like a time yeah don't worry about the sound blaster it's just sound blasting students thing there's a time range in which the quest NPC will actually be in town and if you're not in town in that certain range of dates the NPC will just leave or will just not be there and if the NPC leaves you fail the quest if you fail a quest in Daggerfall for whatever reason or decline it which is another thing you could do you can't get it back again and the gg gg all you can do is just like cry or hex edit your save or something because hey that's Daggerfall for you it's real gaming is what did it yeah this is proper das gaming you make a mistake you live with it all right so the person for this leg of the quest is always going to be in a palace they always look the same so when I look on the map I'm looking for a right there that big building off to the west of me so once I go inside I usually almost always have to pick the lock I'm going to save the game because there's unfortunate things that can happen here if I miss click OK Rena I didn't okay it turns out I already goofed and I didn't even know it all right so we're heading back to Daggerfall now to go turn in that quest we actually got to the courier and now we're heading back to the palace look at this is a pretty short walk yeah yeah it's not too bad we have time for a quick donation you got one I've got quite a few donations all right they have $50 from foxed I had to donate again after watching the Elder Scrolls arena run completely confused by everything that is happening but can't stop laughing thank you runners for the passion you bring to these games and the ridiculous tricks you find thank you don't worry we're just as confused oh yeah games but it's only gonna get worse absolutely I mean you think these games are broken but you know we're still making our way through oh boy alright so there I had to turn in the quest with with the Dowager Queen and now we're starting up the next one so you might have noticed that I blew up a zombie a few towns ago that's zombie zombie isn't actually a zombie zombie is a letter for whatever reason they they stitch their letters into zombies and then send them off to kill you and then that's how this guy in particular communicates these necromancer's are very friendly they're very edgy so another thing here is that as I'm falling through into the void here even though I come to a stop naturally I have to cast slow fall first before i levitate which is something you have to do because for whatever reason the levitate spell acts as if there's a solid platform underneath your feet moving it up and down which if you're already down very quickly by following putting a platform underneath your feet is just going to result in in sadness so that's why you have to cast low fall first because slow fall will always just catch your fall regardless of what you're doing and that right there is why the ultimate leaven exists in the first place yeah because I see my notice I got stuck in the door you can also easily get stuck in these stairs this is just Daggerfall things sarkar quest here is to go and get a soul from a Lich that's inside the palace and Sentinel here and oh we had sound blaster okay so somebody's leaning on the the sound blaster keyboard right now just don't worry about that let's just sound blaster this is a good note yeah sometimes they get a really annoying one and it just lasts four minutes oh there we go here it is alright so here when I made my character I gave myself the spell absorbed general perk and that was important because the damage spell that I made is area range so what I'm actually doing is I'm casting a damage spell that is damaging stuff around me but it's not damaging me and I'm also getting back all the MP I used to cast it immediately so I can just infinitely cast this damage spell right at my feet and makes things very fast I think the spell name is very appropriate there just yep boom it's pretty good alright so here is a pretty precise setup that I have to do hopefully I get it all right so I'm looking at the compass down the bottom right alright I'm doing a buffer jump off of the off of that roof there so essentially what I'm doing is I'm I'm moving forward very quickly and slowly falling down towards the ground this is because there is a quest area in the middle of this island that I'm on and normally we'd have to do two quests to get the fast travel location of this this place in the middle the island but as we established before everything in Daggerfall is always there all the time regardless if it's like a quest area or not or just some Shack in the middle of nowhere so if we can get there then we don't really need the fast travel location so what we're doing is we're just using an extreme example of that buffer jump to travel very far very fast and there we landed all right so it should be one more jump here to get where we're going okay maybe one more there we go okay so we arrived where we are didn't screw up the probably pixel perfect thing that we have to do and now we're going to kung fu out of bounds again if you're wondering how this works my answer is a dagger fool but yeah as the things you're Todd Howard wielded so we're going to see an even weirder application of this in a little bit so for this one you're moving so fast that you clip through the floor in front of the door when you enter this area the one I do in the next part makes even less sense than that did so here I need to set a teleport anchor here at Medora alt F 11 back to there I need to not do that because the game will crash I gotta save because the game might actually crash now we might get our first crash uh well it's okay we're good I'm tabled yeah it'll be fine it's current patch don't worry about it all right so here is this should do it so if we're falling downwards okay so what just happened was I fell through the floor so hard that it put me above the door that I came in from it's just stagger fall not sure it's handy though because it's it gets us way closer to where we're actually going so our quest giver here wants us to help her escape from her prison and in order to escape she needed a unicorn horn sure - she was pretty good so now we're off to another kind of randomest thing but out really this is our sin 'i'm this is the capital dorks in arena and Daggerfall works are still an enemy enemy faction and the quest that I'm doing right now is what makes them canonically available in later later games as playable races so here we're going to do that thing again where we go downwards oh geez oh we're fine we're fine okay I'm fine we did that clip so hard that we went above the door we entered here's our boy court walk cathedral Judith okay so is five different five different dungeons the next quest can send a song and this one is relatively fast so kind of like the werewolf quests we're looking for a mummy remember I mentioned the mummy mating call earlier this is where that comes into play so here we're going to get this letter if I can pick it up I hate to not get blown up here we did it yeah that's enough Congrats I'm not blown up I reckon the PC not blown up yeah funnily enough the this is this is a game from 1996 the the practice PCs that I use earlier in the week couldn't run this game properly because this is actually a pretty strenuous game to run and we run this on DOSBox by the way another important note I should mention is that a dagger fall and arena are both $0 they are free on Elder Scrolls comm so if you saw the arena run and thought yeah I want to I want to run that one that looks good who wouldn't that can be yours for the the low low price of $0 it's kind of a pain setting it up but once you have it set up you're all good all right so we we killed that mummy and we took the mummy dust from him again don't worry about that we're going to give it to give the mummy dust to her she's going to do something with it and then I'm intentionally not setting a teleport anchor there because we're going to be sudden anchors somewhere else we will be returning to the door later but we have a much faster teleport anchor to set so the next few quests here are kind of they're kind of set they're the same every time so I'm just going to castle back or fall right now we got time for another donation or to these hotdogs by the way yeah all right we have a 75 dollar donation from tapioca awesome job on the arena run pari while he was submit 7th cross to this marathon man yes hekia and oh jeez okay we're good you're fun no problem okay it looks fine sometimes that happens you move so fast that no matter how fast it click the door just doesn't want a door okay we got time for another one if you got one so I'm just going to give a quick update on the Oblivion donation incentive we have raised almost $6,000 zero for the I've met oblivion run I believe so you guys heard Maddie let's do it yeah we have $15,000 to raise and not a whole lot of time to do it so definitely get to donating if you would like to see the entire Elder Scrolls anthology ran at sgdq this year this is new but okay evidently I clicked there oh sure just agri fall like it wouldn't surprise me if the game did lock up there but that's never happened usually the game is makes it very very obvious when it crashes so that would have been very weird if it did okay so we're for the last quest when I gave Medora the the mummy dust she essentially said hey come back in 30 days so we spent 30 days doing another quest and we did that so our current leg of the quest is kinda the actual main quest of the game so as far as the the overarching main story thing goes the the king of dagger Falls murder the emperor sent you to investigate it you were shipwrecked and Daggerfall and then political intrigue happens he gets sidetrack a lot yeah a lot of good politic stuff you love that then you'll love Daggerfall but the the old king of Daggerfall turned into a spooky ghost and he started haunting the capital city of Daggerfall so we're going to go check in with spooky ghost king and find out what his problem is so we're doing another kind of sequence break here we're skipping a quest that we would normally do to get this fast travel location so I could do another jump off of a roof in the precise location of this place and luckily I've done this run enough times that I can navigate this when there's dense fog good luck doing that if you're new to the run these turn a little bit to the right and you go yeah it's some places it's so easy to get lost alright so here we're flying on down to where spooky ghost King is so you're a horizontal movement in Daggerfall is determined by your speed stat your levitate up and down and your swim up and down speed is set no matter what you do the only way to go faster is to use stuff like this this slope surface here to go down faster and you can use the top of sloped surfaces to go faster that's pretty much the only way to do that so we optimize our route through through dungeons so that we we make sure to hit those properly and you guys probably thought we didn't have speed tech like that I know we got so much hot tech in this run all right so this is Woodbourne hall this is this kind of wraps up the the spooky ghost story so it turns out load Woodbourne is the the person who murdered the previous king of Daggerfall okay good there's going to be an enemy pep TV at the end of this great so here we're going to use this to go up a bit higher and then fly over to where lord wood born is for Lord wood born it's Lord would warn but for the quests all it says is just Lord wood born is a night class so just spawn a night so there's Lord wood born sure that's that's a lady but sure thing Daggerfall identical alright so here didn't get blown up my guy so good we we blew up loads were born we got vengeance for spooky ghost king I skipped a couple cutscenes there because it's just spooky ghosts being spooky the lion and Castle tavern so this is the last random elements in the run the person for this quest will always be in a town in this area and they'll always be in an inn and what in she is in his random and I yell at it and got a first try sweet so luckily we got a small town there that only had one in and I was right next to the end so that is handy so this is the second or last quest in the game we're almost there so for this we need to steal a totem like towards the end of the main quest you find out about this totem it's this artefact of power that allows you to control a giant golem that was used to conquer cyrodiil I guess just lower stuff so here it is it kind of looks like a baby so we steal that and then we're back in castle bagra fall and we give it back to the guy that we stole it from because that's the thing you can do there's like seven different endings and this is by far and away the fastest one so here we're going back to she dungeon and on to the final quest in the game so an interesting note for for this is that in the most recent patch again another thing with the most recent totally stable totally fixed version of the game but that is to put in an entrance to the final dungeon of the game just kind of out in the middle of nowhere so if you buy a boat in the game and you jump off the boat oh god okay and I'm just trying not to get blown up here this is the last spot you can die okay we're good fighting if you if you get a boat and then just kind of go out in the middle of nowhere you can actually get to this dungeon about two minutes into the run so originally we thought that that was any percent for for Daggerfall but if you go and do that the start of the game you can get all the way to the end of this dungeon but once you get to the end it doesn't actually trigger the end of the game can I interrupt with the quick announcement absolutely we have just passed $500,000 so immense all right get ready on time by the way there's the end of the dungeon time is coming up in a few seconds this is random when this pops up I have no control over this and time alright alright specular for this cutscene moves nice moves cover your eyes man so spooky great Pavillion comes to all the Dragon of all the armies of all right so that's one of the like seven ish endings which ending you get is determined by which which you send the tough guy you send the tota to so I gave it to the guy who is in castle bagra fall you can also give it to Gort for the orcs you can give it to someone in Sentinel I think you can also give it to like the necromancer guy there's a whole bunch of different things here so we mentioned before spooky ghost King hopefully we get it here this is something I usually like to show at the end of runs yeah just a quick wrap-up yeah it's only takes a second think he's being a butcher right now it's being real shy all right where is it all right perfect so that's that spooky ghost King and another thing you can do here in Daggerfall is that if you hold oh if you just get a guard here and then try to pickpocket the guard it starts spawning infinite guards Oh so you can do this and I think the perfect way to end our time with Daggerfall is luckily like this I'm just gonna come funda sky while we have engines going all right so thank you all for watching Daggerfall this is going to close itself in a second remember to get those donations in for oblivion 80% because we want to get that in get the full anthology this will be the first time ever that the entire anthology has been at a marathon so this is a very common screen that you see in dagger famine yes wait so anyways that's it thanks for watching enjoy the rest alright great job Prairie prairie taking care of that little crisis we are going to take a quick commercial break so don't go away we'll be continuing with our Bethesda block in just a moment
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 707,025
Rating: 4.8007612 out of 5
Id: 7UtrxhPeq7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 26sec (2066 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 08 2016
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