The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind by AlbinoAlbatross in 35:06 - SGDQ 2016 - Part 122

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all right so I'm not going to be doing much of the commentary for this run chops is going to be doing a lot of it because it's actually very difficult to talk and concentrate on this game at the same time that might sound weird but it's true can't confirm all right so three two one go alright so this is this is the third numbered elder scrolls it is morrowind we start out as a prisoner on a ship as most of the elder scrolls are we're going to start off with the hardest trick in the game which is getting around this guard it's like actually way harder than should be aah oh well so this the first couple of minutes are going to be really kind of slow and easy going it's just some character creation but after that the runs going to get extremely hectic and really hard to follow and we're I'm just going to try my best to let you know what's happening but we'll just kind of go with it so cuz you won the donation cent of the normal fastest race is red guard because they have adrenaline rush which just speeds up the first little bit and makes one trick a little bit easier but you can do the run with any of the races so you'll notice that albano is kind of moving his mouse around in weird positions this actually manipulates where the cursor is going to be for all the menus so the mouse is already like closer or over all the buttons that he already needs to hit and he picked the agent class right there because mainly because it has mercantile which we're going to use for a little bit of leveling that we have to do and he also picks the Steve which just gives a little bit more speed and the first really really silly trick you're going to do is we're going to take this platter and then drop it on the ground before the guard takes it from us and then he just kind of forgets about it so you can just pick it up again and leave and that's going to fund our initial journey so right here it picks up a ring which is going to use in a second and talking to this first NPC basically gives you the first main quest and it also enables saving which is pretty important for a marathon run so you give the ring to this guy and he gives he's really happy so he gives you a discount in the shop that's rapist itís also cheetahs really slow man yeah that's the thousand dollars to go in that oblivion run nice all right so here's the very first shopping thing when yourself the plate that we got by two armed Sunni intervention scrolls a lockpick and a scroll that unlocks doors because the lockpick is not really going to be used for lock picking but don't worry about it now the the scroll that we got the um Sylvia intervention there's two intervention Scrolls will be using on Silvie goes to the closest temple I think yeah temple and divine intervention goes to closest shrine Imperial hello shrine imperial cult shrine we'll be using a lot of in Sylvie's and a few divine interventions here and there and we're going to meet a very colorful character that is kind of popular in this series he unfortunately flew too close to the Sun God sure can I interrupt at the quick announcement go for we have met the Oblivion donation incentive nice thank you everybody for your donations I'm really happy that we're actually able to do an entire Elder Scrolls ontology something we we set out to do for this marathon and now it's happening so here we're buying a whole bunch of mark and recall potions which basically let you mark position and recall to it basically like teleports you can do and he's strategically positioned his menus to make it easier to get the potions quickly yeah they're basically new game+ menus don't worry it's not cheating so these are the scrolls that we picked off of the guy who fell from the sky they're uh they increase your acrobatics by a ton and let you just fly across the entire thing oh where are you or am I so this is the problem with doing the run as a sheet normally when you have the red guard and you have adrenaline rush it's you land basically exactly where you want to go with the lower speed of the Khajiit it's a little bit confusing yeah it's it's doable but uh you just need a little bit extra setup for this this is actually really difficult now really difficult now if I was doing red guard this would be easy but I'm not using a gene yet I clearly he was wrong so you can see that in the top right the map he's just kind of like flying across the entire island super quickly he wants to land oh you're not even getting I don't look good I know you're not getting past the ghost fence I know what the problem are you know my stamina stool okay oh yeah so she'd only has like a 160 salmon ax and we gen shoot slowly so this setup is is pretty particular now we should be going much faster yeah that looks better alright so up there yes that was a this place assembly Oh Drasil I think yep and inside of it is a weapon that you're supposed to be getting at the very end of the game but we're going to be getting it right now because it's very useful also don't die I was crying normally is redguard you'll and we're literally right in front of the door so you have to do kind of a double jump setup with the other races but in here he's going to use the scroll to unlock a door that leads right to the weapon so you don't have to go through the whole thing and he's going to pick up a one or two weapons here and then he's going to pick up keening which is a endgame weapon basically kini has an effect or a bunch of effects constant effects that buff your speed and health and a bunch of other stats it turns out if you equip it and an immediately unequip it the effect just stays on so you can just mash fro real switch through all your weapons and now you can see he has like over 6000 speed so we're fast now the rest of the game is going to be going really really quickly now he's going to go over and he charges back an attack switch to lockpick and it just insta kills and I mean because the lockpick has no actual damage so it just kind of does max damage and huh now he's picked up sunder which is the other endgame weapon that you need it it buffs like attack luck and some other things we're going to need about 3000 lock to actually do the route and right now we're just kind of doing something that will have to do much later we're going to go to ancient burial site and we're going to collect a bow that somebody's going to go tell us to get later on partially for the quest and also because it'll be pretty useful for combat also since your character is moving so fast the animation is pretty fantastic you actually move slower and third-person so whenever you need like small enclosed areas you generally do it in third-person where you can actually control where the hell you're going and in when you're traveling for far distances on the world map you just go in first person so here he picks up the bow and uses a recall to go back to the potion shop that's right um that's okay anyway uh so since we have a ton of luck we can just kind of get away with literally anything yes story isn't running oh no right on just a second it kinda crashed I love this video game help Microsoft solve this problem please Microsoft please solve this ok yeah and just for the record this is definitely not a that has never happened before this is very common this happens caps lock is on yes it is this happens this happens a lot unfortunately so I just give us a second fix this and we will be right back this game your experience varies a lot Alpina seems to have way more crashes than literally anybody else it hates me that's fine though the madman who routed all quests home mean well main quest all main goals yeah well you know silly come on task managers I did save them before I did that because I knew it would crash probably all right here we go what I tried to do war wise indeed sorry doing anything that's in the bottom right if you're in the bottom er what okay it turned off for some reason it turn off again my face when PC runs right we got there all right did it so so they're saying as since we have like a billion luck we can kind of get away with anything including just buying potions for literally nothing so we're going to get a whole bunch of potions of Mark and recall because we're going to be making ample use of them throughout the entire run and one other nice thing is you have what you you're really good at talking right now because you have so much luck that you can literally trick the NPC into just giving you a ton of money when you're buying something so you can get a potion you can also get like a 800 gold just have them give it to you for free which is a pretty useful that and the quest rewards are going to be completely funding the journey through morrowind and also this menuing is a lot harder than it looks more own menus are very finicky and it's pretty difficult to do this quickly so we're good about everything here and now here you see total sold but he's actually buying something so he's selling a bought potion for hundreds of gold so alright yeah sure okay I'm looking just check this all right there we go all right everything's all set up it's fine I can't so cuz I didn't bound it oh boy okay how do i how do i bound attack hmm can't attack i can't attack i unbound attack I don't know I think it's use use yeah yeah I think it's used okay now I need to wait for levitate go up so I can sneak all right so later on we're gonna need some really fancy clothes so we're just going to take them from this poor person she didn't need them yeah it's fine it's fine and we're going to make our way back to say to mean just because we need a couple few items before we get on with actual quests so over here we're going to get a spell called Jack of trades which we're not actually going to use it all it's just going to let us make an even better spell which is going to significantly open we're not supposed to be out of bounds yet so when you're going this fast walls just kind of don't exist anymore you can just kind of go through literally anything so this is the first quest tells you to go here and pick up the skull so we're just going to do that now and we're going to go meet up with Caius who is a head of the blades in this region and he's just going to give us a whole bunch of quests that we're going to do and so now we need to do our horrible section of level grinding it's it's not too bad we're already half done and there we go alright so that's level 3 that's all we actually need to do to complete the main quest so we can just move on and we just need to go in here and get a dormer puzzle box which is requested by whole will be requested of us by somebody in a second and first off we're going to go to the the fighters guild end take a few of their supplies they're definitely not going to need don't worry about it since we have a ton of luck we can just steal stuff for free and talking to this guy will give them the the puzzle box and move on with the quest and next up is the mages guild once again they have some supplies that we need we were going to save the world we need them more than them so she's gonna sell some scrolls and turns out if you kill her she also has more Scrolls on her that we still need sorry saving the world etc and the good of all yeah the greater good it's fine so more scrolls and now we're going to first advance the quest with this guy and we're going to make a spell that's going to be very very very useful for escort quests later on it's going to be yeah so this spell it's been known that if you look on like gamefaqs or like cheat code calm or whatever this is called the soul trap glitch despite having nothing to do with soul trap so basically you can stack spell effects onto your character permanently and I wanted to find a way to have this effect transfer on to NPCs for the escort quests and if you make a similar spell as an area effect spell and hit an NPC with the area effect not the actual spell itself but the area effect you can permanently add status effects to them four to five speed being the best one and that's why you need Jack a trade because it gives you the fortify skill spell effect yeah we're actually going to see it in action right here we get sent off the Vivek to go meet with three informants this is the first one he basically has a bunch of guys bullying him because he's a Argonian and we just tell them not to bully because bullying is wrong and we're we're using the spell on him right here and now he's going to waddle behind us just as fast as we wat oh here he comes all right so he tells us about we're basically here to learn about three things the first one is the narrow Vereen cult which we just learned about their second thing is the six house which we're going to learn from the next NPC and then we're also going to learn about the prophecies this guy the next inform is going to ask us a deal with that guy so he's been dealt with there's gonna be a lot of dealing with in this run don't worry about it so that informants been talked to next one we just need to talk to one of the librarians and she's going to go tell us to collect a book and you know you're not actually able to take it out of the library but we have a lot of luck so we can just kind of take it right in front of the guards and they don't notice and with that we're done with Vivek and he's going to go tell us to talk with somebody who used to live among the ash Landers which are the like the tribal dark elves that live out on Vardhan fell we're going to go talk with one who is now a merchant inside of one of the main cities so we're just gonna go over and talk with him and nice up with them he basically tells us about the gift-giving customs but we don't actually have a gift but he thinks that's good enough so just art the thought of us giving a gift was a gift for him or something that their cultures weird and now we're going to actually go out and meet with the first Ash lender tribe which is Rachelle aku yeah I think and they we need to actually you know make them like us because we're just some random Outlander in there they're pretty racist and this place dirty Khajiit nonetheless yeah but we just kind of smooth-talkin and I think this one tells you you get the bow yes yeah this one goes to tell you tell you to get the bow that we got the very start but we are so he's like great you're awesome and this person tells us that we need to go pass a test by going and visiting the Kevin and of the Incarnate which are basically people who tried to fulfill prophecies that we're going to go fulfill and they failed and they now reside inside of this cavern and so we can just kind of fly over here we need to get here at like 6:00 a.m. there 6:00 p.m. for the door to be open and we kind of learn more about our actual like the prophecies and how we can fulfill them and everything and most importantly this person gives us some very swag pants that we're going to be using these pants are pretty fabulous and they let us fly they're pretty fly yep and here we're going to be doing this a lot kind of clipping out-of-bounds then shooting someone that was actually a vampire so pretty evil person that's taking residence there and this next tribe is going to go tell us to take care of the vampire which we already have which is convenient there you go and he tells you to go talk to the UI's woman and she's going to be like well you know he asked for like a high ranking tell vani bride but you can also just like pick up a slave dress her up and then just pretend that it's a higher ranking de l'année bride he won't notice the difference it's great and these things are tell vani houses they need to be politics because they won't support us we need to convince them to actually support us and our fulfillment of the prophecies so you'll be seeing us debate them very intimately and make sure that they truly understand our side in the ground well while we're we're becoming portrait or and Nehring killing off the t'lani is actually an intended way to complete the quest yeah ode oh it's fine it's what bad things can happen with voiding out don't worry about it so basically our main objectives here is passing the prophecy or fulfilling the prophecies by passing a bunch of trials the main one is becoming a narrow Vareen of all of the Ashland er tribes and hortatory of all the grateful houses so this is another Ashland ER tribe for this one they need to find a safe place for them to live so they tell us to go up north to I camera or some ruins of something and actually make sure that it's safe for them to live so we just immediately say yeah don't worry I've already cleared that is totally safe you can you can totally come over here so we need to escort her there which means uh water walking across this lake this is luckily this is one of the easier escrow requests because she she's generally pretty good at following you because it's just kind of a straight line across the water she only has a permanent water walking effect on her already yep yeah the water walking is only for us so as you can see this is a totally safe place there's not demons and stuff everywhere oh there she is sometime hope she follow yeah she's here they actually have to be within a certain distance when you go through a doorway for them to actually follow you so even though there's like bunch of enemies everywhere she says oh yeah there's the statue this must be a safe place good job you made it safe for us so now that we've passed that thing we can become basically an honorary member of their tribe and they can name a snare a brain so we're going to move on from that and actually go to work on becoming a horde core of the Verteron tribe or the veteran great house so obviously the first step in political the usual political step is to break into this place and rescue somebody that they've kidnapped seems it's pretty standard politics you know the usual stuff this is basically one of the councilmen is kind of a real jerk and he's kidnapped the son of another one so we're going to rescue him to make all of the other counselors love us so this is just going to be basically once we rescue him majority of the counselors are going to love us we're basically just going to go walk up to them one by one and just saying make me hoarded or and they'll be like yeah I love you and then just move on to the next one so we can do a quick donation or two for this thank you we have a five dollar donation from Zachary Gottlieb donating again to hear albinoalbatross is best dark elf impression ah was that it no no it was not it this is it just just throw a switch or something in there you switch we have a $100 donation from Oliver Owens I was very excited to see a Bethesda block on this use sgdq so excited I had to donate so here is $100 put it towards the Oblivion run all right bye she's got better things better better leave and so we basically we've gotten all of the counselors except for the last one to agree to make a sorted order but this guy that we rescued the Sun from is really mean and he hates us so we tell him to just fight us IRL in the arena and we'll settle it man-to-man so he's going to be waiting for us in the arena and we'll deal with him later and you always fall off that look man I just go straight and it knocks me off make it so we're going to quickly go back to Caius he's going to give us a mission to go to the sixth headspace which is like the evil cult that worships the evil God dig author so we're gonna fly off here I thought owes me crash or sick it's fine don't worry about it Oh crashing and here's the base okay so this is actually a really confusing place to learn even though it's just you know like right left right or something like that but there's a whole bunch of different exits and stuff that you can go to but you basically move on towards the end to the leader of this place and we're going to you know make sure he's dealt with did you get him nice nice slighted and basically with his dying breath he curses you with the divine deviis corpus something rather and we're going to have to get that cured because that's part of the prophecies that you're immune to disease next up we're going to go to another one of the Ashland er tribes and these ones are very friendly and they just you know they just want to be friends so we just need to greet them with our secret secret friend handshake that we use it that spear for it's fine they've got weird customs all right so they've all all the friendly ones have been pacified they're now our friends so we can go in so those those are the the war-loving tribe members and this tribe is split between more loving and peace-loving ones so we take care of all the war loving ones and then we tell this guy to actually take control of the tribe and name us narrow Vereen so now there's only peaceful ones left there we go and we need to actually deal with the disease that we've been cursed with I guess and to do so this guy has basically been trying to treat this disease with you know no success so far it's been killing off everybody that's been infected with it so he tells us to go down and actually like visit the people who are inflicted with it just to like see your fate basically and you actually get to meet the last dwarf that's in existence which is this friendly guy over here there he is that's our fate I guess uh-oh okay that's fine it's fine I like instant loading or something yeah wait a second this is not fine it's a no it's not fine all right we just need to figure out where we are for cited us all right we got there so now that we've looked at the different people inflicted with this disease he's just going to give us a potion he's just like you're probably going to die but you got nothing better to do so let's do it and of course it works because you're the hero that fills all the prophecies flawed armor good old plot armor you can't possibly lose and now we're going to do another quick stuff of politics for more tell vani counselors they need to see the way all right they're convinced good work and this is the last one we're going to do this one you actually cannot convince anyway so killing him is the intended way so this one we're actually going to kill in bounds just cuz intended for all the other ones we were killing them out of bounds because nobody can see you when you're out of bounds so they just had accidents whoopsie and now we're going to go get the high ranking tell vani bride that one person asked us for aka we're going to go here and buy a slave and pretty her up and escort her to the tribe and this is probably my least favorite part of the run because this AI is 8 out of 8 for sure I want to talk to you right now but I feel like she's gonna hate me if I do I dare you just try it every time you say something's quest is not hard so we're going to be casting our amazing ASD spell whole number of times to make her go fast and we just need to escort her back to the tribe so you can do a couple donations well albino struggles with this look all right we have a 200 dollar donation from BW e zoo thank you guys for absolutely destroying my sleep schedule with this block have ten cents for every hour I spent on a Bethesda game we have a $100 donation from Star Fox is too cute I'm only here to make someone blush PS Brown orcs are the best orcs we have $50 from scott capricorn all other scores games hype high hype we have a $50 donation from Trey's eh oblivion in five minutes I want to see that I certainly agree with you Trey's eh all right we did it she followed she didn't get lost good job hooray I see it's not hard Julie Hardman alright so now we're going to go to the last surviving tell Bonnie counselor who may or may not be completely and utterly insane don't worry about it that's not our problem um we're just going to go ask her to make her to make us Horta door and she'll be like she'll say some crazy person things but it's fine we did it it's less she's the last one so she gets to make the decision she's old leave her alone make us and we're gonna make one last stop to Caius who is going to give us his final orders before he disappears forever and now remember that guy that threatened to fight us IRL because we rescued the guy off of him well now let's do it epic fight alright he's he's done good fight well done now we're going to start working Simon yeah more more more tall politics more convincing people to side us side with us good job and this is the the last house that we need which is halal ooh and one of them is hiding in this like random haunted mansion so we're just going to go in and convince them like actually convince them this time I swear just talk to them and one of the last orders that Caius gave us is to rescue the person who gave us the book in Vivek at the start so since we have a ton of luck we can just lock Vic literally everything so we're actually using a lockpick to lockpick things which is amazing I know and we just waltz in here we give her a divine intervention and she can just teleport away and she also tells us how to get to a monastery which will which house the The Lost prophecies that were trying to fulfill so we can just go over to this NPC and she will take us over and it's only open during a certain point in the day so you have to use some weights there but over here get to talk to our friendly scholars which will give us the lost prophesies that were interested in and now we just kind of need to clean up a few things before we can actually finish the game so we just need to make sure that we're actually named portrait or of all the Great Houses so first of all we're going back to Alderaan because we just we've fought the guy RL so we can finally just be named horked or veteran which was which is just up here get a whole bunch of Journal updates cuz we've already done all the requirements for it and next up there's a gangster up here in a lake plantation who has like kind of an iron grip of with over the politicians in the area so we just need to make sure he you know backs off and lets us do our own thing so we're going to convince him alright he's convinced he shouldn't be a problem anymore he understands how we're trying to save the world and it's really important that you know we get what we need so since he's taken care of these people will just like immediately name is hjortur which is great there's just one more I think yes so this is the last one at this point we should be named a Navarino of all the major Ashland er cults and we'll drive say and we should be a portrait or of all but one which we'll just finish right now there's basically one counselor left I all he wants from you is just a little kiss and he'll name you torso oh wait he didn't yeah it's all for time still for time oh good all right just give him a kiss give him a little kiss and he's like all right great I'll back you that's all he wants so if all goes right there we go we can meet meet the arch cannon which means we fulfilled all of the prophecies before we've done all the main quests all we need to do is meet with the god Vivek who will give us our end game quest and you know how much of a God can he really be you think you think if he's a god he can just withstand a little attack right yeah I think so you should try that out maybe I didn't make sure I'm supporting the right people here so let's see you fail to survive this yeah just poke him with a lock-picking oh wow up the threat of prophecy is severed oh well well that's fine basically he just tells you to go he gives you an item so you can handle keening and sunder because we obviously wouldn't be able to before and he tells us to go get those two things and then we can go take out dig author who is the final boss here but we don't we don't really need him we've clearly done everything fine on our own and make a shame well crank of shame Oh terrible you can clip to the thing that blocks the door but apparently it's not working either than your hi-hat filled one too fast so we're basically at the end of the game we've done all the main quests we've gotten all the required items which we got actually at the very beginning of the game all that's left is to kill ax I guess another god so we've already dealt with one so how do you kill a god caveman well you uh you hit a heart with a hammer one and then you stab it a couple times and then you die that makes us God's heart read the prophecy hope all fate sealed and sins redeemed if you are pity mourn the loss but let the weeping cease light is gone and the sun's golden honey goes around hail savior quarter tall and narrow bury you your people look to you for protection monster and villains great and some still threaten the people of love evil enemies and evils abound yet indomitable will my tree tomorrow you are thanks and blessing our gift and token given come take this thing from the hand of God well this time all the time what was the time for that 3506 with a crush I guess that's like yeah you
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 703,581
Rating: 4.8734078 out of 5
Id: 9JgsxfBg6a4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 4sec (2224 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 08 2016
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