Castlevania: Symphony of the Night by Dr4gonBlitz in 43:11 - SGDQ2019

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Castlevania Symphony of the Night thank you hey what's up everybody I'm dragon blitz I'll give you guys a chance to introduce yourselves hi I'm D black tastic I'm VB commentating another gamer I don't run commentating a game I do run sometimes we're gonna do be doing all bosses all relics say Richter a shortened APRs are and yeah this category is great and I'm ready whenever you guys are dude just do our own all right cool three two one go all right starting off we're playing as Richter which isn't the main character of the game but it's fine says you here I collect 41 hearts because it's gonna allow me to start the game as Alucard with a neutron bomb where a trigger clip out of bounds there I would never go for that in a marathon never yeah so this is a pretty standard thing you'll see in most infants and I runs but by collecting over 40 hearts he's going to end up with a neutron bomb when he starts the game is a low card and then by ending with zero hearts he's going to have a heart refresh both of which are used for glitches later on yeah that wasn't the best Dracula fight it's kind of luck dependent whether you kill him quickly or not we go for the glitch called damage stack where you throws holy water as you're doing the hydro storm and it essentially is like a pseudo random chance of just doing damage on every frame so you get you get if you double you down it's not that big of a deal it doesn't save that money on although the cockroach actually does matter in this category unlike other yeah and watch be really really good and then it doesn't matter I guess I'll be explaining that a little bit later as it comes up yeah so he's cancelling the back - with the shield is called shield dashing another thing you'll see in most speedruns of this game and then he's going to be setting up an exact pixel here that he needs in order to level up using the neutron bomb at the same exact time he begins to scroll the screen this ends up making the screen position completely messed up when he goes through the transition and he missed the pixel though it's faster to just forget that was the warmup yeah it's honestly fast the reset at that point because keeping your armor saves so much time over yeah it really is the shield that were a little thing to keep so yeah we get to see all this again yeah [Music] this the main character Richter yes just wanted to show off right there one more time yes he has more air our spring time than our card so far actually please die yeah that was like the worst possible but yeah it's you have to set up within like a 1 or 2 frame window for the for the reverse shift line to work which allows us to keep all of our equipment so it's really unfortunate that like I missed the setup but like I said like restarting is actually faster than trying to play through the rest of this category without the shield yeah I mean I think when we used to time it for all bosses when that was first becoming a skip fort the shield saved like three minutes over any other option and it's not to the shield dashing you'll you'll see why later it it has a fun time killing things [Music] you know the APRs art category it's actually important that he broke that rock there because we are gonna be revisiting this area yeah oh and I guess we should talk a little bit about what the category actually we're here again so this category is called all bosses all relics those two things should be pretty self-explanatory and then save Richter the hard part is now over yeah all cruising from here yeah all bosses all routes save Richter shortened a br SR and it's essentially a 100% category of the game normally the 100% category would also include map collection but because that involves bonking in two corners of rooms a lot and generally being kind of boring to run people prefer to run this version of it instead yeah this category basically shows off all the movement stuff all the important like items to collect as far as progression and stuff so it's really really fun and like I said in the interview before this there's a lot of unique movement now we're gonna get to see in this run that only exists in this run so that's really cool same with like some unique glitches and stuff yeah it's really important to wait for that spittle bone because if you get poisoned here it actually wastes a lot of time while I'm going through this section here we call it the clock rush because the entire like goal of the first eight or so minutes of the game is to get into the clock room to get into the Coliseum and during this section a lot of the time most runs have what's called an experience route so I'm gonna be going for a double kill here on program Kevon I did not get it I was one frame off so there's the five seconds we're still wasted I think yeah but essentially the idea is if I stacked the levels properly on server and guy bond I'd get a different experience value by killing them on the same frame as opposed to alternating frames so I'm gonna get an extra level of here which I would normally not necessarily skip this level up I would just get at a different point but overall it skips like three or so level up animations but yeah is the reason it works is because owl cards the level compared to the enemy levels that you're fighting is what determines how much experience you get so it's on a curve and when you try and kill as little as possible outside of bosses you end up skipping a ton of well blow up animations just because I used to bike upward okay this is gonna be the first like route change that you would notice if you're more familiar with other synthetic categories you never really come down here for any reason other than to collect this relic right here which is the spirit orb it's mostly useless it just lets you see how much damage you're doing by the way we haven't mentioned it yet so uh but uh thank you for donating $10,000 for the ABR star in Sun - yeah really fast yeah this category is really cool a lot better than all ba food I think not that all Boston subscribe and share us to everyone who acknowledge the orb there I appreciate that nice the freemen were nice to me they're probably like the most random enemy they have to deal with early on okay cool oh yeah so a lot of this section is mostly just like general shield - movement killing enemies that are in my way I'm gonna be skipping a handful of enemies just to set up a screen throughout still actually now that I did but double kill I think I just kill everything dude since the records done you should use our oh wait you didn't get the armor on this game but yeah yeah if you have uh extra donations right now I think this good as good a time as any does the best time I've got a lot of them coming in we've got $10 from Augie jr. who says dragon blitz is up to bat with a castlevania game ready to whip the crowd into a frenzy as we sink our teeth into this gaming block no mooning and groaning from the viewers here just good old speed runs i think this bacon to Dracula's heart made me have a bigger drone honestly we've got $100 from miserable little pile of secrets who says the aesthetic the music everything about this series is great and inspired me to start making a game with some friends slay the vampire and bloody the tears through bloodlines divine for it is Castlevania time so this is second boss coming up here doppelganger he's honestly really tough Oh barely yeah let's call I'm trying to do yeah that it's a really intense staring contest and yeah he blinked oh yeah it that's fight is I don't know if it's like an easter egg or something like that but you're able to use the stopwatch on this version of doppelganger as well as the one that comes up later in the run and they just stand there knowing a lot of other things about this game how we just been oversight yeah since we've been doing randomizers we know that you can get him like petrified by using the stone score oh yeah also show that's the randomizer super fun yeah you should all check it out sometime here if you really like this game the the new randomizer is like really robust and it's been worked on since April amid by a wild mouse yep yeah shouts wild mouse about I think we can go back to donations for a little bit absolutely I've got $25 from uh Nintendo who says all these Castlevania puns ders are such a Luke ARDS they're killing me and now I'm coming down with rigor mortis let's whip up the support for MSF and all the great putters that's deep [Laughter] we've also got $25 from stretch dude who asked how does Dracula empty his pool through the castle drain eeeh here just like a small optimization of movement it's actually faster to use the wolf through this section just because it retains its momentum in the air while Alucard does not oh yeah oh you're gonna get the full thing maybe one day it's actually faster to retransform here if I'm not on the right cycle for the clock oh that guy almost hit me and then it would have made me look like an idiot because I get to do this jump there we go so this is the clock room we've been talking about yeah the wolf has all kinds of crazy jumps you can do depending on what part of the - you do it on and also off the slopes like when he grabbed the garnet which we'll be using later that was just dashing up the slope and then you get a really high jump out of it yeah this whole detour is so we can go into the Coliseum kinda unintended the this route it's technically glitchless but the game intends you to get the leap stone before entering this area yeah I'm technically underleveled but I have the best gear in the game so it doesn't matter this is a fun minute yeah doing the same exact inputs there the blade masters are always gonna do the same thing they're gonna slide under you which is really nice there's an easier man if you can do where you just walk through the room and they just jump over you like every time a little bit slower them yeah so by skipping this cutscene of the AI on these enemies doesn't like load at the right time so they just kind of stand there for a little bit you can wail on on honestly a common themes through the bosses don't really put up a fight yeah but the boss fights are suggestions I think yeah the main reason for doing this route is because one you get missed immediately so that you can get back because that's really the ultimate movement form that is you'll be seeing soon and then also the shield rod which in combination with the owl card shield he has is going to save a ton of time cool yeah you're gonna see it right after I do a little bit of shopping but yeah we'll see we'll explain the shop I guess ones that we get there or if you wanna start explain out so he's gonna grab the ferry here off of a dive kick set up these books can be really trollee sometimes too but he grabbed a potion just to give himself invincibility to account for that and once he has the ferry active if you stand in place that has a voice clip that poised and he's going at time it's that the voice clip plays over the shop cutscene and that allows him to pause during the cutscene which normally is impossible and since he can pause and then equip a garnet as he's selling it and it under flows the garnets and he's gonna have two hundred and fifty five of them to sell so that right now well there's also an optimization the dragon boats came up Garnett mashing where it's actually faster to match right here then behold it saves a couple seconds actually yeah even with that little messed up there I guess still gonna save time cool here we open it I get the jewel of open because it is a relic as well as a few other items that are gonna help us the rest of the game mana prism lets me have basically as much man as I want there I just did this shield rod spell yeah which allows me to well you'll see coming up what the shield rod spell does let's just pay attention to when I pull my shield out next yeah duplicator in a man of prisons is really what its gonna but most the time be saved in this run because once he gets the bat he's gonna have essentially shinespark so I used the mana prison to have some invincibility going through there but while the shield is active now that I have the shield rot out it does 255 damage like every other frame or something like that completely melts bosses you get healed during it and you're invincible with all this you're inside of enemies doing that so it's a little broken oh no ok if I fail this but get the clip I'll be happy so coming up I'm going for a pretty intense floor clip we'll see if I can get it I'm going to be using the map to help like buffer the frames because it's very strange there's multiple frame perfect' inputs in here one of them off [Applause] never got a second try no God and even on second try there that's as fast as like any other route you can do through the library so yeah I'm breaking even if I get it first try I save like 4 to 6 seconds depending on movement Thanks so this is another small route change coming up so far this has been pretty similar to all bosses except for some of the relics that we picked up like the spirit orb but coming up I'm going to be just kind of doing a little bit different movement than you're used to seeing which we're like is this again fire buyer of that we don't we don't use it at all completely relic you aren't really gonna get here for collecting and that's about it so I'm going out of my way to collect most of these I only remember what they are now because of randomizer another shout out to randomizer so that I oh yeah I got a certain dad I owe crash the server or whatever you guys want idea oh yeah this oh no I was about to say this movements really hard and then I screwed it up especially in the next room here I'm gonna be doing a damage boost off of this harpy which allows me to man a prison there which sets up my mana for this next room I'm gonna go for it I think that yeah I can get the back up though yeah you can do some really fancy wing smashing with the bat yeah that backup doesn't waste that much time it's like that's that guy for like the fastest way to get through that room versus like how most people learn the room is like I know a difference of like almost three seconds yeah it's pretty huge but yeah every time he's doing one of these things we call winged smashes where the bats going really fast that's actually a 3/4 triple input and then he has to hold and let go of the jump button so he actually has the chain that input over and over wall in that direction of the bat and it's actually a lot more technical yeah you expect 60 frames or 61 frames I think technically but essentially an entire second in between doing the input so a lot of times oh nice shield we're gonna see it but it's a cool one to get but yeah timing it so you maximize the amount of wing smash as you get per screen or per mana prism cast I guess you basically want to do it as the weight as possible every time so you're most runners are probably gonna give themselves like a 15 frame window and most okay coming up is a pretty precise trick it's frame-perfect but got a first ride huh yeah the simplest way to explain this is that the chapel doorways are very poorly code yeah I still don't know exactly why that one works the way that it does but yeah it's really nice and convenient cuz there's like a statue blocking your way from coming in on set where Laxus quarters from this side so we just gift that statue [Applause] Yeah right there a really cool thing is he was using the terrain the ceiling in that case and it actually does give the bat an extra boost going upward if you'll see that all over the place - just one of the cool things of using the bat in this game that's front fighting it's mostly for swag but there are a couple things I mean if you're running butch was that defect right there that there's a handful of places right it takes time oh we're clapping for the front fighting right yeah interesting we're not clapping for the bosses another thing that I don't think we really described the pack kicking and like the momentum preservation with a bat so anytime you transform into bat if you have some horizontal momentum the game kind of stores it during the transition into bat so you kind of like slide with whatever horizontal momentum you have which is really useful yeah every time he's transferring the bat he's gaining extra ground wall doing that yeah so either I'm gonna dive kick and then immediately cancel it with the transformation like this for me - back - it just depends on like the exact positioning that I want for a given situation I'm gonna go for this exactly once that's frame perfect and the frame that you have to do it on is dependent on your positioning which is very difficult to set up so there's a lot of tricks like that in this run where you go for it exactly once and if you get it you save 6 seconds otherwise you just keep going yeah and we're coming up on another glitch pretty soon - the first Castle pretty much is non-stop gorches once you get the bat yeah this is probably the most intense like part of the run like the second Castle it's like a lot of more standard movement not as many glitches yeah here we get another important movement and um the gravity boots which off you go big upward storm yeah we don't use it right away but you're gonna see it pretty soon throw sir another fighting game input you have to do down up and then jump so there's another boss book this one is mandatory [Music] this one's first try guys let's go I was really good the way that the math offer works is there it's not like Ocarina of Time buffering where you have like a whole second to like wait to try and buffer it everything is done in real time so whenever I buffer an input I have to cancel the map and then open the map again within one frame if I wanted to progress by one frame so if I miss the input by one frame I end up just like not being able to do it which is what happening when I did the first wolf clip but yeah the point of that clip is to get the whole class by the way because one of the requirements is to save Richter yeah no way to glitch doing that yeah oh yeah this is heroic yeah we have to go the other way it it makes more sense to get it on this particular library visit there's you visit the library three times here you have enough movement to collect it quickly but you don't have all your movement options unlocked which is what we're gonna go do right now is get the rest of the wolf movement options which allow for a couple of interesting floor clips that I'll be going for yeah including one in the library which is why he gets the fairy scroll now so you can attempt that later yeah that's another one of those clips where you try it once if you get it you stay for seconds otherwise you just move on it only weighs about a second going for it next runs what oh yeah those ones are the ones that save time this is another interesting part that you don't see in any other category we're gonna be revisiting the alchemy lab as well as the outer or the entrance in Cynthia yeah to get these relics and there's really no point in coming back here in any other category just because whatever you get from here is not usable well except for zero bosses yeah I was gonna bring a zero or a zero bosses you don't have as much fun movement tech so [Music] that's not how that works yeah I was trying to do a back - I ended up getting that input eaten by the door Wow the door is hungry it happens sometimes please back here sometimes the wing smash nymphets will be a little finicky depending on like what you input before going for the wing smash yeah so I'll say up until we end up wrapping back around to do the next bullet yeah there's actually time for white to donations right now sure thing we've got $100 from Francisco evil buho Carmona who says Castlevania Symphony of the Night is one of my favorite Castlevania games so I just had to donate during this run keep doing an amazing job and good luck - dragon blitz with the run and we've got five dollars from Jared M Ward who says verse nine years GDQ and had to donate during my favorite series but I have to say all these puns are leaving my ears in Castlevania that's like the worst way to go through that room unfortunately they can still do one more sure $5.00 from tesseracts who's apparently got a joke for you says a new gopher was working on the set of a TV show his job was basically to bring the actors whatever they want he asked how will I know how to do my job properly and the director said the castell train eeeh [Applause] [Music] that was obviously they're spending the whole run thinking of that one yeah why did you kill the part why did you do you he hits me on the way down he actually does this bottoms right yeah so this is the I guess fastest movement tech just been terms of general horizontal movement you'll not see it that often though because the transformation actually makes it take more time in most cases but yeah some more desk if it's a reverse shift line which is basically under flowing your x coordinate so that when you enter the next room you wrap around and that skips over the wall like that nice yep I was having a little bit of trouble with that one in practice I'm happy I got that first try this is another area that you don't see in any other category cuz it's just to get this felt like it allows you to get a different relic here yeah there's actually if the route probably would be different if you could glitch to get the other relic that you use this one for but I don't think there's any way to do that really know that wall I was put into a triple hole yeah [Music] [Applause] if you never played this on a Playstation don't be he's going he's going about ten times faster than you ever would because of the lag yeah this area doesn't do well on PlayStation doesn't lag how original the night movement act you can do it for free though dude you just like hold down the whole time I think you got something like that I essentially was waiting for that Donkey Kong to throw the barrel and break the bridge for me because I'm gonna be returning to that area later you technically can skip that but no one's ever been able to do it and it's really stupid it requires like the experience route that we were talking about earlier you'd have to carry an experience route all the way over until this area oh I hope you guys don't like the music for this area unfortunately I just have to ride this boat so this is a great time for donations as well and this awkward silence absolutely I love awkward silence we've got $25 from world warrior 13 who asked are you being misled by a large old stone structure that I'm happy a castle playing yeah oh yeah that would hurt $15 from 4G who asked how does Dracula donate blood through his Castlevania wait that's just that's just the word oh no oh yeah this is probably one of the harder wing smashing sections just because you have to keep a very precise horizontal or sorry vertical distance between the water and the ceiling cuz if you're too high up you'll get to dip down because of the terrain that we talked about earlier and how that works if you're too low you enter the water and the bat can't be in the water it just immediately untransformed you back into a low card so yes so now he's gonna attempt to DeStefano the door when he kills this boss that normally closes and since it never spawn he can relieve the room come back in and then it's there all of a sudden and zips him downward stage quite a bit of time here's another floor clip that I'm gonna be going for exactly once there's kind of a setup for it but it doesn't really it helps but it doesn't help it's just this is probably the dumbest clip in the game honestly I must be fed up for it go for it I didn't get it basically with zippy down this room really fast yeah it's a is like another one of those like for second times days yeah there's part of the routes like so weird there's no point waiting out it really nothing all the places you have to go in the castle yeah this is the best route that we've come up with there's an alternate route that we don't I don't think it saves time but it's been theorized to be possibly a time save where you get gravity boots later and you do this section first before getting gravity boots that's the wrong button now available on almost live almost quit the game there yeah my least favorite part about the Xbox 360 controllers is this big button in the middle that never you never want to press when you're speedrunning okay we're going for the same clip put on the other side this one saves a little bit more time if I get it never mind dang it just gets this entire screen falling I just end up at the bottom and immediately so that's fine there's still plenty more glitches he can show off should I show off the service one yeah dude okay porous toadstool just everything about our card [Music] although if I feel this nervous when I'm gonna feel bad don't feel good I don't know come over the pause buffer setup you're good at that yeah oh it's a very precise positioning it clips you into the floor whatever we'll just kill this guy there's another clip coming up it's fine we come down here because there's a boss that we need to kill as well as we need to collect this demon card you want to just spike room bowling just to show it off with all the randomizer practice we've gotten on it yeah there you are [Applause] in the menuing and all that like new year frame perfectly you probably saved maybe a couple frames if that it probably loses time on average every time but I always go for it you have to have like instant menus in order to make it faster yeah this is one of the few sections we're moving as the wolf's supposed to be saves time Wow nice hood he he wants to raised he's doing his best job to stop me there but that's another boss gone [Applause] that's all the bosses in the first castle taking care that's all the relics and well that's actually not overall except forgot we're gonna stop yeah there's a couple left yeah going for this floor clip god that's so all the failed ones I've made up all that time right there smash please oh yeah collecting the last few relics we're gonna be saving Richter which is nice every other category just skips him but we care about Richter in this category he's important to us you know no no but in that one we don't care about him this is the only category care about yeah oh flea riders are scary thankfully I did that mostly fine when you do the gravity jump from the gravity boots you are invincible a little bit so I use that to my advantage to not get hit there oh hello you don't want to pick that out full of it bar just yet so wait for that animation I just want that bad here we're gonna be equipping the holy glasses oh I think you're like setting up for it would save time because this cutscenes a little slow oh that's saving Richter by the way the shaft orb has exactly ten health and no matter what you hit it with you do one damage to it so Edie was set up there where soul steel does eight hits and you do a summon spear right before and you hit it twice with the summon spirit wow that almost feels going on and you basically just melt here I have to really cook dragon home as well as re apply the shield rod spell to the shield because that cutscene actually cancels the effects of the showbread spell because I've reloaded Alucard in a way where depending on how it's loaded I don't know exactly why his movie sets and a basic state yeah yeah it's kind of like as if you were loading a game at that point you know yeah okay I'm opening this teleporter for later cuz I'm gonna be revisiting this area yes there's a lot less glitchyness in the second caster water VII is just for any a clean movement still having boss fights and suggestions yeah I think there can probably be a Oh are we on for this yeah don't worry about that yeah you know just randomly happens yeah I think there's time for a couple donations still absolutely we've got $50 from flu who says keep up the castlevania puns please I think my mind can only take so much always to go a break from it with that comment right $25.00 from Renault PA who says my husband's love and passion for Castlevania has been rubbing off on me there's so much story and lore though and I sometimes feel like I have bitten off more than I can chew good luck to all runners and thank you for this event ten dollars from the carrier's vice who asked our dracula doesn't see the point in keeping mirrors in his castle since he could never see himself using them [Applause] more clever than the otherwise I see you [Laughter] yeah honey that we get the bat because as it turns out Alucard doesn't eat the bat in order to fly man [Music] [Applause] speaking of I see you re playing your game in English we decided when this is over oh I think that's what they told me go go for Japanese voices you heard the man yeah coming up here we're gonna be selecting one of the optional relics I guess if you're playing to the game casually it's for saveco which allows Beco which we didn't even show off because it's also useful for it's not useful can you show her off mid wing smash no but I can't show off the fire event I think mid would lean does that work I'll try it we're just trying speaking which there is a really good test of this category by foregone moose yeah one of the most entertaining puzzles in the Castlevania series it's my favorite tas of this game so i definitely recommend checking it out I like the locust that leaps them test a little more you really like seeing pause pauses over and over again don't you I remember that section where I messed up a lot before I didn't messed up this time in the inverted section so that's nice yeah that was for saveco next time I do a wing smash I'll try and do the fire battling smash which I might have to do here nope just kidding funny thing about wing smash inputs any time you hit a level up or a screen transition it resets whatever inputs you're doing as far as like any command inputs for wing smashing or any other like spell or something like that so if I'm about to hit a screen transition I need to make sure I've either either already done the input that I want or unlike buffering part of the input and then finish it during the under the screen transition same thing goes for level ups yeah although in this category sometimes you can have inconsistency with the level up so I might catch you by surprise Oh gah bones very strong he wants revenge for earlier I didn't get to pick tell listen was that there's that this is the echo by the way it lets me see in the dark but there's only one dark room in the game as you know what you're doing you don't even need to see in it and then force the Beco is hey we saw more relics boss we can fill up let that go do damage which is useful and randomizer lets you do items textbook Lee that's random I'd it again the Benz dress depend on these few certain render for like 15 hours a day every day blood spin this last week yeah I'm starting render like yesterday I wouldn't be surprised if he has the most hours in certain Rando out of anybody on oh yeah not even close this is Kalibak yeah he's the hardest boss yeah I don't see why so the shield actually does give you invincibility to like when it's out out and hitting something which is just the weirdest buff they could give it like yeah I think normally you find the Alucard shield and the caverns of the second Castle so I guess by that point if you've reached there they're just right please beat the game already oh yeah and what do you get for all of your hard work for defeating gala Moss to get gas Bob of course which is yeah it's a gas here miss does damage now that's it it can't be useful but we won't really be using it for anything again useful and randomizer not in this category well if you've gotten a Medusa she'll drop you could do the oh yeah the free Dracula go literally the rarest drop in the game let me just go get that room yeah yeah there's like a always to medusa heads you can run to before the end there we go oh yeah we're finally using that teleporter that i opened earlier in the second castle well cute front slide there yeah coming up is Medusa she drops another relic that's required for obviously getting all relics there's only seven relics in the second castle five are dropped by bosses and then the other two I've already collected which are the force tobacco in the gas cloud and really big Castlevania fans had already know this but cute factoid if you will is that all the bosses in the second castle that drop relics are the Castlevania one bosses during any percent strats what am i doing just to show it off did you grab Medusa's [Laughter] railway's that's one that I forget as well because it on PSX six you have to exit the room and then really enter in order for it to spawn or something like that so sometimes I'll leave the room and then forget about it so coming up is the last relic we're gonna be acquiring for the run shame I don't have that starter for this invalid run I know this guy takes forever to get off the screen by the way he's a sore loser like I already beat you go ahead and go Ryan man that was the day they learn to code that effect in the game there I gotta make use of the size look at this panel snap [Laughter] [Music] okay you know coming up we have the cd3 trio that the fake cv3 true yeah they're actually an interesting boss fight in a way I don't know it like since you're having to fight three at once you can't just melt the boss immediately you have to worry about like where they're going to be and how you knock back one into the other one in order to like continue the combo kind of deal so you'll see in a second it's one of the more intricate boss fights if this game really has those yeah it's good as in jerk is you can get four still basically one shotting the boss yeah so we just do a sweep from left to right just see how intricate that was really complicated I think we should go back and explain it again [Music] and be also boasts one of the core looking kills I think yeah this one shouts the italic zealot for a lot of things but one of which being this quick kill on a peaceful bub so he originally came up with this strat because if you use mana prisms on a Playstation while other effects are going on it lags like crazy and he originally ran on PlayStation so he was coming up with lag reduction strats for all bosses and he came up with this trap for coming visa bub I screwed up dang it sorry started out like I'm sorry we did it okay that's kind of what the old strat kind of looked like except without getting hit and even though he has all the rel could still gonna be slower to wait on the clock to open so he's just gonna skip it oh no I didn't get the front slide running validated [Applause] yes this is the same glitch this is actually the first butch we're seeing in the second Castle but other than graphical ones but yeah this is the same as the death skip getting to the exact point or the screen starts to scroll and then making the screen position under flow essentially just put you on the other side of it in this case there we have time of bat transformation perfectly because the ceiling zipping him downwards and he would have fallen right into that Guardian had he not done everything right yeah certain categories of you missed that you died to the cardian it's released ahead we're probably a little too I have a level to die ahem yeah I don't even think he big toss he I think it'd be a little poke so this is the end of the game the final two bosses shaft and Dracula it's kind of more of the same we're just gonna kill him real fast oh yeah this has been fun I just want to give a huge shout outs I guess during this time while we're wrapping up the game huge chance this certain community you guys are awesome there's like specific individuals where like if it wasn't for them like helping me learn the game I just would've never like gotten into speedrunning it so he shot us two turbo dogs 702 he chose to romscout back here being a huge inspiration huge shout-outs to foregone moose there's way too many they like even names I like Joe like we said before my tech over being such a top runner great competition like literally anybody low 41 that's cool maybe admit 41 but yeah like a low mid 41 with that with the reset that's close to record I don't need a retirement but that might be record but yeah thank you guys so much I'm gonna be tweeting out a link to our discord if you guys want to follow the or join the Soudan discord I highly recommend it you get to learn the game chat with cool people then like the game as well so thank you guys so much also play Rando play right now we have a dedicated section in the discord for Rando so if you just want to play the randomizer we can help you get started with that as well so yeah thank you guys so much return it to you that was an incredible run of Soudan from Dragon blitz I'm gonna say one of the top ten games of all time maybe top five really really good we've still got more donations coming in we've got 250 dollars from work metaphore who says love the event I try to give every year you're all amazing I agree we've got 250 dollars from Jonathan 235 who says it's that time of the year again when the summer heat is replaced with the summer height it is comforting to know that a community can be so supportive inclusive and committed to being amazing human beings to all the runners staff and fans of gdq as well as the selfless people serving doctors without borders' you're breathtaking near the end of that run they referenced the castlevania portrait of ruin language bid war that we've got going on you probably have mere moments to still donate to that right now japanese is in the lead with a thousand twenty compared to english is $800 so if you would like to read the extensive lore of a world war ii era Castlevania in English you're gonna have to get those donations in ASAP we've got $200 from Fermi Fox who says this donation is long overdue I have been watching for years and I'm now at a point where I can finally contribute to this great cause I have just earned my PhD and a lot of change in my life since childhood but this event reminds me of the two things that have remained constant which is my love for helping others and of course Castlevania shoutout to all the runners of the staff that makes this all possible you're all amazing all right I've got one last one for you $15 from Tran kill who says what do you call being addicted to building castles castlemania you tried all right I think that's gonna be the end of my time here coming up I'm gonna be followed up by an eternal enigma here on the mic but I'm gonna push you over to a quick twitch ad and we'll be back in just one second take care all right everybody hello an eternal indica here to take you through these next two runs coming up next we have VB with castlevania portrait of ruin we're getting set up for that in just a moment before we get to that in just a moment when it's all ready to go a scent is gonna have another segment for prizes with us but for right now I just want to remind everybody the summer games done quick 2019 powered by twitch is brought together to benefit Doctors Without Borders Doctors Without Borders is an international independent medical humanitarian organization that delivers emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict epidemics malnutrition natural disasters and exclusion from health care in over 70 countries in 2018 on any given day thousands of individuals representing dozens of nationalities can be found providing assistance to people caught in crises all around the world they are doctors nurses logistics experts administrators epidemiologists love liberty laboratory technicians easy for me to say mental health professionals and others who work together in accordance with MSF's guiding principles of humanitarian action and medical ethics the organization received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1999 alright now let's did a few of your donations that are still coming in we have a $25 donation from big sis 25 that says please put this towards the prey glitch exhibition and speaking of the prey glitch exhibition that incentive will be hit at $7,500 and right now it is currently thirty nine hundred sixty-seven dollars so we still have a little bit of ways to go for that but that is the next big challenge coming up so if you want to see the prey glitch showcase we're gonna meet about 3,500 more dollars towards that we have a $28 $0.48 donation from Faribault says hello Faribault I'm donating to this event many more to come this one goes to pray glitches because I want something crazy to watch oh and greetings from the Netherlands all right so right now we're gonna toss it over to sent who's gonna show off some more prizes hello everybody and welcome back to games done quick summer games done quick 2019 my name is Sven and as always I'm here to talk to you guys about some great prizes we have actually like they introduced you guys to uh somebody's gonna be helping me out all week I've been told that we found a dragon during the pre-show or something um I'm not really sure what that's about but I mean frankly it's not the worst assistant they've ever given me I mean we did have that shark last year I don't wonder what that sharks up to actually wondering wonder if you haven't recovered from that firing yes chompers now that I've killed prize man I can now kill fun and rural gdq for good it's probably is still going that's how unimportant it is don't worry about it too much anyway guys I'd like to introduce you to the other side of my body my assistant for the weekend and I cannot stress that enough that he chose his name itself ladies and gentlemen serve surprises I know it's terrible alright alright so surprising you could give me a hand here can you help me show off some of these prizes to the people at home is that something you could think you can do yes look look he's excited for it great great let's let's talk to the people about some of the stuff we got here so in front of me we have all kinds of great items that I'm having trouble picking up from our friend Jeremy perished we have a nest works of vol.1 1985 guys if you don't know the story behind the Nintendo Entertainment System and its revitalization of the video game market it was a crazy time the 80s were insane I'm glad I wasn't around for him this book and its people vol 2 they're gonna tell you the whole story about the end Nintendo coming to America and all the trials and tribulations to face super cool $10 minimum donation from now until the end of pray all the prizes we're gonna be talking about right now are from now until the end of price so make sure to get those donations in from our friends over at the bad dudes we have this beautiful Bad Dudes metroid arrangement CD supercool $5 minimum donation you know Metroid Metroid Metroid 2 all great soundtracks right here $5 minimum the nation get that in ah let's just pull pull some other things we have this beautiful little Castlevania friend from one of the favorite names I've ever gotten the mayor of super videogame land like come on that's that's so good shoutouts to the mayor of super videogame land for given this then remember as always you can head over to games so quick that comp check out the trackers gonna have all the information on minimum donations can't remember this off the top of my head don't worry too much about it surprises how do you like this thing I'm gonna hold it up here yeah he probably liked it there we go yeah see look he likes it good good from our friends over at Studio Penton we have a couple of beautiful hollow Knight prints here we have hollow Knight escaping yeah crystalline heart right there and then on the other side we have Holland I doing some it's a fast travel on the bugs super cool game I love the art style of these prints I believe both of them are a $5 in a moment donation from now until the end of price so make sure to get those donations in from our good friend Joey Phillips we have at this beautiful set of four NES wood burnt coasters they're functional they look great you got mega man you got famous you got link you got em scrolling in the wrong direction there's a Mario oh yeah look book yeah he likes it too he's he's bringing out the Bacchus I love it thank you you know what do you have anything for me sir is there anything you want to talk about surprises can you give me something of course of course you can't you you you are a figment of my imagination and this is my life valve so you know go go away away come on stop stop sticking your tongue out of me I have a feeling this is gonna be a really long and awkward week one last grape fries here from our good friend pearl pop we have this absolutely beautiful enormous Samus perler $15 minimum donation from now until the end of prey this thing looks super cool guys come on get your donation said for it as a reminder you have an everything that I just heard off on this table $15 that's all you got a donate now to the enterprise $15 donation you could be entered into a chance to win all of this stuff - of course the mini-fridge that's the Red Bull by the way for sponsoring us mini-fridge not a prize and of course don't forget we have our grand prize the master sword and Hylian Shield from our friends over at heroic replicas Janet's the Dave thank you so much Dave that's a two hundred dollar donation cumulative throughout the marathon so hey donate $50 please maybe you donated $30 yesterday for some of that cool stuff and you're already a quarter of the way there to winning an amazing replica master sword and high-lead shield that's gonna be about it for me I'm not sure what that was don't worry about it's probably nothing we're gonna throw it back up to the front as we get ready for our next run castlevania portrait of ruin with vb [Applause] all right excellent just a reminder we are coming up very soon with VB runnin castlevania pork should have run we're getting set up for that speaking of which we have a bid war coming up for this game it's for the language that it's gonna be played in between Japanese and English as of right now Japanese is leading one thousand twenty dollars to eight hundred and twenty five dollars we are in the nitty-gritty of that one and for the challenges we mentioned the fray glitch showcase we've increased that one to four thousand fifty-seven dollars of seventy five hundred and also we have another challenge coming up for the bonus game one on Perfect Dark any percent that one's gonna be met at thirty thousand dollars and right now it's sitting at eleven thousand three hundred and ninety two dollars so we still have a ways to go for that so don't forget that challenge as well we have a twenty five dollar donation from Ben Business who says I cannot possibly let a prey run go without a glitch showcase we have a ten dollar donation from Quiroz who says how is there a bonus game incentive that hasn't been met yet let's get perfect dark in there also want to take a moment to talk to you about one of our sponsors world 9 gaming from eSports to retro consoles PCs to arcades world 9 gaming aims to provide the highest quality video game experience to events in the Midwest and beyond with our mix of nostalgic and modern consoles professional tournaments and expansive game library world 9 is ready to take your event to the next level for information on booking and upcoming events visit world 9 gaming calm and follow us on social media at world 9 gaming ten dollar donation from high def lo mein who says hey VB good luck on your run alright it looks like we are
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 526,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AGDQ, GDQ, SGDQ, Awesome Games Done Quick, Summer Games Done Quick, Games Done Quick, SDA, SRL, Speed Demos Archive, SpeedRunsLive, Twitch, Video Games
Id: KEPbvP8kuxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 43sec (3703 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2019
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