Diablo 2: Lord Of Destruction by MrLlamaSC in 2:05:09 SGDQ2019

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getting his Diablo to run let's kick it over to him in this beautiful morning and we are awake we made it up for the run yay already a victory already a start do we have necromancer paladin and what is the name please the winner of paladin versus necromancer is necromancer okay and the character name it looks like was sniped real quick let me do one last refresh to make absolutely certain yeah the winning name is Keanu capital Kea and you beautiful absolutely beautiful alright well in that case I'll count you down if we're ready to go three two one let's go so I am going to take you on a beautiful journey through the game of Diablo 2 now I used to hate the necromancer I still do but you know I used to as well now he is a slightly different character and that he is going to be a little weaker than the other characters right so he's still gonna be a spell caster he's still going to be going through the same sort of motions that you might see to some other characters but we're going to continue using this level 1 skill called teeth for a very long time and something that we've actually found through the progression of this game and of speedrunning is +2 gear and plus the bone spur gear later on is probably one of the most important things on if you are going to actually want to run a world record run while running this so I guess with that really quickly let me introduce the couch I'll introduce a little bit more about Diablo 2 and speed running and then can get right back into that stuff with me I have no spare me in the middle here yeah I see rain on the side and musical daredevil who has read donations before in the past on this run and has a decent idea of what all is going on there I liked watching Diablo 2 so much I decided to try learning it there you go how'd it go um not so well I haven't defeated Bale yet and there's been a couple months I think that's not too bad it's a very difficult game to be honest that takes a little bit of teasing sometimes and a lot of knowledge of certain things any even then still a lot of just RNG and luck to go your way so that right there's a super chest that I just found it looks no different than any other chest but it's this super chest I promise you it has more stuff in it which is always nice so the main idea there was I was just trying to get some gold and we can talk a little bit I might actually go in and do some hockey stuff really fast I forgot to change cool all right so one of the the things right there that I want to talk about with this game is that it is full of RNG every single place that you could ever imagine for it to be it is there and basically what we work on is just some basic guidelines of what we are looking for and what we're going to try and do so for instance as you can see all of the maps so far are unexplored and we are going to just be exploring maps and kind of guessing as we go along which ways that we need to go super fun but a lot of maps will give guidelines there are a lot of tile sets and tile pieces as the maps are procedurally generated and so we're going to be following along with those and trying to make our best guesses based on the information get as to which way we need to leave so for instance right now in this map there's three different tile pieces there's this one up here this one that we're approaching into right now and then there will be one that kicks off to the right from here and towards like the down right this is a very simple map it only has three pieces and they always kind of go they have one entrance one exit essentially so you're never really going to be too confused about which way you need to be going which is nice but as you move on through the map you'll just have things like the exit is going to be towards the right cool could be behind you to the right could be in front of you to the right could be way off into the right all you know is it is somewhere to the right so with those sorts of things it's a little bit annoying and yeah so it's not too bad though overall other things about the game item drops are going to be RNG as well so what I'm going to be picking up what I'm going to be finding in shops what I'm going to be finding just about anywhere is going to be RNG including and what was the nightmare of the last gdq run on our amazon is the rune drop so we are going to be doing some rune hunting a little bit later on we're going to be looking for a towel rune and an s room as our main runes and then some other rooms has kind of some side runes and we shall just have to see what happens there because if we don't get good to bring luck it's going to not be as fun but we'll deal with that when we get there for now we're just trying to beat the damn evil I ran out of mana potions because I was fixing my hotkeys and wasn't very smart and forgot to go back and check but that's okay I'll go stole my gear now so hopefully there's teeth ten faster cast rate though is not and that'll also be worth some gold right there so getting gold early is always like a huge huge deal as well to charge bolts at blade sorceress let's see if we can find teeths over here at all no no no Tana okay all right well nothing there so it's worth and this is what I'm gonna be doing actually a decent man as I'm coming back it has decently worth it to go ahead and make those checks as well just to see if we can find some +2 teeth because it's super worth it to have so we'll just keep pumping teeth and I'm just gonna keep pumping teeth for a majority of this run eventually I'm going to shift over into getting some other skills but having the plus the teeth is one of the biggest things so for instance this map right here I want to go to the Stonyfield there's also an exit that will take me to the graveyard right to fight bloodraven but we did not run into that one and I can tell because of where the entrance to this map essentially is if that makes any sense whatsoever the exit is going to be slightly more in a corner or slightly more in a Center depending on which one it is so sometimes it can be a little tricky this time it wasn't too bad at this point we're just gonna level up we have recognition loop it off to the left I usually like to be about level 4 before I head to him additionally there's going to be different monsters and boss groups in this game obviously and the one that we love fighting is not archers that is that is the name of the boss group that we love fighting especially not lightning enchanted ones but it will be worth some good experience at least so we'll go ahead and take that experience so there's also going to be like I said generation of monsters here and we're just going to kind of deal with that as we go so sometimes I might get extra boss packs sometimes I might not it's just one of those things and right now you might be saying hey mister lawmen you said that teeth are no good but they're looking great oh you just wait you just wait it'll be a lot of fun later on so we'll continue on through here and drag these guys with us the reason that I'm really focusing on boss groups and not other stuff is because boss groups are actually and give five hundred percent experience even a champion group is gonna give two three hundred percent experience compared to just a regular group so it is quite wonderful and a great way to level up and it's something with that a lot of people don't focus on enough I would say in Diablo 2 which is you really can just focus on killing like boss groups and avoid anything else if you really want to but a lot of people like to fool clear stuff which is also fair because the game is once again also kind of difficult and can be brutal especially when you're fighting archers bonspiel archers are quite awful and controlling your experience is actually critical in this run you need to make sure you are at the right level at the right time you know in particular act five can get very interesting and you need to make sure you are at the right level when you get there and not a single level greater yeah so that's actually a really good point they didn't talk about so experienced in this run like you're saying is extremely critical and the reasoning is because there is actually too high and too low that you can be for gaining experience so you'll actually see it later on when we do get to act 5 because in this run is just a normal run and I only need to get to level 20 I'm not going to be going to all the way to level 25 which is point that out that I would need to be to break off I know the best way to say it to make it where I can start actually gaining experience for monsters there so when I'm in act 5 I'm going to be gaining basically zero experience whatsoever because the monsters are too high of a level so it's a really interesting punishment that they've thrown into the game which is you can have to deal with too good right if you're too good at too far ahead speaking of experience this is an experience shrine this is gonna boost my experience by 50% so always enjoy that and I actually would like to go back there because I want to go get if we're saving cane which it looks like it is more on that path right now then I want to get that so normally wouldn't grab this in a speedrun but since we're here we'll go ahead and grab it and this is kind of one of the questions that people ask they say well why wouldn't you grab this wouldn't you want to do like a hundred percent run where you do all the quest in the game and it's really one of those things that we've thought about and overall the run itself is so void of having like big skips or anything like that that you're not going to really have any huge reasoning for for doing those extra small quest like they just don't add enough into the game to make it that much more of a run or that much more of an exciting run because I'm not gonna be clipping through I'm not gonna be suddenly jumping to the end of the game and I can't be doing anything like that I am purely going to be running through the game literally just literally running through the game as fast as I can in just a normal runner sort of way so that's actually kind of what brought me to Diablo 2 I would say as a whole was I just I just loved the idea of not having the exact same run which like don't get me wrong other runs are cool too but they have that same sort of thing right you get the same maps you get the same spots you're doing the same exact movements in every single spot and and so it's very much like you become as close to a bot as you can essentially with with some reaction here and there whereas in this game it quite different quite different from that alright so again we're gonna check for some teeth it doesn't look like it alright we'll keep checking for it having plus the teeth is super super helpful so I am very hopeful on that so we got our black marsh Waypoint hopefully we have a tower nearby we got another shrine this is Wow okay nice alright cool so we got a really good map you can clap for map right there cuz that's uh yeah that's a great thing sometimes you get a map we call it the river because well it has a river I guess it's not a super creative name there will be a river all the way in between it and it takes like a minute plus a minute and a half just to run around from Waypoint to map to the tower and obviously that's you know just to reset when you're playing at home but at a marathon you got a deal with it so there's another one there's maps that I'm going to be having a general direction and that direction is going to be left of the way that I come in so for instance I'm coming in towards the top right here so the exit is going to be right over here to the left now it could be down and over but I know that's going to be left of the way that I come in once again I'm heading in towards the bottom left so towards the bottom right is going to be my exit in some capacity there's also generally one boss group on each of these levels which is why you'll see me kind of do run offs a little bit into slightly different directions just to see if I can maybe catch a boss group here there you generally get one boss per level you can get up to two bosses per level if you get that l-shape that we had on the first level right there once again a little confusing and a little weird but that will get you that and then you can also sometimes get no boss group per level if you just get a little unlucky so generally you're gonna be at one most of the time so you can see that already with the necromancer we're having to do a decent amount of kiting this is just because teeth is already starting to kind of we're out of its effectiveness especially without some plus two teeth gear so it's going to be in slowness down a little bit as we go along runes that we are going to want are going to be towel and a throne as our main runes and then as additional runes I'll either take some rail runes or I would enjoy a Neph tier rune which is actually shout out to bender for kind of bringing up the strategies a little bit more lately which is getting ourselves a nadir and using that for some cloak so that we can survive a little bit better for weaker characters so we'll go ahead and take this boss group as well once again always good to get that experience and then see what the countess dropped hopefully something good so talath RAL RAL Neff tier all good talath are the main desires Tamron has about 50% that's been about 33 we'll take the 8th rune right there for sure and that is a great great first start also 3/8 runes would get us to our towel rune yeah you can clap for an ethe ruin any day because last time we were here it took 11 runs and we just still didn't get it and then we just went on without it and it was a very sad day for us so much better so here you can see the l-shape that I'm talking about right there that's always going to have a guaranteed boss okay 95% of the time that's gonna have a guaranteed boss and it's gonna be that same one so we're gonna have ghosts here every single time in this corner just one of the fun little auditions they've thrown in there's a lot of cool little things like that in this game that you kind of learn as you continue to play and I would highly recommend to anybody out there who has played this game before or not played this game before and just checking robots go for the fast to play it it is a super fun game a lot of people that played it have only played online they grew up and they played paddle net back in the day and that was their whole jam and I get it I was I was there I did that too but when you go and play this game in single-player it it changes it so much it becomes a complete shift in the game because you're suddenly oh I shall be picking up reserves had time you're suddenly shifting into actually using a lot of gear that you never used before you're doing quests that you never really did before all that stuff teeth mmm one two teeth all right we'll take it we'll clap for teeth yeah teeth claps are good any bonus the teeth is going to be a big bonus for us right now so all right not seeing a boss over there really so that's one of those he's like I said you check in and out as you're going along because if you get your runes let's say I got all my rooms on the first first run somehow it still be a situation where I'd want to come down here to get more experience like daredevil was saying there is a very very very fine balance of experience and moving forward that you have to kind of go through at this game and it's probably one of the more difficult parts of the run I would say when you're learning to run at first is figuring out when do I move forward when do I have enough experience when should I go get more when should I continue farming all of that stuff and so a lot of our strategies and different run actually have shifted alright we'll take a tear is still on pace right there another potential room I'm go ahead and just put a couple days away it's pretty normal for these countess runs to take a few before I get 100 yes clap for that please three two teeth sorry go ahead three the teeth is uh it doesn't get better than that yeah so one thing you have noticed mr. llama doing is saving and exiting every time he finishes a contest run as you may have guessed that is of course the fastest way out of the tower it gets you right back to town however a couple other things that does is that responds all the monsters including the contest of course which we need and it also changes all of the shrines which will appear in the same spots but it will be a different shrine those experience shrines you saw earlier might change it's not Lee completely different like exploding potion and so you may periodically see Lama go back and check those shrines even when he's further along the game just in case we get an experience trying or another helpful shrine that may help us getting to those critical levels yeah that's a really good point because you're going to be sometimes you'll be sitting there and you'll be in act two you didn't get a very good boss but you're a little short an experience and you're like all the way the arcane tanks run you go you know what like it's worth it I need to just go and farm for an experience right and because this would be like a good map to do that I can go back I can just save and quit saving quits I even quit a couple times you know cost 20 30 seconds hopefully not more and grabbing experience trying to help make up for it so you'll do things like that and at this point we'll just be running a couple more counters friends so if you want to read some donations go ahead and then we can pop back for cheering oh and get rent absolutely first before I read a few I want to update you guys on a particular incentive that we have going on for a level that may or may not exist involving I don't know some cows maybe it doesn't exist just we've still got a ways to go on that where it's six thousand two hundred and five dollars raised which means we need a lot more coming in for that within the next two hours to see that secret level that doesn't exist anyway so they exist I have $50 from rackets who says hi mr. llama hello I'm so glad you managed to be conscious for this run Timmy is rooting for you bless the runes oh yeah Timmy thanks Timmy I've also got $25 from sporadic erratic who says cow level what cow level no cows here and move along please hopefully it begins at vegan the first of many Moo's okay so you got another countess coming up at this point we could either take a man another head won't actually do me any good I got the perfect head right there with the three two teeth on it 43 teeth I wouldn't be able to get a four teeth and not not anything with that yet all right we got our towel so we have our base runes at least yes that is that is a very happy occasion go ahead and put this over and we'll just grab these out okay yeah that's it that's a great little start there was a +2 to teeth one last time I was shopping but uh whoo nice that's also good and nothing there okay but it was nothing that we could utilize because it was 25 grand and we only have 11 so probably at this point let's see we're level 10 I'll go ahead and do one more run probably and then we'll uh most likely move forward at that point this is one of those decisions that you always have to make where it's like well I technically have those rooms I'd really like to get a nephron at this point so I can go ahead and make that in a deer if I don't I'll probably I mean I'd be okay to get a ral as well something one of those two is gonna be decently important for this run just because this character as I said is a little bit weaker so right now I've got the plus three the teeth which is helping a lot it eventually will also kind of wear out and once I get to level 18 always pushing into bone spear and we're going to be having a little bit different fun but bone spear is very narrow and it's shot path so if I get swarmed by like a decent number of monsters I'm gonna be in trouble basically ya know buster Jeff you are a smart on nations go ahead sure thing I've got $50 from BW e zoo who says I heard we beat the record time to reach 1 million dollars so why don't we do the same to the two million dollar mark we did also let's not save Deckard it is slow and we gotta go fast it's true everybody always say is Deckard every time it's like come on man save the frames' I also have $66.66 from worm muncher who says hey mister llama can we get a dimmest vision oh gosh also congratulations on your engagement yeah I'm not engaged thank you though appreciate it very thoughtful so the dimmest vision every once a month on my stream I I do a thing called man burst stream and we have a lot of fun things I have overlays there's some custom build software that like overlays my game so it'll do all sorts of crazy stuff to it and Chad's favorite thing of course is the scaring llama because llama hate scary things so there's a thing called dimmest vision Wow all right sorry we just dropped nothing crazy for this run but if this was a barbed run I'd have been fantastic anyways you can continue I've got $50 from major burton who says watching mr. llama is becoming my favorite part of gbq here's to many more gdq's of mr. llama playing Diablo 2 [Music] thank you very much I've got $600 from anonymous [Music] who says dftba alright so I'm gonna go ahead and make a quick run forward here I still have to make the decision Center for marathon feel like I should come back and do one more like it's it's not ever a horrible thing to gain experience here experience is always a good thing in this run and you can really go to like level 13 down in the tower so going there hoping to get a rail rune or get that nephron might be a decent decision to make and something that you might also note is that my character is basically naked at this point you know be saying like why aren't you grabbing that quilted armor that dropped or something along those lines reason being is because I'm just it just isn't something that really is going to change or affect the game that much for me so I'm not expecting to die essentially and I'm just going to be looking for gear that I would eventually want anyways so any sort of and I'll reset here to reset those shrines try and get an experience right so any sort of it's got long load times any sort of run or load that would have was I saying I know it's like 6:00 in the morning yeah yeah that's me too right 544 welcome to 544 yeah shout out to those awake and those and other person world yeah I really lost it alright well we'll continue on that beautiful beautiful run pretend like I said something super insightful and you're like oh wow I never knew that about Diablo 2 that's just crazy big thing yeah thing yeah right that's Diablo 2 for you did you know that stamina potions will stack so well thawing potions that's crazy there you go 30 seconds for every time you check one fun facts okay so if you want to go ahead with a couple more donation and that wake up a little more sure thing I've got $25 from designation 15 who says glad I'm here to see the D to run it should be one hell of a time nice I've got $10 from IM teeth who says hey mister lama happy to finally catch one of your gdq runs live good luck with the objectively worst character in the game yep fingers crossed for some decent tower runs and rune drops thank you it's been decent so far I can't complain at all compared to some of the other runs we've had this is you know we have our talisman like that is more than enough and I guess I should explain why talath is actually so important so the reason is in this game there's things called rune words basically if you put ruins together in a certain combination into a certain item it's going to give you some bonus stats based on whatever that ruin word will give you in this case it's going to be stealth armor which is probably the most single important thing in any and every run of diablo 2 if you would like to have a speedrun that has a decent time that has world record that has anything like that these can give you a faster castrate faster hip recovery faster run walk and a couple other things here as well I will take the nephron and call that a win good stuff all right and half we ran that and I will throw that over there we've got our talent left here and we're a happy camper so yeah so rune words are extremely important and highly sought after and I kept that if I wanted it's okay let's see what we have here fire resistible or not bad one fun thing about room words is that you do need to insert the runes into the armor in the correct order because if you don't do that you don't get the rune word and that is what we like to refer to as a brick wall you know it's the thing that happens a lot to new runners it has happened to me and that is basically a reset happen to me multiple times as well so yeah so you have to put it in in the specific order right and you have to put it into a gray item as well yes there's some items that are blue that are socket like this is great right it says one and it's great this is blue some blue items have sockets in them and if you don't look you will accidentally put it in there think you're good to go and then have to reset your run because well you've just braked it it's very easy to buy a set of armor or staff that's like mechanics staff if you're not paying attention you co2 sockets that's fine and you put your runes in and nothing happens that's like oh I did not get the right type of socketed item yeah that's been drugged us all still happens to us I'd probably break something like a month ago as well great way to just end a run yep or you put something in thinking it's too open sockets but it was actually one open socket mmm yeah you get that as well there's so many fun ways so now we are heading forward we're gonna go ahead and be heading towards Ontario towards the end of Act one so we just have to go through jail this is an optional quest that you do if you run into it that's purely it if if in the barracks you run into the Smith and you go ahead and grab the hammer if you don't then you don't the reason being is it just doesn't really give you enough to where it's worth the time to go out of the way back to go get it all of that so that hammer is going to give me one free imbue and I'm going to be using that imbue lighter on to try and get plus one or plus 10% faster run walk on some boots probably I could also use it on ahead later if I wanted to try it to try and get plus the bonus beer so really kind of like either one of those I would say on this run but for the most part it's generally used to just get some fast run walk the chance is pretty low it's probably around like 10% that you actually get it and it's just a small benefit so overall not really worth it but you just kind of you know if I'm there I might as well grab it and see what happens sort of stuff so we're just gonna go through the jails once again we have maps that we're just gonna be exploring and have a general guideline so I know that I want to go across at this point I also have a boss group in here and this one up here so I want to be going straight across for this level as well and then on the next level I'll be taking a left of the way that I come in and we'll go ahead and grab some charms as well because sometimes you can get some really big stuff there so here's a Colton armor I would pick and up hope it's two open sockets if it is we clap if it's not we boo all right well it's all right we can always go shop one if we need to it's just a it's one of those things that you know you're gonna want to pick up along the way as you go if you can because and why not right it saves you some time so it need to be a little careful we don't get too far left here it looks like this is probably just gonna keep going left so I'm gonna go ahead and head back and go around and see if this is gonna head us to the J level three and it looks pretty good like it will so I can't kind of see that even though mr. Lama doesn't know the map layout or where the exits of this map is you can kind of get some cues from all of the preset blocks that the map puts together and the general direction so he can figure out roughly where he needs to go yes like on this one like I said I want to be heading towards the left side here so I'm going to be working towards the left it could be up and left it could be down and left I'm just gonna have to kind of make a random go at a direction first and then I'll kind of see and when I run into Tao pieces that look like dead pieces I'll turn around and go somewhere else but essentially it's going to say oh there it is so you know this is you can get a pretty good guess and sense of it as you're moving along and this is also one of the very big difficult things experience is a huge difficulty and then understanding maps beyond just a basic map sense and reading tile pieces is super important and it'll be especially important down in the catacombs here and we still might just get it screwed anyways like this is this is one of the areas that doesn't have any direction right now so this map the exit could be literally anywhere I'm purely going to be reading tile pieces as fast as I can to gauge is this going to run into a dead end or will this take me to where I need to go and the were just kind of pray and then we run into what we need probably didn't you and so we'll head back right here so might be a little time in the catacombs you can definitely lose some minutes here for sure with I do yeah I mean it's just it can be completely unintentional I've lost complete runs in here just from having such bad maps every single time that nothing you can do about it so we'll run around and see what happens if y'all read a couple more donations go ahead sure thing I've got $200 from while @r who says here's the 200 io 4 wing loss in Star Fox thanks so much GDQ for having me can't wait for the gdq official soundtrack I've also got $25 from your dentist who says please remember to floss twice a day always plus money goes to the milk rent and $25 from anonymous who says cow level cannot be seen it can only be heard a cow level utterly ridiculous hopefully this amuses you good luck for the runners and congrats to all for another a grazing event yikes just to update on that secret cow level that doesn't even exist so I don't know why I'm telling you this thing we need about another $33,000 so I know we can do that but we need a big push here in the next hour and a half Wow so we just got a really strange map right there this is gonna be interesting so none of those there was only one door through there and it was through the dead end so we have kept that little piece and I mean I feel like I might have to go back into it that is a super strange map so once again you get the procedural generation and things connecting you can see there is no door that cuts over to this left except all the way through the dead end map could still be or the exit could still be over here but at this point like we kind of have to go this way it's it's almost unnecessary check so and there it is yep weird map sometimes that happens all the time it's you you go down a wing you have to backtrack all the way and it turns out oh if you had just turned to the left a little bit the stairs are right there yep happens way too often okay we'll check what we get on this gold that's not gonna be anything and I'll grab a couple more of these things and go ahead and fill up here okay so we'll just be hopefully getting enough mana potions there I also have some reach ifs I can use if needed for in tauriel and yeah we'll see what happens there so one more level till we get to her so far a pretty successful act one we have plus four two teeth gear which is actually really huge considering that three on the helm is a really really really nice boost and then we got one on the wand if we can get a second one on a wand here thanks like it there we go there so that's another thing that I couldn't you if I wanted to imbue that try and get some more +2 teeth but since I have the plus one two teeth I figure I'll probably just imbue the boots instead it makes sense to me so we'll continue heading forward let's see what else does Diablo 2 have with our energy I mean pretty much everything you're gonna have a tax of any monsters of any bosses and we did find our way to andariel so overall medium catacombs nothing crazy immediate for the turn off but also not horrible we've had worse that's for sure so pretty decent act 1 thus far and one of the fun things is you can always just close this door and then they can't come through so you'd you have to be fast on that because if there's an enemy in the way they blocked the door and then that strats useless and you have to kill everything yep but if you just want some alone time with in da real easy way to do it so here we're really just gonna be fighting some teeth there is another strategy which I'll be using at dorial so I don't want to really spoil it it's kind of some fun but because it's so important to have early teeth it's not worth it to do any other skill basically except for massing teeth in my opinion so this is something that I've been doing for a little bit and other runners I think I've shifted over to it now they used to can I do that other strap but I think they just go for lots of teeth scratchy has ended up being the go-to so like I say just gonna try and use what we have here with our mana potions that attack right there is our least favorite as it does a lot of damage and down goes and Dario that is act 1 and pop over act 2 also on that save quit right there I've just refreshed my shrines yet again so if I need to those are nice glyphs if I need to I can have that available you can always go back and check that I read those and that's not what I want and it's ok so I'm actually going to be keeping we'll grab these please and a new belt Hey so I'm actually gonna be holding on to my chip gems and I should probably just put them in my stash honestly the reason is because I'm going to be doing some rerolls later on so I mean by that is I'm going to be trying to reroll some blue ones using chip gems it'll socket them and then like adjust what they do and kind of like randomize the skills on them a little bit and so I'm gonna be hoping that I can get some plus two bones appear on a wand because that is super helpful it is is probably one of the biggest like impacts in the game and we'll see if it got run walk we did not we got a little lightning resist so not horrible they'll be good for ACTU yeah so we're gonna have beetles out here which are absolutely wonderful experience and at the same time also horrible damage with their charged bolts that they release every time you hit them there they are yep and there's Sun right there well we have a little bit of yeah 20 light rest though that's something definitely helpful so yeah I'll definitely like be hoping for beetles but also having to be careful because they can just instantly bring you down especially if you're running a character that's weak like the necromancer or if you're running with no light resist or even just some light resist I've died many times to beetles while having a decent amount of lightning resistance just because the charged bolts just stack up so quickly just a lot of damage couldn't come out there so in act 1 lama talked about how he's typically looking towards the center of each map to find the exits in act 2 you can't tend to look towards the corners and there are certain clues in various corners as to whether or not that corner may have an exit to the next area yeah so right now I'm looking for any sort of corner that's going to be each map kind of has its own poking out sort of way that you're going to see it weird way to say it each each map has its own sort of things like this right now is looking like the exit will be here and there it is right so that little like indentation after a certain amount of distance is going to make me think okay I probably need to go to there and this is also the point where I'm going to start shifting my skills up so I'm going to go ahead and start working into clay golem and then some other stuff here don't get some curses going as well and this is just in preparation for Dario a little bit later but I'm going to be looking for corners that have not this right so that right there tells me that there's no exit it has that little indent the other way and that tells me okay nothing right there and I know it can't be first corner on this map because that's just not allowed in this game and the next map I'll be looking for the same thing in the third map there's a one direction it can't be and then there's also going to be a way it can be right at the front so it's the only map that can't be there so that's actually nice that we get to see that and we have a stamina still use that so we'll go ahead and drop a TP right there and this is the whole forward backward strats everything yada yada yada so I come here I get the lace point beautiful and then we can go back there do that and then come back out and we still have the waypoints we're not having to restart from the get-go every single time so summarize this first part of Act two there are three dungeons need to visit and you can do them in any order right and so you saw mr. Lama drop a town portal I'm you saw the Waypoint that does get kind of confusing as to which one you want to do whether you want to search with our Waypoint whether you want to drop a town portal link it to a dungeon it's definitely one of those things you really want to have a mastery of as you get more experienced with the runs of this game yeah it's really good point sometimes I forget that like not every single person has played through the entirety of Diablo 2 yeah so it's purely just getting all of these pieces morphing them together and what I'm going to get down here which is the cube I'll be doing the same thing in the next act as well and so just trying to run through and collect all those pieces but what daredevil said is 100% true in that you have to make a lot of decisions and act to if things aren't perfect like right there we just had a really good act - we got everything and it all made sense right ok we got our TP first we set it down and then we went and found the Waypoint so it makes perfect sense we can just run back and do it and it's totally fine other times though you'll be sitting there running and you won't get you won't find the Waypoint right and so you'll have to decide ok at this point am I going to continue forward and look for it go back and look for another way point continue forward and look for way playing the next area what do I do if I run into the other dungeon I want to get into but not that way point there's a lot of decisions that you kind of have to make surrounding all that stuff so we're go ahead and just exit out and at this point I will definitely go check my shrines because I'm going to be entering the far away so soon and the far away's this is no perfect nice far away's this is really nice it's where beetles can spawn and that can be just worth so much experience so we're gonna see and it won't be right here so we'll just have to go cross map but resetting will also reset boss groups within the dry hills so you thought when I entered the dry hills that there were well actually I was in the rocky wastes but we can use that as an example when you enter in if you find like a boss group in one of these areas I'm only going to get to boss groups in the dry hills that's just game files stuff that's set up so that's all that I'm gonna be getting there so if instead I do that reset really quick and come back in I a higher chance that I'm going to find another boss group in the dry hills before I would make my way out to the far away's this looks like we won't find one this time but it's one of those things that you can use to your advantage and something that we've actually started using in the sorceress runs which is resetting over and over and over again basically you run all the way until you get to the far away's this as fast as you possibly can basically and then you go and you farm beetle bursts who is one of the boss groups that's going to be kind of a constant here and we do have beetles which is nice and so you'll run until you do that and hope and you just pray that you get a good beetle burst map it's kind of a silly strategy a little bit but that's been the latest one so you just go in and hope that you get really good boss groups there and and then try to level up to 18 which is when the sorceress gets teleport and so that's kind of the reasoning there which makes sense so I know they're know their character is gonna have that teleport there's not really a super incentive for that with the exception of maybe like a couple characters could have it if they have something like if I was a paladin and I had plus two blessed hammer like three two blessed hammer on a scepter that I found or rolled it could be worth it to go ahead and roll that ahead anyways just because um maybe gain to 18 and getting into blessed hammer which is really good skill would be the best thing to do there so at this point I'm going to be looking for the maggot lair and just killing stuff along the way like I said beetles are great and we have this experience shrine so one of those why not sorta scenarios and I'm just going to be grabbing some things like armors and stuff along the way as well because that's worth a good gold so that's another thing I suppose I didn't talk about too much which is your gold balance you see that I go back and I buy a lot of potions often and I'm gonna have to go back for potions here as well that's just like a common common thing in the game every single character you're going to constantly be buying potions and so just sitting there chugging potions non-stop yeah I'm very careful yeah a lot of beetles in here conga line yeah works well for the necromancer a lot of other characters that does not work well for it all and you just sit there one at a time drew it especially yep so there are there are definitely certain characters here that perform better in different areas and the necromancer in the maggot lair is decent and some other cares like you said the druid or something have a really tough time and yeah so I want to be running to the right of the way that I came in you can see that that took us nowhere though and so I'm gonna go here then I'm gonna go down a little more and then kind of come back to the right we also have a champion beetle group here which is the greatest single monster group probably in the game it might be hard to say if there's one better than champion beetles and the reason for that is because the group itself is going to be worth extra experience basically since every single champion and all of the monsters that's fun with it are gonna be worth that 300% experience plus beetles already give good experience so it's uh it's pretty nice ain't nothing there nothing there so as anyone who's played this game casually your speedruns that know the maggot layer is not particularly fun dungeon because you do get those very narrow corridors where if there is a single monster in your way you ain't going forward nope and it's also a windy and twisty so you can turn a corner and suddenly there's a conga line of beetles right there and you attack them and you suddenly die - all of those lightning bursts and it's one of the places where I've probably died near most is that safety TPS just music just because it so easy for beetles the amount of damage that their charge bolts do is a very very wide range and so sometimes additionally if you're in like nightmare or inhale Hell mode and they get some like stacks on them like fire enchanted which kind of has some glitches in it the amount of damage they do can just be absolutely insane it's like that was one beetle right there that just took like two-thirds of my health just from his charge bolts come on so once again just collecting those chips as every single set of chip gems is gonna be nice for me and this right here is what we would call a terrible map as like I said I wanted to go to the right to get out and it looks like it's probably gonna be right over here but we had to first go through all of this mess yep to get there so that's very common to see in near maggot layers other times you'll just get an immediate turn off and that's really nice but I would say usually you ride into some pretty bad maggot layers which a lot of people on my chat love just you know once again seeing llama get scared or torturer and you know all that fun stuff so it's a great great way to torture yourself in Diablo 2 is just run through a terrible maggot lair map tank again technically that exit was to the right but you had to wrap all the way around three left made it right there yeah more or less more or less that's also pretty common in the tower with contest runs yeah especially when you get to the later moat and the maps get a little bit bigger you'll find more of those that are well technically you know it is following the rules but it's a horrible way to get there so you're going to take a lot of wrong turns I see that a lot in some of the later dungeons in act two yeah very very very true yeah you'll find that in claw Viper out and the Tosh's tomb yet that one specially go so that's another large map that we'll be getting to and a little bit so I will just continue you'll see me pick up some things as well like sacred globes and stuff the reason for that is because once again gold management a sacred globe is a very small item it's just that too little slot right there but it can have it can be worth up to the maximum amount of gold if it has good +2 skills on it it can also be worth like no gold looks whoever if it doesn't have skills on it so you're taking a low of a chance but the the more value I can get from an item in a smaller setting the better basically just set out our clay golem just as a little bit of a tank little tank and deal with this guy as well you probably read a couple donations while we worked our way through mega lire yep sure thing I've got $100 from Athena who says since llama is running d2 again it's only fair that I donate this time as well good luck we'll double my donation if he gets first way ark way all right well a $100 donation is still really nice donation so thank you so much afina I've got $25 from evo demon who says hey llama on behalf of all your mods good luck on today's run do it just do it do it don't let your dreams be dreams yesterday you said tomorrow so just do it make your dreams come true yes you can also Congrats on the engagement I had no idea gosh dang it thank you thank you Shia all I can say is thinking this was only one voice saying that that's true okay always a nice to have a little bit of Shia love there all right so now we're going to move forward to the lost city I've reset this map as well because I do have beetles up here so this would be like a map were I doing a sorceress right now that would be decent right if there if there was another boss group I could find along the way like I would just constantly reset over and over and I would just come and kill Peter burst every single time just beautiful universe Peter bursts over and over I said three times so it's one of those you'll just kind of spawn it get a good experience and then respawn so even though I'm not a sorceress and I'm not trying to get 218 crazy fast it's still worth it to me to go ahead and do that anyways every single time that I'm here just on that quick respawn because why not right I might as well enjoy some of the experience that I'm gonna be gaining from it and then this right here tells me that this is gonna be the exit as well so the way that this act to map has been built I know that this is going to cut back out left and then that's going to lead me to my ex right there's a lot of little things like this that you pick up as you're speedrunning and kind of learn that are going to help you out and because they have lost anyway point I'm gonna actually go back really fast and we'll go to act 1 so I I never found a to open socket armor very unfortunate so instead we're gonna go try and shop one and we'll get one there and nothing over there so it is going to be grey and I'll go ahead and very carefully make my stealth armor if we do not want to have messed up you can clap for a non messed up stealth armor that is totally fair that is a great clapping point so we didn't find I'm really hoping that that is not the exit right there it shouldn't be but say a little prayer so it looks like it's not gonna be in that first way it also shouldn't be down this way I know I'm running here we need to just get straight up so I need just go find the stairs at this point and work away at the top where I'm assuming we're going to find that I also would like to get to level 17 soon because level 17 is when my stealth is going to activate so you can see that right now okay that worked out right now it's still in red it is not being worn currently even though I have it on technically so that's something that we'll be doing as we can as we get to level 17 it'll auto activate for us which is why I went ahead and put it on right now because we should be getting 17 soon enough so if you don't read a couple more donations well I head to the club a per go ahead sure thing I have six hundred sixty six dollars and sixty six it's elated whose comment is just an emoji but it looks like a devil with a squiggly tail and a pitchfork really cool I don't know it's a good good comment yeah fitting I've got $50 from skull-shaped who says rock and a--shoe [Music] I've got $50 from demon thesis 33 who says go llama go loving the morning Diablo I'd like 10 gearwheels again goes with the man regime thing alright and alright we do find the exit so overall pretty decent act two maps I need to hit my seventeen soon as I'd really like to get the boost and all those stats there but decent maps overall there it is from there it is perfect so now we're gonna try this way snakes are always a little scary as they have a knock-back that'll just completely stun you basically and so you want to they're kind of glass cannons so you want to be first to hit with them otherwise you can get caught and kind of a chains done this is one of those areas where the necromancerr really shines because you can take care of those enemies from fairly far away before they get to being able to attack you yep yeah so this is you know once again we're seeing teeth and teeth is performed better than you would normally see it and once again that is due to having +42 teeth right now so really getting that level up or those extra bonuses in the skill has been a huge factor for this run in making it not an absolute nightmare kind of because otherwise if you're - poor on it it just takes a couple more teeth for every single kill and it can just be so so so long so you have to really be careful and down because fangs in it's a fire and now we have all the pieces so you can go ahead and start morphing those so one thing that you'll note is we still aren't completely filled up on gear there and that's just that's just one of those things that's kind of gonna happen so if I find a helm that's good I'll wear it if I don't I won't it's kind of no point in putting on a lot of different gear and yeah so it's mostly I'd say the runs mostly based on like skills and stats and how you're doing all of that stuff and then a little bit on what you're gonna do with some of your like items because you definitely want to have some items like a stealth rune word any sort of plus two teeth gear plus two bones beer things like an faster castrate ring right that's really nice but overall you're not gonna have crazy crazy here generally in a normal run that's gonna be too effective whereas in like a hell run you're gonna be focusing even more on finding small things on certain pieces of gear to really help you so you're looking for any sort of resistances or whatever you can just to help you stay a little bit ahead there so we'll go ahead and be heading into the arcane sanctuary go ahead and pop a one two three or four into the chat for which direction you think it is going to be I spoke earlier of RNG in this game and an hour into this run however far we are I don't see the timer but however far we are into this run we are now encountering this amount of rng so another place where you can almost kind of lose a run depends the character if you get in here and just end up in a horrible spot you are actually just shy of an hour so internal clock I'm seeing a handful of fives in the chat yeah that's the magical way it does actually exist so I've actually I think the worst I've had was the seventh way where I reset the map accidentally when you're in nightmare in hell you can reset the maps by going back to normal and I saw I accidentally went back to normal came back and it was you know blind again and then I still took like three ways to get there or something it was pretty awful or four ways whatever was so you can also run into situations where you get to the very end and you die and then you decide I'm just gonna go to a different path but that was the actual right path so thanks jad for the belief I appreciate that each of these paths is set up differently and again each class sort of excels in different paths some are good at flatter areas and are absolutely terrible at stairs and so it's possibly might get the stairs way in saying nope I want to try that way just yet and it turns out that was the way but now you're 5th lane exactly so you're always trying to run as fast as you possibly can so you're trying to decide which direction do I want to go no double donation 99 you're trying to decide which direction do I want to go do I want to run you know to the left right up down until you see you like make a decision on one you'll head down that path and then you'll get on a path that you're like never mind this is a terrible path for this character so necromancer doesn't really matter that much I would say necro can go down just about any character that they want and they'll be fine but there are many characters like the assassin or druid where stairs are an absolute nightmare because their spells won't actually work on the stairs yeah so you have to drag like pray there's no monsters on the stairs and or drag monsters off of the stairs which they love to get caught on and it can just be a horribly slow time so this is the best way especially for those groups because it's just going to be straight nice and easy to get there you know you have your little narrow paths here but overall like it's pretty straightforward the path across from this is gonna have portals which will also have some stairs associated in some directions and not all directions then there's one that's just really windy but it is still technically like a straight path and I have to be a little careful with the necromancer I just found what comes up behind me because you can see I have two kite a lot he's not the strongest character overall so I have to be a little bit aware of that and we're also out of mana so that might be rough with them as well you could some potion drops in here so it might not be that bad they forget longing we need our luck to hit right now not going to alright so we'll go back for some potions unfortunately and I do have this shrine which is helping regen mana but as you can see it's very low compared to what we would actually need so it's not a huge deal three two mana and I'd rather that light res lemma mention how bad classes like the druid are with stairs it gets so bad in the arcane sanctuary you can have an enemy standing literally right in front of you million you and your spell's won't get to them yep it can be really rough I'll knock that out hopefully we can get the second right here let's see let's see come on use alright second wait I'll take it beat an average and a marathon oh yes please well let golem deal with those guys over there and they're gonna be blocking those stairs so we'll go ahead and just kill them as well and I do need a little bit of gold as well so I'm gonna go ahead and grab it is like that okay so these tombs are gonna be all be in the same order circle is gonna be the far left so we're just gonna head over towards far left right now we also have some beetles out here so we are gonna be hitting 18 which is really good on experience so we've done well for experience here and I can also check in on whatever you call it there and a bit my bone spear wand rolls I can go ahead and start those whenever I'd like so we'll see if we get some beetles in here as well and we do so once again great experience also great damage you need to be a little careful but definitely a nice thing and I'll grab the amulet cuz I do not have an amulet yet so could be something teasing my resistances are a little bit lower than I would normally like just be that especially that fire is this but it's what we have to deal with I also need to go and get a helmet for my nadir which I probably should have done a little bit earlier but that's okay and to me that looks like that might be the room so I'm going to go ahead and head back and head down towards that room no guarantees but sometimes the room just looks a certain sort of way and it's just weird to see certain maps in certain positions kind of so this one looks like maybe it's gonna head over up and open that won't be it doesn't look like but it will maybe lead us somewhere that is that's lost stuff so just have to be careful with not getting it with teammate charge bolts in here that's honestly the biggest thing which is why I'm kind of standing outside this door so a lot of the bolts won't come through these doors always can really save you especially if you're a new runner is you just kind of hide in there while you cast a bunch of spells and duck back out yep all right cool it did lead to it eventually did I'll take it all right so now we are going to be coming up on Tyrael I do have to go get a couple more potions unfortunately but not a huge deal got time for a quick donation sure so we still have a ways to go on the secret cow level incentive but I did the math if everybody who's currently watching in twitch chat donated five dollars not only would we hit this incentive we would hit it 13 times Wow so with that in mind Johan donates $5 and says cow level donation train coming through beautiful so this is now going to be the most one of the most difficult bosses for newbies in the game you can see that it's really difficult right now and then how did it work pretty hard whoa oh here he comes there you go so this is this is some boss abuse essentially that goes on it doesn't work all the way through the entirety of the game right as Iron Maiden kind of falls off a little bit later but essentially the fastest way to kill the boss is to just let the boss kill himself the spell that's on his head or the curse that I have right there is called Iron Maiden and so he deals damage to himself every time that he hits and yeah so he'll go ahead and take himself down and the hardest boss in the game is now dead so our one up I should definitely say like the first time that I ever played through this game and stepped into that chamber it was just like insta death over and over and over again as I was like there's no way he'll slow you with a with a holy freeze order that he has and just be absolutely miserable beyond that the back when I played this casually I could do bail runs no problem but Durio was still a problem you know till a massive problem so I do want to go find that to open socket helmet so I'm going to go ahead and go back for that here soon and is this the fun little kind of shortcut because I have to go talk to that guy and then talk to massif to go to act 3 so we will most nice those are really nice Wow what would boot as well go ahead and stock up on some of this stuff and click check for maybe some bones beer the Reda bones beer is so expensive nothing crazy right there ok so we'll put the cold away and head back and go to a quick act 1 check just we can see if we can find ourselves at open so I could helmet so as anyone who's played this game 2x3 knows maps in act 3 work a lot differently than acts 1 2 & 4 1 2 & 4 all conveniently squares with entrances and exits located in sort of preset places act 3 gets a lot weirder where you have rivers you follow I mean you and you have bridges that sort of determine where your side dungeons are we'll probably have to get into it before you can really start to see how exactly x3 works you probably still won't see it because it is pretty complicated confusing yeah that that's probably one of the hardest things to explain honestly is yeah so we got an ID realist of that perfect yeah we can clap for for to us a little bit a dear I'll take it so yeah so like he was saying the maps out here are some of the most difficult maps to honestly explain in a solid way essentially I don't know right now if I have what's called a great Marsh yeah so there is a map that is attached to this called the great Marsh and there is a map that is maybe attached to this called the flare jungle I don't know if I have that or not until I basically search around and find if I have it or not I can get a lot of little tidbits that might say hey maybe you're gonna have it you know there's a good chance that you will based on the stuff that you found there but overall just taking a wild stab at it basically and hoping that I do so I'm going to constantly be trying to identify maps as I'm running through to find is this going to actually be a skip is it not are the chances likely are they not and you can tell all of that stuff just based on the way that certain maps kind of fan out and not but even then nothing is 100% like you can still just run into straight dead ends and it's like oh no you don't get a skip go back through the great Marsh so another one of those times where you can lose a lot of time by getting caught kind of in the the jungles of act 3 it definitely makes it one of the lesser favorite areas of speedrunners I would say as it can be a huge time saver if you get a really good skip early on and a huge time loss if you don't or if you miss it because it was on some connector through there's a lot of weird little pieces for it so overall just no flair jungle good great Marsh ooh that's it that's pretty much all you gotta know yeah the player jungle contains a dungeon with one of the items we need to complete this act maybe maybe oh no no that dang it I was hoping it would connect into it all right we were hopeful now if you'd like to read a couple of the nations while we wander around the jungles go ahead sure thing I've got $10 from gambler who says is this where I send my train for the cow convention finish me I can't seem to find which level it's on if only there was a way we could all find it together only Athena did donate again $50 saying have half for the good cause that's a flair jungle right there that's a flair jungle also Thank You Athena half the cops go to the thena there as well the second way we'll take yeah so we got the skip we didn't we didn't find the spider cavern yet in the spider forest so we're still gonna have to go back there eventually but we did find that skip and that's actually the great Marsh connecting through over there so a little bit of a weird map connection it looks like but we'll take it any time that we can get to the flare jungle is a great time it looks like our boss groups at here are decent so what spawns out here can can be really really a big rng factor as well as these little blue dude are decent experience for sure the shooters are kind of annoying and are gonna kind of lock me up a lot of times the birds are kind of worthless so I don't really like the birds that much so the more blue dudes that you can get and more of these low flare guys the better and more of the other stuff that you get the worst it is and there's a second create Marsh connection as well there which is actually super strange yeah you don't see that too often it's super super weird but that's the fun thing about Diablo 2 and how random it gets you can play this game forever and you'll still encounter just weird new stuff all the time yep sometimes you encounter some really weird bugs as well like you won't be able to see a potion in a slot I've had that happen maybe two or three times sometimes your character will just get stuck if like a monster dies below it while it's on top of an immovable spot I don't know about that one yeah so if there's like some tombs and stuff I've also happened had it happened during the ancient where you'll get like stuck on the statue of the ancient and then you can't move just weird weird things that you know so many of them can just add up over time you're like I am so everyone you can to get some fun little new things so I'm gonna go ahead and take this and I'm gonna go back to this biter forest because at this point we need to go ahead and find the other piece right we need we need to find the next part of it so we'll check up here see if there's some sort of connector off to the top right that's where I'm kind of guessing there might be an exit maybe yeah there's one right there okay so there's gonna be three entrances basically with the exception that sometimes there's gonna be multiple entrances for each one of them but there's gonna be three entrances essentially for each one of these areas or three areas I should say and so you just have to check through them until you get to the right one so if you can find out in the first time it's a lot better if it takes all the way to the third time it's still manageable and so we can go in our spider Kevin so another one of those maps were really hoping that we get a good map here it looks like we should and this is a map that has the boss group in the chest over here so it can spawn on the other side and then be a whole mess of a thing to get over to it and we're probably I need to go get some potions really fast unfortunately those spiders can really gang up on you oh yeah they can do a lot of damage and they also that boss spider is cursed so if he hits you you can just be very quick death against five caverns one of those dungeons where you turn a corner and suddenly oh there are ten spiders here in my way nope and so we'll take down boss and there's the Jade figurine I'm not going to be using it as I pick it up I want this I'm not gonna be using it and the reason is because it's just extra time so if I want to do that I'd have to go out go talk to the guy go run up go get the potion it's a lot of running around for it we're bored we don't really need yeah so I mean we hope we don't need it we might run it just some trouble later on and be like oh we should have used it but well we know where it is now yeah the whole plan whenever you're running you plan to not die that's basically how it goes you plan to say well I'm I'm planning on not dying and so I wouldn't need this and that theoretical moment of not dying now something like a hell run I'm gonna pick it up because you know and he'll run your chances of getting one shot or whatever go up and having that little bit of life can be huge but in this run okay we're gonna pray for no deaths so here you can see there's a lot like shooters and birds so it's not my favorite area I still need to get some more experience not too much more though so I can I can start heading forward definitely decently well and overall it's been OD Cenac 3 but I want to hit level 20 by the end of Act four basically that's it cuz act 5 is going to be worth literally about zero experience I mean it is it is almost completely worthless due to the monster levels Act four is gonna be worth not nearly as much as I should be getting for all the stuff that I'd be killing in there but it will be worth it's a little bit so I can maybe gain like half a level in there so Act three is really kind of the last place that I'm going to be getting that experience that I'd be wanting so if we can get up to you know like I said we're at half right now we'll kill a couple more things maybe a few more than we expected a lot more hit a lot more and then we'll go from there and perfect we'll grab that and I also I could be respecting now if I wanted I still need to find my flirt engine so actually we'll have plenty of experience we're gonna over level then I could be finding like picking up some more stuff whatever there I've been switching over to bone spear but right now teeth is still kind of the better option out in this area so I don't really want to make that switch yet that's one of those things that teeth just has that better spray and then bone Spears gonna have the better singular damaged but right here you don't really need all that single damage in there so I go ahead and go back and just get some potions just to be safe just in case we don't find waypoints very quickly and so we get is really going and that's decent but that's better I think you supposed to fill up on potions and then I'll have to make a decision on that if I want to use it or not so I'll leave a TP and then we'll be running forward and yeah so now we're gonna have plenty of experience because just through act 4 we would get to 20 here but we still have more stuff we'll have to kill an AK 3 just to get through not a huge deal to over lever over level though as getting to 20 faster is going to be a stronger bone spear which is going to make my skills a little bit better right so as I was talking about before getting like pus bones fear on a wand would be great or on a head so here if I get it you know if I hit that 20 a little bit earlier it's not the worst thing I sometimes it's even thrown into our strategies of like just go ahead and get 20 right before Mephisto so you can do a little bit more damage to him and speed that up because you will really start to weaken here very shortly right so the necromancer is gonna kind of run into some issues so we do get a weight point right here and I'll go ahead and take this back and go into the flow dungeon so if you want to read a couple donations go ahead sure thing I have $25 from the cow king who says let's get chat moving along to see me if you dare I've also got $50 from Jacob who says good luck mr. llama and second way sanctuary but you're always first way in our hearts that's cute keep going if you play yeah I've got $20 from the champion beetle he says love you too llama thanks champion beetle you're welcome any of my runs any time seriously we've also got $25 from spice a pod who says thanks for another d2 around mr. llama these are so interesting to watch and you narrate it well at the same time what is your favorite character to run the not necro I would say that would be my favorite character I know I'd say probably it really depends how I'm feeling that day and then what if we're talking like a normal runner he'll run I really love running the hell assassin I love the normal sorceress she's pretty fun to run hell amazon is actually pretty fun because you get to actually switch into boson which is all my favourite characters so it just just depends though you know some days you wake up and you're like I feel like running barbarian and that's usually when you're sick in something but you know like that that's the run that will probably never come to gdq batboy do you get like an awesome multi arrow with hell Amazon and you don't get to multi arrow and really no you go exploding arrow though so it's still pretty fun so we go ahead and get the next piece that you can see this is the same sort of idea right we're just collecting different pieces here it's organs and we'll throw them all together make a flail break down the ending thereof whatever you call it telling work yeah yeah I don't know lore very well I only have like 17,000 hours in this game stances it's not really important anyway yeah I think you destroy and then you're in yeah I kill the thing and then I go to the next part that's all I need to know so yeah so we're just putting them together there this is something that a lot of players have never experienced because a lot of players simply just skip this part so if you go on battlenet and you get a friend who just has the waypoints to travel and then to Durance they can just take you to the very end kill the child and go for you and then take you right through the end of the act so this is actually like the fastest easiest best act ever when you're online and then when you go offline you're like oh man this is horrible I have to like run through this jungle and stuff so it becomes it becomes quite a nightmare so I would say this is probably people as least favourite act if I had certainly mine guessed it here or act to I mean I'd say people are back and forth between those a majority of the time if you're in chat go ahead and one two three four five in your order and then we can get a good look of what it is so we found that chest right there that's actually a really good sign for us that tells us that it's going to be facing to this top right direction I need to go right of the chest so sometimes tile pieces are the best direction that you can get in an area so now I can head towards the top kind of see if this will like kick out and then go up which it looks like it does there's a chance that this will lead us to it right here I'm just have to see and there it is so once again using a lot of your map knowledge is a great way to gain a little bit of an advantage or a lot of an advantage I sure today as you're playing through so I'll grab the heart we have the three organs and now we can head to the trav and we'll go ahead and pick up her liver to level 20 here as well since why not so I'll be shifting over to bone spear now as I just get my way up to the travandkel so I'll just run up here grab this Waypoint for quick safety and then we'll go back and use a respek so this is something that was added into the game I mean definitely a few years ago but you know wasn't in the original game before if you ever messed up your build in any way whatsoever that was it like make a new character was basically what it was so it was really really brutal but a few or multiple years ago they changed it up and they added in you get one free respect every difficulty so we'll go ahead and head back right now and use that here and so we just need to make sure that we are careful in how I do over things so we're gonna do a clay golem and an iron made end point and then bone spear wall and we'll throw teeth okay easy enough and then I actually want to buy some want as well so now we'll also go back and we can buy a couple blue ones which we can then roll to try and get some plus two bones beer one two and trying to get one more so I want to get cheap one and this is kind of one of those weird recipes that not a lot of people are gonna use all the time but are you know good to utilize in sort of these situations I'll go ahead and do that yeah it's probably yeah roll and one two bones beer Wow yeah you can clap for that any day of the week be able to control it and even better one nope but that's worth a lot of gold so that's always good so there's also a good way that you can just get some gold if you'd like and no okay well we got some gold from it hey I got white one bones fear I will happily take that very happily so go ahead of that still don't know if I really wanna use that we'll just save it for now still oh god put my stats in there and go here yeah so you can shift those in if you would like which is very nice and then we'll do this for that and that could go there and that can go like that and bone spear could go there okay so now I also have bone armor and that's gonna be a little bit helpful just for some physical damage that I can take a little bit later on and we've got our bones beers and because we have that plus one that's also really nice Andrew level 20 so we're essentially out like a plus two right now normal which is really really really helpful so we'll go ahead and unfortunately we didn't draw I got here we go we got one outside so we'll just kill him really fast grab the flail and be on our way to my fist Oh basically the first counselor you kill drops that so whichever one you kill first yep that's the the go to whoever dies first is whichever one you find go kill him okay and we're in the dirt so we'll just run through here and this is one of those places and normal it's generally not too bad I say that one just get a terrible map but when you get to nightmare in hell these maps expand faster than any other map in the game so they end up being just these giant massive like it is so hard to know where you need to go even though you have your general like directional sense with it based on your locations I mean you can just get terrible stuff so there you go we already draw as I drink myself a horrible map in normal also additionally there are dolls in here these little tiny dudes that are chasing after me they are very fast and they explode on death and they do a ton of damage there's our exit like a lot of damage so I was in nightmare once I had 450 health maybe something around there plus I also had my bone armor on which adds more physical damage like tanking protection whatever gonna call it absorption I should say I guess that's the correct word and I killed one doll wasn't even a boss doll or anything one doll it exploded and killed my character from basically full health with bone armor on so they're no joke they were they are run ruiners for sure many people have lost their hardcore characters two dolls like it it's just like they are they're so brutal so we'll go ahead and head towards Mephisto here and then won't be done with act three and then on to arguably probably the most difficult act for the necromancer after this so small little stretch here even the lure that councilor corner now I'm just gonna give them that right there I'm gonna set some saving up though so yeah so I can kind of lure that guy away cuz I don't want him to come out here and heal Mephisto but I'm going to use the same strategy real here which is I'll do some damage but then I'll just hope that he does some physical hit to my golem which he's not doing right now there we go as he'll actually do a ton of damage to himself and another character that will end up killing himself and we can move on [Applause] I don't want that boat alright me that that okay so I picked up some are gold I will grab a cracked bone wand as well please as that gonna be worth big bucks if it has the right stuff or can have plus two bones beer and nope that's fine we got our plus one two bones beer now I'm just being greedy so throw that out we'll throw that out we don't need the cube anymore so we can just go ahead and trash it and we can go ahead and just start stockpiling some potions so at this point act for like I said is where things really get difficult it's really nice that I have those boots with the massive resistance is on them I guess I didn't really show chat or show the viewers that we can look at him 18 light res 32 fire res you're not gonna find boost and normal too much better than that especially gaining that fire res for this act is super huge that being said I do have my cloak of Shadows if needed that's going to blind enemies so if I get caught in a really tough spot I'll do that also those Falls are some of the most hated monsters in this game and normal they're not terrible especially with 36 light rez inhale that group probably would have just like killed me instantly even if that's some light rest they're pretty miserable so a lot of times if you see Souls you just quit and then come back into the game cuz it's not worth taking any of their hits so these maps are pretty set they're going to have three random door exit locations so I'm just running to those locations here really quick if I don't find it at that then I'll run to the next spot which is why I'm not like checking up in that corner there's also is rollout here if I want it to get those extra plus two skills in a normal run it's not gonna do me very much good so I don't really care for it he kind of is pretty tanky and takes a little bit takes a little bit of time to kill in a he'll run totally worth it and we got a really nice city right there so that's super nice so really quick right there that way point and area can be anywhere that's not those random spawned you just never know will run around here addition to being difficult this act can get pretty nerve-racking because you are running through swarms of monsters all over the place oh yeah we got that's the bad situation right there that bad guys yeah oh we don't wait I thought I got the city like the way fight I thought you did too I could have sworn I touched it alright well we'll take an extra minute and enjoy the nice thin ik you know look at the beauty of the game hey something like that it does get better now that you know where things are but before that happens it gets pretty as I said nerve-wracking because you're just kind of wandering to those three locations you don't really kill any monsters because you're fairly underleveled for this act yo and so you can just drag huge swarms and if you make a single mistake or you slow down too much you're dead yeah so the reason that I really wanted to reset that I could have sworn I president won the reason I really wanted to reset that is because I didn't like the boss groups that I had there so the giant dudes with like the bashing clubs our bad news they'll just sit there and put you in a stun lock pretty quickly and your Cairo I'm gonna go very far that's another thing that happens to me fairly frequently its enemies blocking the stairs and then you can't use them and that's it see right there their favorite thing to do is to get in your way alright so now we'll press the waypoint for sure this time there we go yeah helmut Ford so okay not my favorites group still but not horrible as long as there's the only three groups here okay third ones there so we're not gonna have the bludgeoned guys which makes me a little happier we are still going to have oh dear not the most fun a lot of narrow paths a lot of monsters will creep up on you here as well and just kind of block you in so you have to be super careful and there's also a log I thought I hit you and do like cold damage and block the bridge and block the bridge always always somebody to block the bridge so we can also use our clay golem as like a little distraction to try and just help ourselves out right there and ice yeah so it is it is the like I said probably the worst act for the necromancer overall just because weight point alright yeah just because if you are like he's just he's super weak and you can very easily get put into like your recovery and stuff while you're down here and then you're not hitting even though it looks like your animations are going off and so you're having to constantly just deal with all sorts of different things getting blocked you don't have a good escape mechanism which i would say is the biggest issue for him yeah and you can see it I'm not able to like one-shot these monsters either right it's taking multiple shots to try and do any bit of damage so I'm trying to move very quickly through here and at the same time also be mildly safe as I don't want to get caught so we've made it to the casting story and now this is probably the hardest spot that we'll be in which is praying that we don't get blocked too badly here there's not a lot of monsters so it's okay that first okay oh come on come on come on so that's not great I don't like seeing all those guys there and alright alright so you can also get this curse that's above my head right here which is going to it's called to clarify and it'll slow you and increase the damage that you take so that's one of those things I can catch you off-guard you think you're gonna make it through a gap or something and then right when you're about to get through you get decrepit eyed and it closes and you're like well that stinks so I'm gonna kind of clear some space and just clear some stuff out right here just to play a little bit extra safe as yeah this this can be a really brutal area so these guys are all some mana burning the storm casters right there so that is difficult you just see Lum was mad at going constantly way down yep and man we did not get a great dress over here so I need to be super careful as well because when I go and spawn this boss group I'm going to be spawning a group that is going to spawn over on that right side basically so I'm going to be trapping myself in to this corner which is not my favorite place to be at all let's see if we can drag them over here with a golem and they love to do this stuff though and those okay yeah we'll go ahead and take a death here probably that's fine yeah that's not a big deal so that's why we have our teepee set right there in a hardcore run we'd have to play it even safer than that basically but since a softball run we can take that death for those who don't know a hardcore word mode is perma death yep you die that's it yeah Oh Mynah deers on the ground all right one more death maybe and I am playing in a little windowed mode so gosh so that's why you're going to be seeing or hearing every now and then the audio cut out as I sometimes will click off the screen but we're good there we got past the first part I'll take it happy happy with that and now we can go to second part and it looks like we have a little bit of room right here so this is always like you want to have a corner to escape - that's the best best way that I can say for like things that I want is having a corner that I can safely back up into a little bit and not be surrounded so we have that right here so we should be fine even though it's kind of busy in here it's not a huge deal sometimes you always try and run forward to that next step and you just never find it there's always just the next pack of monsters and I've lost many many many runs to that just because there's you know it's not a lot you can do when it happens sort of thing so this is this is definitely another spot especially for this character where you can just lose it all really quickly whereas some other characters like the assassin of the druid are going to have no problem whatsoever they are extremely strong and so they can pretty much just stand and tank any of that no issues so that's the second boss down to complete the cat sanctuary all you have to do is kill the three bosses and then pop all five of the seals hello oh my god hello so there's four of them come from Soho once again take a a minor second just deal with a couple of guys here just a couple as we we don't want to have to fight every single monster in here as that takes a lot of time right so you kind of try to avoid a lot of stuff and then use them cloak of shadows to strategically keep some things off of you so they're not gonna be hitting you shooting at you as much makes a little bit easier and then just deal with our final group here it's fun I may be wrong with this but doesn't everything dying here once Diablo spawns yes so as soon as I kill this final boss right here Grand Vizier everything else that's just gonna die and so I no longer have to worry about any of that stuff that's down there I can just move on and now it's just gonna be fighting Diablo and we have a skill strain that's nice so we will do same strat as before you don't want to stand on that it's bad it's bad news some of the other classes have mercenaries and mercenaries do sure love to stand in that they sure do so we'll go ahead and do this and once again I can do some damage to him and let him kind of damage himself the rest of the time so whenever he physically hit that golem is why it's good for us and we need a few more potion now I should be good to go take the life sure and we'll just grab some more that's more good so bosses are generally pretty easy I would say overall on this character they're not the fastest thing you're not doing a ton of damage yourself but they'll they'll take care of themselves essentially so I don't even have to shoot them down right it just adds a little bit of extra damage but if I if I really want to I could just do this so if you're if you're a summoner or something you can just do this right here and let him widdle himself down because his fire tax and stuff will burn everything very quickly there's a blue there's Diablo so a quick note I'm gonna go ahead and shop right here in act 5 I probably don't need to like crazy but I might as well at this point because it's haven't have on the gold the reason for that is because I'm going to be getting potions cheaper so until you complete the first quest right here of act 5 you're not gonna get a discount on potions supposed to answer double the cost if I bought them from mawla immediately so if I was running in here with like 80,000 gold plus I'd probably just do that no problem because that's yeah it's a decent amount of gold I should be able to finish the run no problem without it saved a few seconds if I was not though if I'm coming in with like 30,000 gold 40,000 50,000 and a marathon I'm gonna go okay maybe I'll wait just a quick little second and go get the potions for a lot cheaper because running out of gold is a fantastic fantastic way to lose a run where you sit there and everything else is great but you just don't have enough gold to buy a few more potions to finish and we I've had multiple runs that have ended like that where I'm selling all of the gear on my character and anything whatsoever just to try and hang on and I want to dodge all those range shots as those are cold and chanted so they would actually slow me so the maps for x5 are fairly simply basically just run up and left a lot yep that's pretty much it up and left her up and right one of the two so yeah so we're gonna be going through the first part here trying to kill as little as we possibly can once again this experience is worth nothing you know like almost nothing at all we're talking maybe a couple hundred when I need you know I'm at hundreds of thousands right so it is it is worth about as much as killing stuff in like act 1 basically right now so I'm just trying to kill as low as possible I also don't need any more levels I have level 20 and that's all that I need to max out the reason for that is because we're gonna come up on what's called the ancients fight which will be at the end of act 5 it's how you get into the worlds don't keep so you have to go and defeat the three ancients to start that quest you need to be level twenty as of right now and for the last five years that I'm going to be running there is no skip to this whatsoever so you can skip it online if you have somebody else but if you are playing in single-player I don't we've never found anything that would hint that you could be a lower level so we're there to be some crazy game breaking thing like that besides just like something that gets you right to the end or something I would say that would be the most plausible sort of scenario would be somebody finds a way to beat the ancients at a lower level as that would then diminish a lot of the time spent in like act two and three where I'm forcing myself to level up that being said in classic there's no level requirement since there's no act five but you still end up getting usually around like level 17 18 19 something like that just because you need the skills right you need all the points you need the damage your character's super weak a lot of times and so only having +2 you know 1 in bones B or something would be atrocious you would just never finish anything there are some very difficult fights towards the end of act 5 then you need to make sure that you have the right skills and enough experience to be able to get through those otherwise you ain't defeat and bail I would say chaos would probably arguably be the worst one though if you were in the chaos with like half of the damage you would just never get out of there you would be you would die so many times before you'd have a chance so so that's always one of the biggest like impact changers of it but there could still be you know maybe you find +4 to bone spur gear +3 to bone spur gear and you could run forward really really quickly you know that could be a thing but as of right now no good skip so you just get the experience as you run along get the damage but you try not to over level and so I'm pretty happy with like where my level is right now this is just above hello this is just above 20 like I said we got that 20 in act 3 which is totally fine and we're gonna have to be a little careful death Lords are probably one of the worst bosses in this game for worse monster groups and so we're out of there and that's good so these maps can be same sort of idea they can be super windy or they can be really really quick if you just get an immediate turn off so that was a pretty good first map that we got right there we'll see how the second map ends up playing out it's like we're gonna have to go back a little bit at least before you get a turn down but they can also be like up and above right I've had plenty of runs that were ruined from spending two minutes in this map when you're on a great pace so yeah another another kind of windy this one looks like it might not be the most well behaved for us we'll see if this pans out there at all nope keep going up and these guys don't look like they're gonna move for us but you can see like I'm also very weak and my damage now right I just do not do a lot and that's just kind of the necromancerr overall so he kind of just takes a little bit more time to get through everything we do eventually make it out of there which is nice but yeah so at least wasn't it wasn't a terrible map it was a little long but all in all I've had much worse across both of those this could be an up and right map yeah so this one is just gonna be straight up and right you're gonna run through a couple of these if you go to the right side of these maps you kinda know what you're getting yourself into you can try and chance it through the middle and sometimes you get like no barricades or anything but running along the right side tends to generally be pretty accepted I would say that's like good strategy to do because all right like there's one barricade and then I'm through it's usually not too populated so a lot of the runners will just do that on every one of those Maps you can just run on the right side there's only a couple of different tile pieces you're worried about and then you just move forward from there but you don't get caught in like dead ends and stuff so now we're at the ancients way this is gonna be right before the ancients fight and that's not that's one of those like fake turn offs so again another map I want to run left on similar to the others here you can see a death Lord got a hit off on me and so now he has frenzy on which is what really makes death Lord truly awful as they can just absolutely turn into killing machines very quickly if they get a couple hits on you and then you're definitely like having a lot of difficulty getting away from them as well so we want to try and avoid getting hit as much as possible by those guys as they will only get stronger and really not the most fun map so far the girls trying will be nice running a stamina will not be nice and dead ends are often not nice so lots of not nice things here you can turn it around so you always have to be aware of your stamina it's one of those things were like as you get later oh gosh this oh dear oh no no no no no okay alright so this is gonna be fun so we'll probably do some fun strategies drag these guys over here and then let ourselves die over here as there is just not a lot that we want deal with right there and we want to get this stuff away as quickly as possible so once again non hardcore strat and I grab her body and we can keep going so that body is just doomed to lay there it's nothing important anyway ya know all of all of our gear is on this one so when you die I guess I should say all of your gear drops which is I would say different from how a lot of games work nowadays nowadays you just like get a small penalty but you get your body back with your gear or something in Diablo 2 your gear all just drops right where your body lays so you have to be a little careful as if your main body with all of your gear drops in a terrible spot this is also a horrible man by the way if it drops in that terrible spot then you have to be super careful so that's why I figured you know what and that last one it's better to just get the monsters away rather than trying to constantly fight that over and over and over again and we could spend many minutes doing that but not worth it sorry we're out we end up out which is really nice and now I'll just go ahead and get a few more potions and then we can begin the ancients fight got time for a quick donation sorry yeah go I have $100 from pacifist paladin who says looking forward to the non-existent cow level also I want to hear everyone's best impression of neo from the matrix saying whoa chat our audience it's yours whoa nice good stuff so we'll just kind of kite these guys around the big character that we have to really be cautious of and if I can like line them up that's the best thing that can happen here essentially I'm also going to let them hurt themselves a little bit but the biggest thing I have to be careful of is that spin and then a little bit of mattock sometimes he can just be super stacked with damage so the ancients actually spawn with items it's kind of like a little-known fact they actually has items on that you can't see and sometimes these items will have massive like plus enhanced damage or cold damage or anything like that and so you think you'll be fine and then you'll just get hit by one of them and it'll just be massive amount of damage so you have to be a little careful it doesn't look like these guys are too bad maduk looks like you might be doing a little bit of damage but yeah it's just a kite fest and this is like the best sort of scenario that can get right there when I can line them all up and sew my bones here I can hit all of them that is one of the problems with the necromancer is that he doesn't have a good attack that hits in a multi range at all right so I'm basically getting this one line of damage and that's it as opposed to other characters that might have like a whole cone of damage or even better how are we doing on that cow level incentive we've still got quite a ways to go we're at ten thousand seven hundred and forty four dollars out of 40 all right check out your donations in if you want to see some cows I'd like to see some cows llama I'm sure you want to see some cows and love seeing some cows do you guys wanna see some cows the morning casts steak and eggs so now we're gonna enter the world stone Keith this is similar to the catacombs in that there's no that way of which direction I need to go right now I'm just gonna be reading tile pieces as best as I can and then making my movement decisions based on that so we can head over here see what I got and pray that we don't run into to mate at end but whoever knows in level two will have a slight bit of an advantage looks like this should be it in level two of a slight advantage and that I know the Waypoint is going to be running to the left I suppose of the exit so I want to run in this in a clockwise direction and it's going to increase my chances essentially of running into the level three as opposed to right to the Waypoint so were I doing farming of this and stuff maybe on a hill run I want to do a few bail runs that I would love to find the Waypoint I might run it in the opposite direction by right here that's we're just trying to get to the end and our plan is to at least always have a teepee up hopefully then we will just go like this and this should be it most likely oh no it's gonna be a point so in this case that's why I dropped that teepee right there so I can just immediately come up and then run like this so it saves me all that run back time and now I can find the exit faster there's a lot of strategies like that where you're just going to be slightly adjusting based on that sort of knowledge to hopefully you know save yourself a few seconds here and there but we have a waypoint just in case something there's absolutely crazy in our throne room we could have an empty throne room with zero monsters in it or we could have a throne almost like 40 of these death Lords so you never really know what you're gonna get but we're praying for not too many of these guys oh gosh hello it's a bad expected so we'll just kite these guys out a little bit and try and be kind of careful try not to get hit too much and we can use them to kill themselves as well so corpse explosion is a great skill I'll use it more in later like especially when I'm playing through through nightmare and hell it becomes massively important and normal it's it has its use cases I would say but nightmare in hell is where you're really going to see a lot of cards explosion if I would be respecting again for that I would actually put a lot of points into it as well as that increases the range so you can do a lot more damage cool so overall a decent thread room so now we have to go through waves one two three four and five and then we will fight bail after that they actually fight all five waves as the necromancer no no okay no II do not so this is that's something I'll touch on here soon one of the things about this game and this sort of piece that's programmed in here is they've decided that as long as you get bail - laughs or essentially as long as the monsters are no longer in the throne room then you're good which is this like right here just that on my little map that's covering me so as long as I can just get that piece then everything is okay this is a great place to pop a few of your corpse explosions as there's a lot of little Skelly's that they liked three or five otherwise but yes as long as you can get them outside of that area everything is going to be okay then if you cannot then you can run into some really tough times so if you have like a lot of stuff or right outside your throne room and you try and get some more stuff out and then you get like locked in it can turn into a really bad time so that's another place that you have to be careful especially when you're in like hell and you're trying to do that so I'll probably kill this wave as well maybe yeah sure this way this is debatable and if you want to kill it or not I would say I'd say you could drag it potentially well go ahead and just do this pop any bodies that we find along the way all right maybe we should attract could have been like slightly faster the track probably so at this point we will now bring in to let's go ahead and go right here with it now bring out the other strengths which is the soft core strap which is using that knowledge that we had before so go and do this grab this there's a leashing effect in this in this game where both groups the monsters will try and stick close to their boss leader so this green guy is the boss leader sometimes the leisure spray can it get weird and whatever but essentially if I can get this guy to come out here with me then it's going to be alright so rather than standing in there and killing all those monsters I can drag them out bail will laugh it'll proc the next wave like I say this only works on soft core on hard core you're either you're taking them out because you're still not gonna be killing all these groups but then you're gonna just do these long runs instead so you run like all the way down bring them down and then run all the way back up so it works a little bit differently so we have all those guys out now as well and he'll laugh again so now we are on to bail and then timer will stop when bail dies let's hope for no clothes no cloned yeah so here is where you can also get some good RNG which is super fun because it's the very end of the run and who doesn't like having massive rng right there is a clump right at the end of the run so bail can do what's called cloning himself right there that's one of his fun abilities and when he makes the clone of himself you basically just need to go back and reset it so there you can see addy spawned or you've heard a T spawn I should say you know we also get up be a little careful of that right now so I'm really opening that he'll just physical this guy there's another clone super fun and yeah clones make it really difficult cuz now you have two fails casting their spells the clone will have less health overall but it still ends up being pretty pretty brutal just because his damage is still gonna be hitting you and so I'm not killing him like very quickly anyways so having that clone there really does not do as well so we're gonna try and get some physical hits out of bail as that is going to actually be the most damage that we can do to him once again as with all the other bosses is with him actually doing that right there and I want Stan just outside the range of that that's a mana burn attack so not the most fun so whenever he does any of his spell attacks he's not going to be having the Iron Maiden affect him it's purely on those physical hits like that so a few more of those and some bone Spears and we should be good to go so overall though I mean it's a pretty good run this has been a pretty I'd say this is pretty like middle-of-the-road run we didn't really run into big experience issues we had beetles secondly arcane flair you know great marsh Kip so definitely could be way worse luck right here but this is kind of the fun of Diablo 2 once again that I was talking about at the beginning of the run right is you don't just have the same stuff every single time you're constantly making decisions of will I find an item that's going to be better for me will I find something that's going to have more you know more resistance and maybe I need to decide which resistance is more important at a certain time all of that stuff is really just like on the run as you're going you're just making decisions you're figuring out here you can see like I'm low on gold right I have 3,000 gold left so we kind of timed the gold out pretty well had I gone to act 5 and gotten the gold there we would have been in trouble right on that first time I entered so another one of those times where you have to just make those decisions as you're going and and that makes it really fun to me I don't know every single runs always a different run and it changes up plus there's all the different characters all the different categories like I say I run softcore hardcore hell runs normal runs meme run nothing nothing more fun than a summoned druid you know I think I counted once there's like 70 different routes you can do for this game it's crazy Oh at least I mean that's just probably stuff that we have but that's the yeah we could also you could also throw 100 percent runs if you really wanted right if you want to do all those silly extra quests there's there's all sorts of stuff and for clones is not the most fun I think I drinks did yeah that's okay i jinxed some other things so come back get some of that make sure you set a safe TTP just in case hopefully he's despond and finish up the run right here so timers coming and very soon hopefully it's not too may jump maybe time there you go [Applause] so that is Diablo 2 I think we have a save or leave Kane incentive here so is Kane going to make it or is he is he gonna remain in the cage for the rest of time we are going to save Deckard Cain mr. Cain is being safe alright let's head on over to came so I'll just have to go back really fast go the Stonyfield I have the scroll already out of the dark wood that's they've just a little bit time right there of having to do that but we'll just head over here go to the stones pop all those and be good to go on that how are we doing on cows there is no Kalla all right yeah we were late we made a great push but they does not look like it's gonna get met unfortunately okay if there were a cow level I'm sure he would have done it yeah sounds like fun when I was one now all right mr. Cain all right we'll free you go ahead go home can I go in here TP help out just beautifully I'll leave you there yeah he just does bye all right and with that that is Diablo - my name is mr. Lamas t I hope you guys enjoyed the run and GG thank you guys for watching oh thank you mr. Lama for that Diablo to run you just went too fast that's the thing right I've got a one thousand dollar donation from soar Locke who says so many great runs and so many awesome people coming together for an inspiring cause keep it up and let's get to 2 million all right we're gonna go ahead and play a twitch ad and when we get back I'm gonna try and read off as many of these extra donations as I can before I hand off hosting we'll be right back in just a minute [Music] if we lived forever maybe we'd have time to understand things but as it is I think the best we can do is try to open our eyes and appreciate how strange and brief all of this is that any of us ever had a chance to be here at all this is where your story begins maybe it sounds like I had a plan but I had no idea where all this was gonna lead welcome back guys we got so many donations during that Diablo 2 run that I could not read off so I'm gonna try and rapid-fire as many of them as I can right now we have $50 from airdog who says I'm working from home this morning to watch the run I've been waiting for all week to support a great cause oven mitts should have been a bit incentive though good luck mr. llama ooh got $25 from penguin who says who is this big llama starting all this drama only one of the best nicest most entertaining streamers around mr. llama SC I hope the countess gives you all the runes you need you rock let's wreck those cows we've got six dollars and 66 cents from big old Dave dude who says let's get the llama hype I had to get up and see the best streamer out there save cane stay a while and listen $25 from ELF 63 who says every year I donate during mr. llamas amazing Diablo run thank you all for everything you do donating of course towards the cow level PS fishing man sir best man sir $25 from devouring one who says was about to go to bed and found out llama was about to be on so I guess forget sleep glad to be able to donate to gdq for my first time with my favorite speedrunner keep up the amazing work and thanks for all the great times watching you run $5.00 from Ross you who says we all know that necromancer can raise skeletons but who knew he could also raise money for charity seems like a great skill to have $70 from jade who says I know it's early morning there but it's great that mr. Lama is running d2 at a prime time for Australia best of luck on the run hope you get those runes and don't fifth wave a sanctuary twenty dollars from anonymous who says $5 for each wisdom tooth pulled yesterday llama I hope you have more luck finding teeth than I am Moo $200 from lazy hacks who says hey there mister llama good to see that you are once again supporting the doctors without brothers let's see a first way 35 dollars from sound asleep full who says thank you for running a for a good cause llama love your MVS streams weird to see your character wearing gear don't forget to defend Kylie $15 from slipover I who says I'll donate an additional 15 bucks if someone does Deckard Cain impression also the smooth voice of the announcer makes the run more relaxed thank you [Music] $20 from captain Mike who says love the runs for years I had to donate during my all time favorite game to yah blow to stay a while and listen $10 from Deckard Cain 91 who says stay a while and donate don't bail on me now I'm in the mood to see that secret cow level $25 from glurg who says ah the good old Mephisto runs I used to do till 4:00 a.m. good times so much nostalgia feels when watching this speedrun keep up the good work to everyone involved $20 from a multi-or who says hey llama I was gonna double on first way but this is charity so have it anyway at least tell me you learned many songs lesson before coming to sgdq $50 from anonymous who says all aboard the donation train smooch two hundred and fifty dollars from Fez who says hey mr. llama really happy to see you on the gdq stage again the first time I saw you was on the gdq stage and i'm so happy to finally be able to support such a fantastic event and amazing streamer thank you for such a wonderful community here's to a great Marsh skip donation goes to runners choice and congrats again on your engagement $10 from rogue Mike who says all aboard for the cow level locomotive [Music] 20 dollars excuse me $25 from pom X who says necromancer's Without Borders ten dollars from Mort the chicken who says after my journey through the depths the thing that made me feel right at home was the site of the squishy cows on the farm keanu also needs this comfort let's pledge for the comfort of cows $25.00 from bonk need no life who says watching mr. llama is making me want to break out the old saved games $25.00 from Jacoby who says mr. Lama do it for little Timmy also I heard the cow king only eats mac and cheese $200 from anonymous who says for the cows all right folks that is going to be it for me coming up real soon we're gonna have Alex how running quake I'm gonna be handing off hosting to French toast good morning everyone i am french toast and we are ready for this run
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 1,452,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AGDQ, GDQ, SGDQ, Awesome Games Done Quick, Summer Games Done Quick, Games Done Quick, SDA, SRL, Speed Demos Archive, SpeedRunsLive, Twitch, Video Games
Id: uOFKp3VHdW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 139min 9sec (8349 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2019
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