Diablo 4 - How to Get Ahead in Season 1 - Release Date, All Class Prep, Renown & Changes We NEED!

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hello and welcome back to race gaming and more Diablo 4. with season 1 looming ever closer it's a matter of time before we finally know when it's actually coming meaning the day and date in that season we expect a lot of improvement updates and improvements to the game of course but even more importantly new content to work on as we make our seasonal characters to level them up from one all the way to 100 once more so that'll be an exciting time we're expecting to learn a lot more about in the upcoming Dev live stream on July 6th the stream is set to cover season one unveiling the many meaty details of what is coming to the game next we also hope that yet within that stream we will get our release date but going into season one what are the details to know to prepare to just say it so I've said it complete the campaign probably all of us have done that by now but you will need to have at least beaten it once even on world tier one before they'll let you go into season one so know that next seasonal characters we'll be going into the new season knowing that we're going to make a new seasonal character or characters this means you're going to be going in fresh without any of your gear and so on that you've collected currently though upon hearing that there were some concern that that means you're going to be losing everything you've already worked on like your current characters and everything you have well you're not going to lose that basically imagine you've got two types of characters your Everlasting sort of permanent characters and they're on their own servers and then your separate seasonal characters so seasonal characters exist per season at the end of each season let's say season one they'll be moved to your permanent characters list so you won't lose them and this does mean that if you want to completely ignore Seasons you can moving on when should we expect season one well season one is said to launch sometime between mid to late July which again we're hoping for an actual date for that launch in the dev stream on July 6th and I guess we're thinking the third or fourth week of July is very likely though as far as how long the season will last they've claimed each season will last roughly three months or so so we can expect that for season one the last thing to note in prep for season one is the question of will you need to reveal the map again and collect all the little statues and do all the Renown yes and no thankfully the map you reveal will remain revealed and much as it does now when you make a new character you should keep your main city waypoints at the very least and this is the same thankfully for the Lilith statues meaning all of their stat rewards will come forward thankfully further we'll be keeping the Renown that all of this offers so little statues the region reveals and the Renown from that making this all the more worth doing on one character before the season drops so if you've been putting that off I would really recommend you get that done it does seem though we'll be doing things like strongholds and side quests and arrest to reach five levels of renown in each region but it seems we'll have a sort of Boost from the leather statues and the area reveals next then what do we know is coming in season one firstly new content there's gonna be new quest lines to follow further class and balance changes new aspects and uniques all the stuff you'd expect to shift up the current meta basically each season will come with a new theme and there will be the new story to support that the story though will be temporary per season and only playable during its season they said with that in mind that these seasonal stories are going to feature both new and returning characters but any true major story leading to say the next expansion that's going to be separate and be permanent is there going to be a new class in season one well if you're thinking that you may have misunderstood a tweet because otherwise you're probably thinking yeah no they've not said anything about that if you've heard that it's probably from someone who's misread a tweet by Adam Fletcher in regards to the upcoming devstream which Fletcher talked about saying that it's going to feature the new class coming to Diablo Immortal and then for Diablo 4 it's all about season one somehow a good chunk of people have read that as though there's a new class confirmed for Diablo 4 despite that not being what was said and Fletcher clarifying that he's not saying that in the comments which is a funny read It's gotta be tiring to say anything and people seem to intentionally misunderstand it next we have the battle pass which finally launches in season one this apparent optional content has its free and paid versions each battle pass is gonna have 27 free tiers and then 63 premium ones though claiming that any past related power benefits will be excluded from any paid or accelerated tiers so that's good we can earn cosmetics and smoldering ashes from the free tiers smoldering ashes are a resource that we will then spend on seasonal blessings while we don't know the full scope of seasoned blessings there is this early screenshot that shows us four out of the five things that we can unlock this comes from a screenshot they've shown which at the time was not final so it could of course be different now these blessings will provide a variety of bonuses such as improved XP from Monster kills the amount of gold that you earn from selling to vendors boosts to your chance of rare materials from Salvage and boost to duration of elixirs alongside a fifth one we don't know yet but it's good to know that we will have improvements to you know how much gold we can earn and how much xp we could actually get in the new season and it seems it's up to us to choose what we focus and prioritize and at which point but we can also get it from seasonal objectives which will be a new thing to do every season seasonal objectives are still a vague concept to us we might hear about that more in the uh the stream but it seems there's going to be seven chapters to a season and rewards at the end of each chapter and specific objectives to complete in each chapter that is obviously Mega early as a chapter and the objectives are going to be very easy so you'd assume that they get harder but offer better rewards as you go having said that it appears that there will be a legendary aspect rewards from this so maybe that is the way or one of the ways anyway to unlock those new aspects and lastly for this last section of the video I want to talk about what we probably want to hear in this upcoming Dev live stream about season one what are some of those major improvements to the game that we all want the section in the Stream for Diablo 4 is said to be roughly 45 minutes long which will follow after a 15 minute-ish Section from Diablo Immortal first so the majority of the live stream is going to be about Diablo 4 and season one what do we want to hear in that stream though well obviously they launch date of the season but here's my main three things one massive stash improvements I want way more than double space I want probably more than 10 times the space not only that but I want a unique stash for each character and then a shared stash it is ridiculous that we have so little space face right now then obviously the benefits of function and features give us a search bar so we can search for you know specific aspects Give us new filters and ways to organize it wouldn't it be nice if we could just organize by aspect so we could easily compare them instead of having to manually find them and organize it ourselves every single time also I currently have eight bank alts just to improve my space then I've had to organize their individual inventories so I can keep track of everything which yeah means I'm stuck swapping characters to go find these specific uniques or aspects that I've saved or say some of my characters just being dumping grounds or ancestral rares that I might use in a different build so right now what we're dealing with is in my opinion unacceptable and I hope that you know stash improvements happen before season one I don't see an excuse for us not having 10 times the space right now next I want to see some form of Loadout build saves build swapping you know make the swap expenses much less and I also want improved respecking functionality so you know how we can refund all of our skill tree instant certainly for a pretty hefty cost why can we not do that for our power gun points you know we have to individually right click go back through all the Paragon and you know that's way more backing through individually for the Paragon compared to the skill tree but it'd also be cool if maybe we could like refund the individual boards like go to the previous gate instantly pulling out a single board rather than all of them in regards to loadouts I don't necessarily know what I want to see the concepts that I would like is if I had five builds that I play on my Necromancer I want to be able to load those up and swap to it instantly I don't want to have to go manually scroll through bank alt 6 to find the four pieces that he's holding put them in my shared stash swap over grab them put them on okay that's one part of the swap done now I've got to do my skill tree I can refund all of that but it's Mega expensive okay now I'll do my Paragon points I've got to individually right click every single node let me just take 15 minutes to do that and then now fill these things in now that I've you know reset it's just terrible so if we don't hear about some sort of improvement to this process which you know they've not even hinted at to my knowledge I'm going to be really sad then third I would just like any improvements to alt mechanics in general there was this post on the Diablo 4 Reddit by sin or s1nh if I've mispronounced that who talks about a level cap on gear requirements being a really logical thing if you've played an ALT you'll have experienced this yourself it's an item that might be useful for your alt that dropped on your higher level character which unfortunately means it's required level to be able to be equipped will be whatever level you found it as further that applies to pulling aspects from legendaries to imprint it'll actually change the required level to use an item say you found a level 80 legendary item you've extracted the aspect and you're going to put that on say a level 60 Rogue chess piece that is going to change it from a level 60 required to a level 80 required as soon as the aspect's imprinted which is strange and sucks sin had a simple and smart suggestion sacred rare should have a capped level requirement of 50 or so ancestral rares can have a higher cap like 60 70 and then uniques and special legendaries that could vary but maybe a fair cap would be 80. that would make the already pretty painful experience a bit smoother when it comes to the specific season one details I guess we just really want to see them actually reveal the details of what they're hiding you know the full rack of the battle pass and how it's really gonna work how are seasonal blessings going to work how heavily are they actually going to statistically alter things when it comes to say season objectives what are going to be the things that we're going to be doing at the late game Beyond like I don't know objectives such as clear 7 dungeons you know I want to see a bit more than that if we could take a look at say some of the new aspects coming to each class that would be really exciting and maybe reveals of other things like maybe new uniques in terms of the theme for this season details on that what the story is going to focus on who's going to be involved that would be cool too of course there's a lot to hope for we're really just kind of wondering what they're going to talk about because there's so much that we want to hear about but there you have it that is my overview of season one what you can do now and know going in what we knew was going to be in season one and some details about that and what I personally would like to hear about in that upcoming stream alongside all the actual details of season one if you have any good season one ideas then let us know in the comments and of course we'll be back to cover that stream when it happens with the important info for now then I've been Hollow Ubi new thanks for watching we'll see you next time Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your homes to make the Whole World a Stage is uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 67,335
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Keywords: diablo 4 season 1 guide, diablo 4 season 1 best class, diablo 4 season 1 renown, diablo 4 stash, diablo 4 renown, diablo 4 season 1, diablo 4 season 1 release date, diablo 4 developer live stream, diablo 4 expansion, diablo 4 dev stream, patch 1.0.3, diablo 4 balance patch, diablo 4 patch, diablo 4 update, diablo 4 balance changes, diablo 4 buff, diablo 4 class changes, patch notes, new, release date, season 1, season 1 release date, season 1 patch, best, d4, ragegamingvideos
Id: YN1I-vbOJtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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