Diablo 4 Blight Storm Necromancer Endgame Build - Nightmare Dungeon Tier 59

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hi everyone this is luxtos and today I'm going to bring you a new Necromancer Diablo 4 build guide this one we're going to call it the bone storm corpse explosion will it Bland I don't know honestly there's just so much going on you're going to be blending the battlefield into one massive Darkness Goo uh it's actually really really really awesome to play so it's mainly a corpse explosion build which relies on Hal From Below which is really good in Black River which are going to allow us to get those big big corpse explosion big pull of miasma just like burning and obliterating and Shadow damage over time uh triggering some Shadow blight it's amazing you get really really good uptime on bloodmess some good up time on bone storm because of decrepify cooldown reduction so we're gonna get right into it uh it's really really fun build probably one of the most fun build I've played and one of the most strong build I have played this is including bone spear uh just because it doesn't have the same new capability but it still ramps up insane amount of damage and is extremely tanky so this is going to be really really fun uh we're gonna go into it we're going to cover the gear The Book of the Dead uh the skill tree the Paragon so let's just straight up start with the scale tree right here we're gonna go with reap with the upgraded to give you a corpse uh guaranteed every five second that way you're gonna be able to start your uh your rotation if you ever find yourself in a situation where you don't have corpse especially for tendril uh so that's going to be really really good three points in you'd flash because we need to have that corpse generation everything is going to be based around that lucky hit to generate more corpse to explode even more and it's just gonna Loop and create this insane play style so this is super necessary one point in blood Miss with the upgrade to leave more corpse behind uh to just help out the build even more Five Points into corpse explosion this is gonna be the big damage of your build uh and then we're gonna go into blighted corpse as well because this is going to trigger so many lucky hit and so much Shadow blind this is going to be awesome one point in Grim Harvest uh three into fuel by Death three points and two death Embrace uh three points into amplifying damage and then uh one point into decrepify that we're gonna put all the way down here for the cooldown reduction so uh this is going to allow you to spam most of your ability so this is going to be really really good Five Points into Corp scandals to reduce the cooldown as much as possible because this is how we're going to be applying vulnerability so it's only going to be three seconds but the cooldown reduction is going to bring this down to a roughly three to four second you'll be able to spam this necrotic uh carapace is really really nice because uh we're gonna be spamming blood Miss so much and it's going to be generating corpses so we don't need to go through the whole blood orb using an Essence and then a legendary to trigger blood orb and all that stuff we don't have to do any of this we're gonna get uh four to five just from three points here with bloodmess uh two points in Reapers Pursuit uh three points in Gloom three points in Terror one point in crippling Darkness just for the stun a little bit of mobility and some extra damage here really good three in Standalone three in Memento Mori and then we're gonna go full bone storm here with the upgrades uh this is gonna allow us to get even more Shadow damage taking with one of the legendary and just give us some nice defensive layer with damage reduction barrier and all that good stuff Shadow by the key point in this build this is where the damage comes from uh so it's all of these things that we're using it's just to trigger some Shadow blight or most of it so this is going to be really really good we're gonna sacrifice uh a Reaper for shadow damage here we are going to sacrifice the cold Mage for increased vulnerability damage and we're gonna sacrifice the Golem here for 10 Health although you could go uh 30 increase to Critical Strike damage because uh Shadow blight should be able to create so some damage over time aren't critting so like the miasma pull for example isn't going to crit but uh the the damage from uh from Shadow blight can actually have its own instance crit so this could be very very useful right now we're going to be attempting a 59 and so I'm afraid a little bit I'll be honest I haven't tried a 59 yet uh with this build so we're gonna go with the maximum life but there is a point to be made that uh the 30 multiplier here could be really good for the damage uh we have a pretty good amount of life so if we go down here we lose uh we lose one thousand so uh we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna swap it to the 30 here we're gonna see what it looks like um if we if we're able to survive here this key should hurt quite a bit but we should be fine before we get into the Paragon we're gonna go over the gear just so you can understand how the build works I'm gonna go over really really quickly the uh each piece with legendary what stats you're looking for uh on the helm right now we have blood Miss corpse explosion uh uh blood Mist triggers corpse explosion and reduce its own cooldown really really good on the helm You're Gonna Want cooldown reduction willpower armor max life or even rank to crippify is fine as well uh on the armor right now we got Disobedience that nice juicy armor is going to be stacked all the way up to 100 because we have so much ticking damage again uh we have some total armor max life Shadow damage uh if you can get also damage reduction from enemy afflicted by Shadow damage over time those can be really really really really good so we're gonna wear this uh this one right here so that's gonna be good for defensive how from below is just gonna be really really neat it's going to allow those chords that we spawn to not just be static but to actually summon minion that will run to a Target and then explode doing additional damage getting us massive lucky hit which is good uh Corp skill uh attack speed which is insane it's just like these gloves are amazing for this build for your pants you really need that plus four corpse explosion if you can get it some damage reduction damage reduction from close enemy or even distant enemy would be good also uh 20 raw damage reduction for enemy afflicted by um like Shadow damage would be good Max life and then we're gonna go for the bone storm generating a barrier for the boots it's a really odd choice but it's gonna make a lot of sense uh the Greaves of the Mt tomb it is they're not a hundred percent necessary you could go with other boots if you don't have these because the unique power from it is completely useless but what's really good is the lucky hit chance with Shadow damage and the shadow damage uh also uh damage reduction when enemies are afflicted by Shadow damage so these are pretty bad I got like very low roll on both of these but these are the only pair that I got you could also go for like massive four rank Corps tendril boots with a lot of movement speed that would be probably pretty good but the lucky hit here is really nice in the damage reduction as well here is really nice Black River just really really good allows us to explode more corpse per cast use so this is going to be really great uh the damage to distant is really bad though we're not going to use this but it's not too bad uh damage to healthy enemy is uh it's okay it's whatever the rank to fuel death is not the the good thing about this is really the corpse explosion here um it's just wider range more damage and uh we consume more per cast which is just what we want to do we have obviously damage over time on both our weapon here so on our offend here we're gonna be using uh blood Mist leaves a trail so this is going to be a shadow Trail on the ground uh that is going to add more ticking damage which is going to proc even more the shadow blight right so this is going to be really really good and then we got some cooldown reduction damage reduction for enemy afflicted by Shadow we got some fortify here lucky hit really important so just go for a combination of these on our neck here we don't have the best I ideally you would have like plus three uh corpse all corpse would be good um you know like as high as you can get plus corpse would be good and also fueled by death would be amazing I got Gloom on here which is not bad at all uh but fuel by depth would be good as well damage reduction uh is really good cooldown reduction all that stuff would be good and then we have the shadow blight increased damage every time we trigger it 10 times so this is a big 180 damage increase super nice we're gonna have the shadow blight ramping up legendary on this one here so every time it does uh damage it increase the next occurrence stacking five time we got some lucky hit on the ring really nice damage over time damage to Afflicted uh two enemy afflicted by Shadow damage over time reduction all that stuff it's you you get the idea right life lucky hit uh any kind of damage reduction any time of any type of damage increase to shadow they're already pretty good uh this one is going to be bone storm so uh this is just to transform the bone stream ability into Shadow damage uh so that way it triggers even more Shadow blind so this is going to be really really good and that's it for the gear so we're gonna go with Ruby for the gems to give us more HP uh and then we're gonna go through the uh the damage overtime jam and then some school over here uh we went over this we went over the skill tree now for the Paragon board pretty straightforward here we're gonna go for our first board here with amplify uh which I still need to put some points in I still need to rearrange some stuff but ideally here we would have our uh plus two intelligence so I'm gonna go ahead and fix this one uh for the build the link is going to be down below with all the adjustment I'm just going to go over the the the the main line and the glyph here and then all the correction and adjustment uh are going to be made in the build down below right so we got the amplify here for the boosting of the notes but mostly for the uh curses damage here so 10 more damage with the curse this is going to be really good we're also going to move on to the next board which is going to be uh wither uh for more Shadow damage so this is going to be amazing it also makes willpower a really good stats for us uh we're gonna get most of the important notes for shadow damage over time and then we're gonna go here for a Scourge which is going to increase our shadow damage over time as well which is going to be good um we're gonna move on here to flesh eater because we're going to be consuming so much corpses we want that extra 40 damage increase here and then we're gonna go for territorial damage reduction against close enemy and increase Damage Done to close enemy because we don't have any distant damage with this build we're going to move on to scent of death just more damage damage reduction just really good and then darkness which is even more Shadow damage and damage reduction as well so that's going to be really really good and then we're gonna finish it off with the bloodbath board but we're not gonna go for bloodbath we're gonna go all the way here to get the control socket so and then we're gonna go with the increased damage to fortify so as you can see I'm still Limited in my points I'm missing uh quite a lot of zone for Renown here uh so we only have one so I'm missing four four four four so a lot of points that I could uh that I could add in here to make this Paragon board even better to reach this this point here to be able to get a lot of extra damage on stun uh so I'm missing a lot of multiplier right we're gonna go ahead and fix this one real quick and then we're gonna get started with the key the key is gonna be a 59 Champion demise so I have no idea how this is gonna go this could be really really bad or this could go pretty well I have no clue I just did a 50-something championship well 59 is a big scaling though so let's just get started all right so one of the most important thing here is initially we're gonna have zero fortify and no barrier for bone storm so we got to play a little bit careful you can't just go in and try to reap without anything so most of the time you're you're going to try to go for that bone storm first get a little bit of barrier then get a corpse with reap and uh there we go just like that try to survive real quick tendril and then we blood Miss and then we just let everything melt in absolute Oblivion we're gonna try to run through these really really quickly here we're gonna try to curse everything we see just to get some nice cooldown reduction as you can see I'm receiving quite a lot of damage here so I still have to be very very careful we're gonna press it again real quick try to make sure we consume those potions we have bone storm back up again I can blood Miss again here this is quite risky right now but as you can see I mean things are dying right so it's just a very very way of risky play of playing right now in this High key but it is working out so we're gonna make sure that we kill this density here if we can get out of there that would be nice as soon as we get this Blood Mist again there we go it's all about generating those for those first corpse so you can kind of get the ball rolling there we go cindery try to get a corpse here this build plays really well on a controller controller tends to snap damage a little bit better to uh to corpses uh Mouse is a little bit clunky I think the radius to grasp um I think the radius to grasp corpse with mouse is not that great uh it it struggles a little bit so especially when you got the miasma rolling uh you don't see where the corpses are which leads to a pretty interesting play style there we go I just got to be careful here not get one shot as long as you got the stun rolling and everything it's just that first hit you just got to be careful a little bit once it's once it's rolling you're safe you are totally safe everything is just going to be melting and as you can see this is this is this is kind of insane this is some high damage profile that we're seeing here we're gonna have to engage here because I got rooted these spiders are absolutely your necromancer's worst enemy you cannot let them get the best of you make sure that we get all everything here tendrils blood Miss there we go so we get that nice vulnerable all those stack stacking we can we can do everything again here we're gonna try to go kill this Shaman he's quite deadly that fire proc here is really really bad we do have barrier now so we're a lot more tanky we can engage a little bit more there we go fantastic hey voila there we go we're just gonna wait for the fire to go away and then we're gonna grab the stone real quick while they're stun and we're gonna move on there we go we're just gonna go back to the stone might engage with this one even quick creep quick tendril oh and I wasn't enough on the click so you got to be careful bloodmess is really really really delayed of an ability even if it's out of cooldown and you press it it doesn't really click I don't know if this is an issue at all defensive but with Necromancer this happens to me all the time uh you you press it and then it's it's just it doesn't want to go immediately it has like a little bit of an animation delay so you got to be super careful with that so right there I should have went for the bloodmess before pressing anything else I didn't um look at the the damage profile well enough here so what we're gonna do here is we're gonna immediately start with this and then we're gonna go ahead and blood Miss so this gives me a chance to react a little bit to the damage and as you can see it just goes better sometimes you're gonna try to go for the risk and just like you know try to get your first tendril without using your bone strum if it's not ready especially and uh yeah sometimes you're gonna pay the price sometimes you're going to pay the price um so that just happens right just be careful with that and know that there's a little bit of a delay when you press uh corpse uh sorry blood Miss so make sure that you do it safely right Reap is a guaranteed corpse but it all it is also forcing you to go in melee so this could be uh this means death if you don't have that bone storm rolling there is a legendary that extends the duration of bone storm which would increase significant significantly or uh or tankiness but it consumes corpses so what ends up happening is you don't end up uh doing a lot of corpse explosion because you're consuming them to bolster the bone storm so it's a little bit of uh it's something that we need to get play tested a little bit if there's enough corpse generation maybe to make up for it but in most cases when I played with the one that would consume the bone storm uh it always ended up being a little bit problematic for my corpse explosion because there was no corpse left and it tends to consume them before really consuming them so it kind of reserves them it's kind of a weird style that that's happening uh there we go we're just gonna make sure everything is dead here as you can see we're pretty tanky when we're playing uh safely you know these these hit for very very large amount of damage so just being able to be constantly in a blood misstate and being Unstoppable and being able to run through monster is such a good quality of life for Necromancer in general so always engage first with with the blood Miss and then try to try to leave a little bit right and then when you get the bones term you can go back in engaging with the blood Miss first um is is gonna allow you to get some uh corpse explosion down which is gonna allow you to get some lucky hit to get more corpse because sometimes you don't want to open up with reap like the monsters are just way too deadly so what I'll do is I'll do this and then you can see I'm running out and then I carve Central which allows me to then go back in because I can't just go face tank a goat like this try to get a reap off he's gonna shut me down right so it's it's all about decisions if you have bone storm you can right so I can do this I can reap tendril and then blood Miss right so it's all about do you have bone storm available or not if you don't then running with uh bloodmess get some corpse explosion done that will trigger some lucky hit which will trigger some corpse then get the uh okay we're dead here probably if corpse okay spiders are uh very scary that route will absolutely mess up your day see it's gonna mess up my day probably again here there you go let me okay A little bit of uh all right the root the root is your worst enemy and here is a necromancer there we go because they catch up to you so it's all about knowing like just what to open with and how to execute your damage sequence so you don't die there we go we're gonna reap real quick tendrils no okay there we go if dendrils doesn't snap especially since it has a delay you have to make a quick action otherwise you're just going to be dead at this High key right so we're gonna go ahead and uh get the stone here and we're gonna go back so hopefully my explanation kind of makes sense I'm kind of going by feel here and talking at the same time which is a little bit distracting but I'm trying to express as much as possible how it feels and as you can see the damage is there right I mean it takes no second and everything is melting in a 59 right and this is not even optimized most of my gear is pretty low optimized I don't have the perfect role on uh the blood trail I don't have the perfect role on the uh on a one or two Lego uh I'm missing like a lot of Paragon points that could make this even better but as you can see it is an end game build though right so this is not something that you're going to be leveling with you need the pieces you need the pieces I mean you can probably still make a leveling variant if you got lucky enough and you got um uh maybe one of the two required unique I could see that being possible uh you could probably do something fun with it but uh to make it really really work well you're gonna need most of the unique and the pieces here so um oh okay this is this was a really really critical place to be as you can see we're still extremely squishy especially when that fortify is falling off and we don't have that barrier uh these these goats are absolutely absolutely gonna melt you with their range of tech here so we're gonna go ahead and blood Miss get out we're gonna tendrils wait a little bit and then we're gonna corpse explode everything here and just cool down reset there we go you don't have to go back in you can you can kill everything from range just with corpse explosion because they're gonna run to the pack too so slow down everything make sure we're good we're gonna bone here bone storm there we go we're gonna blood Miss just melt everything and I can stay here because I got that barrier I'm Not Afraid right now I'm Not Afraid at all as long as I have that barrier running we're good to go as long as you got the barrier running your goal is to do as much damage as possible so that you get cooldown reduction right there we go so now we got bone storm again this is gonna be a really tough pack a lot of suppressors uh which are going to be range this is not gonna go down easily here and they don't want to get gripped by 10 drills so it is going to be awkward they're also leaping away this is just a really awkward fight also out from below minions sadly will uh Collide um with the it's really really annoying honestly every projectile in this game just like collides with suppressors as you can see these goats are a little bit of a more of a problem than you would expect simply because the court the enemy that's running from the legendary glove to create the corpse explosion can't penetrate the um the suppressor gate so you just have to kind of generate corpse underneath them but they leave they move this is a little bit of a weak but honestly just never play and suppress her key and just hope that you don't get too much in keys until they fix it or Nerf it because it's really bad affix really really bad let's run back and then we're gonna do the two little boss they could be annoying these two because again they run a lot uh so you know there we go look at that damage over time just on the little spider here every time you can curse something do it because you're gonna get your cooldown reduction to proc right there we go fantastic we're gonna get the reap we're gonna get the thing there voila I forgot to Bone storm here but that's fine we should be able to get everything all right there we go as soon as you you're able to at least 10 drill monster together I mean it's over there's just nothing else to it I can get a little bit of cooldown reduction here while I'm here so I can get uh bone storm back for the boss if I really really wanted here there we go a little bit of damage all right let's run to the boss here let's run there we go we're gonna curse him we're gonna get a corpse we're gonna get a tendril and then we're gonna blood Miss right underneath try to stack it up this boss should not be moving too much which is not going to cause us too much issue here uh but as you can see you know the single Target damage of these with lower density is obviously going to be a little bit lower but it's still gonna dish out some pretty decent amount of damage remember that this is a 59 The Staggering is insane C's already staggered so now we can just literally like curse him blow up every corpse generate some more with reap if we need to there you go just make sure there's always stuff rolling on the ground so that you always get those uh those lucky hit we're gonna blood Miss even more here and as you can see we're staggering and dishing out pretty nice damage but the cooldown reduction is not as good on single targets so you don't get to just Spam bloodmess all the time on one boss but for 59 this is this boss is going down at a pretty reasonable Pace right now there we go so overall the key felt at least more safe to me if I was to run this as bone spear right now I would definitely have died just because there's not a lot you can do as bone spear right you dish out a lot of good damage and then if you're in trouble you can blood Miss but then because you don't have the cooldown reduction because you're not generating a very big amount of barrier you're just you sometimes you get overwhelmed especially if there's spiders that are going to root you if there's any of that it's just gonna lead into a situation where in Bones you get overwhelmed if you don't dish out like crazy big damage and clear out everything which happens a lot but once you start going up in key you're not going to one shot everything necessarily so sometimes you get overwhelmed and because of that you feel a little bit more squishy but this build usually will welcome feeling overwhelmed right as long as you you have at least bloodness or bone storm you can start engaging with the reap which allows for the guaranteed Corps dendril uh sometimes you're gonna kind of panic try to corpse dendril and it doesn't work and then there's a delay for the stun those are just issues with Necromancer in general if you play with a controller whoops sorry I banged the mic if you play with a controller uh you're gonna be able to snap those Corps standard drill a lot better because they're going to be automatically locked so I hope that's something they improve on it's just going to make this build even better but uh that's pretty much it for this build uh once we optimize it even more this has potential to be one of the strongest build in the game such a high survivability and high damage uh rate it's just really really fun so if you enjoy the video make sure you subscribe to the channel I got more stuff coming up for you make sure you leave a comment down below and make sure you leave a like if you enjoyed it I'll make more thank you bye bye everybody see you in sanctuary
Channel: Luxthos
Views: 68,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: necromancer diablo 4 best build reddit, diablo 4, diablo iv, best necromancer build diablo 4, best necromancer build, necromancer endgame diablo 4, necromancer endgame build, necromancer endgame build diablo 4, necromancer endgame d4, necromancer endgame build d4, diablo 4 necromancer build, diablo 4 necro build, necromancer diablo 4 build, necro build diablo 4, necromancer build, corpse explosion necro build, corpse explosion necro build d4, bone storm diablo 4
Id: OJ-al4sq0Yk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 17sec (1457 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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