Diablo 4 Summoner Minion Necromancer Leveling Build - Leveling 1 to 100

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hi everyone this is luxtos and today I'm bringing you another Necromancer video guide for Diablo 4 and today I wanted to talk about my new Necromancer that I just started very recently the bill that I've been using to level it I've had a lot of question over on Twitch uh what build am I using I've been testing out like a bunch of stuff and I wanted to figure out uh something fun so we're gonna go over the build but very first I just want to explain I got a main Necromancer right now that's level 100 I reached level 100 in the first couple week and I did a little bit of grinding I played with a bunch of different build and I was having fun but I felt like I really wanted to test out and play more with minions that's something that ultimately that's my favorite play style I love playing minions and I just wanted to push that idea and play around with it so I decided you know what let's start a brand new Necromancer foam level one and level that Necromancer uh with only minion I mean a minion and some spells obviously as you can see I'm using bones beer here but I want to have a full experience with nothing but you know like like a skeletal Warrior Mages Golem the full array of Minion uh that we're gonna be using for the entirety of the leveling process all the way to 100 and ultimately I would even like to to high uh decidual dungeons uh and even possibly uh you know the echo boss if possible so we're gonna dive a little bit into the build here uh this is not gonna be necessarily a step-by-step or perfect process on how this build uh is going to work because I'm gonna give you the general line okay and I just want to prefix this this is something that I would love to replicate when it comes New Seasons depending on how the patch is going to go because we got a big patch in coming with a lot of tuning so a lot of this is probably going to change so I'm probably gonna have to tune some of those things or maybe test out even new build that could be better that could be a possibility but so far this has been my favorite leveling build out of every single one of them that I've tried so far this has been the favorite one my favorite one and it's been super super nice it's been pretty good at killing stuff it feels safe it feels fun and it feels Necromancer and that's something that I've been really really enjoying uh so we're gonna go over it it is a very straightforward minion build with bone spear you've probably seen this one a million times and it is a very very popular build uh but so far this this has been my favorite one and I love it so I'm gonna go over the abilities that I'm using right now the modifications that you can do I'm gonna go over my current character what it looks like right now you can see that I have like random gems everywhere this is a pure I'm leveling this build solo self found as much as possible trying to not use gear that I found on my previous Necromancer and all of that good stuff there is a butt though I found this ring while playing my main Necromancer and I'm able to equip it at 63 and the whole point of this Necromancer was to do some tests with ring of Mendel so I'm about to equip this ring and change my build which would be the ideal scenario on a new season uh it would be to use whatever I can find as a minion Necromancer build and then as soon as I find this I transition to the new build right so that's the whole idea so this is why I'm about to transition here uh but I just wanted to make the video before I do so so I just wanted to let you know you might see me play a different build in the next couple days this is a pre-ring of Mendel leveling guide for necromancer so in the abilities uh we are going to start off by putting two random points anywhere here it doesn't really matter but while you are leveling in the early level you're probably going to want to use a generator I recommend that you use reap or bone splinters I like both of these uh reap guarantees a corpse uh with the upgrade which is really nice bone Splinter allows you to get a little bit of Critical Strike early on which is really really neat especially with bone spear so that could be something that you could consider you're going to quickly put some point into bone spear that is going to be the main source of your damage here it's really good because it allows you to get permanent vulnerable quite easily early on for your for yourself and your entire Army which is uh very uh very nice later on you're going to be swapping this point to uh paranormal bone spear though once you get your legendary that allows bone spear to guarantee the vulnerable hit so you are going to shift this point eventually once you get that then you're gonna get uh you'd flesh here generating quartz always nice allows you to heal your minion uh use some Corp stand drill all that good stuff really really useful we're gonna go for skeletal Warrior Mastery get these points as early as possible into this so they have more life and they do more damage I also have Grim Harvest and I have fuel by death we don't use corpse explosion so Grim Harvest isn't that needed but it's still my only generator right now with Rey skeleton uh because right now we are relying on the cold Mages to generate resources which I'll show you in a second uh but when they're not when they're cc'd when they're stuck somewhere or something the only way that you are going to be able to generate Essence is using those Corps to raise Skelly just to it doesn't really matter that it's not doing anything it's still giving you some really nice resources so it's pretty nice to have this and then the increased damage here is nice uh death Embrace just you're probably going to be in really close uh really close proximity to most Monster so you want to have that reduced damage uh decrepify is really nice I don't recommend that you go decrepify until later in the leveling process while you're leveling feel free to use anything else than to crypify you can use corpse explosion you can use bloodmess uh you you can use absolutely anything else because it's going to be hard to keep active at all time uh because it cost Essences and you're not going to have a lot of minions and it's it's just gonna be like a little bit slowed down you're not going to be spamming as much bone spear which means you're not going to be triggering the cooldown reduction as much so early on I don't recommend you go into this but as soon as you feel like you got the pieces for it and you're a little bit more stable feel free to swap to decrepify at around like I don't know 40 50-ish I started uh using it to decrease the the cooldown on Army of the dead and Corps dendril that has been nice so obviously you go all the way to cooldown reduction three points and amplify damage just free damage always nice skeletal Mage three points in in this uh you got a point in Corpse tendril with the vulnerable so that's really good uh you could use something else but I feel like it's pretty nice to get the vulnerable even if we're using bone spear not super required but it does give you like a nice AOE radius for vulnerable three points into necrotic carapace because that's going to give you uh that free 45 you're gonna be perm permanently fortify because of your Reaper that's going to be good and then we go everything minion here so I got three and Gollum full Army of the dead three points in every single one of these things this is when your minion build is gonna pick up so this is gonna be really really good and then I'm running with kellen's edit so this is going to give a little bit more attack speed to my minion which is great more attack speed means more Essences for me so that's gonna be neat there's a couple of variant of this build that you can do which is why I think it is so good if you wanted you could go with other spender if you want you can have some fun and try it out bone spear right now is the strongest because it scales with Critical Strike and vulnerability really really well also it guarantees vulnerable state all the time vulnerable right now is completely broken in the game which is why bone spear is so good if blizzard ever does some tuning to bone spear or to vulnerable in general and to Critical Strike in general there might be other options if they ever buff blight to actually do good damage and vulnerable isn't so needed then blight could be a good thing right because it's a spender that would be your main spender and the rest of the build would will work the whole build is just there to have a minion Army to meet Shield tank damage for you and the frost Mages are generating Essences every time they attack right so you could use any of those spanner you could even go with sever if you want but right now in the current tuning with Critical Strike being so good with vulnerable being so good bone spear is just the best choice right now there's just no no nothing else right if you wanted you could swap some of the minion point to go more bone oriented but the whole point of this build for me was to get away from only bone spear doing damage right you could obviously go with ossified you could go with some of these perks here to make it do more damage but I wanted my minion to actually pack a punch which is a lot more fun to me if you went with a more Shadow damage oriented build let's say that they end up fixing the shadow Mages to do you could just swap to Shadow blight uh if you if you were to to put in maybe blight and maybe uh you you can do so many things with this build right you can you can substitute pretty much anything for anything which is great but I think the bone spear version in the current tuning is the best one for the gear it's all over the place right now I was lucky enough while I was leveling to get a deathless Visage but honestly I'm probably gonna Swap this at some point because I want to put two extra Reaper two extra skeletal Warriors so I want to get a good Helm that has like good defensive stats and some cooldown reduction and probably swap it out so far it's pretty good it obviously gives me a lot of damage on my bone spear with the explosion the Critical Strike damage with bone the extra Essence doesn't really benefit me because I'm not using ossified physical damage is nice armor is nice but I'm missing a lot of Vitality on there I'm missing cooldown reduction I'm missing two extra skeleton as well so I'm probably gonna Swap this pretty soon uh on my chest I just got damage reduction from my minion it's pretty neat you don't have to put this on the chest you're too uh your your major defensive pretty much are gonna be uh the armor one so I gotta get back to the armor one I don't have it yet this don't follow my character you're gonna have a link down below with the D4 build with the proper Lego that you should go for uh this one is just gonna be what I have on me right now that's what I I that's what I got at the moment I have to re-add the uh the armor one Disobedience because it just gives me so much defensive and so much armor but it's not fixed on my current gear right now so don't look at my character too much but the D4 build would be updated right the cold uh the cold legendary is really really nice it allows your minion to cast blizzard uh which chills everything does damage really really fun cool legendary the barrier one I would probably go ahead and take this one out replace it with the Disobedience that's gonna be good that's actually what I'm gonna probably do in the D4 build so make sure to check that out increased skeletal Mage really really nice here uh for the stats pretty much just be looking for anything that has Dodge it's nice it applies to your minion which allows prevents them from being cc'd which is neat movement speed is nice I don't have it core Central all that stuff uh just pretty much get whatever you can while you're leveling as much defensive as you can as much damage for this build so anything that has movement speed plus skill to carbs dendril bone spear Critical Strike damage vulnerable damage Critical Strike chance uh close damage as much damage reduction as you can so damage reduction uh Dodge chance damage reduction against close maximum life total armor just stack all of that good stuff minion life is also good damage reduction while fortify just get whatever you can get your hands on right so obviously because this is a leveling build you're not going to be aiming for specific stuff just use whatever you can find the biggest two-hander you can find uh is gonna be really really nice here I decided to put the tendril on there on the two Ender uh the tendril legendary because I find it really really fun that when I do you I do use it all of my minions are getting empowered not just my bone spear you could swap this one with a bone spear legendary you could put bone spear onto the weapon if you want bone spear to do more damage and then use the tendril on the neck for example uh you could also put the blizzard on the neck if you want blizzard to do more damage and then bone spear you can do you can swap whatever you want between the between the glove the neck and the weapon whatever you want to do more damage on if you feel like you want to have more agency over your damage on your bone spear just put bone spear on the weapon and then put the tendril on the glove and then maybe put the blizzard whatever whatever feels good right whatever feels good that's the beauty of this build you can do whatever on the ring uh I got some good damage modifier obviously but I got the army of the Dead uh increase attack speed it's nice because if you're major attacking faster you're generating more Essence also they're taking massive amount of reduced damage which is really really neat while the cooldown is active on the ring right now I got a really really bad umbral uh so but you could put anything else in there uh the regen one when critting a humbrol um sorry umbral uh it could be any legendary that gives you some form of resources generation would be really good just use whichever one you find the beauty about this build and the reason it is so good and that in the crew and tuning I would re-choose this build over any other is because bone spear and this build in general all of the legendary that you need are found in the Codex which means that you can get the chandral from the Codex which is really good you can get the bone Spirit legendary in the Codex and you can get the army of the Dead legendary in the Codex that's insane the armor one uh you can get a cheaper I don't have it right now with the armor Disobedience can be fun of the Codex everything that is needed for this build to work has a baseline codex legendary that you can find in the dungeon that you can specifically form which makes this build completely insane for uh for for just new season new character and just leveling in general right so enough talking uh we're gonna finish all of this real quick we'll get to it because I've been rambling for way too long now I got Reaper generating corpse for the Book of the Dead uh really pretty good skeletal Mage you need this one that's the whole reason the build exists each time you're cold Mage do damage you generate uh essences and then the last one I'm using bone Golem with ton you don't have to I just find it really really nice the the radius of it is insanely large and it just drives the attention of a lot of these monster towards the Golem which helps then the corpse tendril Clump them up uh if you want it you could also like if you feel like you're too squishy feel free to use the blood Golem it's insane 15 damage reduction is crazy you can use this one when you're transitioning into new difficulty if you're struggling with surviving swap to this and then as soon as you're good to go use the the bone one again you can even use iron iron is really good it gives you vulnerability you don't need it that much though with bone spear because you're already gonna have vulnerability from bone spear from Corpse tendril kind of useless uh the stun on it is pretty cool but for that reason I'm using the AOE ton it's pretty neat it's pretty fun it's completely useless in versus bosses and the Butcher and all that stuff so just be wary of that for the Paragon board I don't have a full Paragon board right now for this build I will be updating the D4 build guide uh as I go but it is a very standard startup for Minion right now I just got like some of the primary node I got myself amplify in the main glyph here I got myself um some some rare notes into the cult leader board so this is the cult leaderboard right here uh so we have uh the minion damage all that good stuff and then in the glyph here we have dead Razer so I'm I don't even have the five intellect yet I'm still leveling I'm still putting things together so I'll be updating this as I go for this build and then we're gonna we're gonna give you guys uh a little bit higher level obviously this is an ALT I have extra skills I have uh I I have some extra skill point and I have some extra Paragon points I don't have all of them though uh just to be clear this alt has uh the uh the additional skill point so I have 10 of them additional from one from every I mean two from every zone so 10 total and I only have the Paragon from three Zone if I remember so I'm missing eight Paragon points right now for this guy but I still have a total of 12 extra Paragon point from a normal fresh seasonal character and I technically have five more points that I would get on uh because if you have all of your author uh your altar and your Zone uh explored on a new season you'll have five skill point you're just gonna be missing an additional five from reaching level three so this build is pretty close to what you would get on a fresh seasonal character and it is incredibly strong I'm gonna be showing you a quick dungeon this video does the explanation right now has already been longer than I would have liked but we're gonna go ahead and do some dungeons real quick just a quick note I am 63 and the zone is 73. so it's gonna seem slow but it is pretty good uh we're gonna we're gonna do the best that we can here to make it uh as efficient as possible I like I like minion just because I like to clear everything I'm not somebody that zooms through too much um sometimes I will sometimes I I will uh so we're just gonna go in there and just like let the minion just pretty much murder everything this dungeon in particular can be quite annoying with some of the monster type a lot of Mages that teleport but you'll see that once the tendril is down you just Spam bone spear and look at my essences as soon as my minions are attacking the Mages my Essence is just going up especially if they got like attack speed boost and all that sweet stuff just make sure that you apply to crepify just to get that sweet cooldown reduction use all of your ability use your Golem stuff and just uh spam it spam it away just have fun right that's the that's the beauty of this build your minion are gonna do pretty good damage honestly and this is 10 level higher than me just wanna I just want to reiterate that right everything here is 10 level higher than me which is crazy and I'm absolutely demolishing everything I was able to do My Capstone dungeon to go into World tier four at level 60. so I beat Elias at level 60 while he was 70 which is in itself is not like a crazy achievement ah especially on an ALT that has more Paragon Point more skill point and all that jazz but it is pretty nice I was pretty happy it wasn't even difficult I might even show you like a little video of the kill maybe somewhere in the it went really really smooth I don't even think I took one damage in the entire fight he just smelt it and it was 10 level higher than me so it was just really fun it's just like a very safe build nothing ever really gets to you because the the the Golem is just like taunting everything which is really really fun uh I don't know this is my favorite leveling build ever and I'm not kidding this is so much more fun than my pure bones bone spear that I did initially at lunch I also try to do like a shadow variant uh initially at launch it wasn't working too well because you're missing the vulnerability at least the uptime on vulnerability isn't that great okay we're cc'd here we're not running blood Miss so hopefully like obviously do not use this build in hardcore even though we're pretty safe when something does manage to freeze you uh sometimes you die okay so don't don't hardcore this this build we're just gonna run around and kill uh all of the rares real quick I love this dungeon it has like really really high density really really high amount of rare as well it's just that the monster type are extremely annoying though also uh suppressor is gonna be the most annoying thing in the world there's just nothing you can do about it um your army of the dead minion will like Clash onto it like you just gotta try to get in there obviously like hit against a wall the same rule pretty much applies as a bone spear uh Necromancer so try to use the bone spear on a wall so it does bounce off and break as you can see most of my Army is dead right here it's just a bad combination the fire plus uh the fire plus the suppressor it just sucks but I I still manage because I got bone spear I'm still able to to have a little bit of of power on my own right which is pretty neat which is why I think this build is the best of both worlds so we're gonna go unlock the gate real quick here Golem is back oh wow this is gonna be interesting okay do I outrun this guy or do I die for the camera I don't know let's see how it goes okay this is probably not oh well I don't think I've ever killed them I'm sure in this difficulty on this tiny necromancer oh no okay it's going pretty well interesting level 73 butcher my Essence I'm gonna try to go back in try to make him run through my minion I got stunned but he's getting stuck in the minion which is great you charge me through a wall that's not good make sure we keep the crepify on him hide him through the minion make sure you make him make them heal there we go get some CC decrepify charge through kill them all he's murdering them one by one it's actually atrocious so but I mean this is going to give you a real life scenario here of what's gonna happen here we go oh please don't oh please don't oh please stop it this had to happen while I'm recording obviously this is this is my life there we go it takes a while but I mean killing the butcher 10 level higher than you uh it's nice there you go now we got Army of the Dead back this guy is dead he's just gonna glitch in the minion there you go so that's what this build is capable of Chad that's what that's what's going on that's what's going on we're just gonna casually kill a butcher 10 level higher than us in a video there we go all right let's just go in there open up the gate watch me die to like a random exploding Goblin or some stuff right afterward that would be that would be that would be it that would be it there we go let's take the lever real quick while the rest of my Army that's the nice thing about minion you have a good life you know everybody's just like fighting and doing everything for you and you're just you're just doing what you got to do you know you're just doing what you got to do we're gonna move on to the SEC 's probably gonna be super long I have to go through all the explanation just all the disclaimer and all the good stuff for the build because I want to set expectation where they need to be you know what I'm saying like I don't like doing clickbait video and like this is the best mural in the world no it's my favorite one it's not the best uh I also didn't necessarily invent this build there's been a ton of people that have uh made variants or uh you know like it's it's definitely not like a unique build I just wanted to Showcase it give you guys a paragon board to go along and uh give you guys a real example of what it feels like so you can see full gameplay of it you can see how it goes in action how to play it and just give you as much information as I can and be as realistic as I can about it right and also the fact that after this dungeon I'm probably swapping build which is crazy but I really want to play it with the Mendel ring I got almost a perfect one uh that's gonna be extremely fun to test out but right now we're just recording this quick video uh trying to free the prisoner here we gotta do seven prisoner okay as you can see like my clear speed isn't the highest but the dungeon is 10 level higher than me I'm still getting decent XP uh and it's gonna take me quite a lot of time to finish this but um yeah I'm just we're just gonna do our best and try to clear as fast as we can here obviously Necromancer not known for their clear speed um pure bone spear would probably be clearing this faster in terms of damage for sure but the thing is you would your health would be a ping pong I don't even think I don't know how I would I had bad experiences early level with bone spear without minion uh because I did full bone spear oh oh oh a lot of damage I did Full Bounce beer and you get into some sketchy situations sometimes and it's not always it's not always fun right uh bone spear pure bones peel is is definitely a glass Cannon build especially early on you don't have all the tools you don't have all the glyph you're not able to generate fortify minion is just much more safer and it's much more comfortable and if you're like me and like I'm somebody that's super distracted all the time I read chat I I'm somebody that has the squirrel syndrome you know like I was just like oh you know I'll get distracted and look elsewhere uh this bill just allows me to do that while still clearing at a comfortable peace I get to be distracted a little bit and not look on the screen a hundred percent of the time and um I don't get penalized too much for it which is nice uh I'm gonna I'm gonna just speed this up a little bit I'm just gonna try to go get oh as I try to speed it up we get blocked in there we go as you can see I'm still able if I wanted to I could I could kind of run through a little bit more you know just run through and just you don't have to kill everything the minions are able to distract a lot which is neat right but the more you run the less your scaly are attacking which means the less Essences you're doing if your major is just running after you they're not attacking and you're not generating any Essence so that's something that's important to to notice that's why I usually kill everything I like XP I like loot but if you're going for Dungeon objective and speed clear as you can see also if you speed clear and you don't like pay attention to your minion too much don't end up you'll you'll turn around and they're gonna be all a half din right uh especially if there's a molten dude like this that's following you all right last last guy here oh just to finish it off why not a little bit of uh mortar fear and suppressor my favorite combo in the world I don't have any minions anymore but it's fine I got some CDs let's get out of here there we go fantastic all right see probably the worst Trio affix you could get we still manage actually that's not true the fire explosion uh would have been worse than mortar for sure like this guy right there it wrecks your army there's nothing you can do about it for Gem uh you could go for health which I've been doing you can also go for topaz topazes are pretty nice topazes are pretty nice so that's pretty much it I was able to do the dungeon in a pretty lengthy amount of time but considering everything here is 10 level over me normally to clear a 73 I would be mostly around 70 at that point but the sooner you can transition to the last tier the world tier four the better you're gonna be because you're gonna start dropping ancestral gear and it's just gonna scale your character way faster than anything else so even though you're struggling a little bit uh you want to make sure that you transition as soon as you can as soon as you feel comfortable doing it transition go to world tier three get your ancestral gear and start leveling and start getting that character but you're gonna be struggling for a couple levels like I am now so obviously I'm not zooming through this dungeon but my character is getting stronger I'm gonna be able to start doing nightmare dungeon again soon right now I can't I can't do 73 plus affixes it's too much but soon I should be able to so that was the video let me know if you have any question uh I try to be as precise as possible but because this is a leveling process leveling character I don't have a perfectly defined template I'm gonna try to be a little bit more precise in the D4 uh build guide that I'm gonna Post in the description down below so if you have any questions or anything it should be answered in there otherwise if you have any additional question make sure you post it in the comments section otherwise I mean if you enjoy the video and you want more of this kind of video uh make sure that you leave a like subscribe to the channel let me know in the comment section or come say hi on Twitch I would also really really appreciate that I'm gonna try to make a second version of this with the you know post ring of Mendel build as soon as I figure it out and try some stuff out see if I like it better than this one and how this other build would probably transition into end game this build into end game can probably work there's some people that have made it work you can go more bone spear oriented but I really want to have a more focused minion oriented build uh which is why we're going with the ring right it should be quite fun so I'm going to be keeping you guys up today posting more video and all that good stuff until then I'll see you guys in the comments section on Twitch or maybe in sanctuary bye-bye my friend
Channel: Luxthos
Views: 76,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: leveling necromancer diablo 4, leveling necromancer build diablo 4, necromancer minion leveling, necro minion leveling, necro minion leveling build, minion leveling build diablo 4, minion leveling, summoner necromancer diablo 4, summoner necro diablo 4, summoner necromancer, summoner necro d4, diablo 4, diablo iv, best leveling necromancer build diablo 4, best leveling necromancer diablo 4, best leveling necromancer build d4
Id: No67hM4Lof4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 52sec (1672 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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