Live Free: Free Yourself - DeVon Franklin

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hey family i'm pastor torre i'm pastor sarah and listen you're getting ready to hear an incredible word for the lord i believe it's going to bless you i believe it's going to be timely do me a favor share the message if it moves you share the message and then also you have an opportunity to be a part of not only helping to spread this message but to be a part of our outreaches we're doing a lot of practical things to be a blessing to someone so feel free if god so moves you to use the information here in the video to support what we're doing we're being a blessing not just people spiritually we're being blessed to people practically we love you get into this message gonna change your life [Music] hey hey what's going on y'all listen to my potter's house la 1la and denver family listen it's your boy i'm back devon franklin listen i wouldn't be who i am without this ministry can we just do me a favor in your house wherever you may be let's give it up for pastor toray and pastor sarah they are not only my best friends but they're the best pastors on the planet and i dare you to to try to successfully contradict me i want you to know that this ministry is blessing lives all over the world so we are glad that you have tuned in right now now before we get started you've been complaining all week you've been down all week you've been frustrated all week can you just take a minute to get out of yourself and get into him who am i talking to right now will you just take a minute to give god some praise right now you may be in your pajamas in your bed i want you to shake your feet in your sheets because god has been good how do i know because you're watching this you're alive how do i know god's been good because you can understand the words that are coming out of my mouth now i know you may not have all you want to have but do me a favor don't allow what you don't have to get you out of gratitude for what you do have you have life and you have it more abundantly thus saith the lord so i just need you to take one more minute go ahead in the comments put the praise hands okay put the little guy at a woman running whatever you put put an emoji in the comments right now just to thank god that you are alive come on come on come on take a minute to let god know that you are thankful that you are here not everyone made it to today so don't get up and despair and anxiety and frustration and allow that to steal your praise today amen amen i see you amen i see you i see you i see you there it is there it is come on somebody come on somebody all right so today if you are not ready for your life to change you you may want to go ahead and hit pause because god has given me a word for you today that i believe will change the very trajectory of your life i have a new book coming out uh god bless is my fifth book it's called live free exceed your highest expectations and i want to talk to you today about what live free means because the reality is this most of us are not free most of us are not living according to the freedom that jesus has guaranteed us and so i wrote this book because it's time for us it's time for you and me to live according to the freedom that has been promised to us so before we start let me pray dear heavenly father i pray right now for anyone watching this this moment watching this sermon watching this message watching this service i pray they would know they are blessed i pray they would know you have incredible plans for their life i pray that they would know if they're listening it's because you have something for them and i pray you would open up their heart and mind to receive it in the name of jesus we pray amen so i want to read in your hearing today from galatians chapter 5 verse 1 galatians chapter 5 verse 1 and this is the apostle paul speaking it is for freedom that christ has set us free it is for freedom that christ has set us free stand firm then and do not let yourselves be burdened again by the yoke of slavery somebody didn't hear me out here i'ma read it again galatians chapter 5 verse 1 it is for freedom that christ has set us free then you and i have got to stand firm and do not let yourselves be burdened again by the yoke of slavery now when we talk about freedom freedom means that we have liberty right uh when we talk about a burden that means it's a weight when we talk about slavery it means our freedom is restricted so what paul is saying that it is for freedom it is for us to be liberated that christ died on the cross for our sins and if we're liberated because see when he's talking about this text it's really about the law liberated from the law because back in the day and some still operate this way they would observe the law in order to be saved and once jesus came to die on the cross he said listen you don't follow the law to be saved you follow the law as a sign of your love for me if you love me you will keep my commandments but jesus said i am the fulfillment of the law so so it's no longer righteousness by works it's righteousness by faith this is what paul is talking about so i have a question if it is for freedom that christ set us free why we would even allow ourselves to become imprisoned by anyone or anything oh we about to have a conversation today i gotta talk to somebody so if jesus christ liberated us why are we not living free i got to talk to somebody over here why are you not living free what is keeping you from living in the fullness of the freedom that is available to you this idea of living free i want to describe it and define it so that you really understand what this is and today i'm going to do my best to try to teach this message instead of preaching the message now y'all know me and i get a little excited so you may have to excuse me for moments where i veer into preaching but i'm really going to try to teach it because i believe that if you can get this message in your spirit your whole life is going to change because right now you are not living free what does it mean to live free it means that you or i are not under the mental physical or emotional control of anyone or anything i repeat when you live free it means you are not under the the emotional mental or physical control of anyone or anything okay now what keeps us from living free what controls our thoughts day in and day out i got a revelation for you and many of you don't even realize it you aren't actually reacting to reality when things happen to you you aren't actually at reacting to those things you're reacting to your expectation of those things i got to talk to somebody right now one of the reasons why we don't live free is because our expectations are actually running the show expectations are the secret software controlling our hearts our minds our emotions so instead of reacting to what happens we react to what we expected was going to happen so when things happen and they exceed our expectation we're excited we're joyful but when things happen and they don't meet our expectations we're devastated we're frustrated we're demoralized so no longer are we in control we've given control of our life our thoughts and our emotions over to our expectations now here's what's even more dangerous a lot of the expectations that you and i have had aren't even our own expectations they're the expectations we have taken on by others that we actually don't want to do i got to talk to somebody right now one of the reasons why you're not living free is you have too many expectations and you've allowed your friends your family your community where you're from your gender your race to impose expectations on you that are weighing you down you cannot live free if you do not choose the expectations by which you live i don't know who i'm talking to right now but one of the reasons why you're so frustrated is because you are trying to meet all of these expectations and every turn it seems like you're failing your energy is low your motivation is low because you had all these expectations of what was gonna happen and you're still grappling with the reality of what is happening and what you wanted to happen and what is happening the gulf is so large you are starting to lose your mind saying this is not the life i expected to live who am i talking to right now because you you have been wondering god what is wrong with me i don't understand i thought that if i prayed hard enough that i would get what you that i i would get with what i've been praying for i thought that if i fasted that things would be delivered but if i'm being honest the life i'm living it's not the life i expected and i'm about to lose my mind because i don't know where did i go wrong can anybody relate to what it is i've just said when we don't live free we allow our expectations to take control so so so what i want to talk about is this what is an expectation an expectation is a strong belief about what should happen an expectation is a strong belief about what should happen hmm so so so some of you i know you know uh the pot of salsa one la and denver you know there's there's a lot of young people who have a lot of you know aspirations so this should i i should be more successful now i should be making more money now i should already be a homeowner now i should already be married now i shouldn't have to do this sort of work now i shouldn't be in a situation where i don't feel loved this idea of an expectation is a strong belief about what should happen but the should is what gets us in trouble because if our expectation is not set an unset expectation will lead us to create goals that are actually not based in reality so here's what happens we have all these shoulds and instead of being free to live what happens we get burned down now now y'all y'all may know i love i love a good illustration so i'm just going to try to illustrate what god has given me today so this right here is an expectation now this is an expectation that that maybe i didn't choose you know and and what happens is when i don't set my expectations the expectation becomes a weight right so so here it is you know i i i say to myself oh by by 25 about 30 i'm supposed to be married okay so now that becomes a wait because what happens when you get there and you're not i got to talk to somebody right now your parents said you know what uh you you need to go to this school but you really wanted to go to a school that was out of state but because you wanted to please your mom or your dad now you are bearing the weight of an expectation i got to talk to somebody right now you you don't even like wearing skinny jeans but because they're in style and you want to fit into the culture you feel the expectation of having to meet uh you know what the culture is doing even though it's really not in your heart i got to talk to somebody right now see some of you right now what's happening is uh you know you look at social media right and you're like oh man you know i expect people to like my posts and and if i don't get a number of likes based upon what i really wanted to post i'll take it down because i am controlled by the expectations of social media so that now becomes a weight and do you understand what happens is all the time when we begin to pick up expectations these expectations weigh us down they burden us because we wonder how in the world can we live according to being free when we have taken on all of these expectations that have us bound who the son says free is free indeed but you're not living free because you're allowing yourself to take on all of these expectations that he never intended so then we wonder why we're not free because we're weighted down by what should have happened i i i shouldn't be this broke you may be thinking i shouldn't be this down you allow what should have happened to become a weight i don't know who i'm talking to right now but when you don't set your expectations your expectations then weigh you down now i wish i could tell you that the key is just to have no expectation but we can't live that way because the expectations are like blood pressure you you can't have it too you can't have them too high or too low you got to keep them just right in the times and moments when i've been tempted to give up all expectations guess what i had no motivation to wake up in in the morning so so but when i've had expectations that were too high i would be devastated so the key is to set expectations to calibrate them the right way so that you can live according to the freedom already promised to you and i now what does it mean to set expectations two things that you got to do if you want to set your expectation you have to ask two questions the first one is is the expectation realistic or unrealistic all right now i got to come talk to you what does it mean to have a a realistic or an unrealistic expectation it all comes down to one word control if it's within your control to do it you can expect it that what that's what i would call a realistic expectation if it's outside of your control i would call it an unrealistic expectation okay all right so now we got to have an honest conversation because see here's what happens we have all these expectations that we don't control that we then treat as if they are within our control i don't know who i'm talking to right now but see here's how this looks like you make the decision oh you know by 22 here's where i want to be in my career and now you're 26 and you ain't nowhere close and you wonder where did i go wrong i'm expecting the best well here's the reality we don't always get a chance to dictate the win it's going to happen we have control over what we do now though when it happens is up to time and god and what he's already ordained too often we try to do god's work and we get frustrated god is saying i know when you're going to make the biggest impact in the world better than you know when you're going to make the biggest impact in the world so if you would stop worrying about the when it's going to happen and you would maximize the now then the now eventually would become the win when you let me do it so too often we have an unrealistic expectation about when we're going to become successful because the win is out of our control i gotta talk somebody over here because see one of the reasons why you're so frustrated is you're trying to control things that are out of your control can i just give you a commercial break real quick we'll come right back to our regular schedule program this is why your relationships are not working okay all right okay i'm sorry i'm sorry y'all you know i got to keep it true see here's why your relationships are not working because you're trying to control someone that is out of your control you don't have control over anybody other than yourself i got to talk to somebody right now so when you are trying to get someone to do something that they may not want to do you have an unrealistic and unset expectation because you don't control anyone but yourself in the remote we're going to come back to that in a minute so the second question you have to ask yourself is the expectation spoken or unspoken is it communicated so the first question is control is it realistic or unrealistic is it within my control the second question you have to ask to set your expectations is it spoken or unspoken certain expectations have to be communicated you got to use your words you got you got to talk you got to express so so for example and y'all trust me i i i have messed up in this area okay uh so when you talk about the job that you're taking and let's say you want to get a certain amount of advancement but you have an expectation of when you should be advanced and how and what you should be making and so on and so forth but you never have sat down with your boss to actually express the expectation and find out if the expectation is realistic so you come into a job situation and then you work at this job you give your all to this job and you've been on this job in some instances for years and you still have you're still not making the money you want to make you're not a level you want to be and now you're frustrated well why are you frustrated have you actually sat down with your boss to set expectations have you asked them hey is it realistic for me to expect that if i give my all to this job i go above and beyond the call of duty that i will make this amount by this date now see see now see y'all i love you so much you could do that that's why i'm telling you the truth because see if you have not actually spoken your expectation how can you expect someone to know what you expect when you've never verbalized it oh i'm talking to somebody right now yes okay i want to get in my notes in a minute but i i i'm gonna give you this commercial break we're coming right back to our regular schedule program this is why relationships are tough because you're expecting something out of somebody that you ain't never expressed to him just because they love you doesn't mean they know just because they care about you doesn't mean they can read your mind in some situations you have to express what it is you are expecting and give the other person the opportunity to say yes or no these unspoken expectations are relationship killers and one of the reason why your relationships have been murdered it's not them it's you because you have these unspoken expectations and you're expecting somebody to read your mind and when they didn't read your mind you got mad frustrated you broke it off you went on about your way and thinking that they were the problem but the reality is you did not communicate what you expected to find out if they could meet it to begin with you had the unset expectation and i love you enough to tell you the truth and i've been there before too when i was expecting you know certain situations matter of fact i'm gonna be honest i've been there in my marriage let me tell you something i'm gonna tell y'all real quick about uh megan and i we had this baked chicken experience so you know we got married about i've been married about nine years ago uh you know nine years ago this june and so when we first got married you know i right next to to genesis you know chapter one there's a there's a secret verse you don't even know it exists it says that the men the man the husband goes take out the trash and the wife's supposed to cook that's that's what it says and that's the secret scripture y'all didn't know that you didn't know that okay so i come into my marriage thinking oh bet you know megan's gonna be cooking i'm taking out the trash so megan when we first got married started cooking this baked chicken oh my goodness it was good you know now now listen i love i love my wife but at the time she only had one good recipe in her repertoire that was it all she had was that baked chicken i said okay baby if that's all you got you i'm i'ma be grateful for what you got so she was making the baked chicken almost every night and i was like oh my goodness marriage is amazing this is incredible then uh many of you who who may or may not know i'm married to an actress and so she left los angeles to go to new york at the time to go shoot a tv show now she was gone for about six months shooting the tv show and when she came back i had an unspoken expectation that the chicken was going to continue watch it so she comes back i come home and i'm all up in the kitchen like i don't smell nothing i'm like what's going on that that ain't chicken that's kitty litter i don't smell nothing so okay i said you know what she's tired she just got home i'm gonna give it a break a little while later i come home i i don't smell nothing i look in the microwave ain't none in the microwave i look in the oven ain't nothing in the oven i look in the refrigerator hey not in the refrigerator so then here's what happens i begin to say in my spirit in my mind oh she must not love me so she's not cooking for me she she knows that that i i want her to cook for me she knows that i need to eat she know so so clearly she doesn't care for me she doesn't love me because if she loved me she would fill in the blank you ever been there before maybe you're right there right now so this went on for some time and what happened is my attitude got stained so she come home and i'd be in a funky mood because i wouldn't see no food or nothing and she'd be like what's wrong i'm like nothing because in my mind i'm thinking well if you don't know then i ain't gonna tell you you see how crazy that sounds if you don't know what the problem is i ain't going to tell you so then how's the problem going to get solved if you don't take the time to communicate what the problem is to begin with and then we think the other person is crazy no it's us his eyes his eyes we're the crazy so long story short eventually it got to the point where she said what is going on what's the problem and i just blurted out i don't understand why you're not cooking no more man y'all i've grown a lot since then i'm just letting you know please please don't try this at home okay don't try this at home so she's i don't understand why you're not cooking anymore and here's what she said she said when we first got married i cooked because i was free and i did it as expression of love but when i came back i could feel the weight of your expectation and it no longer was love it felt like it was an obligation and the obligation of cooking the baked chicken took the joy out of it from me so i no longer had joy in it because i began to realize well are you still gonna love me if i don't do it and then it dawned on me right here i had an unspoken expectation and and it was worse not only was an unspoken expectation but what it was was then i made a judgment about her intent for me and then not only did i make a judgment but i made my love for her conditional i will love you the way you want to be loved if you bake the chicken and if you don't bake the chicken then every time i come home i'm going to be mean i'm gonna be you see how that goes so the moment i got the light bulb i said oh got it i said baby you know i'm sorry i'm sorry and i i completely repented before the lord saying wait i'm supposed to love her unconditionally whether or not she bakes a chicken or not and here's the other thing i should have used my words and say babe is this something i can expect from you instead of just expecting it and then judging her when it wasn't met so we took a moment right then to set our expectation and here was our expectation no longer are we going to debate about who cooks some nights i'm going to cook some nights she would cook some nights we would order out and that is what we have done from that day to this it is so important to speak your expectation it is so important to not allow an unspoken expectation to kill your relationship your friendship your family ship your your professional advancement you have to speak and communicate what you're expecting but then you also got to be okay with the answer just because you expect it from someone doesn't mean that they're meant to they're meant to meet it don't get into the trap of thinking that someone is your god god may want to use someone else to bless you and because you're mad that this person won't meet your expectation you are trying to hold them in the position of god if you ask a friend to do something for you and they say hey i can't do it instead of getting mad say okay god show me the person that can do it instead of trying to hold someone hostage to an expectation that that is not in their heart to meet and maybe god has not allowed them to get it in their heart because he's trying to use someone else to bless you so we're talking about living free how do you live free how do you get out from underneath the control and authority of so many people circumstances and situations all right i got some tips for you here's how we do it one you must first make the decision that you are going to live free what does that mean it means that you are deciding that you are going to set expectations for yourself and you are going to release yourself from the expectations of others that you do not want to meet okay okay we're gonna have to have an honest conversation because right now you are feeling so obligated to be so many things to so many people you are losing yourself in the process you feel that you have to meet all of this and do all of this just because it's expected of you but if it's not in your heart and god has not called you to it may i submit for your consideration that the expectation that he has not called you to meet you should not meet it i got to talk to somebody right now in order to live free you have to make the decision i'm tired of living for everybody else i am tired of obligating myself out of my destiny i am tired of being all things to all people and right now i've got to make a change you got to get to the point where you say you know what what if i get to the end of my life and i realized i did everything that was expected but i never did what was destined can you imagine getting to the end of your life to just realize you haven't lived you did what was expected but not what was destined and this is why i had to write this book and say it's not even a book it's a message because i see so many people of faith especially dying not really living living for likes and living for everyone's approval and living because it looks cool but not really living about what's in your heart and i don't want you to get to the end of your life and you realize i never lived i never did what god told me to do i was too afraid i was too obligated i i wanted to be so much to everybody else and not let anybody down i didn't want to disappoint anybody and as a result the person i disappointed was me i don't want that to be your testimony so you've got to make the decision to live free you got to say hey mama daddy i love you so much but god has not called me to do it to your wife or or your husband hey baby you know i love you but but god has not called me to do that to your boyfriend or girlfriend hey you know okay i understand that's what you want but i don't know if i can meet that expectation you got to start saying well what is in my heart and god what are you telling me about what i need to expect and what i need to believe and who i need to be and what i need to do and prioritize that i promise god can handle if someone's disappointed that you don't meet their expectation god can handle it but we only get this life once in order to live free you have to make the decision that you are going to set expectations for yourself not just live by those that are imposed on you number two you gotta give yourself a break i am one i am like a recovering expectation addict what does that mean it's like i i'm the middle child of three boys and i and my father died when i was nine years old and you know and i've had this all these expectations for myself about who i wanted to be and when i wanted to be it and as a result out of that trauma from losing my father what what happened is i found my my purpose in achievement so so so as long as early i can remember my life going to school i wanted to get everything right straight a's student council student body government sports everything perfect it got so bad people started calling me mr perfect that was my nickname mr perfect perfect perfect now one hand that sounds dope but let me be honest with you it's completely toxic why because i got to the point where i had so much anxiety about making a mistake that i wasn't actually living free i was trying to live up to the expectation of what mr perfect meant to everybody else and as a result i wasn't living what was really in my heart and who god called me to be so i had to get to the point where it got to the point y'all and i'm being honest with you i'm letting you into my into into my confidence because you're my family i got to the point where i wasn't actually enjoying life i wasn't enjoying success because it was never good enough right it's like oh yeah you know you gotta you gotta hit movie but but for me i was like well no no what's the next one oh okay great no you got this company but no i need to do more movies oh you got this book but no no that book didn't hit the new york times bestsellers list oh no you're on tv but i'm not on tv enough right so this idea of being mr perfect became a weight and i got to the point recently where i had to go ahead and say r.i.p mr perfect anybody out there relate to that anybody been there anybody been there where were you there's this expectation of this persona you've created and it's not who you are and you are crumbling under the weight of the persona i can relate to that you got to give yourself a break there's nothing wrong with having high expectations for yourself but here's how you know if the expectation you have for yourself is good or if it's toxic is it motivating you or is it depressing you if the expectations you have for your personal achievement motivate you great keep them but if they depress you they're toxic i am guilty of having toxic expectations that depressed me that i had to release and say i am enough in this moment because we we are striving for so much so much of the time that we never feel enough and i'm here to tell you you can't do enough to feel enough in order to live free you got to give yourself a break you have got to give yourself a break you have got to say you know what i got to breathe for a minute i just got to relax let me be okay with where i am let me evaluate let me set my expectation but let me be easy on myself jesus in the text it says it you know jesus says that my my yoke is easy and my burden is light so if following jesus is is easy in light why do we allow our life to become much more stressful than it needs to be in order to live free you got to give yourself a break do me a favor go ahead and pat yourself on the back good job you survived a lot you've been through a lot you're still here you're you're still successful you're alive you're you're you you have your your mind right give yourself a pat on the back you you you have come through a lot there's a lot of people that have come against you that talk bad about you but you're still here stop beating yourself up over what you aren't and start celebrating who you are all right y'all that's tip number two all right here's the third one you have to be responsible for your own happiness all right one of the reasons why you may not be living free is because you are outsourcing your happiness to people circumstances and situations here's an example you ever heard that statement you make me happy i'm listen i am here right now to poke a big old hole in that statement you make me happy or that person doesn't make me happy inherent in the statement is we are now outsourcing our own happiness to someone else and i am here to tell you if you expect someone to make you happy 24 7 you are in for a rude awakening because nobody has the ability to make you happy except for you you and i are the only ones that can that know what makes ourselves happy and here's how crazy this is we say oh i want you to make me happy and i want you to do the things that make me happy but then all of a sudden i'm not doing the things for myself that make me happy and i don't even know what makes me happy but i want you who doesn't even know me to figure out what makes me happy and then if you don't figure it out i'mma get mad at you do you see how crazy that sounds i want you to be responsible for your own happiness because see here's the reality especially in a relationship sense when you do the things that make you happy and you bring that happiness to the relationship your relationship is gonna flourish but if you are waiting for somebody else who does not really even know you to figure out what makes you happy may i submit for your consideration you ain't never going to be happy in order to be happy then you have to be happy now what are the things that make you happy what are the things that bring you joy and begin to find your own happiness without needing anyone or anything um i got to talk to somebody right now because see right now i got a commercial break somebody right now you're you're about to leave your relationship you're about to leave your marriage because you are saying this person doesn't make me happy i promise you if you leave right now you're going to find out that who you are now you're taking it to wherever you're going so when you get there you're going to find the same problems why because the problems are in you i challenge you to fix what's going on in you before you leave any situation or anything obviously unless it's abusive very very important because if you're thinking this person's supposed to make you happy and you aren't making yourself happy you're going to be in for a rude awakening you get to another situation and you're expecting oh this person's gonna make me and you find yourself in a cycle rinse wash repeat i'm trying to break the cycle off of you today you've got to make yourself happy you bring that happiness to wherever you are and guess what when you bring your happiness to wherever you are guess what that situation becomes happier why because you're happy and you bring that happiness you ever been on a job and somebody is just down that energy comes in the room you're like i don't even want to sit next to you yeah i know we in this virtual world you ever been in a zoom and somebody's energy's bad and you just go around and you change the screen if you know who i'm talking about like i want to just change the box i only want to be my box i don't want my box next to this person because that energy is so bad but when we bring that joy of the lord and that strength that happiness to wherever we go people are attracted to that circumstances and situations and doors open when we bring our own happiness in order to live free you have to become the keeper of your own happiness the fourth thing i said it earlier and repeat it again the only thing you and i control is ourselves and the remote that's it okay so stop spending all this energy trying to control it's your friends your family your relationships because here just because you do it one way don't expect that somebody else is going to do it the same way you've done it unless you've asked them if you can expect it stop trying to control everybody only focus on what you can control in yourself you don't control what that person does you don't control how that person thinks now doesn't mean you can't offer some suggestions it doesn't mean you can't come to a happy medium about what may be working for your friendships or your relationships but too often we try to control isn't that the culture that we're in oh man i got to talk about i got to talk about see i've been in the church my whole life my whole life from from the time i was born to right now been in the church the church is one of the most controlling communities in the world everybody want to control what you wear what you think how you talk how you dress do you have tattoos do you have earrings everybody want to tell you where you're going and where you're not going may i submit for your consideration that god himself and jesus christ our lord and savior is the only one who has the final say on what happens in your life so stop trying to live according to someone's judgment or fear of what they may say too often in the church community the reason why the church is so judgmental is because people are not living free think about this if i'm not happy in my life i can't encourage you in your life but if i'm excited in my life i can excite you in your life one of the reasons why people in the church in the christian community are so judgmental and try to control everybody is because they are not free because if they feel judged they're going to judge you and i am here to tell you if you are watching this right now i know you've experienced a lot of church hurt i have i know you or you've experienced a lot of things that you wish you never experienced i understand it but here's what i want you to know i want you to understand where that comes from because when you live free you get unplugged and then you can say oh bless your heart so if you're judging me it's because you aren't free god bless you i pray you get free because when you get free you ain't gonna even have time to think about what i'm doing when you get free you ain't gonna even be thinking about what i'm not doing what i'm wearing can you can you see how crazy it is how people get so crazy over what you decide to wear that means that they are not free because if i'm free and i see something my brother or sister i don't go on social media and become an assassin or a sniper i go into the to the prayer closet and pray and let god do what only god can do you and i only control ourselves in the remote last tip and i can give you so much more tips but there are there that's why i wrote the book if you want to make an advancement in your career if you want to go to the next level you gotta break your addiction to results i know this sounds absolutely crazy here's what i've learned the process is the result the more we pay attention to the process the result ultimately will take care of itself so so often we we focus on so it's like this it's like if i have a garden and i'm trying to grow a certain uh plant or certain fruit in the garden and i keep focusing on the plant growing but i don't water the soil i don't fertilize it i don't make sure it gets enough sunlight but i'm stressing myself out because the the fruit has not grown yet but i haven't taken care of the soil if you want the fruit to grow it starts with how you handle the soil if you want results in your career it starts with the process how's your discipline every day how's your preparation the bible says to study to show yourself approved how's your studying every day how are you committed are you showing up are you learning are you enthusiastic tell me about your process and i will tell you the results you can't expect but in order to get the results you got to take your eyes off the result and put it on the process are you showing up on time have you studied have you done your homework do you have something to contribute in your job are you helping those around you are you being a good colleague are you anticipating the needs of your boss and trying to meet those needs do me a favor the next time you want to complain about not advancing fast enough i want you to ask yourself a question am i focusing on the result or is there more i can do in the process and i'm here to tell you the more we break our addiction to results and the more we find the joy of the process not only will we get the result we want but more and that's what living free is all about there is a better more joyful life that you can live you don't have to be stressed all the time you you can live by the expectations that work for you and begin to release those that do not one of the most powerful things as i started to apply this message is i started to get my power back because see all my power was being taken by all these expectations that i didn't need and i began to realize i don't need to beat everything to everybody i can't live for for my social media followers i can't live for my family i i can't live for my friends i got to live with god and sometimes god calls me to do things that don't make sense to anybody else but him and me and as i began to get free i began to take my power back i want you to take your power back i want you to get your power back i want you to get your strength back i want you to get your life back i want you to get your hope back i want you to get your dream back because it's been cluttered because you've been taking on all these expectations without setting them for yourself so now is the time to let go of what you don't need and only retain the expectations at work for you who the son sets free is free indeed when you and i commit to living a life of christ we have signed up for a life of freedom don't then allow anyone or anything to imprison you you are free not because devon says so that is the word of the lord um dear heavenly father i pray right now dear lord that anyone watching this prayer that they would know that because of jesus dying on the cross and rising again that they have freedom and i pray that if you're watching this prayer right now and you're watching this service and god has been speaking on the inside of you i pray that today is the day you would make the decision i'm going to live free and first and foremost that starts with accepting jesus christ as your savior if you have not accepted him as your savior now is your time invite him into your heart accept him into your life right now and if you have already accepted jesus as your savior he has set you free and if you are free you and you are free indeed do not allow an unset expectation to imprison you to have you bound no no no no now is the time you begin to set expectations for yourself and you live according to that freedom i love you i'm praying for you and i pray that you would live in the freedom already given you this is our prayer in the name of jesus we pray amen i love y'all and there's nothing you can do about it and i am praying as our pastor toray and pastor sarah we pray for your success each and every day you
Channel: ONE | A Potter's House Church
Views: 26,953
Rating: 4.9546313 out of 5
Keywords: LA Churches, TPH, The Potters House, TPH LA, The Potters House LA, One LA, Toure Roberts, Sarah Jakes Roberts, tphla
Id: 2zuOU1KrLV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 53sec (2753 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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