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christians in chapter number two is been our diving board for the last uh going on three weeks now off into our subject matter we have been examining the thought of the devices of the devil the devices of the devil our first device that we examined was the device of pride god hates pride in any shape form or fashion in the lives of his people the second device we looked at last week was the device of lust lust is a killer in anybody's life we looked how the bible said in the book of james how lust conceives and when it conceives it brings forth sin and then sin brings forth death paul wrote over in first corinthians chapter 10 he said these things over in the old testament happen to them for in samples that we should not lust after evil things as they also lusted and tonight we're going to move on and look at another device but we we dive off here from second corinthians chapter 2 verse number 11 where the apostle paul says this in verse 11 of second corinthians chapter two he said lest satan should get an advantage of us do you realize the bible never does uh try and convince you that there is an individual called the devil or satan tonight the bible takes for granted that he's just as real as god is this evening the bible doesn't try to convince you that there's a god the bible automatically in genesis 1 1 takes for granted there is a god this evening and just like there is a god there is also a devil that is out to get you tonight that said unless satan should get an advantage of us for we are not ignorant or we shouldn't be anyways we're not ignorant of his devices the devil is always looking to get the upper hand the advantage the leverage the high ground in your life tonight you know the bible the first time that we find in scripture where satan shows up to confront mankind he shows up as a serpent he shows up as a snake genesis chapter number three the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the lord god had made you know something interesting about snakes i hate snakes i don't even like to talk about them i preached a whole message on snakes some years ago uh that got a lot of traction and people really kind of enjoyed it whatever but i i don't like preaching on them they're nasty i can't stand snakes if there was one snake in this building i wouldn't be in it tonight i don't like snakes ain't nothing good about them live ones deal with dead ones rebel ones fake ones they all from hell say amen right there they ain't no good snakes tonight and there's something interesting i read the other day about snakes as they say that snakes don't blink and snakes don't shut their eyes snakes don't have eyelids even when they are asleep their eyes are open something moves in front of them even if they are in a resting state they see it because they have no eyelids that shut their eyes stay open 24 hours a day seven days a week can i tell you that's your adversary the devil tonight your adversary the devil is 24 hours a day seven days a week whether you realize it or not sister whether you realize or not brother there's a real enemy that when you think nobody is watching what you're doing when you think nobody is watching or listening to what you're saying there's an enemy his eyes are wide open and he's watching and he is building his arsenal against you he knows what you like he knows your shortcomings he knows where the in your armor is why because he watches you he's got you scoped out you know what the bible said over there when the devil come before the lord the lord said hast now consider my servant job and the devil said sure i've considered him i've been watching him but you put a hedge about all that he's got i can't get to him but it didn't say the devil wasn't watching him when jesus when when god brought job up to the lord or when the god brought job up to the devil the devil already knew who he was what like he said no i don't know who job is who is that no he'd been scoping him out and can i tell you sir the devil is scoping out your house and the devil's scoping out your life child of god young person and you better not be ignorant that he is weaving things to use against you tonight the devil's eyes are always open and so tonight the third device that we're going to look at is the device that i would say isn't preached about much in many pulpits all across america the reason why many people don't preach about this sin is because we foster this sin we pamper this sin we pet this sin and we even will foster it in others sometimes knowingly and sometimes unwittingly but the device that i'm using and dealing with tonight and we're going to highlight it throughout the course of scripture the devil uses the device of self-pity the device of self-pity tonight now let me say right off the bat we realize this is a ungodly device because of the first word in it self self-pity tonight magnifies you it glorifies you it lifts up you tonight it is maybe even has a shadow and a form of pride in it tonight self-pity is literally an exaltation of self tonight uh self self pity says things like this self pity says well i'm not getting what i deserve i deserve better than this i like what brother my cootie said today he been saved long we're my cats he in here he's in security okay brother my cootie i asked him this afternoon and it's a common statement but i believe he means it he ain't been saved long enough to just say things and i mean it i said how was the afternoon he said it was better than i deserve you know what he realized having a good afternoon when i can sit around the house with my wife and take a nap meet a good meal and come back to church that's better than i deserve or to be in hell or ought to be in jail but we got this idea i i'm not getting treated like i should be treated well here's self-pity well nobody asked me to do here's self-pity boy this is a goodie i'm just always left out nobody includes me i'm always you know that you see what that that's oh look at me somebody look at me somebody let me give you a verse of scripture on this before we move on to the examples we're going to use in the bible about this device tonight look at the book of romans in chapter number 12. romans chapter 12 and verse number three we're going to preach about this device of the devil this device of self-pity tonight it is a real deceptive device i'll be honest with you i think the other two devices we preached about pride and lust i think sometimes that's an easier device to pinpoint and chop the head off than this device of self-pity because we all sit in this place from time to time uh look what paul said in romans chapter 12 and verse number three he says this for i say through the grace given unto me to every man that is among you watch it not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think but to think soberly according as god has dealt to every man the measure of faith you say preacher that's just talking about pride no i see them talking about self-pity because every time you start having a pity party every time you start having a little sad sack pity party you know what you're doing you're thinking more highly of yourself than you ought to think if you didn't think more highly of yourself than you ought to think you wouldn't be sitting in a corner soaking somewhere with your thumb stuck in your mouth self-pity tonight and let me say this i believe this is dangerous and let me say this to all you parents in here be careful how you even foster this device of the devil in your children's life we foster this device even in our young people and our children from the time they're small to the time they're teenagers because we will allow them to pout you know what poutine is it's self-pity this idea that your child didn't get his way or her way and because they didn't get their way now for the rest of the day they're going to cross their arm be rude and ugly and mean and hateful to people and have a pity party absolutely not absolutely not brother we settled that at our house a long time ago you're not allowed to pout so you didn't like what mom and daddy said tough rocks get over it you're not allowed to pout so your sister or your brother did something to you that hurts your feelings or hurts you physically and you don't like it okay we're over it you ain't allowed to walk around and pout about it with your tail on your shoulders all day long say why it's a form of self-pity and you know what little you know what children that never have that corrected out of them turn into they turn into whiny adults they turn into whiny adults that have to have their way all the time and when they get a job and their boss does something they don't like they'll just lock down man on everybody and they'll just pout all day long so i'm going to tell you it's a device the devil used to beat your head in if you let it be careful about this device of self-pity uh one of the greatest golfers of our age he is also one of the greatest golfers that ever lived his name is eldrick woods how many of y'all know who eldrick woods is didn't think so how many all know who tiger woods is okay there you go his real name is eldrick but anyways old tiger woods when he was 16 years old at a tournament in 1992 he was playing golf and he started playing real poorly he was an amateur 1992 16 years old and brother keith he got playing real poorly made a lot of bad shots and he just locked down and when he started locking down his dad said i watched him and he started pouting and then he just quit trying he just gave up he just quit trying well when he done that his dad said that was unacceptable his daddy earl was a former green beret in the military and that just wasn't acceptable they said after that tournament was over earl got a hold of that boy and he said i'd shoot him up one side and down the next and i told him son the god the game of golf doesn't owe you a thing and if i ever see you out there again pouting and giving up like that i'm gonna rip you off the golf course you'll never get back on another golf course and they said after that it was a turning point in tiger woods life and and they said you never see you seem to get frustrated but as far as this just totally given up and quitting you've never seen that again since then there was something about a father that told him the self-pity stuff's not going to work that got his mind fixed and got his mind right now be careful about this thing of self-pity in your life you say why preacher why is this a dangerous device of the devil let me give you three things real quick and we're going to go to the house number one self-pity is the device of the devil because it robs you of joy self-pity will rob you of your joy i'm going to prove it to you you know what the bible says about joy it says the joy of the lord is your strength you know what the bible said it's in the book of proverbs a merry heart doeth good like a medicine but a broken spirit drieth the bones hey something healthy for you about having a good spirit there is nothing healthy about being morose all the time and being downtrodden all the time and sit there with your lip poked out all the time there ain't nothing healthy about none of that tonight the joy of the lord will give you health in your body let me look at some people tonight that had some self-pity issues look at this first one that robbed him of joy turn the book of first kings with me in chapter 21. now i know it's going to be real quiet tonight but that's all right uh i hope it sinks in real good and real deep on us this evening self-pity will rob you of joy first kings chapter number 21 and watch watch this first character we're going to look at that god is joy robbed because he just had too much self-pity in his life didn't get didn't get what he thought he deserved didn't get what he thought he should have had and then he just recluses and locks down first kings chapter 21 and verse number one uh it says in first kings 21 verse 1 and it came to pass after these things that naboth the jezreelite had a vineyard which was in jezreel hard or close by the palace of ahab king of samaria and ahab spake unto nabath saying give me thy vineyard that i may have it for a garden of herbs because it is near unto my house and i will give thee for it a better vineyard than it or if it seemed good to thee i will give thee the worth of it and money and nabath said to ahab the lord forbided me that i should give the inheritance of my fathers unto thee watch it verse 4 and ahab came into his house heavy and displeased because of the word which nabot that jezreelite had spoken to him for he had said i will not give you the inheritance of my father's now watch this we talk about a king y'all we talk about the ruler of the whole land watch what it said and he laid him down upon his bed and turned away his face and would eat no bread but jezebel his wife came to him and said unto him why is thy spirit so sad that thou eatest no bread and he said unto her because i speak unto the naboth of jezret and said on him give me thy vineyard for money or else and please thee i'll give thee another vineyard for it and he answered i will not give thee my vineyard bless your little heart suck it up buttercup put your big girl panties on and deal with that [Applause] self-pity you know he didn't give it to me brother come on man listen to me did you not see what verse number two said in verse two ahab said i can give you money for it or a better vineyard than you've got y'all ahab had more vineyards better vineyards all the money he's the king and yet he's feeling sorry for himself because he didn't get what he wanted i'm going to tell you something brother self-pity will rob you of all the joy that you've got in your christian life if you let it you're going to get so turned in on yourself because the things you don't have or something you thought you should have had or something somebody said to you here naboth says to him i ain't giving it to you i can't believe what he said to me you you just wouldn't believe jezebel what that guy said to me so what get over it people gonna say bad stuff to you all the time y'all look at here let me just say this if if if it comes to a place where you quit church and quit god and quit the bible because somebody said something to you you don't like you ain't gonna serve god long anyways i promise you this if i quit every time somebody said something to me or about me that was not nice brother i i do not sit up here and suck my thumb in front of y'all every service get over yourself you ain't that big a deal and neither am i brother i've been cussed up one side and down the next on social media all week from my stand on the king james bible i mean cause the most foul things you've ever heard in your life who cares who is naboth ahab the king whose name off it ain't no big deal but you notice what it did because of something somebody said and because he didn't get his way now it has robbed him of his joy he doesn't even have any joy in his life y'all listen to me you you want to know one way that'll help you keep your joy and not get into a self-pity party look around at other people you may think you got it rough and i'm not saying you ain't got it rough you say well you don't know what i go through you know you're right and i'm sure some of you got legitimate things that you man you got it tough and i know some of you that's got some rough stuff in your life but i'm going to tell you this what always helps me not to get into a place of self-pity is i start looking around at some people that's got some showing off problems and i say thank god i ain't as bad off as i thought i was man i was just thinking today when i was contemplating this message about a lady that i've heard of all my life i've heard of her since i just knee-high to a grasshopper her name's joni erickson tada how many y'all ever heard of joni erickson tada bunch of y'all have if you haven't sure to look her up uh i i've heard her voice brother danny come across the radio since i was a little boy she's now 60 something years old 60 get closer to me something like that and she's got the voice of an angel she really does when she speaks i mean it's the most beautiful voice you ever heard i mean just just the sweetest voice and sings and and such that and you think this lady's got it all together she i mean brother she's always on top giving encouragement and help and inspiration to other people but you all know what i found out about joni erickson tada when i turned somewhere around my teenage years i found out that woman's a quadriplegic she can't move anything from her shoulders and down that woman when she was 17 years old dove off in the shallow end of wherever she was swimming at and didn't realize it was so shallow and when she hit the ground it paralyzed her from the neck down that woman's been a quadriplegic since she was 17 years old and that woman gives her testimony about how she got so bitter and got so full of self-pity and shook her fist the face of god wondering what was going on and then god took the trial and turned it into a blessing and now that woman not only has a radio station where she helps others but that woman paints and she does it with a brush in her teeth she paints some of those beautiful pictures and portraits you ever seen in your life and she does it by putting a paintbrush or a pencil in her mouth and draws and i'm not talking about junkie drawings i mean beautiful stuff you see this woman what she ended up doing is she got her eyes off of what was wrong in her life so it didn't cause her self-pity and she used what she had to help somebody else this evening here ahab never learned that a habit robbed him of his joy robbed him of his joy he had so much other stuff he could have had joey in but instead he focused on the one thing that would cause him to rob his joy look there's another fella i'm not just making stuff up look at the book of esther this is this is your book right before job if you go to psalms and come back to the left you'll find job and esther and look at esther in chapter number five here's ole haman oh haman really is a classic study when it comes to pride and self-pity boy he's something else this is a character and a half you ever want to read something about somebody give you an insight into the heart of mankind don't worry about old hamon sometime esther chapter 5 o haman gets it in his heart that he wants to do mordecai in i'm talking about it robs you of your joy i'm talking about the joy of the lord's your strength throwing a merry heart does good like a medicine if you ain't careful you'll get to a place where you got so much self-pity where you miss the good things of god look what it said in in esther chapter 5 and verse number 9 esther 5 9 then went haman forth that day joyful with a glad heart but when haman saw mordecai in the king's gate now look he's got joy he's got a glad heart but he sees mordecai in the king's gate that he stood not up and removed for him and he was full of indignation against mordecai nevertheless haman refrained himself when he came home he sent and called for his friends and zerush his wife now check it out haman told them of the glory of his riches the multitude of his children all the things were in the king and promoted him had advanced him above the princes and servants of the king haman said moreover yea esther the queen did let no man come in with the king under the banquet she had prepared but myself and tomorrow am i invited unto her also with the king yet all this availeth me nothing so long as i see mordecai the jew sitting at the king's gate you see what this dude's doing he is focusing in on one insignificant little nobody that couldn't hurt him if he wanted to one insignificant nobody and he begins to feel sorry for himself over something real real small y'all listen to me i'm not saying look look you you you you want to talk about you don't talk about not being pity for yourself and really enjoying the things of god i'll tell you what'll help you look around the good things god already has give you here mor here haman can't do it haman says man i've got this and i've got that and i've got that but that's the one thing i don't got and that bothers me more than anything else and now i'm pitting myself for it know what you do look around say god thank you that i got a good church thank you lord that we got that we got people that care about us thank you god when i've got a burden and when i've got a request and i've got a need i can tell a brother i can tell a sister about it and they're not going to pity me they're going to actually have a burden for me and pray for me and love me there is a difference tonight there is a there is a difference in having a pity party and actually bearing one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of christ y'all understand that tonight there's there's a difference in getting the place where it's just it's just all this well god bless you and oh bless your heart no you got it bad not and there's difference in that and i'll pray for you and i got a burden for you there's a difference in the two tonight i think some christians want the first and not the latter uh be careful about this thing it will rob you of your joy you'll you'll lose your song you'll lose your shout because you get focused on the wrong stuff device of the devil not only will it rob you of your joy but secondly let me say this about this device of self-pity it'll not only rob you of your joy but it's not rooted in reality do you realize self-pity is not rooted in reality most of the time when you start having self-pity for yourself it's not reality look at what your bible says here we normally make this stuff up in our minds go back to first kings with me in chapter 19. first kings chapter 19. look at this it it what why here you talk about a great man here's one of the greatest men in all the bible as a matter of fact when john the baptist shows up they mistake john the baptist for this guy this is a great guy this guy's gonna come back and preach in the tribulation period this guy is amazing this guy stopped heaven from reigning for three and a half years this guy called down fire from heaven in the chapter prior to our text we fixing to look at and burned up the sacrifice and then wiped out the prophet's bell this is a great guy this guy takes a personal chariot ride and a flame of fire clear onto heaven and this guy gets into a spot where he's got self-pity and boy does he got self-pity and look it's not rooted in reality look at what the bible said in first kings 19 and verse number one uh the rain has finally come back he's won that great victory on top of mount carmel verse number one ahab told jezebel all that elijah had done and with all had slain all the prophets with the sword then jezebel sent a messenger unto elijah saying so let the gods do to me and more also if i make not thy life is the life of one of them by tomorrow about this time and when he saw that he arose and went for his life i mean this big tough bad to the bone preacher man is running from a woman lord have mercy that's how i got brother danny that's a smart man that's a man to live with live with a woman come after him a couple of times praise god said he went for his life came to bear sheba which belonged to the jew and left his servant there but watch what it's saying but he himself went a day's journey into the wilderness came and sat down under a juniper tree and oh my lookie and requested for himself that he might die and said it is enough i've had enough god i've had all i can take i mean one chapter before this he is standing on top of mount carmel saying god send the fire and god sends the fire whoa big time victory and the very next chapter it's enough just kill me you wanna know something about self-pity you can be on top of the mountain one day and the very next day you can go from the best day in your life to man this is just the worst this is just the worst just just this is just all over just finish me you see how fast we go from extreme to extreme be careful how you let your emotions run crazy on you tonight he said it's enough now oh lord take away my life for i'm not better than my father's he walks off in the woods by himself the bible said normally let me say this to you normally misery loves company normally misery likes to get around somebody but i'm going to tell you something you better be careful how long you allow that self-pity to run around in your mind because you know where the end result of self-pity winds up at if you let self-pity run around your mind too long you wind up in verse four you say what's verse four you get alone and start thinking about dying brother you better be careful about that thing you sit there and start sucking in on yourself too long and all your self-pity you end up by yourself and go get some good godly counsel and some preaching and some singing and be around god's people and you just sulk off somewhere after a while you get where elijah did i think i might just i think i might just end it that's a dangerous spot brother i'm talking about reality you better be careful where you at and look what he says look at his self-pity come all the way down here verse 9 the lord says what doest thou hear elijah verse 10. watch what he says and he said ah yeah we're starting off with the self real quick i have been very jealous for the lord god of hosts for the children of israel have forsaken thy covenant thrown down thine altars slain thy prophets with the sword and i even i only am left and they seek my life to take it away seems like elijah has rehearsed this because he says the exact same thing verbatim in verse 14. look at verse 14 and he said i have been very jealous for the lord god of hosts because the children of israel forsaken thy covenant thrown down thine order slain thy prophets with the sword and i even i only left and they seek my life to take it away man that sounds real good you know there's only one problem with his little pity party it's not rooted in reality you see what he just said he said i'm the only one left nobody cares about old elijah i'm all alone it's just me look at verse 18. watch what the lord tells him verse 18. look down at verse 18 of chapter 19. yet i have left me how many seven thousand in israel all the knees which have not bowed unto baal and every mouth which hath not kissed him hey news update elijah you are not alone i know you think you got it worse than everybody else and i know you think you're the only one that's in this shape but you ain't by yourself a pity party will get you rooted in something that's not reality a pity party will get you rooted in rude despair and agony on me oh if it wasn't for bad luck i'd have no luck at all that's that's where self-pity will get you to well nobody cares about me that's a lie listen to me you ever get to the place where you start saying that kind of stuff you mark this down that's the devil it is the devil that starts convincing people nobody cares about me that's a lie god cares about you jesus cares about you the church cares about you god's people care about you that's not true you start letting them thoughts come in your mind which is nobody cares about me i think that's self-pity extraordinary right there brother and let me just go on a little farther and say this to you this self-pity stuff it is rampant on social media it is rampant on social media on social media there are some people that they never post anything about the goodness of god or the grace of god or the mercy of god or anything happy or joyful it is all negative negative bad bad bad bad and you know why they post that stuff so that then in the comments people comment and say oh but i love you oh bless your heart let's all get in this self-pity boat together that's what it's about that's what come on now i knew that wasn't gonna go over real good that's all right it's a device of the devil you better be careful how you let the devil grab this thing up and beat you over the head with it it'll rob you of your joy it's not rooted in reality and lastly let me say this and i'm done god's children said amen lastly if you really want to get some victory over this thing you need to recognize and realize you're standing recognize and realize you're standing you say what do you mean you need to realize who you are in the lord that'll help you get over this thing of self-pity i'm going to take you to look at one of the greatest christians that ever lived he's our pattern he's our apostle go all the way to the book of acts in chapter number 26 acts in chapter number 26 and we find the apostle paul and the apostle paul brother he goes through one trial after another trial after another trial and i wish i could land where paul does but i don't man i wish i could say let's just be honest y'all brother john i wish i could say that if somebody had beat me and then locked me up and threw me in a dungeon in a jail cell i wish that i could say at midnight i would start singing and say the lord is good his mercy endureth forever and ever told you i doubt i would somebody beats me like i did in acts chapter 16 throws me in a jail cell locks me up i'm hurting i'm hungry i'm bruised i'm battered you know i'm probably gonna be saying to jail cell i'm probably to be like jeremiah this morning lord you've done me wrong god i can't believe this i have been preaching the bible and look where it's got me but not paul oh paul gets the most heinous injustice done to him gets beat gets thrown into prison for preaching not because he's a criminal because he's been doing something right and at midnight in the darkest hour of his night he starts singing and giving praise to god don't sound like he got any self pity to me don't sound like he wallering around saying i just can't believe this no no no he ain't letting the devil have the victory on this look at what your bible said here acts chapter number uh 25 we find that this king agrippa comes down he's got great pomp the bible said man they come in they got all the crowd there they come in you know playing dun dun dun i mean here comes the king and he comes walking in hell to the chief he sits down there's all his you know princes and princesses and his queen and all the places set up and they bring out old paul and old paul he ain't nothing but a little diminutive just little old diminutive jew hunchbacked over eyesight ain't good i mean he's got scars all over him from stonings and beatings and weapons and now he's got chains on his hands and chains on his feet and watch what your bible said in acts 26 and verse number one acts 26 verse 1 then agrippa said unto paul thou art permitted to speak for thyself then paul stretched forth the hand and answered for himself and he said i just ain't getting a fair shake in life and i don't deserve this and i can't believe i'm being treated like this and i just can't believe you done this to me no this is what the preacher says i think myself happy don't you know the devil was standing off to the sideline over somewhere and saying when the king said go ahead answer for yourself the devil thought it isn't going to be rich son check this out he's fixing the blast god and blaster i mean he's just going to pooch his lip out and have a pity party but he didn't i mean all of a sudden that old boy says i'm a happy happy happy man king son that's living on another plane right there y'all that's living in another world where you can sing in a jail cell where you can be happy as a prisoner you say what is that that's somebody that has realized my hope is not in this world my life is not in this world my joy is not in this world my hope my joy my peace is in another world tonight your self-pity really comes from it gets to where you get your eyes off of what is important get your eyes on what's not important uh you won't talk about no self-pity and he all never does have any in second corinthians chapter number 11. i'll not have you turn there paul rehearses all the things he went through paul rehearses the stripes he received the rods he got beat with the shipwrecks he went through the perils and the waters and the perils of the robbers and he don't never complain about none of it that's living on another plane brother i'm talking about stuff i've not attained to and i'm trying to but that's a mighty high spot turn the book of philippians with me we'll close right here you want to recognize and realize you're standing in the lord jesus christ look at philippians chapter four and we'll be done here's how you can help yourself with some of this self-pity stuff here's how you can drive that stuff away philippians chapter four and verse number four through verse number eight these are great great verses these are verses you're trying to commit to memory it's good stuff philippians chapter four and verse number four mind you mind you paul is a prisoner writing this book the book we're reading philippians paul's a prisoner frightened and watch what he says philippians 4 4 rejoice in the lord alway and again i say rejoice you got to be kidding me man let your moderation be known to all men the lords at hand be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto god and the peace of god which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through christ jesus here you go you wanna know how to defeat this thing here it is verse 8 control what you think about finally brethren whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are honest whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are pure whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things of good report if there be any virtue and if there be any praise think on these things stop allowing the devil to make your mind think about stuff that's going to drag you down in a pit of despondency and a pit of despair where you feel like there just ain't no hope and nobody cares and everybody's against me stop get your mind in a correct place that will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee because he trusteth in thee get your mind in the correct spot your brother the battlefield the battlefield for every christian is right between our ears help me over here esther the battlefield right between here and the devil will use this device of making you think more highly of yourself than you ought to think and get you in a place to where every day all day all you do is just stay down down down down all the time that is not the will of god for your life it is not god's will for you to constantly be defeated it is not god's will for you to constantly live in an area where you sit around and pity yourself that is not the will of god it is the will of god for you to take your experiences and to take your burdens take them to the lord leave them there and then use them to be a help and a blessing in somebody else's life [Music] not for you just to harbor them and hold them and feel bad for yourself about them that's not god's will you got a church that loves you you got a savior that loves you you got a book that instructs you we've got brother we've got a heaven waiting on us we've got a spirit living inside of us we've got a god that died for us rose again for us we've got no reason to be this way no reason whatsoever god's been good to us [Music] the device of the devil let's all stand tonight heads or bow and eyes are closed if you battle this thing the devil's been beating you up with it maybe you ought to hit an altar say lord help me with this help me overcome this by the blood of the lamb help me lord father i pray that you'd use the simple message from the word of god speak to our hearts tonight these devices of the devil lord at face value they seem harmless but oh god many strong men many strong women have been slain by them help us not to get in such a case tonight help us god to walk in the spirit not fulfill the lust of the flesh not get in a place where we chew and harbor and think about the things that drag us down but to think about things that are lovely and pure and just and honest and of good report god will thank you for it help your people tonight i pray to be on guard because the devil is constantly looking for an area to get in their line in jesus name amen if you need to come you come she's going to play for just a [Music] minute you've been on a long and troubled road at times you felt so cheated to have to bear this load while others who would believe and try would spread their wings like eagles and soar into the sky it doesn't matter who you are it doesn't matter where you've been it doesn't matter what you've done jesus is softly calling but because of who he is and because of where he's been because of what he's done you can start all over again this guilty bird and you have had to bear has made your life so weary though others aren't aware of the mountains of mistakes you've tried to hide with a smile upon your face and a broken heart inside it doesn't matter who you are it doesn't matter where you've been it doesn't matter what you've done jesus is softly calling but because of who he is and because of where he's been because of what he's done you can start all over again i'm glad the lord allows u-turns second chances things we talked about this morning thank the lord foreign all right lord william we'll see you here thursday night at seven o'clock you pray for one another this week and we'll see you tonight thursday night seven thank you once again for the generosity of how you took care of the needs for the sunday school wing over there absolutely absolutely fantastic i greatly greatly appreciate that thank you so much from the bottom of my heart uh for your giving attitude and giving spirit god will never bless a church that doesn't give and over and over again uh i can't speak to years past but i can speak uh to the little over three years that god's allowed me to be the pastor here brother uh over and over again your generosity has spoken for itself whether through the missions program or being good to people that have come through to preach or sing for us or taking care of needs like this right here i appreciate that and and really really just fills my heart with joy as your pastor uh to to be able to shepherd you and to be a part of this congregation so thank you so much i love you and lord willing we'll see you next thursday night this coming thursday night seven o'clock you'll be back all right pray for one another keep praying for brother mike stogner didn't mention that today brother mike had neck surgery friday he's recuperating and recovering from that and that's why he went able to be here today he wished he could have been please pray for him and uh i'd appreciate that and so all right let's close the word of prayer brother john it is good to have you tonight sir how about you close us in a word of prayer if you don't mind brother foreign [Music]
Channel: Bible Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 607
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: CODY ZORN
Id: KNF704u9jfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 39sec (2559 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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