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[Music] sorry [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] they gambled or [Music] man [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this is this all means a lot to me watch end tonight this means a lot to me this you have this tent revival going to changed when you called me and asked me if I could come and many people don't know but it's 15 years ago back in [Music] [Applause] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my fellowship with [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm so bad [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's always buying [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] she'll sales sake all the way ah [Music] [Applause] Neal [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] he playable soft [Applause] [Music] [Applause] not enough to go yesterday that but my daddy girl reached his pillow he slipped away around 7 o'clock the moral day I preached his channel that following Friday this a few hours before he died now my daddy was a godly man 1 again 19 seconds in an old-fashioned preaching here's a truck 21 years old I see some people I sold to church just to see the show Sunday night [Music] [Applause] [Music] and I was dying sit in the room with United know who's gonna pass away so soon [Music] just like a bad driver [Music] [Applause] life [Music] [Applause] [Music] the room to take a shower take a break for a moment you see seven 24/7 you spy an out of asleep she wants me I started crying they about where they come out of that deep sleep several times once I think my look at you so many briny said a boy you said you got mixed emotions about this don't talk about your diet I said yeah bad I got this the most about don't say I will lose you to the deep breath II said boys will be okay [Applause] what do you say [Music] [Music] greater times Joe Mouse watch the great girl hearty you come out of that deep sleep you look at the guys got real big easily I don't know a soul either do not be so Jesus have abilities on Hank until the Tree of Life and Crystal River I don't know what he saw but whatever it was I wanted to see [Music] don't hold me babies when they serve God baby when you're taking your last breath you're looking death in the face okay in a bubbly personality right servicing them safe two verses will be preaching just know if you're made of the body of my kitchen [Music] [Music] [Music] on this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm stepping off the stage from a mother get ready but for some reason never time for the tape I get to that part where my Bart self self safe blades - my Jesus will hit my side with my eyes I can't been laying over here when I get to that line or say he'll steal your rough walk don't know who the real mist I make you water still but the only way that you can jump in that course you say he'll hold to buy me out it's impossible for me to hold my wife's name percent over there I've got to be next to her so don't their waters to be still new to smile or not leave my t get back we usually so you can hold his name Laser open hi Marcus being shaped back forward you're wondering am I gonna make it I'm gonna make you steal your watch [Applause] [Music] you don't like that there's a complaint department on your side of this building - all the way so I was having one done days be honest with you have really what's your what God's gonna do tonight but just like the Holy Ghost is so up my love I'm listening dosoo up anytime anywhere you lookin for a man will show that it is up here same night I'm not going to hell you know about three-quarters ovals getting plugged in in the Baku room one because I'm almost thinking about noise well you also enjoy up there singing I'm thinking about what you sing you just go through the mechanics I don't like look here I can go through the mechanics watching Fox News I come to church to worship the Lord Jesus cries out of the Spirit they worship they must worship Him in spirit and in truth that's why the Holy Ghost is here to help us we don't worship the Holy Spirit but the Holy Spirit is here to direct us to do right and all things he must have the preeminence and we don't put doves up in the corner worse at the Dove we just allowed the Dove to lack number pulling us before the Holy Ghost warmed up he'll speak to you know Barret you how about you but when in girls a little little girls I'm putting my hands up in the air for me I got an owner a grand all of them some biker bar who powder yes I I don't wanna bring it on wedlock actually if that's happened to you gotta forgive you but I'll hold up my ball I wanted to give up here on the stage 17 years ago I gotta get blood back I got time freeze we gonna get washed in the blood of the Lamb [Applause] maybe this is what I signed up for right here that's having a bad day I was having a pretty bad day it had nothing to do with nothing but me I was can't change this morning when they drive through McDonald's lady behind me go I was taking too long she started blowing the horn at me so I said well you know what I'm going on this will pay for her meal so I paid for a meal too late I thought over the second blender the lady behind me she must have told her because she gave me a kind of a rude thank you so hallelujah first John 1:9 I got a t-shirt a lot of makeup this first John 1:9 he's faithful just thank you from all right if these is chapter 2 then I love the Lord with all my heart mind and soul I'm glad to be in camp meeting appreciate these pastors putting all this stuff together it's been good man we can go home right now and it seems to be good I will give you what the Lord's laid on my heart for this hour let's have you here probably heard of my testimony I may throw a little bit of it if you've never heard whatever the Lord saved me from or what what's going on my past is anybody here never heard that raise your hand a good group of you over there you know I pulled a little bit over the end I was born and raised in this like I said earlier and I'll touch them a little bit of this but at the age of 17 and a half years old and I decided I was going to do it my way 13 years later I found myself a drug addict covered with tattoos and needle tracks riding the hill coalition with the Hells Angels motorcycle club and messed up on the floor up when Jesus got ahold of me people wonder why we jump and shout praise to God all that stuff maybe those who he's forgiving much loving much this world including myself every night and if and then they tried blankets everywhere you go honey but I'm telling you you got what I got hold on to it because it's it's real it's real shout it from the housetops Church he's coming back to get his bride rich there's some crazy stuff going on out there and if you read the book of Revelation at you and you rip and look at scripture not one single verse has to be fulfilled before Jesus come back how the prophecy has been fulfilled for Jesus to come back and I believe that it's just we're in the last seconds of the last days they've been you better have hole in your leg you better have something more than a baptismal certificate you better have something going mom and dad said I said it when I was a kid you better hop or gonna wanna trade you better have the blood of Jesus Christ and a relationship with him having been to a peace with God through his son or you gonna die and go to that hill we was singing about earlier you ain't got to go I'm gonna get right into the book if he's in Chapter two I don't know what I said earlier but we gonna be in Ephesians chapter two I'm excited I feel revival in here i revival starts tomorrow I know it's only three hours but praise God you won't come Monday Tuesday or Wednesday down luga off South Carolina we got enough to bring card will be with us from Henderson and he's a dear friend of mine as a preaching machine and we're expecting a good crowd and a good revival next week I already feel it in here thank you guys for blessing my heart he's the chapter to verse number 12 staying with people to read about three verses and I'll let you have a seat span for a moment you'll get the about 35 40 minutes at the most I'll be done and then the preacher can take over and do it all for coal I want you to be thinking during now I'm going to give you three points actually and I want you to understand that I'm not up here to put on a show I'm up here trying to help somebody and I've learned that it's not all that we top sometimes you got to reprove and remember the Hertz about saga this isn't the negative recruit rebuke and exhort with all longsuffering and nothing so there'll be some recruit from this rebuke but we find exhort you before it's over verse number 12 in Ephesians chapter 2 at that time ye were without Christ being aliens from the Commonwealth of Israel and what's this words were on preaching home and strangers sort of preaching all tonight strangers from the covenants of promise having no hope and without God in the world but now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ now therefore verse 19 he are no more here's the word again strangers and foreigners but fellow-citizens with the Saints and of the household of God let's pray father we've heard some great singing rock you've already swept through my heart you just reminded me when my father passed away just about a month ago when I know my daddy is in heaven and he was holding this hand late past Lord you're gonna hold our hands now thank you then I have a good heritage I thank you for this church thank you for this meeting they're few and far between anymore Noah thank you for some churches who's willing to get together in unity I bet you give Liberty tonight behind the pounds of people lit the light outside of the darkness and gluon out Richard walk these aisles in an old-fashioned way briefing Dickson bring the chains and charge and the challenge Saint somebody Lord someone may be tripping away bring them back to the fold give them closer to kauri tonight Lord and I will have learn how rejoice in the fact that you're moving and working all over the increase comes from you we'll give you glory in the name of Jesus Christ our Savior we pray amen amen you can have a seat hi what a preach Oh the stranger tonight how is just all the way here now thinking about how our nation in our world that has become so dope sick and overwritten with dope and things that mess up your mind and everywhere you look visitors alcohol and pills and strips and I need something to mess up your mind because people just can't cope with reality anymore and the reason is I mean if you watch the news and you listen to the world's music and you watch the world's programs its gloom and doom and death and destruction and Litton and all kinds of crazy mess going on everybody's protest and everything and they're tearing down statues and burning Flags and dinner trying to erase history and all kinds of crazy stuff going on if you're not careful you'll be in line at the doctor's office trying to get your dose of value presenting its I love the truth is all we need to do is turn off the news or the allegations are long enough hitting that King James Bible hallelujah we don't know some good godly Christ honoring music you're probably will need near the dope that you think you need but we are living and they don't nation that means everywhere you go people are making reference to it in this world just needs to clean neat unclog kind of like a tolerance and they call yeah yeah I've been over to eat with survi in the toilets right beside the table there's 13 people at the table and you've got to go to the bathroom in you you walk in the restroom which is just a few feet away from the table you use the restroom and you're flushing and all of a sudden it won't flush water begins to rise and you're going you're turning Pentecostal in the name of Jesus you're trying to put a hex on the toilet stop with the name of God stop and that's not a sense of humor unless the water get about that far to the top and it is laughing is entirely gonna run you're looking for abundantly no one plugs are nowhere in the bathroom yeah won't back out thirteen people the table says plunger everybody knows you stop the toilet up the others one in the closet and there he is overlooked in Chico back in there this one of them from the 1950s they saw dry rotted brittle dr. Michos I won't do a thing you know what I like it with the low as much of the plungers nothing my poor Tian's on them yeah you have to get a StepStone get on top of your pool I'm talking about one did a lot of clog Dakota you put rains - what we need America's overrun with dope man we gotta stand up for what's right anymore I gotta get Bridget here there's three strangers mentioned in the Bible and I actually was probably more than just reeling the Holy Spirit latest message from my heart just a few months ago and I preached it just a couple of times I want to preach on the stranger tonight three strangers and I looked up in the Bible if you take a note I give you a couple of a points you can write down the word stranger in Webster's 1828 which is when I like to use my definitions means a foreigner one who belongs to another country in England was not admitted to any commit communication or fellowship now I'll give you three strangers number one point number one we are strangers to the outside I don't know if you feel the way I do or not but the longer I serve God the more I realize I don't belong here the news if you're brave enough to turn on CNN and get your blood pressure up I like to watch Fox News at least we got some truth coming through there but I mean the more I watch what's going on in our world the more I realize even stuff so come quickly Lord Jesus come on back and get us out of here I don't belong in this mess I mean men don't know if they're mean women don't go to lemon with a book maybe me example bathroom to use on teenagers they don't did they or not decide who they are collinear they later over live and I'll call yourself a king with all that mess I've had trouble with a lot of sins y'all but homosexuality is not one of them I I'm against it I don't like it I've never had to struggle with it but Jesus I know he can save you from inside I'll tell you if we are in a mess in America I don't even drink como can eyes milk-pan ain't ringing up a hobo in it I want that non homo bill Hebrews 11:13 that great cloud of witnesses a 12-1 confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth first Peter chapter 2 verse 11 difficult I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul Church don't get too comfortable down here the older I get the more I realize I'm really uncomfortable I'm the closer I get the Lord in this cosmos world system that's final product bull got out went home I hung him from that part country he realized that he was a stranger up in a car country you know why he had to go to a hard country your daddy said you would go smoke dope shacking up and live like the devil nah that way you can take what belongs and you can go on down the road I got this boy yeah I know he had compassion in tears but he said truth is true if you're gonna live that way you're not gonna do that house give us some understanding a friend any more than a teenage mom and dad lower the shelf to their level and just be afraid they need a parent like the finger out of the you ain't gonna do that in my house where he was out there wasting the substance in riotous living I mean women in song he lands in a hog pen how you talk about a detestable thing man they weren't even supposed to be around swine I was all you understand that here he is now he has gone further than he ever dreamed that he's around things you never dreamed he would be around he's laying in the hog pen covered with whole slop eaten hog food and all of a sudden he says you know what I'm in a horror country I'm a stranger here I don't belong here I believe I'll go home and he got up and he got out and beheaded them back home to the home and he got to the house and it no long dude Ronnie said never Romania some acts like that and the elders are lawfully supposed to that the game has thrown that rebellious child I believe that back down there may be those elders with them there to their hate with stones in their hands I label not product we come home and daddy said 30 years my boy for him there's beyond measure and if you've got a stone hearing people at the stone meet daddy ran down there and filled his neck I kissed that boy they're like old preachers saying that they wrote their reading the reebok came and they took in the Ryans praise God I know I saw that house in a far country up the eighties of 18 years old I took the rail hit the trail I landed in the hog Taylor and Shane took me 13 years of a long road of destruction now I'm talking about heroin and crack cocaine and all that stuff that comes along with it Ben I was pushing pills I house chasing the bottle riding the Hells Angels motorcycle club and listen to me it took me so far i 146 pounds about the time lose my wife my two kids and honestly I would show that off I said you know what God I'll just die hide I won't feel the pain I'll just ride a harley-davidson into the lake of fire and make a big splash and impress the devil how foolish they said I've been up for four days passing out for two hours in a Hells Angels clubhouse just a week before I got saved I won't come after about a two-hour blackout and I remember asking somebody hasn't been told we've got enough how long was I out this I think you've been up for four days dealing though you passed up for two hours I haven't met her for the first time in 13 years in the Hills Angels clubhouse I don't long hair hanging down I was skin and bones taught to use all over my body my arms were infected from the needle tracks and Sharon Deedle thank god I've never got any diseases that was the Holy Ghost anything I remember looking down I remember thinking man how in the world did you get here I'd end up in such a far country you don't belong here man and God the Holy Ghost for the first time in 13 years begin to speak about hardened heart tears being eroded on my dirty cheeks and God said you remember that time seventeen and a half years old on the backside of the mall parking lot the 1986 Camaro with a bullet and a fifth of Jack Daniel's in your and and you pop the top important liquefied on your throat I tried to tell you boy yeah that's it will take you further and keep you longer they kept a whole lot more than ever intended side and you'll never defy the odds when it comes to this boob you got to see God stop pop looks go ahead show the exhale show read back ahead for the first time in 13 years tears begin to roll down my face I had God begin to capture the imagination of my mind I had heard from God in 13 years I'd walk in the door of a church I hadn't picked up a Bible and certainly hadn't prayed to the God of heaven and in the clubhouse in the hills English club house outside of Charleston South Carolina with neva tracks on my arms miscue my breath I have broken bruised shattered life I don't know where God captivated my imagination I leaned back metal bats out of nowhere I like your sales dr. Billy Kelly up there you're about to smell Newton that I don't like it here Kid Rock was playing on the jukebox that was marijuana floating around in the air the honey I was back in the ten year old boy heard about this camping man all I could hear was this like a prodigal son [Applause] in my mind I got so tired of eating after the swine I remember thinking my god I gotta get out of here I don't live in this place and then he got through the course and I'm weeping and I'm crying for the first time in 13 years he got it up for it yeah I believe [Applause] I can see the father-to-be I might just a survey for the 1999 Harley Davidson Fatboy road to throttle back and was just trying to get home a week later under Holy Ghost from Dixon heaven came down and glory filled my soul right there hills in South Carolina by moment took a would read back King James Bible quick tears things on the pages I guess it's imitate what the Word of God says I always said we come short of the glory of God and he believed that I should not believe it with all my heart she said the wages of sin is death you believe that's it no I'm almost there you got to hurt him give it a good part I can see the whole Sun here's the good part if I will said but God commendeth his love toward us in the probably we get sinners Christ died for us confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in my heart that God raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved she looked over BBC iwonder do you say that I was already on my face eaten carpet fiber I said not if you're as real as that Bible says you are all right everyone feels a little time picture says you are you can see somebody like me Here I am Lord save my soul and you say what happened preacher huh I'm telling you I went down a little down sorry pounds of galvanized weight from there my soul I got John 3:3 born again [Applause] down here there's a strange country [Applause] thank God point number two not alone these strangers on the outside but there's a stranger from the outside listen to me now dearly the Bible says Hebrews 13:2 be not forgetful to entertain strangers for some have entertained angels unaware you never know who God will put in your path that person is cool God says give them a coach that person is hungry God says buy a hamburger that person that's discouraged tearful give them an encouraging we're 100 too much of a hurry you're never in too much of a hurry to encourage someone you never know to be an angel unaware I believe this happened to me several times I don't know about you but there's been times I've built someone and turn around they were just gone I'm just telling you I'm not a weirdo I'm not psychedelic and all that lukie-pookie stuff ain't all that but I will tell you this sometimes I felt somebody turn around and wonder where the name got in there I was at the dollar store today just about an hour ago I went to the wrong destination that's why I was 10 minutes late I went to Manson not melt yeah it's 10 minutes down the road dollars at the dollar store grabbing a bottle of ibuprofen and I was walking up to the cash register and the young man probably in the 19 20 years old walked around the calendar and there was another man walking towards the door and he got in from him he said sir get that beer out of your coat I watched you put it in there and I'm going oh man here we go things were going pretty good today oh here we go and that man started cussing she did and all the other birds that come along with it I ain't got no blanketed link here and the young man says sir I watched you put it in your coat and then I saw Tico arm through a scope but there's a large move and I thought well I need to help this young man right is right and wrong is wrong and so I stepped it up and I said hey man I said I saw the deer under your coat I said you see go ahead take yeah who are you but I think my glasses look man I'm a preacher but I always been a preacher I said just go ahead and give it up now let's go get back he looked at ya thank you Jesus the son will walk out the door you can tell he stank he was an alcoholic I paid for what I bought and I walked out to the car and I watched the man walk out with his head down just staring at the ground he walked a couple doors down to an oriental place they did not sell off alcohol in there because I walked in and as he walked in and I'm imagining that as he won't give me his probably asking for something to eat they did sell out bald he walked back out and he sat down with nothing and the Holy Ghost said well you're a conservative who the boss was not will help him and that's it sir are you hungry he said I'm really hungry he said oh yeah give the guy I said I'm a preacher I said good amount of mean Gus and white is writing laws the law you can't go in there just steal anything you want I said what I want to eat you I said you're hungry he said I'm really hungry ahead of a five dollar bills you wanna eat some food with your bottle alcohol now why should you go in about food now God did that an hour ago because you know it'll be preaching this and you gotta live what you preach I wonder how many are Scott and I'm talking about Jesus's live in Jesus I need a lot webstorm and hear me it's easy to tell somebody about Jesus but it's a little bit harder to help them don't ever leave a gospel track to a waitress without a tip because you can't buy diapers and fuel them to work it off strangers unaware you never know while we're in here rejoicing we're serving God we're said the majority of us are saved there's not a doubt that the majority of us are saved by the grace of God we're celebrating he's gonna hold my hand even when I cross this river I did I'm not going to help but you know there could be people within the sound of our voice we're gonna set all this people while we're rejoicing they're drowning I challenge you to go home and look up their own Moody's death this is a true story you look it up it's all over again on it in 1985 the lifeguards at the New Orleans recreational pool they're a party to celebrate an entire season of no drownings at their pool facility they're having a lifeguard party they're having a celebration that they had an entire season with no drownings they celebrated with over 200 guests all swimming and having a ball over a hundred of them were lifeguards four of them on duty don't listen to me after the party was over in the crowd and clear 31 year old Jerome Mooney was found dead at the bottom of the pool hey lifeguard party over a hundred like the holy look it up over a hundred lifeguards for own duty a mother celebrating their victory of no one drowning a man right under their nose those at the bottom of the pool and because everybody's celebrating and having a good time no one knows Budhia that's traveling before the very eyes I am though for celebrating victory I forget to hug the grave I'm the first one to jump up and run a lamp I'm the first one to climb over a bowl heads a head shouting who know good time but don't you ever think there's not somebody dismiss and go home back and leave somebody dead at the bottom of the pole I'm glad I'm saved [Applause] strangers on the outside the stranger from the upside you never know but here's the message and I'll be done in just a few moments here's the message I want to talk for a moment about the stranger on the inside once you're a little bit quickly and Deuteronomy chapter 28 the stranger on the inside Deuteronomy chapter 28 God is giving his people some do's and don'ts he's telling if you want to be blessed this is what you do if you want to be cursed this is what you do he's already warned them about bringing in the strangers he's already told them about mixing with the world the Egyptians the Philistines the Moabite see all those that oppose God's walls idolatry those who come in they will rub off on you and you'll begin to think like them and act like them hello America I get a real bone right now help us this was originally a godly nation not just a higher power [Applause] not a either they gotta make a man Isaac in this room was our God at one time so i god I'm afraid America's losing touch of it man too many foreigners I'm coming in and put their their idols up in front of us did we back to that and we bowed down to attack and now it would you busy trying to be politically correct we don't wanna offend anybody Jesus offended a lot of people we're not offended people it is what it is a man they lock me up on Facebook a couple months ago Pritchard I guess they have them locked up for Jesus I didn't even know the clock bureau they said I said something about some of my ex or lesbians or something in the lobby I'll say it again but I yeah I don't even know how to get on there I kid you not hey watch it so God is already warned them about all this stuff he says listen if you will be blessed little verse one and it's some time to pass if that's how hearken diligently under the voice of the LORD thy God to observe to do all his commandments which I command you this day and the LORD thy God will set the old high above all nations of the earth and all these blessings shall come on thee and overtake thee I would just call for a minute I am being overtaken on lessons in life I'm reaping a whole lot better than I saw unto God he's been good this I need to live thirteen years of pure rebellion triple under my foot the blood of Christ and to live the life that I'm living now under the umbrella of grace from the hand of God with my family my children my grandchildren holding my children's in church my granddaughter loves dog loves the scene not a godly wife got an ugly mama my daddy's in heaven I tell you God bless me man he's blessed me is a three hour drive from here to hold and I got somebody flying me home a private plane that's a blessings of God man oh wait you pick up the private planes and one just won't be pitching a picture that's God man telling you what so he says these if you'll baby I'll bless you and then he says in verse 15 is come to pass if that will not hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God to observe to all of us Commandments and statute protects a man Newsday then all these curses shall come upon thee and overtake thee now I don't know about you if I believe this book that's some things I need to do and not do if only be overtaking the blessing because I'm certainly gonna be overtaken by curses but what's this now not only strangers on the outside not only is there stranger from the outside you never know who you're witnessing to but look at the stranger on the inside look at verse number 43 the stranger you with me verse 43 Deuteronomy chapter 28 the stranger that is within D the stranger within D shall get up above these very high thou shall come down very low we all have a strange turn on the inside not listening to me every person here that's been saved by the grace of God has a stranger on the inside you know that stranger it is it's your old man it's the carnal nature and used to take over you man thank you if you feed him and you entertain you and you give in to him and you listen to him and you let him talking at you every day of your life you've got to put them down this will be Apostle Paul said I die daily actually once you get saved that old man becomes a stranger if your carnal nature it's the old man it's the stranger within you you cannot follow that old man you don't beat him you don't entertaining man don't be deceived by him he'll never agree with a new man a new duty that he came to slip in on you and take you down I'm crucified with Christ nevertheless I live yet not i but Christ liveth in me how can I live in the flesh I look like a faithless son of God who loved me and gave himself for me yeah you understand she and tries to ride it on you every day of your life can we agree some plateau syphilis perfection I ain't never a little kid but they send me out and save me 2/3 saved I sold my spirits doing pretty good but this old rotten flesh just inside the shock which I don't think I think I've reached a sinless perfection about three days not about that baby you'll stink I'm not sitting next to you no flesh is rotten just like my hog the Bible says let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body that you should obey it in the lusts thereof neither guilty your members as instruments of unrighteousness understand that but yield yourselves unto God as those that are alive from the dead and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God he tells us then fast therefore in the Liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free and be not entangled again the bondage that tells me that there is an opportunity for you and I both if we're not careful no matter how long you've been shamed that all men rise up one day I don't know where you don't get into a fight with you don't preach to give them the sermon God give up your leaves in your prayer closet you put your guard down that old man will rise up and say but you've been serving God move it up you can get away with it one time I think that's the voice of the stranger you better do a clean man you're going down Jesus was crucified on a hill called Golgotha being interpreted the place of the skull now I will be crucified with Christ the first place I need to go as Golgotha and that's the place of the skull your stores warehouses your mind your imagination and your thought process I think it's mastermind that goes there your goozle into your heart attack buddy it's all over you better not entertain the attack you better cut it off as soon as it gets in that man when you see the opposite sex walking down the road turn your head ladies the same thing when that don't comes into your head you better crucify it when those must begin to come onto you and you better crucify attack you better not go around the box it ain't gonna look you better put your eyes horse cavalry and crucify that man and put the stranger down please they've been good men and women holed up there in the we are served got a whole lot more than we have and I'm being run will and they started listening to that old man rising back up next thing you know they're out of the ministry lost America's have lost the testimony with their children they'll be like life was one of the moms you tried to warn him to get out of town they said because you man there's a leg in Chicago true story lady in Chicago she was a young lady and the stalker had put his sights on her and back in the early 80s they didn't have cell phones and things like that we're not very plentiful at all he kept his distance from her at first as he stalked her and he put a game plan together one evening he faked the car break down in her neighborhood and knocked on her door and asked to use her phone he faked the phone call and then asked to use her bathroom while he was in the bathroom he unlocked the window the very next day while she was working he entered into her home through that window he made himself at home in her attic well she was gone during the day he began to eat her food use her shower with her clothes or undergarments and personal things he's trying to be very careful he covered his tracks pretty good did a very good job of covering himself as he would eat her food he wouldn't eat too much to make sure that she didn't recognize it if you used her salary he would try to tell about this so when she got holding she didn't think someone had been there he covered his tracks and everything that he did but as he got more comfortable he began to let his guard down they begin to watch TV during the day several months went by while his stranger moved in this woman's house says he was unaware that the stranger was in her home but then CBS he let his guard down and he got more comfortable she began to notice little things were moved she began to get a weird feeling they said she had talked to some of her friends and said that she had a weird feeling she began to notice little things in her home and she began to see signs of someone being in there but she kept dismissing it and accepting it as normal she didn't to notice that the shampoo was in the same place she normally kept it I didn't need all that let's meet yesterday why is there so much of it gone well I vacuum the floor or wives their tracks that's not the same channel I turned the television off on she began to notice him but then she just begin to think no I it's just me after several months of signs and disturbances one evening she heard a noise in the Attic as he went up to check out the finished room over the garage and the little cubby hole where he had actually put a bed together in a little place to live and as she opened up that little door she was frightened but he immediately began to calm her down and then cry and pour down the sob story he was an excellent convent he actually convinced that naive lady that he was just lonely and hurt and let down and poor and was absolutely no threat to her please just have mercy on me and let me stay here for a while and that crazy lady actually left that gas there a stranger then check him out displaying Spain there because he poured it on her yo listen to me she knew that he could have been danger and afraid but he convinced her and he conned her persuaded her that he was just her friend then one night you see there's always that night that strange will turn on you man he's not your friend and then one night he turned on her he came down with a nice humble demeanor and out of nowhere he overtook her he dominated her and raped her and killed her and he did it from within the stranger within her own home this he accepted and listened to didn't go through the warning signs she let him in and he turned on her thank you yes sir we all have that stranger within us the church has it within her we got to listen to the voice of truth Church this stranger wants to dominate you he wants to overtake you you'll notice that things are different and moved out of place their warning signs that stranger at one time you'd wake up and you read your Bible before you ever thought about going to work but that's been kind of moved in your life now the stranger has moved that now you've got too much to do you have time to read your Bible at one time you wouldn't even think about going 24 hours without praying to the God of heaven but if the stranger has kind of moved that in your life and you realize something's not right but you've accepted it as you know when it since the day needs Bolivia everybody's and I love sin the hustle the bustle that nobody prays anymore and we really lower saying we're going to heaven and we really don't have to read our Bible you don't have to pray it'll be okay it's just normal everything's okay at one time you wouldn't tell her about mr. Church or revival meeting but that stranger has now convinced you that you've got so much going on you need a day off next a whole night go to the lake go to the woods got a deer hunt and all that stuff hey that's a sign of the stranger that has moved in I think that one time you paid three times way before Uncle Sam I never got his 33% attack but something like that is moved now and that stranger that old man ice cream mixture hey you have to do is cool yeah you gotta keep up with the neighbors and you can't afford to give God 10% right off the top can I tell you you better put the stranger down I have one time to use a dress right can you cover your body you dress much when you love God for it it was not a previous thing them - yeah but sometimes is going by and the stranger has moved in to begin to take over and now you're doing things and weird things I have show things that you are not now I say right off the bat if it's not for sale don't advertise it trying to show that Jim pounds of potatoes in the five-pound sack local answer he'll never leave you baby I'm telling you you get over to me and I'll take the bus god help us that stranger down I'm gonna man you got here's bag tells you you live right we're gonna search and be faithful that te holy for I am holy I cannot rule management Oh Lord and I believe that we ordered to stop listen to the stranger and let the voice of truth kill the stranger there was a time to do life where if you turn on the television when you first got saved and they said a cuss word you you just about throw the television out in the yard and shoot another shot but you know that stranger will convince you why do people have any entertainment you're just gonna have to deal with it I dealt with that before there was a time in our lives where we sit down the single blessing in the middle of a food court with our family would care who was listening and now we look around know what am I to see it it's trying to help you there was a time when we were humble we cleaned up our music we were serving God we felt the presence of God couldn't wait to go to church as we've been living right and bringing the sacrifice of praise even the fruit of our lips not you but that strangers been got in not your hearts deceiving you I'm not saying you're lost but your hearts deceiving you because you've been living like the devil in the world you can listen to the stranger it's hard to go to church on Sunday more than shell you've been living like the devil Monday through Saturday I want you to look at one last verse with me preaching nerves will do the awful part open one get ready look at John chapter 10 I'll close with this John chapter 10 verse one barely barely I say unto you he that endureth not by the door into the sheepfold but climbeth up some other way the same as a thief and robber but he that entereth in by the door is the Shepherd of the sheep to him the porter openeth and the sheep hear his voice and he calleth his own sheep by name and he leadeth them out and when he put it forth his own sheep he goeth before them and the Sheep follow him for they know his voice what's this and a stranger will they not follow but will flee from him will they know not the voice of strangers as your hips about your Isaac little father I love you thank you for this opportunity to preach to these good people what I know I've been a little Stern though there's been a lot of Authority God your people can see my heart I just want to help going out bin there I know this world with it it pains to serve God I have an old man every day I got to put that stranger down every day that old man tries to tell me to go back tries to tell me that do things that I know at one time I was convicted over operates you help me as a leader in an example to continue to go forward go to backwards maybe someone's here tonight they're saved but they've been entertaining that old man they slip backwards operate the tonight during this camp meeting reliable it would be a monumental time that they'd be writing on the date of their body see I'm going home I'm going back to the Father someone's drifting away bring them home God someone's lost you Sabol but up here your voice call them by their name in Jesus name we combined the hold here
Channel: Blues Grove Baptist Church Outreach
Views: 716
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: F7svZfRiXOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 24sec (4284 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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